COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) P.O. BAG NO.1653 COCHIN-682 015 INDIA Tel. No. +91(484) 2501216/2501402/2501737 Fax No. +91(484) 2370897/373902 E– Mail: [email protected] Web: Tender for DESILTING THE DOCK GATE HOUSING PIT AND VARIOUS OTHER UNDER WATER WORKS IN CONNECTION WITH DOCKING AND UNDOCKING OF VESSELS IN CSL FOR TWO YEARS Tender No. CIV/009/2015/DGM (CE) dtd. 02.04.2015 No.CIV/009/2015/DGM (CE) Name of work: - DESILTING THE DOCK GATE HOUSING PIT AND VARIOUS OTHER UNDER WATER WORKS IN CONNECTION WITH DOCKING AND UNDOCKING OF VESSELS IN CSL FOR TWO YEARS LIST OF TENDER DOCUMENTS 1. TENDER NOTICE 2. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS 4. TENDER SCHEDULE 5. UNDERTAKING Tel. No. +91(484) 2501216/2501402/2501737 Fax No. +91(484) 2370897/373902 E– Mail: [email protected] Web: COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) P.O. BAG NO.1653 COCHIN-682 015 INDIA No. CIV/009/2015/DGM (CE) 02.04.2015 TENDER NOTICE Sealed competitive tenders in the prescribed form are invited on behalf of Cochin Shipyard Limited from experienced contractors for the under mentioned work, so as to reach the undersigned on or before the date and time mentioned below: Name of work : Desilting the Dock Gate housing pit and various other underwater works in connection with docking & undocking vessels in CSL for the two years. Estimate Amount : ` 27,00,000/- Earnest money to be deposited : ` 54, 000/- Cost of tender form : ` 200/- + S.T (5%) (Those who download the tender form from website also will be required to remit the cost along with the tender documents in the form of DD in favour of Cochin Shipyard Ltd.) Last date and time of issue of tender forms : 09.04.2015 upto 15.00 hrs. Last date and time of receipt of tender : .10.04.2015 upto 15.00 hrs. Date and time of opening of tender : 10.04.2015 at 15.30 hrs. Time of completion of work : 24 Months Short description of work The work includes removal of silt, mud etc. from the gate housing pit of Dock No. I, various other works associated with every Docking and Undocking vessels in CSL for two years. Tenderers have to submit EMD and certificate as per Clause No.4 of Special conditions in a separate sealed cover superscribed as ‘Cover A’, which have to be kept outside the cover containing the price bid. The price bids of only those contractors who have submitted proof of remittance of EMD, cost of tender forms and certificate signed by the contractor shall be opened .Adjustment of EMD against any amount payable to contractor by CSL will be accepted only on prior written approval of Deputy General Manager (Civil). Price bids superscribed as ‘Cover B’ shall be with out any conditions and strictly in accordance with the tender schedule. Rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and duties. The tender documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours till the last date and time of issue of Tenders. All the tender documents (NIT, General conditions of contract, special conditions, tender schedule) are available on Cochin Shipyard’s website and Tenderers can download the forms and use the same for submission of the tenders. Sd/Sd/Deputy General Manager (Civil) ~1~ CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT No. CIV/009/2015/DGM (CE) SPECIAL CONDITIONS Name of work :-DESILTING THE DOCK GATE HOUSING PIT AND VARIOUS OTHER UNDER WATER WORKS IN CONNECTION WITH DOCKING AND UNDOCKING OF VESSELS IN CSL FOR TWO YEARS . 1. The conditions enumerated below are in addition to and will have precedence over “the General conditions of contract given in “Conditions of contract and instructions to Tenderers of CSL”. 2. “General Conditions of Contract and Instructions to Tenderers” is available in the CSL website. The tenderer shall submit his tender document including GCC. Although, it is permissible to submit the tender without the copy of GCC, while entering into agreement by the successful tenderer, the GCC shall be duly signed by both the parties and form part of the agreement. As such, it is deemed that the tenderer has made reference to the GCC in the website or otherwise, and has full knowledge of its contents, although it is not signed and attached with the tender. 3. All corrigenda, addenda, amendments and clarifications to Tender Specifications will be hosted in the website and not in the newspaper. Bidders shall keep themselves updated with all such developments till the last date and time of submission of tender. 4. The tender for the work will be based on two cover system (Cover ‘A’ & Cover ‘B’) 4.1 Cover A: Technical bid - shall consist of two separate covers A1 &A2. Cover A1 shall contain EMD and shall be kept outside of cover A. Cover A2 shall consist of the Special Conditions and the following certificates signed by the contractor. (i) “I / WE COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF TENDER BY CSL AND CONFIRM THAT RATES QUOTED IN THE PRICE BID ARE INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES AND DUTIES INCLUDING SERVICE TAX IF APPLICABLE. I / WE ALSO CONFIRM THAT COVER B (PRICE BID) DO NOT CONTAIN ANY CONDITIONS” (ii) “I/WE HAVE NOT MADE ANY PAYMENT OR ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION TO ANY PERSON/AUTHORITY CONNECTED WITH THE BID PROCESS SO AS TO INFLUENCE THE BID Signature of Contractor ~2~ PROCESS AND HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANY OFFENCE UNDER THE PC ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE BID.” Cover B: Financial /price bid - shall contain the rates and amount for each item of work. There shall not be any clause, added by the tenderers in the price bid. Price bid with any clause and conditions other than rates and amount will be summarily rejected. 4.2 The cover A & cover B shall then put together in another cover marked Cover C, which shall be sealed and superscribed with name of work, the address & Contact no. of contractor. 4.3 Cover C shall be opened at the office near northgate information centre. At first cover A1 containing EMD and cover A2 containing technical bid shall be opened. In case the earnest money is not deposited or is not in order, the tender shall be returned to the tenderer unopened either on the spot, if the tenderer is present or later by post. Only a mention to this effect shall be made in the tender opening register. 4.4 Price bid (cover B) of those tenders who have qualified technically and submitted EMD and the undertaking that Cover B do not contain any conditions shall be opened on the same date. Tenderer should ensure that his quoted amount as per cover B is not mentioned anywhere in other documents, directly or indirectly. If any such mention is made the tender will become invalid and shall become liable for rejection. 5. The validity of the offer will be 90 days from the date fixed for opening. 6. Deputy General Manager (Civil) Cochin Shipyard Ltd. or his duly authorized representative will open tenders in the presence of any indenting contractor’s or their authorized representatives who may be present at the time. 7. Late tenders and price bids with conditions will be summarily rejected. 8. The acceptance of a tender will rest with GM (Tech) who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reason. 9. The EMD amount of `54,000/- will be accepted only in the following forms: 9.1. Demand Draft of a scheduled bank drawn in favour of Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 9.2. Fixed Deposit Receipt of a scheduled bank and shall be pledged in favour of Cochin Shipyard Ltd. Signature of Contractor ~3~ 9.3. Bankers cheque of a scheduled bank in favour of Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 10. Cochin Shipyard Ltd. shall without prejudice to any right or remedy is at full liberty to forfeit the said EMD absolutely if the tenderer withdraws his tender before the validity period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to CSL. After the issue of work order by CSL, failing / refusing to execute the agreement/ start the work, the tenderer shall be deemed to have abandoned the contract and such an act shall amount to and be construed as the contractors calculated and the willful breach of the contract, CSL shall have full right to take suitable action against the firm together with forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit. 11. Unless and until formal agreement is prepared and executed, this tender together with your written acceptance there of shall constitute a binding contract between the bidder and CSL. 12. If any difference is found in different parts of the tender documents, the following will be the order of precedence:(i) Schedule (ii) Specification and drawings (iii) Special conditions (iv) Condition of contract and instructions to tenderers. 13. Rates shall be quoted both in figures and words. Rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and duties, including service tax, in accordance with the tender schedule. The tenderer is required to furnish Service Tax registration certificate, PAN etc. 14. The tenderers are expected to have inspected the site, before quoting, read the conditions thoroughly and understand the works in all respect. Clarifications, if any may be obtained from the Deputy General Manager (Civil) before the tender is submitted, and if clarifications/details are not obtained before the tender is submitted, no claim on this account will be admitted. The submission of a tender by tenderer implies that he has read this notice and General Conditions of Contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications and other factors bearing on the tender. 15. EMD of unsuccessful bidders except L1 and L2 bidders will be released after the checking of the comparative statement by the Finance department.EMD of L2 bidder will be released on issue and acceptance of the Work order by the successful bidder (L1 bidder) or after expiry of 3 months whichever is earlier. Signature of Contractor ~4~ 16. The EMD amount of the successful tenderer will be converted as security deposit for the work and the same will be released along with the final bill after completion of the contract period of 24 months. 17. 10 % of the bill amount (less EMD) will be deducted from running bills as SD and the same will be released along with the final bill. 18. The successful tenderer will be required to execute an agreement at his expense on proper value Kerala State Stamp Paper in the prescribed departmental form. 19. The contractor or his authorised technically qualified representative shall be available at CSL throughout the period of contract for receiving instructions from department, arranging and executing the work. The Contractor / representative shall report at the office of the Engineer - in- charge on all working days before 8:30 hrs and receive instruction regarding the works. 20. The normal working time of the CSL is from 8.15 A.M. to 5.00 P.M on all weekdays and Saturdays with half an hour interval from 12.15 noon to 12.45 P.M. All Sundays, second Saturday and fourth Saturday are holidays in addition to CSL declared holidays. The site will be available for work during office hours only. However if the Contractor wishes to carry out the work beyond normal working hours or on holidays, he should get specific approval from the Engineer-in-Charge for ensuring safety, quality and to have effective supervision from Department. 21. The work shall be open at all times for inspection to the Engineer-in-charge, his authorized representative or any other third party deputed by the Engineer-in-charge. 22. Engineer-in-charge will be at full liberty to impose penalties for the violation of any of the agreement clauses. 23. The floor of the gate housing pit is about 14 m below water level. The contractor has to remove gravel, mud, payal, debris etc., from the floor and walls of pit and from underwater of gate when in closed condition. 24. The contractor has to assemble the air lift pump and erect the same at site on pontoon at his cost. Connection for the airlift pump shall be taken from the CSL compressed air lines, free of cost. Contractor has to make his own arrangements at his cost for taking compressed air connections. He has to bring required length of pressure hose and accessories required for the same. 25. The contractor should engage only skilled divers and workmen. Signature of Contractor ~5~ 26. The contractor has to arrange for taking soundings before and after the work and as and when required during the execution of work at his own cost and measurements shall be based on soundings.150x150x6mm size soundings plates with 15m long chains weighing about 3.35Kg shall be used for taking soundings. 27. Prior permission shall be obtained from the department before any diving operations. No work is to be carried out during flooding. The workers must be well informed regarding the dangers in working in the pit during flooding and shall be asked to keep away from the pit during flooding. 28. The workmen and divers employed for the work should be covered by a comprehensive Insurance for an amount not less than Rs.5, 00,000/- each by the contractor at his own cost prior to commencement of work. 29. The materials pumped out from the pit are to be discharged well away from the entrance and quay wall as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 30. Following machinery/ materials/ equipments/ services will be made available to the contractor free of hire/cost. a) Two sets of air lift pumps with delivery line. b) Pontoons. c) Crane (for erecting and dismantling pump) d) Forklift (for transportation of airlift pump) e) High Pressure Washing Machine f) Compressed air. g) Water 31. All materials, equipments and services required for the execution of the work, other than facilities mentioned under clause 30 above should be supplied by the contractor. 32. The contractor must be prepared to mobilize his men and machinery and to commence the work within 24 hrs. notice from CSL to do so. If the contractor fails to arrange the work in time CSL will arrange the work and the extra cost involved will be recovered from the contractor. 33. All materials to be issued by the department as mentioned in the schedule of quantities/General conditions will be issued any where inside Shipyard and the collection and conveyance of the same to the place of work shall be arranged by the contractor at his own risk and cost. Signature of Contractor ~6~ 34. The contractor has to take extreme care while executing the job so that the existing structures and equipments are not damaged or disturbed. 35. The Building dock gate consists of 2 pieces each 21.60M long. There are 5 props supporting the gates. Each prop is connected to the horizontal gate stop & gate by means of bolts & nuts as well as pin. The central prop is connected to gate also by means of turnbuckles. The gate is fixed to the horizontal & vertical gate stops by means of turnbuckles. The contractor shall inspect the site & understand the work involved before quoting his rates. 36. The contractor shall undertake to carry out the said work as directed to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge 37. The contractor shall take adequate safety precautions for carrying out the underwater works and CSL will be in no way responsible in the event of any mishap. 38. The Dock No.II gate will be refixed in position only after the docking/undocking operations in the dock. The refixing of the gate will have to be done as early as possible after the operations. However, due to unavoidable reasons the refixing of the gate may get delayed even by 2 or 3 days after undocking/docking of vessels. In such cases also the contractor should be prepared to arrange the work without any extra claim. 39. The work shall be done in such a manner that the other agencies working near about/at the same area and at the same time shall not be made to suffer/postpone their work on account of the operation of diving work. The contractor shall co-ordinate with the other agencies so as to carry out the work smoothly and uninterruptedly. 40. The gate will be lifted by 150 Ton crane during removal/refixing. The divers shall also examine the horizontal and vertical gate stops underwater & report the conditions of these structures. Any obstructions/foreign materials stacking on to the gate stop & fallen from outside should be cleared off, for removal & refixing of the gate. The contractor shall carryout the work round the clock, on Sundays & other holidays without interruption. The contractor shall give his rates taking into consideration all the above facts. 41. Before the dock is flooded the contractor shall examine all the fastening devices like bolts, nuts, turn buckles, pin etc. in advance so as to get familiarizes with their position and function. Bolts & nuts and turnbuckles will be cleaned & greased by other agencies before commencement of diving operation for removal of the gate. 42. The divers shall inspect the sill of the gate thoroughly both visually and also by feeling to find out whether any foreign materials are sticking the sill of the gate. The agency should Signature of Contractor ~7~ remove all sticking materials if any and give a certificate to effect that the sills of the gate are clear off any foreign materials. 43. The contractor shall be permitted to take power supply from existing points at free of cost. Necessary connections have to be made at the cost of the contractor with CSL approval. 44. Incase if the contractor makes arrangements for underwater operations as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and later CSL orders for stoppage of work due to reasons attributable to CSL, contractor will be eligible for an amount of `2000/- . 45. The completion of contract period is 24 months and CSL reserve the right to extend the period of contract for a further period of 3 months at the same rates, terms & conditions if necessary. 46. The contract may be extended for a further period up to one year on the same terms and conditions after the elapse of the contract period mentioned at clause 45 of above, if agreed by both CSL and the contractor. 47. The contractor is required to submit monthly labour report alongwith wage disbursement details in the prescribed proforma on or before fifth day of the succeeding months. 48. Quantities shown in the tender is only approximate. Payment will be made for the actual quantity of work executed. 49. CSL reserves the right to split and award the work to more than one agency. 50. If the contractor fails to arrange the work as per the agreed schedule, CSL will arrange the work at the risk and cost of the contractor. 51. The contractor is expected to acquaint himself with the site conditions, labour situation, wage and benefits applicable to labourers, working hours, out turn of work by labour and the fluctuations which are likely to happen till the work is completed on all the above aspects prior to quoting the rates. 52. If contractor request for temporary office/store, then space will be allotted by the Engineerin-Charge @ ` 5/m2 per month. 53. In the event of Force Majeure situation which are beyond the control of contractor/CSL which affect the execution of the work or the contractor’s obligations in whole or part, the contractor will be allowed to suspend the work for the Force Majeure period such as: (a) Situations like war, Act of foreign enemies, rebellion, terrorism, riot, strike or lockout. Natural catastrophes such as earth quake, hurricane or volcanic activity, torrential rains, floods etc. Signature of Contractor ~8~ (b) Storm, to the extent that it could not reasonably have been expected to occur at the place, at the time of year. (c) Epidemic, famine; (d) Strike or boycott interrupting supply of materials, labour and services to the site (excluding Strike by employees of contractor for any reason whatsoever). (e) Any other event or circumstances of nature analogues to any of the above or an act of God. 54. No material will be allowed to take outside the industrial area of CSL without the written order of the Engineer-in-Charge. 55. All Safety measures prescribed in the CSL safety manual shall be strictly adhered during execution of work. Copy of the same is available in the Office of Deputy General Manager (Civil) and the same may be referred before quoting the rates. Any safety rules violation by the contractor, suitable penalty not exceeding to ` 5000/- will impose by CSL, depending on the gravity of violation. Repeat violation will lead to cancellation of contract based on the recommendation by safety department of CSL. 56. 75% advance from the bill after deducting necessary recoveries will be released if requested by the contractor as decided by Engineer-in-charge. Balance amount will be paid only after scrutiny of the bill. 57. All Bank Guarantees shall be unconditional as per the approved format for the particular case with up to date amendments made by Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 58. The tenderer shall furnish the PAN No: and Service Tax registration certificate. The income tax / KVAT / any other statutory taxes, as per the rules / directions of the concerned departments, prevailing in force at the time of payment of bills will be deducted while making payment or when crediting the amount to the account. 59. The Contractors registered under the Kerala Value Added Tax Act, 2003 shall produce a Liability Certificate, along with the bill, in relation to the works contract, from the Assessing Authority showing the tax liability or tax remittance as the case may be and the works contract tax deduction will be made accordingly. Otherwise works Contract Tax @ 8.08% (present rate) in the case of the registered contractors and 10.1% (present rate) in the case of unregistered contractors will be deducted from the payment released against the contract. 60. Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental requirements Signature of Contractor ~9~ 60.1. The contractor is deemed to comply with the Occupational health, safety and environmental policy of the company and also to all operational controls/standard operating procedures and shall undertake the work in total compliance with the requirements of the established Integrated Management System (IMS) of the company. 60.2. If any contractor failed to comply with or violated any clauses/requirements of occupational health, safety and environmental Rules effective in the state, in their activities or at work sites and the same shall be exposed to the government or any competent authorities upon inspections, the contractor shall be solely responsible for all liabilities caused by his/her action and shall be responsible for paying the penalty and taking stipulated corrective actions insisted by the authorities within the specified time, at their own cost. Any liability to the company in this regard needs to be compensated by the contractor. 60.3. Upon completion of the work, contractor shall clear the area and shall not leave any Occupational health/safety/environmental liabilities to the company, from their activities at the worksites. 61. Cochin Shipyard Limited reserves the right to terminate the Contract at short notice in case the agency's performance is found not satisfactory with regard to progress of work, quality, time factor, labour dispute with their workers, poor safety records and other violation of any contract conditions. No claim whatsoever will be entertained by Cochin Shipyard Limited on this account. 62. The contractor shall produce a medical fitness certificate issued by a registered Medical Practitioner (Allopathy) in respect of all persons proposed to be engaged for their work in Cochin Shipyard Ltd. No Access control card shall be issued by Cochin Shipyard Ltd. in absence of the said medical fitness certificate. Directions from Personnel/Welfare Department of Cochin Shipyard Ltd. in this regard shall be adhered to. 63. The contractor is required to comply with the provisions of the rule in force (amended from time to time) regarding entry/exit of contractor’s workmen, vehicles and materials. Necessary police clearance certificate and other photo identity cards approved by CSL should be produced for this purpose. 64. For inspecting the work site, purchasing tender documents and for depositing tender/witnessing tender opening, the contractor/ his authorized representative shall produce photo identity proof for entering CSL premises. Signature of Contractor ~ 10 ~ 65. CSL shall not be liable for, or in respect of, any damages or compensation payable as per law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workmen or other person in the employment of the contractor or any sub-contractor. The contractor shall indemnify and keep CSL indemnified against all such damages and compensation and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 66. AGM (CE) mentioned in the General Conditions of Contract shall be read as Deputy General Manager (Civil) 67. Tenders duly filled shall be deposited in the Tender Box kept at the office near North Gate Information centre, Cochin Shipyard Ltd. before the date and time as specified in the Tender Notice . 68. Duly filled tenders shall be received by this office on or before the specified time and date at the address given below: Deputy General Manager (Civil), Civil Engineering Department, Cochin Shipyard Ltd., P.O.Bag No.1653, Perumanoor P.O., Cochin – 682 015. 69. Any clarifications regarding the tender can be obtained from the office of Deputy General Manager (Civil) or Ph: 0484 – 2501216. Sd/Deputy General Manager (Civil) Signature, Name & Address of Contractor: Date: Signature of Contractor Page 1 COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED No. CIV/009/2015/DGM(CE) Name of work :- Desilting the Dock Gate Housing Pit and various other underwater works in connection with Docking & Undocking vessels in CSL for two years TENDER SCHEDULE Sl.No. Description of work Qty Unit PART - A FOR THE YEAR 2015-16 1 Removal of silt, mud, payal etc. from the gate housing pit of Dock No.I/ gate mouth of Dock No.II by pumping to back waters, using Air lift pump including cost/hire charges for diving equipments and other accessories, diving charges, connection lines for compressed air, assisting departmental staff for taking sounding including hire charges for machuva, transportation and installation of air lift pumps and pontoon to site and removing the same without any damages after the work and stacking safely etc. complete ( 2 sets of air lift pumps with delivery lines, 3 pairs of pontoons, crane facilities and compressed air will be supplied by CSL free of hire/cost) all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 30000 m3 2 Underwater operation for removing bolts & pins of props for lifting the No.II dock gate and props & putting back the above pins and bolts in the respective positions for refixing the props & gates in the original position including clearing the sill off any foreign materials obstructing the proper seating of gate etc. complete all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. m3 Each 25 Operation operation Amount Rate (Amount in Words and Figures) Page 2 3 Clearing the Dock No.II gate sill by removing heavy siltation using departmental airlift pump/manually before the commencement of docking/undocking of vessels in Dock No.II. The rate includes cost of all labour, equipments and other accessories required for the work (Departmental airlift equipment, hoses & compressed air will be issued free of cost). Conveance of air lift equipment, hoses to Dock No.II mouth and transporting back to original position is to be arranged by the contractor. 700 m3 3 m 4a. Providing diving assistance with one diver at a time. 50 Half shift Half Shift b. Providing diving assistance with one diver at a time. 25 Shift 5.a. Additional diver to be engaged for diving Assistance. 70 Half shift Half Shift b. Additional diver to be engaged for diving Assistance 30 shift One shift One shift PART -A TOTAL PART -B FOR THE YEAR 2016-17 6 Removal of silt, mud, payal etc. from the gate housing pit of Dock No.I/ gate mouth of Dock No.II by pumping to back waters, using Air lift pump including cost/hire charges for diving equipments and other accessories, diving charges, connection lines for compressed air, assisting departmental staff for taking sounding including hire charges for machuva, transportation and installation of air lift pumps and pontoon to site and removing the same without any damages after the work and stacking safely etc. complete ( 2 sets of air lift pumps with delivery lines, 3 pairs of pontoons, crane facilities and compressed air will be supplied by CSL free of hire/cost) all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 30000 m3 m3 Page 3 7 8 Underwater operation for removing bolts & pins of props for lifting the No.II dock gate and props & putting back the above pins and bolts in the respective positions for refixing the props & gates in the original position including clearing the sill off any foreign materials obstructing the proper seating of gate etc. complete all as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Each 25 Operation operation Clearing the Dock No.II gate sill by removing heavy siltation using departmental airlift pump/manually before the commencement of docking/undocking of vessels in Dock No.II. The rate includes cost of all labour, equipments and other accessories required for the work (Departmental airlift equipment, hoses & compressed air will be issued free of cost). Conveance of air lift equipment, hoses to Dock No.II mouth and transporting back to original position is to be arranged by the contractor. 700 m3 m3 9.a. Providing diving assistance with one diver at a time. 50 Half shift Half Shift b. Providing diving assistance with one diver at a time. 25 Shift 10.a. Additional diver to be engaged for diving Assistance. b. Additional diver to be engaged for diving Assistance One shift 70 Half shift Half Shift 30 shift One shift PART -B TOTAL GRAND TOTAL (PART -A + PART -B) Sd/DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (CE) Signature: Name & Address of Tenderer: Date: No.CIV/009/2015/DGM (CE) UNDERTAKING BY CONTRACTOR Name of work: - DESILTING THE DOCK GATE HOUSING PIT AND VARIOUS OTHER UNDER WATER WORKS IN CONNECTION WITH DOCKING AND UNDOCKING OF VESSELS IN CSL FOR TWO YEARS 1. “I / WE COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS OF TENDER BY CSL AND CONFIRM THAT RATES QUOTED IN THE PRICE BID ARE INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES AND DUTIES INCLUDING SERVICE TAX IF APPLICABLE. I / WE ALSO CONFIRM THAT COVER B (PRICE BID) DO NOT CONTAIN ANY CONDITIONS ” 2. “I / WE HAVE NOT MADE ANY PAYMENT OR ILLEGAL GRATIFICATION TO ANY PERSON/AUTHORITY CONNECTED WITH THE BID PROCESS SO AS TO INFLUENCE THE BID PROCESS AND HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANY OFFENCE UNDER THE PC ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE BID.” Signature: Name & address of the contractor :
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