17373 EAST LEHIGH PLACE, AURORA, COLORADO 80013 PHONE: 720-886-8100 FAX: 720-886-8188 ATTENDANCE: 720-886-8180 Calendar of Events: April Message from the Principal April 16, 2015 21 - PTCO Meetings 9 10:30 a.m. & 6 - 7:30 p.m. 22 - Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 8:00 a.m. Dear Cimarron Families, The week of April 20 is Volunteer Appreciation Week! On Wednesday, April 22, we will host a breakfast for our fabulous Cimarron volunteers. The teachers are so very grateful for the generous gift of time that our volunteers share with us. No task or amount of time is too small. When you volunteer, you help to make Cimarron a wonderful place for children. Each year, Cimarron nominates one exceptional volunteer to be recognized at the Cherry Creek School District Exceptional Volunteer award banquet. The 201415 nominee is Dawn Bradford. She is a parent of a 5th grader at Cimarron. Dawn Bradford is an exceptional parent volunteer at Cimarron Elementary School. Dawn has been a faithful volunteer at Cimarron for the past four years. She has served as secretary and is currently the PTCO Vice President. Dawn has devoted countless hours to Cimarron. Because of her hard work and creativity, Cimarron students enjoy wonderful community events such as the annual Snow Ball Festival and Spring Carnival. In addition to school events, Dawn helped with fundraising efforts to raise money so that all children had the opportunity to experience a free field trip. Cimarron is a wonderful place for children and teachers because of the service and dedication Dawn has shown. 23 - “Assignment Earth” 3rd Grade Musical 6:00 p.m. 30 - Cold Stone Ice Cream Social 5:00-8:00 p.m. May 1 - Science Fair Open House 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. 4 - 8 - National Teacher Appreciation Week. 7 - “E-I-E-I-Oops” 1st Grade Presentation 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 8 - Professional Development Day. NO SCHOOL! 14 - Kindergarten Information Night. 6:00 p.m. 19 - PTCO Meetings 9:00 10:30 a.m. & 6:00-7:30 p.m. 21 - Spring Music Concert 6:00 p.m. 22 - PRIDE Assembly 25 - Memorial Day. NO SCHOOL! 29 - Field Day 29 - PTCO Spring Carnival 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Online Parent Forms Cherry Creek Schools requires each family to update their student information. If these forms have not yet been completed for the 2014-15 school year, please update them as soon as possible. You can register and/or login to the system at http://my.cherrycreekschools.org. Please call the office at 720-8868100 if you have any concerns or questions. * * * * * * * * * * Attendance is VERY important! Important Cimarron Café news: DID YOU KNOW…Breakfast is available at 8:30 every morning for $1.65. If your child is on the Free and Reduced Lunch program, they also receive a breakfast every day. If interested in this program, please go to our District Food and Nutrition Services website at www.ccsdcafe.org or contact our kitchen manager Ms. Kim at 720886-8135 between 6:30 - 2:30 p.m. * * * * * * * * * It is difficult for a student to learn if they are not in STEM “2015” Summer Camp Opportunities the classroom. Please encourage your student to be in school, but don’t send them when they are sick. Platte River Academy TARDIES are very disruptive, not only to the late student, but to every student and teacher in the classroom. School starts at 9:00 a.m. They should be in their seats ready to learn at that time. http://bitsbytesbots.com/bitsbytesbots/summer-camps/ Math Pioneers http://mathpioneers.org/our-classes/ SouthGlenn Learning Center https://engineeringforkids.com/location/denver/camps Noteablekids arts center http://noteablekids.com/vlt25289.htm EARLY DISMISSALS are also very disruptive to the classroom environment and take away significant learning time for the student. Please avoid picking your child up early when possible. Camp Invention * * * * * * * * * * https://www.idtech.com/locations/colorado-summer-camps/ denver/id-tech-university-of-denver/ http://campinvention.org/parents/camp-programs/ Denver Museum of Nature & Science http://www.dmns.org/learn/children/summer-day-camps/ ID Tech Camps The Trails Recreation Center www.aprd.org Summer Sports / Drivers Education CCSD provides sports and drivers' education opportunities. Please see the websites below for information. Summer Sports: www.cherrycreekschools.org/athleticsactivities/ summercamps Drivers Education: www.cherrycreekschools.org/athleticsactivities/driversed * * * * * * * * * Denver Children’s Museum https://mychildsmuseum.org/daily-programs/camps.aspx Exl learning www.exllearning.com Space Voyage Summer Camps http://www.spacevoyage.com/sum-2015/brochure/index.html Wings Over The Rockies Air & Space Museum http://wingsmuseum.org/ Follow this link for more camp opportunities provided by the Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/summercamps * * * * * * * * * Congratulations to our 2014 Aurora Scholar recipients: Jayda V. Connor C. Lucas N. Eli U. Emi H. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PTCO Openings for 2015-16 School Year Cimarron is looking for some parents/grandparents who would like to volunteer by serving on the PTCO Board. We are looking to fill the following positions for next school year. If you are interested, please call the front office at 720-886-8103 and schedule a meeting with the school principal, Diana Roybal. President Vice President Secretary P.R.I.D.E. AWARDS CIMARRON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WE HAVE CIMARRON PRIDE: We are ……..Positive We are ……..Respectful & Responsible We are ……..Inclusive We are ……..Dedicated We are about…...Excellence 3-5 Grade PRIDE Awards Assembly 3-20-15 Ms. Campbell Riley N. Chasey K. Jalen D. Ryan A. Brodie M. Gavin M. Amanita J. Ms. Rapp Olga G. Kaitlyn K. Adam H. Ms. Carkhuff Abigail S. Nathan L. Roscoe T. Hayley R. Seta F. EmmaRae S. Mr. Ricker Carlieghan B. Dash D. Francisco R-B Ms. Showell Cylee K. Alexandra B. Richy M. Ms. Whitney Marcos A. Madisson W. Emily J. Josh W. Comfort M. Ms. Cardillo Ally R. Ms. Firebaugh Jeneta C. Nathan B. Dervin T. Gage G. Ms. Jackson Melia I. Alejandro D-A Gabriela T. Ashlynn L. Mr. Tretten Ochirkhuu E. Aminab K. Jhohaivis M. Maria M. Ms. Ewing Christian L Kaliyah M. Marcos A. Naaji P. Maddy W. Mr. Lopez Abishai R. Jamie J. Abigail P. Taryn T. Ryan A. Dajanae T. Brenden A. Gianna G. Gabriela T. Alonso G. Elijah P. March 20, 2015 Angel B. Siona T. Serenity D. Kylie P. Jayda V. Nathan C. Henry D. Asher F. Dominic J. Jasmine S. Reilly M. Xavier T-P Leilana T. Taryn T. Leonitus F. Caeley S. Ali L. Allison L. Daniel B. Mrs. Rapp’s Class April 10, 2015 March 27, 2015 Nevaeh C. Caleb C. LaNieceya A. Landon G. Amber M. Jibril J. Sesay W. Cassidee M. Wes G. Julia B. Dash B. Alexis S. Rozlynn B. Jersey C. Lindsey A. Eli U. Daniel B. Ochirkhuu E. Marshall N. Taylor S. Kensley D. Sean T. Angel B. Connor C. Niyah M. Ivan M. Ray H. Joshua M. Jonathan N. Kylie P. Efhrata B. Phillip G. Aaron T. Chasey K. Kenai D. Ania G. Andre B. STEAM = Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all based in Mathematical elements. Cimarron is turning up the heat with projects and programs that will have our students ready to burst with knowledge and useful information! STEAM is an acronym that shows how all topics in subject areas relate to each other and to the real world. Cimarron STEAM activities this month: Science: Science Fair - Open House - May 1st - 5:00PM to 6:00PM Grades 3-5 Scientific Process and Display Boards Grades K-2 Discovery Boards Technology/Library: Charles R. Smith Author Visit April 29th http://www.charlesrsmithjr.com/aboutme.htm Charles Smith will be sharing following with us: his school journey; experiences and specific examples of how teachers encouraged his talent as a writer, plus advice on what teachers and parents can do to nurture writing in boys. Class presentations are: 9:15-10:00 a.m. 4th grade presentation. Parents are invited. 10:15-11:00 a.m. 5th grade presentation. Parents are invited. Engineering: Visit our Science Fair to see student’s engineering/science projects May 1st 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Arts: April 23rd "Assignment Earth" 3rd Grade Musical. This show has 7 songs, each of which educates the audience and students about ways to save the earth. We perform this show around Earth Day. Song #1 is called It's Our World and it is all about taking care of our world. Song #2 is called Turn It Off and it is about saving water and power by turning off water when you brush your teeth or turning off the lights when you leave a room. Song #3 is called Don't Throw It All Away and it is about recycling. Song #4 is called Ozone and it talks about preserving the ozone layer and teaches students not to use aerosol cans with CFC's in them. Song #5 is called Driving Miss Lazy and it is all about carpooling and walking more to use the car less. Song #6 is called Lean Green Air Machine is it is about planting more trees and flowers. Song #7 is called Last Dude to eat Fast Food and it is about not using Styrofoam containers served at fast food restaurants. Song #8 is called We Are Able and it ties is all together by talking about empowering students and members of the community to do something about the problems with the earth. Math: Before School 4th and 5th Grade Math Clubs Before and After STEM Club- Call 720-886-8120 for registration form and prices Grades K- 2 will be on Tuesdays Grades 3-5 will be on Thursdays Plants in Space April 21, 28 and May 5, 12 and 19th Explore the environment plants need to grow on Earth and question if plants can grow in Space. We will get our hands dirty as we design and plant our very own outer-space greenhouse. Earth Moves: Quakes, Shakes and Slides! April 23, 30th and May 7, 14 and 21st Explore the dynamic movements of our planet Earth and how the forces of plate tectonics impact humans living on the crust. We will design buildings that can withstand earthquakes and find ways of saving people from damaging tsunamis. You are cordially invited to attend an event at Cimarron Elementary with a famous children’s book author Charles R. Smith Jr. Charles will share his school journey, experiences and specific examples of how teachers encouraged his talent as a writer and his advice on what teachers and parents can do to nurture writing, especially in boys. Event date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Place: Cimarron Gymnasium Time: 7:35am-8:45am About the speaker: Charles R. Smith Jr. is an award-winning author, photographer and poet with over thirty books to his credit. His awards include a Coretta Scott King Award for Illustration for his photographs accompanying the Langston Hughes poem, “My People” and a Coretta Scott King Honor Author Award for his biography on Muhammad Ali, “Twelve Rounds to Glory.” Many of his books have also garnered reluctant reader awards, proving that kids that don’t like to read, do like to read his books. Charles said, "I want to show students, particularly boys, that there are many ways to pursue their interests, no matter what they may be." Charles R. Smith Jr. was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He currently lives in Poughkeepsie, New York with his wife Gillian and their three kids, Sabine, Adrian and Sebastian. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cimarron’s Annual Spring Carnival May 29th Attention Business Owners! Would you like to advertise and promote your business at Cimarron’s Carnival? If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Nitosha Jackson for more information. She can be reached at [email protected] Are you moving? Please contact our Cimarron office if: You have moved or will be moving out of our attendance area. You have moved or will be moving within our attendance area. Please complete the form below if: Your child(ren) will not be attending Cimarron next year. Your fifth grade student will not be attending Horizon Community Middle School next year. My child(ren) will not be attending Cimarron and/or Horizon during the 2015-16 school year. STUDENT NAME 1) 2) 3) 4) GRADE TEACHER’S NAME NEW SCHOOL SCHOOL OF CHOICE APPLICATIONS ***CLOSED*** ONLINE ONLY KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION ***ONGOING*** INTRA-DISTRICT APPLICATION ***ONGOING*** ONLINE ONLY NON-RESIDENT APPLICATION ***ONGOING*** ONLINE ONLY 1ST – 12TH GRADE REGISTRATION ***ONGOING*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cimarron’s yearbook is coming! Place your orders NOW to ensure your lasting memories. Only $17 Make checks payable to Cimarron Elementary Limited Quantity First-come, first-served Parents of High School, Middle School and Elementary Student Athletes: Don’t Miss a Great Opportunity to Hear from One of the Nation’s Leading Sports Psychologists. The Cherry Creek District Athletic/Activities Office Is Proud to Present Dr. Greg Dale, PhD From Duke University April 28th, 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Cherokee Trail High School Auditorium 25901 E. Arapahoe Road, Aurora, CO 80016 Parking in upper lot, Enter at Main Doors Gregory Dale is a Professor of Sport Psychology and Sport Ethics at Duke University. He is also the Director of Mental Training and Co-Director of the Leadership Program for Duke Athletics. In addition to his work with Duke’s athletes and coaches, Greg consults with numerous college and professional athletes and teams as well as corporate groups. He is currently working with our CCSD Student Athletes and Coaches. Greg has written three books related to leadership and performance, and has been featured on Good Morning America, MSNBC, and numerous national radio programs. He is a member of the Sport Psychology Staff for USA Track and Field and is a dynamic speaker who provides a variety of interactive and innovative workshops around the country and the world. The Cherry Creek School District Athletic and Activities Department is honored to have the opportunity for Dr. Dale to present a: Parent Session: April 28th, 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Cherokee Trail High School 25901 E. Arapahoe Road, Aurora, CO 80016 This is a great opportunity for the entire Cherry Creek District Athletic Community, including our youth organizations to engage with one of the top sports psychologists in the nation. Greg Dale provides a stage to give parents some introspective ideals to consider when working with their children as student athletes. All 42 CCSD Elementary Schools
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