Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality and Mobile Computers

Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Cover page
Title: Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality and Mobile Computers Outdoors
Team Members:
College of Education
• Heather Zimmerman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University Park, [email protected]
• Susan M. Land, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University Park, [email protected]
• Brian Seely, M.Ed., Web and App programmer and College of Education doctoral student
• Gi Woong Choi, M.S., College of Education doctoral student
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Christina Grozinger, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Pollinator
Research, University Park
• Michael R. Mohney, M.S., Instructor, Department of Plant Science, and College of
Education doctoral student
Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center
• Lucy Mcclain, M.Ed., Youth and Families Coordinator, and College of Education doctoral
Designated Principal Investigator: Heather Zimmerman, [email protected]; Co-Pi: Susan M.
Land, [email protected]. This is a collaborative partnership between Zimmerman and Land.
Date of submission: October 31, 2013
Budget Officers: Cindy Fetters [email protected] and Carol Fantaskey [email protected], Learning &
Performance Systems
Timeline: April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality on Mobile Computers Outdoors
Abstract: Tree Investigators is a 12-month research project on how mobile computers
can support engagement with the life sciences in people’s communities. Specifically, we
compare forms of technologically enhanced facilitation in regard to supporting learners to
think scientifically at the Arboretum at Penn State and Shaver’s Creek Environmental
Center. The technologically enhanced facilitation supports observing to encourage
deliberate noticing that will lead to the development of scientific concepts as learners
coordinate information contained on the mobile computer with the specimens on-site.
Tree Investigators relies on mobile computers equipped with web browsers and photo
capability to bring digital elements (e.g., text and photographs) to people in a nature
center in real time, triggered by Quick Response (QR) codes or other mobile applications.
Prior to this application, we conducted two small scale qualitative studies, and now we
request funds to support a more rigorous series of qualitative and multi-condition, designbased research studies that will examine various aspects of mobile computing pedagogy.
This project will (a) further develop the existing Tree Investigators app, (b) conduct
empirical research to develop design principles to advance mobile computing practice
that incorporates outdoor learning spaces, and (c) support the development to a future
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality on Mobile Computers Outdoors
This project builds on our research using mobile computers in nature, where we have
investigated how mobile computers can be used to support scientific meaning-making in outdoor
learning spaces (Zimmerman, Land, McClain, Mohney, Choi, & Salman, 2013). Our team is
advancing technologically enhanced pedagogies that turn people’s everyday communities into
learning laboratories through the inclusion of knowledge-generative tasks that rely on
photography deployed on mobile computers (Land, Smith, & Zimmerman, 2013). We have
completed two IRB-approved pilot iterations with a total of 35 people; we are proposing this new
project to rework our existing materials based on initial findings to conduct a series of larger
scale qualitative and quasi-experimental studies with at least 2 conditions (n=50-90 people), both
to develop design principles suitable for publication and presentation and to inform a National
Science Foundation (NSF) grant application.
Description of the online innovation
Tree Investigators users rely on their Internet-enabled cell phone (or a borrowed iPod ™
or iPad™) to tour predetermined plants at a nature center. Within the app, visitors are told that
they are going to learn to look more scientifically in the garden or trails as “tree investigators”.
As they tour the outdoors, they receive information on their mobile device to help them to
identify plants and the ecological relationships around pollination based on species’ life cycles.
The participants interact with a touch-screen conceptual organizer and then tour four to five
flowering plants, using a mobile device to access a QR code. The Tree Investigators materials
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
include conceptual models, contrastive images of comparative specimens, and photographs of
the same specimen at a different time of year, in order to focus observation on key scientificallyrelevant elements. Augmentations of a specific species (see Supporting Materials for a sample
image) are provided that show aspects of important biological cycles.
Significance of the work
As a case study of technologically-enhanced mobile learning using Penn State outdoor
learning spaces, Tree Investigators provides a concrete example of pedagogy that relies on
mobile computers to support learners’ investigations outside the classroom—in community and
natural settings. Researchers studying human learning, designers of technological resources for
mobile computers, and instructors (online or residential) that work with mobile computers and/or
life sciences content areas can benefit from this study.
Research questions
Tree Investigators will be tested through design-based research that answers these questions:
RQ1) Can people be supported to scientifically observe and identify species in outdoor
spaces by photographic and textual elements delivered by mobile computers?
RQ2) Does a conceptual organizer presented a visual theoretical model support deep
understandings of important ecological concepts related to life cycles and pollination?
Our hypothesis is that augmented photographic elements, delivered through mobile computers,
will assist in the noticing of scientifically-relevant phenomena allowing for sense-making.
Digital photograph will support learners to articulate ideas and annotate their understandings.
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Brief description of pertinent research
Augmented reality (AR) and mobile technologies have been used to support science
learning in outdoor settings such as forests (Rogers, et al, 2004), aquatic pools (Liu et al., (2009),
parks (Tan et al., 2007), and butterfly gardens (Chen, Kao, & Sheu, 2005). These projects utilize
handheld computers to provide on-demand science information, and the research is typically
conducted in the context of school grounds, field trips (Rogers et al.; Liu et al; Tan et al), or
college-level classes on campus (Chen et al.; Rieger & Gay, 1997). Research on these
interventions points to gains in factual knowledge (Liu et al), identification skills (Chen et al.;
Liu et al.), and conceptual understanding (Liu et al), and suggests that on-demand technological
support of observations in a natural environment can lead to improvements in science learning.
AR in education has also been used to augment a real-world location with a layer of
virtual data and gaming scenarios (see for example, Dunleavy et al., 2009; Klopfer, 2008;
O’Shea, Mitchell, Johnston, & Dede, 2009; Rosenbaum, Klopfer, & Perry, 2006; Squire & Jan,
2007; Squire & Klopfer, 2007). The focus of such AR research is tightly connected to gaming in
real, physical contexts—these gaming contexts differ from our proposed work’s focus. In Tree
Investigators, we focus on observing deeply in natural surroundings to explore features of a local
place. Nonetheless, these prior studies provide important foundational research that point to high
levels of engagement from users (O’Shea et al.; Squire & Jan) and result from design elements
such as data collection and participation in real locations (Squire & Klopfer), interdependence of
and authenticity of roles (Squire & Jan), and personal embodiment within the virtual space
(Rosenbaum et al.).
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Research design, methodology, and procedures
We propose a design-based research study incorporating mixed methods. The specific
iterations will be determined based on analyses of research findings with learners participating in
our mobile learning environment. At present, we envision iterations that vary instructional
strategies (e.g., conceptual organizers, artifact construction) and/or mobile computing features
(e.g., photo taking and sharing) to determine effects on learning, observation, and science
practices. Video-based procedures from the learning sciences will be used to ethically examine
learning conversations supported by Tree Investigator. Procedures with participants include:
recruitment, consent, demographic survey, pre-assessment, 60- 75 minute engagement with the
Tree Investigators in an outdoor space, photographing of the natural environment, postassessment, and/or follow-up.
Data collection will include video records of learners engaging with Tree Investigators,
demographic variables, a pre-and post-assessment, and a photographs. Data analysis will include
t-tests of pre-and post-assessment, qualitative artifact analysis of a phototask, and qualitative and
quantitative coding of videorecords with analytical framework used in our prior studies
(Zimmerman et al, 2013).
Need for funding
The funding is sought for (a) the refined development of a mobile app and (b) a large
enough data collection to be competitive for a research grant through a design-based research
study design. All requested funds will be used for graduate student pay and travel support.
Faculty will not take funds from the project for summer salary nor travel.
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Plan for submission to external funding agencies
• National Science Foundation, Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) - NSF
13-608). The due date is November 14, 2014.
Timeline for the study
Prior to this application, we have submitted an IRB application, collected two sets of data
in 2011 and 2013 with 35 people, and analyzed the qualitative discourse from these two pilot
studies. In the COIL grant period from April 2014 through March 2015, our primary task would
be two-fold: (1) refining the design and development of the technological intervention (mobile
app) and (2) conducting a series of qualitative and quasi-experimental studies:
• App development and IRB modification - April and May 2014
• Study preparation, data collection, and data entry - June through mid- July 2014
• Data analysis and write-up - End of July through October 2014
• Development of NSF proposal - September through November 2014
• Final manuscripts prepared and conference presentations -November 2014-March 2015
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Chen, Y. S., Kao, T. C., & Sheu, J. P. (2005). Realizing outdoor independent learning with a
butterfly-watching mobile learning system. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 33
(4), 395-417.
Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Affordances and limitations of immersive
participatory augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science
Education and Technology, 18(1), 7-22.
Klopfer, E., & Squire, K. (2008). Environmental Detectives—the development of an augmented
reality platform for environmental simulations. Educational Technology Research and
Development, 56(2), 203-228
Land, S. M., Smith, B. K., & Zimmerman, H. T. (2013). Mobile technologies as tools for augmenting
observations and reflections in everyday informal environments. In (eds.) J. M. Spector, B.B.
Lockee, S.E. Smaldino, & M. Herring. Learning, problem solving and mind tools: Essays in
honor of David H. Jonassen. (pp. 214-228). New York: Routledge.
O’Shea, P. O., Mitchell, R., Johnston, C., & Dede, C. (2009). Lessons learned about designing
Augmented realities. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 1(1),
Rieger, R., & Gay, G. (1997). Using nomadic computing to enhance field study. In R. Hall, N.
Miyake, & N. Enyedy (Eds.), Proceedings of Conference on Computer Support for
Collaborative Learning (p. 215-223). Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ
Rogers, Y., Price, S., Randell, C., Fraser, D. S., Weal, M., & Fitzpatrick, G. (2005). Ubi-learning
integrates indoor and outdoor experiences. Communications of the ACM, 48(1), 55-59.
Rosenbaum, E., Klopfer, E., & Perry, J. (2006). On location learning: Authentic applied science
with networked augmented realities. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(1),
Squire, K. D., & Jan, M. (2007). Mad City Mystery: Developing scientific argumentation skills
with a place-based augmented reality game on handheld computers. Journal of Science
Education and Technology, 16(1), 5-29. doi:10.1007/sl0956-006-9037-z
Squire, K., & Klopfer, E. (2007). Augmented reality simulations on handheld computers. Journal
of the Learning Sciences, 16(3), 371 - 413.
Tan, T.-H., Liu, T.-Y., & Chang, C.-C. (2007). Development and Evaluation of an RFID based
Ubiquitous Learning Environment for Outdoor Learning. Interactive Learning
Environments, 15(3), 253–269. doi:10.1080/10494820701281431
Yoon, S. A., Elinich, K., Wang, J., Steinmeier, C., & Tucker, S. (2012). Using augmented reality
and knowledge-building scaffolds to improve learning in a science museum. International
Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. doi:10.1007/s11412-012-9156-x
Zimmerman, H. T., Land, S. M., McClain, L.R., Mohney, M. R., Choi, G-W., & Salman, F. H.
(2013). Tree Investigators: Supporting Families and Youth to Coordinate Observations
with Scientific Knowledge. International Journal of Science Education. doi:
Zimmerman & Land - Tree Investigators: Using Augmented Reality & Mobile Computers Outdoors - Oct. 31, 2013
Supporting Material
We have included the following three kinds of supporting materials:
1. Brief summaries of the team members’ capabilities, as relevant to Tree Investigator (1 page).
2. 2-page poster published about Tree Investigators in the 2013 Proceedings of the Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning conference (2-pages)
3. Screen Shots from Iteration 1 of Tree Investigators (mobile website) and Iteration 2 of Tree
Investigators (mobile app for iOS devices such as iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches). (1 page)