CHRIST CALLING Summer Edition – June 28, 2015 LVAP CLOSES: The End of an Era June has been a difficult month for our Lincoln Village Weekday Activities Program. In late May, we received word from the Ministry of Education that we needed to be licensed under Ontario’s Day Nurseries Act in order to continue with the number of children we needed for the program to be sustainable. Church Council, reluctant to give up on what has been a very significant ministry of outreach in our community, pursued both the possibility of having the program become licensed and having the program taken over by another agency, similar to how the YWCA began the program at Christ Church in 2002. Unfortunately, after completing the required research into both options, we had to give notice to both our LVAP families and staff that June 25, the last day of school, would also be the last day for our program. Christ Church took over the program in September 2006. The previous spring, the YWCA determined that the Lincoln Village site (Christ Church) was not financially viable with its registration of 13 children. The church consulted with parents and Shannon Pollard, the team leader of the YW program, and recognized that there was a need for the program for the students at Sandowne and Lexington schools. Shannon was given the green light by the church to try to develop the program on a one-year trial basis. At the end of 2007, registration was still growing: at its height, the program had a capacity registration of 30 children per day and a waiting list. Registration dipped significantly three years ago when the Waterloo Region District School Board began in-school daycare. We accommodated the decreased registration in order to keep the program viable. This year, however, we lost children to the Sandowne program mid-year. Although Shannon and her staff were quite successful in getting new registrations for the fall of 2015, the costs associated with having the program licensed and the amount of time it would take to do so would not have allowed us to begin in September with more than five children under 10 years of age. Clearly, the need that gave rise to our offering an after-school (and later a before-school) program is diminishing significantly because of in-school programs at both Sandowne (and now) Lexington schools. Closing the LVAP was a difficult-butnecessary decision. We do not come to this point without thanking the many from our congregation who have given support to the program over the past 9 years, especially the past and present members of our LVAP Management Committee, our Mutual Ministry Committee, and Church Council. We say a special thank-you to Shannon Pollard whose enthusiasm, energy, and commitment to the program resulted in so much goodwill and good care of the children in our community. SUMMER AT CHRIST CHURCH Worship continues on Sundays at 10 a.m. throughout July and August. Although Pastor James is away for most of the summer in Scotland (at St. John’s) and then on holiday, the parish is in good hands with both our professional staff and a succession of excellent supply preachers. Please consult the July and August 2015 parish planners for details. When pastoral care needs arise over July and August, please call the church office for a referral to our on-call clergy. Here is the schedule. Michael Hackbusch, June 24-28 Bonnie Cole Arnal, June 28-July 3 Glenn Chestnutt, July 3-July 19 André Lavergne, July 19-July 26 Tim Hegedus, July 26-August 23 James Brown, August 23-September 1 Our church office hours change slightly in July and August. With the exception of July 17, 27, and Civic Holiday (August 3), the church office will be open each week on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday – 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday and Thursday – 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. From August 4-7, we’ll have a receptionist-secretary replacing our church administrator. SACRAMENTS AND SEASONS Funerals To say that this has been a spring of highs and lows for our congregation is an understatement. As we have celebrated with our families many new beginnings, so we have grieved the untimely death of very dear members of our congregational family. We pray God’s presence in the grace of the Holy Spirit for all of these passages. A large congregation filled the Chapel of the Erb and Good Family Funeral Home on April 11 to remember before God and one another our beloved Florence (Flo) Binkley ( 7 April 2015). Flo and her husband Jerry have been so present and active in our congregation and the wider community over the years, our sense of loss is significant. Baptisms We received word from Halifax on June 13 of the death of one of our charter members, Ken Tuckwood (12 June 2015). Ken, the father of Kelly Wildfang, Karen Falkenstern, and Steve Tuckwood, moved to Halifax 20 years ago with his second wife, Margy. All three children were in Halifax with Ken and Margy on June 12. Ken had been seriously ill for under a week. On Easter 6/Mother’s Day/May 10, we welcomed Elizabeth Rose Stewart McCoy (b. 27 January 2015) into the Body of Christ. Elizabeth is the daughter of Jessica and Brian McCoy of our congregation, and baby sister to Gavin. On Pentecost 2, June 7, Ingrid Frances Zwiers (b. 8 May 2015), daughter of Ruth Lavergne and Ian Zwiers, baby sister of Calum, and Mason Robert Oldfield (b. 13 April 2014), son of Stephanie and Travis Oldfield, were baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. New Members Mason’s baptism also provided the opportunity for Mason’s parents, Stephanie and Travis Oldfield to join our congregation through Affirmation of Baptism. Elsabe Coetzer, who has been very much part of our parish life for over a year, also joined the congregation of Christ, Waterloo on June 7 through Affirmation of Holy Baptism. Confirmations Three of our youth also affirmed the baptismal vows made on their behalf by parents and sponsors on the day of their baptism. On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, May 31, Pastor James, Youth Minister Alicia Becker, and Seminarian Leena Jensen, led the Affirmation rite and laying on of hands for Daniel Zeller, Julie Gerber, and Julie’s brother Jake Gerber. All three confirmands completed two years of classes studying the Bible and Christian doctrine with Alicia and Pastor James. The also participated in the annual Confirmation Camp at Camp Edgewood in Eden Mills. Leena team-taught, this past year, as Daniel, Julie, Kayla Schenk, and Joel Henkel completed their Bible-study year. All are involved in our youth program and supporting our Sunday School. Ken was cremated in Halifax, but a memorial service took place at Christ Church, Waterloo on June 16. Margy did not travel to Waterloo for the service, but received a video recording on-line, using the same technology that allows our distant and shut-in members to join us for Sunday worship. The next day, our Sanctuary was the site of the funeral for another of our Christ Church saints. A full church of members, family, and friends gathered to mourn the death and give thanks for the life of Shirley Freeman ( 11 June 2015) and commend her to the greater care of Almighty God. Referring to her stewardship of our Community Garden and her deep involvement in so many of our church events, especially the Christmas Craft and Bake Sale, Pastor James described Shirley’s contribution to the life of our congregation as legendary. We shall miss greatly her dedication, her service, and the joy she brought to every project in which she participated. It was almost too much to bear, but news of the death of Ralph Elsaesser ( 16 June 2015) was given to Pastor James by GRH Director of Spiritual Care John Lougheed, as Pastor James entered the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit after Ken Tuckwood’s memorial. Ralph had had an accident in uptown Waterloo on June 13 that resulted in a severe head injury. Like Shirley, Ralph was amazingly active in our congregation, present every Sunday for worship and then lunch out at the Dearborn; part of our new Thursday morning men’s breakfast; present and involved in every book and Bible study. His death and the lack of information surrounding his injury has been extremely difficult for family and friends. A public visitation took place on June 26 at the Lounsbury Funeral Home in Cambridge. Family and close friends then gathered on Saturday, June 27 at Parkview Cemetery for the service of committal. A public memorial is tentatively planned for the early fall. Ralph was Professor of Piano at the Faculty of Music, WLU for most of his professional career. The presence, on June 26, of former students and colleagues as well as longtime friends of Ralph and Helen’s, and many members of Christ Church offered an outpouring of gratitude for his contribution to their lives and the K-W musical community. CHRISTWATCH In our Sunday prayers and our prayers at home throughout the week, please remember – the ELCIC meeting in convention, July 9-12 in Edmonton, Alberta. Our lay delegate is Alison Burkett; Pastor André Lavergne will attend as Assistant to National Bishop, Susan Johnson; the families and staff of the Lincoln Village Activities Program as they make new beginnings and plans for September; all who travel at this time of the year, including the Chestnutt and Brown families; Jerry Binkley (now living at St. Jacob’s Place, Water Street, St. Jacob’s); and Alexander, Robert Bailey, Heidy Banderob, Peter Bender, David Beskau, Sylvia Brightwell and Pam Hill, Margaret Colby and Kevin Rogers, Paul, Wayne Drew, Ellen, Lynn Emptage, Marlene Falcioni, Helm Filipowitsch, Faye Fisher, Silke Force, Aaron Gagnon, Bill Gillespie, Eleanor Grant, Aiyana Hackbusch, Tim Hegedus, , Richard Huth, August Knabenschuh, Kathleen Kroeger, John and Kera, Marlene Leeman, Laura and Matthew MacGregor, Robert McCallum, Ken, Helga and Helmut Niemann, Gini Nolan, Pat, Royal Quehl, Earl and June Rader, Teagan Sauder, Pat Schertzer, Carley Scott, Alison, Jeff, and Kira Senior, Adam Sokolowski, Barbara Strang, Terry, Judy Thomas, Carl and Joan Totzke, Joseph Treusch, Marta Wagler, Al Wahl, Monica Walsh, Heinz-Wilhelm and Hildegard Weltner, Monica Wilk, and Wendy. ON the latest edition of The Eastern Synod Lutheran. If you would like a paper copy of TESL, please call Valerie in the church office. a tribute to Helen and Ralph Elsaesser in the form of a nomination by Alice Croft for the 1996 Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association Special Teacher Award. updated July and August calendars. Kelly, Karen, Steve, Margy, and their families as they mourn the death of father and husband, Ken Tuckwood; COMMUNITY BARBECUE Our Third Annual! Thursday, September 17, 5 – 8 p.m. Bob and Rose Freeman, Shirley’s son and daughter-in-law; and Jeanette Nelson, Shirley’s dear friend; Circle this date on your calendar, invite your friends, whet your appetite for the great free food we’ll be rustling up for all our neighbours and friends. Ann and Tom Elsaesser as they mourn the death of their father, Ralph; But first… consider helping with this whole-communit/whole church event by serving on the organizing committee (see Alicia Becker or Conrad Knabenschuh); Heather Motz, as she mourns the death on June 23 of her sister, Jo-Anne Grant; Bonnie and Oz Cole-Arnal as they mourn Mike Curtis (Bonnie’s cousin), Wayne Ednie, and Richard Elkin (Oz’s friends); Frances Ahara (Bonnie’s aunt) mourning the death of her son, Mike Curtis; those recovering from cancer treatment, including Sonja Granskou, Susan Howard, and Peggy Jarvie; offer to distribute flyers and signs; make a monetary contribution to offset our costs (we broke even last year because one of our neighbours made a donation); be a cook, a musician, a set-up/clean-up person; help in the kitchen; help with the partner fair, etc., etc…
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