Our Annual Report - Clearview Library District

Clearview Library District
2014 Annual Report
2014 Clearview Library District Board of Trustees
Joann Perko, President
Bev Menke, Vice-President
Brooke Payne, Treasurer
Katie Scherer, Secretary
Ian Whittington, Trustee
Tempy Bowman, RE4 Liaison
Jeremy Rose, Windsor Town Board Liaison
2014 Clearview Library District Staff
Lynley Allen – Youth Services
Cari Borchert – Outreach
Ryan Brunner - Shelver
Dennis Bruns – Bookmobile
Donna Christiansen –
Financial/Payroll Assistant
Andrea Cleland - Early Literacy
Steven Davis - Shelver
Karen Deane – Youth Services
Bruce Florquist – Bookmobile
Ann Giesick – Library Assistant
Ally Godina Garcia – Youth
Services/Outreach Manager
Monica Gould – Youth Services
Bob Houle - Maintenance
Nanette Hoelmer – Circulation
Marsella Johnson – Outreach
Deb Kauffman – Youth Services
Denise Ketchens – Circulation
Ann Kling - Director
Pam Lambert – Circulation
Services Assisstant
Monica Latham – Library
Amy McFadden – Circulation
Clare Mahoney – Outreach
Jessie Meschievitz – Circulation
Diane Montgomery – Assistant
Director/Adult Services Manager
Aimee Moore - Shelver
Pam Parish – Library Assistant
Judith Pye – Circulation Assistant
James Parker – Substitute
Bookmobile Driver
Anthony Perez – Outreach
Michelle Pohlen – Outreach
Letha Price – Circulation
Michael Ross– Technical Services
Lindsay Savage – Shelver
Heather Seely – Youth Services
Kat Sharp – Outreach Assistant
Kirstie Smith – Circulation
Ken Thompson – IT Specialist
Shari Thompson – IT/Technical
Services Manager
Nathan Triz – Circulation
Tucker Valentine - Shelver
Brad Vogler – Technical Services
Natalie Wagner – Circulation
Services Assistant
A vital part of the community, bustling with activity. That
is the Clearview Library District. The Library is so
successful that it has outgrown its building. The Library
Board continued to investigate the options for a new
building, talking to people in Town government and
bringing in Tom Prenger from Bank of Colorado to discuss
financing options. The Board will continue to pursue a new
building in 2015.
Online Services
The Library added three new online services in 2014:
Hoopla, downloadable music, movies, tv shows and
audiobooks; Freegal Streaming, in addition to
downloadable music, streaming music, 3 hours per day,
advertising free; and Axis 360 ebooks, popular
downloadable bestselling titles for adults and teens.
In-House Services
The Library upgraded its self-checkout computers by
purchasing three self-check kiosks from Bibliotheca. The
kiosks allow payment of fines via credit card. One of the
kiosks accepts bills and coins. In addition, patrons can
view their library accounts, and return items to the library
as well as checkout items.
A tablet dispenser from Laptops Anytime which holds 6
iPads and 6 Google Nexus tablets was added to the library
to provide in-house use for patrons who prefer tablets to
laptops or workstations.
On Saturday, Jan. 18th, the Library formally opened the
DigiLAB. With two Apple Macintosh computers loaded
with the Adobe Suite of software, patrons can now create
their own digital content. Later in the year, a keyboard was
added for creating music. Staff from the IT/Technical
Services Dept. will provide instruction for patrons who
wish to use the software.
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The Children’s area was transformed by the arrival of the
colorful picture book bins. The picture books were moved
from standard shelving into the bins, displaying the
beautiful art work on the covers.
The 4 Minecraft computers were moved into the newly repainted tower area. Moving them away from the front of
the building lessened the noise of the excited players. Two
additional computers were added during the year to
provide more access.
An Early Literacy Area was set up in the corner formerly
housing the Minecraft computers. It has been a very
popular area for the little ones and their parents.
Four computers were added to the Teen Area to provide a
place for teen to play Minecraft and other computer games
away from the younger children.
A Promethean Board was set up in the meeting room.
Similar to Smart Boards, it allows presenters to interact
with the screen.
An iPad for reading Zinio magazines was added to the
fireplace area. Online magazines can be downloaded to
tablets and other devices, but having the iPad in the library
allows those without tablets to access the magazines in the
Bookmobile and Outreach Services
Additional staff was hired to increase programming on the
Bookmobile and for Outreach programming. The
popularity of the Library’s Outreach continued to grow.
Lobby Stops for senior citizens has becomes one of the most
popular services.
Programming Highlights
January - Colorado University at Boulder presented a
workshop on new technologies, 3D Printing, Conductive
Paints and Fabrics, Circuits and more which was attended
by 50 people. Staff members Michael Ross and Brad Vogler
were on hand to show interested patrons the Mac
computers in the DigiLAB.
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February - The Children’s Department organized a very
successful Early Literacy Fair on Saturday, Feb. 8th. 80 little
ones and their caregivers had fun going through the
different stations which promoted skills that are important
to acquire before going to school.
March – The Library hosted its first successful Teen Video
Game Tournament, HALO. Thomas Viney and Nathan Triz
did a great job planning and conducting this program.
Twenty-six teens had a great time.
April - Andrea Cleland led One Book 4 Colorado at the
Library this year by bringing the Grumpy Raptors to the
library for an all ages program. All 4 year old children
received a free copy of the book “Grumpy Birds”, provided
by the State Library.
May - Bookmobile Day was celebrated on Saturday, May
17th. The Windsor Lions Club provided free hot dogs and
hamburgers. 170 people came to eat, listen to a live musical
presentation by Dr. Noize, and to work on crafts, play some
games and visit the bookmobile. It was a great day to be
outdoors and the Outreach staff with the help of other staff
made it a fun day for all.
June - Summer Reading for all ages began on June 2nd. The
Program was streamlined for 2014, to make it easier for
patrons and staff. A new addition to the incentives for
children was a t-shirt for every child, ages 6-12 who
finished reading 6 books during the summer. Adults who
finished 3 books were treated to a spice packet or baking
mix from Twin Sisters Gourmet Mixes in Windsor. Other
fun prizes included temporary tattoos, books, slime, nose
pencil sharpeners, Qdoba coupons and cilantro seed
packages from Qdoba. Everyone was enthusiastic about
summer reading this year!
July - Over 90 people came to the Canyon Critters program
to view and hold snakes!
August - To celebrate the end of a very successful Summer
Reading Program, on Saturday, Aug. 2nd, the Library held a
Carnival including bounce houses, a photo booth, cotton
candy, popcorn, crafts and more.
For the little ones, under age 5, the Library brought in a real
live petting zoo. The parking lot was for a short time the
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home of sheep, goats, a donkey, chickens, rabbits and a pig.
The kids got to pet the animals, which for most of them
was a new experience.
September - The Library in partnership with the Windsor
Severance Library Foundation held the Annual Art Show
starting Sept. 11th. There were more than 80 pieces of art on
display. In addition to programs centered on art, the library
staff and foundation member Cornelia Davis, recorded
some of the artists speaking about their art.
October - The month of October saw some of the highest
numbers for Outreach and Youth Services. The highest
number of patrons ever, 900, came aboard the bookmobile
at the annual Chamber of Commerce Trick-or-Treat event.
Campfire Tales attracted 77 people young and old. Lynley
Allen’s Weird Science programs were an attention grabber.
Lynley worked with 200 kids in October on science
November - A sellout advanced movie screening of
Mockingjay, part 1 was held on Nov. 19th at the Cinemark
Theater in Fort Collins. This movie is the first half of the
last book in the trilogy. Advanced screenings have proven
very popular; the Library plans to hold another one for the
final installment in the Hunger Games series in 2015.
December - The Bookmobile and Page the Pelican were on
hand on December 6th for Windsor Wonderland. Tucker
Valentine, dressed as Page, did a wonderful job of
hamming it up and had his picture taken numerous times.
Many holiday themed programs were held throughout the
month. On Friday night, Dec. 5th, the Library was filled
with people and the sounds of bagpipes for the Celtic
Christmas program.
Gingerbread Houses were on the programming calendar
twice during the month of December, once for adults on
December 11th and once for tweens on December 17th. Both
programs were a success. Very creative houses were
constructed and most of the candy ended up on the houses.
Santa’s Workshop returned on Saturday, Dec. 13th. Kids
got the chance to make Christmas presents for friends and
Amplified, the Library’s open mic night, moved to Nana
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Bea’s, a coffee shop in Windsor, on Thursday, Dec. 11th.
Nana Beas offered free hot chocolate and the library
patrons provided the music. Nana Beas would like the
Library to return in January.
On Friday night, Dec. 19th, the Dickens Carolers sang
Christmas carols by the fireplace for a very enthusiastic
These are just a sampling of the many wonderful programs
that were held in the library and outside of the library in
2014 for both children and adults.
A Salary Survey by Singer Associate was completed and
reviewed by the Board in January of 2014. Pay scales for
several job titles were upgraded as a result.
All-staff quarterly meetings were held in 2014 in an effort to
keep a growing staff updated on all library activities. The
meetings were held at noon on Fridays. Lunch was
provided. Staff were awarded Guiding Principles
recognition awards at the meetings.
Open display/carry
of firearms and
other weapons is
prohibited in all
Clearview Library
District facilities.
In August, an unsettling event occurred at the Windsor
Severance Library which caused the Library Board to
review its policy on weapons in the Library. A patron
carrying a concealed weapon with a permit, inadvertently
allowed the weapon to be seen by another patron who
reported it to staff. The patron with the weapon was asked
to leave. She did so under protest, reporting the occurrence
to the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners group. The RMGO
then sent a letter to the Library Board threatening a lawsuit
if the Board did not immediately change the policy.
The policy was reviewed at the September Board meeting
and altered to be in compliance with the state law.
Concealed carrying of weapons with a permit is allowed by
law. A sign was posted on the Library door in accordance
with the law.
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For the second year, the Library received a non-competitive
grant from the State of Colorado. The funds are to be used
for early literacy materials.
The Library applied for and received Erate funding from
the Universal Services Administration Corporation.
Parking the bookmobile in the garage continued to be
problematic because of the narrow door. The staff worked
on solutions to make it less stressful.
During an extremely heavy downpour in August, the foyer
of the library and the garage flooded. Staff worked together
quickly to minimize the damage to material stored in closets
and in the basement.
The Youth Services Dept. and Outreach Dept. were
combined under the direction of Ally Garcia at the
beginning of 2014. Ms. Garcia has done a remarkable job of
cross training the staff in these two departments who serve
the children in our community.
Ally Garcia spent a week in Nashville attending PLA Boot
Camp, a leadership course sponsored by the Public Library
Assn. and taught by consultants June Garcia and Sandra
Nelson. It was a great learning and networking experience.
The Colorado Association of Libraries Annual Conference
was held at the Embassy Suites in Loveland from Oct. 16th
through the 18th. Many of the Clearview Library District
Some staff was able to attend the entire three day
conference; others were able to attend for one of the days.
Several staff presented programs at the Conference: Ally
Garcia, Andrea Cleland, Lynley Allen, Cari Borchert,
Monica Latham, and Ann Kling. It is important that our
staff share their knowledge and forward thinking ideas
with the library community in Colorado.
Staff Development Day was held on Friday, November 7th.
The guest speaker was Julie Forbes, who put the staff
through the “True Colors” workshop. Similar to MeyersBriggs, this system assigns a color to each person based on a
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series of questions. Once a person knows and understands
his color, he is able to relate better to co-workers with
different colors. The Staff also held a discussion on Sacred
Cows, visited other departments to see what was new and
held a Sweet Treats Contest.
Additions – Full-time
Heather Seely – Youth Services Supervisor
Additions – Part-time
Lynley Allen – Youth Services Assistant
Denise Ketchens – Circulation Assistant
Aimee Moore – Shelver
Anthony Perez – Outreach Assistant
Kirstie Smith – Circulation Assistant
Kat Sharp – Outreach Assistant
Tucker Valentine - Shelver
Separations – Part-time
Ryan Brunner – Shelver
Nanette Hoelmer – Circulation Assistant
Deb Kauffman – Youth Services Assistant
Clare Mahoney – Outreach Assistant
James Parker – Substitute Bookmobile Driver
Michelle Pohlen – Outreach Assistant
Letha Price – Substitute Circulation Assistant
Lindsay Savage - Shelver
Katie Scherer and Ian Whittington joined the Library Board
in 2014. Joann Perko was appointed President of the Board.
Town of Windsor liaison to the Board, Robert BishopCotner finished his term at the end of June and was
replaced by Jeremy Rose. The Director and Board are very
thankful to Mr. Bishop-Cotner for his support.
Library Foundation
The Library Foundation held two successful book sales at
the Town of Windsor Recreation Center. A very generous
donation was received from Vince Murphy, husband of the
late former Library Director, Katherine Murphy. Mr.
Murphy has asked that the money be used to bring in
annual author talks. As a result of the donation, Windsor
Reads is being planned for the fall of 2015.
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Coming Attractions – 2015
BAM (Books and More) program at Severance
Middle School
3D printer
Science Club in Severance
Windsor Reads
Website re-design
2014 Statistics
Number of Homepage Visitors – 238,418
Number of Patrons Served – 246,018
Number of Items Borrowed – 322,391
Number of Virtual Borrowers –14,771
Number of Virtual Items Borrowed – 42,753
Database usage – 13,928
Attendance at Programs – 30,457
Computer Users – 5,881
Computer User Sessions – 22,192
Number of Items in the Collection – 99,058
New Items Added – 10,855
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Financial Information
2014 Revenue and Expenditures
% of
General property tax
Other revenue
Specific ownership tax
Bookmobile costs
Building costs
Capital outlays
County treasurer's fee
Electronic Databases
Operating supplies
Other Expenses
Public relations
Related expenses
Software/tech support
Expense Total
Net Revenue
Revenue Total
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