Find out more - Circle Sports

Customer Service Training Programme –
Guaranteed Job Interviews! Over 75 young
people have been placed in permanent jobs
including retail, security, front of house,
Channel 4 and top creative agencies.
Includes retail workshops and
hands on retail work experience
with real job opportunities.
Includes workshops and hands on work
experience in retail, office administration, facilities
management and many other sectors PLUS fast
tracked access to real job opportunities.
Don’t just take our word for it – hear what others
have to say about it at
About Circle Sports
Circle Sports was founded in 2010 and is a social
enterprise. We have trained over 90 young people
and more than 75 of them got permanent jobs,
with 50 of them still in those jobs or having been
promoted in the last year.
Our store sells sports and fashion clothing
from leading brands and London designers at
affordable prices with profits going towards the
training courses. You’ll have the chance to get real
work experience on the shop floor and with a large
corporate, learning about customer service and
gaining valuable skills to help find a job you’ll love.
For further information check out our website or
email us at [email protected]
If you like the idea of this course, please
go to: and fill out the
details, we will contact you to arrange the
next stage. You can also be referred by
Calling CITE on 0203 002 8149
Courses run at:
Circle Sports Hackney
136 Kingsland High Street
Dalston Hackney
E8 2NS
T. 0207 249 2442
In partnership with:
REC 02/15
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What the course covers
So what’s involved?
Our course lasts 8 weeks. You’ll attend a training
programme in an inspirational environment, taking
part in workshops and training sessions; you’ll learn
how plan your goals, walk into an interview and talk
with confidence, research potential employers and
how to use social media to job search, as well as
creating a personalised cover letter.
Week 2: Personal development and goal setting
Week 3: Confidence building and self-belief
Week 4: Personal presentation workshop and
creating a one minute elevator pitch
The work and knowledge gained through the
training programme will be accredited with a BTEC
Level 1 in Customer Service. This is a valuable
qualification recognised by employers, giving you
a further advantage in the jobs market.
Week 5: CV and cover letter writing workshop
Week 6: Behaviour and good practice in the
workplace workshop, with mock interviews
Week 7: Corporate day: you’ll experience visiting
a corporate company, find out about different jobs,
try out team building exercises and mock interviews.
One week work experience placement with one of
our corporate partners.
Week 8: Job hunting and online application skills
Circle Sports will organise an interview for all the
students who attend and finish the course. 80%
of our students, who finished, have been given
permanent jobs.
Circle Sports: Developing skills, building confidence
and helping YOU get a job!
Photography: models: home grown in London
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Work placements are in retail, facilities management
and the creative industry, customer service training
is relevant to all these industries.
Week 1: Induction to Circle Sports Training
Programme and the shop rota
You’ll get real work experience in a high street
shop and learn and practise the key skills needed
to excel in Customer Service/Retail, including;
teamwork, shop standards and cash handling.
You’ll spend time in large corporates learning how
their employees got their jobs, experiencing mock
interview and the opportunity of work experience in
a corporate environment. Our corporate supporters
offer jobs to our course participants if they perform
well during their work experience.
The course includes weekly workshops and
corporate days, alongside volunteering sessions in
our sports shop. You’ll practice what you’ve learnt;
customer service, team work and shop standards,
working towards a Customer Service qualification.
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