An adventurous trek through the undiscovered artist studios, gallery spaces, creative work environments, and eco-friendly organizations of Price Hill, featuring Noel Anderson, Chris Hoeting, Meagan Martin, Jessie Rienerth, James Payne, Annette Navarro, DPMT 7, Mill Creek Factory Repurposing, Lish, Joe and Melissa Wegman, MYCincinnati, Polly Wilson, @3506 Gallery, Flats Gallery, BLOC Coffee Company, Imago Nature Preserve, and Tiger Lily Press. After-tour reception at Dunham Arts Center, 1945 Dunham Way, with music by the Comet Bluegrass AllStars and food provided by Primavista, Incline Public House, Price Hill Chili, Waterfields, and other Price Hill restaurants. Tickets: $35 each (children 12 and under free). T ickets include: access to all tour sites; shuttle provided by Executive Transportation or drive your own vehicle; food, drink, and entertainment at the after-tour party. For more information, call 513-977-4165 or visit Hosts: Carol Beyersdorfer Michael Frabetti Stewart Goldman and Kristi Nelson Lynne Meyers Gordon, M.F.A. Helen and Brian Heekin Patricia and Jim King A.M. Kinney, III Lennell and Pamela Rhodes Myricks Priscilla O’Donnell and Peter Strasser Kathy and Mark Sackett Holly Doan Spraul and Dan Spraul Price Hill Thrill Sponsors: The Waynes Jerry Ewers Toni LaBoiteaux • Judge Mark and Sue Ann Painter • Whitney and Phillip Long • Anita and Ed Marks • Ginger Warner • Sara M. and Michelle Vance Waddell • Maribeth and Martin Rahe Photography: Brad Austin Smith All proceeds benefit the Weston Art Gallery’s 2014–15 exhibition season. • Clyburn, Jocelyn Coulter, and Amy Tuttle — four artists who present their reflections on the interactions between art, nature, and their community. 1 . Av e y Gi lse . Av e Glenway Ave. aw W ar s W Wa il r Gl der saw en A A wa ve ve . y . Av e. W. 8th St. Price Ave. Warsaw Ave. W. 8th St. W. 8th St. Tiger Lily Press • 4356 Dunham Lane in Dunham Recreation Complex (West Price Hill) • a fine art printmaking studio open to the community since 1978 whose mission is to produce, preserve, and promote the art of printmaking Tiger Lily Press artists with a printmaking demonstration Jonpaul Smith, printmaker-in-residence, has created a take-away print for sale commemorating the event. Art for Artists Cincinnati Book Arts Society Margaret Rhein of Terrapin Paper Mill ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 3 ◆ 2 Imago Nature Preserve • 700 Enright Avenue A grassroots, environmental education organization located in West Price Hill that features innovative programs and solutions designed to help reconnect people and the planet. ◆ ReRoot: Connections Between People and Planet, a group exhibition including Adrian Hawk, Emily 6 ◆ BLOC Coffee Company • 3101 Price Avenue A selection of artwork by local artists. @3506 Gallery • 3506 Warsaw Avenue ◆ Pop-up 45205 (2-D), a group exhibition of Price Hill artists curated by Kip Eagen. Artists include Suzanne Fleming, Renee Harris, Susan Naylor, Brad Austin Smith, David Umbenhour and Michael Wilson. 7 MYCincinnati (Music for Youth in Cincinnati) Performing Arts Center • 3117 Warsaw Avenue ◆ A free youth orchestra program in Price Hill that offers children the opportunity to learn violin, viola, cello, or bass and play in an orchestra. ◆ Artist Polly Wilson studio (top floor) ◆ Outdoor photo booth by Michael Wilson 8 3116 Warsaw Avenue Artist Studio of Lish (luminous abstract paintings) ◆ Home of Joe and Melissa Wegman, who own the building and live above in an eccentric architectural space with an eclectic art collection. 9 ◆ 10 Studio Building • 2100 West 8th Street (Lower Price Hill) Artist studios of Noel Anderson, Chris Hoeting, Meagan Martin, Jessie Rienerth, and James Payne (third floor). ◆ Commercial photography & video studio of Annette Navarro (entire fourth floor). ◆ DPMT 7 — an architecture/design collective led by Vince Sansalone of UC-DAAP along with Ryan Ball, Sean Cottengim, Nick Germann, Whitney Hamaker, and Joe Kitzman (third floor). ◆ Mill Creek Factory Repurposing — Kent Dobbins and Glen Partin explore urban archaeology (lower level). ◆ Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage 10 3100 Price Avenue ◆ Pop-up 45205 (3-D), a group sculpture exhibition curated by Kip Eagen. Artists include David Buetsche, Joell AngelChumbley, Karen Heyl, Terri Kern, and Jacob Sandmann. 5 TWENTIETH 1 Dunham Arts Center ◆ 1945 Dunham Way (West Price Hill) • houses Sunset Elberon Ave. Players theater group ◆ Check-in before the tour Considine Ave. 8 6 5 and catch the free shuttle Hawthorne 9 4 provided by Executive Transportation or drive your own vehicle. ◆ After-tour reception with music by the Comet Bluegrass All-Stars and food provided by Primavista, Incline Public House, Price Hill Chili, Waterfields, and other Price Hill restaurants. State Ave. Fairbanks Ave. PAID 7 Fairbanks Ave. SEASON Wells St. Permit No. 333 Cincinnati, OH 45202-2517 e. Av et ns Enright Ave. 3 Alice F. and Harris K. WESTON ART GALLERY Aronoff Center for the Arts 650 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202-2517 Su N Return Service Requested . Rd Sunset Ave. Flats Gallery • 3028 Price Avenue • a satellite exhibition space for Mount St. Joseph University’s Fine Arts program ◆“We Were All Chiefs,” a group exhibition of Elder High School alumni art students organized by Dave Buetsche, art instructor at Elder. Artists include: Jim Borgman, Jordon Daugherty, Jim Doerflein, Tim Gold, Rick Gray, Chris Felix, Tom Haney, Woodrow Hinton III, Chris Hoeting, Michael Hurst, Jim Bono, Tim McMichael, Jacob Meyer, Louis Stavale, and Joseph Winterhalter. 4 • [email protected] y le er 2 513.977.4165 • Tues–Sat 10am–5:30pm, Sun noon–5pm Open late on Procter & Gamble Hall performance evenings. Admission is free. • Gu Dunham Recreation Complex
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