Answers Examination 2014 Question 1: D It is possible to file a Demand by post and by facsimile. Further it is possible to file a Demand via ePCT by using the “Actions” function that is available in ePCT private services for completing and submitting the demand form electronically (note that, although by doing this you would not be submitting the demand directly to the International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA), PCT Rule 59.3 provides for the filing of the demand with the International Bureau (IB) for onward transmittal to the IPEA). See Practical Advice in PCT Newsletter 01/2014. Finally as of June it will become possible to file a Demand through the newly announced PCT Demand plug in, so this option will be available at the due date in this case. Question 2: A For this client, a multiple design application should be filed containing five designs; within a multiple application it is indeed possible to have certain designs published yet defer publication for other designs. A registration fee is always due (230 euro for first design, 115 euro for the subsequent designs). For the (3) designs to be published, a publication fee is due (120 euro for the first design, 60 euro for the subsequent designs). Finally, for the two (2) designs for which publication is to be deferred, a deferment fee is due (40 euro for the first design, 20 euro for the second). Note that you only pay the deferment fee at the time of filing; the publication fee is due at 27 months from filing, near the end of the deferment period. So answer A is correct: 230 + 4x 115 + 120 + 2x60 + 40 + 20 = 990 euro (see also fee calculator on OAMI website) Calculations regarding incorrect answers: 230 + 4x115 + 40 + 4x20 = 810 euro (deferment for all designs, not asked for by client) 230 + 4x115 + 120 + 4x60 + 40 + 20 = 1110 euro (for deferred publications, publication fee paid together with the deferment fee) 5x 230 + 3x120 + 2x40 = 1590 euro (ignored multiple application discounts) Question 3: B China: 3 years from priority Japan: 3 years from the filing date of the International patent application India: 4 years from priority 1 Question 4: A For European patent applications: No publication; preventing publication. The application is not published if it has been finally refused or deemed withdrawn or withdrawn before the termination of the technical preparations for publication. These preparations are considered terminated at the end of the day five weeks before the end of the eighteenth month from the date of filing or priority (see the Notice from the EPO, OJ EPO 2006, 406). The application is, however, published if, upon termination of the technical preparations for publication, a request for a decision under Rule 112(2) has been received but no final decision has yet been taken (see OJ EPO 1990, 455). For International patent applications: The applicant may prevent international publication by withdrawing the international application, provided that the applicant submits a notice of withdrawal and that the notice of withdrawal reaches the International Bureau before the completion of technical preparations for that publication (see paragraph 9.013). The technical preparations for publication are completed by the 15th day prior to the date of publication. Question 5: C In case a European patent is granted in the French language you have to file either an English translation of the description and a Dutch translation of the claims or a complete Dutch translation of the description and claims. In this case the translator was unable to make a complete Dutch translation of the description and claims but he was able to make a Dutch translation of the claims and the English translation of the description was available (Art. 52) Question 6: A An International trademark registration has to be renewed 10 years after the filing date. The filing date is 18 August 2004 so the last day to renew is 18 August 2014. The trademark is registered for the United States of America on 14 June 2005. This US registration has to be renewed through the International registration, the term for the Affidavit of Use is calculated from the US registration date. Question 7: B The 1 month time limit is calculated from the date of the communication and ends on 29 May 2014. The EPO is closed on 29 May 2014 (Ascension day) so the due date is extended to the next working day, 30 May 2014. Note that the EPO is acting here as receiving Office under PCT, thus PCT Rulle 80.5 applies, not the EPC 10-day rule. Question 8: B In Japan, the registration fee covers the first three years of the granted patent, next annuity is for the 4th year, payable at the 3rd anniversary of the grant, i.e. on 13 April 2015. 2 Question 9: B See OJ 2011, 526 (2.1 and 2.2). Sequence listings always need to be submitted in the prescribed electronic form, otherwise the application will be refused. It is possible to, in addition, submit the sequence listing as text pages, but in that case they will not count towards the total number of pages. The number of pages in the application will thus be 35 and no page fees will be due. As to claims fees, for claims 16-18 a claims fee is due of 235 euro each, total is 705 euro. Non-payment leads to partial loss of rights: the unpaid claims 16-18 will be deemed to be abandoned. The applicant will not lose the application entirely. Question 10: B Priority can be claimed at the time of filing, or for a short period thereafter. Priority can be claimed 6 months from the priority date of 25 November 2013, i.e. 25 May 2014. However since this is a Sunday the term will be extended automatically to the next working day, Monday 26 May 2014. (Art. 2.6 BVIE) As of 1 October2013 applications can also be filed in English. (Rule 1.1 UR BVIE) Question 11: D See decision of the President of the EPO of 05.10.2010 on the filing of copies of search results under Rule 141(1) EPC – utilisation scheme (OJ EPO 2010, 600) and decisions of the President of the EPO exempting applicants claiming the priority of a first filing made in Japan, the United Kingdom or the United States of America or in the Republic of Korea from filing a copy of the search results under Rule 141(1) EPC – utilisation scheme (OJ EPO 2011, 62; OJ EPO 2013, 216). 124; R141; R70b; OJ EPO 2013, 217. Question 12: C Statement I is not correct: It is possible to file a protest but besides the protest fee you also have to pay the additional fee(s) (PCT Rule 68.2 and 68.3) Statement II is correct: If you do not file any response the IPEA will establish the International Search Report on those parts of the International patent application which relate to what appears to be the main invention. (PCT Art. 34.3(c)) Question 13: D As of 1 October 2013 the time limit to file an opposition against a Benelux trademark application is two months counted from the publication date. (Art. 2.14 BVIE) Question 14: D The applicable time limit for performing the acts for entry into the European phase before the EPO as designated/elected Office is 31 months from the filing date or, if priority has been claimed, the priority date (Rule 159(1) EPC, Articles 22(3) and 39(1)(b) PCT). Therefore, the EPO as designated/elected Office 3 will not commence processing an international application before the 31-month time limit has expired. An exception applies if the applicant lifts the processing ban earlier. This requires that a request for early processing under Articles 23(2) or 40(2) PCT is filed with the EPO as designated/elected Office and that the requirements for the request to be effective are complied with. For the request to be effective the applicant must comply with the requirements stipulated in Rule 159(1) EPC as if the 31-month time limit expired on the date the applicant requests early processing Question 15: B It is possible to file amendments until the application is registered, provided the applicant has at least two months from the date of the Search Report to file amendments. This date can upon request be extended until four months from the date of the Search Report. (Art. 28 lid 2, 4 ROW) Question 16: C Statement I is not correct: BOIP issues a letter with a term of three months. If not answered BOIP will automatically grant one additional month. If the applicant would like to extend this period to six months he has to file a request for extension. (Rule 1.15 UR BVIE) Statement II is correct: An appeal can be filed within a period of two months from the date of the Decision. (Art. 2.12 BVIE) Question 17: D Answer D is correct, see Rule 4.17(iii) PCT. Such declaration is sufficient for the purpose of filling an international application; there is no legal requirement to effect an actual transfer of the priority application before filing. Thus, answer A is incorrect. Answer B is incorrect, Taiwan is indeed not a Paris Convention member but it is a member of the World Trade Organization, thus following Rule 4.10(a)(iii) PCT priority of a TW patent application can validly be claimed. Answer C is incorrect; the EPO will forward the Chinese language application to the International Bureau as receiving Office under Rule 19.4)(a)(ii) PCT; the IB accepts an international application in Chinese. Nevertheless, a translation of the application will be required for the purpose of the international search under Rule 12.3 PCT, as the EPO will be competent ISA. Under R.12(3)(a) PCT, the time limit for submitting the translation is one month. The translation has to be submitted to the receiving Office, i.e. the IB. 4 Question 18: C Statement I is not correct: The two month cooling-off period can be extended up to a total of 24 months. You cannot request an extension of 24 months but you can request an extension of 22 months. (Rule 18.1 EC) Statement II is correct: Any of the parties can without consent from the other party opt out. Question 19: A In this situation, the candidate has to realize that some action must be taken to avoid the publication of one view relating to product B before its market introduction. Answer A is correct, see Examination manual for proceedings before OHIM, Registered community designs, section 4.2 Answer B is incorrect, no legal basis. If, in an RCD application, there are more than 7 views (relating to a single design), the ‘extra’ views are disregarded for registration and publication purposes. The examiner always selects the first 7 views in the application. If the examiner does not recognize that the views relate to different design, the first view relating to product B may get published. Answer C is incorrect, no legal basis. Deferment must be requested at the same time of filing the application itself. It cannot be added subsequently. Also, deferment will not automatically ‘follow’ a priority claim. Answer D is incorrect. The 12 months grace period can only be relevant in assessing the novelty of the design application itself. Obviously the publication of the application may still go ahead. Question 20: C The time limit is calculated as follows: 19 November 2013 + 10 days = 29 November 2013 + 6 months = 29 May 2014. The EPO is closed on 29 May 2014 (Ascension day) so the due date is extended to the next working day, 30 May 2014. Case 1 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Start of grace period Start of priority period Examination Registration 6 months 12 months 30 months 5 years 5 Case 2 Question 1 America Invents Act (AIA), effective for international applications filed on or after 16 September 2012 Question 2 No international filing date: Due to the fact that Ophra Inc. is not a national nor a resident of a PCT contracting state the application will not meet the requirements of PCT article 11(1) (I) and therefore cannot be accorded an international filing date and will not be processed as a PCT application. Correction Defect: Ophra Inc. does not have the right to file an international application as it is neither a national nor a resident of a PCT contracting State. You have to respond to the invitation by naming Mr. Springer and/or Mr. King as applicant(s) for at least one designation, and notify their State of residence and nationality (US). Question 3 25 April 2014 If the applicant complies with the invitation, as provided in the Regulations, the Receiving Office shall accord as the international filing date the date of receipt of the required correction. PCT article 11(2)(b) Question 4 Yes, a declaration of inventorship is still necessary. The declaration may be added to the PCT application using standardized wording in accordance with R. 4.17, item (iv), using standardized wording prescribed in the PCT Administrative Instructions. The date for doing so is determined by R. 26ter.1: this is the completion of technical preparations for the publication. Calculation: 18 months from priority date = Wednesday 6 May 2015. Earliest possible publication will be on the Thursday after end of the 18 months period, i.e Thursday 7 May 2015. Preparations for publication completed on 15th day prior to this date, i.e. on Wednesday 22 April 2015. Latest date to add the declaration is Tuesday 21 April 2015. 6 Case 3 Question 1 6 May 2014 The main requirements are given by Rule 40(1) EPC. Rule 40(1), or any other provision, does not require payment of fees for according a date of filing. Question 2 6 May 2014 The main requirements are given by Rule 40(1) EPC. Rule 40(1), or any other provision, does not require a specific language for according a date of filing. Another good motivation is: Art. 14(2) EPC implies that an application may be filed in any language. Question 3 6 May 2014 The main requirements are given by Rule 40(1) EPC. Rule 40(1), or any other provision, does not require the presence of one or more claims for according a date of filing. Other good motivations are: reference(s) to Rule 57(c) and/or Rule 58 and/or to the fact that late-filed claims are regarded as an amendment. Question 4 6 May 2014 The main requirements are given by Rule 40(1) EPC. Rule 40(1), or any other provision, does not require the application to be filed in one single language for according a date of filing. Note: this is not a case of missing drawings. Question 5 14 May 2014 This is a clear case of missing drawings, since the drawings were referenced in the description, and since the drawings were filed later on. According to Rule 56(2) EPC the application shall be re-dated in case of late-filed missing description parts or late-filed missing drawings. 7 Case 4 Question 1 Rule 36(1): Divisional must relate to a pending earlier application. As to EP1, a divisional can no longer be filed due to its recent grant. However, a divisional can still be filed from EP2 as the time limit for filing notice of appeal against its rejection has not expired yet (following G1/09), this means EP2 is regarded as a pending application for purpose of filing a divisional. The time limit for notice of appeal is 2 months from notification of the decision. Thus, filing a divisional is possible at least until Monday 26 May (15 March + 2 months + 10 days -> next working day). Question 2 Art. 76(2): divisional designated all States designated in the parent at the time of filing the divisional. Norway joined the EPC on 01.01.2008 so it was never designated in the original parent application EP1 filed on 31.08.2007. Thus, NO was not designated in EP2 either, and cannot be designated in EP3. At the time of filing EP2 (04.09.2009), EP1 was still within 6 months from publication of the search report (11.03.2009 + 6 months = 11.09.2009) thus EP1 was still validly designating all States, including SE. The fact that SE later became withdrawn in EP1 due to non-payment of a designation fee does not matter (see G4/98). For EP2 “the” (single) designation fee was timely paid, thus all contracting States originally in EP1 were maintained in EP2. The divisional will take effect in Sweden by timely payment of the designation fee for EP3. In Norway there will be no protection. Question 3 See example form and voucher. 8 Question 4 It is possible to file a PACE request for an accelerated search (and examination) Examination can be requested unconditionally by submitting a waiver under Rule 70(2) In this case the examination fee should be paid as soon as possible The relevant amount is 1620 euro - 30% i.e. 1134 euro the applicant gets the 30% reduction under new Rule 6(3) because he is a university / entity according to new Rule 6(4) See also OJ EPO 2010, 352 9 Antrag auf Erteilung eines europäischen Patents Request for grant of a European patent Requête en délivrance d’un brevet européen Nachreichung von Form 1001 zu einer früher eingereichten Anmeldung nach Regel 40 (1) vom Form 1001 filed further to a previous application under Rule 40(1) on Dépôt du formulaire 1001 pour une demande déposée antérieurement au titre de la règle 40(1) en date du Bestätigung einer bereits durch Fax eingereichten Anmeldung vom Confirmation of an application already filed by fax on Confirmation d’une demande déjà déposée par téléfax le bei with auprès de Nur für amtlichen Gebrauch / For official use only / Cadre réservé à l’administration 1 Anmeldenummer / Application No. / N° de la demande MKEY 2 Tag des Eingangs (Regel 35 (2)) / Date of receipt (Rule 35(2)) / Date de réception (règle 35(2)) DREC 3 Tag des Eingangs beim EPA (Regel 35 (4)) / Date of receipt at EPO (Rule 35(4)) / Date de réception à l’OEB (règle 35(4)) RENA 4 Anmeldetag / Date of filing / Date de dépôt 5 Es wird die Erteilung eines europäischen Patents und gemäß Artikel 94 die Prüfung der Anmeldung beantragt. / Grant of a European patent, and examination of the application under Article 94, are hereby requested. / Il est demandé la délivrance d’un brevet européen et, conformément à l’article 94, l’examen de la demande. EXAM 4 Prüfungsantrag in einer zugelassenen Nichtamtssprache / Request for examination in an admissible non-EPO language / Requête en examen dans une langue non officielle autorisée Verzocht wordt om onderzoek van de aanvrage zoals bedoeld in Art. 94 5.1 Der Anmelder verzichtet auf die Aufforderung nach Regel 70 (2), zu erklären, ob die Anmeldung aufrechterhalten wird. / The applicant waives his right to be asked whether he wishes to proceed further with the application (Rule 70(2)). / Le demandeur renonce à être invité, conformément à la règle 70(2), à déclarer s’il souhaite maintenir sa demande. 6 Zeichen des Anmelders oder Vertreters (max. 15 Positionen) / Applicant’s or representative’s reference (max. 15 keystrokes) / Référence du demandeur ou du mandataire (max. 15 caractères ou espaces) MEPA AREF UNIHV-EP3 EPA/EPO/OEB 1001. 1 – 04.14 Anmelder / Applicant / Demandeur 7 Name / Nom 8 Anschrift / Address / Adresse 9 Zustellanschrift / Address for correspondence / Adresse pour la correspondance TRAN APPR Universiteit der Hoge Veluwe Kennisweg 1 (NL-)6868 BB Berg en Beek (The Netherlands) FILL Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicant’s reference / Référence du demandeur UNIHV-EP3 1 10 Staat des Wohnsitzes oder Sitzes / State of residence or of principal place of business / Etat du domicile ou du siège NL 11 Staatsangehörigkeit / Nationality / Nationalité NL 12 Telefon / Telephone / Téléphone +31 24 8163264 13 Fax / Téléfax 14 Weitere(r) Anmelder auf Zusatzblatt / Additional applicant(s) on additional sheet / Autre(s) demandeur(s) sur feuille supplémentaire 14.1 Der/Jeder Anmelder erklärt hiermit, eine Einheit oder eine natürliche Person nach Regel 6 (4) EPÜ zu sein. / The/Each applicant hereby declares that he is an entity or a natural person under Rule 6(4) EPC. / Le/Chaque demandeur déclare par la présente être une entité ou une personne physique au sens de la règle 6(4) CBE FREP 15 Vertreter / Representative / Mandataire Name / Nom (Nur einen Vertreter oder den Namen des Zusammenschlusses angeben, der in das Europäische Patentregister einzutragen ist und an den zugestellt wird) / (Name only one representative or association of representatives, to be listed in the Register of European Patents and to whom communications are to be notified) / (N’indiquer qu’un seul mandataire ou le nom du groupement de mandataires qui sera inscrit au Registre européen des brevets et auquelles les significations seront faites) Diana CHARITE et al 16 Geschäftsanschrift / Address of place of business / Adresse professionnelle IP2Day B.V. Torenallee 2 NL-9292 OV Wijk aan Zee 17 Telefon / Telephone / Téléphone +31 602 602602 18 Fax / Téléfax 19 Weitere(r) Vertreter auf Zusatzblatt / Additional representative(s) on additional sheet / Autre(s) mandataire(s) sur feuille supplémentaire GENA Vollmacht / Authorisation / Pouvoir 20 ist beigefügt / is enclosed / joint 21 Allgemeine Vollmacht ist registriert unter Nummer / General authorisation has been registered under No. / Un pouvoir général a été enregistré sous le numéro INVT 20 Erfinder / Inventor / Inventeur 22 Der (die) Anmelder ist (sind) alleinige(r) Erfinder. / The applicant(s) is (are) the sole inventor(s). / Le(s) demandeur(s) est (sont) le(s) seul(s) inventeur(s). 23 Erfindernennung in beigefügtem Schriftstück / Designation of inventor attached / Voir la désignation de l’inventeur ci-jointe 24 Bezeichnung der Erfindung / Title of invention / Titre de l’invention EPA/EPO/OEB 1001. 2 – 04.14 TIDE TIEN TIFR A method of chopping wood Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicant’s reference / Référence du demandeur UNIHV-EP3 2 27 Teilanmeldung / Divisional application / Demande divisionnaire Die Anmeldung ist eine Teilanmeldung, die aus der folgenden früheren Anmeldung hervorgeht: / The application is a divisional application based on the following earlier application: / La présente demande constitue une demande divisionnaire relative à la demande antérieure suivante : PANR Nummer der früheren Anmeldung / Number of earlier application / Numéro de la demande antérieure EP 09 887 766.5 DFIL 27.1 Diese Teilanmeldung ist eine Teilanmeldung folgender Generation: / This divisional application is of the following generation: / La présente demande divisionnaire est de la génération suivante : 28 2 3 4 5 oder weiterer / or subsequent / ou ultérieurs Anmeldung nach Artikel 61 (1) b) / Article 61(1) (b) application / Demande selon l’article 61(1) b) Es handelt sich um eine Anmeldung nach Artikel 61 (1) b). / The application is an Article 61(1)(b) application. / La présente demande constitue une demande selon l’article 61(1)b). 29 1 EANR Nummer der früheren Anmeldung / Number of earlier application / Numéro de la demande initiale Patentansprüche / Claims / Revendications Zahl der Patentansprüche / Number of claims / Nombre de revendications CLMS 13 29.1 wie beigefügt / as attached / telles que jointes en annexe 29.2 wie in der früher eingereichten Anmeldung (siehe Feld 26.2) / as in the previously filed application (see Section 26.2) / telles que figurant dans la demande déposée antérieurement (voir rubrique 26.2) 29.3 Die Patentansprüche werden nachgereicht. / The claims will be filed later. / Les revendications seront produites ultérieurement. 30 Abbildungen / Figures / Figures Zur Veröffentlichung mit der Zusammenfassung wird vorgeschlagen Abbildung Nr. / It is proposed that the abstract be published together with figure No. / Il est proposé de publier avec l’abrégé la figure n° 31 DRAW 2 9 Benennung von Vertragsstaaten / Designation of contracting states / Désignation d’Etats contractants DEST EPA/EPO/OEB 1001. 4 – 04.14 Alle Vertragsstaaten die dem EPÜ bei Einreichung der europäischen Patentanmeldung angehören, gelten als benannt (Artikel 79 (1)). / All the contracting states party to the EPC at the time of filing of the European patent application are deemed to be designated (Article 79(1)). / Tous les Etats contractants qui sont parties à la CBE lors du dépôt de la demande de brevet européen sont réputés désignés (Article 79(1)). Zeichen des Anmelders / Applicant’s reference / Référence du demandeur UNIHV-EP3 4
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