BIPN 144 Midterm 2 Review Spring 2015 Localized Determinants and Neuronal Fate Specification Central Nervous System Figure 5.6 Localized Determinants – Factor that is localized to a region of the cell and then gets partitioned into only one of the two daughter cells following cell division Pros (TF) - turns off genes that determine NB identity Peripheral Nervous System: Sensory Organ Precursor (SOPs) • equivalent to the neuroblast in CNS without the self regeneration (SOPs do not make more SOPs) Figure 5.7 I. Multiple Dendrite (Touch and Pain Receptor) • from single SOP cut (TF): necessary and sufficient to determine ES cell identity II. III. ● Figure 5.8 ● IIa and IIb cells form an equivalence group ○ IIa has the same potential to become a IIb cell and make a neuron Numb bias Notch signaling ○ Numb partitioned into IIb cell ○ Numb binds to ICD of Notch → decrease Notch signaling Eye Development/ Cellular Interactions Eye Development in Flies 1. Fig. 4-5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Invagination of the epidermis to form the eye primordium/ eye imaginal disc Growth of imaginal disc Hh activates Dpp in anterior cells Dpp activates Hh Propagation of morphogenetic furrow from the posterior to anterior of imaginal disc Begin photoreceptor formation posterior of furrow • Total of 8 photoreceptors • R7 – sensitive to UV light Mosaic Analysis X-ray +/- Recombination during mitosis and cell division +/- +/+ -/- • pigment mutation allows cells that are sev -/- to be colored Fly eye What cells must be wild type for normal development to occur? / What cells can be mutant for normal development to occur? • Normal development = complete facet (containing R1-R8) with cells functioning normally • Sevenless (Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) • Result: R7 cannot be mutant for sevenless for a normal facet to form • Significance: Sevenless required for R7 only •Boss (ligand to Sevenless receptor) •Result: R8 cannot be mutant for boss for a normal facet to form •Facets with R8 cells mutant for boss did not form R7 cells •Significance: Boss required for R8 only •Boss is a ligand for sevenless Boss - ligand expressed on R8 cells Sevenless - Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) Yan - Repressor of Phyl Pnt - Activator of Phyl Phylopod (Phyl) - determines R7 cell fate Fig. 6a Eye Development in Vertebrates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fig. 6-5 Neural tube forms outpockets, which turns into optic vesicles signaling between the vesicle and epidermis → epidermis starts thickening to form future lens future lens pushes against future retina to form optic cup lens splits from epidermis lens signals to epidermis to form cornea pigment cells and photoreceptors in back of retina ganglion cells form along luminal surface and sends bundled axons (optic nerve) to brain Midterm 2 Review Session, Part 2 of 3 - Pax6, Neural Differentiation, CNS Pathfinding Pax6/Eyeless - the Master Gene IN FAVOR 1. 2. 3. Pax6 gene, in all species, is expressed early in the eye primordium Reduction of Pax6 gene function leads to small or absent eyes in flies, mice, and people Overexpression of Pax6 in flies leads to ectopic eye formation AGAINST 1. 2. 3. 4. Pax6 is expressed more broadly than just the eye Elimination of function results in more severe brain defects than just having no eyes Pax6 can only induce eye formation in some tissue when misexpressed There are other genes that act like Pax6 Neuronal Differentiation - Neural Crest cells 1. Neural crest cells are migrating cells and have the potential to develop into different cell types a. Anterior cells will become cholinergic ganglia (these are in the parasympathetic system) b. Posterior cells will become adrenergic ganglia (which are in the sympathetic system) i. Experiment - Chick and Quail cell transplants Cell Migration/Axon Pathfinding 1. Cells have intrinsic characteristics and therefore have an initial direction of migration. a. Gold plate experiment 2. 3. A few critical choice points are present in navigation Many checkpoints have redundant cues. Process Extension 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lamellipodium extends and retracts filopodia When the filopodia is attracted to something, it adheres to the signal. All other filopodia retract. The lamellipodium pulls the filopodia back, and the adhered filopodia stays where it is. Therefore, the growth cone moves towards the substrate. Axon extension continues. Pathfinding In the Central Nervous System CNS Pathfinding 1. Pioneer axon - the first axon to navigate a path due to intrinsic cues and interactions with guidepost cells. 2. Secondary axons/follower axons - fasiculate with the pioneer axons to get to their target Guideposts - physical places or things that guide the axon in its journey to the target a. Experiment - grasshopper limb bud 3. Midline Axon Guidance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Netrin (Unc6) - Secreted protein produced at the ventral midline which acts as an attractant and as a repellant Unc5 - a receptor that causes repulsion from Netrin Unc40 - a receptor that causes attraction to Netrin Slit - Repellent signal from the ventral midline Robo1/Robo2/Robo3 - Receptors for Slit Comm - downregulated Robo receptors in axons before they cross the ventral midline Motor Neuron Axon Guidance (Drosophila) · · SNb axons innervate ventral muscles SNa axons innervate lateral muscles Fasciclins= homophilic adhesion molecules (self-adhesive) FasII is involved in holding SNb, SNa together. mutants Beaten path-= FasII is not downregulated so SNb is not able to defasciculate from SNa and cannot branch out o Similar to overexpression of FasII in a normal embryo · Short stop-= FasII is downregulated so SNb can branch from SNa but gets stalled at the entrance to the muscle group · Stranded-= SNb is able to defasciculate and enter the muscle group but does not get very far (cannot reach targets) · Walkabout (clueless)-= SNb is able to defasciculate and enter further into muscle group but cannot recognize its target & cannot form synapse · Pathfinding in the Visual System SPERRY EYE ROTATION EXPERIMENT (VERTEBRATES) Sperry removed an eye from a frog and rotated it 180° before replacing it. Connections were reformed but they noticed that the tongue of the frog moved to opposite directions from its prey. - The eye must have a coded way to map to the tectum in order to reconnect its axons to the same cell targets. Chemoaffinity model Each retinal axon had a molecular tag that corresponded to a specific tag in the tectum. This would explain why the axons were able to map to the same location in the tectum. - If this were true, that means there would have been a specific tag for EACH axon found in the eye (that’s a lot of tags-not the most efficient system). There is an alternative explanation! Anterior/Posterior tectal membrane experiment Nasal axons grew where they wanted to (on both anterior and posterior membranes) · Temporal axons grew only along anterior membranes · Drawing on the blackboard. N = nasal T = temporal A = anterior P = posterior Half-Tectum experiment All of the axons were able to squeeze into the half-tectum and position themselves relative to one another (as they would have in the full tectum). The gradients were still present and in effect, but the axons were able to change their threshold for the ligand to ensure every axon forms a connection in the limited space of the half-tectum. Half-Eye experiment Early: the axons map to their relative positions towards one half of the tectum Later: the axons spread out their connections (in their relative positions) to occupy the full tectum. à The axons are competing for targets in the tectum & they can communicate with each other to spread out according to their relative sensitivity to the Eph ligand. Fish eye Eye and tectum continue to grow and axons from the new grown eye inhabit new regions of the tectum. DSCAM - DSCAM is a homophilic adhesion molecule that is also a signaling receptor expressed on the surface of photoreceptor axons. - DSCAM is a self-adhesive molecule but its signaling induces a repulsive interaction. This interaction is involved in branching of axons, as only those with the same isoform can bind and repel each other. Different axons express different forms of DSCAM (which cannot bind and cannot repel itself), allowing them to bundle together while forming branches. - if all axons only had one form of DSCAM, the branches cannot fasciculate and would all repel each other DSCAM Alternative splicing- splicing out and selecting only certain exons result in 38000 different possible forms of DSCAM. - Branching therefore is highly specific. DSCAM -> PAK (kinase) -> Rho/Rac/CDC42 (members of Rho GTPase family) -> navigation of axon using actin. APOPTOSIS a “POP” tosis. (In worms) Egl1—| Ced9—| Ced4 Ced3 (In vertebrates) Bax—| Bcl2—| Apaf1 Apoptosis Caspase 3 Apoptosis - The order of the pathway was discovered by studying double mutants - The gene whose phenotype is expressed, means it is downstream (functions after the other gene) · Egl1-/Ced9- double mutant= INCREASED cell death (same phenotype as a Ced9- single mutant, this means Ced9 functions downstream of Egl1) · Ced3- (or Ced4-)/Ced9- double mutant= DECREASED cell death (same phenotype as a Ced3- or Ced4- single mutant, this means Ced3 and Ced4 function downstream of Ced9) STEPS 1. Ced9/Bcl2 in the mitochondrial membrane helps stabilize the membrane to keep contents inside 2. EgGl1/Bax does not have this stabilizing effect so increased expression of EgGl1/Bax displaces Ced9/Bcl2 & Cytochrome C leaks out of the mitochondria 3. Cytochrome C binds Ced4/Apaf activates Ced3/Caspase 3 4. Ced3/Caspase 3 cleaves ICAD (inhibitor of CAD) 5. CAD (caspase activated DNase) will be active and cuts up DNA into smaller pieces to be packaged for other cells to use Good luck on the MIDTERM 2!!!
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