THE CUP NEWS OF THE CLINTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2015 ‘Tis the gift to be simple, ‘tis the gift to be free, ‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, And when we find ourselves in the place just right, ‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight. —Elder Joseph Brackett, 1848 The Rev. Laura E. Strauss We’ve had ENOUGH! For the five Sundays of Lent, we journeyed through a study of Enough: Finding Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity. On Palm Sunday, we turned in our Commitment Cards. This Easter will provide the opportunity for those who were unable on Palm Sunday to turn in their commitment cards during the offering. We will celebrate these commitments on Sunday, April 19 with a Sandwich and Salad Potluck following worship. So, what has God taught us in these weeks? First, we were reminded of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ from Matthew’s gospel, “For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life?” The American Dream changed from a dream of liberty and freedom to a dream of more stuff. This dream became a nightmare as we’ve been impacted in our spirits with the illnesses of Affluenza (the constant need for more) and Credit-it is (debt). These illnesses were caused by a desire for possessions as opposed to a desire for God in Christ. The Bible called us to a heart change! Second, we listened to the Parable of the Prodigal Son. As it turns out, a prodigal isn’t one who runs away from home…it’s someone who wastes money! We learned of our own prodigal nature through impulse buying and eating out. We had lost our sense of purpose and calling as those meant to use our resources to the glory of God for the building up of God’s kingdom. We then received resources for setting goals related to our Godly life purpose, and six financial principles for achieving those goals. On the third Sunday, we heeded Jesus’ warning in Luke’s gospel, “Take care! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” A life lived in greed is a life lived in discontentment. Christ calls us to contentment, particularly the kind of contentment found by the Apostle Paul in ALL circumstances, even prison in Rome. The four keys to this kind of contentment are a recognition that things could be worse (we could not know Jesus!), asking ourselves how long our desires would make us happy (usually not long), developing a grateful heart in all circumstances and finding our soul’s true satisfaction in God alone. Finally, we were commanded by Paul in his first letter to Timothy, “as those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” The Lord provides ENOUGH, and we are therefore invited to trust God as we follow God’s command to give from the top. We are created to be generous, even as we are tempted to hoard out of fear and/or self-gratification. We listened to Biblical guidelines for giving, noting what tithing means to both God and ourselves. It has been an exciting, challenging and uncomfortable Lent, much like Jesus’ forty days in the desert. But, my prayer is that we all have grown in our understanding of what it means to be content through simplicity and generosity. I know that I have. With joy, let us enter into the Easter season with thanksgiving… thankful that our times, gifts and treasures may be used to their fullest to the glory of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In Christ’s Service, Pastor Laura Holy Week Events Sunday, March 29: Palm Sunday Clinton U.P. Church Consecration Sunday 11:00 a.m. with Palms feat. the Bell Choir Thursday, April 2: Maundy Thursday Clinton U.P. Church 7:00 p.m., Rev. Isler preaching Sacrament of Communion feat. the Bell Choir Friday, April 3: Good Friday Cross Walk Shop N Save Parking Lot, Imperial Meet at Noon, Walk at 12:15 Sunday, April 5: Easter Sunday Sunrise Service Hebron Presbyterian Church 7:00 a.m., Rev. Strauss preaching Breakfast to Follow Clinton U.P. Church 11:00 a.m. with Communion feat. the Bell Choir Monday, April 6: Easter Monday CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED The Sacrament of Communion The Eucharist will be taken on Maundy Thursday, April 2 and Easter Sunday, April 5. Please prepare your hearts and minds for the partaking of this holy sacrament! Check out the Worship Archive! Dakota Lamb has begun recording video of our Sunday Scripture readings and sermons. These videos can be found on the church web site: in the Worship Archive. Administrative Professionals' Day Amanda Leonard has given tirelessly of her time and energy throughout 2014-15 in her substitute position as our Administrative Assistant. She has moved our newsletter online, taken on the position of Church Historian and tackled our stewardship campaign with dedication and grace. Be sure to thank her as we observe Administrative Professionals' Day the week of April 19 – 26. Special Congregational Meeting There will be a special congregational meeting on Sunday, April 26 following our 11:00 a.m. worship to hear a report from the Finance and Stewardship Committee regarding our financial situation and the results of the stewardship campaign. We will also review and approve the pastor's compensation package. Please mark your calendar and plan to be present. CHOIR NOTES Bell Tones With April this year comes Easter and the choir has been very busy this Lenten season with our special music to celebrate the Easter season. Thank you to Jim Huffman, Judy Huemmrich, Joe Miller, Sandy Cogis and Amanda Collins for your extra special music during the offertory throughout this Lenten season. All of your selections were beautiful and were enjoyed by everyone in our congregation. Thank you all. Thank you to our bell tones and the wonderful music they provide during this Holy Week and Easter Sunday. It is quite a skill to work together to make our music joyful and they all do a fantastic job. We will put our bells away again till next fall, so look for us back up front during Thanksgiving and Christmas. We look forward to continuing our singing till Pentecost on May 24th at which time the choir will take a well deserved summer break. During the summer we try to provide special music for our service and if anyone would like to play an instrument or has a special song they would like to sing or would like to hear, just let me know and I will help you find the right date for you to sing or play. Join us on Sunday, April 19, following worship as we celebrate the commitment of our congregation to give to the Lord. This will be a potluck-style luncheon where we are invited to bring salads and sandwiches to share in celebration of what our God has done through our Enough stewardship campaign! Thanks again to all our wonderful choir members and their continued dedication and to our congregation for your appreciation of our music every Sunday. “Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.” —Clarence W. Hall Salad and Sandwich Celebration Luncheon! DEACON COMMITTEE The Deacons will host the after church luncheon on April 19 to celebrate the church's commitment to our future. We will need donations of sandwiches and salads and desserts. There will be a sign up sheet in the back of the church or you can let Maxine Wilson know what you would like to bring. Also, the Deacons will meet on Sunday April 12 after church in the 3M’s classroom. Officer Training is Re-Scheduled! There will be Officer Training for all elders and deacons on Sunday, April 26. Deacons are asked to be present from 1:00 - 2:30, elders from 1:00 - 5:00. We will begin with a salad and sandwich potluck luncheon. Please let Pastor Laura know if you will not be able to attend. ‘ “I lied on my Weight Watchers list. I put down that I had three eggs…but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs.” —Carolina Rhea Attention Golfers: Yes, the days are getting longer and yes they will surely get warmer pretty soon and so we are once again going to head on out to the Ponderosa Gold Lands. We gather on Friday evenings at 5:00 and play a friendly round of 9 holes and then we gather in the dining room for a light dinner. We would encourage anyone who would like to golf to join us for this fun activity. Women's Group The Church Women's Group is still active and we are always looking for new members. We meet on the first Thursday of the month, and this past year we have been studying the 7 deadly sins. Our next meeting will be April 9th at 6:30 due to the fact the Maundy Thursday is the first Thursday of April. Please mark your calendars to attend this meeting. The Women's Group will be selling Hoagies through April. Look for Lena's special announcement about the cost and pick up days in the CUP and the weekly bulletin. We are also planning our annual Ladies Tea. It will be held on May 9th starting at 12:30. This year’s entertainment will be Gary Means, Chalk Drawing/Story Teller. Some of our ladies have seen him before and he is wonderful and we are excited to have him come and be with us that day. Adult tickets will be $8.00 and children 12 and under tickets are $4.00. You may get tickets from Cindy Macek. We are also planning an after church picnic in the pavilion on Pentecost, May 25. There will be more information coming about that picnic. Please mark your calendars for these special activities that our church is having and plan to attend and support the Women's Group. The Youth Group’s 30 Hour Famine was a success! Eight youth fasted for 30 Hours as we learned to make hunger our fight, using the story of David and Goliath as our inspiration. The parents led Tribe, in which the youth were divided into two Ethiopian tribes playing games which illustrated the global struggles for hunger, nutrition, education and water. We learned about the global pursuit of happiness, and what actually makes people happy (HINT: serving others). This year's mission service took place at the West Allegheny Food Pantry where the youth dusted shelves, cans and the tops of the refrigerator. After learning about the mission of the Food Pantry from Deacon Linda Stoner, the youth headed up to Imperial Point where they collected non-perishable goods. Thank you to our youth for their service, and to the congregation for their support! The youth group will meet on Sunday, April 12 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. We will also meet with the Community Youth Group on Sunday, April 26 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Montours Presbyterian Church. We will meet at Clinton U.P. Church to carpool to Montours at 5:40 p.m. Save The Date: The youth group will partner with Boy Scout Troop 830 for a car wash fundraiser on Saturday, May 16 at King's in Imperial. The portion raised by our youth will go toward our summer 2016 mission trip. Youth Group Good Friday The youth group will meet on Good Friday, April 3, at 12:00 at the Shop N Save in Imperial for the annual CrossWalk. A TBA activity will follow. Join us! Kid's Group The Kid's Group for children in grades two – five will meet on Sunday, April 12 and April 26 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Join us! Kids' Group Leader Needed We need a Kids' Group leader for the 2015-16 academic year! The Kids' Group meets on the second and fourth Sunday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. It is open to all children in grades two – five. Please contact Brenda Lamb, Pastor Laura or Brenda Metz if interested. Thank You, Scott and Amber Hilpert! The Christian Education Committee would like to thank Scott and Amber Hilpert for their service in leading Kid's Group in 2014-15. Our children were blessed by your energy, enthusiasm, and Biblical imagination in teaching them about the ways of Jesus Christ. May God bless your growing family richly! Presbyterian Men 2015 Conference and Fellowship: Join us at the Massanetta Springs Conference Center in Harrisonburg, VA from July 17 - 19, 2015. Our focus this year is 1 Corinthians 12:12, "Christ is like a single body, which has many parts; it is still one body, though it is made up of different parts." Speakers include Extreme Global Impact president, Richard Pringle, and Associate Director of the mission agency the Outreach Foundation, Rev. Dr. Jeff Ritchie. Activities will also include a golf tournament, Appalachian trail hike, work project and history tour. Cost begins at $290.00 for conference registration, six meals and two nights lodging. This event is sponsored by the Synod of the MidAtlantic. Go to: for more info. Presbyterian Men Conference: Join us at the Massanetta Springs Conference Center in Harrisonburg, VA from July 17 - 19, 2015. Our focus this year is 1 Corinthians 12:12, "Christ is like a single body, which has many parts; it is still one body, though it is made up of different parts." This event includes dynamic speakers, work projects, fishing and hiking. Sponsored by the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. Go to: Youth Sunday The youth will be leading 11:00 a.m. worship on Sunday, May 10. Dakota Lamb will be preaching a sermon compiled by himself in conjunction with the entire youth group. Please join us for this special service. “But from this earth, this grave, this dust, my God shall raise me up, I trust. —Sir Walter Raleigh Dear Beloved in Christ, As of May 17, 2015, enough presbyteries have ratified an action of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to make that action effective across our denomination. This action has been reported by the national media, as I'm sure many, if not most, of you are aware. I have prepared the Q&A, with the help of colleague in ministry the Rev. Ryan Baer, below in hopes that it might be a helpful conversation partner as you discuss this issue with your friends, neighbors and church family. As always, my door is open to you if you’d like to discuss these or any other issues. Q: What was the action? A: At its meeting in June 2014, the General Assembly proposed an amendment to our church Constitution regarding marriage. As of March 17, 2015, a majority of the 171 presbyteries in our denomination have ratified the amendment, making it effective. The new language now reads: Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community. to seek and represent the will of Christ for Christ’s church. In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. Q: How did our presbytery vote? A: Our church is a member congregation of Pittsburgh Presbytery. Our presbytery has not yet voted on this amendment. However, even though there is already a majority and the amendment has passed, the presbytery will vote at our next presbytery meeting as originally scheduled. A ruling elder and myself will be present to represent Clinton U.P. Church in voting at that particular meeting. Q: What does the amendment do? A: The amendment grants freedom of conscience to pastors in jurisdictions where permitted by civil law to perform wedding ceremonies for same-gender couples, and it also allows sessions to authorize the use of church facilities for such ceremonies. It does not require pastors to perform or sessions to authorize such a service if it would violate their conscience. Q: What is the General Assembly? A: The General Assembly is the highest governing council in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) It is made up of equal numbers of pastors and elders who are sent as commissioners from their regional presbyteries. You may remember that our own Elder Amanda Wade attended the 2012 General Assembly as a Young Adult Advisory Delegate. Unlike our civil government, commissioners are not sent only to represent their constituencies, but Q: How does this amendment affect our church? A: In general, our church does not receive many requests to perform weddings. In fact, I have only performed four weddings in my five-year tenure. So, we do not need to worry that this will become an issue for our particular congregation in the near future. That said, the session has the option of voting to create a statement in our by-laws making it clear our position on this particular amendment. Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via phone (412956-9438) or email, Monday – Thursday. I'd also be happy to schedule a time to meet with you to chat face-to-face. May God bless you richly with the GRACE and PEACE of our Lord Jesus Christ as we near the end of this Lenten season! In Christ's Service, Pastor Laura UPDATE: The Session of Clinton U.P. Church has been made aware of the actions taken by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) regarding this amendment. They will have a representative present to vote at the next Presbytery meeting, along with Pastor Laura. Additionally, they will be continuing in prayerful discussion and discernment regarding how to proceed as is best for our congregation in its desire to follow the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit regarding this particular matter. The Women’s Association is selling hoagies. Orders must be in by April 12th to Sandi Cogis or Lena Cool or any member of the Women’s Association. Orders may be picked up at the Church on Friday, April 24th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Payment must accompany your order. Checks should be made payable to Clinton U.P. Church. We are selling Italian, turkey, and roast beef hoagies, along with pepperoni rolls. Thank you for your support! The Answer is Easter After the April 2013 suicide of his 27year-old son, Matthew, pastor and author Rick Warren was often asked how he was able to keep going. His frequent reply? “The answer is Easter.” In the Easter sermons Warren preached the following year, he emphasized that Jesus’ resurrection is the answer to discouragement, defeat and devastating trials. “The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus happened over three days,” Warren explained. “Friday was the day of suffering and pain and agony. Saturday was the day of doubt and confusion and misery. But Easter, that Sunday, was the day of hope and joy and victory. “You will face these three days over and over and over in your lifetime. And when you do, you’ll find yourself asking, as I did, three fundamental questions. Number one, what do I do in my days of pain? Two, how do I get through my days of doubt and confusion? Three, how do I get to the days of joy and victory? The answer is Easter.” Just want to thank everyone for their warm thoughts, prayers, and encouragement as I faced health issue testing. God is very good! Thank you and God bless, Peggy Steffanus Thank you Clinton Church and Family, Denny and I would like to thank all our family, friends, and neighbors that sent us cards and wished us well for our 50th anniversary. It doesn’t seem like it should be 50 years already, time really flies by. We will continue to look forward to many more years together. Thank you one and all. —Cindy & Denny Macek We would like to thank all the folks at Clinton parents’ church anniversary for so making special our by keeping it such a secret and showering them with cards. Thank you all for helping us make this such a special occasion. Mark Macek and Amy Langeberg kits, which consumers use to decorate 180 million eggs. EGG-STRA FACTS Easter eggs were once part of pagan spring festivals, they’ve become Christian symbols of new life. A cracked-open shell also represents Jesus’ empty tomb on Easter morning. The early Christians of Mesopotamia began staining eggs red in honor of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. Red eggs remain part of Greek Orthodox celebrations today. For Lent, some families used to give up eggs and dairy, so they prepared a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. They solved the egg surplus by hard-boiling them in various broths, which led to colored eggs. In medieval times, churches held “egg-throwing” festivals. The priest threw a hard-boiled egg toward the choir boys, who tossed it back and forth. When the clock struck 12, whoever was holding the egg got to keep it. In some European countries, children go from house to house to collect Easter eggs. Each year, the PAAS Dye Co. sells more than 10 million egg-coloring The tallest chocolate Easter egg ever produced weighed 16,000 pounds — more than an elephant! We Need Cookies! The West Allegheny Ministerial Association is seeking 10-12 dozen cookies from our congregation for the Sunday, May 31 Baccalaureate Service. Delivery time and place to be announced. Thank you! BLT Sunday is Coming Save the Date The West Allegheny Ministerial Association Baccalaureate Service for all West Allegheny graduating seniors will be held on Sunday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m. at the Church of the Living Christ. Please join us as we celebrate God's work in the lives of our seniors and as we ask God's blessing on their future! Graduation Sunday! Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 31 as we celebrate our graduating seniors during the 11:00 a.m. worship service. We will recognize those graduating from high school during the morning worship service, and they will be provided with a special gift from the congregation. The Youth Group is holding a BLT Sunday fundraiser on Graduation Sunday, May 31 following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Tickets will be available by pre-sale. The lunch will be provided in take-out form, though you may enjoy the lunch in the pavilion, weather permitting. This fundraiser will allow the youth to support Bishal, a four-year-old boy in India, through World Vision for another year. CLINTON U.P. CHURCH CEMETERY SEEKING BIDS Clinton U.P. Church Cemetery is seeking separate sealed bids for the mowing of both the old and new sections of the Clinton Cemetery. A sealed bid for trimming of the grass around the headstones of both the old and new sections of the Clinton Cemetery will be accepted. Clinton Cemetery will need a copy of a certificate of insurance. Bids must be received by April 15, 2015. Any questions, please contact a cemetery board member: Bill Marburger, Denny Macek, Mark McConnell, or Larry Wilson. to Ty Watters who is the new: Pennsylvania State Wrestling Champ in the 10 years and younger, 70 lbs. category. Great job Ty! TGIF I recently read an article that said “If you want to do your best work, it’s important to get away from that work every once in a while.” As a teacher, I couldn’t agree more with this statement. I have come to realize that I spend more time with other people’s children than I spend with my own, and I spend more time with other people’s children than THEY spend with them. I love my job, but I will be the first to admit that I am happy each and every week when Friday arrives – I need those days off! I think many people can relate to this – you can love your job, but you also love and need your time off. It reenergizes us, relaxes us and makes us better at what we do. A pastor’s job is unique and has many demands, but a pastor also needs to get away from their work. In addition to leading worship and Youth group on Sunday, Pastor Laura has office hours, visitations and meeting Monday through Thursday. On behalf of the Personnel Committee, I would like to remind everyone that Pastor Laura’s days off are Friday and Saturday. Please respect her personal time and do not call her in the evenings or her days off. The Session has communicated to Pastor Laura that she should not check or return emails and phone messages until she returns to the office after her days off. Unless on vacation, Pastor Laura will continue to be available for emergencies in which pastoral care is needed, but if you have routine church business, information to share or simply have a question, please contact Pastor Laura Monday through Thursday from 9:00 – 5:00. At Clinton UP Church we are blessed with an amazing pastor and so let us each do our part to allow her the time off that each of us needs and deserves. Yours in Christ, Brenda Lamb "The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest." Seneca Lorrie Leonard ...................... 1 Sarah Metz ........................... 1 Erin Welte ............................. 5 Carol Elek ............................. 7 Debbie Searcy ..................... 11 Betty Stickley ..................... 15 Josh Hilpert ........................ 18 Michael Ayers ..................... 18 Don Behnke ........................ 22 April Field ........................... 23 Beth McCullough ................ 28 Faith Miller ......................... 29 Kid’s Corner
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