Project 1 Web Exclusive Bobble-pattern snood Draped around your neck or covering your head, this cosy, textured snood is spot on trend. Getting started One star Bobble pattern may take a little practise, but snood is worked in a long, straight strip Size: Approximately 30 x 180cm all round How much yarn: 3 x 100g balls of Wendy Mode Chunky in Sapphire Blue (shade 213) Needles: Pair of 9mm (UK 00) knitting needles Tension: 15 sts and 11 rows measure 10cm over patt on 9mm (UK 00) needles IT IS ESSENTIAL TO WORK TO THE STATED TENSION TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS What you have to do: Work throughout in bobble pattern, alternating making three stitches out of one with working three stitch together Work narrow garter-stitch border at each end of snood (included with pattern) Instructions Abbreviations: beg = beginning; cm = centimetre(s); k = knit; p = purl; patt = pattern; rep = repeat; st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; WS = wrong side; yfwd = yarn forward to make a stitch SNOOD: With 9mm (UK 00) needles cast on 44 sts. 1st row: (WS) K2, *(k1, yfwd, k1) all into next st so making 3 sts out of one, p3tog, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2. 2nd row: K2, p to last 2 sts, k2. 3rd row: K2, *p3tog, (k1, yfwd, k1) all into next st, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2. 4th row: As 2nd row. These 4 rows form patt. Rep them until work measures 180cm from beg, ending with a 1st or 3rd row. Cast off. Making up Join cast-on and cast-off edges to form a circle.
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