COURSE INFORMATION INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Course Title: Legal Environment of Business Course Code: BUS-216-DS21 Synonym Number: 86808 Credits: 3 credits Semester: Spring 2015 Prerequisite: College Level Reading Format: The entire course and all assigned work will be in Canvas/MindTap only. Meeting Times and Days: Anytime online. Class Location: Online Start Date: 1/12/2015 No-Show Date: * Attendance and early engagement are important elements for your success in this course. All students who do not attend the first class(es) or meet early attendance requirements must be reported by the instructor to the Registrar’s Office. Financial aid students or students receiving Veteran’s benefits who do not attend the first class(es), meet early attendance requirements, and/or fail to complete introductory assignment(s) in Canvas/MindTap by January 18th, 2015 before 11 MST will be dropped from the course and may not receive financial assistance. After being dropped, neither financial aid awards nor class reinstatement can occur without significant documented extenuating circumstances. If you have questions or concerns about this policy, contact the financial aid specialist on your campus. More information at: Refund Date: 1/28/2015 Census Date: 2/2/2015 Withdraw Date: 4/10/2015 End Date: 5/1/2015 Name: Brandie Luevano, J.D., M.A. Office Location: Online Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F and 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Saturday MST Mailing Address: Online Phone(s): 303-523-1914. Please include your first and last name, and a brief summary pertaining to your call. Fax: N/A Email: [email protected] Response Time: Response time will be within 24-48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHY Page 1 of 9 Educational Background: Juris Doctorate in Law Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Orientation Note: The Instructor will email a course Orientation to all students registered for BUS216. Individual questions will be answered by telephone or email. Students may also access an instructor prepared Orientation that will provide necessary information for successful completion of the course. Copies shall also be sent electronically to all students registering for this course. Canvas: Canvas by Instructure is the online learning management system (LMS) used by Colorado Mountain College. You access Canvas via your web browser, i.e.: Mozilla/Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc. Students, faculty, and staff members use the CMC Canvas site to access course announcements, documents, research links and library resources, to receive and deliver completed assignments, to take tests, and to communicate with each other via email, discussion boards and chat. For instructions on How to Access your Canvas Account, Canvas How To's, and who to contact for all your Canvas questions and support needs, please visit Visit CMC’s student orientation page at Clicking on the “Online Learning” section will take you to an overview of Online Learning and an introduction to Canvas. Computer Access: Online courses require frequent computer use and access to the internet. It is highly recommended that students have a personal computer for use in online courses. If you need to use a computer at your local Colorado Mountain College location, you will be able to do so during open lab hours. Please check with your local site for times. Labs will not be available for Collaborate web conferencing sessions, if included as part of your course, due to the verbal interaction involved. II. Course Description: This course emphasizes public law, regulation of business, ethical considerations, and various relationships existing within society, government, and business. Specific attention is devoted to economic regulation, social regulation, regulations and laws impacting labor-management issues, and environmental concerns. Students develop an understanding of the role of law in social, political, and economic change. III. Student Learning Outcomes, Competencies, and Skills: A. Develop an understanding of the legal environment in which business operates. B. Awareness of legal problems and ability to communicate using correct legal vocabulary. C. Understand the special areas of contracts, personal property, sales, bailments, and commercial paper related to business problems and procedures. D. Ability to evaluate and think critically about business and legal relationships. E. Understanding how laws are made, enforced, and interpreted. F. Increase student awareness of how the law attempts to increase and protect property rights. G. Ability to locate legal information using the Internet. H. Awareness of ethical dilemmas. Page 2 of 9 Please see for CMC’s Signature Learning Outcomes. IV. IDEA Objectives: At the end of the course each student should have gained the following: 1. Gained factual knowledge of legal terminology, classifications, methods of application, and trends evident in the changing legal environment of business. 2. Learned to apply course material demonstrated through improved thinking, problemsolving, and decision-making. 3. Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems. 4. Developing a clearer understanding of, and commitment to, personal values. 5. Acquiring an interest in learning more by asking questions and seeking answers. V. Evaluation Methods and Class Management: During the semester you will complete weekly practice questions related to the weeks readings, Assignments, five (5) Quizzes, one (1) Research Paper, Discussion Board questions, and four (4) Cases to review in the Canvas Discussion Board in weeks 9, 10, 11, and 12. Students are encouraged to prepare a personal calendar for successful completion of the following assignments in a timely manner. I will post a week-by-week outline of readings, assignments, and discussions to complete in our Canvas Announcement Board. ASSIGNMENT CALENDAR DUE DATES FOR ALL ASSIGNED WORK FOR THE TERM Read: Chapter 1 (WEEK 1 DUE DATE: 1/18) Law and Legal Reasoning Read: Chapter 2 (WEEK 1 DUE DATE: 1/18) The Court System DUE DATE: January 18, 11:00 p.m. MT QUIZ ONE NO SHOW ASSIGNMENT An Assignment not posted by this date and time will be marked as a no-show. A student marked as a no-show will dropped by the Registrar’s Office as never-attended. “No-Show” Reporting and Financial Aid: If a student is dropped from a course (or courses) for non-attendance, the resultant loss in credit hours may cause a reduction and/or cancellation of his/her financial aid award. Read: Chapter 3 (WEEK 2 DUE DATE: 1/25) Alternative and Online Dispute Resolution Read: Chapter 4 (WEEK 2 DUE DATE: 1/25) Business Ethics DUE DATE: January 25th, 11:00 p.m. MT Page 3 of 9 QUIZ TWO Read: Chapter 5 (WEEK 3 DUE DATE: 2/1) Constitutional Law DUE DATE: February 1st, 11:00 p.m. MT QUIZ THREE Read: Chapter 6 (WEEK 4 DUE DATE: 2/8) Administrative Law\ Case Study DUE DATE: February 8th, 11:00 p.m. MT QUIZ FOUR Read : Chapters 7 (WEEK 5 DUE DATE: 2/15) Criminal Law and Cyber Crime Read : Chapters 8 (WEEK 6 DUE DATE: 2/22) International Law in a Global Economy Read: Chapter 9 (WEEK 7 DUE DATE: 3/1) Contract Formation DUE DATE: March 1st, 11:00 p.m. MT QUIZ FIVE DUE DATE: (WEEK 8 DUE DATE: 3/8) March 8th 11:59pm MT. Project: Research the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Email Research Project to Professor) Research the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. You will then read the article by Ronald E. Berenbeim titled The Enron Ethics Breakdown at the following website: In a 3-5 page, double spaced, 12 point font Times New Roman discuss the following topics in substantive detail. 1. Provide an overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. 2. In reference to the article, how did Enron fail to follow their own code of ethics? 3. Do you believe that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has helped to prevent securities fraud why or why not? 4. How did the Enron case impact corporate America? 5. What do you believe is the most important section within the enactment to prevent securities fraud? Please explain. For consideration your paper must follow the APA guidelines and include a title page, page header, citations, and a reference list of your sources. Papers not following recognized style for source and reference guidelines will not be accepted and the student will receive a "0" grade as your work will be considered plagiarized. Make sure to cite your sources to support answers. In order to view examples of a title page, page header, or citations please visit the Page 4 of 9 following: Assessment Rubric Excellent Average Research 19 16 Substantive 19 16 Response APA Formatting 19 16 Below Average 13 13 13 Points Total 38 Read: Chapter 10 (WEEK 9 DUE DATE: 3/15) Contract Performance, Breach and Remedies Read: Chapter 11 (WEEK 9 DUE DATE: 3/15) Sales Contracts Read: Chapters 12 and 13 (WEEK 10 DUE DATE: 3/29) Torts and Cyber Torts Strict Liability and Product Liability Read: Chapters 14 and 15 (WEEK 11 DUE DATE: 4/5) Intellectual Property and Internet Law Internet Law, Social Media, and Privacy Read: Chapters 16 and 17(WEEK 12 DUE DATE: 4/12) Creditor-Debtor Relations and Bankruptcy Small Business Organizations Read: Chapters 18 (WEEK 13 DUE DATE: 4/19) Limited Liability Companies and Limited Partnerships Read: Chapter 19 (WEEK 13 DUE DATE: 4/19) Corporations Read: Chapters 20 and 21 (WEEK 14 DUE DATE: 4/26) Agency Employment Relationships Read: Chapters 22 and 23 (WEEK 14 DUE DATE: 4/26) Employment Discrimination Immigration and Labor Law Due Dates are assigned to activities within this course. However, students may complete other course elements at their own pace. NOTE: ASSIGNED DUE DATES: 1. Late assignments will not be accepted unless written notice is provided by the student and approved for late submission by your instructor. All students are to complete the following: • Sarbanes-Oxley Act Research Paper = 38 points total. • MindTap Graded Assignments/5 Quizzes = 887 points total. • Discussion Board Posts 5 points each = 75 points total. (A student will receive 5 points if the first post substantively addresses the initial question, and the student provides two follow up posts to their fellow classmates). Page 5 of 9 • TOTAL available points for the course = 1000 points. STUDENT GRADES ARE AWARDED BASED ON POINTS RECEIVED ON ALL WORK ASSIGNED DURING THE TERM!!!! NOTE: Students Who Do Not Complete An Assignment Due By The Census Date 2/2/15 May Be Given An “Aw” And Dropped from the Course. TOTAL POINTS GRADE GRADE COURSE CREDIT A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0 PERCENTAGE EQUIVALENT 95-100 90-94 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 60-66 BELOW 60 INDICATES EXCELLENT ABOVE AVERAGE AVERAGE BELOW AVERAGE FAILURE Course Policies: ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT POLICY A student judged to have engaged in academic misconduct as defined in the “Academic Policies and Requirements” section of the Colorado Mountain College Student Handbook will, at a minimum, receive a “zero” for the work in question. The student may also be removed from the class, resulting in a failing grade. All student course material may be submitted to Turnitin (or another anti-plagiarism program) at the instructor’s discretion. “Academic Expectations,” the “Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Process” and more information about academic misconduct can be found in the Student Handbook, online version at: DROP/WITHDRAW POLICY The last date to drop/withdraw from this course is April 10, 2015. Students wishing to withdraw from this course must initiate the course withdrawal/drop process at the site Registration Office. Students wishing to withdraw from this course must INITIATE the course withdrawal/drop process at the site Registration Office. This class could be cancelled one week prior to the census date if a sufficient number of students are not enrolled by that date. Students are responsible for course materials from assigned text(s) and reading, lectures, and other assignments as required. Page 6 of 9 The instructor may alter any, or all, of this syllabus during the semester as the learning environment requires. Students will be notified of changes in the Canvas course shell. SERVICES/RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS SMARTHINKING ONLINE TUTORING Help when you need it: 24 hours a day! Smarthinking is an online tutoring service provided by Colorado Mountain College. Depending on the courses in which you are enrolled, you may find Smarthinking's supplemental help an important part of your success. Academic areas covered by their expert support include: Math, Introductory Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Statistics, Spanish, Writing, Computers and Technology, and Reading. All students registered for a credit course will have a Smarthinking account created. Your username will be your CMC WebAdvisor ID. For most students, this is your first initial followed by last name. It is the same as the first portion of your CMC email address (the part before the @). Your password will be "cmc" plus the last six digits of your Social Security number (for example "cmc123456"). You may access your account at: If you don’t know your ID or are unable to login, email [email protected]. While this service is provided at no charge, Colorado Mountain College reserves the right to cap the number of free tutoring hours provided to a student. DISABILITY SERVICES If you have a disability protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and feel you may need classroom accommodations based on the impact of your disability, please contact the Disability Services Coordinator on your campus. • • • • • • Aspen, Carbondale, Glenwood Springs (including Spring Valley): Dr. Anne Moll at 970947-8256 Breckenridge and Dillon: Kate Wurster at 970-468-5989, extension 2821. Edwards: Sue O’Connor at 970-569-2959 Leadville and Chaffee County: Janis Ohmstede at 719-486-4200. Rifle: to be announced. Please call the main campus number at 970-625-1871. Steamboat Springs: Deb Farmer at 970-870-4450 ONLINE LEARNING Information about Online Learning at CMC can be found at If you have general questions about online learning, please contact CMC’s Online Learning at 800-621-8559, extension 8341 or [email protected]. VIRTUAL LIBRARY The Virtual Library has its doors open 24/7, providing access to thousands of online journals and newspapers, e-books and art images, downloadable videos and audiobooks, career resources and practice tests. You can access CMC’s Virtual Library at or use the CMC Libraries link from the Canvas course menu to access the website. The link will pass Page 7 of 9 authentication credentials that will allow you to use online library collections. It will also take you directly to the libraries’ home page. Library Tutorials: The library offers a variety of online video tutorials that will help you with your research projects at Ask a Librarian: If you need assistance with your research project, you can ask a librarian online. Select AskAcademic chat box on the libraries’ home page and type in your question. This service is available approximately 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also email [email protected] or call 800-621-8559, extension 2926. VI. Grading System: Information about grading is available in the Colorado Mountain College catalog. Grades will be posted to (WebAdvisor) by Thursday following the last day of classes at the end of each semester. Additional information is available at: ns_. VII. Required Course Materials Textbook: Frank Cross and Roger LeRoy Miller, The Legal Environment of Business: Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues, 9th Edition, United States: South-Western, Cengage Learning 2015, ISBN-13: 978-1-285-42894-9. This course uses the MindTap Course Management System. Students should read carefully the following information regarding Registering with MindTap and Textbook Options and Payment. Ordering Textbook: General MindLind for MindTap Business Law with Digital Video Library Printed Access Card for Cross' Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases • • • ISBN-10: 1-305-09534-0 ISBN-13: 978-1-305-09534-2 Purchase this Item: $85.49 Page 8 of 9 VIII. Other Information: Student Email: All CMC students enrolled in a credit-based class (0.5 hour credit class or more) will be assigned a CMC student email address through Google mail (Gmail). Please allow at least 48 hours after you register for this account to be activated. For more information on your CMC student email account, please visit the Student page of the MyCMC Portal: A Few Words About Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is the standard word processing program for the majority of CMC instructors. Students without Microsoft Word may use the free software from to create Word-compatible documents. The program also includes spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, and database applications. The program is available for Windows, Macintosh, or Linux operating systems. Microsoft Word is installed on computers available in computer labs at CMC locations. IMPORTANT-Late Policy and Online Due Dates It is imperative to read your entire syllabus, so that you understand the expectations provided in the course and the noted due dates. Ensure to have all such work assigned submitted according to the due dates provided. Any and all late work must be approved by your instructor. Your instructor will not allow any make up work ONLY in very limited circumstances such as an emergency. If a student encounters a technical glitch the student must provide proof (i.e., screen shot or technical confirmation number. Any and all such late work not subject to exigent circumstances and if approved for late submission will be subject to a deduction in points. Page 9 of 9
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