(i) In the case of an order passed by the Commissioner to the Government; (ii) in the case of an order passed by the District Collector to the Commissioner; and (iii) in the case of an order passed by any other officer, to such authority as the Government may specify in this behalf, and the decision of the Government, Commissioner or such authority shall, subject to the provisions of sub-clause (11) be final. (11) The Commissioner may either suo motu or on application, call for and examine the records of any order passed by a subordinate authority under the provisions of this clause, for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the legality or to the property of such order and may,(a) (b) (c) (d) confirm, modify or set aside the order; impose any penalty or set aside, reduce, confirm or enhance the penalty imposed by the order; remit the case to the authority which made the order or any other authority directing such further action or enquiry as the Commissioner considers proper in the circumstances of the case; or pass such other order as the Commissioner may deem fit: * “Provided that the power under this sub-clause shall not be exercised,- (i) such order; Suo motu, after the expiry of six months from the date of service of (ii) On application, if the application has been filed after the expiry of sixty days from the date of such order;” ** Provided further that the Commissioner may entertain application under this sub-clause after the expiry of the said period, if he is satisfied that the applicant had sufficient cause for not submitting the application in time: Provided further that no order to the disadvantage of a person shall be passed under this sub clause unless the person concerned is given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such order “and an opportunity of hearing him in person”.* (12) When an order of appointment issued under this clause to a wholesale distributor is cancelled or suspended, the stocks or rationed articles available with him at the time of such cancellation or suspension shall be disposed of in accordance with the directions of the officer ordering such cancellation or suspension. * Substituted by Government Notification No. 11168/B1/80/Food, dated 3rd November, 1980. Inserted by Notification No. 16144/B1/75/Fd. D., dated 2nd June, 1976. * Inserted by Government Notification No. 4640/B1/81/Food., dated 19 th May, 1981. ** (13) Notwithstanding anything contained in this order where an authorized wholesale distributor has been convicted by a court of law in respect of contravention of any of the provisions of this Order or any other Order made under section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (Central Act 10 of 1955) relating to foodstuffs including edible oil seeds and oils, the District Collector may, by order in writing, cancel his order of appointment : Provided that where such conviction is set aside in appeal or revision, the District Collector may, on application by the person whose order of appointment has been cancelled, re-issue the order of appointment to such person. (14) Every authorized wholesale distributor shall take adequate measures to ensure that the rationed articles stored by him are maintained in proper conditions and that damages to rationed articles due to ground moisture, rain, insects, rodents, birds, fire and such other causes are avoided. Suitable dunnage shall be used to avoid damage from ground moisture and food grains shall be fumigated with chemicals approved for the purpose by person who have undergone practical training in that regard. He shall also ensure that fertilizers, insecticides and poisonous chemicals likely to contaminate food grains are not stored along with food grains in the same godown or immediate juxtaposition of food grains stocks. ** 51A. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 51 or any contract to the contrary, if at any time, the Government are of opinion that in the interest of the general public, it is necessary or expedient so to do, the Government may, by general or special order, cancel the appointment of any or all or any class of authorised wholesale distributors after giving an opportunity to such distributor or distributors of being heard; and such order of the Government shall be final. (2) When the appointment of any authorized wholesale distributor or authorized wholesale distributors is cancelled under sub-clause (1) the stocks of rationed articles available with him or them at the time of such cancellation shall be disposed of in accordance with the directions of the Government. * 51B. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the provisions of this Order, it shall be open to the Government if in its opinion it is necessary or expedient so to do in the interest of the general public to enter into any agreement with the Food Corporation of India for the distribution and supply of rationed articles to retail dealers in the whole or any part or area of the State on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon and to terminate any such agreement or alter the area of operation of the Food Corporation of India in regard to the distribution and supply of rationed articles at any time the Government is of the opinion, that in the interest of the general public it is necessary or expedient so to do. The Food Corporation of India shall, on such appointment by agreement be entitled to supply rationed articles in accordance with this order in such areas as are specified by directions issued by Government from time to time in accordance with the agreement. ** Inserted vide Government Notification No. 15662/B5/67/Fd.D., dated 19 th September, 1967 published in Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 188 dated 19 th September, 1967. * Inserted vide Government Notification No. 737/A2/68-5/Food., dated 27th January, 1968 published in Kerala Gazette Extra-ordinary No. 26, dated 27th January, 1968. (2) The Food Corporation of India appointed under such agreement shall be subject to such control by and supervision of the Government from time to time as may be specified in such agreement in regard to the distribution and supply of the rationed articles in the State. Nothing contained in clause 51 of this Order shall apply to the Food Corporation of India. 52. An authorized wholesale distributor shall issue rationed articles only on a ration authority or permit. For every issue a delivery note shall be prepared in triplicate, one copy of which shall be forwarded to the Taluk Supply Officer along with the daily stock return, another copy shall be given to the purchaser and the third copy shall be kept with himself. 53. (1) On demand and offer of price and against the cancellation of such authority or appropriate space in the permit as authorized wholesale distributor shall supply to the holder of the authority or permit the rationed article in quantities specified on such authority or permit. ** (2) Every authorized wholesale distributor hall maintain correct weights and measures of all denominations and shall get the instruments used for weighment checked up at regular intervals as provided in the Kerala Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1958 and the Rules issued there under, by the Inspector of Weights and Measures within whose jurisdiction the wholesale depot is situated. the quantity of rationed articles issued on authorities or permits shall be on a correct weighment as per the authority or permit. 54. Every authorized wholesale distributor shall comply with all general or special directions that may be given to him in writing from time to time, by the District Collector or any Officer of the Civil Supplies Department not below the rank of a Taluk Supply Officer* (………………….) concerning the manner in which and the condition subject to which any rationed article, in respect of which he has been appointed as wholesale distributor, may be supplied or obtained of kept for distribution. ** 55. Every authorized wholesale distributor shall supply rationed articles only during such hours as shall be fixed by the Commissioner and at the prices, fixed by the Civil Supplies Department for each item of rationed articles from time to time. The authorized wholesale distributor shall not realize any price or any charges in excess of what is fixed by the Civil Supplies Department by way of handling charges etc., from the authorized retailed distributors and permit holders. 56. An authorized wholesale distributor shall supply rationed articles only to such authorized retail distributors and authorized establishment proprietor as may be attached to him in this behalf by order in writing by the District Collector or any officer of the Civil Supplies Department not below the rank of a Taluk Supply Officer or on special permits issued under clause 42. ** Inserted by the Government Notification No. 16899/A2/68/Fd. D., dated 4 th January, 1969. The words ‘or any officer of the Land Revenue Department not below the rank of a Tahsildar’ omitted by Notification No. 29603/A2/70/Fd. D., dated 22nd September, 1971. ** Substituted by Notification No. 12653/B1/75, dated 2 nd June, 1976. * 57. Every authorized wholesale distributor shall be bound to take delivery and arrange for the movement of such quantities of rationed articles as may be allotted to him by the District Collector the District Supply Officer or the Taluk Supply Officer by an order in writing, from such godown and within the time as may be specified in such order. 58. Every authorized wholesale distributor shall maintain a stock register of all rationed articles and such other accounts and registers in such forms as may be prescribed by the Commissioner by notification in the Gazette. * 59. (1) The District Collector or any officer of the Civil Supplies Department not below the rank of a Rationing Inspector** […………] or any other officer authorized by the District Collector in this behalf may within his jurisdiction, with a view to securing compliance with the provisions of his order or to satisfy himself that the said provisions have been complied with,(a) inspect any books of accounts or other documents maintained by an authorized establishment proprietor or authorized retail distributor or authorized wholesale distributor in the course of business or any stock of rationed articles in his possession or under his control: (b) seize any such books of accounts or other documents, which in his opinion would be useful for, or relevant to any proceedings under this order; (c) stop and search any person or animal, vessel or vehicle or any other conveyance or receptacle engaged or used or intended to be engaged or used for or the movement of rationed articles; (d) enter and search any premises or places where any of the authorities specified in this sub-clause has reason to believe that rationed articles belonging to or in the possession or under the control of any authorized establishment proprietor or any authorized retail distributor or any authorized wholesale distributor is stored or kept; (e) seize the stock of rationed articles in respect of which any of the authorities specified in this sub-clause has reason to believe that any provision of this order has been, is being or is about to be contravened, along with the packages, coverings or receptacles in which such paddy or rice is found for the animals, vessels, vehicles, boats or other conveyances used in carrying such rationed articles and thereafter take all measures necessary for securing the production of the stock of rationed articles along with the packages, coverings, receptacles, animals, vehicles vessels or other conveyance so seized, before the appropriate Court and for their safe custody pending such production. Explanation:- “Appropriate Court” in this sub-clause shall mean such Court as is specified in or under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 in which proceedings would lie for contravention of the provisions of this order and shall also include the * Substituted by Notification No. 22519/B3/67-9/Fd. D., dated 5th June, 1968 published in Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 122, dated 5th June, 1968. ** The words “or any officer of the Land Revenue Department not below the rank of a Revenue Inspector or any Panchayat Executive Officer or any Municipal Commissioner” omitted by Government Notification No. 29603/A2/70/Fd. D., dated 22nd September, 1971. Collector of the District referred to in section 6-A of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. (2) The provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Central Act 5 of 1898) relating to search and seizure shall, so far as may be, apply to search and seizure under this clause. (3) Where any of the authorities specified in sub-clause (1) effect any seizure under the said sub-clause, he shall prepare forthwith an inventory of the articles or materials seized and shall also issue a receipt for the same. (4) Any books of accounts or other document seized, under the provisions of sub-clause (1) shall be returned to the person from whom they were seized not later than sixty days from the date of seizure, after taking copies thereof for extracts there from, if necessary, provided that the person from whom they are so seized certifies as the such copies or extracts before taking such books of accounts or other documents. (5) Every person who is so required by any officer specified in sub-clause (1) shall allow access to the premises, provide facilities to inspect, deliver such article or article seized, stop the vehicle, boat or animal, answer truthfully all questions asked of him give it in writing if so required and produce the documents in possession or under this control. 60. A ration document shall not be used for obtaining any rationed article except by or on behalf of the person to whom such document was issued. 61. Every ration document issued under this order shall be the property of the Government, but the person to whom it is issued of surrendered or with whom it is retained under the provisions of this order shall be entitled to its custody and shall be responsible for its safe custody. 62. If any ration document other than a rationcard be defaced, lost or destroyed the officer empowered to issue such documents under the provisions of this order, may after making such enquiry as he may think fit and levying a fee of two rupees by way of Court Fee labels, issue a new ration document in place thereof. Every person to whom a new ration document has been issued, shall if he subsequently finds the lost ration document, forthwith return the latter document to the said officer. 63. to himself. No person shall transfer to any other person a ration document issued 64. When any person is in possession of a ration document and such possession is not authorized by virtue of this order, he shall forthwith deliver the same to the officer-in-charge of the nearest Taluk Supply office. 65. In any case where any ration document is required to be cancelled under this order, it shall not be deemed to be cancelled unless it shall have been effectively cancelled in ink (whether by means of a dye or stamp or otherwise) or by means of indelible pencil, and shall upon such cancellation cease to be available for lawful use. 66. Any authorized wholesale distributor, authorized retail distributor or authorized establishment proprietor, shall, when so required by general or special directions, by the District Collector or any officer of the Civil Supplies Department not below the rank of a Taluk Supply Officer *[……………]. (a) deliver to him all coupons and other authorities and documents surrendered to him under or for the purpose of this order; and (b) furnish such particulars relating to his dealings, in, and stocks of, any rationed article as may be required. 67. Notwithstanding anything contained in this order, the Government may if they are satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the public interest authorize the Commissioner, subject to such conditions as may be specified by them in this behalf, for the distribution of any rationed article otherwise than on a ration document and whether or not for household consumption or establishment consumption or for the purpose of an establishment other than establishment consumption. 68. A person shall not- (a) for the purpose of obtaining any rationed article make any statement with he knows to be false in any material particular or recklessly make any statement which is false in any material particular or attempt to obtain any rationed article by such false or reckless statement; (b) without lawful authority alter or deface any ration document. (c) personate or falsely represent himself to be the person to whom such ration document has been issued or applies; (d) fail to comply with any lawful directions issued by or under the directions of the Commissioner or the Government with regard to a ration document in his possession or custody; (e) obtain or use of attempt to obtain or use any ration document when he has no right to obtain or use; and * (f) (i) be in possession of any ration document so made as to resemble or colourably to imitate any ration document or any forged, or altered ration document ; or (ii) use or attempt to use for the purpose of obtaining any rationed articles for himself or for any other person any ration document so made as * The words “or any officer of the land Revenue Department not below the rank of a Tahsildar” inserted by Government Notification No. 13582/Fd. B5/67/Fd., dated 23 rd September, 1967 and omitted by Government Notification No. 29603/A2/70/Fd. D., dated 22 nd September, 1971. * Substituted by Notification No. 10146/B1/75/Food, dated 26 th September, 1975. to resemble or colourably to imitate any ration document or any forged or altered ration document. 69. The Government may if they are satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the public interest exempt any person or class of persons from the operation of all or any of the provisions of this order and may at any time suspend or cancel such exemption. 70. The Commissioner of Civil Supplies may call for and examine the records of any order passed by any subordinate authority under the provisions of this order other than clauses 45 and 51 thereof, for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the legality or to the property of such order and may pass such order in reference thereto as the Commissioner may deem fit: Provided that no order to the disadvantage of a person shall be passed under this clause unless the person concerned is given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such order, @ “and also an opportunity for hearing in person”. 71. †The Government may, either suo motu or on application from any person, call for and examine the records of any order passed by the Commissioner or any other subordinate authority under the provisions of this order for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to the legality or to the property of such order ** and may pass such interlocutory orders as are deemed necessary and also pass such final orders in reference to the record as the Government may deem fit: * Provided that no order to the disadvantage of person shall be passed under this clause unless the person concerned is given an opportunity of making any representation which he may wish to make against such order @ “and also an opportunity for hearing him in person”. (By order of the Governor) G. THOMAS Secretary to Government (Food) @ Inserted by Government Order No. 4640/71/B1/Food, dated 21 st May, 1931. Inserted as per Government Order No. 4640/B1/81/Food, dated 19 th May, 1981. † The words † “The Government may call for and examine the records” and the words “**and may pass such orders in reference thereto” deleted-amendments inserted as per Notification No. G. O.(P) No. 15/94/F&CSD, dated 22.03.1994 (SRO No. 423/94). *
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