Document 10299

Case reports / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 702–706
Fig. 2. Axial T2-weighted fluid attenuated inversion recovery images of the brain at the level of the midbrain (a), hypothalamus (b), and thalamus (c).
Hyperintense signal change is indicated by white arrows: in (a), the right mesial temporal lobe; in (b), the posterior limb of the right internal capsule; in (c),
the right lateral geniculate body.
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Carbamyl phosphate synthase deficiency: Diagnosed during
pregnancy in a 41-year-old
G. Eather a, D. Coman
, C. Lander a, J. McGill
Department of Neurology, The Royal Brisbane Hospital
Department of Metabolic Medicine, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Herston Road, Herston, Brisbane 4029, Australia
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Queensland
Received 19 January 2005; accepted 13 July 2005
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 7 3636 8111; fax: +61 7 3636 1860.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. McGill).
Case reports / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 702–706
Carbamyl phosphate synthase deficiency (CPS) is a rare urea cycle defect. We present a case of a 41-year-old woman diagnosed with
CPS deficiency during pregnancy. She is the oldest CPS-deficient patient, at diagnosis, reported to date and the first to be diagnosed
during pregnancy. This case highlights the need for consideration of inborn errors of metabolism in adults presenting with unusual neurological and psychiatric conditions.
Crown Copyright 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Urea cycle; Carbamyl phosphate synthase deficiency; Pregnancy; Hyperammonaemia
1. Introduction
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) deficiency is a
rare enzyme deficiency of the first step in the urea cycle
(Fig. 1).1,2 Its incidence has been estimated to be 1/800
000 to 1/100 000.3,4 Ammonia and bicarbonate molecules
are incorporated into carbamyl phosphate by CPS.4 The
CPSI gene located on chromosome 2q35 encodes CPS.5
CPS deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive
Neonatal onset and late onset clinical phenotypes of
CPS deficiency have been described. The neonatal form is
characterised by severe hyperammonemic encephalopathy,
with altered consciousness and sometimes seizures.3,4 The
clinical presentation of hyperammonaemia is highly variable. Neonates usually have severe symptoms with vomiting, lethargy and coma.6 Early and chronic features of
hyperammonaemia such as anorexia, headaches, learning
difficulties, irritability and cylical vomiting are often considered as non-specific and a diagnosis is easily overlooked.6,7 Partial enzyme deficiencies can manifest with a
late onset form and have a variable presentation.3 A history of a self-imposed low protein diet is indicative of a
protein metabolism disorder, although this diagnostic clue
may be gained only in retrospect.
We present a 41-year-old woman who was diagnosed
with CPS deficiency after developing an hyperammonaemic coma during pregnancy. She is the oldest reported
Fig. 1. Ammonia arises from amino acid metabolism and its detoxification to urea occurs mainly in the liver. Carbamylphosphate synthase 1 (CPS1)
catalyses the condensation of ammonia and bicarbonate. CPS1 is activated by N-acetylgutamate, which is created by N-acetylgutamate synthase (NAGS).
Carbamyl phosphate is bound to ornithine by ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) to create citrulline, which is transported out of the mitochondria and
bound to aspartate by argininosuccinate synthase (ASS) forming argininosuccinate. Argininosuccinate is split into arginine and fumerate by
argininosuccinate lyase (ASL). Arginine is then hydrolysed into ornithine and urea by arginase.
Case reports / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 702–706
Fig. 2. T2-weighted axial MRI images demonstrating symmetrical areas of increased signal in the (a) deep white matter of the cerebellar hemispheres
(dentate nuclei) and (b) basal ganglia (globus pallidi).
CPS-deficient patient at diagnosis and the first to be diagnosed during pregnancy.
1.1. Case report
This 41-year-old woman was referred to the neurology
department 4 years ago with a history of recurrent episodes
of global headache, confusion, reduced level of consciousness, ataxia and slurred speech. These episodes persisted
for several days, with clinical resolution after intravenous
fluids were administrated. The patient had a history of mild
learning difficulties and ‘strange behaviour’ since childhood, and had self-selected a low protein diet. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain identified symmetrical areas of increased signal in the cerebellum and basal
ganglia on T2-weighted images (Fig. 2) and an EEG
showed diffuse slow wave changes. The working diagnosis
had been basilar migraine syndrome with ischaemia and
associated epileptiform activity, although this did not fully
explain the clinical or imaging abnormalities. A formal psychiatric diagnosis was considered given the unusual constellation of presenting features, the patient’s unusual
affect and the onset of symptoms coinciding with the death
of her father.
The patient had two sisters who were both alive and
well. Her mother had nine pregnancies, three of which
spontaneously aborted between 10 and 12 weeks, and three
of which were stillbirths. There were no live male births.
The patient’s father had died from a myocardial infarction.
When 17 weeks pregnant, our patient presented to the
local hospital with a severe episode of confusion, headache,
drowsiness, ataxia and slurred speech. Over the next 4 days
her conscious state deteriorated and she required intubation and ventilation for 2 days. Immediately before the
institution of mechanical ventilation, the patient developed
abnormal facial and limb twitching along with global
hyperreflexia. A provisional diagnosis of status epilepticus
was considered. Her conscious state continued to fluctuate
after discharge from ICU, prompting consideration of a
metabolic diagnosis. A repeat MRI identified similar
changes to those noted 4 years earlier. Mitochondrial point
mutations, spinocerebellar ataxia and Friedrich’s ataxia
DNA analysis, vitamin E levels, very long chain fatty acids,
lysosomal enzymes, urine and red cell porphyrin levels were
all within normal limits. A urea cycle defect was first suspected when a plasma amino acid profile, performed because of nutritional concerns, revealed elevated glutamine
(800 lmol/L; normal, 420–700) and low citrulline
(12 lmol/L; normal, 20–60). Arginine and ornithine levels
were within the normal ranges. Plasma ammonium was
520 lmol/L (normal, <50). The absence of orotic acid in
the urine suggested a diagnosis of CPS deficiency or N-acetyl glutamate synthase deficiency (NAGS) (Fig. 1). CPS
was eventually confirmed on liver biopsy with CPS activity
being approximately 20% of the lower limit of normal.
Sodium benzoate (250 mg/kg/day) and arginine hydrochloride (210 mg/kg/day) intravenous infusions were commenced prompting a rapid improvement in her clinical
Case reports / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 702–706
state, mirrored by her ammonium falling to normal levels.
After a review of the literature, oral sodium phenylbutyrate
(250 mg/kg/day) was used instead of sodium benzoate because of the lack of published information regarding its
safety in pregnancy. Citrulline (210 mg/kg/day), protein
restriction (1 gm/kg/day) and a high calorie diet were also
utilised. Ammonium levels were easily maintained in the
normal range (<50 mmol/L).
Premature labour started spontaneously at 22 weeks
and a live male infant was delivered. He survived 48
hours, dying of severe hyaline membrane disease and pulmonary hypoplasia. Maternal pre- and post-puerperal
management consisted of intravenous 10% dextrose, sodium benzoate and arginine hydrochloride infusions without any metabolic decompensation. The patient remains
well and neurologically normal with the current management regimen of oral sodium benzoate (250 mg/kg/day),
citrulline (210 mg/kg/day) and modest protein restriction
of 1 gm/kg/day.
2. Discussion
There are infrequent reports of late onset CPS deficiency
in the literature. CPS deficiency was found to cause an episode of hyperammonaemic coma and death in a 26-yearold woman in the postpartum period.8 A 16-year-old
man was subsequently found to have CPS deficiency when
he developed an hyperammonaemic coma in the context of
an intercurrent viral illness.9 CPS deficiency was also diagnosed in a 33-year-old woman who had experienced mild
intermittent symptoms throughout life but never experienced severe encephalopathy.10 These mild intermittent
features consisted of nausea, vomiting, gait ataxia, and
somnolence, some of which lasted for several days and were
triggered by eating large quantities of meat10 and are almost
identical to the symptoms experienced by our patient. A
32-year-old woman was diagnosed with mild CPS deficiency when she developed an hyperammonaemic coma
after starting sodium valproate.11
Neuropsychiatric symptoms are a component of almost
all inborn errors of metabolism that affect the central nervous system.12 Adults with late onset urea cycle defects are
often misdiagnosed with psychiatric conditions, such as
chronic behavioural problems, psychosis, lethargy or recurrent encephalopathy.13 The suspicion of an underlying psychiatric or behavioural disorder was entertained on several
occasions in the initial assessments of our patient. Psychiatric manifestations are described in ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTC),14,15 N-acetylglutamate synthetase
(NAGS) deficiency,6 argininosuccinic aciduria16 and CPS
deficiency. An 18-year-old patient, who had a long preceding history of intermittent psychotic episodes with nausea
and vomiting coinciding with menstrual periods, was diagnosed with CPS deficiency after developing a hyperammonaemic coma.17 The immediate family of our patient noted
a marked improvement in her behaviour and social interactions after diagnosis and treatment.
The MRI pattern observed in our patient, with involvement of the basal ganglia and cerebellum, is often seen in
cases of metabolic encephalopathy. Metabolic stroke-like
events have been described in an increasing number of
inherited metabolic disorders, with the brain imaging
changes often symmetrical and disrespecting vascular
boundaries. These metabolic stroke-like events have been
reported in the organic acidurias (e.g. methylmalonic aciduria and propionic aciduria), the mitochondriopathies
(e.g. MELAS syndrome, Leigh disease), the lysosomal storage disorders (e.g. Fabry disease and cystinosis), the urea
cycle defects (e.g. OTC deficiency and CPS deficiency),
and other metabolic disorders (e.g. homocystinuria, the
congenital disorders of glycosylation, and sulphite oxidase
deficiency).18 CPS deficiency has been reported to cause
stroke-like episodes with hemiparesis in an 18-month-old
child.18 The pathophysiological mechanisms that cause
cerebral infarction in the urea cycle defects are unclear. Elevated ammonia, lack of arginine, disturbed energy metabolism, neurotransmitter imbalance, astrocyte swelling,
alterations in cerebral blood flow, elevated intracranial
blood pressure, glutamine accumulation, altered vascular
endothelial wall integrity, and platelet dysfunction have
all been implicated in contributing to the development of
a metabolic stroke.18,19 In retrospect, the MRI changes depicted in our patient were the result of injury caused by
recurrent and untreated metabolic decompensation.
An increasing number of women with inborn errors of
metabolism are reaching child-bearing age, with disorders
such as the urea cycle defects creating an increased risk
of metabolic decompensation.20 Such decompensation
can occur at any stage of the pregnancy. The catabolic
stress imposed by pregnancy contributed to our patient’s
While only a small number of inborn errors of metabolism have been shown to be teratogenic, consideration must
be given to the foetal implications of their treatment regimens.20 There is limited information on the safety of the
ammonium-scavenging drugs in pregnancy. Sodium phenylbutyrate (PB) treatment can, in theory, mimic maternal
phenylketonuria, because phenylalanine is a metabolite of
PB.21 Animal models suggest that phenylalanine and its
metabolites are teratogenic.22 We were aware of three
OTC pregnancies in which PB had been used without
any foetal detriment.21 Our patient was commenced on
PB well into the second trimester. The effect of PB on gene
silencing23 and cell differentiation24 was a concern for its
use during pregnancy; these concerns would have been
much higher if used during the first trimester. At the time
we were unaware of any literature reports regarding the
use of sodium benzoate in pregnancy.
Inborn errors of metabolism, including the urea cycle
defects should be considered as a possible diagnosis in any
patient with unexplained neurologic disorders, even in adulthood, especially when associated with altered level of consciousness, behavioural changes, vomiting, anorexia, or a
self-imposed protein-restricted diet.15 This case highlights
Case reports / Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2006) 702–706
the difficulties often encountered in diagnosing the late-onset
urea cycle defects.
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