You`re Invited to Celebrate National Volunteer

April 2015
Carol Jacobs
Bobbie Kahler
Ann Runo
Lena Bowen
April Hartford
Mickey Ashby
Barbara Gallagher
Lyn Wolske
Margaret Lankford
Mareen Bussink
Julie Brandt
Jane Fungard
Sally Dolch
We apologize if we have missed your birthday. Please let us know so we can add your special day to our list.
You’re Invited to Celebrate National Volunteer Week!
Tuesday, April 14 Philmore Commons Conference Room,
224 Phillip Morris Drive, Suite 202, Salisbury, MD
Wednesday, April 15 at The River Church
11004 Worcester Hwy, Berlin, MD
Volunteer Brunch 10:00 am
To R.S.V.P. please call Volunteer Services at 410-543-2590
Volunteers are the Heart of Coastal Hospice.
Happy National Volunteer Week!
A huge “thank you” to all Coastal Hospice Volunteers. You are an inspiring team, and without
people like you, we simply would not be able to do what we do as well as we do it! You
tirelessly share your time and talent with those in need. In the past year, as a group, you have
generously donated 16,957 hours of your precious time, equaling a value of $460,046.
With immeasurable generosity and selflessness, you have touched lives and lifted spirits. We
couldn’t do it without you.
Please join us April 14 or April 15 for brunch so we may personally thank and honor you for
dedicating your time and energy to something greater than yourself.
Time and site of brunch noted on front page.
Judy, Stephanie, Heather and Melissa
Spread the word
I ntroduction
Coastal Hospice
Co ast al Ho sp ice Vo lu n t eer Of f ice
224 Ph illip Mo r r is Ro ad , Su it e 102
Sat ur d ay , May 2 , 9 am - 5 p m
Sat ur d ay , May 9 , 9 am - 5 p m
Those interested in Patient Care should plan to attend both sessions. Office volunteers need only attend
May 2 from 9:00 am t o 1:00 pm but are invit ed t o part icipat e in bot h sessions.
For d e t ails an d t o r e g ist e r call or e m ail Jud y Hun t -Har r is
4 1 0 -5 4 3 -2 5 9 0 e x t . 6 0 7 or jh un t h ar r is@ coast alh osp ice .or g
Coastal Hospice Volunteer News
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Holloway Funeral Home Tour
Everyone is invited to tour Holloway Funeral Home
Wednesday, April 22 at 6:00 pm
501 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury, MD
Enter through the business office (side entrance, canopy over door).
Call Volunteer Services 410-543-2590 to reserve your space.
You do not need to be a hospice volunteer to participate. Friends and family are welcome.
Coastal Hospice Volunteer News
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Coastal Hospice, Inc.
P.O. Box 1733
Salisbury, Maryland 21802-1733
Volunteers Hours!
Our records show, during the last
fiscal year, Coastal Hospice thrift
shop volunteers logged 7,912 hours sorting,
displaying and selling wonderful donations
from the community.
CHAIRMAN: Glenna J. Heckathorn
VICE CHAIRMAN: Byron Braniff
SECRETARY: Diana Barber
TREASURER: Lorie Phillips
PRESIDENT: Alane K. Capen
Colleen “Cam” Bunting
Michael P. Dunn
Steve R. Farrow
Roger L. Harrell
Madalaine L. How
Barbara W. Jackson
Barbara Long
Ingrid A. Parker
Edwin A. Rommel III
Walter "Macky" Stansell
Kathryn Washburn
Dirk Widdowson, Esq.
Accredited by The Joint Commission.
Reach Coastal Hospice at 410-742-8732 or
Coastal Hospice Volunteer News Editor: Judy Hunt-Harris
During the same period, patient support
volunteers logged 2,253 hours writing notes
and filing in patients charts. Supporting
Bereavement Services volunteers contacted
1,103 families.
Coastal Hospice patient care volunteers
visited 529 patients. This represents 2,752
patient care volunteer hours.
Volunteers supported our patients in many
ways, including offering a listening ear,
reading to patients, sharing stories and
running errands.
Without the support of our volunteers, we
would not be able to deliver the excellent level
of care to our patients. Thank you for sharing
your time, talents and treasures.
Judy, Stephanie, Heather and Melissa
What Is National Volunteer Week?
Established in 1974, National Volunteer Week has grown exponentially in scope each year. It has drawn
the support and endorsement of all subsequent U.S. presidents, governors, mayors and other respected
elected officials. This year marks the 40th anniversary of National Volunteer Week, demonstrating the
enduring importance of recognizing our country’s volunteers, to include our wonderful Coastal Hospice
volunteers for their vital contributions.
National Volunteer Week is about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative
ways to engage in their communities. It’s about demonstrating to the nation that by working together, in
unison, we have the fortitude to meet our challenges and accomplish our goals.
National Volunteer Week is about taking action, encouraging individuals and their respective communities to be at the center of social change - discovering and actively demonstrating their collective power to
foster positive transformation.
National Volunteer Week is about you and all you do for Coastal Hospice and your community.
Thank you for being in a special group called Coastal Hospice Volunteers.
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