2015 3 Newsletter_rwl.pub

Combos Stopped at Districts
Congratulations to our Combo Women 6.5 and 7.5 teams for
their fun, exciting and successful seasons. Both teams were
USTA Local League Champions and moved on to compete in the
Norcal District Championships Feb 20-22 in Sacramento,
where the 6.5 team finished 4th in their flight, and the 7.5 team
finished 3rd in their flight.
Tennis Members Honored by USTA
The USTA is not just about leagues, there are many tournaments they hold for seniors, juniors, NTRP levels, and family
type events. Members Jill Hutchinson, Christa Keeling, Raina
Lal and Chrissie Costamagna were all rewarded for their performances for 2014 in many of those categories.
March 2015
DayLight Savings Starts
March 8, 2am
Leaping forward on hour, so don’t be late to your
classes or lessons Sunday morning.
Have a Party!!!
One of the great perks of a Mt. Tam membership is
being able to host a party at the Club. Be it birthday party or a group event, the Club can provide
several venues that will meet your needs. On top
of that, we have an excellent food menu for these
parties, including an Italian special cuisine on Saturday nights. Book the basketball court, the Café,
the outdoor pool or maybe a couple of courts to
enjoy your special event.
Sandjune Spring Special
Monday, March 23, 9am - 2pm
Once again we will
present this very popular show, and you
will have an opportunity to purchase
the new Spring line at
great prices.
We Finally Have Our Parking Back
It took a while and at times it was frustrating, but we finally
have all of our front parking lot back. This job still has some
cleaning up to do as well as restoration of areas that were damaged, but when it’s all said and done, we have improved infrastructure for the entire community. We thought about having a
theme party to celebrate, but came up short trying to decide on
a theme name for repairing sewer lines.
Just A Reminder…
The outdoor pool will stay closed until the weather
becomes warm enough and the sun direct enough
for the solar system to be effective. For that reason we can not set a date for when that will happen, but be assured, we are as eager to open the
outdoor pool as you are.
Club Hours:
Monday - Tennis courts closed:
8am - Noon
Monday-Friday - Club Hours
5am - 11pm
Indoor pool closes at 10pm
7am - 9pm
Address correspondence to:
Mt. Tam Racquet Club
P.O. Box 116
Larkspur, CA. 94977
Childcare Hours:
Monday - Friday:
8:15am - 7:15pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
email: [email protected]
9:00am - 2:00pm
Fitness News and Updates
Move of the month: PLANK
Goal: hold for 1-2 minutes a day in March
It's a total body exercise you can do anywhere.
Five Benefits of Plank:
1.) A Toned Belly /Builds strong, deep inner core muscles
2.) Reduces Back Pain
3.) Improves Flexibility
4.) Improves Your Balance and Posture
5.) Improves Mood and Reduces stress
Here are the basic steps for performing a plank:
Hold your elbows directly under your shoulders
and place your wrists in line with your elbows.
Push your body up into your upper back and hold
your chin close to your neck (like you’re holding an
egg between your chin and your throat). In this position, brace
your abdominals—contract them like expecting a punch in your
stomach, squeeze your gluteal (tailbone) and thigh muscles
simultaneously while continuing to breathe normally
And Don’t Forget Our App
The fitness tracking movement is alive and well and offers a
slew of benefits. Whether you’re looking to lose a little weight or
get active, wearable fitness trackers are leading the way to better health.
5 great benefits to a using one are:
1.) accountability for your workouts
2.) goal setting / awareness of activity
3.) motivation to get moving and
keep moving.
4.) reminder about healthy eatingwhat you're putting into your body
5.) tracking your sleep
The Mt. Tam App also provides
an aid to help you keep track of
the classes you attend and gives
you immediate updates to any
changes in the fitness class schedule. The feature Fit Friends allows
you to put together a list of members you take those classes with so
that you can instantly contact
them to pass on any information.
Swim News and Updates
The dates for the Multi Sport Kids Camp are set!
This summer we will have 6 one-week camps. The
weeks are June 22, July 13, July 20, August 3, August 10th and August 17th. This traditional camp
has everything! Swim lessons, tennis lessons,
crafts, lunch by the pool, yoga and plenty of sports
and games. The camp is for children 6-12 and is
from 10am-4pm, with before and aftercare available. What more could you ask for! Registration materials will be on our website soon.
www.mttamrc.com Questions please call Tish 9246226 at X32
Welcome Anne to Our Aquatic Staff
Anne Slucky, favorite Water Gym teacher for the
past 15 years at Mt. Tam, finally has time to teach
swimming! Anne will be available to teach Monday
through Thursday from 11-2:30. She likes to teach
children 4 and up and also beginner adults.
Dawniele Pasha, who has been teaching swimming at Mt. Tam, is taking a break from teaching
and hopefully will come back when she has more
The next Kids Swim Clinic coached by Tish has
a staggered start of March 2 for the older swimmers
and March 9th for the younger swimmers. Please
contact Tish at [email protected] for more information.
The Race is On
Swimmers are swimming hard for the February
Fitness Swim Challenge. Which team will win the
most money for their school foundation? First prize
is $500, 2nd prize is $300 and 3rd prize is $200, generously donated by Mt. Tam Racquet Club. All
three school districts win something!
You can follow the progress of this event, along
with recent news and updates concerning swimming by keeping an eye on the bulletin board dedicated to swim news, right outside the entrance to
the indoor pool.
Tennis Pro’s Tip of the Month
Junior Team Tennis
Why are all the teaching pros at the Club certified? It’s
not just to have insurance coverage, it’s being part of an
organization, in this case the United States Tennis Pro Association, that requires ongoing education of all its members. Our coaches get training and education via internet,
or can attend either sectional or national conventions held
yearly. The result is that you are ensured that what you
are paying for is truly a professional service. On top of
that, they have access to the most recent news and information concerning technology and trends. This includes
updates about new equipment or new services. We take
coaching very seriously here at the Club and back it up
with research and education.
Mt. Tam will have 2 teams in the upcoming USTA league,
an orange ball team for the 10 & under players and a regular ball team for the 14 & under players. The season begins on March 6 and matches are on Fridays at 4 or
4:30pm. Please contact Steve Summer if you wish to participate on one of these teams.
Friday Orange Ball Tennis
The Friday orange ball play nights will continue throughout the season for those players who are unable to play in
the match or are not quite ready for the team. The play
nights are from 6-7:15 and cost $10 each. Please contact
Steve Summer if you have any questions or wish to participate.
Mt. Tam Junior Program
The junior classes are in full swing and there are still a
few spots open in some classes. We use the Quick Start
method so kids are able to rally as soon as possible. The
schedule is:
Red Ball-for players 6 & under
Monday 3-3:30, 3:30-4
Tues 3:30-4
Thu 3:30-4
Orange Ball-for players aged 7-10 years old
Tuesday 4-5
Wednesday 3-4
Thursday 4-5
Green Dot Ball-players aged 10-12 who are not quite
ready for the regular ball
Monday 4-5
Regular Ball 14 & under players
Tuesday 5-6
Wednesday 4:30-6
Family Night
Friday, March 20, 5:45pm
We’re runny into the Spring weather and look forward to
being able to play outside for this event. The theme for
March will be about serving and we will have a little contest
for those who attend.
Team Tennis Update
The bonus night for subs was played February
25th. Eight subs played, several for the first time. Players
from the teams "subbed for the subs" to round out 12 partnerships and 6 matches. The FINAL will be played between
Team 2 and Team 5 on March 6th. Come watch and enjoy
happy hour pricing in the Cafe. There have been some very
tasty snacks for our matches...thanks Chef!
Women’s Day Change is Permanent
The idea of having the mixed doubles the format for
Thursday mornings has turned out to be very popular. The
next question is the obvious one; do we still call it Women’s
Day or change the name? Any ideas are welcome and the
winner will receive a free one-hour lesson from the pro
March Free Clinics
Tuesday, March 3 - 1pm
Saturday, March 14 – noon
Tuesday, March 17 – 1pm
When Using the Locker Rooms, Please, Please, Please…
This is a space that, by definition, is shared by many people for these purposes; to prepare for use of the Club or to conclude your use of the Club. Both basically are transitional and require the space to accommodate a comfortable and efficient experience. If people leave their belongings scattered about or take up an unreasonable amount of space, the goal of
getting in and out of the locker room quickly is compromised. Please be considerate of others and use as little space as
possible for your belongings. We provide seating that has storage area under it and free day lockers. These two options
should help you in storing your belongings.
If you have young children, you need to be in control of them at all times. Having young children wander around is not
only a safety issue, but also can be dangerous for older folks trying to navigate that area. What so many members forget
is that most people who normally wear glasses to see will not have those glasses on when taking a shower or moving
about the locker rooms. This factor makes it extra dangerous a little one is running around in that confined area.
Also, there are towel bins located in several areas of the locker rooms, and we promise you if you use them they will get
to the laundry room a little faster. This ensures that there are plenty of towels available throughout the day, especially
during the summer months when demand is high.
Lastly, keep your showers as short as possible. This is not just for the very important conservation of water, but is also
a courteous gesture for those who are waiting to shower. Both the men and women have four showers, which is usually
enough to handle demand, but when there are large fitness classes, especially water classes, the demand on the showers
is extra high and so it is helpful for everyone to expedite their time in the shower. Thank you for your courtesy and
helping make the Club a better experience for everyone.
Gun Hei Fat Choi!
Embracing the year of the Ram and the new cycle of Spring
The year of the Ram (also referred to as the Sheep and Goat) is a time to celebrate our interdependence, and the
strength we achieve by working together. The sheep is a peacemaker and strives towards harmony. This year we are
reminded and called to embrace and respect our needs and the needs of others, and in doing so, we are empowered to
persevere in the face of challenges. The year of the Ram reminds us that when we follow our passions, it will lead us to
great success. And when we reach out to others with great compassion, it
will lead us to great joy.
February 4th marked the first day of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar. Spring represents the beginning of all cycles, and it is the most auspicious time to begin new projects and interests. This is also the best season to detoxify and cleanse the body. Plant seeds now for fruition later.
Begin anew in your life with the buds of spring.
Mt. Tam Health Center
Janine M Swenberg, L.Ac.
Acupuncture * Massage * Herb and Essential Oil Remedies * Cold Laser
and Micro Circulation Treatments
For more information: 415.302.4717 – text or phone
Your Tennis Program at Your Club
The Marin County “Tennis Club of the Year” is about to be announced in the Pacific Sun. For the past three years Mt.
Tam has won that award and for a good reason: your Pro Staff. One measurement that determines a quality pro staff is
the length of time the pros have been at a Club. The national average of a pro’s stay at a facility is about three and half
years, the average at Mt. Tam is 23 years and climbing. The system is entirely different than any other club in the country. Rod Heckelman serves
as both General Manager and Tennis Director and assigns each teaching
pro a role to fill at the Club. The result is, each pro is essentially their own
boss and takes on designated responsibilities. As an example, Ross Hollowell is the League Director and oversees that program. We are one of the
first clubs to create a position like that in the industry, largely because we
realize that leagues are a very arduous task that needs a pro who is dedicated just for that activity. It’s a very difficult and political job that most
teaching pros want nothing to do with. Anyone who has captained knows
how difficult a job it is to perform. Imagine having to essentially captain
over 50 teams a year; that’s the task Ross has to perform.
Steve Summer is operating a number of 10 and Under programs and
Shibu Lal is organizing events for players. They also oversee weekly and
monthly activities that help members meet other members and find comparable players to play and practice with during other times; i.e. Men’s
Day, Mixed Doubles Day and Diane’s Working Women’s group on Sunday
afternoon. Shibu (Bo), is currently putting together a 4.5
men’s doubles round robin on
March 28 and 29, both weekend mornings using the indoor courts.
In addition, we provide three free clinics every month that are well attended. They are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month and on the
second Saturday of each month. We rotate pros to work these classes so that
members can see the style of each pro’s teaching, which brings us to another
very important reason for the success of the tennis program. In most clubs,
the Tennis Director determines the method of coaching. That’s not the case
at Mt. Tam. Each pro attends several USPTA seminars a year and does online learning to develop their own approach to the game. This provides students with a variety of teaching styles that are much more likely to fit the individual needs of each student.
Take the time to get to know your Pro Staff; they are unique and dedicated
to improving both your tennis game and your experience at the Club.