Annunciation Church - Church of the Annunciation

Masses for This Week
Independence Day, July 4th
5:30 p.m. Fr. Herbert
RIP Pablo Quiroga
Sunday, July 5th
7:30 a.m. Fr. Herbert
RIP Steve Hunt
9:00 a.m. Fr. Callanan
RIP The Le Family
10:30 a.m. Fr. Herbert
RIP AnneMarie Wells
12:00 Noon Fr. Marti
RIP The Villegas Family
4:00 p.m. Evening Prayer Fr. Herbert
Monday, July 6th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Marti
S.I. Robert Tuibeo
Tuesday, July 7th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
RIP Steve Hunt
Wednesday, July 8th
7:30 p.m. Fr. Marti
S.I. The Yeo Family
Thursday, July 9th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
S.I. Theresa Escandon
Friday, July 10th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
RIP The Ziemann Family
Masses for Next Week
Saturday, July 11th
5:30 p.m. Fr. Callanan
S.I. Florence and Vic Bonessa
Sunday, July 12th
7:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
S. I. Kate Collins
9:00 a.m. Fr. Byrne
S.I. Cecile and Dzung Mai
10:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
S.I. Mack and Francine Moore
12:00 Noon Fr. Marti
RIP Jeanette Sheets
4:00 p.m. Evening Prayer Lay Minister
Monday, July 13th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Byrne
RIP Steve Hunt
Tuesday, July 14th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
S.I. Walter Mitchell
Wednesday, July 15th
7:30 p.m. Fr. Marti
S.I. Marie Smith
Thursday, July 16th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Byrne
S.I. Tita Tigno
Friday, July 17th
8:30 a.m. Fr. Callanan
RIP Ramon Rondilla, Sr.
Annunciation Church
Prayers For Our Parish Priests:
Msgr. Zimmerman, who suffered a cracked vertebrae, has been moved from the
Transitional Care Unit of Methodist Hospital to the Rehabilitation Unit at Santa Teresita, where he will continue his physical therapy. Once he has been deemed stable,
Msgr. will transition to Nazareth House in Los Angeles, an Assisted Living facility
where he will receive the care and attention necessary. Due to health concerns, Fr.
Marti has been removed from the Mass schedule here at Annunciation. He will continue to be closely monitored to access his medical and personal needs. Please
keep both of these priests in your prayers as they deal with these life challenges.
Msgr. Zimmerman, quien ha sufrido una quebradura en la vertebre ha sido
transladado de la Unidad de Cuidado Transicional del Hospital Metodista a el
centro de Rehabilitación en Santa Teresita, donde continuara su terapia fisica. En
cuanto se le considere de salud estable, Msgr. sera trasladado a Nazareth House
en Lo Angeles, un centro de vivienda asistido, donde el recibirá el cuidado y la
atención necesaria. Debido a motivos de salud, hemos removido al Fr. Marti de la
agenda de misas aquí en la Anunciación. Se le proporcionará el cuidado necesario para dar acceso a su necesidades médicas y personales. Por favor mantengan a ambos sacerdotes in sus oraciones en este tiempo de retos en sus vidas.
Youth Ministry News:
We’ve been hard at work to make sure that our Color Run doesn’t run out of steam!
We’ve revamped the course in order to make our bureaucratic friends happy and
have now scheduled this event for Sunday, August 2nd beginning at 8:00 a.m.!
Stay tuned for more details soon!
Proper Attire For Church:
Please dress respectfully for Mass. Low cut, cropped or revealing tops, tanks or
“T’s”, short shorts and short skirts, torn, ripped and tight jeans on men and women
are not appropriate attire for church. Parents, please remind your children to honor
our sacred space.
Faith Formation Series at Holy Angels:
Deacon Bruce is offering an adult continuing faith formation series titled, “Nuts &
Bolts of the Catholic Church”. Beginning on July 15th, this series will meet on
Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in Holy Angels Church. Each week, we will have
a short discussion on the topic of the night, followed by a question and answer session where you can ask any question about the Catholic Church, our faith,, our history, or anything relating to our faith. Come to one, two or all of the sessions and
bring your questions. For more information, please contact Deacon Bruce at the
Parish Office by calling (626) 447-1671. All are welcome.
Bereavement Support Group:
St. Anthony’s Church in San Gabriel is offering an 11-week Bereavement Support
Group, beginning July 11th. We will meet in the church from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Members of any religious affiliation, or none, are welcome. The only cost to you is
the price of the book at $13.50. Advance registration is required by calling (626)
288-8912. St. Anthony’s is located at 1901 S. San Gabriel Blvd. in San Gabriel.
Men’s Retreat:
Sacred Heart Retreat House is offering a weekend retreat for men on the weekend
of August 21-23. The weekend will include conferences, Holy Mass, Reconciliation,
spiritual direction and time for personal prayer and reflection. This retreat will be led
by Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR, experienced retreat leader and author of several
books. Please call (626) 289-1353, Ext. 204 to make your reservation.
Separated, Divorced & Widowed Ministry:
The Archdiocesan Office of Family Life is offering a workshop for separated,
divorced and widowed Catholics on Saturday, July 18th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Cost is $25.00. For additional
information, or to reserve your place, please contact Julie Auzenne at (213) 6377249 or e-mail: [email protected] for the registration form.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Did You Know?
Children have more opportunities to be out of your immediate sight during the
summer. It’s important to remind your child that if another child or adult—
including people they know and trust—try to touch them inappropriately, they
should: Say NO and GET AWAY from any person or situation that makes them
feel scared, uncomfortable or confused. Tell them to TRUST THEIR FEELINGS and be sure to TELL a trusted adult. And, it’s never too late to tell a
trusted adult what happened. For a copy of the article called “Know the
Rules...Summer Safety Tips to Teach Children” from the National Center for
Missing and Exploited Children, email: [email protected].
Usted encontrará esta informacion en Español en la tabla de anuncios
que se encuentra al Esta del Vestibulo de la iglesia.
July 5, 2015
Please Pray:
Maja Combs, Suzette Alba, Cesar Salas,
Larry Gamet, Ariana Cleary, Frank Trejo,
Jr., Angie Rodarte, Beverly Perreira,
Karen Sandoval, Kenyon Solis, Peter
Anderson, Kathy Marz, Msgr. Zimmerman, Lynnette Evangelista, Grandma
Tillman, Ray Wilson, Andrew Adams,
Vicki Dorosy, Andre Plouffe, Don Norton
and Tai DeCorse.
Calendar of Events:
Sunday, July 5th
B2—9:00 AM 10:30 Choir
P.O.-2:00 PM LGBT Cath. Ministry Mtg.
Youth Retreat:
OC1—3:00 PM Overeaters Anonymous
The Spanish Youth Group is inviting all the youth ages 13 to 19 to attend a
retreat this coming July 18th in the Annunciation Parish Hall from 8:00 a.m. to Monday, July 6th
OC1-5:30 PM Mariachi Practice
7:00 p.m. The retreat is bilingual and there is no charge.
El groupo de jovenes hispanos esta invitando a los jovenes de edad 13 a Ch—6:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group
19 años a vivir un retiro aqui en el salon este 18 de Julio de las 8:00 a.m. CR– 6:00 PM Rosary Group
B2– 7:00 PM FM Rehearsal
a las 7:00 p.m. Este retiro es bilingue y es gratis.
Tuesday, July 7th
OC1—5:30 PM Mariachi Practice
Are You Being Called To Be A Deacon?:
OC1,P.O.,CR—5:30 PM Sp. Bible Study
The Diaconate Formation Office will be
Wednesday, July 8th
hosting an information meeting for all men
Lord, Protect Them
B2– 5:00 PM 7:30 Choir
who are interested in finding out more
Joseph Villamayor
Air Force
OC1—5:15 PM Al-Anon
about becoming a permanent deacon in
Elizabeth Villamayor
Air Force
B2—6:30 PM 10:30 Choir
the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Members
Ronnel Resurrecion
Ch—7:00 PM Rosary Before Mass
of the Diaconate Formation Office will be
Daniel Smith
OC1—7:00 PM Meditation Group
present to explain the role of the deacon in Patrick Thompson
Thursday, July 9th
the Church, to explain the diaconate ForCatherine Holdren
Coast Guard
B2—-6:00 PM 9:00 Choir
mation Program, and to answer any ques- Robert Wrischnik
ORE– 6:30 PM Youth Ministry
tions that participants might have. Men
Rafael Hernandez, Jr.
Ch—7:00 PM Divine Mercy Prayer Grp.
must be between the ages of 30 and 60
Mario Monoz
Marine Corps
Friday, July 10th
years to enter the formation program. It is Emma Larenas
D1– 7:30 PM Encuentro Matrimonial
important for men who are married to atMarines
Saturday, July 11th
tend with their wives. The next information Brian Griffiths
John B. Goss
OC1—8:45 AM Bible Study
meeting will be held on Sunday, July 19th Noe Villanueva
OC1—1:00 PM Latino Heritage Society
at St. Jerome Parish from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Stephen Cain
St. Jerome’s is located at 5550 Thornburn R. Michael Rodriguez
Cory Browne
Street, Los Angeles, 90045. For further
Preston Ellis
Air Force
Youth Ministry Saturday Sundae and
information, please contact Mrs. Claudia
Matthew Aldrete
Sunday Sundae after all Masses!
Ortiz in the Diaconate Formation Office at Patrick Parra
Justin R. Lozano
(213) 637-7383, or e-mail her at: CAOrJordan Sepulveda
[email protected].
Please note that there will be no Baptisms in the month of July.
Last Week’s Offertory Collection
June 28, 2015: (Unavailable)
Last Year: $ 9,962.00
Together in Mission—2015
Goal Amount: $51,500.00
Amount Pledged: $45,387.50
Amount Paid: $32,135.90
Amount Needed to Reach Goal:
Vianca Medina
Carlos Casillas
Alex Quesada-Bocanegra Marines
Carlos Rodriguez
Jacob Davis April 7, 2002
Shannon S. Everitt
Air Force
Liezel Sarte
Air Force
Mariel Constantino
Air Force
Thank you
and GodMarines
bless you.
Nicholas Goddard
David Aguilera
Jason Smith