COFFS HARBOUR & DISTRICT EISTEDDFOD SOCIETY Inc. 43rd ANNUAL EISTEDDFOD PIANO Program 2015 ADJUDICATOR- Ms Lynette Morgan Section Organiser- Leanne Gray Ph 0432915911 [email protected] PIANO PROGRAM DATES: 29TH, 30th, 31st, May 2015 VENUE: Coffs Harbour Race Course Auditorium Howard Street, Coffs Harbour. 1 GENERAL RULES CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION ENTRY 1. Competitors & Teachers will be regarded as being conversant with the Rules of the Society which may affect their performance as competitors, and are advised to read “General Conditions of Competition Entry” & “Special Conditions of Entry” relevant to their Section very carefully. It will be assumed that all entrants & teachers are familiar with, and agree to both sets of Rules. 2. Entries must be lodged by mail to the ENTRY SECRETARY, PO BOX 725, COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450. ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN 5 P.M. 31ST MARCH.. Late Entries will be received at the discretion of the Organising Secretary , only until 5 p.m. 14th April, PROVIDED THEY ARE ACCOMPANIED BY DOUBLE THE ENTRY FEE TO A MAXIMUM OF $25. 3. a) Competitors, teachers or parents must not approach the adjudicator during sessions. Any breach of this rule will bring disqualification. 3.b) Any protest shall be lodged with the organiser in writing, immediately after the session in respect of which the protest is entered and must be accompanied by a deposit of $ 20.00, which will be forfeited if the protest is deemed frivolous. (IIn the event of protest being lodged the competitors so infringing shall be liable to disqualification or may otherwise be dealt with by the committee.) 4. In any Section where there are LESS THAN 3 (THREE) Competitors, Sections shall be combined, deleted or cancelled at the discretion of the entry secretary, prior to the commencement of the Eisteddfod. If there are insufficient entries in some Sections the AGE RESTRICTIONS may be altered on condition the teachers are informed of any changes prior to printing of the Programme. Sections with less than 3 (three) entries may be performed for adjudication only. The Co-ordinator reserves the right to divide Sections where there are 20 or more entries. 5. .PRIZES. In all sections second prize may be awarded if there are 6 (six) or more entries & third prize if more than 9 (nine) entries. Any variation will be at the discretion of the Adjudicator with the permission of the Section Co-ordinator. 6. The competitions shall be open to AMATEURS ONLY. This rule does not apply to conductors or accompanists, unless the accompanist is being adjudicated. Teachers & Professional performers are not eligible to enter, with the exception of Orchestra & Choir Sections. This does not apply to student teachers. 7. The Executive reserves the right in any age competition, to call upon the competitor to furnish, at his or her expense, proof of age, and to withhold any prize until proof of age has been provided. In all competitions, which are subject to an age limit, the age shall be recognised as at the date stated in the current schedule. 8. Any competitor who has been formally taught (excluding workshops) by the Adjudicator during the 6 (six) months preceding the opening date of the Eisteddfod shall not be eligible to compete in that particular Section. A competitor who does so shall be disqualified. 9. NO teacher will be allowed or permitted to make contact with a competitor during an ITEM on the stage unless as an ACCOMPANIST, CONDUCTOR or OPERATING A TAPE RECORDER. PROMPTING or ASSISTANCE of ANY KIND may NOT be given by any person other than the ADJUDICATOR. THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. 10. No competitor shall be allowed to perform the same item in more than one section. 11. NO competitors shall be allowed to render the same items with which they have previously won a first prize in any section at the Coffs Harbour & District Eisteddfod. 12. The ADJUDICATORS DECISIONS SHALL BE FINAL & he or she shall have the discretion to withhold or divide prizes according to merit. The Adjudicator shall be entitled to withhold first prize but MUST announce this decision when making the adjudication & note it on the adjudication sheets. 13. Where 2 (two) or more compete in combination, no competitor shall perform more than once in a section, except in an Instrumental Duo or Trio, if playing a different instrument. For group dances, choirs, orchestras, speech & drama, etc., see rules pertaining to those sections. 14. Any competitor may obtain the Society’s Certificate of Merit for a small cost on application to the Session Secretary at the venue. 2 15. NOVICE SECTIONS. These sections are restricted to those competitors who have never won a First Place in the relevant category in any Eisteddfod prior to the closing date for entries in the Coffs Harbour Eisteddfod (i.e. 31st March). 16. CHAMPIONSHIP SECTIONS. Competitors may only enter a championship in their relevant section and age category. Competitors please note special conditions set out for Championships in appropriate section schedule. 17. a) SCHOLARSHIPS are intended for the extension of studies. Winners are eligible to earn scholarships in any one section of the Eisteddfod three times, after which they become ineligible in that particular section for the following 2 (two)years. To be eligible for scholarships, competitors MUST be a minimum of 12 Years of age & a maximum of 21 Years of age. 17. b) RESTRICTED SCHOLARSHIPS. To be eligible, competitors must either live or, be taught by a teacher, within the boundaries of the Coffs Harbour City Council 17. c) Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Adjudicator from the eligibility list supplied by the Co-ordinator which has been approved by the executive. 18. The Executive reserves the right to determine the status of any competitor & to apply & interpret these rules. The Executives decision shall be final. 19.a) Each competitor shall be responsible for ensuring that COPYRIGHT in respect of any literary, artistic or musical work is not breached. Each competitor agrees to indemnify & hold harmless the Coffs Harbour & District Eisteddfod Society Inc. against any breach of copyright. If photocopies are used the Competitor is responsible for obtaining Permission from the copyright owner. The ruling relates to music, poetry, prose etc. and recording of same. Check Section Rules for further information. 19. b) Competitors who are unable to provide the original music or authorisation from copyright owner, up to & including the date of performance are ineligible to perform. 20. ENGRAVING – Cost of engraving on any trophy shall be borne by the winner. 21. If through unforeseen circumstances an Adjudicator is unable to perform his/her duties, the Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute. 22. PRESENTATION & DRESS. It is in the Competitor’s own interest that they pay special attention to their dress and presentation when appearing in competition. These constitute part of the performance and will be taken into consideration by the Adjudicator. 23. Competitors must perform in the order in which their names appear in the Official Programme. Competitors must enter and perform under their own name. If not adhered to they render themselves liable to disqualification. 24. Offensive Material / Performances. The Adjudicator had the authority of the Committee to terminate a performance if it is considered offensive in any way. 25. Rehearsal or practise is not permitted at the venue of any section once the Eisteddfod has commenced. 26. A separate legible copy of the music or material for each Competitor’s performance must be provided for use by the Adjudicator, MUST be clearly marked with the Competitors Name & Number, Section Title & Number, & handed to the Librarian 15 MINUTES PRIOR to the commencement of the section. 27. Any PHOTOCOPIED MATERIAL will be retained by the Committee to be destroyed according to copyright ruling. All Competitors must perform from ORIGINAL piece of MUSIC, unless WRITTEN permission has been gained from the Publisher. Excepting Speech & Drama, see Section rules. 28. All competitors perform at their own risk. 3 SPECIAL RULES FOR PIANO 2014 Also read GENERAL CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION ENTRY – available on our website. 1. A separate copy of the selection of each competitor must be provided for the adjudicator. Music MUST be clearly marked with the section Number and the Competitor Number and handed to the librarian PRIOR to the commencement of the SESSION OR AT LEAST ONE HOUR BEFORE THE SECTION BEGINS. 2. Any PHOTOCOPIED MATERIAL will be retained by the committee to be destroyed according to Copyright Ruling. (EXCEPTION BEING OWN COMPOSITION WHICH WILL BE HANDED BACK TO THE COMPOSER) NOTE-‐ ALL COMPETITORS MUST PERFORM FROM AN ORIGINAL PIECE OF MUSIC UNLESS WRITTRN PERMISSION HAS BEEN GAINED FROM THE PUBLISHER 3. COMPETITORS MAY ENTER ONLY 1 (ONE) CHAMPIONSHIP & IN THEIR RELEVANT AGE CATEGORY. 4. All competitors entering the Championship section must also perform in at least 2 (two) other piano solo sections ie a minimum of 3 (three) piano sections altogether. (does not include fun events) 5. In own composition sections, the composition may be in the students own hand writing or by using a suitable computer program, and is to be given to the co-‐ordinator at least 1 (one) day prior to the performance OR at the start of the piano progam, so as to be available to the Adjudicator. 6. Competitors must compete in 3 (three) solo sections to be eligible for ALL MAJOR AWARDS. 7. HIGHEST AGGREGATE AWARDS WILL INCLUDE ALL SECTIONS EXCEPT FOR DUET OR FUN EVENTS 8. IN 2015, THERE WILL BE STRICT TIME LIMITS ON SOME SECTIONS. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHEDULES AND PROGRAM. 9. NO REPEATS ARE TO BE PLAYED We thank the following sponsors North Coast Hotel Group Fox Pianos Mrs B Coventry Levey Family Total Gardens Nursery Mok Family Margaret Thandi Music Studio Val O’Brien RJK Optometry Any Entertainment Chau Hennessy Accountants Jan Hoy Kramer Family Emergence International Judy Brooks Music Studio Heather Rose Elizabeth Jamison Subway 4 PIANO PROGRAM 2015 Please note Rule 2 in the Piano Conditions of Entry. FRIDAY NIGHT 29TH MAY 6PM START VENUE- COFFS HARBOUR RACING CLUB SECTION 208. PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 12 years and Under 1 3 5 Sarah Fox Annie Child Olivia Blythe 1st 2 4 6 2ND Marie Child Jessie Woodward William Mackie HC SECTION 212/213 BAROQUE PERIOD composition 13 Years and Under 1 3 5 Grace Jones Joshua Walraven Hannah Joseph 1st 2 4 Tashi Goodrich Victoria Whyte HC SECTION 230 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION (Any style ) 1 3 Jane Whyte Samala Roberts 1st 2 12 Years & Under William Mackie HC SECTION 216/217 ROMANTIC PERIOD COMPOSITION 13 years & Under (Piece written in romantic period. (Not restricted to Romantic style) 1 3 5 1st Ailish Barry Jane Whyte Victoria Whyte 2 4 Sarah Fox Eleanor Bond HC SECTION 253/ 254 JAZZ, RAGTIME, BOOGIE & BLUES 13 Years & Under 1 3 Ailish Barry Maxyn Dorz Michael Podbury 5 1st 2 4 Tashi Goodrich Charlotte Hopewell HC SECTION 264 FAMILY FUN DUET – - 2 MEMBERS FROM A FAMILY OR EXTENDED FAMILY ANY AGE ( TIME LIMIT- 2 MINUTES) 1 3 Annie and Marie Child Eliza and Lillian Crockett 2 4 Amy and Daniel Bird Keona and Iolana Sykes 5 SECTION 209. PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 1 3 5 13 Years & Under Charlotte Hopewell Rachael McConnell Victoria Whyte 1st 2 4 6 Levi Monro Michael Podbury April Nguyen 2nd HC SECTION 241/242 NOVICE SOLO 13 Years & Under st (Eligible for competitors who have NEVER won a 1 Place in any Eisteddfod at time of entry.) 1 3 5 1st William Mackie Samala Roberts Peter Stone 2 4 Marie Child Olivia Blythe HC SECTION 234A/234 PIANO SOLO- CLASSICAL PERIOD( eg. Mozart, Haydn. Beethoven) 12 years & Under 1 3 5 7 1st Ena-Eleanor Salmon Ben Margetson Caitlin Haynes Kieran Murray 2 4 6 Tashi Goodrich Michelle Petro Sadie Williams 2ND HC 6 SATURDAY MORNING 30TH MAY 9AM START VENUE- COFFS HARBOUR RACING CLUB SECTION 205. 1 3 5 7 9 PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 9 Years & Under Sadie Williams Daniel Bird Sarah Wallace Tess Caldicott Lennox Weiley 2 4 6 8 1st 2ND 3RD HC Rose Jones Ainhoa Appleton Lily Atkin Owen Delgado SECTION 238 NOVICE SOLO 9 Years and Under st (Eligible for competitors who have NEVER won a 1 Place in any Eisteddfod at time of entry.) 1 3 5 Lily Atkin Jamie Nathan Tess Caldicott 2 4 6 1st Daniel Bird Owen Delgado Sarah Wallace 2ND HC SECTION 263 STUDENT AND TEACHER DUET (Fun event) 8 YEARS AND UNDER Student is to perform with their teacher. Students may only enter this section for 2 years Time Limit – 1 minute. 8 Years and Under. Trophies for this section kindly donated by Judy Brooks 1 3 5 Mia Greyling Olivia Woodcock Rubee Shaw 2 4 6 Damien Kell Charlie Atkin Lucy Ricketts HC SECTION 204 1 3 5 PIANO SOLO– Own Choice. 8 Years & Under Damien Kell Israel Rogan Marisol Taylor 1st 2 4 2ND Heather Murray Noah Yardley HC SECTION 237 NOVICE SOLO 8 Years and Under st (Eligible for competitors who have NEVER won a 1 Place in any Eisteddfod at time of entry.) 1 3 5 1st Marisol Taylor Olivia Woodcock Joshua Walraven 2 4 6 2ND Mia Greyling Damien Kell Eliza Crockett HC 7 SECTION 203 PIANO SOLO – Own Choice. 7 Years & Under 1 3 5 Olivia Woodcock Rubee Shaw Mia Greyling 1st 2 4 6 Conner Nathan Eliza Crockett Caitlin Haynes 2ND HC SECTION 244 PRELIMINARYGRADE– Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year. 1 3 Jack McCormack Michelle Petro 1st 2 Ben Margetson HC SECTION 220A AUSTRALIAN or NEW ZEALAND COMPOSITION 1 3 Caitlin Haynes Michelle Petro 2 1st Owen Delgado HC SECTION 206 1 3 5 10 Years & Under PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 10 Years & Under Eleanor Bond Ben Margetson Iolana Sykes 1st 2 4 6 Tashi Goodrich Ena-Eleanor Salmon Keira Williams 2ND HC SECTION 239 NOVICE SOLO 10. Years & Under st (Eligible for competitors who have NEVER won a 1 Place in any Eisteddfod at time of entry.) 1 3 5 7 1st Ben Margetson Eleanor Bond Keona Sykes Iolana Sykes 2 4 6 Ena-Eleanor Salmon Michelle Petro Keira Williams 2ND HC 8 9 SATURDAY AFTERNOON 30TH MAY START 1.30PM VENUE- COFFS HARBOUR RACING CLUB SECTION 246 SECOND GRADE– Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year. Trophies for this section kindly donated by Chau Hennessy Accountants 1 3 5 7 Ailish Barry Owen Stone Amy Bird Keira Williams 1st 2 4 6 2ND Rachael McConnell Charlotte Hopewell Rose Jones HC SECTION 250 MUSIC FROM A MUSICAL, FILM OR TELEVISION (One piece only ) 11 Years & Under Playing for adjudication only 1 Caitlin Haynes SECTION 207. PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 11 Years & Under 1 3 5 1st Kieran Murray Nicola Learoyd Ailish Barry 2 4 Owen Stone Grace Jones HC SECTION 223/ 224 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION PRELIMINARY /FIRST GRADE Post Impressionist (not Jazz, Rag Boogie, Blues or Popular.)Eg. Kabalevsky, Bartok etc. Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year. 1 3 5 Sadie Williams Tess Caldicott Heather Murray 1st 2 4 6 Emily Lockwood Ainhoa Appleton William Mackie 2ND HC SECTION 260 PIANO DUET – Own Choice 11 Years & Under Playing for adjudication only. 1 2 Kieran and Heather Murray Joshua Walraven and Marisol Taylor SECTION 225 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION SECOND/THIRD GRADE Post Impressionist (not Jazz, Rag Boogie, Blues or Popular.)Eg. Kabalevsky, Bartok etc. Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year. 1 3 5 1st Nicola Learoyd Rose Jones Fletcher Scott 2 4 Alison Carey Rachael McConnell HC 10 SECTION 240 NOVICE SOLO 11 Years and Under st (Eligible for competitors who have NEVER won a 1 Place in any Eisteddfod at time of entry.) 1 3 Ailish Barry Aimee Gardner 1st 2 Maxyn Dorz HC SECTION 245 FIRST GRADE– Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year. 1 3 5 Tashi Goodrich Sadie Williams Eleanor Bond 1st 2 4 6 Marisol Taylor Peter Stone Emily Lockwood 2ND HC SECTION 247 THIRD GRADE– Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year.. 1 3 5 Ciara Barry Kieran Murray Catherine Stone 1st 2 4 6 Michael Podbury Jessie Woodward April Nguyen 2ND HC SECTION 228/ 229 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION (Any style ) 10 Years & Under 1 3 5 7 9 Owen Delgado Sadie Williams Sarah Wallace Tashi Goodrich Damien Kell 2 4 6 8 10 1st 2ND 3RD HC Ena-Eleanor Salmon Ainhoa Appleton Lily Atkin Rose Jones Caitlin Haynes If you have any spare time and would like to be involved in helping run this wonderful event, please see one of our committee 11 SATURDAY EVENING START 6PM. START VENUE- COFFS HARBOUR RACING CLUB SECTION 248 FOURTH/FIFTH GRADE– Piece for EXAM SYLLABUS A.M.E.B. or equivalent, for students entered in this grade in the current year. 1 3 5 Max Cleversley Pippa West William de Dassel 1st 2 4 Lani O’Sullivan Marie Child HC SECTION 243 NOVICE SOLO 16 Years & Under st (Eligible for competitors who have NEVER won a 1 Place in any Eisteddfod at time of entry.) 1 3 5 Emily Joseph Pippa West Ciara Barry 1st 2 4 6 Emily Lockwood Catherine Stone Eden Babbage 2ND HC SECTION 210. PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 1 3 5 Hope Hannan Daniel Williams Max Cleversley 1st 15 Years & Under 2 4 Lani O’Sullivan Ciara Barry HC SECTION 235/236 PIANO SOLO- CLASSICAL PERIOD 21 Years & Under 1 3 1st Helen Nevell Ben Fox 2 Max Cleversley HC SECTION 226 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION FOURTH/FIFTH GRADE 1 3 Pippa West Grace Jones 1st 2 4 Marie Child Hannah Joseph HC SECTION 261 PIANO DUET – Own Choice 14 Years & Under Playing for adjudication only. 1 2 Nicola Learoyd and Marie Child Jane and Victoria Whyte 12 13 SECTION 231/232 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION (Any style ) 1 3 5 1st Lani O’Sullivan William De Dassel Emily Joseph 2 4 6 2nd 16 Years & Under Max Cleversley Levi Monro Daniel Williams HC SECTION 252 MUSIC FROM A MUSICAL, FILM OR TELEVISION (One piece only ) 1 3 Lani O’Sullivan Ben Fox 1st 2 Max Cleversley HC SECTION 218/ 219 ROMANTIC PERIOD COMPOSITION 20 years & Under Cash prize for this section kindly donated by Elizabeth Jamison 1 3 5 1st Daniel Williams Max Cleversley Laura Johnson 2 4 6 Eden Babbage Emily Joseph Ben Fox 2ND HC 14 SUNDAY MORNING 31ST MAY START 9AM VENUE- COFFS HARBOUR RACING CLUB SECTION 214/215 BAROQUE PERIOD composition 21 years and Under Cash Prize kindly donated by Elizabeth Jamison. 1 3 Helen Nevell Ben Fox 2 4 1st Laura Johnson Max Cleversley HC SECTION 221/222 AUSTRALIAN or NEW ZEALAND COMPOSITION 1 3 Max Cleversley Victoria Whyte 2 1st 20 Years & Under Ursula Cooper HC SECTION 233 20th or 21st CENTURY COMPOSITION (Any style ) 20 Years & Under Playing for adjudication only 1 Ursula Cooper 2 Ben Fox SECTION 255 /256 JAZZ, RAGTIME, BOOGIE & BLUES.20 Years and Under Cash prize kindly donated by Heather Rose , Musician 1 3 Ciara Barry Lani O’Sullivan 2 4 1st HC SECTION 211. PIANO SOLO– Own Choice 1 3 1st Max Cleversley Ursula Cooper Ursula Cooper Laura Johnson 21 Years & Under 2 4 Helen Nevell Ben Fox HC SECTION 262 PIANO DUET – Own Choice 21 Years & Under Playing for adjudication only. 1 Helen Nevell and Ben Fox SECTION 200. JUNIOR PIANO CHAMPIONSHIP. 12 Years & Under 1. Sarah Fox 3. Hannah Joseph Phyllis Condon Memorial award. 2. 4 1st HC Grace Jones Jane Whyte SECTION 202 SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP 20 years & Under Proudly sponsored by Any Entertainment 1 3 Helen Nevell Ben Fox 2 Laura Johnson 1st 15 PRESENTATION OF MAJOR AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS ***************************************************************************** NORTH COAST HOTEL GROUP SCHOLARSHIP $500 12 YEARS AND OVER ELIGIBILITY- ANY 3 SECTIONS (CHAMPIONSHIP WILL COUNT AS 2) EXCLUDING FAMILY DUET ****************************************************************************************************************** KRAMER FAMILY RESTRICTED SCHOLARSHIP 12 YEARS AND OVER $200.00MUST PERFORM IN 3 SECTIONS TO BE ELIGIBLE 2015 TOTAL GARDENS NURSERY AND EMERGENCE INTERNATIONAL $200 ENCOURAGEMENT SCHOLARSHIP (UNRESTRICTED) 12 YEARS & OVER – MUST PERFORM IN 3 SECTIONS TO BE ELIGIBLE COFFS HARBOUR EISTEDDFOD RESTRICTED SCHOLARSHIP $200 12 YEARS & UNDERMUST PERFORM IN 3 SECTIONS TO BE ELIGIBLE COFFS HARBOUR CONSERVATORIUM PERPETUAL TROPHY– winner of the Senior Piano Championship. MARGARET THANDI ANNUAL AWARD- to the winner of the Junior Piano Championship. PHYLIS CONDON MEMORIAL CASH AWARD to the winner of the Junior Piano Championship. JEAN TAYLOR MEMORIAL CASH AWARD– Highest Aggregate in any 3 (three) Sections, 12 Years & Under. MARGARET THANDI ANNUAL AWARD-Highest Aggregate in any 3 (three) Sections, 13 Years & Over. BETTY BAILEY ANNUAL AWARD – Most Promising Student, 13 Years & Over, other than a Scholarship Winner. ANY ENTERTAINMENT CASH AWARD– Most Promising Student, 12 Years & Under MOK FAMILY CASH AND TROPHY AWARD Most Promising Student, Baroque Period. GLADY GRAY MEMORIAL ANNUAL CASH AWARD –Most Promising Student, Contemporary Style Composition 13 YEARS AND OVER. COFFS HARBOUR EISTEDDFOD CASH AWARD Most Promising Student, Contemporary Style Composition 12 YEARS AND UNDER. SJ ENCOURAGEMENT CASH AWARD– (CASH PRIZE) JAZZ RAG BOOGIE AND BLUES 13 YRS AND OVER JUDY BROOKS ANNUAL AWARD– Most Promising Student 13 Years & Under - Jazz, Ragtime, Boogie & Blues Sections, not necessarily a First Place Winner. LEANNE GRAY MUSIC STUDIO ANNUAL CASH AWARD Most promising student Jazz, Ragtime Boogie and Blues 14 Years and Over KATH WHITE CLASSICAL CASH AWARD (CASH PRIZE) – Most promising Classical performance 10 years and over JAN HOY CASH AWARD Most promising student 12 years and over ROMANTIC PERIOD. JILL DAVIS ENCOURAGEMENT CASH AWARD TO ENCOURAGE A NOVICE STUDENT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SPONSORS NEEDED We are always looking for sponsorship for our sections. If you would like to sponsor a section please let any of the committee know. 16
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