Bavarian Twisted Hat A186 Designed by Laura Farson

Bavarian Twisted Hat
Designed by
Laura Farson
© 2014 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.
A Sampler Hat of Bavarian Twisted and
Traveling Stitches
Designed by Laura Farson
This is a traditional Bavarian knitting technique in which stitches twist and
travel in delicate intricate patterns. It is often used for socks and sweaters,
but found too in mittens, gloves and hats.
It has countless variations of which we will explore several choices. The hat
is worked in the round on one circular or double point needles
Size: Large circumference: 18” height: 9”
Materials: 1 skein of Cascade Longwood yarn, 100% Superwash
Extra-Fine Merino Wool, 100 g (3.5 oz) / 191 yds (175 m)
16” circular needle US # 7 and a second circular or double points for crown
Stitch Markers
Gauge: 13 sts/2” and 14 rounds/2” in twisted rib unstretched
Twisted Stitch: [symbol 8] Knit through the back loop “tbl” making the
stitch more prominent
Twisted Rib: * P1, K1 tbl, rep from * around
Traveling Stitch**: An arrow indicates from which position a stitch moves in front or behind the next stitch as indicated in the
Purl: [symbol ] with yarn forward, purl
Lower Edge
Cast on 120 stitches using a stretchy cast on like German Twisted or Long Tail.
Working in the round, join
Work 12 rounds Twisted Rib
Rnd. 13: Transition round: the decreases and increases are designed to maintain the spines into the motifs. Place markers between
each part.
*1st part: |P1|, K2tbl, P2tog, P1, K2tbl, |P1|; pattern stitch count 6
2nd part: K1tbl, P3, K1tbl, right cross** next 2 stitches and Knit the 2tog, K2tbl, P3, K1tbl, |P1|; pattern stitch count 12
3rd part: K2tbl, P2tog, P1, K2tbl, |P1|; pattern stitch count 6
4th part: P1, LLI P, P2, K1tbl, LLI K, P2, RLI P, P1, |P1|; pattern stitch count 10
5th part: K2tbl, P2tog, P1, K2tbl, |P1|; pattern stitch count 6
6th part: P1, K2tbl, P2, K2tbl, P2, K2tbl, P1, |k1tbl|; pattern stitch count 12
Repeat from * - for the second half - 118 stitches
© 2014 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.
Rnd. 14: Knit even as shown in pattern chart
After completing 18 pattern rounds, work crown (10-for a shorter hat) even for 15 rounds.
As you begin the decrease rounds remove the markers except for the beginning and at the middle of the round.
Purl stitches are decreased. Twisted knit lines merge ending with all twisted knit stitches.
When 5 stitches remain, cut the strand 4”. Draw the strand through the stitch loops. Weave in ends
**How to make the stitches travel
A single stitch crosses to the right or left exchanging places with another stitch– a one stitch cable
All the knit stitches are knit into the back of the loop “tbl”.
Once in a while a crossed stitch will change from a knit to a purl or a purl to a knit.
Right Cross: Slip two stitches to the right needle. Insert the left needle from the back into the second stitch, letting the first stitch
drop off the needle. With the right needle, scoop up the dropped stitch and place it onto the left needle. Work the stitches as indicated in the chart. Or, place the first stitch on a cable needle to the front. Work the 2 nd stitch as indicated in the chart. Work the
first stitch off the cable needle.
Left Cross: Slip two stitches to the right needle. Insert the left needle from the front into the second stitch, letting the first stitch
drop off the needle. With the right needle scoop up the dropped stitch and place it onto the left needle. Work the stitches as indicated in the chart. Or, place the first stitch on a cable needle to the back. Work the 2 nd stitch. Work the stitch off the cable needle.
Right-lifted increase: Lift the right half of the V from the first loop below (the “mother”) the next stitch. Place it on the left needle.
Knit into the front of the loop
Left-lifted increase: Lift the left half of the V from the second loop below (“grandmother”) the stitch just completed. Place it on the
left needle. Knit into the back of the loop.
Right-lifted increase
Left-lifted increase
Reference: Cat Bordhi’s New Pathways for Sock Knitters, Book One, 2007
Twisted Stitch Knitting, Erlbacher, Maria, Schoolhouse Press, English ed. 2009
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© 2014 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.