FREE PATTERN Design 1414 • Ladie’s Sweater

Design 1414 • Ladie’s Sweater
Bust: 37 (42½, 46½)” [94 (108, 118) cm]
Length: 251/2” [65cm]
Materials: SMC Select Riana (50% wool, 45% polyacryl, 5% viscose), 132yd [120m], 1¾ oz [50g];
17½ (21, 22¾) oz [500 (600, 650) g], 1320 (1584,
1716) yd [1200 (1440, 1560) m] in kiwi, color 03418.
Size 7 and 9 [4.5 and 5.5mm] needles;
size 7 and 9 [4.5 and 5.5mm] circular needles, each
16” [40cm] long.
St st in the round: k all rnds.
Rib pattern: k1, p1.
Shaker Rib:
Worked in rows over an odd number of
Row 1 (WS): selvage st, k1, * yo, sl1 pwise, k1, rep
from *, selvage st.
Row 2: selvage st, yo, sl1 pwise, * k next st tog with
yo, yo, sl1 pwise, rep from *, selvage st.
Row 3: selvage st, k next st tog with yo, * yo, sl1
pwise, k next st tog with yo, rep from *, selvage st.
Work row 1 once, then repeat rows 2-3.
Shaker Rib:
Worked in rounds over an even number of sts.
Rnd 1: * yo, sl1 pwise, k1, rep from *.
Rnd 2: * p next st tog with yo, yo, sl1 pwise, rep from
Rnd 3: * yo, sl1 pwise, k next st tog with yo, rep from *.
Work rnd 1 once, then repeat rnds 2-3.
Shape armholes: bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Dec 2 sts each end of needle every 8th row 3 (3, 4)
times as foll: selvage st, work 3 sts, yo, sl1 kwise,
k2tog [= 2 sts and 2 yo’s], psso slipped st and yo,
work to last 7 sts, k3tog [= 3 sts and 3 yo’s], work rem
4 sts = 51 (61, 65) sts.
Gauge: 14 sts and 36 rows = 4” [10cm] in shaker rib
on larger needles.
Back: with smaller needles, cast on 66 (76, 84) sts.
Beg with a WS row and working first st after selvage
st as a k st, work in rib pattern for 2“ [5cm]. On last
(RS) row, inc 1 st [m1l] at beg of row after selvage st
= 67 (77, 85) sts. Change to larger needles and work
in shaker rib until back measures 18½ (17¾, 17)” [47
(45, 43) cm].
Copyright © 2011 Coats PLC -
11 / 2011
acc = according, alt = alternate, beg = beginning, ch = chain, Col = color, cn = cable needle, dec(s) = decrease(s), foll = following, inc(s) = increase(s), k = knit, k2tog = knit 2 together, ktbl
= knit through back loop, kwise = knitwise, lh = left hand, M1 = make one, p = purl, pat = pattern, psso = pass over, ptbl = purl through back loop, pwise = purlwise, rep = repeat, rev St st
= reverse stockinette st, r = row(s), rh = right hand, rnd(s) = round(s), RS = right side, sc = single crochet, SKP = slip 1 st, knit 1 st, pass slipped st over k st, sl = slide, St(s) = stitch(es),
St st = Stockinette stitch [K on RS, p on WS], WS = wrong side, wyib = with yarn in back, wyif = with yarn in front, yo = yarn over
Work until back measures 24¾“ [63cm]. Shape neck:
work to center 17 (19, 19) sts, join another ball of yarn,
bind off center 17 (19, 19) sts, work to end. Working
both sides at same time, bind off 2 sts at each neck
edge twice. Work until back measures 25½“ [65cm].
Bind off remaining 13 (17, 19) shoulder sts.
Front: work same as for back until front measures
20½“ [52cm]. Shape neck: work to center 7 (9, 9) sts,
join another ball of yarn, bind off center 7 (9, 9) sts,
work to end. Working both sides at same time, work
2 rows even, bind off 2 sts at each neck edge once, 1
st every 4th row 5 times and 1 st every 6th row twice.
When front measures same length as back to shoulders, bind off remaining 13 (17, 19) shoulder sts.
Sleeves: with smaller needles, cast on 34 (38, 38)
sts. Beg with a WS row and working first st after selvage st as a k st, work in rib pattern for 2“ [5cm]. On
last (RS) row, inc 1 st [m1l] at beg of row after selvage st = 35 (39, 39) sts.
Change to larger needles and shaker rib and shape
sleeves as foll: inc 2 sts at each end of needle every
30th row 4 times (every 28th row 4 times, every 24th
row 5 times) and work incs as foll: selvage st, work
1 st, [k1, p1, k1] in next st incl yo, work to last 3 sts,
[k1, p1, k1] in next st incl yo, work rem 2 sts = 51 (55,
59) sts.
Work until sleeve measures 18 (17¼, 17¼)” [46 (44,
44) cm]. Shape sleeve cap: bind off 2 sts at beg of
next 2 rows. Dec 2 sts each end of needle every 6th
row 8 (9, 9) times and work decs as for back. Work
until sleeve measures 23½“ [60cm]. Bind off remaining 15 (15, 19) sts.
Copyright © 2011 Coats PLC -
11 / 2011
Finishing: Pin pieces to measurements and block
with damp towels. Sew all seams, sew in sleeves.
Collar: with smaller circular needle, pick up and k 74
(78, 78) sts around neck edge. Work St st in the rnd
for ¾“ [2cm]. Work shaker rib in the rnd until collar
measures 4“ [10cm]. Change to larger circular needle
and work shaker rib in the rnd until collar measures
81/2“ [22cm]. Bind off all sts loosely.