Treatment of acute cerebral infarction with a choline precursor in a multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled study. Y Tazaki, F Sakai, E Otomo, T Kutsuzawa, M Kameyama, T Omae, M Fujishima and A Sakuma Stroke. 1988;19:211-216 doi: 10.1161/01.STR.19.2.211 Stroke is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1988 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0039-2499. Online ISSN: 1524-4628 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Stroke can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Stroke is online at: Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 211 Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction With a Choline Precursor in a Multicenter Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study Yoshiaki Tazaki, MD, Fumihiko Sakai, MD, Eiichi Otomo, MD, Takashi Kutsuzawa, MD, Masakuni Kameyama, MD, Teruo Omae, MD, Masatoshi Fujishima, MD, and Akira Sakuma, PhD A multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled study of cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine (CDP-choline) was conducted to evaluate possible clinical benefits of the drug in patients with acute, moderate to severe cerebral infarction. The patients included also suffered from moderate to mild disturbances of consciousness, and all were admitted within 14 days of the ictus. Patients were allocated randomly to treatment with either CDP-choline (1,000 mg/day i.v. once daily for 14 days) or with placebo (physiological saline). One hundred thirty-three patients received CDP-choline treatment, and 139 received placebo. The group treated with CDP-choline showed significant improvements in level of consciousness compared with the placebo-treated group, and CDP-choline was an entirely safe treatment. (Stroke 1988; 19:211-216) C ytidine 5'-diphosphocholine (CDP-choline, Nicholin, Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan) is a precursor essential for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, one of the major structural components of cell membranes that become degraded to highly toxic substances, such as free fatty acids and free radicals, during cerebral ischemia.1 In animal models of brain ischemia, CDP-chol ine protects the integrity of cell membranes by accelerating resynthesis of phospholipid.2"4 Administration of CDPcholine also attenuates the progression of ischemic cell damage by suppressing the release of free fatty acids.3-6 Based on pharmacologic observations in animal models, a multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled trial was undertaken to evaluate critically any therapeutic efficacy as well as the safety of treatment with CDP-choline among large numbers of patients with well-established acute cerebral infarction. Subjects and Methods The prospective cooperative trial was conducted according to an agreed-upon common protocol by staff neurologists and neurosurgeons in 63 academic centers throughout Japan from November 1982 to February 1985. From the Department of Medicine, Kitasato University, Sagamihara (Y.T., F.S.), the Department of Medicine, Yokufukai Geriatric Hospital, Tokyo (E.O.), the Department of Medicine, Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita (T.K.), the Department of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto (M.K.), the National Cardiovascular Center, Osaka (T.O.), the Department of Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (M.F.), and the Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo (A.S.), Japan. Address for reprints: Yoshiaki Tazaki, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Kitasato University, 1-15-1, Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa-ken, Japan (228). Received March 2, 1987; accepted September 18, 1987. A total of 272 patients aged 29-90 years suffering from acute cerebral infarction were admitted to the study. There were 183 men and 89 women. Criteria for inclusion were 1) clinical evidence of cerebral infarction occurring within 14 days of admission to the study, 2) clinical diagnosis of cerebral infarction confirmed by computed tomography (CT scanning) of the brain, and 3) mild to moderate impairment of consciousness indicated by the Japanese Coma Scale (JCS) developed by Ohta et al7 (Table 1), which is an elaboration of the Glasgow Coma Scale.8 Patients with total aphasia, subarachnoid or intracerebral hemorrhage, or indications for neurosurgical intervention were excluded. Prior to the study, consent was obtained from the spouse or legal guardians. Design of Clinical Trial After establishing the diagnosis by clinical signs and symptoms and confirming by CT scan of the brain, eligible patients were randomly assigned to treatment with 1,000 mg CDP-choline i.v. daily for 14 days (CDP-choline) or physiological saline (placebo) by a central coordinator of the study who was also blinded to the treatment assigned. Suitable provisions were made so that CDP-choline could not be distinguished from the placebo. Those carrying out the clinical assessments in the study were also blinded to the treatment assigned. The code was maintained confidential by the central coordinator until the end of the study, when the code was broken for data analysis. Active drug was prepared in 20-ml ampules containing 1,000 mg CDP-choline. Placebo was likewise prepared in identical 20-ml ampules containing only physiological saline. Both active drug and placebo were diluted with 500 ml physiological saline or 5% dextrose in sterile water and were administered by intravenous drip once daily for 14 days. Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 212 Stroke TABLE 1. Method for Grading Levels of Impaired Consciousness According to Japanese Coma Scale7 Grade 0 1 1-1 1-2 1-3 II II-1 D-2 II-3 HI III-l IH-2 DI-3 Description Patient fully alert Patient spontaneously awake but Obtunded or confused Disoriented to time, place, and person Unable to state name and date of birth Patient may be aroused, but falls into drowsy state after cessation of stimulation Easily aroused by spoken words Aroused by loud voice or shaking the shoulders Aroused only by repeated stimuli Patient cannot be aroused by painful stimuli Responds by movement to avoid stimulus Responds with minimal movement such as decerebrate and decorticate posturing Does not respond except for respiratory changes Japanese Coma Scale, 7 originally reported in Japanese, translated into English by present authors. R and I might be added to grading to indicate restlessness and incontinence of urine and feces. Examples: III-1R, JJ-3RI, etc. There were no restrictions on the use of concurrent drugs if they were thought to be indicated, but any additional medications prescribed were recorded in detail. Methods of Assessment Complete neurologic and medical assessments were performed for each patient six times throughout the trial, immediately before treatment and during treatment on Days 1 , 2 , 3 , 7 , and 14. Final assessment was obtained on Day 14, or at the end point of treatment (Table 2). Major components of the neurologic assessments were graded changes in the level of consciousness or in mentation. It was shown from preliminary trials' that graded changes in consciousness provide the most reliable indexes of neurologic improvement or worsening during treatment. The level of consciousness was assessed in 10 grades according to the JCS. Scoring of neurologic status also included assessments of speech and dysarthria, motor strength, reflex testing, and sensory examination. The global improvement rating (GIR) was also used to assess the neurologic status to determine whether individual signs had improved from pretreatment conditions. GIR was assessed as six categories based on changes in the level of consciousness, individual neurologic signs, and the patient's general condition: markedly improved, improved, slightly improved, unchanged, worse, and severely deteriorated. General medical examinations were performed at each assessment, and factors analyzed included blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and body temperature. Analysis of the brain CT findings included location, nature, and size of each lesion plus the presence of any mass effect such as displacement of midline structures. Laboratory tests included complete blood count, liver function tests (SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, LDH), renal function test (BUN, creatinine), and urinalysis. These were determined before and during treatment. Vol 19, No 2, February 1988 The overall safety rating (OSR) was assessed on the basis of whether side effects developed as judged by results of laboratory examinations or by adverse clinical reactions. The global usefulness rating (GUR) summarized the efficacy and safety and assessed the risk-benefit ratio of the drug treatment. GUR was assessed in six grades by coding the physicians' evaluations based on both GIR and OSR and was used at each evaluation. Overall assessment included GIR and GUR. Review and Analysis of Data Data on five patients were excluded from statistical analysis before the randomization code was broken because they developed exclusion criteria during treatment (Table 2); 267 patients were included. There were 12 patients whose JCS level of consciousness was IU-2 or D3-3 and nine who suffered a stroke, probably 2-3 weeks before admission; these 21 patients were included in the statistical analysis based on the judgment of the study committee that these possible slight deviations from provisions of the study protocol were acceptable. Data were analyzed using the MannWhitney U test and %2 test > and a 5% level of significance was used. GIR was analyzed separately on Days 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14. Final assessments were also analyzed. Data from patients who completed the full program of 14 doses plus data from patients who died or were withdrawn for other reasons and therefore received fewer than 14 doses (Table 2) were also analyzed. The average number of doses before withdrawal was 8 ± 2 for the CDP-choline group and 7 ± 2 for the placebo group. Patient Populations Table 3 shows the distribution of major background factors in the 267 patients included in the statistical analysis. The level of consciousness expressed by JCS was I in 55% of the patients, II in 39%, and III in 6%. Thus, most patients had mild to moderate impairment TABLE 2. Exclusion and Withdrawal of Patients Entered Into Study of Efficacy and Usefulness of CDP-Choline CDP-choline Total patients Excluded from analysis of efficacy and usefulness 133 1 2 136 18 131 17 Side effects Complications Transferred to other hospital Switched to other therapy Death Poor drug compliance CDP-choline, cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine. Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 3 2 0 Duration of disease > 3 weeks Did not complete 14 doses 139 2 Fully conscious Included in analysis of efficacy and usefulness Placebo 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 3 3 0 11 2 Tazaki el al CDP-Choline in Acute Stroke 213 TABLE 3. Demographic Data Among Patients Admitted to Study of Efficacy and Usefulness of CDP-Choline Patients with cerebral infarction Factor CDPcholine Placebo Total (n=131) (n=136) (n = 267) Sex Male Female Age (yr) 29-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-90 Diagnosis Cerebral thrombosis Cerebral embolism Hemorrhagic infarction Indeterminate Strokes before study 0 87 44 93 43 180 5 7 19 30 48 1 6 11 35 87 22 4 16 35 60 20 72 28 13 18 84 30 14 8 156 58 27 65 108 42 26 68 63 131 1 36 34 70 2 8 2 17 20 28 2 4 17 34 15 28 36 22 16 11 3 15 30 3-5 Unknown Duration of disease (days from onset of stroke to start of treatment) 1 2 3-4 5-7 8-10 11-14 15-19 Pretreatment level of consciousness 1-1 1-2 1-3 II-l D-2 II-3 III-l 26 54 37 24 13 17 4 73 13 36 19 15 30 18 8 65 46 35 56 27 21 10 5 2 29 27 20 26 9 4 6 in-2 2 3 m-3 1 1 46 29 28 7 CDP-choline, cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine. of consciousness. CT scans showed lesions of the middle cerebral artery in 70% of the patients. Approximately 30% of the lesions were in the cortical branches and approximately 30% involved the perforating branches, while approximately 30% involved both. CT evidence of cerebral atrophy was seen in 146 of the 267 cases and was equally divided between the CDPcholine and placebo groups. Six patients in the CDP-choline group and 11 in the placebo group died during the 14-day interval. The immediate causes of death in the CDP-choline group were refractory cerebral edema and transtentorial herniation (n = 3), progressive basilar artery thrombosis (n= 1), refractory epileptic seizures (n= 1), and acute myocardial infarction ( n = l ) . In the placebo group, six died due to cerebral edema and five due to cardiopulmonary disease. These background data were compared between groups. There was no significant difference in any factor analyzed. Results Figures 1 and 2 summarize changes in the level of consciousness and GIR for the CDP-choline and placebo groups. Improvements in level of consciousness did not differ between groups on Days 1, 2, or 3 but were significantly improved for the CDP-choline group on Days 7 and 14. The rates of improvement were calculated at the final assessment: 5 1 % for the CDPcholine group compared with 33% in the placebo group. The difference was significant. Differences in GIR between the groups became larger as treatment progressed. On Days 2, 7, and 14, GIR of the CDP-choline group was significantly better than that of the placebo group. Improvement was noted in 32% (42 of 131) and 18% (24 of 131) on Day 7 and 54% (68 of 125) and 29% (36 of 125) on Day 14 for the CDP-choline and placebo groups, respectively. Rates of improvement at the final assessment were 52% for patients receiving CDP-choline and 26% for those receiving placebo. Stratified analysis was conducted on results obtained at the final GIR assessment (Figure 2). Rates of improvement calculated as the number of patients improving were consistently higher for all factors analyzed among the CDP-choline group. However, among cases with CT evidence of any mass effect there were no differences in the rates of improvement between the groups. As shown in Figure 2, the higher improvement rate in the CDP-choline compared with the placebo group was not influenced by differences in age or in duration of illness before treatment. Between-group comparisons were also made of GUR. The rate of efficacy of treatment between groups was also calculated as the number of patients in whom the treatment was efficacious. This rating was also better (47%) in the CDP-choline compared with the placebo group (24%). Complications occurred in 4 patients (1.0%) in the CDP-choline group (hepatic dysfunction, n = 3; renal dysfunction, n= 1) and in 11 patients (8.1%) in the placebo group (hepatic dysfunction, n = 4; skin rash, n = 3; hot flashes, n = l ; restlessness, n=\; anemia, n — 1; renal dysfunction, n = 1). No serious side effects were related to treatment with CDP-choline in any patient with cerebral infarction. Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 Stroke Vol 19, No 2, February 1988 214 An air si s T real ment w i th No. of patients on U-test 20 i CDP-choline Improvement in Level of consiousnes a i 60 • i 80 . i 100 . i Global • mprovement rating CDP-choline 13 1 Placebo 1 36 Global 51 % CDP- cholinc 1 31 Markedly improved Highly use ful P < 0. 0 1 33 % 52% P < 0.0 1 P < 0. 0 1 26% 47% P<0.01 fulfipsn ra I ing Moderately i m proved" or better P<0.05 13 6 or 40 . 13 1 Placebo usr test Cumulative rate of i mprovement Placebo 1 36 Moderately Slightly improved ___ improved or [ • •1 o r Fairly Slightly useful useful P < 0. 0 1 24% No change • Hardly useful Worse I ° r I Slightly undesi rable Severely de te riora ted or Very undesirable FIGURE 1. Changes in level of consciousness and overall assessment of all patients who completed full program (1,000 mg cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine i.v. once a day for 14 days) and all withdrawn patients (those who receivedfewer than 14 doses) for whom data could be analyzed. Discussion A number of different pharmacologic approaches to the treatment of cerebral ischemia have been proposed from knowledge gained from animal models of the pathophysiology of acute stroke. Despite these encouraging results from experimental studies, there has been little objective evidence from controlled clinical trials that drugs are efficacious during the acute stages of cerebral hemorrhage or infarction.10-'2 Our study is the first large-scale double-blind clinical trial to critically compare the effects of CDP-choline with placebo among patients with cerebral infarction. There were significant improvements in level of consciousness among patients receiving CDP-choline compared with those receiving placebo. GIR and GUR quantified overall clinical improvement among treatment groups and were helpful in assessing the effectiveness of CDP-choline in this double-blind trial. A moderate to severe acute stroke is difficult to quantify objectively, making evaluation of treatment difficult. Our evaluation system combines several assessment scales that appear to be sufficient to disclose the clinical effectiveness of proposed medical treatments. The number of patients included in our study was greater than in any other reported double-blind clinical trial of drug treatment of cerebral infarction, and our study appears to fulfill all the requirements recommended by Spence and Donner.13 Baseline clinical data on admission, including the CT scan features of the brain lesions, were not different for any factor analyzed between CDP-choline and placebo groups. Homogeneity of patient populations between groups is an important requirement for valid clinical trials and can be accomplished only with large numbers of patients. Differences in response to CDP-choline among patients with cerebral infarction were revealed by stratified analysis comparing their locations (according to distribution in both cortical and perforating branches) and the presence of any mass effect. These analyses indicate that CDP-choline is effective in patients with moderate to mild cerebral infarction and produces more rapid recovery than no treatment. CDP-choline was less effective in patients with larger cerebral infarctions, particularly if they showed a mass effect. CDP-choline treatment showed little or no benefit in such patients critically ill from cerebral edema. This suggests some limitations of CDP-choline used alone and that its usefulness might be enhanced by combining it with appropriate treatment of cerebral Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 Tazaki et al CDP-Chollne in Acute Stroke 215 edema, such as combined with the use of glycerol.12 Precise mechanisms for the beneficial pharmacologic actions of CDP-choline in ischemia of the brain have yet to become fully established. Results of the present clinical trial, however, suggest that CDP-choline enhances recovery of reversible tissue damage and prevents aggravation of postischemic changes. CDP-choline has been shown, in experimental cerebral ischemia, to increase the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine and to prevent the release of free fatty acids through its anti-phospholipase A activity, particularly if arachidonic acid is released.314 It also has been shown that CDP-choline is capable of removing accumulated free fatty acids by stimulating resynthesis of phospholipids.6 Metabolic turnover of membrane phospholipid is a rapid process.13 It has been shown recently that if CDP-choline is administered during reperfusion in a rat model of cerebral ischemia, it is immediately used for membrane lipid resynthesis.16 This suggests that CDP-choline rapidly restores structural integrity of cell membranes impaired by cerebral ischemia. Studies in animal models of cerebral ischemia also indicate that CDPcholine increases synaptosomal phosphorylation,17 restores mitochondrial dysfunction," andreduceslactate production." The present clinical study was designed to examine the possible efficacy of CDP-choline treatment judged by improvement of disturbances of consciousness in acute stroke. It was not intended to evaluate further long-term clinical outcomes. However, followup assessment has been made 18 months after stroke in the 267 patients with cerebral infarction who participated in our trial. Between-group comparisons were made for later fatal strokes and cardiopulmonary deaths using the survival analysis model. As judged by this analysis, the prognosis appears better in CDP-choline-treated cerebral infarction than in the placebo-treated group. Such follow-up observations are encouraging and provide rationale for further long-term investigations of the role of CDPcholine in the medical treatment of acute cerebral infarction. No. of Factor / Age(years) Diagnosis Duration of illness (Days after onset of the present attack) Pretreatment level of consciousness Cortical branch or perforating branch Sice of lesion of infarction Mass e f f e c t Breakdown of mass effecta Analysis patlenta on / CDPcholine Placebo 81-59 60-69 70-90 Cerebral thrombosis Cerebral embolisms Hemorrhagic infarction 81 80 70 72 28 18 21 86 80 84 80 14 1-2 8-7 8-17 48 58 80 41 61 84 Cumulative rate of improvementC/i) X teat U-teat ("moderately lmprovtdnor better) a so 40 to Kin \ SJ . J / 1 0 . • Q W ' & N. S. P < 0. 0 1 P < 0 06 N.S. P<0.01 P < 0.06 P< N. 8 . N. S. P < 0.0 1 N. S. N. S. N. 8 . P < 0.0 1 N.S. N. S. P< 00 1 P < 0 06 FIGURE 2. Stratified analysis of data according to final global 76 48 7 70 56 10 Cortical branch Perforating branch Cortical and perforating branches 42 89 88 40 48 44 SmalKlesa than 1.5cm in diameter ) Medium Large (branchlg area) Absent Present Compression of ventricles Absent Present Shift of Mjdlme Structures Absent Present Cerebral herniation Deformation of basal cisterns Absent Marked and mild Enlargement of inferior horns of lateral ventricle Absent Marked or mild 29 27 46 48 70 58 58 49 78 67 88 45 86 49 104 24 108 81 1 12 16 118 16 105 28 120 18 1 n IB P<0.01 N. S. P<006 P < 00 1 N. S. N. S. N.S. P<001 N. S. 1' < 0.0 6 1' < 0 0 1 N.S. N. S. P < 0 06 P<006 P<00S PC 0 0 6 P< 0.0 6 P < 0.0 1 P < 0.0 1 N. S. N. S. P<001 N. S. P< 0 0 1 N. S. t _^° P<001 N. S. P C 0.0 1 N. S. 9 P<001 N. S. PC 00 1 N. S. P<001 N.S. P < 0. 0 1 N. S. \ f w o # o r ~^* v • • r $ . \ ^ c^ improvement ratings. • , Physiological saline (placebo); o, cytidine 5' -diphosphocholine (CDPcholine); N.S., not significant. 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