SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM The Marketing Power of Applied TAM SESSION HANDOUT Applied Client Network SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Prepared for Applied Client Network Applied Client Network 2340 S. River Road, Suite 311 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: 220-220-1444 Fax: 224-220-1443 Copyright 2014 by Applied Client Network, Inc., 2340 S. River Road, Suite 311, Des Plaines, IL 60018. Protection claimed in all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by law or hereafter granted including both electronic and conventional distribution of herein products. Reproduction or transmission unless authorized by Applied Client Network is prohibited. All rights reserved. Specific product information regarding Applied Systems’ The Agency Manager and Vision, as well as other products copyrighted and mentioned within (ex: Microsoft, Excel, etc.) are the product of the individual company and no endorsement or ownership of product should be implied by its mention and use. All workflows are suggested and common workflows. Users of this material agree that Applied Client Network cannot be held liable for any omissions or errors within the guide. Original Author: Name Where From Date Done Where From Date Done Updated By: Name Target Audience: Accounting Non-Insurance Accounting Administrative Principal General Human Resources Account Executive Customer Service Representative New Producer Experienced Producer IT Other: (describe) Seminar Type: (See appendix) Seminar Level: (See appendix and copy the entire description) Class Description: This class _________ (give a statement of purpose and what this class specifically covers.). Learning Outcomes: (Bulleted list including three actionable items with which the participant or attendee will take with them) • Knowledge owned (use action words) • Skills mastered (use action words) • Abilities demonstrated (use action words) Assumptions: This seminar is based on the following Applied TAM Version 10.X The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 2 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Microsoft ® Word Version 2007 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Prepared for Applied Client Network ............................................................................... 2 Original Author:................................................................................................................ 2 Updated By: ..................................................................................................................... 2 Target Audience: ............................................................................................................. 2 Seminar Type: .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Seminar Type: (See appendix) ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Heading Style 2 Topic Header: ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. To use the Format Painter: ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Heading Style 3 Subtopic Header: ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. To Update your Table of Contents ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Update the Header and Footer: ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Use the Legend for Writing: ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Please use the following when writing your handouts: ............. Error! Bookmark not defined. Use the following format to title the handout file: ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Seminar Types: ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Seminar Levels: ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Sample Course Description:............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Course Learning Outcomes ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Action Word Examples: .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Knowledge: .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Comprehension: ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Application: .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Analysis: ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Synthesis: ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Evaluation:.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 3 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Original Author: Lisa Burnside, Burnside Dynamics LLC Target Audience: Accountant/Bookkeeper X CSR Carrier X IT Manager/Systems Coordinator X Operations X Principal/Owner X Producer Trainer Vendor ALL Other: (describe) Seminar Type: Sales & Marketing Seminar Level: Intermediate: An Intermediate level class takes the concepts originated from a basic level course, and adds more layers or parallel concepts. For functional courses, these classes will require the participant or attendee to have some basis to work from as they are learning new facets of the agency management system or software program. Class Description: You have a goldmine of data just sitting in your system. This session will help you pull out that data, create marketing letters and campaigns that are automated and effective. We will also look at how to utilize this feature to automate your renewals. Let the system work for you. Learning Outcomes: • Create an advertising plan that is efficient and effective. • Understand how the features in TAM work for marketing. • Use the features for more than simply marketing. Assumptions: This seminar is based on the following Applied TAM Version 12 Microsoft ® Office Version 2010 The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 4 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Table of Contents What is “Marketing” ...................................................................................................... 6 Where is it in TAM? ...................................................................................................... 7 How does it work?...................................................................................................... 10 Utilities ................................................................................................................... 10 Reports ................................................................................................................... 13 Audit Your Database............................................................................................... 14 Automate Other Processes ........................................................................................ 15 Using the Marketing Plan ........................................................................................ 15 Using the Report Wizard ......................................................................................... 16 The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 5 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM What is “Marketing” 1. Insurance industry – marketing is submitting client information to multiple carriers – NOT what this session covers. 2. Building an identity to gain or retain customers – Now we’re talking! Marketing is a process: You Offer • What business are you in? • Which products do you sell? • What benefits do you offer? • How can you solve their problems? • Define your target market. Them • Where are they? • How do people look for you? Where • Where can you be visible? • What's the budget? What • Which marketing tools to use? How • Prospecting • Customer Data Mining • Measure your efforts for effectiveness Audit • Are there new means of marketing? The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 6 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Where is it in TAM? 1. Utilities: a. Provides the system setup (Forms, Activities, Documents and Fields) b. Imports and exports data from/to marketing lists (Utilities outside of TAM) 2. Reports & Report Wizard (REPORTS, WIZARDS, MARKETING LETTERS/NOTES) Reports allow for exporting your TAM data to other systems. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 7 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM 3. Key fields (Field defaults and text fields) – Set up for drop-downs and instructions for how to complete text fields 4. Call History List (telemarketing) –CLIENTS/PROSPECTS, OPTIONS, CALL HISTORY The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 8 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM 5. Activities The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 9 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM How does it work? Database Trigger • Prospects • Customers Output • Activity Action On • Letter • Report • Letter • Activity • Database File Utilities This is where you will do all of the setup: 1. Consistent Data Entry a. Forms Integration / Prefills b. Field Defaults (for drop-down options) c. Prospect Import (Utilities outside of TAM) 2. Automated Output a. Activity Defaults (select the letter to print at Close Day) b. Marketing Plans i. For Reporting purposes only (no automation) The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 10 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM 1. Prospect Detail Screen 2. Customer Detail Screen 3. Activities ii. Automatically issue additional letters and activities (Suggest naming them with Z so they drop to the bottom of lists.) This will create the number of letters you need for this campaign with the same number of activity codes. You will need to go into Document Maintenance to fill in the content of your letters. The activities will default the number of days you specified above and follow up to the next letter in the marketing sequence. You can go in and override the activities and documents. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 11 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM c. Letters (Document Maintenance) The key here is to link your document with the proper activity that will do what you want it to do, either kick out another letter, follow up to the appropriate person or close. Keep in mind that you will need separate letters for Prospects and Customers as these are separate databases and you can’t just copy the letter from one area to the other, you will need to pull in the appropriate data fields. Your activities can only pull one type of letter so when you make your activity codes, keep this in mind when coding to indicate either Customer or Prospect process. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 12 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Reports Reports are used for three marketing purposes: 1) Export TAM data for use in other systems (Sendout Cards for cards and postcards, Constant Contact for email newsletters, etc.) – Set output to Excel-Raw Data, Text File, or one of the Data File formats 2) Create your own marketing materials and mailings – Set output to Mail Labels, Word Mail merge, or Excel-Raw Data 3) Cross-sell / Account Round – Use Search-Customers / Policies-With This and This; Policies-With This, Not That; or Policies-w/This, This, Not That. Or search various application forms. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 13 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Reports Wizard – Marketing Letters/Notes You run a Search on either Prospects or Customers to create Letters or Activity Records. The Letters and Activities must be set up prior to running these reports. - REPORTS, WIZARDS, MARKETING LETTERS/NOTES Audit Your Database Do your current clients align with your agency mission? Run reports on your prospects and clients (SEARCHES). Just because they came to you or are on the marketing list, doesn’t mean they are your type of customer. Also run reports on your marketing plan codes to see the effects of your efforts. These can be found on Prospect Detail, Customer Detail and Activities. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 14 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Automate Other Processes You can use the “Marketing Plans” and “Reports Wizard” to do more than just an initial marketing campaign. Using the Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan will allow you to automatically set up the appropriate number of activities and related blank letters that you need in your process. I suggest that you name these plans starting with an X to distinguish them from true marketing campaigns. All of your automatically created activities and letters will then begin with X and thus can move down your form letter list when your staff is looking for letters they use on a daily basis. 1. Set up your Marketing Plan (UTILITIES – GENERAL – ACTIVITY DEFAULTS – DEFINE MARKETING PLANS – ADD – name it starting with X – YES it will involve automated direct mailing – select either Customers or Prospects and how many to send – OK) 2. Go into the activities and override them with appropriate number of days for that part of the process (UTILITIES – GENERAL – ACTIVITY DEFAULTS – DEFINE ACTIVITY CATEGORIES – scroll down to the X activities and highlight the one to change – REVISE). Change the follow up and/or the Future Action dates to appropriate for the step. 3. Add the content to your letters (UTILITIES – GENERAL – DOCUMENT MAINTENANCE – DOCUMENT SETUP – select either Customer or Prospect depending on the Marketing Plan selected in step 1 - scroll down to the X letter and highlight the one to change – REVISE). Add the content of your letter. 4. Start the process with the first letter in your series. Or, if you prefer you can set up an activity that points to the first letter and prints it at a specified time if you aren’t quite ready for your letter today (see the next page to do this for a group at a time). EXAMPLE: Renewal process (3 letters and 3 activities) Letter 1 is “Your renewal application is enclosed” (you still need to manually print their application to send with the letter). This activity is open for 20 days. If the application and supplemental information is not received in the agency within those 20 days, during Close Day the system kicks out Letter 2 “Reminder, renewal information needed”. That activity follows up for 10 days. If the 2nd activity is still open on day 10 a letter kicks out at Close Day on Junk Paper that is a note to the agent “Go get the renewal stuff or quote on old information.” This can also be a renewal quote checklist. This activity stays open to the Agent for 7 days and then goes on the Exceptions report for Missed Renewal Follow-up. End of automated process. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 15 Applied Client Network | SESSION HANDOUT The Marketing Power of Applied TAM Using the Report Wizard The Report Wizard will automatically add letters and/or activities to a set of customers or prospects as defined in your Search. You can use this to send anything such as notifications of an up-coming event to the parties that may be interested; send a newsletter you created as a form letter; start a marketing plan process with a first activity, etc. 1. Create the activity you want the wizard to add to your customers/prospects (UTILITIES – GENERAL ACTIVITY DEFAULTS – DEFINE ACTIVITY CATEGORIES) 2. If you would like a letter to go (such as the event notice), set it up (UTILITIES – GENERAL – DOCUMENT MAINTENANCE – DOCUMENT SETUP). Remember, these can be real letters or simply notes to your staff (select Junk paper or File as the type) or even checklists. 3. Run the Wizard with the output being that activity or the letter (if sending a letter, select letter and that also attaches the activity associated with the letter). EXAMPLE – Renewal Process (3 letters and 4 activities) While going through your expiration list, you identify which clients are going to receive the “automated renewal letter process”. Access the Report Wizard and select your output as Activity Only. Run the Report Wizard with those customer codes or the identifiable set of criteria (you can delete customers prior to the attachment step if you can’t quite create a unique subset or criteria or there are too many customer codes to enter). Select the activity you created that points to Letter 1 and make sure the Action On date is when you want the first letter to kick out at Close Day. This will then begin the marketing plan letter and activities as indicated on the previous page. What other processes can you automate in this manner? For specific steps on some items in this document that were not discussed in detail, see the TAM help files or attend ASCnet webinars / seminars. The Marketing Power of Applied TAM // PAGE 16 Applied Client Network |
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