Call for Museum Projects 2015 Criteria for the grants To qualify for funding, projects must: 1. Have a maximum duration of 6 months (implementation period is 1st June – 1st December 2015); 2. Not exceed amount of 3.000 EUR or 8.000 EUR for the regional project, not exceed 20% of the operational costs; 3. Involve partnerships with non-museum organizations (e.g. CSOs, community group(s), educational institutions, media, etc.) within the museum’s outreach or community programme; 4. Involve groups of people (beneficiaries). We will particularly be looking for proposals for events that involve lots of people who work in your museum. This way, we will know that the event is having an impact across the museum. 5. Show clear evidence of community engagement (where appropriate); 6. Be at least part-funded from within the museum’s own resources: the museum must contribute with 20% of the total cost of the project. This could be calculated in terms of staff hours. 7. Is subject to quality financial reporting. 8. Be evaluated and a brief evaluation report submitted. Projects within the area Activism and Social Justice must: o involve people who experience discrimination or marginlization – for example women, LGBT population, disabled people, Roma and other national and ethnic minorities) in their planning and delivery; o Contribute to the museum’s overall service provision, impacting on the general level of inclusion within the museum; o Be implemented with the participation of marginalised groups; o Create links between different community groups, for example civil-society and public sector; Projects within the area Public Engagement and Community Voices must: o Involve a number of community members in their planning and delivery wherever possible; o Be implemented with the participation of community members; o Show the multiplicity of voices through project activities and project results. Projects within the area Building International Links must: o Contribute to the museum’s overall service provision, impacting the strategic level within the museum. o Demonstrate the rationale for the proposed international link. o Promote and demonstrate the idea of internationalism –museums cooperating across borders and strengthening the value of internationalism; o Demonstrate the sustainability of the partnership. 1 Projects within the area Wellbeing and Health must: o Contribute to the museum’s overall service provision, impacting the strategic and service provision level within the museum. o Strengthen the role museum in improving the system of public health. For example your project can relate to community health and wellbeing, health promotion and education and tackling health inequalities through new ways of using collections or addressing specific themes, groups or issues. o Provide rational behind the project and linking to partners from the other sectors. Types of activities are exhibitions, seminars, publications, events, performing arts events, training workshops, conferences, open days, specific programmes of activities or a festival and other activities. We encourage museums of all sizes and of all types to apply in partnership with another museum or together with a non-governmental organization. All partners must be from the western Balkan region and applications must be counter-signed by Directors or Deputy Director in the museum. Selection procedure The selection committee will review the received applications based on the criteria outlined in the call. 90% of the grant will be given when the proposal is accepted and the grant contract is signed, and the final 10% will be given upon receipt of a satisfactory evaluation and financial report. The museum is expected to contribute with in-kind contribution of minimum 20% of the total project budget. For example, the total project costs are 3.600 EUR. The museum contributes (in kind with 600 EUR) and 3.000 EUR are requested from BMN/CHwB. Two reports are required: the first is a full budget with all receipts and transactions clearly shown and copies of the receipts; the second is a two-page summary of the project, detailing its aims, implementation, main outcomes, what you have learned and risk analysis, as well as the photographs. CHwB undertakes to provide feedback on proposals, working with you, where necessary and where possible, to develop the proposal to bring it up to the required standard to be accepted for funding. Note that: 1. Each museum is eligible to receive only one grant, but may submit more than one proposal; 2. Not all museums will necessarily receive a grant - funding allocation will be based on the quality of the proposals, as evaluated by the selection committee; 3. Museums may work together to plan and deliver the same event in two or more locations, if that is appropriate and supports each museum’s policy and practice around themes of the Call. 2 4. Museums applying for the cross-border project must nominate a lead museum who makes the application and signs the contract. There should be minimum of three partners. The application must be signed by all partners. Download 1. Guidance Notes 2. Application Form 3. Budget Form Please e‐mail your proposals to info@ no later than 04 May 2015. Any proposals received after that date will not be accepted. Written questions about the Call will be collected and answers published three weeks before the deadline on the Balkan Museum Network web site. We do not fund: - Projects that have already started with implementation; Individual education or research activities; Any co-funding to other projects; Salaries for full time paid employees (the museum must allow staff to work on the projects as part of their existing tasks. More information about projects that have been implemented in previous years can be found at 3
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