First Congregational Church of Reno 627 Sunnyside Drive Reno, NV 89503 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID N E W S F RO M T H E P E W S RENO, NV F i r s t C o n g r e g at i o n a l C h u rc h o f R e n o PERMIT NO. 46 March 2015 Phone: 775-747-1414 Fax: 775-747-1805 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours Mo—Th 10 –3, Fri 10-1 An Open & Affirming Congregation United Church of Christ & Disciples of Christ Return Service Requested February 2015 Minister: Rev. Rich Smith, Editor: Cindy Evans Dear Friends: We have learned from scripture that life has its seasons. For the past five years FCC has been a wonderful place for me on my journey. While I have served the congregation, I have also received much more than employee compensation. I have been blessed by my relationships with all of you. As I entered a new season in my life, I made the hard choice to move on to full time employment. As this issue goes to print I will be finishing my time with FCC. W E’ RE A LSO ON THE W EB We are an Open & Affirming congregation, welcoming all persons -- regardless of race, ethnic background, economic status, gender, age, personal ability, or sexual orientation -into the full life and ministry of the church. It’s a bittersweet feeling, but perhaps on occasion, as Rich often says: I will see you on Sunday. Thank you for the opportunity to be in service to this wonderful community. Faithfully yours, Cindy Evans FROM PASTOR The job of Church Administrator is really more of an art than a job. One has to multi-task, working with the needs of our many building users, support the leaders and members of the congregation, pay the bills and maintain the church records, deal with the public, unjam the copier, and answer to a very demanding minister who expects the administrator to be at his beck and call – all the while remaining sane, calm and cheerful! It’s a rare person who can do this well and make it look easy, and that’s why we’re going to miss Cindy! She has been the nerve center of the church for the past 5 ½ years and her work has made much of my work possible. We wish her all God’s blessings as she embarks on new adventures. On Sunday, March 8 we will honor her during the Fellowship Time after worship, so I hope you’ll be there to say thanks and Godspeed. While Cindy can’t really be replaced, a small committee appointed by the Church Council is very close to selecting a person to be our new administrator, and we’ll let you know. Change is never easy, but without change, we go the way of the dinosaurs..... ...see you in Church! – Rich First Congregational Church of Reno In Our Church Family March Worship Themes March 1: The Needle: A Story with a Point Psalm 90, Commumion March 8: 10 Commandments 2.0 Exodus 20:1-17 March 15: Watch out for Snakes! Numbers 21:4-9 Please Hold in Prayer… Our homebound: Harold & Arleen Heinen (Harold celebrated his 99th birthday on the February 23rd), Vesta Carucci, Margaret Saltzer Cline & Ralph Cline, Margie Beck and Corrine Curtis. Henry deWyk, Eric Johnson, George Noble and for health concerns. Yvonne Anderson’s great nephew Danny recovering from an accident. Bob Kurvers 1st March 22: The Cardiac Covenant Jeremiah 31:31-34 Ken Rickett recovering from surgery Dave Kary 6th March 29 PALM SUNDAY: Cross Talk Mark 15: 1-39 Ted’s mother, Sharon Foa Sofara 7th Debbie’s mother, Mary John Biondo 8th April 5 EASTER: The Inconvenient Truth About Resurrection Mark 16:1-8 Some important details Worship begins at 10:00 am. The Nursery is open at 9:40 (In the Annex, just past the Sanctuary) for children four and under. Older children are welcome to attend Sunday school following the Children’s Conversation. First Sundays, children start out in Sunday School and join their families for communion. Prayers for mothers including: And Helen Blanke’s mom Virginia Burn, residing at Atria in Reno, welcomes visits and prayers. Call the office for contact information. Kim Kary 5th Dayne Webb 6th Melissa Yerxa 8th Francisco Flores-Sofara 9th Jan Haneline 10th Sam Bennett 14th Marilyn Knipe 14th Cindy Evans 16th Claribel Russell 18th Thank you all for submitting you pledges! Now that you have that out of the way, think about setting up automatic payments from your bank so you don't have to remember to bring your checkbook every week. If you need help getting this set up our have questions, contact Georgia at 775 232 7001 or [email protected]. Our next reception of new members is Chai Cook 21st planned for Sunday, March 22. Bill Macauley 23rd Let Rich know if you are interested—he’d Luke Arnone 30th love to have a conversation! Steve Lauritzen 31st If you don’t see your birthday or anniversary, please accept our apologies! We would appreciate a phone call with the all the details! First Congregational Church of Reno Opportunities for Lent... O ur Nor th e r n Ca l if, Neva da C onf e r e nc e M in is t e r C a nd i da te How Does a Believer Cross the Road? . . . A Lenten dialogue Wednesdays, February 25 through March 25, 2015, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Thursdays, February 19 through March 26, 2015, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Crossings. Decisions. We all experience them. Crossroads and intersections are everywhere in life – including matters of faith. Join us through this Lenten Season for a dialogue about faith journeys. What gets in the way of our faith and life decisions? What if others don’t agree? How do we travel in our community alongside friends whose views aren’t the same? The title is inspired by Brian McLaren’s book – Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? – but the resources for this series are diverse. This is not about “what” to believe, but how we can go about a bolder and more productive faith journey. Whether you’re new to studying matters of faith, or a veteran of religious study, please join us! We will journey and learn together. RELENT, A Lenten devotional by the StillSpeaking writers group, will be available in the narthex for anyone who is interested in a devotional at home during this season. Travel with Lynn & Jay Arnone as they share stories & photos from their year in Austria. All ages welcome! Friday, March 27th 7:00 pm in the Annex Bring your own beverage and a snack to share. Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center is looking for faith-based volunteers to support their Spiritual Care Service department. If you would like to learn more about the needs and training available, there is a flyer at the communication center, or visit their web site and look for ”Volunteer Services” Diane Lynn Weible grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, attended Drury College in Springfield, Missouri, and Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis. She was ordained by the St. Louis Association of the former Missouri Conference of the United Church of Christ in May 1991. In July of that year she and her husband Tim became missionaries with the United Church Board for World Ministries and were assigned to Tono, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. They served there for 12 years, Diane serving as the Associate Pastor of the Tono Church and also as a staff of the church-related kindergarten, then its Vice Principal and later as the Principal. In 2004 the Weibles moved to Hawaii where Tim became the Pastor and Diane the Associate Pastor at Kailua Christian Church (UCC). Two years later Diane became the Minister of Communication of the Hawaii Conference of the United Church of Christ Since 2008 she has been serving as the Conference’s Associate Conference Minister. DIANE’S VISION FOR THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST “We are at the threshold of exciting changes. People want the church to BE something and not just exist. They want to know that the church is working to heal brokenness in our world. My vision for the UCC is that we embark on an exciting journey of rediscovery about what God is calling us to do in the new reality of the twenty-first century church. God needs our local churches to be agents of transformation in their communities and throughout the world and the Conference is a place that can provide resources and support to engage and challenge us to be about that ministry.” DIANE’S VISION FOR OUR CONFERENCE “The diversity, the theology, and the inclusivity of the Northern California Nevada Conference excite me, but one statement in your profile particularly caught my attention: “If it’s not working, we try something different.” This tells me of a willingness to engage in dialogue in order to carry out the ministry of Jesus Christ in a way that addresses the brokenness in our world and works to bring healing. It also speaks to me of the willingness to take risks to be about God’s work in the world. Risk can be scary, but it is in being willing to take risks that we often find ourselves in the best position to partner with others to bring God to the places where God is needed most.” A special meeting of the Conference will be held April 11 in Palo Alto to vote on Diane’s candidacy. Marc Ullom served on the Search Committee. First Congregational Church of Reno Afternoon Circle will be meeting on Wednesday, March 11 at 1:00pm in the Annex behind the church. After a brief business meeting, Marc Ullom will lead us in a dialogue based on his Lenten study entitled How Does a Believer Cross the Road? June Thomas will be providing refreshments. Please come and join us. If you have any questions please contact Celeste Robinson at 775-376-8423. With Rich’s retirement several well-tended beds in the Community Garden are now available for growing your favorite vegies this summer. If you are interested, please let Jerry Robinson know and he’ll set you up with your own 12 x 4 raised bed. It’s watered automatically after the danger of freezing has passed, but you still have the fun of planting, weeding and harvesting the tastiest and healthiest food you’ll ever eat! Our commemoration of Maundy Thursday will be held on April 2 in two parts. The first begins at 6:30 in the CE Building where we share a simple supper of corn chowder, bread, and fruit concluding with communion around the table. Then at 7:30 we move to the Sanctuary for a Service of Tenebrae, recalling the events in the Garden of Gethsemane that culminated in Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, with readings, hymns and choir anthems. The service ends in darkness and silence as we go forth to await the Easter dawn. One Great Hour of Sharing® is the Lenten Offering of the United Church of Christ that supports disaster, refugee, and development, often referred to as missions. We will receive this offering on March 15th. Type: Lily In Memory Dedication: Dedication: Given by: Tulip In Celebration Hyacinth Daffodil In Honor of
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