City of Petaluma Departmental Reports for May 2015 If you have questions about any item(s) in these reports, please contact the department directly. Each department has listed a phone number, fax number, and email address for your convenience. Building Division 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4301 Fax: (707) 778-4498 Email: [email protected] May 2015 Building Division Update: Issued building permits – 122 Total permit valuation – $5,121,441.54 Total inspections – 311 Certificates of Occupancy issued - Five. One new SFD at 1106 B Street, and four new SFD at Yarberry Lane, LLC – 1429, 1433, 1437, 1441 Yarberry Lane. Turnaround time for permits approved for May 2015: *please note that these are actual business days that the office is open. These numbers do not include Friday, Saturday and Sunday. May: 2015 Same Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 21 34 2 14 7 5 3 1 4 2 3 3 5 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 1 Economic Development 27 Howard Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4549 Fax: (707) 778-4586 Email: [email protected] May 2015 Business Retention, Expansion, Attraction & Assistance: DRC Meetings - Economic Development staff attends all DRC meetings, tracks all discussions and monitors follow up as appropriate. Applicants who attended in May were: Crooked Goat Brewery – Project check re: proposed brewery at 1130 Industrial Ave. MI Design – Redevelopment of 76 Gas Station on Petaluma Blvd. N. ThirdSpace Cafe – Initial discussion re: proposed café in space formerly occupied by Crackerjax retail shop. Business Expansion Discussions Della Fattoria – Continued to provide real estate information and support. Labcon – Discussed permitting challenges and arranged meeting between Labcon and City staff. Hen House Brewing – Discussed space needs and waste water concerns. Custom Crush Winery – Provided real estate listings report. 101 North Brewing – Provided information about waste water fees and CUP check. New Hotel Petaluma – Researched parking alternatives (e.g., Keller St. garage) and parking permit requirements for Hotel Petaluma; also reviewed municipal code with owners. Terry Kosewic – Researched appropriate waste water fees for owner of downtown property. Zodiaks – Researched parking problems related to CUP. Scott Labs – Spoke with business owners regarding expansion needs and commercial real estate. Business Retention Moresco Distributing – Met with Ron Moresco, owner, and Ted Hoffman, CFO. And connected them to the EDB for workforce and tax credit programs; Petaluma School District and Sonoma County Vintners for sales; Petaluma People Services for philanthropy; and Blair Kellison for BEST food industry. Small Precision Tools – Met with Bob Whitlock, President, and discussed the status of their business, participation in local industry groups and potential expansion opportunities. Labcon – Toured plant with Jim Happ, CEO, and Design Guild photographer for Petalumastar profile. Petaluma Valley Athletic Club – Met with PVAC owners to discuss the business and the sale of city-owned lot on Industrial Ave. Hansel Toyota – Met with Justin Hansel to discuss sale business and the potential sale of the city-owned lot on Industrial Ave. Business Assistance Mission Engineering – Connected them to North Bay Angels (funding) and a local business mentor Rich Schroeder who we met through Sonoma County BEST. LGC Biosearch – Spoke to Daren Dick regarding recent acquisition of Biosearch by LGC, a UK-based company interested in gaining a foothold in the United States and expanding its global genomics business. LGC plans to add jobs in Petaluma by relocating staff from their Connecticut office as well as creating new positions. (Retention Meeting) Petaluma Poultry – Referred Petaluma Poultry to EDB for workforce assistance and tax incentives. Yuba Bicycles – Referred Yuba to EDB for workforce assistance. Rick Berg – Met with commercial realtor Rick Berg to discuss properties on East Washington and East D Street. Connected him to Ross Jones at Petaluman (hotel), Megan Clark at Parlour Petaluma, and Kathleen Webber at Della Fattoria. Imagine Promotions – Spoke with the business owner re: Petalumastar profile. Clear Blue Commercial – Met with the business owner to discuss the commercial real estate climate. Business Attraction Leads Cottage Food Operation – Provided information about cottage food operation requirements to Wendy Upton, a Petaluma resident. Also referred her to SBDC. Recording studio – Provided information about permit requirements, commercial real estate and business start-up considerations to Ben Levine, who is interested in moving to Petaluma to start recording studio. As research, spoke with Paul Shedden of Mission Engineering. Sonoma Raceway – Received referral to Sonoma Raceway by Moresco Distributing; we, in turn, referred request for assistance to EDB. Oblivion Labs – Staff was referred to Oblivion by Mission Engineering; we, in turn, referred request for Santa Rosa EDD. Jane McMaster – Provided information to education coach about business license and zoning information. Acre Coffee/Bike Company – Introduced reps from Acre Coffee, White Industries, Soul Craft, Yuba Bikes, Bruce Gordon and the Hive, as a way to promote Petaluma cycling products in Acre’s new café. Projects & Programs Marketing – Continued work with Design Guild to optimize the website for search. Staff improved EDD’s presence on LinkedIn by creating a Petaluma Economic Development discussion group. Staff spoke with Argus-Courier staff regarding acquisition of Cyan. Staff finalized copy for the business toolkit. Taxi, Massage License Permit Processes – Met with Police Department and Finance staff to determine best way to register taxis and massage practitioners in coordination with the business license program with the goal of streamlining the process for both businesses and city staff. Short term Vacation Rentals – Presented a revised Ordinance to the City Council which was continued to the July 20, 2015 meeting. Communications – Wrote blog posts about Yuba Bicycles and the bike industry in Petaluma. Industry Networking– Met with eight Petaluma bike companies to discuss their interest in networking and/or making Petaluma more cycling-friendly. We will schedule a meeting between the group and Curt Bates to discuss Petaluma’s bike plan. Redevelopment Dissolution Historic Tourism Program – Met with Katherine Rinehart to discuss ideas for historic tourism program. Regional Coordination Social Advocates for Youth – Met with representatives of Social Advocates for Youth, which is helping to coordinate Pathways programs in Petaluma city schools. Discussed which Petaluma businesses were participating in Pathway programs (both in Petaluma schools and across the county) and the decision-making process behind the Pathways chosen for Petaluma schools. EDB/Workforce Investment Board – Met with local manufacturing consultant, EDB and Workforce investment board representatives to discuss opportunities for county-wide collaboration/problem-solving among small-scale apparel manufacturers. Napa-Sonoma SBDC – Spoke with SBDC re: scheduling financing seminar in Petaluma. Sonoma County BEST –Continued to assist BEST with recruitment and screening for a new Executive Director. Finance Department 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4352 Fax: (707) 778-4428 Email: [email protected] May 2015 General Administration Update Presented Preliminary FY 2016 budget to Council Held Budget workshop Preparing a summary list of all annual agenda items that the Finance Department creates Cross-training on Airport, Transit and ActiveNet/Phoenix monthly recon processes Accounting Division Update Issuance of purchase orders Started a project to take pictures of all rolling stock to put in the corresponding vehicle folders to more easily identify the vehicles for fixed asset purposes and to cross-reference when vehicles are sold at auction Started preliminary steps to establish training sessions for new employees and refresher training for existing employees in relation to Eden-Accounts Payable and General Ledger Created pay code for 3rd party sick pay Holiday & Living Wage costing CM EOC fire related project GASB68 webinar Interview for Accounting Assistant 2 Processed three payrolls Planning of implementation of PT sick leave Updated Worker’s Comp rates for the TD worksheet Commercial Services Division Update Performed Accounting Assistant II interviews Attended Auditor internal control meeting Worked with Accountant on preparing Gann Appropriations Limit report Created capacity fee custom Crystal reports Worked with Eden technical support team to determine viability of changing utility billing meter readings from hundred cubic feet to cubic feet increments Attended online meeting with Eden programming team to design improvements to the online business license application program Re-organization of scanned business licenses Fire Department 198 D Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4390 Fax: (707) 931-0668 Email: [email protected] May 2015 CALL ACTIVITY TYPE OF CALLS Structure Fire Vehicle Fire Vegetation Fire Refuse/Other Fires Explosion, Overheat (no fire) Emergency Medical Hazardous Condition Special Service Good Intent False Alarm Severe Weather & Natural Disasters Special Incident TOTAL NUMBERS 4 4 6 9 -0360 3 65 32 22 -0-0505 ACTIVITY % .77% .79% 1.18% 1.76% -071.28% .59% 12.87% 6.33% 4.35% -0-099.92% PUBLIC EDUCATION/FIRE PREVENTION Fire Prevention Website, Monthly Fire Safety Message, and Public Education: Continue to update the Fire Prevention website Development Review Committee (DRC) Meetings/Pre-Development Summary: Crooked Goat Brewery, 1130 Industrial Dr. - Discussion about micro-brewery 1031, 1035, 1039 McDowell Blvd. - Discussion about tentative map Water tanks, 1415 McDowell Blvd. N. - Discussion about water tank building permit 76 Gas Station Redevelopment, 4998 Petaluma Blvd. N. - Demo of existing convenience store, fueling canopy w/4 dispensers and (2) 12,000 gallon storage tanks and proposed construction of 1,957sf convenience store, car wash tunnel, fueling canopy w/5 dispensers and (2) 20,000 gallon USTs Thirdspace Café, 21 Western Ave - Discussion about proposed improvements, including a Café at currently vacant building. Off the Grid, Petaluma Theatre District 2nd between C & D St. lots - Discussion of weekly gourmet mobile food market in Theatre District Barber Cellars Tasting Room, 6 PBN/106 Washington St. - Discussion about proposed Wine Tasting Room Firehouse Data System Update: The PFD is working and developing contracts to move Firehouse DMS to a cloud based service. This will allow for better service and integration of Firehouse IPAD inspections for engine companies. Weed Abatement Program: Routed final Resolution “Discussion and Possible Action Ordering Abatement of Nuisances Consisting of Weeds Growing Upon Public and Private Property in the City of Petaluma and Ordering the Fire Department to Abate Said Weeds by Contract if Property Owners Fail to do so” Fireworks Program: Received/processed 17 fireworks booth applications Fire Investigations/Fire Loss: There was one vehicle fire with an undetermined cause and about a $2,500 loss. Fire Prevention Enforcement Actions: Two businesses the FPB were considering filing enforcement actions against for failing to complete their Hazardous Material Business Plans have submitted preliminary plans with CERS. Fire Prevention Bureau Inspections and Statistics: Fire Safety Inspections MAY ‘15 Annual Permit Inspections 14 Re-Inspections 7 Complaints 4 Fire Protection System, Commercial, & TI Inspections 68 Hazardous Materials Inspections 9 Fire Investigations 4 Hazardous Materials Investigations 2 Plan Reviews 37 Weed Inspections 30 General Fire Prevention Statistics FC/Hazmat Permits Issued 20 Public Records Requests 7 Hydrant Flow Requests 2 UFC/HazMat Yearly Permit Fees Collected (YTD) Permit Applications Issued $285,323 7 Fees Collected Over the Counter $3,776 Pre-Development Plans Reviewed 8 Building Permits Reviewed 24 CUPA/Hazardous Materials/Emergency Response Program Highlights 301 Payran Remediation: The FM and Public Works met with the City Manager to discuss financing and possible future remediation. Hazardous Materials Reporting/CERS/DHD: We continue to conduct testing for full connectivity between DHD and CERS. Sonoma County Hazardous Materials Response Team: Members of the FPB continue to represent Petaluma as members of the Sonoma County Hazardous Materials Incident Response Team (SCHMIRT). Hazardous Materials/CUPA Enforcement Actions: There were no hazardous materials/CUPA Enforcement actions taken during May. We have one other gas station owner who is cooperating with our request to investigate a diesel tank that is passing all tightness testing but continues to have some secondary containment issues. This tank may need to be lined/repaired. Trainings/Special Projects Sonoma County Environmental Task Force: Members of the FPB continue to attend the Sonoma County Environmental task force which is organized by both the District Attorney and North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. Sonoma County Fire Prevention Officers: Members of the FPB continue to attend the monthly Fire Prevention Officer meeting, Sonoma County Fire Investigation Task Force meeting, HazMat Emergency Response training and Sonoma County Fire Chief’s meetings. Meeting with Petaluma Police: The Fire Marshal attended a meeting with the Fire Chief, BCs, Police Chief and Lieutenants to identify and discuss issues of mutual interest. False Alarm Program: 17 false alarms with zero ($0) billable false alarms. Fee Ordinance: The Fire Marshal has completed a draft fee ordinance and continues to work with the City’s consultant and Finance as part of a City-wide effort to update fees to reflect fully loaded costs. Knox Box Investigation: Members of the FPB and Police continue working together to investigate security issues involving Knox boxes. Monitoring Equipment: The Fire Marshal has replaced/upgraded the Eagle 4-gas monitor with a new Eagle 2 5-gas monitor. It has an additional photo ionization detector that can be used for unknown hazardous materials outside the petroleum hydrocarbon range. The former Eagle 4-gas was serviced and will be put into service on BC-93 so that an additional monitor is available 24/7. State Fire Marshal Classes (SFM): One member attended a SFM Plans Examiner class (Fire Prevention 3B) hosted by Rancho Adobe Fire District. Webinar: All members of the FPB attended a CalEPA sponsored CUPA “Train the Trainer” webinar. OPERATIONS DIVISION Hosted a Zone 9 Fire Chief’s meeting; began work on a Zone 9 map and draw-down plans Started a recruit academy for two new recruits Reviewed and edited multiple policies related to administrative assignments Attended a Workplace Violence class hosted by Petaluma Police Attended a County Fire Department Operations meeting Briefed Chief Thompson on ambulance response zones and 201/224 rights Participated in “Every 15 Minutes” with PD at Casa Grande High School Worked with County Emergency Services and Napa Fire for information regarding the Napa earthquake After-Action Report. Hosted a Fire Department/Police Department Management Team meeting EMS DIVISION Attended a conference call regarding Intergovernmental Transfers (IGTs); edited required contracts and agreements; met with the City Attorney re: same; Held a meeting with our third party EMS billing vendor Wittman Enterprises to discuss our working relationship and billing advancements; met with Novato EMS Chief to discuss their EMS billing operations Researched medical calls flagged by hospitals Attended the Sober Circle meeting at PPD HQ Met with PFD’s Medical Director to discuss our working partnership; Attended the Sonoma County Cal Chiefs EMS Division meeting Met with Boundtree Sales Rep to discuss our EMS supplies account Continued fee structure research and evaluation for the City’s fee ordinance survey Administration: Attended the monthly command staff meeting Worked on FD priorities and budgets for Chief Thompson Coordinated each shift’s Chief’s Inspections Continued coordination with HR for the lateral FF recruitment process; reviewed and ranked applicants with HR Attended the ‘Go Red Lunch’ as a guest of the Petaluma Health Care District Attended the Sonoma County Fire Chief’s Meeting with Chief Thompson Attended a FFBOR investigation class; afterwards, met with Legal and HR regarding legal aspects of FFBOR investigations Attended a Fire and Police management meeting Attended a Heart Safe Community meeting at the Petaluma Health Care District Attended a partnership appreciation breakfast hosted by the Petaluma Health Care District Attended the end-of-academy badge presentation for two recruits Had the radios on 9302 reprogrammed Coordinated the EMT ride-along schedule from the Coast Guard Training: Attended a ‘Performance Through Evaluation’ training class; attended ‘The Art of Writing Performance Evaluations’ training class Continued coordination of County wide Wildland training drill for Zone 9; met with a CalFire Battalion Chief to discuss details of the drill Met with PPD to discuss joint training on Active Shooter incidents; discussed same with Sonoma County Sheriff Coordinated REMIF training for crews Attended the Sonoma County Fire Chiefs Ops/TO meeting CAD/Firehouse Integration: Edited the Xerox contract to host our Firehouse RMS system Worked with IT to get CAD monitor back in operation after it stopped working midmonth; tracked issues that need to be addressed with CAD monitor and Firehouse Begin the transfer of the Firehouse Admin Assignment to a FF/P Disaster Preparedness: Taught the annual NIMS/SEMS class for new city employees Worked on potential Disaster Preparation public outreach ideas SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION Attended a one day training on Evaluations in Rohnert Park Participated in the upcoming Zone 9 drill planning Completed Target Solutions on-line classes Conducted Acting Battalion Chief training with Captain Costa, including EOC familiarization and a City Hall tour Attended the badge pinning for the two recruits who completing their academy Facilities Researched and purchased a new water saving washing machine for Station 2 Apparatus Picked up the OES Type I engine and coordinated familiarization Worked on Type I vehicle Specification with Ferrara; cancelled the order of a Type III; researched a Type VI chassis Sent the ladder truck to Sacramento for repairs Prepared Unit 9385 for decommission Housing Division 27 Howard Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4555 Fax: (707) 778-4586 Email: [email protected] May 2015 Meetings attended: Continuum of Care Meeting – As one of the three jurisdictions that participate in the Continuum, Petaluma has a seat on this Board that makes policy for the homeless in the county. Conference call with Burbank Housing and residents of Park Lane Apartments to discuss the Park Lane and Madrone Apartments rehabilitation and resyndication project. Met with Irene Hansen, homeowner at Sandalwood, regarding our rent stabilization ordinance and her rent increase and arbitration. Communicated with Pacifica Developers concerning their questions about the affordable housing requirement on the Haystack development. Meeting with DeNova Developers and Housing Land Trust of Sonoma County regarding the Brody Ranch development and affordable units for First Time Homebuyers. Conference call with Sue Bloch regarding restating the housing loan between the Housing Successor Fund and the In Lieu Housing Fund and placing it on the next ROPS. Attended Board meeting of the Continuum of Care. Attended the Sonoma County affordable housing meeting in Santa Rosa for rental properties to discuss the Continuum of Care and how we can collaborate with them for housing homeless individuals and families. Attended the Housing Seminar put on by the North Bay Leadership Council at the Sheraton Hotel in Petaluma. Met with Kathleen Kane of the Sonoma County Community Development Commission to discuss two properties in Petaluma that are used for affordable housing purchased with Neighborhood Stabilization funds. Project Updates: Completed the HOME monitoring site visits for the Casa Grande Senior Apartments. Submitted the Consolidated Plan to HUD. Working with Burbank Housing on their resyndication and rehabilitation of two of their Petaluma properties. Communicating with the City Attorney’s office on the documents needed for these projects and completing staff reports for the June 15 CC meeting. Working with the City Attorney’s office on a new agreement with the Sonoma County Community Development Commission to administer the arbitration of the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance. Completed staff reports for June 15 CC meeting. The staff report to reinstate the In Lieu Housing loan on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) has been placed on hold until further discussion. Public questions & concerns: Responded to calls regarding our Mobile Home Rent Control Ordinance. Responded to citizens looking for a place to live in Petaluma. Information Technology 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4417 Fax: (707) 778-4554 Email: [email protected] May 2015 Customer Service Help Desk (Track-it) Tickets = 222. Continued follow up support for the Police upgrades, Smart Justice, and Justice Mobile projects along with the intensive support requirements for MDC issues dominated requests for service. Web requests, network administration, and maintenance accounted for the balance of support provided in May. Web Site: Detailed Web Statistics Link – Total Views 77265 (note this excludes hits to the web streaming service, GIS and payment portal sites) Average time on page 00:01:07 Most Active Views – (site index.html, wrcd/index.html , parksnrec/brochures.html, police/index.html, parksnrec/index.html Projects Completed Upgrade to VOIP voice system completed. Implementation of remote access to CityLaw. Underway Transit infrastructure improvements. Continuing replacement of hardwired FAX with internet-based FAX. Secure Print and Follow-me printing for City offices in testing phase. JusticeMobile Project for Police Department smart phone access to state resources continues. Purchased 66 Apple iPhone6 devices, continuing into full production. Implementation of CRM. Starting with Water Conservation, potholes, street lights. Setting up mobile app using CRM for public to interface with the City. Working with Finance to expand use of Eden web extensions (AR, UB, LI). Working on adding new LI for outside the city limits applications, AR, and utility billing. Implementation of Eden HR module. Converting data from HRsource to Eden HR. Investigating Eden Web Permitting for Home Occupation permits by Planning. Working with Public Works and Economic Development to encourage deployment of community-wide gigabit fiber. Utility infrastructure GIS data migration from various sources to new Local Government Information Model in preparation of Lucity Asset Management System migration. Initial Lucity Asset Management set up, starting with Water, Inventory, and Work Orders. Continued tuning of primary firewall. Upgrade of network infrastructure in progress. Replacement of Dispatch 9-1-1 telephone system, integration with VoicePrint and with the City’s VoIP system. Deploying final round of workstation replacements. Maintenance Activity Brief description of patches deployed - During the Month there were vulnerability scans performed on all Windows servers and workstations that required remediation: o 1,242 security patch remediations o 39 service pack roll outs Downtime, Threats, and Service Interruption Minimized user downtime due to malware infection Network service interruptions due to maintenance included less than 15 minutes for system wide maintenance. Email statistics: Total email 1,107,242 ( 18GB) o 44,702 Valid o 21,244 Suspect o 92,247 Quarantined o 477 Blocked o 948,572Discarded Deployment Trends Total Number Email Accounts Total Number Workstations Total Number of Phones in Service Total Number of Voicemail Boxes User Storage Capacity Total Number of Databases Active Database Files (excludes MS Access) Total Database Storage Total Number of Servers Number of Virtual Servers Total Number Network Devices Total Number of Large Printers Total number of MDCs 462 323 258 277 69 TB 15.5 TB In Use 116 103 Active 238GB 1 TB 62 21 76 94 43 Police Department 969 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma, CA 94952 Phone: (707) 778-4372 Fax: (707) 778-4502 Email: [email protected] May 2015 Administration Update: o Chief attended Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. o Chief attended annual Sonoma County Chiefs’ Association Workshop in San Francisco. o Special Event Crusin’ the Boulevard with contract police services. Chief awarded Police Chief’s Trophy. o Tip a Cop Fundraiser for Special Olympics held at Applebee’s. o Chief attended Leadership Petaluma Agriculture Day. o Retirement Lunch held for records supervisor retiring after 22 years. o Police Trainee graduated from Police Academy and sworn in as officer. Three additional trainees in current Academy classes in Sonoma and Napa. Records Update: o April 2015 Crimes and Traffic Statistics report attached. o Property statistics for the month of April 2015: Items Processed Intake: 6731Purge: 57 Release: 45 Discovery: 126 DOJ Lab: 9 Checkout: 32 Total: 2410 Training Update: o Platoon Training Legal Update Arrest and Control Techniques o Miscellaneous Critical Incident Management NIMS/SIMS Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques Detective Unit Supervision Officer Involved Shootings PART ONE CRIME STATS – APRIL 2015 (Note: Statistics are always one month behind) APRIL 2015 CRIMES REPORTED TO STATE DOJ Criminal Homicide Rape Robbery Assault - Aggravated Assault - Simple Burglary Larceny Theft - Grand Theft Larceny Theft - Petty Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Part 1 Crimes (Crimes Against Persons) Part 1 Crimes (Property) Arrests - Adult Arrests - Juvenile 0 4 3 20 32 19 29 65 6 0 27 119 181 25 COMMUNICATIONS UNIT Calls Routed to Patrol Officer Initiated Events 3087 1156 TRAFFIC UNIT Total Collisions Traffic Citations DUI Arrests 87 186 17 RECORDS UNIT Reports Processed 619 Public Works and Utilities Department 202 North McDowell Blvd., Petaluma, CA 94954 Phone: (707) 778-4546 Fax: (707) 778-4508 Email: [email protected] May 2015 Capital Improvements Program Division Recycled Water Brown’s Lane Recycled Water Pipeline This project will replace approximately 2,000 linear feet of 20-inch diameter pipeline on Browns Lane from Lakeville Hwy to Ely Road. Monthly Activities: Submitted the Caltrans and County encroachment permit. Plans revised per internal review comments. Revising plans per Caltrans comments and to be re-submitted for encroachment permit. Waiting for County permit. Recycled Water Pipeline System Extensions This project will extend the tertiary water for irrigation at parks, golf courses, and open spaces. This project will scope, delineate and prioritize the expansion of the recycled water system construction projects. Monthly Activities: Ongoing preparation of plans and permitting documents for extensions across Sonoma Mountain Elementary, Santa Rosa Junior College to Kenilworth Jr. High and Corona Creek. Working on application for funding from Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP). Design by City staff. Interchange Projects East Washington Interchange and Design of MSN C Monthly Activities: Staff continues the process of property rights transfers to and from PG&E and Caltrans. Old Redwood Hwy Interchange This project upgrades the Old Redwood Highway 101 interchange to meet current standards and future traffic requirements. It is to be constructed independently with the Central B portion of the proposed future widening on US 101, and will provide both safety and congestion relief enhancements. Monthly Activities: Contractor continuing work on ramps. Contractor raised road elevations leading up to interchange. Estimated contract completion is End of July/Early August 2015. Marina Projects Marina Fueling System Upgrade This project will upgrade the Petaluma Marina’s fuel system to meet current State and regional regulatory code requirements as well as future requirements expected to go into effect over the next couple of years. In addition the project will allow expanded services to provide diesel fuel along with gasoline to serve more users of the Marina and the Petaluma River. Monthly Activities: Construction Contract awarded to Franzen-Hill Inc. Field work will start on June 15th. Decommissioning of the existing tank is the first order of work. Total construction duration is 60days. Expected completion date is Mid Aug 2015. Street Improvements East Washington Park Located on East Washington Street adjacent to Rooster Run, this project includes a sports complex and associated parking. The sports fields include three all-weather soccer/lacrosse fields and three baseball fields. In order to use the Open Space Grant, the first phase of the project was authorized in 2013 and the first project phase will build two of the all-weather lacrosse fields and a majority of the parking and entrance road. Monthly Activities: Under construction. Final punch list items Construction management by City Staff. East Washington Park Multi-Use Pathway: This project involves constructing an 8-foot or wider ADA compliant multi-use path from the existing sidewalk terminus at Sky Ranch Drive to the park property line and will connect with the existing path at East Washington Park. Monthly Activities: 100% Plans and Specs have been completed and the project is set to have a bid opening mid-June. East Washington Park Phase 2 Located at the new East Washington Park facility, the project will build a new bathroom adjacent to the new soccer/lacrosse fields built in Phase 1. Monthly Activities: Staff went to the Recreation, Music and Parks Commission this month for review of the pre-engineered building type and purchase order. The next step will be to go to City Council on June 15. Design by City Staff. Surface Water Petaluma River Flood Control Project This US Army Corps of Engineers project includes construction of the last section of sheet pile wall adjacent to the railroad crossing at Lakeville Street, repair of the cap along the sheet pile wall, and removal of sediment between the U-shaped channel and the trapezoidal channel. Monthly Activities: Bi-weekly conference calls continue to coordinate and identify tasks to be undertaken and deadlines. Bid documents were released to a single source contracting firm, negotiation on project cost continued through May. Bid award is still anticipated to occur in early June with construction to begin in August and completed by late October. Funds of $2.02 million were approved through the annual Corps Work Plan budget by Congress. All funds have been received by the San Francisco District Office of the USACE. River Plan – Denman Reach Phase 3 This project is located along the Petaluma River, upstream of Corona Road within the Denman Reach. The project consists of excavating a longitudinal bench along the low-flow channel of the river to improve hydraulic function and reduce localized flood levels, and providing additional length and link to the River Trail. Monthly Activities: Design continued this month with completion of 95% plans anticipated in early June. Stream Gauges – Surface Water Measurement Installation of ten additional stream and/or rainfall gauges. Monthly Activities: Staff completed the plans and specifications this month. The bid opening is scheduled for the first week in June and award in early summer with construction to occur late summer into early fall. Capri Creek – Flood Reduction and Habitat Enhancement This project includes implementation of a multi-benefit flood reduction and habitat enhancement project in the Capri Creek sub-basin of the Petaluma watershed. Monthly Activities: A Request for Proposals was circulated to four design consultants. One proposal was received and staff is currently in negotiation with the selected consultant for value engineering. Award of design contract is anticipated in early July. Pre-CIP – Pending Funding – CalTRANS – Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) Mitigation Project This project includes implementation of a surface water quality improvement project consisting of open bioswales to treat highway surface flows currently entering the Petaluma River without treatment. The project would divert the surface flows into a bioswale system to be located on City property on Industrial Avenue, known as Denman Reach Phases 1 & 2. Monthly Activities: Final project proposal was selected, scope of work began, O&M budget drafted and final project budget drafted for agency acceptance. Approval by CalTRANS and SCTA was achieved in 2014, and approval from the Regional Water Quality Control Board was received this month. Proceeding with gathering required information to allow preparation of final Funding Agreement with CALTRANS, which will be scheduled for approval by the City Council. Work will them begin on a RFP for design and in-house commencement of environmental review. Petaluma River Dredging Work continues to pursue funding for the maintenance dredging. City CIP team worked closely with the USACE District office to co-host an Interagency Meeting followed by a Public Meeting on April 30th as work began on the Preliminary Assessment. Various components of the Preliminary Assessment Report are being prepared in draft form for review by the Corps before being circulated to the City, as Local Project Sponsor, for review. This work is necessary to determine whether the City’s Shollenberger Dredge Disposal Site is adequate to meet the River dredging needs for a 20-year period. If determined adequate, the City can pursue inclusion of the River dredging work effort be included in the USACE Work Plan for FY16. The Preliminary Assessment Report is expected to be released late summer 2015. The Petaluma River dredging project is not currently in the President’s budget for FY16, but can be added through Committee review (as was the Petaluma Flood Control Project for this year). Water E. Washington St. 18” Water Main Replacement (McDowell to Sutter) This project will replace the existing 6-inch, 8-inch and 10-inch cast iron and steel water mains in Washington Street from McDowell Blvd. to Sutter Street with a new 18-inch water transmission main, water services and fire hydrants. Monthly Activities: Preparing 100% plans and specifications. Staff coordination with Development Engineering and PG&E on gas line replacement project. Design by City Staff. Automatic Meter Read Replacement The project will replace the City’s manual read water meters with new automatic read water meters that are fitted with radio transmitting devices that allow the meters to be read remotely. Automatic Meter Read (AMR) technology supports monthly billing, timely identification of leaks, which reduces water waste and costs for adjustments, improved accuracy, which reduces the number of re-reads and work orders, lower labor costs and improved customer service. Monthly Activities: Project under Construction. Construction management by City Staff. Well Construction & Repair This project is necessary to maintain the needed peaking and emergency flexibility of the current water system. The Park Place and McDowell wells have been identified for improvements at this time. This project includes future upgrades at various City owned and operated wells. McDowell Well is completed. Monthly Activities: Park Place Well Replacement Well is under construction, with anticipated completion date of May 2015. Well Drilling has been completed, installation of well house, pump and pipeline, and electrical anticipated be completed by end of May. Willowbrook well has been added to the contract. Willowbrook well work to begin by end of May with completion date of Late August. Construction administration by City staff. Water Service Replacement This project will replace Polybutylene water service in various subdivisions (Marylyn Cir, Northstar Dr., Draco Dr., Petaluma Blvd. North etc.) The project will replace the deteriorated water services and saddles to current standards. Monthly Activities: Currently under design. Discussion with Fire Marshall and Owners is ongoing for future needs. Paula Lane Reservoir #1 & #2 This project will provide needed maintenance at Reservoir No. 1, built in 1963, including sand blasting and recoating the interior, cathodic protection, seismic upgrades, replacement of the vents with screens, recoating of the exterior and implementing safety improvements. This project also includes future installation of a second reservoir needed to increase the City’s water storage capacity by 1.7 MG. Monthly Activities: Preliminary inspection of the tank has been completed. Consultant to submit report by end of May. . Petaluma Boulevard North 12” Water Main Replacement (Lakeville to B Street) This project will replace an existing 4-inch cast iron and steel water main in Petaluma Boulevard North from approximately Lakeville Street to B Street with a new 12-inch water transmission main, water and fire services and fire hydrants. Monthly Activities: A majority of potholing was completed this month with additional work to follow the first week in June. A pre-trench soil assessment consultant was selected and scheduled for Council on June 1 to award the contract. Design by City Staff. Wastewater Victoria Pump Station Upgrades The Victoria Pump Station, located on Windsor Drive, serves the Rock Ridge and Victoria Subdivisions. The project includes electrical equipment, site security alarms, lighting, instrument control improvements to the existing pump station, and replacement of pumps. The project will also include Supervisory Control and Data Analysis (SCADA) programming and radio repeater design to integrate the pump station with the City’s wastewater collection system. Monthly Activities: Bid awarded to contractor. Currently in the submittal process from the Contractor. Construction set to start in June, 2015. Manhole Rehabilitation Many of the City’s older manholes were constructed with brick and mortar and are a significant cause of high infiltration and inflows. The City currently has approximately 150 manholes in need of replacement. Phase 1 replaced 14 brick manholes. Phase 2 includes lining approximately 60 manholes and installing Pam-Tight cover on four manholes. Monthly Activities: A list of 12 manholes was inspected and currently weighing some repair options for the I/I repair by the crew. Preparing rehabilitation minor contracts for Manhole lining. Lift Station Upgrade The City has 10 wastewater pump stations; three have been upgraded, designed or are under construction for upgrades. This project will evaluate and upgrade electrical, mechanical and instrumentation of the remaining seven wastewater lift stations to bring them up to current standards and compliance. The project will bring the system into full operation with the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility. Monthly Activities: Assessment of SCADA for upgrades for seven stations underway. Kick-off meeting with consultants for Copeland Pump Station. Ellis Creek Headworks This project will replace the existing headworks screens due to ragging problems associated with the current configuration. Monthly Activities: Review of submittals. Start of construction in June. Ellis Creek Solids Process Upgrades This project will address facility limitations to handle industrial loads and provide additional capacity for solids treatment, including an additional anaerobic digester and other components. Monthly Activities: City council to review recommendations for professional services agreement in June. Ellis Creek Tertiary System Expansion This project will add filter cells and expand UV disinfection system to allow increase of production capacity from 4.8 mgd to 7.8 mgd. Monthly Activities: Reviewed consultant proposal for design. Prepared information for funding application for Bay Area IRWMP. Development Engineering Division Projects Brewster’s Garden: Food Court and Beer Garden proposed on North Water Street/Petaluma Boulevard North Monthly Activities: Project was approved by Planning Commission on May 26, 2015. Baywood Drive (Altura) Apartments: Apartment complex located on Baywood Drive Monthly Activities: Discussed draft traffic study and reviewed project for completeness. Cader Lane Corporate Center: 278,000 square feet of commercial businesses on Cader Lane at former Sola Optical Site. Monthly Activities: Met with developer to discuss traffic and stormwater impacts and mitigations as well as other Public Works and Utilities requirements. Leghorn Plaza Improvements: Installation of 9,120 square feet of new office/retail buildings on the existing Leghorns Plaza (G&G Supermarket) Shopping Center site. Monthly Activities: Reviewed project for completeness and discussed draft conditions of approval. Rainer Avenue Crosstown Connector Final Environmental Impact Report Environmental analysis for the proposed project. Monthly Activities: Met with City staff to provide input on master responses to various questions and comments raised during the public hearings on the draft EIR. Completed review of screen check of FEIR. FEIR is scheduled for June 23, 2015 Planning Commission meeting. Maria Drive Apartments Application for an apartment complex and abandonment of a public utility easement at 35 and 51 Maria Drive. Monthly Activities: Project under construction, in condition compliance and mitigation monitoring phase. Staff monitored storm water management in accordance with City’s Phase II permit. Completed abandonment and recordation of public utility easement for water main purposes. Yarberry Subdivision Final Map and Public Improvement Plan Application for 21-lot residential Subdivision. Monthly Activities: Construction of the subdivision improvements is underway, in condition compliance and mitigation monitoring phase. Staff monitored storm water management, in accordance with City’s Phase II permit. Keller Street Subdivision Application for 8-lot subdivision map. Monthly Activities: Public Improvement plans and final map submitted to the City. Staff reviewed first submittal of site improvement documents and responded to the applicant. McDowell Townhomes Public improvement plan application for 34 residential units on North McDowell at Wood Sorrel. Monthly Activities: On-site grading and site work has commenced. Staff met with developer to discuss possibility of subdividing the single family home portion of the project for re-sale purposes. In condition compliance and mitigation monitoring phase, developer is preparing public construction agreement package prior to starting off-site improvements. Staff monitored storm water management in accordance with City’s Phase II permit. PG&E Outside Water Service Request Outside water service request from PG&E to supply domestic water to substation facility on Frates/Adobe Road. Monthly Activities: City Council approved request for outside connection at January 26, 2015 meeting. LAFCO approved request for outside service connection. PG&E is in preparing construction documents for permitting and signing the required outside service area agreement. Riverfront Subdivision Mixed-use project located at 500 Hopper Street Monthly Activities Met with project designer to discuss Phase I construction documents including grading prior to final map approval. Quarry Heights Subdivision 27/4-lot subdivision located on Petaluma Blvd. South. Monthly Activities: Work within the subdivision will continue as residences are built. KB Homes began construction of additional phases, including public roadway and utilities. Staff monitored storm water management in accordance with City’s Phase II permit. Deer Creek Village Mixed-use center on North McDowell Blvd., including a proposed home improvement store, other major retailers and offices. Monthly Activities: Received final record drawings for approval by City staff. Developer has completed all punch list items for public improvements. Other buildings and some site improvements still under construction. Monitored storm water management in accordance with City’s Phase II permit. Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Passenger Train Project Project includes railroad crossing and track upgrades throughout town, a multi-use path and new train station at the historic downtown depot. Monthly Activities: Continued meetings with SMART staff regarding improvements to Lakeville Street at D Street and Lakeville Street and East Washington Street grade crossing. Staff coordinated with SMART and its construction team on Caulfield Grade crossing upgrades including foundation and underground work. Inspection Services In addition to routine ongoing inspections, Inspection Services worked on Quarry Heights, Maria Drive Apartments, Yarberry Lane Subdivision, McDowell Commons, El Rose Estates, 700 West St., citywide right-of-way code enforcement issues, as well as erosion and sediment control. Total number of applicants applying for an encroachment permit for the month of May 2015: Applications Encroachment Permit Applications Transportation Permit Applications TOTAL Monthly Activity 41 15 56 The division inspected/reviewed and/or attended construction meetings for the following capital improvement and development projects: Old Redwood Highway Overcrossing. 16” MSN Water Main Replacement (Cal Trans). 700 West St. Subdivision. East Washington Park. Water and Sewer Main Replacement 2013/2014. East Washington 18” Water Main Replacement Phase 3. Magnolia Pump Station. Edith St. Lighted Crosswalk. Browns Lane Recycle Water Main. Lakeville ST. Complete Streets Project. PG&E Gas Main Replacement. Pet. Blvd 12” Water Main. Wilmington Pump Station. McDowell Commons Subdivision. AMR Meter Project. Water Service Replacement Marylyn Circle, North Star. Ellis Creek Head Works Screen replacement. Petaluma Blvd So. SS Trunk Main Marina Fueling System Upgrade Minor Sidewalk Contract ( ADA) Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant Program The Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant Program (SLRGP) provides financial assistance to property owners for the replacement of their private sewer lateral, which, due to their age or condition, is a source of groundwater infiltration and inflow to the sewer collection system. All sewer laterals are privately owned and are to be maintained by the property owner. This includes the connection at the main. The maximum amount of assistance for a sewer lateral replacement or repair is 50% of the approved cost, up to a maximum reimbursement of $2,000. Only complete replacement of the sewer lateral or a repair that eliminates infiltration and inflow is eligible for the program. Grant funds for this program have been expended for this fiscal year. Traffic Engineering & Signal Operations The Traffic Engineering Division continued to assist with the Caltrans Old Redwood Highway interchange widening project. Staff assisted the Transit Division with testing of emergency vehicle preemption equipment and software as part of the transit signal priority project. The division continues to work with PG&E on the 18-inch gas main project on East Washington Street, North McDowell Boulevard. Traffic engineering staff did not issue any work orders for the month of May. Environmental Services Wastewater Treatment, Water Recycling, and Industrial Pretreatment Facility Statistics: Item Safety Training (man-hours) Biosolids Beneficial Reuse (wet tons) Wastewater Cleaned (million gallons) Recycled Water Produced for Distribution Off-site: Agriculture and Urban Use (million gallons) Recycled Water Produced for On-site Use (million gallons) Monthly Activity 15.5 836 142 59.6 11.0 Pretreatment Program Inspections: Item Monthly Activity Restaurants/Grease traps 15 Automotive facilities 0 Significant Industrial Users 9 Industrial Users 2 Zero Discharger Users 0 Prepared and submitted the Self-Monitoring Monthly Report for April 2015 to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Collected 287 influent and effluent samples for permit required parameters. Analyzed 285 samples for process evaluation of the wastewater treatment facility. Ellis Creek laboratory performed 316 permit required self-monitoring analyses for NPDES permit compliance. Nine industrial sampling events were conducted during the month of May. Marin/Sonoma Mosquito Vector Control District monitored mosquito populations at the Treatment and Polishing Wetlands. Safety training included weekly safety tailgates. The tertiary recycled water system was operated to meet user demand during the month. Operating a pilot study to evaluate impacts on pumping pond water through the oxidation ditches to maximize tertiary filter influent flow. Provided Operations & Maintenance (O&M) support for the Victoria Pump Station Improvement Project. Provided O&M support for the Copeland Pump Station Improvement Project. Provided O&M support for the Wilmington Pump Station Improvement Project. Provided O&M support for the Headworks Screen Replacement Project. Continued modifying the facility’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to improve operational control of treatment processes, pump stations and recycled water distribution system. Managed Ellis Creek WRF’s computer based maintenance system (CMMS). Currently there are 1019 assets in the system. The workload for the month included 144 preventative maintenance work orders, and 15 corrective work orders. Performed required self-monitoring analyses for BAAQMD permit compliance. Conducted weekly inspections of sewage pump stations. Continued landscape maintenance and environmental management for the Ellis Creek WRF site. Water Conservation Program Statistics: Program Monthly Activity High Efficiency Toilet (HET) Rebates 10 Residential Washing Machine Rebates 11 Residential Water-wise House calls 88 Water Waste Investigation Mulch Madness 16 46,700 sq. ft. The City’s Mulch Madness program started again on March 18th, 2015. The program offers customers free supplies for sheet mulching over unwanted turf areas. To learn more about this program, please visit us online at: The program is suspended each winter from November to April to coincide with storm season. This is done to ensure that no mulch makes its way into the storm system while being stored on the street or curb for installation. Due to the prolonged drought the program started a couple weeks earlier. This month, 46,700 square feet of turf has been approved for sheet mulching resulting in nearly 1.2 million gallons of total estimated annual water savings. Staff began researching alternative mulch/compost/cardboard suppliers to replace the current vendor. The current vendor has indicated that the long term availability of their products is no longer secure. Staff continued to work on improving the rainwater catchment garden at the Tahola pump station. Staff coordinated with Daily Acts and Loma Vista Immersion Academy to perform site maintenance and provide an educational opportunity for the students. Work performed included: planting ~ 30 new drought tolerant plants, installing drip irrigation, weeding, water tank and roof inspection and testing, garbage pickup, and green waste hauling. The site continues to serve as a working model of our Mulch Madness program by highlighting such features as sheet mulching, native plants (including drought tolerant and insect pollinators), drip irrigation, rainwater catchment, bio swales, and both kinds of mulch offered by our local Mulch vendor. Staff hired and trained two temporary water conservation technicians to assist with conducting WWHCs and water waste investigations. Staff continued coordination with Sonoma County Water Agency to include City water customers into the Badger Meter Barnacle Pilot Program. The Barnacle is a device that fits to any water meter and reads the water passing through the meter. Staff continued with the development of a department-wide Social Media presence. The department has launched a Facebook and Twitter marketing campaign with regular daily messages to the public regarding Water Conservation and other pertinent department information. Staff oversaw the installation of a drought messaging banner at the Kentucky St. location. A banner will be hung up at either Location #1 or #2 for at least one week of every month in 2015. Staff coordinated with Hansel Auto to display a drought message on the Hansel Auto Mall sign, which is visible to traffic on Hwy. 101 north and south. Staff is continuing the development of new banner designs and banner placement. Staff continued membership in the Sonoma Marin Water Saving Partnership program and is participating in the regional water shortage campaign. The new 2015 campaign slogan “There’s never enough to waste. Turn the Water Off.”, is meant to alert residents of Marin and Sonoma Counties that the lack of rainfall has led to drought conditions. To learn more, customers can go to Water-Wise HouseCall program. The Water-Wise HouseCall program is conducted using City staff to perform water use surveys. The surveys help customers use water as efficiently as possible in their homes and businesses. The City’s Water Conservation Plan calls for conducting 810 single-family residential surveys and 493 multi-family surveys during fiscal year 2014-15. Any Petaluma water and/or sewer customer can have a free Water-Wise HouseCall, by calling 707-778-4507 or visiting our website at to sign up. Routine maintenance on the local CIMIS weather station is being conducted by California’s Department of Water Resources (DWR) staff. Continued implementation of the City’s Water Conservation Plan (WCP) and the California Urban Water Conservation Council’s (CUWCC) Best Management Practices (BMPs). The WCP and BMPs consist of programs and requirements for Petaluma water and sewer customers. Programs range from appliance and fixture rebates to public outreach and Ordinance enforcement. Staff continued working on the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The California Water Code requires every urban water supplier providing water for municipal purposes either directly or indirectly to more than 3,000 customers or supplying more than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually to adopt and submit a UWMP every five years to DWR. The City is contracting with Maddaus Water Management, Inc., and coordinating with the 8 other primary SCWA retailers to formulate this plan. Initial Draft Report reviews took place on May 27th. Finish Draft Report review to be completed NLT June 10th, 2015. Staff continued to develop the CASGEM program database. The California State Groundwater Elevation Monitoring program was developed by the State in 2009 in accordance with an amendment to the Water Code (SBx7-6) which requires collaboration between local monitoring entities and DWR to collect groundwater elevation data. Currently the City maintains an actively monitored network of 8 monitoring wells. The groundwater level of each well is measured twice a year, and the data is uploaded to the CASGEM website. Staff measured all 8 wells this month and uploaded the read data to the CASGEM website. Operations Division Airport Daily financial, fuel inspection and National Oceanic and Atmospheric reports were completed. Monthly inspection of the Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) and fuel system were completed and recorded. The monthly Open House Static display was held on Saturday May 16th. A request for payment on the Cal Trans Matching Grant on AIP-24 was submitted. Outbound overnight freight for Fed Ex was 71,911 pounds. Fuel Sales 100LL Jet A Total Accumulated Gallons Gallons 8,917 7,352 16,269 78,203 Sales $40,381 $28,816 $69,197 avg/gal $4.25 Corp Yard Customer Service Telephone Inquiries Monthly Activity Bridge Opening 49 Encroachment Permits 18 Park Maintenance/LAD 17 Paint & Signs 4 Street Maintenance 24 Street Lights 22 Traffic Signals 5 Turning Basin/Marina 1 Misc./Other 40 Total 180 D St. Bridge and Turning Basin Openings Pleasure Craft Commercial Craft Total 144 12 156 Regular greasing and maintenance was completed on the bridge. Fleet Maintenance Item Monthly Activity Repairs - Public Safety (Police/ Fire) 37 Repairs - General Fleet 38 TOTAL 75 Repairs Small Equipment=1 Street / Paving Item Potholes (total filled) Tonnage Skin patch Overlays Dig-Outs Crack sealing Special Events Emergency Response (storm flooding/vehicle Monthly Activity 19 Potholes 19 tons asphalt 123 LF 8 0 LF 1 /filming 2 accidents/downed trees/spills/debris in roadway) Assistance to other Departments Graffiti Removed Weed Abatement (total areas covered) Underpasses Cleared Sidewalk Repair 11 2 0 12 0 Sign crew replaced or installed 22 signs, made 15 in the shop, painted 140 feet of curb, painted 12,161 LF of lane/bike lines, 5 legends, 38 arrows, 9 crosswalks, trimmed 48 trees, cleaned repaired and painted 9 islands. Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance Task Monthly Activity Preventive Maintenance 11 USA Markings 206 Street Lights Repaired (assisted by Facility Maintenance) 27 Turned Heads Realigned 1 Signals Re-Lamped 2 Assist Other Departments 2 Ped. Pushbutton Replaced 1 Ped. Audible Devices Replaced 0 Assist Inspection with traffic control on PGE gas Main Project Assist CIP inspection with 12 inch water main utility locate Marina and Turning Basin Berth Size 22 ft. 26 ft. 30 ft. 35 ft. 40 ft. End Tie Side Tie Total # Boats 17 42 46 23 25 6 8 167 Beginning of Month 3 16 16 30 22 4 2 93 Marina % New Rentals 18 3 38 0 35 0 130 0 92 0 67 0 25 0 55 3 Terminated Rentals 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 6 End of Month 6 15 16 28 20 4 1 90 % 35 36 35 122 80 67 12 54 Marina fuel sales were suspended indefinitely in August pending design and construction of repairs to the fueling station. Transient Berthing Receipts Day Use: $276 16 – kayak racks 5 Date 5/1/15 5/8/15 5/15/15 5/20/15 5/25/15 5/30/15 Total Launch Fees Day Use: Season Pass: $283 $237.50 Turning Basin Receipts # Boats Total 1 $24 7 $360 25 $1,181 1 $96 31 $2,208 5 $288 $4,157 Recycled Water / Surface Water / Wastewater / Water Operations and Maintenance Customer Service continues to GPS meters in our water system and replacing meters and registers with AMR. Item Telephone Inquiries: billing customer service water conservation other Total Customer Service Work Orders Meter Readings Monthly Activity 17 182 262 119 607 260 13828 Sewer crews have started the smoke program to check for leaks and illegal hook-ups Water crews extremely busy replacing failing water services and repairing damaged water mains Water crews will be running 1100 feet of 2” reclaim water pipe to Arroyo Park Item Water Main Repairs Water Service Repairs Total Water Repairs Wastewater Collection System Main Repairs Storm Crew Catch Basin Inspected Storm Crew Catch Basin Cleaned Storm Crew Channel Inspected Storm Crew Channel Cleaned Catch Basin Debris Removed (Yd3) Underground Service Alert Utility Locates Wastewater Collection System Line Cleaning (miles) Wastewater Collection System Video Inspection (miles) Monthly Activity 7 21 28 0 27 25 0 0 1.33 107 4.19 3.39 SCWA and City water operators are still testing pressure spikes on the aqueduct in zone 1 Operations Paula Lane Tank was inspected and we are waiting for results PW&U is continuing the review with North Marin Water Distract on an agreement for the Petaluma Blvd. South water system. Item Safety Training (man hours) Water Production, Imported from SCWA (million gallons) Water Production, Local Supply (million gallons) Total Water Production (million gallons) Monthly Activity 10 201.893 15.200 217.093 Parks and Facilities Maintenance Division Facility Maintenance Raised the flags daily at City Hall. Checked boiler operation daily at City Hall. Replaced air handler belts in HVAC system in the Finance Department. Assist w/ USA at Corporation yard. Replace fuse for Swim Center shower room main electrical panel. Replaced 3 ballast and 6 lamps hallway light fixtures City Hall. Replaced drive belt on HVAC unit at Police Department. Replace drive belt HVAC unit in Human Resources. Installed sign at the Petaluma Community Center dumpster area. Restore power to BBQ area at Lucchecci Park. Met with a plumbing company and water service representatives at the Senior Center for main service replacement. Reprogrammed the thermostat in General Services. Rebuilt light fixture Golden Concourse. Keyed 2 padlocks for Washington Park. Met with Transit Manager about miscellaneous work for the Transit Administrative side server room. Picked up discarded tire downtown. Repaired door at Public Works and Utilities. Supplied 2x4 to the Petaluma Community Center. Dropped off keys for Fire Marshall’s office. Researched low flow toilets for City Hall. Checked ADA compliance for the Transit bathroom. Capped gas line the HVAC unit at the Police Department. Preventative maintenance on the. HVAC unit at the Arts/Visitor Center. Assist General Services with paper cutter blade replacement. Met the fire system technician at the Polly Klass Center twice. Met the Fire Inspector at the Polly Klass Center. Repaired interior glass doors Teen Center. Parks Maintenance Installed new rules signs for use in the tennis courts at Luchessi Park. Detailed Walnut Park for the first Farmers Market this season. Groomed the three new synthetic turf multi-use fields at the East Washington site and the field at Luchessi Park. Removed the temporary fencing at Prince Park after renovating baseball field with new tilling, grading and over seeding. Replaced broken slide segment at Leghorns Park playground. Transit Division After a ridership slowdown late in calendar year 2014, Petaluma Transit has enjoyed a rebound in ridership over the first three months of 2015, with May ridership up 1% over last May, and ridership up 5% overall since January 2015. Petaluma Paratransit had another busy month, with passengers just down slightly (2%) from May 2014. Petaluma Paratransit carried 2,083 passengers at a productivity rate of 3.01 passengers per revenue hour. Transit staff continued to participate in the planning meetings and negotiations to bring the Clipper Card to Petaluma Transit. Staff also participated in meetings with our AVL System (Automated Vehicle Location) contractors, who are on track to begin installation and testing of this real-time information system in late summer. The Transit Division is pleased to welcome a new part-time employee, Silvia Martinez-Palacios, filling both the vacant Travel Trainer and Latino Community Outreach positions, as well as handling marketing. Also in May, staff participated in our first Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Triennial Review site visit. The process leading up to this review was very time-consuming for staff. The review went well and we are awaiting the report from FTA’s consultants. Recreation Services Division 320 N. McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954 Phone: (707) 778-4380 Fax: (707) 778-4473 Email: [email protected] May 2015 RECREATION FACILITY ACTIVITY Community Center Several community events took place, including: PYSL Registration, AAUW Installation, SRJC Puente End of the Year Ceremony, Casa Grande HS AP Testing, Scholastic Book Fair, Alpha Omega Living Trust Seminar, ADHD and Parenting, Petaluma Panthers Registration, Harvest Christian School Music Man Jr. performances, Old Adobe School District Board of Trustees Meeting, Northbay Spinal Cord Injury Support Group, Petaluma High School Recognition Night, Tomorrows Leaders Today Graduation, Leukemia & Lymphoma Trivia Night, Concert, North Bay CAMP meeting, McDowell Meadows HOA, Tech High Robotics – 3 Still Standing performance, Speech Training, Petaluma Youth Lacrosse – Final Horn, Get up to Speed with Sonic, Islamic Center of Petaluma, Cal North NBYSL Referee Course, Girl Scouts 108 meeting, and several different sports groups registrations, events and private gatherings such as Baby and Bridal Showers, Memorial Services, City trainings and meetings, and several Birthday Parties. Senior Center Ongoing rentals include National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI), Food Addicts (FA), Narcotics Anonymous, and Al-Anon. Petaluma Historical Library and Museum Memorial Day event featuring the showing of 2 films Sages of Petaluma monthly meeting Piano Concert by Jura Margulis “Pass in Review: A Tribute to America’s Veterans” exhibit opened on May 3. Tours included: 4 Third Grade History tours, 4 visits by various out-of-the-area tour groups. PROGRAM UPDATES Adult Sports The 2015 Spring/Summer Adult Softball season officially started games on Sunday May 3rd with the Over-40 league playing the first game of the season. The 47 teams have been organized into three B-League divisions (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday), two C-League divisions (Wednesday and Friday), three Co-Ed Divisions (Thursday and Sunday), and one Over-40 League played on Sundays. Games are played at both Prince Park and Casa Grande High School. Youth Programs Kinder Ready and Tiny Tots celebrated end of the year parties. Kinder Ready promotion took place, with over 300 family members in attendance. An Open House took place, which resulted in over ten new registration that evening for the Fall. Teeny Tiny Tots enrollment was at capacity on Tuesdays, with 12 children and their parent in attendance each week. A decision was made to offer this program during the summer months per parent’s request. A second round of interviews was conducted for summer camp and final hiring was completed. Staff training took place and all summer staff were educated about City policies as well as about the day-to-day operations of camp. Planning of daily activities continued and the remaining field trips were booked. Senior Programs Sonoma Clean Power workshop held with 65 in attendance on May 7th. Diabetes workshop presented by Kaiser representatives held May 27th. May 2015 General Teeny Tiny Tots Tiny Tots KinderReady Facility Rentals (hours rented) Contract Classes (number of registrations during the month) Park Rentals (hours rented) 67 68 40 844 153 233 Seniors Trips, Program, Classes Senior Club (membership) Volunteer Hours Adult Sports 2014 Winter Softball (Season completed) 2014-2015 Basketball (Season Completed) 2014-2015 Volleyball 2015 Spring/Summer Softball Museum Attendance Volunteer Hours 4,132 442 900 0 0 0 720 944 388 Risk Management Division 1304 Southpoint Blvd., Suite 220, Petaluma, CA 94954 Phone: (707) 776-3780 Fax: (707) 776-3697 Email: [email protected] May 2015 In addition to the daily tasks and assignments, such as insurance and self-insurance administration, and all city property and casualty claims, Risk also accomplished the following: Claims and Subrogation o Subrogation claim recoveries for the month of May 2015 are $2,172.40. Department Risk Consultations and Training o Reviewed and approved 16 citywide contract agreements. o Consultations with the following departments: o 2 Risk Management consultation with the Police Department o 4 Risk Management consultation with Public Works and Utilities o 3 Risk Management consultation with the City Attorney o 1 Risk Management consultation with the Airport o 2 Risk Management consultation with Ellis Creek Special Projects o Airport Hangar’s Square Footage o City of Petaluma Building Appraisals o CJPRMA Board of Directors Meeting (05/19/2015 to 05/21/2015) o REMIF Seminar Administrative Services Support Update o Monthly claims, Risk Management, litigation, and subrogation reports o Monthly admin support of claims, and other Risk Management division obligations o Admin support of Risk Management projects, training, and related correspondence o Monthly data entry, predictive modeling, and reporting on RMIS, CMIS, Anti-Fraud System
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