THE ESPRESSO RITUAL. Product Overview: Semi-automatic coffee machines. AUTHENTIC COFFEE CULTURE . Traditional coffee machines celebrate espresso. Franke celebrates service. Passion. Preparing a perfect espresso takes passion. For the experts, a sure instinct and a flair for the trade add up to a ritual that they delight in celebrating for their guests. Franke’s Coffee Systems espresso machine range offers baristas just the right instruments for the professional creation of Italian coffee specialties. The machines combine classic Italian design with technical sophistication. The art. The traditional coffee system is the mother of all coffee machines. It integrates everything known about perfect coffee extraction. Our machines are designed to make the experts shine. Not only do temperatures remain stable. They can also be individually set for each brewing group and even individual drinks. The electronics work away behind the scene, leaving the barista’s own artistry free to unfold. By Franke. Our semi-automatic line unlocks the potential of the fascination with espresso. True to their Italian heritage, our T200, T400 and T600 machines are technical marvels whose elegant design is a welcome symbol of classic espresso culture in customer- facing areas. Franke’s typical high standards are evident in the ease of operation, attention to detail and, of course, in our familiar comprehensive service and support. 3 THE ENJOYMENT IS IN THE DETAILS. The ruggedness and innovative attention to details of Franke’s espresso range provide an enjoyable alternative to the daily routine. More stable brewing temperature. The quality consistency of an espresso depends above all on temperature stability. Consequently, our machines feature a unique heat exchanger that is evenly heated by the steam from the boiler, ensuring reliably stable temperature. Optimal extraction. Getting the most aroma out of ground coffee is a function of water flow rate and duration. We have optimized these parameters in our machines. Reducing the portafilter diameter to 53 mm (from 58 mm) has enabled us to achieve the ideal level of coffee grounds. Greater freedom of design. Thanks to the ITC (Individual Temperature Control) function, users can individually program the brewing temperature of each brewing group (for the T400) and even each product (for the T600). With the T600, the brewing water temperature and the boiler temperature can also be separately controlled. These features increase the opportunities for baristas to develop their own artistry. Best-quality foam. Our intelligent steam wand stops the foaming process automatically, as soon as the perfect foam has been achieved. This autosteam function also enables users to individually program the foam consistency as well as each steam wand. The feature is optional with the T400 and standard with the T600. Easier to operate. Intelligent menus, simple controls for pump and b oiler pressure, and electronic support for routine operation make life easier and more enjoyable for baristas. 4 Wider selection of models. Variations on the basic models with two, three or four brewing groups are also available to suit individual requirements. For example, the taller “Take Away” version has room for taller glasses and cups under the brewing groups. And the compact versions of the T200 and T400, each with two brewing groups, offer all the features of their companion models in the smallest possible footprint. Smarter energy use. Our semi-automatic line also shows that the company really understands the day-to-day business of gastronomy. During normal operations energy savings are possible, whereas at busy times the system has to provide optimal performance. The boiler tem perature of both the T400 and the T600 can quickly be increased. This boost function assures top p erformance all the while optimizing energy use. More service. As with all our products, Franke’s highly professional service is available whenever needed. T200 WELCOME TO THE ESPRESSO LINE BY FR ANKE! This semi-automatic espresso machine is a new entry in our espresso line Choice of 1 to 3 brewing groups Functional area and drip tray made from rugged stainless steel • State-of-the-art extraction technology • Each brewing group has 4 individually programmable product selection buttons and a manual button (Start/Stop) • 2-group compact version • Optional: LED side lighting; gas heating; electric cup warmer (for the 2- and 3-group versions) • • 7 T400 A MACHINE FOR RE AL ENTHUSIASTS! This semi-automatic espresso machine is a sophisticated tool for professionals Choice of 2, 3 or 4 brewing groups Functional area and drip tray made from rugged stainless steel • Each brewing group has 4 individually programmable product selection buttons and a manual button (Start/Stop) • State-of-the-art extraction technology and user interface • Dual manometer for boiler and pump pressure control • • 8 Water temperature in the boiler and brewing groups can be precisely set and controlled • The boiler temperature can be quickly increased for busy times (boost function) • Optional: take-away option (taller version); autosteam (MAT) and cup warmer • Available in black, red or white • T600 THE PERFECT INSTRUMENT FOR THE PERFECT ESPRESSO! This semi-automatic espresso machine is the high-end product for professionals with exacting demands Choice of 2, 3 or 4 brewing groups Functional area and drip tray made from rugged stainless steel • Each brewing group has 4 individually programmable product selection buttons and a manual button (Start/Stop) • State-of-the-art extraction technology, user interface and control electronics • 2 separately programmable hot water amounts • Water temperature in the boiler and brewing groups can be precisely set and controlled • • Electronic control of brewing parameter settings (PIN-code protected) • Electronic grinding degree controls per brewing group • The boiler temperature can be quickly increased for busy times (boost function) • Standard with autosteam (MAT) and cup warmer • Available in anthracite, red or cream • 9 – 15-Liter Kessel (für die 3-gruppige Version) – Manometer für Kessel- und Pumpendruckkon OPTIONA – 1 Heisswasserauslassdüse/2 Dampfhähne zur Milchaufschäumung (Bei 1 Gruppe nur 1 Halbautomatische Espresso-Kaffeemaschine – LED beleucht – Elektronische Überwachung der Befüllung un mit 1, 2 oder 3 Brühgruppen – Gasheizung ( Temperaturregulierung im Kessel 2-gruppige Compact Version – Elektrischer T – Gehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl Eingebaute Pumpe (für die 2-, 3– Filter mit geringem Durchmesser, 53 mm, ide Elektrische Heizanlage Espresso-Parameter (7 Gramm). 3-Liter Kessel (für die 1-gruppige Version) 5-Liter Kessel (für die Compact Version) 10-Liter Kessel (für die 2-gruppige Version) 15-Liter Kessel (für die 3-gruppige Version) Manometer für Kessel- und Pumpendruckkontrolle 1 Heisswasserauslassdüse/2 Dampfhähne zur Milchaufschäumung (Bei 1 Gruppe nur 1 Dampfhahn) 1 gRu Elektronische Überwachung der Befüllung und Abmes Temperaturregulierung im Kessel Gewich Gehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl Kesselk Filter mit geringem Durchmesser, 53 mm, ideal für Espresso-Parameter (7 Gramm). STANdARdS «ENTDECKEN, GENIESSEN UND ErLEBEN.» MODEL OVERVIEW. – – – – – – – – – – – – 8 8 7 6 5 F E 520 – 8 7 D6 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 gRu Abmes Gewich Kesselk 3 700 F F 1 gRuppE Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) C E 520 520 E 2 gRuppEn Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) B 8 7 D D6 5 4 3 2 F 8 C 7 T200 B B Functional area and drip tray made from rugged stainless steel 700 4 programmable product selection buttons and a manual button (Start/Stop) 1 2 ✔ ✔ Volt 930 x 530 Hz 82 W 15 6 5 540 x 530 57 5 ✔ D 53 mm portafilter (perfect espresso extraction with just 7 g coffee) Dual manometer (boiler and pump pressure control) 2 steam wands for foaming milk Take-away option (taller version; mm) Compact footprint Boiler capacity in liters (compact footprint) Width × depth × height (mm) D ✔ A 8 C anschlusslEisTung ✔ und hEizlEisTun ✔ 530 ✔ A 1 GRUPPE ✔ 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 Volt Hz W ✔ 100/220/240 50/60 3000 2 GRUPPEN 4 T hese and specifications are of the propertyF ormat of T hese drawings anddrawings specifications are the property F ranke and T echnology andLtd. T rademark F ranke T echnology T rademark and shallLtd. notand be shall not be reproduced, copied or to any third party reproduced, copied or transfered to transfered any third party without the permission prior writtenofpermission of F ranke T echnology without the prior written F ranke T echnology andLtd., T rademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland and T rademark Hergiswil, Switzerland 4 3 3C B 540 × 530 × 520 10 (5) 3 460 × 530 × 520 700 × 530 × 520 T 200 2G 65 (57 ) 42 8 7 6 930 × 530 × 520 82 F ranke K affeemaschinen A G F ranke-S trasse 9 P ostfach 235 C H -4663 A arburg T elefon: +41 62 787 3607 T elefax: +41 62 787 3042 E -Mail: kmch@ Internet : A 5 4 T hese drawings and specifications are the property of F ranke T echnology and T rademark Ltd. and shall not be reproduced, copied or transfered to any third party without the prior written permission of F ranke T echnology and T rademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland optional 3 B 15 A F ormat Z eichnungs-Nr. A 2 479509 R evision B latt-Nr. 1 2 A nz . B lätter 1 optional 1 Adjustable brewing-water temperature per brewing group 2 hot water temperature levels (best for tea) Boost function for short-term, faster heating of brewing water Autosteam: automatic, programmable foaming of milk Precise brewing parameter settings (PIN-code protected) Electronic grinding degree control per brewing group Automatic moistening of coffee pads in the filter for long downtimes Product counter Customer-specific screensaver Automatic on/off timer OPTIONS Gas heating Available colors LED side panels CONNECTION LINE AND HEATING POWER Voltage [ V ] Frequency [Hz] Power rating [ W ] (with boost function active) 10 T 200 T 200 2G 220/240 50/60 A 2 A 2479 3600 F ranke K affeemaschinen AG F ranke K affeemaschinen AG F ranke-S F ranke-S trasse 9 trasse 9 P ostfach 235 P ostfach 235 H -4663 A arburg C H -4663 ACarburg T elefon: +41 62 787 3607 T elefon: +41 62 787 3607 T elefax: +41 62 787 3042 T elefax: +41 62 787 3042 E kmch@ E -Mail: kmch@ : Internet : Internet F ormat Z eichnun Bitte überprüfen Sie die länderspezifische Produ Weight in kg (compact footprint) FEATURES Top of device with cup warmer Bitte üb E T 200 compacT Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) Gewicht (kg) 3 Kesselkapazität (Liter) 520 E F 3 gRuppEn Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) A BODY Number of brewing groups 1 530530 700700 C 3 gRu Abmes Gewich 460 x 530 Kesselk 42 3 T 200 Abmes Gewich 700 x 530 Kesselk 65 10 ansch optional optional optional optional optional 100/220/240 50/60 220/240 (110/220/240) 50/60 220/240/400 50/60 3000 3600 6500 SEN.» tasten und eine individualtaste (start/stopp) (7 Gramm) – ITC-Funktion für regelbare Kaffee-Kuchens 3 oderEspresso-Parameter 4 Brühgruppen im Sieb Brühwassertemperatur dur – automatische Kesselfüllung – Erhältliche schwarz, weiss,und rot.Anzeige pro Brühgruppe – Separater Auslauffarben: für Heisswasserbezug – Geräteoberseite mit Tassenwärmer, auf– 5Inte ve – Elektrische heizanlage mit Doppelmanometer – 2 unterschiedlich programmierbare Heisswassermengen Temperaturen – Boost-Funktion für kurzfristig schnellereseinstellbar Aufheizen – Sof für Kessel und Pumpendruckkontrolle – Temperaturregelung für 1 Heisswassermenge – 4 Produktwahltasten und eine manuelle des Brühwassers – Brü Filte – 1 heisswasserausgabe/2 Dampfausgaben – 2 Dampfhähne zur milchaufschäumung– Elektronische überwachung Brühgruppe der Befüllung und TemperaturEsp OPTIONAL – Elektronische Kesseltemperaturkontrolle – 1 Autosteam-Dampflanze zur milchaufschäumung W regulierung im Kessel – Parametereinstellung für z. B. Kaffee- und – Erh – itc-funktion für regelbare Brühwassertemperatur pro STANDARDS mit 2 Temperaturen programmierbar und automatischer über PIN-Code – Zwei unterschiedlich temperierte Wasserkreise – autosteam Brühgruppe Abschaltung – Zugangsberechtigung – Elektronische mahlgradkontrolle pro Brühgruppekann mit PIN-Code ge – Elektrischer tassenwärmer – Wassertemp. einstell-Edelstahl, und kontrollierbar – halbautomatische Espresso-Kaffeemaschine mit 2, im Boiler präzise – rostfreier hochwertige Materialien – Economy-Funktion reduziert gesamte Leistungsaufnahme – Automatische Ein- und Ausschaltzeiten über – funktion der automatischen Betriebstemperaturzunahme 3 oder 4 Brühgruppen – speziell vorbehandelte Edelstahl-Oberfläche gegen der maschine programmierbar alarm für Betriebsunregelmässigkeiten – frei programmierbare Dosierung der–ausgabemenge fingerabdrücke und flecken – Funktionsbereich und Tropfblech sowie Tropfschale – Zugriff auf das Kundenmenü durch den Cust – Jede Gruppe hat vier individuell programmierbare – filter mit geringem Durchmesser,in53 mm, ideal für Edelstahl – Programmierung einer mitteilung auf Bildsch tasten und eine individualtaste (start/stopp) Espresso-Parameter (7 Gramm)– ITC-Funktion für regelbare Brühwassertemperatur durch die Customer-Card – automatische Kesselfüllung – Erhältliche farben: schwarz, weiss, rot. und Anzeige pro Brühgruppe – Interner Produktzähler für ausgegebene Kaf – Elektrische heizanlage mit Doppelmanometer – Boost-Funktion für kurzfristig schnelleres Aufheizen – Softwareaktualisierung 2 Gruppenmit SD-Speicherkart 2 GRUppEN für Kessel und Pumpendruckkontrolle des Brühwassers – Filter mit geringem Durchmesser, 53 mm, id T 400 T 400 TAKE AWAy – 1 heisswasserausgabe/2 Dampfausgaben – Elektronische überwachung der Befüllung und TemperaturEspresso-Parameter (7 Gramm) Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) abmessungen: B x t x h (mm) 530 x 520 770 x 530 x 600 OPTIONAL – Elektronische Kesseltemperaturkontrolle regulierung770 imxKessel – Erhältliche Farben: crème, rot. Gewichtanthrazit, (kg) Gewicht (kg) 65 70 – itc-funktion für regelbare Brühwassertemperatur pro – Zwei unterschiedlich temperierte Wasserkreise Kesselkapazität (Liter) 10 10 – autosteamKesselkapazität (Liter) – Elektronische Brühgruppe mahlgradkontrolle pro Brühgruppe – Elektrischer tassenwärmer – Wassertemp. im Boiler präzise einstell- und kontrollierbar 3 Gruppen 3 GRUppEN – funktion der automatischen Betriebstemperaturzunahme T 400 T 400 TAKE AWAy – alarm für Betriebsunregelmässigkeiten FAcTS & FIGURES 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 F 6 5 4 F F 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 abmessungen: B x t x h (mm) 530 Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) 3 3 F 8 6 F F 1000 x 530 x 600 86 15 D 6 T 400 T 400 TAKE AWAy abmessungen: B x 770 t x hx(mm) 770 x 530 x 520 530 x 600 Gewicht (kg) 65 70 Kesselkapazität (Liter) 10 10 abmessungen: B x t x h (mm) Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) E 520 520 1000 x 530 x 520 80 15 E E E 5 4 abmessungen: B x t x h (mm) 530 530 Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) 3 2 770 770 1 8 F A 4 GRUppEN 8 7 6 F 6 2 B 3 ✔ ✔ 530 8 E A2 A 4 GRUPPEN 2 4 Anz. Blätter 1 1 7 7 6 7 6 5 5 4 5 ✔ E 5 4 D Franke Kaff Franke-Stra Postfach 23 CH-4663 Aa Telefon: +4 Telefax: +4 E-Mail: kmc Internet : w 3 GR These drawing Franke Techno reproduced, co without the prio and Trademark C 400 50/ 420 C Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9 Postfach 235 CH-4663 Aarburg Telefon: +41 62 787 3607 Telefax: +41 62 787 3042 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet : 3 3 A A Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9Franke-Strasse 9 Postfach 235 Postfach 235 CH-4663 Aarburg CH-4663 Aarburg Telefon: +41 62Telefon: 787 3607+41 62 787 3607 Telefax: +41 62 Telefax: 787 3042+41 62 787 3042 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Internet : Internet : A A These drawings of These drawings and specifications are the property of and specifications Format Format are the property Zeichnungs-Nr. Franke be Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd. and shall notTechnology be and Trademark Ltd. and shall not copied or transfered to any third party reproduced, copied or transfered to any thirdreproduced, party written permission of Franke Tech nology without the prior written permission of Frankewithout Tech the prior nology and Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland and Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland 4 Zeichnungs-Nr. Blatt-Nr. Revision 2 2 80T400 2G Blatt-Nr. Revision Anz. Blätter Anz. Blätter drawings property of These drawings and These specifications areand thespecifications property of are theFormat Franke Technology and shall Trademark Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd. and not be Ltd. and shall not be copied or transfered to any third party reproduced, copied orreproduced, transfered to any third party without the prior without the prior written permission of written Frankepermission Technologyof Franke Technology Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland and Trademark Ltd., and Hergiswil, Switzerland 1 1 8 7 7 6 97 of be nology Format A2 479511 Blatt-Nr. Revision 1 2 ✔ 1 8 optional 1 7 ✔ 6 5 diff. temp. 5 4 C 3 3 2 Revision 2 1 11 115 T600 G2 A 5 diff.A2temp. 479514 These drawings and specifications are the property of Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd. and shall not be reproduced, copied or transfered to any third party without the prior written permission of Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland 3 20 1311× 560 × 600 100 Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9 Postfach 235 CH-4663 Aarburg Telefon: +41 62 787 3607 Telefax: +41 62 787 3042 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet : 4 B 1078 × 560 × 600 85 Anz. Blätter 4 15 Bitte überprüfen sie die länderspezifische Produktverfügbarkeit da diese variieren kann. Zeichnungs-Nr. 5 5 A A Zeichnungs-Nr. Zeichnungs-Nr. Format Revision Anz.Blatt-Nr. Blatt-Nr. Blätter Anz. Blätter 1 Bitte überprüfen Sie die länderspezifische Produktverfügbarkeit da diese variieren k A optional 6 4 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy 400/220/240 10 50/60 845 × 560 × 600 6500 A These drawings and specifications are the property Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd. and shall not reproduced, copied or transfered to any third party without the prior written permission of Franke Tech and Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland 3 3 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy B B B B D 400/220/240 20400/220/240 50/60 50/60 1235 × 530 × 520 4100 6500 Volt hz 1000 × 530 × 520 W 4 TAKE AWAy Volt 400/220/240 1311 x 560Hz x 600 50/60 1311 x 560 x 680 115 122 W 3200/4600 20 20 400 50/ 420 D 2 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy 15 Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9 Postfach 235 CH-4663 Aarburg Telefon: +41 62 787 3607 Telefax: +41 62 787 3042 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet : optional D B B 8 580 × 530 × 520 770 × 530 × 520 65 (54) T 600 6 C 10 (5) E 2 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy 400/220/240 200/220/240 B x T x H (mm) 50/60 50/60 T600Abmessungen: Gewicht (kg) 6500 3000/3800 Kesselkapazität (Liter) 8 E 3G B B C 770 × 530 × 600 F T 400 COMPACT 1 F TAKE AWAy 2 GRUPPEN 1078 x 560Volt x 600 400/220/240 1078 x 560 x 680 100 106 Hz 50/60 15 15 W 3200/4600 1 Blatt-Nr. F TAKE AWAy 845 x 560Abmessungen: x 600 845Bx 560 x T x xH680 (mm) 85 Gewicht (kg)90 10 10 (Liter) Kesselkapazität 4 Gruppen Revision C C 2 A 479511 C C Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) Gewicht (kg) 560 560 Kesselkapazität (Liter) Zeichnungs-Nr. Format 1 Bitte überprüfen Sie die länderspezif 2 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy AWAy 2 3 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy 4 GRUPPEN 3 TAKE 4 anschlussleisTunG und heizleisTunG (T 600 miT BoosT FunkTion Volt 400/220/240 400/220/240 400/220/240 2 GRUPPEN 3 GRUPPEN 4 GRUPPEN ✔ ✔ 580 x 530 ✔ 50/60 ✔ hz x 520 50/60 50/60✔ Volt 400/220/240 400/220/240 400/220/240 4100 6500 ✔ ✔ 84554 W ✔ 6500 ✔ ✔ Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 560 5 T400 2G W variieren 3200/4600 4200/6200 6200/7200 überprüfen sie die länderspezifische Produktverfügbarkeit da kann. ✔ ✔ T400 2G Bitte ✔ ✔diese ✔ T600T600 G2 G2 ANSchLUSSLEISTUNG UND hEIzLEISTUNG ✔ ✔3 GRUPPEN ✔ 1 1 T 400 COMPACT ✔ 2 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy 11 ✔ 3 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy 4 GRUPPEN TAKE AWAy A2 479511 A2 479511 2 GRUPPEN 4 GRUPPEN 1 1 A2 479514 A2 479514 Volt 400/220/240 400/220/240 400/220/2401 11 1 Volt 400/220/240 400/220/240 400/220/240 200/220/240 ✔ Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 4200/6200 6200/7200 1000 × 530 × 600 1235 × 530 845 × 560 × 6803000/3800 1078 × 560 ×W 680 3200/4600 1311× 560 × 600 × 680 W 4100 6500 6500 T 400 coMpAcT abmessungen: B x t x h (mm) Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9 Postfach 235 CH-4663 Aarburg Telefon: +41 62 787 3607 Telefax: +41 62 787 3042 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet : ✔ 8 3 GRUPPEN 3 be 1 anschlussleisTunG und hei D ✔ A of nology 600 520 E These drawings and specifications are the property Franke Technology and Trademark Ltd. and shall not reproduced, copied or transfered to any third party without the prior written permission of Franke Tech and Trademark Ltd., Hergiswil, Switzerland T 600 T 600 3 2 4 Gruppen B Volt 400/220/240 T 400 TAKE AWAy400/220/240 hz x 52050/60 50/60 1235 x 530 1235 x 530 x 600 W 4100 6500 97 104 20 20 T 400 2 3 Gruppen 4 2 GRUPPEN 4 5 abmessungen: B x t x h (mm) Gewicht (kg) Kesselkapazität (Liter) 5 Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9 Postfach 235 CH-4663 Aarburg Telefon: +41 62 787 3607 Telefax: +41 62 787 3042 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet : C T400 D D 3 3 845 B D D 7 4 Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) 1235 x 530 x 600 Gewicht (kg) 104 Kesselkapazität (Liter) 20 T 400 D 4 C T 400 TAKE AWAy C 1235 x 530 x 520 97 20 T 400 coMpAcT abmessungen: B x Tt 400 x h (mm) 580 x 530 x 520 TAKE AWAy Gewicht 1000 x 530 x 520(kg) 1000 x 530 x 600 54 Kesselkapazität (Liter) 5 845 845 80 86 T400 2G 15 15 ANSchLUSSLEISTUNG UND hEIzLEISTUNG 3 GRUppEN Abmessungen: B x T x H (mm) Gewicht (kg) 560 Kesselkapazität (Liter) D 5 5 2 Gruppen T 400 B 7 4 GRUppEN 2 GRUppEN E 1 7 1 8 F F C 2 2 770 600 8 E 600 D 8 600 E 520 E Format Zeichnungs-Nr. 2 Revision 1 5 diff. temp. Blatt-Nr. 1 Anz. Blätter 1 per beverage per beverage ✔ ✔ per beverage ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ optional optional optional ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ black white red anthracite red cream ✔ ✔ ✔ 400/220/240 50/60 400/220/240 400/220/240 50/60 400/220/240 50/60 400/220/240 50/60 50/60 400/220/240 50/60 4100 6500 6500 3200 (4600) 4200 (6200) 6200 (7200) 11 19 329 675 / 03.15 /Prospekt Siebträger / EN Franke Kaffeemaschinen AG Franke-Strasse 9 4663 Aarburg Switzerland Fon +41 62 787 31 31 Franke Coffee Systems GmbH Franke Strasse 1 97947 Grünsfeld Germany Fon +49 9346 9278 0 Fax +49 9346 9278 100 Franke Coffee Systems UK Ltd 18 Handley Page Way Old Parkbury Lane St Albans Hertfordshire AL2 2DQ England Fon +44 1923 635700 Fax +44 1923 635701 Franke Japan Inc. Amflat, 12-35-12 Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Chuo Tokyo 103-0013 Japan Fon +81 3 5642 5880 Franke Coffee Systems Americas 800 Aviation Parkway Smyrna, TN 37167 USA Fon +1 615 462 4265 Fax +1 615 462 4400
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