Technical Program: Tuesday May 12 (Draft: subject to changes) Keynote Address 8:10–8:55 Coastal Evolution and Human-Induced Sea-Level Rise: History and Prognosis Robert J. Nicholls (University of Southampton) 8:55–9:40 Addressing Local and Global Sediment Imbalances: Coastal Sediments as Rare Minerals Dano Roelvink (UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education) Technical Sessions (10:10-11:50) Session 1: Relevant Science for Changing Coastline: A Tribute To Dr. Gary Griggs - 1 Conveners: Laura Moore and Nicole Kinsman 10:10–10:30 Morphodynamic Data Assimilation Used to Understand Changing Coasts Nathaniel G. Plant (U.S. Geological Survey), Joseph W. Long 10:30–10:50 Towards Projecting the Retreat of California’s Coastal Cliffs during the 21st Century Patrick Limber (U.S. Geological Survey), Patrick Barnard, Cheryl Hapke 10:50–11:10 Ecomorphodynamic Feedbacks and Couplings between Landscape Units Affect Barrier Island Response to Changing Climate Laura J. Moore (University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill), Orencio Duran Vinent, David Walters, Evan B. Goldstein 11:10–11:30 Modeled Changes in Extreme Wave Climates of the Tropical Pacific over the 21st Century: Implications for U.S. and U.S.-Affiliated Atoll Islands James B. Shope (University of California Santa Cruz), Curt D. Storlazzi, Li H. Erikson, Christie A. Hegermiller 11:30–11:50 The Role of Suspension Events in Cross-Shore and Longshore Suspended Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone Bruce Jaffe (U.S. Geological Survey) Session 2: Climate and Sea Level 10:10–10:30 Lower Shoreface Effects on Coastal Response to Sea Level Rise Salette Amaral De Figueiredo (Federal University of Rio Grande), Lauro Julio Calliari 10:30–10:50 A New Sediment Budget for the Netherlands; the Effects of 15 Years of Nourishing (1991-2005) Ad Van Der Spek (Deltares), Quirijn J. Lodder 10:50–11:10 What Do We Do Now? J. William Kamphuis (Queen’s University) 11:10–11:30 Modeling Motu Profile Response to Varying Wave Climate A. C. Ortiz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), A. D. Ashton, J. P. Donnelly 11:30–11:50 The Relative Contribution of Sea Level Rise and Storm Erosion to Net Coastline Recession Roshanka Ranasinghe (UNESCO-IHE/ Deltares), David Wainwright, Dave Callaghan, Trang Duong Session 3: Shore Protection - 1 10:10–10:30 Processes and Management Issues for Accreting Beaches — Southeast USA T. W. Kana (Coastal Science & Engineering Inc), C Mack, E Drei-Horgan, J Sabine 10:30–10:50 Design, Construction, and Monitoring of Nodal Point Erosion Control at Plumb Beach, Brooklyn, New York David Yang (US Army Corps of Engineers), Frank Buonaiuto, Diane Rahoy, Bill Grosskopf 10:50–11:10 Prediction of Effects of Artificial Alteration on Segmentation of a Slender Water Body Shiho Miyahara (Coastal Engineering Laboratory Co.), Takaaki Uda, Masumi Serizawa,Toshiro San-Nami 11:10–11:30 Changes in Coastal Sediment Dynamics due to Managed Realignment Luciana S. Esteves (Bournemouth University), Jon J. Williams 11:30–11:50 Evaluation of Transient Defence Measures against Storms Manuel Garcia-Leon (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Vicente Gracia, Laura Robichaux, Arne Kroger, Jeremy Gault, Agustin Sánchez-Arcilla Session 4: River Deltas 10:10–10:30 Freshwater Vegetation Influence on Sediment Spatial Distribution in River Delta during Flood W. Nardin (Boston University), D. A. Edmonds, S. Fagherazzi 10:30–10:50 Breaking-Wave-Driven Sediment Bypassing of River Mouths: Mechanisms and Effects on Delta Evolution J.H. Nienhuis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), A.D. Ashton, W. Nardin, S. Fagherazzi, L. Giosan 10:50–11:10 Natural Accretion Mechanisms, the Role in Future Coastal Sustainability Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Vicente Gracia, Manel Garcia-Leon, Jose Antonio Jimenez, Ivan Caceres, Herminia Inmaculada Valdemoro 11:10–11:30 Observation of Sediment Processes of a Flood Event at the River Mouth of Tenryu, Japan with X-Band Radar and In Situ Measurements Satoshi Takewaka (University of Tsukuba), Takumi Okabe, Shigeru Kato, Shinichi Aoki 11:30–11:50 Coastal Change from a Massive Sediment input: Dam Removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA Jonathan A. Warrick (U.S. Geological Survey), Guy Gelfenbaum, Andrew W. Stevens, Ian M. Miller, George M. Kaminsky, Melissa M. Foley Technical Sessions (13:20-15:00) Session 1: Relevant Science for Changing Coastline: A Tribute to Dr. Gary Griggs - 2 Conveners: Laura Moore and Nicole Kinsman 13:20–13:40 Quantifying the Geomorphic Resiliency of Barrier Island Beaches Cheryl J. Hapke (U.S. Geological Survey), Owen T. Brenner, Rachel E. Henderson 13:40–14:00 Enhancing Evaluation of Post-Storm Morphologic Response Using Aerial Orthoimagery from Hurricane Sandy Jacquelyn R. Overbeck (Cherokee Nation Technology Solutions), Joseph W. Long, Hilary F. Stockdon, Justin J. Birchler 14:00–14:20 Evaluation of Vector Coastline Features Extracted from ‘Structure from Motion’Derived Elevation Data Nicole Kinsman (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys), Ann Gibbs, Matt Nolan 14:20–14:40 Beachrock Horizons of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Geomorphology, Petrology, and Neotectonic Significance Jeffrey Marshall (Cal Poly Pomona), Andrew Barnhart, Amber Butcher, Clayton Freimuth, Fookgiin Khaw, Eli Lafromboise, Michael Landeros, Shawn Morrish, Elizabeth Olson, Brent Ritzinger, Dustin Stewart, John Utick, Kacie Wellington, Lilibeth Wenceslao, Thomas Gardner, David Harbor, Stephen Osborn 14:40–15:00 Measurement of Coastal Hazards and Determination of Future Set-Back Lines on Brava and Lagoinha Beaches, Northern of Santa Catarina Island, Brazil M.F.V. Prado (Florianópolis-SC), J.M. De Camargo, M. Muler, C. Dalinghaus, P. Gomes Da Silva, R.S.V. De Camargo, D. Porpilho, R.S Rocha, J. Weschenfelder, J. Bonetti, A.H.F. Klein Session 2: Barrier Islands - 1 13:20–13:40 Morphologic Response of Small Barrier Islands to Extreme Sea Levels along the Baltic Sea Aart Kroon (University of Copenhagen), Mikkel Fruergaard, Troels Aagaard, Alina Kabuth 13:40–14:00 Chasing Boundaries and Cascade Effects in a Coupled Barrier – Marshes – Lagoon System Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba (Montclair State University), Giulio Mariotti 14:00–14:20 Integrating Geophysical and Oceanographic Data to Assess Interannual Variability in Longshore Sediment Transport Jennifer L. Miselis (U.S. Geological Survey), Joseph W. Long, P. Soupy Dalyander, James G. Flocks, Noreen A. Buster, Rangley C. Mickey 14:20–14:40 Shoreface Response and Recovery to Hurricane Sandy: Fire Island, NY Timothy R. Nelson (U.S. Geological Survey), Cheryl J. Hapke 14:40–15:00 Evolution of a Large-Scale Shoal-Bypass Event at Isle of Palms, SC – Implications for Local Beach Management and Shoreline Predictions Steven Traynum (Coastal Science & Engineering), Haiqing Kaczkowski Session 3: Shore Protection - 2 13:20–13:40 Cyclical Shoreline Erosion: The Impact of a Jettied River Mouth on the Downdrift Barrier Island Andrew R. Fallon (Virginia Institute of Marine Science), Christopher J. Hein, Peter S. Rosen, Haley L. Gannon 13:40–14:00 Field Observations of Tidal Flow Separation at a Mega-Scale Beach Nourishment Max Radermacher (Delft University of Technology), Wilmar Zeelenberg, Matthieu De Schipper, Ad Reniers 14:00–14:20 Tracking Nourished Sand Grains on the Eroding Tide-Dominant Low Energy Beach Yoshimitsu Tajima (The University of Tokyo), Takaya Hasegawa, Kenichi Miyake, Hiroyuki Kato, Masahiro Fujii 14:20–14:40 Challenges in Developing ‘Building-with-Nature’ Solutions near Tidal Inlets Kathelijne Wijnberg (University of Twente), Jan Mulder, Jill Slinger, Mick Van Der Wegen, Ad Van Der Spek 14:40–15:00 Geological Models of Shallow Marine Depositional Systems: Sand Resources of the U.S. Inner Continental Shelf Gary. A. Zarillo (Florida Institute of Technology) Session 4: Contrasting Pacific Coastal Behavior with ENSO Convener: Ian Goodwin and Patrick Barnard 13:20–13:40 Contrasting Pacific Coastal Behaviour with ENSO Modeling Interannual to Multi-Decadal Shoreline Rotations of Headland-Bounded Littoral Cells Dylan Anderson (Oregon State University), Peter Ruggiero 13:40–14:00 Can We Distinguish Coastal Impacts of the Different ENSO Flavors? A. Espejo (Cantabria University), F. J. Méndez, I.J. Losada, P. Camus, P. Barnard 14:00–14:20 Linkages between Climate Oscillations and Coastal Wave Variability across the Pacific Basin Mitchell D. Harley (University of New South Wales), Patrick L. Barnard, Ian L. Turner 14:20–14:40 Wave Climate Change associated with ENSO Modoki and Tropical Expansion in Southeast Australia and Implications for Coastal Stability Thomas R. Mortlock (Macquarie University), Ian D. Goodwin 14:40–15:00 Large-Scale Coastal Reorganisation along the Subtropical East Australian Coast in Response to ENSO Driven Shifts in Directional Wave Power during the Late Holocene I.D. Goodwin (Macquarie University), T. R. Mortlock and S.A. Browning Technical Sessions (Poster Session: 15:00-17:30): with an extended coffee-cookie break. 1. Sedimentology of Intertidal Sediment Deposits after Dam Removal on a Coastal River Ian M. Miller (University of Washington), Andrea Ogston, Julia Dolan 2. Seasonal Wave Energy Asymmetry, Beach Erosion, and Storm wave Damage during Hurricanes Irene and Sandy J. F. Tait (Southern Connecticut State University) and S. C. Cherry 3. Deformation of an Isolated Offshore Sand Bar on Tidal Flat and Mergence with Beach due to Waves Toshiro San-Nami (Coastal Engineering Laboratory Co.), Takaaki Uda, Shiho Miyahara, Masumi Serizawa 4. Assessment of Decadal and Annual Beach Width and Dune Height Patterns on Masonboro Island, North Carolina Kristen Hall (Florida Institute of Technology) 5. Experimental Study on the Performance of a Perched Beach Constructed with Geotextile Encapsulated-Sand Systems Andreia Moreira (University of Porto), Joana Gomes, Luciana Das Neves, Francisco Taveira Pinto, Maria De Lurdes Lopes, Fernando Veloso Gomes 6. Beach and Dune Reinforcement with Geotextile Encapsulated-Sand Systems the Portuguese Experience Luciana Das Neves (University of Porto), Maria De Lurdes Lopes, Fernando Veloso-Gomes 7. Geomorphological Controls on Beach Morphodynamics (Western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) Simone Simeone (Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero), Giovanni De Falco 8. “Beachpro”App: Developing a Strategy for Community Involvement in Beach Profiling Alfonso Solís (Axis Ingenieria), Mónica Febles, Juan Osegueda, Eduardo Batllori 9. Ecologically-Oriented Coastal Engineering: A New Approach for Bird Island Restoration and Avian Conservation at Sundown Island, Matagorada Bay, Texas Cris Weber (Freese & Nichols, Inc), Thomas Dixon, Dave Buzan, Juan Moya, Iliana Peña 10. Numerical Investigation of Beach Profile Evolution Using a New Sediment Concentration Model R. Rahman (University of South Florida), R. Jayaratne, A.E. Tejada-Martinez, P. Wang 11. Measuring and Modeling Beach-Profile Response to Tropical Storm Debby, West Central Florida Jun Cheng (University of South Florida), Ping Wang 12. Laboratory Assessment of the Modified Bruun Rule Extended for Landward Transport Alexander Atkinson (University of Queensland), Tom Baldock 13. On the Modeling of Sandbar Formation over a Steep Beach Profile during the Large-Scale Wave Flume Experiment Bardex II B. Dubarbier (Université Bordeaux), B. Castelle, V. Marieu, B. G. Ruessink 14. Challenges and Successes in Sbeach Model Calibration Studies Mark Leadon (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana) 15. Shoreline Evolution under Sequences of Storms from 6-Year Video Observation at a MesoMacrotidal Beach Donatus Bapentire Angnuureng (University of Bordeaux), Rafael Almar, Nadia Senechal, Bruno Castelle, Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Vincent Marieu 16. Oceanic Island Beaches Sedimentary, Morphological, Geochemical Seasonal Variations. The Case of Fernando De Noronha Island, Pernambuco State - Brazil Roberto Lima Barcellos (Pernambuco Federal University), Sayonara Medeiros Lins, Clemente Coelho Junior 17. Modelling Inter-Annual Scale Beach Change Harshinie Karunarathna (Swansea University), Yoshiaki Kuriyama, Hajime Mase, Jose Horrillo-Caraballo, Dominic E Reeve 18. Upcoast Expansion of Erosion Opposite to Direction of Predominant Longshore Sand Transport Observed in Futtsu Point Yasuhito Noshi (Nihon University), Takaaki Uda, Akio Kobayashi, Takayuki Yoshino 19. Shoreline Variability on a Sandy Beach in Southern Brazil C. B. Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande), L. J. Calliari, A. O. Oliveira 20. Morphology Changes of Sand Spit around the Tenryu River Mouth due to Floods Accompanied with Overtopping Waves Yuya Sasaki (University of Tokyo), Shinji Sato 21. Longshore Sand Transport – An Examination of Methods and Associated Uncertainties Dilip K. Barua (Consultant – Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering) 22. Scheme of the Wave Climate in Shallow Water for Numerical Modeling (2DH) of Sand Transport Potential on the Cassino Beach, Rio Grande, Brazil Flipe Caetano Sprovieri (Chicago Bridge and Iron – CB&I), José Antonio Scotti Fontoura 23. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Santoss Formula for the Sheetflow Sediment Transport Fuchun Lai (Zhejiang University), Haijiang Liu 24. Tridimensional Rip Current Modelling Rachid Benshila (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Patrick Marchesiello, Rafael Almar 25. Bedform Classification in front of Santinho Headland, Santinho Beach –Santa Catarina Island, Brazil D. Porpilho (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), A. H. F. Klein, R. S. V. De Camargo, M. F. V. Prado, A. D. Short, G. Vieira Da Silva, Toldo Jr, E. E. 26. Swash-Based Wave Energy Reflection on Natural Beaches Rafael Almar (Université de Toulouse), Raimundo Ibaceta, Christopher Blenkinsopp, Patricio Catalan, Rodrigo Cienfuegos, Nguyen Trung Viet, Duong Hai Thuan, Din Van Uu, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Wahab Sowah Laryea, Raoul Laibi, Bruno Castelle, Nadia Senechal, Edward J. Anthony 27. Propagation and Dissipation of Infragravity Waves on a Dissipative Beach with Energetic Wave Forcing Kris Inch (University of Plymouth), Mark Davidson, Gerd Masselink, Paul Russell 28. Runup on a Micro-Tidal Sea-Breeze Dominated Beach Elena Ojeda (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Alec TorresFreyermuth, E. Tonatiuh Mendoza, Jack A. Puleo 29. The Nonlinear Effects of Wave on Sand Beach Evolution Rui Wang (Tsinghua University), Xiaojing Niu, Xin Chen 30. Morphodynamic and Hydrodynamic Responses to Wind and Wave Events in a Small Southern California Estuary M. Harvey (University of California San Diego), S. Giddings, G. Pawlak 31. Numerical Simulations of Sediment Deposition and Erosion on Louisiana Coast during Hurricane Gustav Ke Liu (Louisiana State University), Qin Chen, Kelin Hu, Kehui Xu 32. Restoring Estuarine Habitat in Galveston West Bay through Placement of Dredged Sediments: Monitoring and Lessons Learned Ronald Mcpherson (HDR Inc.), Philip Blackmar, Daniel Heilman 33. What Role Does Coastal Vegetation Play in Foredune Morphodynamics? Thomas B. Doyle (University of Wollongong), Colin D. Woodroffe 34. Geological and Geotechnical Characterization of Coastal Marshes in the Mississippi River Delta Cody Johnson (Louisiana State University), Qin Chen, Arash Karimpour, Samuel Bentley, Crawford White, Kehui Xu, Jiaze Wang Technical Program: Wednesday May 13 Technical Sessions 1 (8:10-9:50) Session 1: Sea Level Rise and Super Storm in a Warming World - 1 Convener: Jeff Williams 8:10–8:30 Modeling the Influence of Sea Level Rise on Future Storm Surge Elevations Considering Landscape Evolution Brian K.Batten (Dewberry), Brian Blanton, Susan Taylor, Joel Plummer 8:30–8:50 Dramatic Shore-Face Changes along the Galveston Barrier Island before and after Hurricane Ike: Results of the 3D Beach and Depth of the Closure Profiling T. M. Dellapenna (Texas A&M University), J. Moya, Dr. J. Carlin, Cris Weber, R. Webster, C. Noll Iv, K. Johnson, And R. Sugla 8:50–9:10 Climate Change Implications for Coastal Protection from Southern Mediterranean to USA Coastlines Nabil Ismail (Maritime Academy, Alexandria, Costamarine Technologies), S. Jeffress Williams 9:10–9:30 On The Impact of a Series of Severe Storms on a Double-Barred Sandy Coast: Dune Erosion and Megacups Embayments Bruno Castelle (Université de Bordeaux), Vincent Marieu, Stephane Bujan, Kristen D. Splinter, Arthur Robinet, Nadia Senechal, Sophie Ferreira 9:30–9:50 Sea Level Rise and Nuisance Flood Frequency Changes along the United States Coastline W. Sweet (NOAA), J. Park, J. Marra, C. Zervas and S. Gill Session 2: Beaches: Profile Evolution and Modeling - 1 8:10–8:30 Sand Search and Beach Nourishment at Jaboatão Dos Guararapes, Pe, Brazil Rodrigo Barletta (CB&I Brazil), Lindino Benedet, Jorge Souza, Lucas Silveira, Leandro Franklin, Núbia Guerra 8:30–8:50 Foreshore Evolution of a Mixed Sand and Gravel Beach: The Case of Playa Granada (Southern Spain) Rafael Jesús Bergillos (University of Granada), Miguel Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel Ángel Losada 8:50–9:10 A Morphodynamic Comparison of Walled and Non-Walled Beach Sections, Ensenada Beach, Mexico Amaia Ruiz De Alegria-Arzaburu (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California), Hector Garcia-Nava, Eduardo Gil-Silva, Gemma Desplan-Salinas 9:10–9:30 Erosive and Accretive Mobile Bed Experiments in Large Scale Tests Ivan Caceres (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla 9:30–9:50 Beach Memory Related to Cross-Shore Processes M. S. Jara (Universidad de Cantabria), M. González, R. Medina Session 3: Cohesive and Non-cohesive Sediments - 1 8:10–8:30 Sediment Transport in Wave-Current Bottom Boundary Layer under Linear Propagating Waves at an Angle with the Current Mohammad Saud Afzal (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Lars Erik Holmedal, Dag Myrhaug 8:30–8:50 In-Situ Measurement of Erosion of Mixed Sand-Mud Sediments Kevin B. Briggs (Naval Research Laboratory), J. Calantoni 8:50–9:10 Mixed-Sediment Model Performance to Simulate Erosion/Deposition Events in a Macrotidal Estuary Mouth Florent Grasso (IFREMER), Pierre Le Hir, Benedicte Thouvenin, Romaric Verney, Herve Jestin 9:10–9:30 Aveiro Lagoon Fine Sediment Laboratory Tests Carlos Coelho (Aveiro University), Sandra Costa, Luis Portela, Fábio Ribeiro, Ricardo Cunha 9:30–9:50 Sand Transport in Coral Reefs: Are Lagoons Infilling? Ana Vila-Concejo (The University of Sydney), Daniel L. Harris, Hannah E. Power Session 4: Barrier Islands - 2 8:10–8:30 Complex Responses of Barriers to Sea-Level Rise Emerging from a Model of Alongshore-Coupled Dynamic Profile Evolution Andrew D. Ashton (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Jorge LorenzoTrueba 8:30–8:50 Investigating Morphological and Stratigraphic Changes to the Submarine Shoreface of a Transgressive Barrier Island: Follets Island, Northern Gulf of Mexico Joseph Carlin (California State University), Timothy Dellapenna, Jens Figlus, Craig Harter 8:50–9:10 The Role of Hurricanes on the Morphological Evolution of a Sediment-Starved Barrier Island along the upper Texas Coast: Follets Island Craig Harter (Texas A&M University), Jens Figlus, Tim Dellapenna 9:10–9:30 Modelling Dune Erosion, Overwash and Breaching at Fire Island (NY) During Hurricane Sandy P. Lodewijk M. De Vet (Delft University of Technology), Robert T. Mccall, Joost P. Den Bieman, Marcel J.F. Stive, Maarten Van Ormondt 9:30–9:50 Management Issues Linked to Geomorphological Changes to the Nauset/Monomoy Barrier Beach System, Cape Cod, MA Theodore L. Keon (Department of Coastal Resources, Town of Chatham, MA), Graham S. Giese Technical Sessions 2 (10:20-12:00) Session 1: Sea Level Rise and Super Storm in a Warming World - 2 Convener: Jeff Williams 10:20–10:40 Regional Variability in Atlantic Storm Response along the Southwest Coast of England Gerd Masselink (Plymouth University), Tim Scott, Daniel Conley, Mark Davidson, Paul Russell 10:40–11:00 UK Storms 2014: Gravel Beach Response Tim Poate (Plymouth University), Gerd Masselink, Robert Mccall, Paul Russell, Mark Davidson 11:00–11:20 Multi-Annual Sand and Gravel Beach Response to Storms in the Southwest of England Tim Scott (Plymouth University), Gerd Masselink, Tim O’hare, Mark Davidson, Paul Russell 11:20–11:40 A New Profile Fitting Approach to Estimating Beach Recession by Sea Level Rise Wonchul Cho (Chung-Ang University), Jong Sung Yoon, Dong Soo Hur, Jung L. Lee 11:40–12:00 The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Marine Minerals Program Coordination for Delineating and Managing Offshore Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Sand Resources after Hurricane Sandy Jeffrey S. Waldner (U. S. Department of the Interior), Jeffrey A. Reidenauer, Lora A. Turner Session 2: Beaches: Profile Evolution and Modeling -2 10:20–10:40 Observations of Intertidal Bar Welding along a High Energy, Dissipative Coastline Nicholas Cohn (Oregon State University), Dylan Anderson, Peter Ruggiero 10:40–11:00 Modeling Beach Profile Response to Varying Waves and Water Levels with Special Focus on the Subaerial Region Magnus Larson (Lund University), Sofia Westergren, Hans Hanson 11:00–11:20 Impact of a Storm on the First-Year Evolution of the Sand Engine A.P. Luijendijk (Delft University of Technology), B.J.A. Huisman, M.A. De Schipper 11:20–11:40 Modeling Gravel Barrier Resilience during Storms with Xbeach-G: The Role of Infiltration Robert Mccall (Deltares), Gerhard Masselink, Timothy Poate, Dano Roelvink 11:40–12:00 Annual Model of Swash Zone Beach Profile Change Focusing on Berm Formation and Erosion Takayuki Suzuki (Yokohama National University), Yutaka Mochizuki, Jun Sasaki Session 3: Cohesive and Non-cohesive Sediments - 2 10:20–10:40 Geotechnical Investigation of Coastal Sediments at the Arctic Permafrost Edge: Preliminary Results from an Expedition to Herschel Island Nina Stark (Virginia Tech), Brandon Quinn, Hugues Lantuit, Gavin Manson 10:40–11:00 Contributions of Human Activities and Natural (Extreme) Events on the Sediment Dynamics in the Gulf of Lions Romaric Verney (IFREMER), Cihan Sahin, Baptiste Mengual, Aurelien Gangloff, David Doxaran, David Le Berre, Matthias Jacquet, Ivane Pairaud 11:00–11:20 Testing of the New Santoss Transport Formula in the Delft3D Morphological Modeling System Jebbe Van Der Werf (Deltares), Roelof Veen, Jan Ribberink, Joep Van Der Zanden 11:20–11:40 Sand Transport Process Measurements under Large-Scale Breaking Waves Joep Van Der Zanden (University of Twente), Dominic A. Van Der A, Jan S. Ribberink, Tom O’donoghue, David Hurther, Iván Cáceres, Peter D. Thorne 11:40–12:00 Sediment Transport in Combined Tidal and Wind Driven Flows with Residual Currents Hong Wang (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Lars Erik Holmedal Session 4: Beach Nourishment 10:20–10:40 Large Storm Impact on a Beach under Sand Nourishments Sebastian Dan (Flanders Hydraulics Research), Anne-Lise Montreuil, Rosalia Delgado, Tomas Van Oyen 10:40–11:00 Verification of Effect of Gravel Nourishment on Hamamatsu-Shinohara Coast, Japan Toshinori Ishikawa (Public Works Research Center, Tokyo), Takaaki Uda, Toshiro San-Nami, Kou Furuike 11:00–11:20 Observations of Four Nourished Beaches B.C. Ludka (University of California San Diego), R. T. Guza, W. C. O’reilly 11:20–11:40 Aeolian Activity on a Peninsula-Shaped Mega Nourishment Lianne Van Der Weerd (University of Twente), Kathelijne Wijnberg 11:40–12:00 Initial Volume Losses at Nourished Beaches and the Effect of Surfzone Slope Matthieu De Schipper (Delft University of Technology), Sierd De Vries, Joao MilHomens, Ad Reniers, Rosh Ranasinghe, Marcel Stive Technical Sessions (13:30-15:10) Session 1: Long Term Coastal Evolution -1 Conveners: Ad van der Spek, Dirk-Jan Walstra, and Dano Roelvink 13:30–13:50 Sediment Dynamics of Negombo Lagoon Outlet, Sri Lanka Pushpa Dissanayake (Swansea University), Trang Duong, Harshinie Karunarathna, Roshanka Ranasinghe 13:50–14:10 Pluri-Decadal Morphodynamic and Stratigraphic Modelling of an Estuary Sandbank Thomas Guerin (University of La Rochelle), Xavier Bertin, Eric Chaumillon 14:10–14:30 A Climate-Based Multivariate Wave Emulator for Long-Term Morphodynamic Simulations José Antonio A. Antolínez (Cantabria University), Fernando J. Méndez, Paula Camus, E. Mauricio González, Peter Ruggiero 14:30–14:50 A Classification of Scouring Marks in Macrotidal Environments from Analysis of Long Term Wreck Marks Thierry Garlan (Department of Marine Geology, SHOM), Elodie Marches, Emeric Brenon 14:50–15:10 A Hybrid Shoreline Model for the Sand Engine: Comparison with Observations and Long Term Predictions Kasper Kaergaard (DHI), Nils Droenen Session 2: Beaches: Sediment Transport - 1 13:30–13:50 Laboratory Measurement of Sediment Transport under Dam-Break Waves Based on Image Analysis Lianhui Wu (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), Dejun Feng, Akio Okayasu, Takenori Shimozono 13:50–14:10 Century-Scale Longshore Sediment Transport Rates Calculated from Reconstructed Historical Coastal Surfaces Graham S. Giese (Department of Marine Geology, MA) Mark Borrelli, Stephen T. Mague, Theresa L. Smith, Patrick O. Barger, Mark B. Adams, Patrica Hughes 14:10–14:30 Capacity Versus Non-Capacity Modeling of Bed Load Transport in the Swash Zone Zhiguo He (Zhejiang University), Liming Tan, Peng Hu 14:30–14:50 In-Situ Geotechnical Investigation of Sediment Dynamics of an Embayed Beach Using a Dynamic Penetrometer Franziska Hellmich (MARUM), Brice Blossier, Karin R. Bryan, Nina Stark, Achim Kopf 14:50–15:10 Wave-Phase Resolving Sediment Transport due to Wave Groups and Irregular Waves: Comparison of Full and Integrated Approaches Kasper Kaergaard (DHI), Sina Saremi, Nils Droenen, Rolf Deigaard Session 3: Tsunami - 1 13:30–13:50 An Experimental Investigation on Influence of Air Void in Sand Dune Sediment Transport due to Overwash K M Ahtesham Hossain Raju (The University of Tokyo), Shinji Sato 13:50–14:10 A Method to Identify Opportunities for Wetland Restoration/Creation as a Soft Engineering Solution to Tsunamis: A Case Study from Japan R. Jayaratne (University of East London), R. Lindsay, B. Al Dakdouky, B. Premaratne, M. Marriot, T. Shibayama 14:10–14:30 Hindcast of Bathymetry Change in Oarai Port, Japan, Caused by the 2011 Tsunami Yoshiaki Kuriyama (Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan), Yoshiyuki Uno, Kazuhiko Honda 14:30–14:50 Experiments on Embankment Reinforcement Using Steel Sheet Piles against Tsunami Overflow Yuta Mitobe (Tohoku University), Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Min Roh, Hitoshi Tanaka, Kazutaka Otsushi, Tatsuaki Kurosawa 14:50–15:10 Tsunami Sediment Analysis Based on Luminescence Measurement Shinji Sato (The University of Tokyo), Kanto Nishiguchi, Yusuke Yamanaka Session 4: North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study and Post Super Storm Sandy Work Conveners: Alison Sleath Grzegorzewski and Mary Cialone 13:30–13:50 Modeling the Effects of Hard Structures on Dune Erosion and Overwash - A Case Study of the Impact of Hurricane Sandy on the New Jersey Coast C.M. Nederhoff (Deltares), Q.J. Lodder, M. Boers, J.P. Den Bieman, J.K. Miller 13:50–14:10 North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (Naccs) Storm Simulation and Statistical Analysis: Part I - Overview Mary A. Cialone (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Lynn M. Bocamazo, Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo, Thomas C. Massey, Jeffrey A. Melby 14:10–14:30 North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (Naccs) Storm Simulation and Statistical Analysis: Part II - High Performance Semi-Automated Production System Thomas C. Massey (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Jay J. Ratcliff, Mary A. Cialone 14:30–14:50 North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (Naccs) Storm Simulation and Statistical Analysis: Part IV – Nonlinear Effects of Tides on Storm Surge Levels Kimberly C. Pevey (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo, Tate O. Mcalpin, Brittany L. Gunkel 14:50–15:10 The Effects of Geomorphic Changes during Hurricane Sandy on Water Levels in Great South Bay Maarten Van Ormondt (Deltares), Cheryl Hapke, Dano Roelvink, Tim Nelson Technical Sessions (15:40-17:20) Session 1: Long Term Coastal Evolution -2 Conveners: Ad van der Spek, Dirk-Jan Walstra, and Dano Roelvink 15:40–16:00 Controls on Shoreface Response to Sea Level Change Michael A. Kinsela (The University of Sydney), Peter J. Cowell 16:00–16:20 Sediment Dynamics and Morphological Evolution of a Large Back-Barrier Estuary Ryan P. Mulligan (Queen’s University), David Mallinson, Gregory Clunies, Nick Zaremba, Eduardo Leorri, Stephen Culver, Siddhartha Mitra, Stanley Riggs 16:20–16:40 Wave Energy, Sediment Supply, and Sea-Level Fall: Late Holocene Basin Infilling in Southern Brazil Christopher J. Hein (Virginia Institute of Marine Science), Ioannis Y. Georgiou, Duncan M. Fitzgerald, Luis H.P. Souza, Antonio H.F. Klein, João T. Menezes 16:40–17:00 Importance of Mud for Morphological Response of Tidal Basins to Sea-Level Rise Zheng Bing Wang (Deltares), Ad Van Der Spek 17:00–17:20 Predicting Centuries of Morphodynamics in San Pablo Bay, California: Hindcast and Forecast Including Sea Level Rise Mick Van Der Wegen (UNESCO-IHE), Bruce E. Jaffe, Dano Roelvink Session 2: Beaches: Sediment Transport - 2 15:40–16:00 3-D Numerical Modeling of Undertow Current and Sediment Transport in Surf Zone Weiming Wu (Clarkson University) 16:00–16:20 Bottom Stress Measurements on the Inner Shelf Christopher R. Sherwood (U.S. Geological Survey), Malcolm Scully, John Trowbridge 16:20–16:40 Monitoring Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches Using Unmanned Aerial Systems Paul Elsner (Birkbeck College London), Diane Horn, Uwe Dornbusch, Ian Thomas, Dan Amos 16:40–17:00 An Experimental Study of the Seepage Process in the Swash Zone Haijiang Liu (Zhejiang University), Zhixuan Cheng, Jianxun Wang 17:00–17:20 Grain Size Variability on High-Energy Macrotidal Beaches Sam Prodger (Plymouth University), Paul Russell, Mark Davidson, Jon Miles Session 3: Tsunami - 2 15:40–16:00 Effect of Tsunami Parameters on the Sedimentation Rozita Kian (Middle East Technical University), Aykut Pamuk, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner, Andrey Zaytsev 16:00–16:20 The Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004: Identification of Tsunami Deposits Offshore in the Andaman Sea by Different Proxies Klaus Schwarzer (Kiel University), Peter Feldens, Daroonwan Sakuna-Schwartz, Siwatt Pongpiachan, Yvonne Milker, Danai Tipmanee 16:20–16:40 Exploring Hybrid Modeling of Tsunami Flow and Deposit Characteristics Daisuke Sugawara (Tohoku University), Bruce Jaffe, Kazuhisa Goto, Guy Gelfenbaum, Seanpaul La Selle 16:40–17:00 The Influence of Sediment Source, Vegetation and Microtopography on Tsunami Deposit Characteristics Yuichi Nishimura (Hokkaido University), Yugo Nakamura, Purna S. Putra 17:00–17:20 Recovery Process of the Natori River Mouth Morphology after the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Min Roh (Tohoku University), Yuta Mitobe, Hitoshi Tanaka Session 4: Barrier Island of Louisiana Convener: Syed Khalil 15:40–16:00 An Integrated System-Based Approach to Restoration of Louisiana’s Barrier Islands Syed M. Khalil (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana), Richard C. Raynie 16:00–16:20 Impacts of Relative Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storms on Coastal Geomorphic Change and Barrier Island Evolution in Louisiana Jack L. Kindinger (U.S. Geological Survey), Noreen A. Buster, James G. Flocks, Julie C. Bernier, Mark A. Kulp, and Michael D. Miner 16:20–16:40 Mississippi River Delta Plain Barrier Island Sediment Dynamics and Implications for Managing Coastal Transgressionion Michael D. Miner (U.S. Department of Interior), Ioannis Y. Georgiou, Mark Kulp, And Duncan Fitzgerald 16:40–17:00 Differential Sediment Consolidation Associated with Barrier Beach Restoration: Caminada Headland, South Louisiana Mark R. Byrnes (Applied Coastal Research and Engineering, MA), Chester Hedderman, Michael Hasen, P.E., Harry Roberts, Syed Khalil, Steven G. Underwood 17:00–17:20 Unique Challenges in Restoring Barrier Island Habitat in Coastal Louisiana Michael Poff (Coastal Engineering Consultants, FL), Gregory Grandy, Jon Staiger, Jason Lanclos, Syed Khalil Technical Sessions (Poster Session: 17:30-19:30): with snacks and drinks (beer and soft drinks). 1. Post-Sandy Emergency Beachfill Design and Construction within the Corps of Engineers New York District Boundary Frank Buonaiuto (US Army Corps of Engineers), Lynn Bocamazo, Steve Couch, Chris Rasmussen, David Yang, Diane Rahoy 2. North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (Naccs) Storm Simulation and Statistical Analysis: Part V – River Inflows Brittany Gunkel (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Tate Mcalpin, Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo 3. Conceptual Regional Sediment Budget for the U.S. North Atlantic Coast Julie Dean Rosati (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Ashley E. Frey, Alison S. Grzegorzewski, Coraggio Maglio, Andrew Morang, Robert C. Thomas 4. A Nonlinear, Implicit One-Line Model to Predict Long-Term Shoreline Change Sean Vitousek (United States Geological Survey), Patrick L. Barnard 5. Morphodynamic Development of a Wave-Dominated Shelf during Holocene (Western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) Giovanni. De Falco (IAMC-CNR), Simone Simeone, Renato Tonielli 6. Temporal and Spatial Shoreline Variabilty Observed with a X-Band Radar at Hasaki Coast, Japan Elsayed M. Galal (Port Said University), Satoshi Takewaka 7. Erosion Response of a Mixed Sand and-Gravel Beach in Central Puget Sound Younes Nouri (Coast & Harbor Engineering a Division of Hatch Mott MacDonald), David P. Simpson 8. Interaction of Tsunamis and Tropical Cyclones Christian M. Appendini (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Rafael Meza-Padilla, Felipe Avendaño, Patricio A. Catalán 9. Stratigraphy and Morphology of the Barrier Platform of Breton Island, Louisiana: Deltaic, Marine and Human Influences James Flocks (U.S. Geological Survey), Jack Kindinger, Jennifer Miselis, Stanley Locker 10. Barrier Island Performance Analysis for Coastal Louisiana J. Lanclos (Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority), M. T. Poff, G. Grandy, S. Khalil 11. Suspended Sediment and Light Attenuation Characteristics in Singapore Waters Toh Han Loong (Delta Marine Consultant Singapore Pte Ltd), Dirk Sebastiaan Van Maren 12. Life Cycle Assessment for Dredged Sediment Placement Strategies Matthew E. Bates (US Army Corps of Engineers), Cate Fox-Lent, Linda Seymour, Ben A. Wender, Igor Linkov 13. Modeling of the Morphodynamic Evolution of Subaqueous Sand Dunes Arnaud Doré (Bordeaux University), Philippe Bonneton, Vincent Marieu, Thierry Garlan 14. Observed and Modelled Streaming in Field Measurements Lars Erik Holmedal (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Troels Aagaard, Hong Wang, Dag Myrhaug 15. Practical Considerations on Numerical Modeling of Sediment Sorting at a Large Scale Sand Nourishment B.J.A. Huisman (Delft University of Technology), J. V.D. Zwaag, A.P. Luijendijk, And B.G. Ruessink 16. Particle Path in Oscillatory Flow over Smooth and Rough Bed Karsten Lindegård Jensen (Technical University of Denmark), Michael Steffensen, Jørgen Fredsøe, B. Mutlu Sumer 17. Stochastic Model of Fluid Mud Transport under Wave and Current Yasuyuki Nakagawa (Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan), Kazuo Nadaoka, Hiroshi Yagi, Yasuo Nihei, Hiroshi Uchikawa 18. Digital Grain Size Analysis of the Well-Sorted Sediment Zhixuan Cheng (Zhejiang University), Haijiang Liu 19. Morphodynamic Evolution of the Aveiro Lagoon Harbor Area (2001-2012), Portugal Sandra Costa (University of Aveiro), Carlos Coelho, Luís Portela 20. Short-Term Morphological Change in Woolgoola Inlet, AU Stephanie Dohner (Florida Institute of Technology), Peter Nielsen, Alice Aubry 21. Climate Change Driven Morphological Behaviour at Small Tidal Inlet Systems Trang Duong (UNESCO-IHE), Roshanka Ranasinghe, Pushpa Dissanayake, Arjen Luijendijk, Dirk-Jan Walstra, Dano Roelvink 22. Comparing Two Numerical Models in Simulating Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport at a Dual Inlet System, West-Central Florida Ping Wang (University of South Florida), Jun Cheng, Mark H. Horwitz, Kelly R. Legault 23. Multi-Temporal Geospatial Analysis of the Evolution and Closing of Pea Island Breach, NC Liliana Velasquez (North Carolina State University), Elizabeth Sciaudone, Helena Mitasova, Margery Overton 24. Role of North Atlantic Climate Variability on Barrier-Spit Oscillations: The Cap Ferret Alphonse Nahon (BRGM), Deborah Idier, Hugues Fenies, Julie Mugica, Nadia Senechal, Cyril Mallet 25. Flow Structure of Submarine Debris Flow Xuesheng Qian (Jackson State University), Himangshu Das 26. St. Lucie Shoal Complex: A Case Study in Nearshore Sand Shoals Leaf Erickson (Florida Institute of Technology), Gary Zarillo 27. Sediment Management Options for Galveston Island, Texas Ashley E. Frey (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Andrew Morang, David B. King, Robert C. Thomas 28. The Distribution of Organic Matter and Modern Sedimentary Processes in an Urban Tropical Estuarine System, Brazil Thaís De Santana Oliveira (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco), Roberto Lima Barcellos, Carlos Augusto França Schettini, Plínio Barbosa De Camargo 29. Preview Analysis to Sand Bypass System Design in the Port of Sisal, Yucatán P. E. Reyes (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), P. Salles, J. López, E. Casillas 30. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling over Multiple Dune Lengths at Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Alexander B. Smith (University of Ulster), D.W.T. Jackson, J.A.G. Cooper 31. Field Observations of Waves at the Base of a Cliff A.P. Young (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), O. Burvingt, R.E. Flick, W.C. O’reilly, R.T. Guza 32. Using Geospatial Tool to Objectively Identify Coastal Features for Regulatory Mapping J.P. Plummer (Dewberry), B.K. Batten, M. Chlebus 33. The Core-Recorded Strata and Evolution since the Late Pleistocene in Radial Tidal Ridge Field, Northern Jiangsu Offshore, Southern Yellow Sea, China Yong Yin (Nanjing University) Technical Program: Thursday May 14 Technical Sessions 1 (8:10-9:50) Session 1: Dredged Sediments 8:10–8:30 CFD Modelling of Fall Pipe Rock Dumping Using Picin Qiang Chen (University of Bath), David M Kelly, Jeremy Spearman, Aggelos Dimakopoulos, Jun Zang, Chris J K Williams 8:30–8:50 In-Situ Geotechnical Investigation of a Confined Sediment Disposal Facility, Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia Jared Dorvinen (Virginia Tech), Nina Stark, Bruce Hatcher, Matthew Hatcher, Vincent Leys, Achim Kopf 8:50–9:10 Sand Ridges in the Mid-Outer Shelf as Potential Sand Borrows Areas (NW Mediterranean) Ruth Durán (Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC), Jorge Guillén, Gonzalo Simarro, Marta Ribó, Pere Puig, Araceli Muñoz, Albert Palanques 9:10–9:30 Settling Characteristics of Fine-Grained Sediments Used in Louisiana Coastal Land Building and Restoration Projects Malay Ghose-Hajra (The University of New Orleans), Christine Mebust 9:30–9:50 Numerical Model Studies to Support the Sustainable Management of Dredge Spoil Deposition in a Complex Nearshore Environment Simon Weppe (MetOcean Solutions Limited), Peter Mccomb, Lincoln Coe Session 2: Inlet and Navigation Channel - 1 8:10–8:30 A Tale of Five Harbours: Fluvial vs. Longshore Sediment Sources in Great Lakes Harbours J. Doucette (GHD Inc), C. Pinilla 8:30–8:50 Sediment Engineering thru Dredging and with Nature (Setdwn) – Fate of Fines in the Dredging and Placement Process Coraggio K. Maglio (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Jase D. Ousley, Jennifer L. Coor 8:50–9:10 An Infragravity Wave-Dominated Inlet? Xavier Bertin (UMR), Maitane Olabarrieta 9:10–9:30 Ship-Induced Erosion and Pile Array Effect at Vale’s Pier IV Ore Export Facility, Sao Luis, Brazil Mohammad Dibajnia (Baird & Associates), Onur Kurum, Charles Fournier, Mathews Morais 9:30–9:50 Relocating Krabbengat Channel; A Tale of Two Developments Tommer Vermaas (Deltares), Edwin Elias, Ad Van Der Spek Session 3: Predicting Decadal Coastal Geomorphic Evolution - 1 Conveners: Robert Nicholls, Jon French, and Barend van Maanen 8:10–8:30 Decadal Scale Shoreline Change Arises from Large-Scale Interactions, while Small-Scale Changes are Forgotten: Observational Evidence A. B. Murray (Duke University), E. D. Lazarus, L. J. Moore, J. Lightfoot, A. D. Ashton, D. E. Mcnamara, K. Ells 8:30–8:50 Improving Decadal Coastal Geomorphic Predictions: An Overview of the ICOASST Project Robert J. Nicholls (University of Southampton), Jon French, Helene Burningham, Barend Van Maanen, Andres Payo, James Sutherland, Mike Walkden, Gill Thornhill, Jenny Brown, Fay Luxford, Jonathan Simm, Dominic E. Reeve, Jim W. Hall, Alejandro Souza, Peter K. Stansby, Laurent O. Amoudry, Benedict D. Rogers, Mike Ellis, Richard Whitehouse, Jose M. Horrillo-Caraballo, Harshinie U. Karunarathna, Shunqi Pan, Andy Plater, Justin Dix, John Barnes, Eleanor Heron 8:50–9:10 Decadal Simulations of Coastal Geomorphic Evolution in Liverpool Bay, UK James Sutherland (HR Wallingford), Kate Rossington, Richard Whitehouse Belen Blanco, Julien L’homme 9:10–9:30 Esteem – A New ‘Hybrid Complexity’ Model for Simulating Estuary Morphological Evolution at Decadal to Centennial Scales Gillian Thornhill (University College London), Jon French, Helene Burningham 9:30–9:50 Modelling Tidal-Inlet Morphodynamics on Medium Time Scales Edwin Elias (Deltares), Roy Teske, Ad Van Der Spek, Marian Lazar Session 4: Beaches: Dune Dynamics 8:10–8:30 Foredune Classification and Storm Response: Automated Analysis of Terrestrial Lidar DEMs Katherine L. Brodie (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Nicholas J. Spore 8:30–8:50 The Influence of Spatially Varying Supply on Coastal Aeolian Transport: A Field Experiment Bas Hoonhout (Delft University of Technology), Sierd De Vries, Nickolas Cohn 8:50–9:10 Dune Growth due to Aeolian Sediment Transport and the Role of the Beach and Intertidal Zone Sierd De Vries (Delft University of Technology), Mitchell D. Harley, Matthieu A. De Schipper, Gerben Ruessink 9:10–9:30 Wind Tunnel Study on Two-Dimensional Sand Accumulation Forms around Sand Fences Shintaro Hotta (Kokubun, Ichikawa), Tsuguo Sunamura, Magnus Larson 9:30–9:50 Aeolian Sand Differentiation along the Curonian Spit Coast, Baltic Sea, Lithuania Darius Jarmalavičius (Nature Research Centre, Lithuania), Donatas Pupienis, Ilya V. Buynevich, Gintautas Žilinskas, Julia Fedorovič Technical Sessions 2 (10:20-12:00) Session 1: Beaches: Shoreline Change and Modeling 10:20–10:40 Coastal Erosion Hazards due to Higher Sea Level: A Simple Hybrid Historical/Geometric Model Tiffany R. Anderson (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Charles H. Fletcher, Matthew M. Barbee 10:40–11:00 Simple Pocket Beach Rotation Model Derived from Linear Analysis Brice Blossier (University of Bremen), Karin R. Bryan, Christian Winter 11:00–11:20 Application of EOF Analysis to the Evolution of a Feeder Beach Constructed within a Groin Field Jon K. Miller (Stevens Institute of Technology), Laura Lemke, Christian LapannJohannessen, Elizabeth Livermont 11:20–11:40 Beach Changes Triggered by Imbalance of Longshore Sand Transport and Ground Subsidence on South Kujukuri Beach Takaaki Uda (Public Works Research Center, Japan), Ryoji Yoshida, Takahiro Todoroki 11:40–12:00 Large-Scale Spatial Variability in the Contemporary Coastal Sand and Gravel Resource, Suffolk, Eastern UK Helene Burningham (University College London), Jon French Session 2: Inlet and navigation channel - 2 10:20–10:40 Hvide Sande Harbour: Bypass Harbour Three Years after Construction Sten E. Kristensen (DHI), Rolf Deigaard, Ida Brøker, Steen Davidsen, Henning Yde, Per Sørensen 10:40–11:00 Hydrodynamic Conditions and Sediment Movement at Port of Port Orford Honghai Li (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Tahirih C. Lackey, Hans R. Moritz, Kate C. Groth, Jarod K. Norton 11:00–11:20 Liquefaction Flow Slides at Vale’s Ore Export Terminal, Brazil Robert B. Nairn (Baird & Associates), Mohammad Dibajnia, Qimiao Lu, Danielly Delpupo 11:20–11:40 On Permeable Rubble Mound Coastal Structures Pedro Lomonaco (Oregon State University), Otavio Sayao, Andres Mendoza 11:40–12:00 Using Strategic Placement of Dredged Material to Create River Island Habitat: An Engineering with Nature Demonstration Project in Coastal Louisiana, USA Burton Suedel (US Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Maik Flanagin, Jim Stevenson, Jeff Corbino Session 3: Predicting Decadal Coastal Geomorphic Evolution - 2 Conveners: Robert Nicholls, Jon French, and Barend van Maanen 10:20–10:40 A Multi-Landform Numerical Framework for Modelling Large Scale Coastal Morphodynamics Andres Payo (Oxford University), Jim Hall, David Favis-Mortlock, Matthew Ives 10:40–11:00 Modelling the Medium Term Morphodynamic Response of a Tidal Coastal Inlet Using Logical Networks Dominic E. Reeve (Swansea University), Harshinie Karunarathna, J.M. HorrilloCaraballo, Shunqi Pan, Helene Burningham, Jon French 11:00–11:20 Modeling Inlet Dynamics to Explore Coupled System Behavior over Decadal Scales Barend Van Maanen (University of Southampton), Mike J. A. Walkden, Robert J. Nicholls 11:20–11:40 Modeling the Response of Coupled Barrier and Cliff Systems to Sea Level Rise Mike Walkden (WSP), Andres Payo, John Barnes, Helene Burningham 11:40–12:00 Equilibrium-Based Foreshore Beach Profile Change Model for Long-Term Data Masayuki Banno (Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan), Yoshiaki Kuriyama, Noriaki Hashimoto Session 4: Regional Sediment Management - 1 10:20–10:40 Residual Circulation Modelled at the National UK Scale to Identify Sediment Pathways to Inform Coastal Evolution Models J.M. Brown (National Oceanography Centre, UK), L.O. Amoudry, A.J. Souza, A.J. Plater 10:40–11:00 Engineering with Nature: Nearshore Berm Placements at Fort Myers Beach and Perdido Key, Florida, USA Katherine E. Brutsché (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Ping Wang, Julie D. Rosati, Cheryl E. Pollock 11:00–11:20 Ross/Ossi (Rossi): A Coastal Management Tool for Offshore Sand Sources Jennifer L. Coor (Florida Department of Environmental Protection), Candace Beauvais, Jase D. Ousley 11:20–11:40 Regional Nearshore Wave Prediciton: A Coastal Sediments Perspective S. C. Crosby (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), W. C. O’reilly, And R. T. Guza 11:40–12:00 Wave-Driven Sediment Pathways on a Gravel-Dominated Coast Subject to a Strongly Bi-Modal Wave Climate, Suffolk , Eastern UK Jon French (University College London), Helene Burningham Technical Sessions (13:30-15:10) Session 1: Coastal Marsh and Vegetation 13:30–13:50 Mechanisms of Sediment Flux between Shallows and Marshes Jessica R. Lacy (U.S. Geological Survey), Lisa M. Schile, John C. Callaway, Matthew C. Ferner 13:50–14:10 Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics in an Ice Covered Tidal Flat Urs Neumeier (Université du Québec à Rimouski), Colette Cheng 14:10–14:30 Hydro-Morphological Considerations for the Restoration of Intertidal Habitats Nigel Pontee (CH2MHILL) 14:30–14:50 Santinho/Ingleses Transgressive Dunefield System – Santa Catarina Island (Brazil): Temporal Variability in Vegetation, Manmade Structures and Dune Migration Maiara Werner Pinto (GCN/CFH/UFSC), Ricardo Meireles, Andrew Cooper, Antonio Henrique Da Fontoura Klein 14:50–15:10 Coastal Mangrove Squeeze in the Mekong Delta Marcel J.F Stive (Delft University of Technology), Linh Phan Khanh, Jaap S.M. Van Thiel De Vries Session 2: Inlet and navigation channel - 3 13:30–13:50 Observations of the Geometry and Migration of Tidally Reversing Dunes Peter Traykovski (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) 13:50–14:10 A Comparative Study of the Consolidation Rate between Cohesive Sediments from European Ports Van Hoestenberghe (Antea Group, Belgium), T., Meshkati Shahmirzadi, M. E., Staelens, P, Claeys, S., Van Oyen, T., De Sutter, R. 14:10–14:30 Numerical Modeling of Mixed Size Sediments in Mixed Energy Environments Irene M. Watts (Florida Institute of Technology), Gary A. Zarillo 14:30–14:50 Horizontal Coherent Structures between Tidal Flat and Channel Bram C. Van Prooijen (Delft University of Technology), Qin Zhu, Ronald L. Brouwer, Qing He 14:50–15:10 Barotropic Processes of Sediment Transport in Tidal Basins: A 1D Model for the Wadden Sea V.M. Gatto (Delft University of Technology), B.C. Van Prooijen, Z.B. Wang Session 3: Predicting Decadal Coastal Geomorphic Evolution - 3 Convener: Robert Nicholls, Jon French, and Barend van Maanen 13:30–13:50 Event-Parallel Simulation of Medium-Term Morphodynamic Evolution within a Mixed Energy Tidal Inlet Ebb Delta Ben Williams (Plymouth University), Vanesa Magar 13:50–14:10 Multi-Scale Statistical Analysis of Beach Profiles on the Suffolk Coast, UK Jose M. Horrillo-Caraballo (Swansea University), Dominic E. Reeve, Harshinie Karunarathna, Shunqi Pan, Helene Burningham 14:10–14:30 Pocket Beach Dynamics: Emergent Modes and Timescales Katherine Ratliff (Duke University), A. Brad Murray 14:30–14:50 Projection of Wave Conditions in Response to Climate Change: A Community Approach to Global and Regional Wave Downscaling Li H. Erikson (U.S. Geological Survey), Mark A. Hemer, Piero Lionello, Fernando J. Mendez, Nobuhito Mori, Alvaro Semedo, Xiaolan L. Wang, Judith Wolf 14:50–15:10 Modeling Dune Erosion, Overwash, and Breaching at Macaneta Spit, Mozambique Jaime Palalane (Lund University), Magnus Larson, Hans Hanson Session 4: Regional Sediment Management - 2 13:30–13:50 Development of Littoral Cells for Shoreline Management in the Chesapeake Bay Julie Herman (Virginia Institute of Marine Science), Y. Joseph Zhang 13:50–14:10 U.S. Beach Placement of Dredged Coastal Navigation Sediments N. Elko (Elko Coastal Consulting), Q. Robertson, and L. Lillycrop 14:10–14:30 Evaluation of Ebb Shoal Dredging Alternatives at Fort George Inlet, Florida Kevin C. Hodgens (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) 14:30–14:50 Numerical Modeling of Mixed Sediment Transport in Giww and West Galveston Bay, Texas Lihwa Lin (US Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Chris W. Reed 14:50–15:10 Sediment Budget on the Indiana Shore at Burns Harbor, Lake Michigan Andrew Morang (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Ashley E. Frey, David F. Bucaro, Sara Brodzinsky Technical Sessions (15:40-17:20) Session 1: Beaches: Rhythmic Features 15:40–16:00 Beach Cusp Destruction Sequences Observed under Erosion and Accretion Conditions Nadia Senechal (University of Bordeaux), Bruno Castelle, Melanie Biausque, France Floc’h, Timothy Scott, Rafael Almar, Edward J. Anthony, Yves Du Penhoat 16:00–16:20 Model for Predicting Formation of a Cuspate Foreland Masumi Serizawa (Coastal Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd.), Takaaki Uda, Shiho Miyahara 16:20–16:40 Longshore Undulations along New York’s Ocean Coast Hanlu Huang (Stony Brook University), Henry Bokuniewicz, Brian Batten, Joel Plummer 16:40–17:00 Bathymetric Controls on Rip Currents and alongshore Flows M. Moulton (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, J. C. Warner, N. Kumar 17:00: adjourn Session 2: Regional Sediment Management - 3 15:40–16:00 Balancing Benefits and Impacts when Using a Nearshore Dredged Material Placement Site at the Mouth of the Columbia River Jarod Norton (USACE), Rod Moritz, Michael Ott, Wendy Briner, Curtis Roegner 16:00–16:20 Fines: Rethinking Our Relationship Kristen A. Goodrich (University of California, Irvine), Jonathan A. Warrick 16:20–16:40 Operational Considerations for Implementing Regional Sediment Management Plans in the Northern Gulf of Mexico S.G. Underwood (Applied Coastal Research and Engineering), S.M. Khalil, M.R. Byrnes, G.D. Steyer, R.C. Raynie 16:40–17:00 Multi-Purpose Redesign of Alameda Creek Julio A Zyserman (DHI Water & Environment, Inc.), Rohin Saleh 17:00: Adjourn Session 3: Carbonate System and Coastal Bluff 15:40–16:00 Grain Size, Composition and Bedform Patterns in a Fringing Reef System Michael Cuttler (The University of Western Australia), Ryan Lowe, Jeff E. Hansen, Jim Falter, Andrew Pomeroy 16:00–16:20 Mechanics of Sediment Suspension and Transport within a Fringing Reef Andrew W.M. Pomeroy (The University of Western Australia), Ryan J. Lowe, Marco Ghisalberti, Curt D. Storlazzi, Michael Cuttler, Graham Symonds 16:20–16:40 Evaluating Changes to Arctic Coastal Bluffs Using Repeat Aerial Photography and Structure-from-Motion Elevation Models Ann E. Gibbs (U.S. Geological Survey), Matt Nolan, Bruce M. Richmond 16:40–17:00 Puget Sound Feeder Bluff Mapping: Compiling and Completing a Sound-Wide Geomorphic Dataset Andrea Maclennan (Coastal Geologic Services, Inc), Jim Johannessen, Hugh Shipman 17:00: Adjourn Session 4: Long-term Coastal Changes 15:40–16:00 Modelling Long-Term Morphodynamics in Practice: Uncertainties and Compromises J. J. Williams (Mott MacDonald), T. Conduché, L. S. Esteves 16:00–16:20 Long-Term Morphological Modeling at Coastal Inlets Alejandro Sanchez (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Mitchell Brown, Tanya Beck, Richard Styles, Honghai Li 16:20–16:40 40 Years of Sediment Management Per Soerensen (Danish Coastal Authority), Holger T. Madsen, John Jensen 16:40–17:00 Erosion Risk Assessment along the Catalan Coast at Decadal Scale J.A. Jiménez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), C. Ballesteros, H.I.Valdemoro, E. Bosom 17:00: Adjourn
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