ARMY PULIC SCHOOL, DANAPUR CANTT HOLIDAY HOMEWORK-2015-16 CLASS:-I English:- (1) Learn 1 to 100 words from spelling list and make sentence from each word. (2) Write on page cursive writing everyday in your writing copy. (3) Project-Write poem ‘Me’ on a chart paper with picture and learn it. ihndI : 1 vat-naI taailaka sao 1 sao 50 Sabd yaad kroM . 2 p`itidna ek poja saulaoK ilaKoM . 3 piryaaojana ‘AaAao kroM p`Naama’ kivata saica~ caaT- popr pr ilaKkr yaad kroM. Maths:- (1) Learn table from 1 to 10 (2) Project- Draw different types of shapes on a chart paper and name it. Computer:- (1) Write the name of five machines that are found inside the house. (2) Write the name of five machines that are found outside the house. (3) Write the name of five machines that are used for travelling. ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL DANAPUR CANTT HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (CLASS-II) Hindi:- 1.vat-naI tailaka sao 1 sao 100 SabdaoM kao yaad kroM evaM vaa@ya banaae^M . 2`` Paaz 1Ê 2 evaM 3 kao pZoM [nako p`SnaaoM<ar kao yaad kroM . 3` ‚Apnao ima~‛ ivaYaya pr pa^Mca vaa@ya yaad kroM . 4` p`itidna ek pRYz saulaoK ilKoM. English:-1. Write one page hand writing daily. 2. Learn all the spellings from wordlist with their meaning. 3. Write and learn 5 sentences (a paragraph) on independence day. 4. Write and learn each 5o action words & describing words. 5. Draw a chart of poem Rhinos purple, hippos green. Maths:-1. Write and learn table from 2 to 10 in notebook. 2. Do page No-11,12,15,18,19,21,31 and 34 in your book. 3. Show the following number on the abacus in your notebook. a. 34 b. 130 c. 126 d. 205 e. 336 Computer:- 1. Make a list of five parts of computer with their use and learn it. 2. Write the name of 5 places where computer is used? 3. Make a list of five input and output de vices with their use. Holiday homework Class – III English :1. Write down one page handwriting every day. 2. Learn first 100 words from the spelling list. 3. Learn question-answers and exercises of unit 1 and 2. 4.Read an English story book. Maths :1. Learn and write table from 2 to 15. 2.Learn and practice exercises of chapter 1 and 2. 3.Write Roman Numerals from 1 to 50 on a chart paper. EVS :1. Learn difficult words and question –answers of chapter 1,2 and 3. 2. Collect different leaves and make pattern with leaves in your scrap book. Computer 1. Learn difficult words ,question answers, fill in the blanks from chapter 1. 2. Draw a computer and its parts on a chart paper. GK 1.Learn states and capitals of India. ihndI 1. saulaoK puistka maoM p`itidna ek poja saulaoK ilaKoM . 2. vat-naI tailaka maoM sao 1 sao 50 tk ko SabdaoM kao yaad kroM. 3. ‘jaagaao AaOr jagaaAao’ kivata kao caaT- popr ilaKkr ]saka ica~ banaae^M . 4. pZae gae saaro pazaoM kao yaad kroM. HOLIDAY HW OF Class IV 1. English A. Read and learn question answers and word meaning of the taught chapters. B. Learn 1to 150 spellings from the spelling list. Make sentences with the first 25 words of the word list in English copy. C. Write diary entry question given in Pg -9 of M.C.B (Bishal’s Biscuits). D. Read any story book of your choice. E. Write one page handwriting daily in your English copy.(separate copy) 2. Maths A. Cut and paste different types of triangles with colored paper or craft paper in math’s copy and give definitions. B. Learn table 2 to 20. C. Learn and write definitions of odd number, even number, prime number and composite number. 3. EVS A. Learn fill ups and question answers of lesson 1, 2, and 3 B. Make heart and digestive system on a chart paper with beautiful color. C. Collect interesting photographs of your mother’s album and make a collage for her. 4. Computer A. Write the name of five input devices with their use. B. Learn IPO cycle and learn all devices that is used in IPO cycle. C. Write the name of 4 output devices and storage devices. 5. GK A. Collect 10 pictures of monuments. B. Paste the picture on chart paper and write few lines about it. 6 ihndI 1 vat-naI tailaka sao 1sao 50 Sabd yaad kroM. 2 pZae gae pazaoM ko saBaI p`Sna ]%tr ¸ivalaaoma Sabd AaOr samaana Aqa- yaad kroM. 3 iSaYTacaar pr AnaucCod ilaKoM . 4 p`itidna ek poja saulaoK ilaKoM . 5 ‘bayaa sao’ kivata kao caaT- popr pr ilaKoM . HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS – V English 1. Learn 150 words with its meaning from the spelling list. 2. Practice all the exercise and its question answers of lesson 1 to 3. 3. Write one page handwriting everyday in handwriting notebook. 4. Read a story book and write book review. Bring it in stick file. ihndI 1 vat-naI tailaka sao 1 sao 50 Sabd [sako Aqa- ko saaqa yaad kroM. 2 pZ,ae gae pazaoM ko p`SnaaoM<araoMÊ SabdaqaaoM- AaOr kizna SabdaoM kao yaad kroM evaM ]naka AByaasa kroM. 3 15 poja ka saulao#a ila#aoM. 4 ‘gamaI- kI Cui+yaaÐ ’ ivaYaya pr AnaucCod ilaKoM . 5 ek khanaI kI iktaba pZoM eva ]sakI samaIxaa ilaKoM . Mathematics 1. Project work – Write definition of Fraction and different types of Fractions with examples on a chart paper. 2. Learn table 2 – 20. 3. Practice all the exercises and its problem of the lesson 1 and 2. 1 2 3 i) ii) EVS Learn difficult words and question answer of lesson – 1, 2, 3 and 4. Collect pictures of world famous sports persons. Paste it in a scrap book. Mention their names, the country they belong to and the names of the sports they play. Draw on a chart paper. Digestive system Heart Computer Science Collect the pictures of different data storage media from magazines, newspapers or any other resource and paste it on a chart paper.
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