STAFF REPORT DATE: March 17, 2015 TO: City Council FROM: Rob Cain, Urban Forest Manager Robert A. Clarke, Public Works Director/City Engineer SUBJECT: Tree Commission Appeal for 2408 Elendil Lane Recommendation Approve removal of three Sapium sebiferum, Chinese Tallow trees, located at 2408 Elendil Lane. Fiscal Impact Removal and replacement costs of $1,151.00 Council Goal(s) Environmental sustainability. Background and Analysis The resident, Mr. Amon, at 2408 Elendil Lane requested the Tree Commission approve the removal of a Chinese Tallow tree for the following reasons: Resident requested removal of City Chinese Tallow trees due to health hazards for resident. He says he has a note from his Physician. At the September 18, 2014 Commission meeting, the Tree Commission made the following ruling regarding the request by Mr. Amon. The Commission voted on a 4-0 vote to: Retain the tree as it is healthy and as there is no way to determine positive effects of tree removal on the applicant's health. As the tree is healthy and sound the commission would not approve tree removal. The Tree Commission based the vote on the fact that the tree is in good condition and health. Also, they do not have the authority to remove trees due to their possible allergic effects. The Tree Commission evaluates each tree removal request on a case by case basis and only recommends removal in cases where there is no alternative remedy to the reported negative impact caused by the tree. As part of Mr. Amon’s appeal, he has asked to add the other two city street trees in front of his residence for approval to be removed. The trees are located to the far left and front right of the residence. Staff has inspected the other two trees and recommends Council approve removal of the additional two trees. 03-17-15 City Council Meeting 06 - 1 Staff recommends all three Chinese Tallow Trees be removed. One of the trees is planted directly adjacent to the driveway and a PG&E electrical vault. As this tree continues to grow in size it will begin to damage both the driveway and the utility vault. Other Tallow trees in the Village Homes neighborhood have been approved for removal by the Tree Commission for this reason. Replacement trees are planted in other areas that have adequate room for a tree. Another one of the trees overhangs the residence which allows the pollen, which triggers Mr. Amon’s asthma, to fall directly onto the residence. To mitigate the chance of pollen falling into/onto the residence staff recommends removal. This tree has a volunteer Valley Oak tree that Mr. Amon has taken care growing in close proximity to its location. Removing the Tallow would allow this Oak tree to grow unimpeded and to fill the space now occupied by the Tallow. The Valley Oak is an acceptable replacement for the Tallow as the Valley Oak is a drought tolerant species and longer lived than the Chinese Tallow trees. Staff recommends Council approve the three Chinese Tallow tree removals as Mr. Amon not only has allergies, but is asthmatic and the tree pollen that falls down onto the front area of the residence is causing ill health effects. Staff believes the tree removals would not be detrimental to the street and they will be replaced with a more appropriate tree species which does not produce powdery pollen as the Chinese Tallow does. Attachments Tree Commission work request Photos of street tree Resident’s doctor documentation 03-17-15 City Council Meeting 06 - 2 City of Davis Request from: 14-002385 Request Date: Ricardo Amon 7/16/2014 4 Location Address: 2408 ELENDIL LANE Home Phone: 304-8951 Offset: Zone: Tree #: Tree Type: Appointment Date: 101 West Davis (LLD) KS6236 140312 Chinese Tallow Tree Planting Location: Appointment Time: Date Planted: 11/23/76 Request Tree removal request Cause: Health and Safety By: Customer Comments: Resident requested removal of City Chinese Tallow trees due to health hazards for resident. He says he has a note from his Physician. Please contact resident. Evaluation Comments: The tree is in good health and vigor. The tree is the same species as the dominant street tree for the block and Village Home subdivision. Date Completed: Completed by: Supervisor int: Additional Comments Work order generated: Printed on: Yes No 2/24/2015 1 03-17-15 City Council Meeting 06 - 3 03-17-15 City Council Meeting 06 - 4 03-17-15 City Council Meeting 06 - 5
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