CITY COUNCIL 4.2 City of Watsonville Parks and Community Services Department MEMORANDUM DATE: March 30, 2015 TO: Marcela Tavantzis, City Manager Pro Tempore FROM: Ana Espinoza, Director Parks & Community Services Robert Berry & Fabian Guzman, Public Works and Utility Project Managers SUBJECT: Call for Bids for Relocation and Expansion of the Ramsay Park Skate Park Project PK15-2 AGENDA ITEM: April 14, 2015 City Council RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the Resolution Calling for Bids for the relocation and expansion of the Ramsay Park Skate Park (No. PK15-2). The engineer’s estimate for the project is $504,000. Funds for the project are allocated from the Park In-Lieu Fees and Community Development Block Grant funds. DISCUSSION: The existing City skate park is located at the Harkins Slough Road entrance to Ramsay Park. It was built in 2001 and is approximately 7,600 square feet in size. The design consists of a steel features secured to asphalt. By current design standards, the skate park offers basic features that are limited and suited more for novice skateboarders. The skate park currently does not offer features that challenge more advanced skateboarders. The skate park is used by both youth and adults. It is proposed the skate park be relocated next to the Sotomayor soccer field near the Main St. entrance to Ramsay Park and the size of the skate park be expanded to approximately 11,000 sq. ft. The new skate park will be constructed out of concrete and will include contemporary features designed for both novice and advanced skateboarders. Attachment 1 shows the location of the new skate park and Attachment 2 shows the concept design of the skate park. Page 1 of 2 P:\CityCouncil\StaffReports\2015\April 14\RamsaySkateParkcallforbid.doc The relocation will also address the concern of residents that the skate park is unsafe at its current location. Placing the skate park in a more visible location and closer to Main Street will attract more skateboarders of all ages to use the skate park. Bids will be opened on May 19, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. and the City Council will award the bid at their meeting on June 9, 2015. It is anticipated that construction will begin in mid-July. STRATEGIC PLAN: City Council’s adoption of this resolution is consistent with the Council’s goals of protecting public safety and enhancing community image because the relocation and expansion of the Ramsay Park Skate Park will provide greater opportunities for youth with a wider range of experience and skill level to skate board in an appropriate environment. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The relocation and improvement of the skate park is estimated at a cost of $504,000. $225,000 will come from Community Development Block Grant funds and $279,000 will come from Park In-Lieu Fees. ALTERNATIVES: The City Council may choose not to call for bids. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: New Skate Park Location. Attachment 2: New Skate Park Concept Design Plans are available in the City Clerk’s Office for review. cc: City Attorney Page 2 of 2 3/30/2015 3:48:38 PM Approx. 11,000 SF ATTACHMENT 1: Proposed Skate Park Relocation Site At t ac hment2
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