c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income Equity and Fixed Income Juliusz Jabłecki Banking, Finance and Accounting Dept. Faculty of Economic Sciences University of Warsaw [email protected] and Head of Monetary Policy Analysis Team Economic Institute, National Bank of Poland 1 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income Lecture 3: Option-theoretic perspective stock valuation So far, we have discussed two practitioner models for equity valution. From a conceptual point of view, both were rather shallow and based on the idea that PV of a stock can be calculated by discounting the stream of future dividends: T Dividendi PV = i=1 (1 + r)i X This lecture introduces a deeper theoretical model that looks at equity valuation from the perspective of option pricing theory. This approach was originally suggested by Black and Scholes but refined substantially by Merton (1974) – hence, we call it “Merton model”. 2 Debtholders have priority in securing their claims (=face value of debt), but do not participate in the upside of the firm. 3 Equityholders have nothing guaranteed, but do participate in the upside of the firm. c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income Take a look at the diagrams below: Default: firm value falls below the default point No default: the firm is worth more than the value of debt Financial position Equityholders leave the whole value of the firm to the bondholders and walk away with no obligation Bondholders only receive the firm value and lose some or all of the principal pocket the residual firm value only collect bond principal long call on the firm’s assets with strike equal level of debt long risk-free bond and short put on the firm’s assets (credit protection) c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income Scenario 4 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income To add structure to our model, consider the following assumptions. The Merton model is based on three very simple assumptions: 1. The firm is capitalized with common stock and a zerocoupon bond payable at T . 2. At maturity date, the firm defaults if its value is less than the face value of the bond. 3. In default (which can happen only at T ), bondholders receive the entire firm and equityholders get nothing. Then the value of debt at T is Debt(VT , T ) = B − max(0, B − VT ) = Be−rT − P ut(B, T ) The value of equity at T is: Equity(VT , T ) = max(VT − B, 0) = Call(B, T ) But how can we value Debt(VT , T ) and Equity(VT , T )? We need to specify a process for the value of the firm: 5 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income 6 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income Merton’s idea was to think about the value process of the firm just as we would about any other financial asset: as a combination of something deterministic (drift) and stochastic (diffusion). We have a way of formalizing this. Letting ∆V /V be the change in the firm’s value over some period ∆T we write: √ ∆V µ∆T + σ ∆T √ = µ∆T − σ V ∆T with probability 0.5 with probability 0.5 We already know that CLT guarantees that under the risk-neutral measure, the limiting distribution is: log VT = log V0 + r − 2 σ 2 √ T + σ T W, with W ∼ N (0, 1) We can use these insights to price stocks/bonds qua options. By the fundamental theorem Call(B, T ) = Z(t, T )E? (VT − B)+|V0 We know that log VT |Vt ∼ N log Vt + r − 2 σ 2 (T − t), σ 2(T − t) 7 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income Substitute Yt = log Vt, then Yt ∼ N (ν, σ 2(T − t)), ν = log Vt + 2 r − σ (T − t), and all we need to do is calculate the integral: 2 ˆ ∞ (ey −B) √ Call(B, T ) = Z(t, T ) log B 1 √ 2πσ T − t (y−ν)2 − e 2σ2(T −t) dy Note that: ˆ ∞ B√ log B 1 √ 2 − (y−ν) 2 e 2σ (T −t) dy = P (y ≥ log B) = 2πσ T − t y − ν − log B + ν log B − ν P √ ≥ √ = Φ √ σ T −t σ T −t σ T −t where Φ(·) is the standard normal CDF. Substituting for ν, we obtain ˆ ∞ √ log B B √ e 2πσ T − t 2 − (y−ν) 2σ 2 (T −t) ! 2 V σ t + r − (T − t) log 2 B dy = Φ √ σ T −t Now consider the exponent of the second integral: 8 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income ! (y − ν)2 −1 2 2 2 y− 2 = y − 2yν + ν − 2yσ (T − t) = 2σ (T − t) 2σ 2(T − t) ! 2 −1 2 y − (ν + σ (T − t) × − 2 2σ (T − t) 2νσ 2(T − t) − σ 4(T − t)2 − # Hence, ˆ ∞ (y−ν)2 − e 2σ2(T −t) dy ey √ √ = log B 2πσ T − t 2 2 log B − ν − σ (T − t) y − ν − σ (T − t) 2 P √ σ T −t √ ≥ σ (T −t) ν+ × e 2 σ T −t And thus, ˆ ∞ (y−ν)2 y− e 2σ2(T −t) √ log B √ 2πσ T − t σ2 log( V t ) + r + 2 B dy = Φ √ (T − t) σ T −t × × elog Vt+r(T −t) This leads to the famous Black-Scholes formula for the price of 9 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income a European call CallB (t, T ) = VtΦ(d1) − BZ(t, T )Φ(d2) ! Vt log B + (r + 12 σ 2)(T − t) √ d1 = √σ T − t d2 = d1 − σ T − t Similarly, we can calculate the price of a put (and hence of debt): P ut(t, T ) = Z(t, T )BΦ(−d2) − VtΦ(−d1) To see the relevance of Merton’s perspective consider the following example. Consider a company on the verge of default characterized by the following: • Value of the firm = $ 50 million • Face value of outstanding debt = $ 80 million 10 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income • Maturity of the debt = 10 years • Variance in the value of the underlying asset = σ 2 = 0.16 • Riskless rate = r = 10Y Treasury bond rate = 3% Using the data we obtain d1 = 0.5, d2 = −0.77, Φ(d1) = 0.69, Φ(d2) = 0.22 and the value of eqiuty= 50 × 0.69 − 80 × exp(−0.03 × 10) × 0.22 = $21.4 million. This leads to an important point: Equity will have value even if the value of the firm falls well below the face value of the outstanding debt. 11 c 2015 Juliusz Jablecki: Equity and Fixed Income 12 Source: Damodaran (1999) Change Bond Equity Explanation Intuition Asset value increases ↑ ↑ If asset value increases, it ↑ V =⇒ the chance makes the call more that the firm will not be valuable and the put less able to make its debt Leverage increases payments ↓ Increase in =⇒ V /B ↓ =⇒ d1 , d2 ↓ leverage =⇒ there is which increases the value more debt for the firm to of the short put and service and make it more decreases the value of the likely that it will not be long call. able to make these ↑ σV =⇒ the short put payments. Higher asset volatility and long call become makes it more likely that more valuable. This the firm value will move widens the credit spread either below the default and increases the value of point (lower bond value) equity. or far above the debt level Leverage increases Asset volatility increases ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ 13 (higher equity value). Let’s see how our theoretical insights square with empirical data. 14 The Bloomberg implementation of the Merton model shows nice alignment with market CDS prices 15 Implementation problem: knowing Vt, B, r, T, and σ we can calculate the fair value of a stock, but: • Vt and σ are unobservable to investors • B comprises typically different bonds To estimate Vt and σ we use the fact that a company’s equity value E and equity volatility σE are observable and can be estimated. Then, Vt and σ are given by the following system of equations: E = VtΦ(d1) − DZ(t, T )Φ(d2) σE E = Φ(d1)σV V The solution can typically easily be found e.g. using MS Solver. 16 The link between σE and σV (finance geeks only!) To express σV V as a function of observable variables we use a formal mathematical result called Ito’s lemma. Specifically, the assumptions of the Merton model imply that the dynamics of V and E is given by the following SDEs (omitting the drift terms): = ... + V σV dW (1) dE = ... + EσE dU (2) dV where U, W are Wiener processes. Since we also know that E is a call option on V , i.e. E = Call(V ), we can use Ito’s lemma to obtain that the martingale part of the dynamics of E should be dE = ... + Φ(d1)V σdW But since we know from eq. (2) that dE = ... + EσE dU , this implies that EσE = Φ(d1)V σ, as desired. Another problem is the maturity adjustment of the company’s debt structure: • Most firms have more than one debt issue on their books, and much of the debt comes with coupons • These multiple bonds issues and coupon payments have to 17 be compressed into one measure (equivalent zerocoupon bond) We tackle this by creating a synthetic ZC bond: • estimate the duration of each debt issue and calculate a face-value-weighted average of the durations of the different issues • this value-weighted duration is then used as a measure of the time to expiration of the option • the face value of debt has to include all of the principal outstanding on the debt plus expected coupons Consider the following example 18 100 120 130 140 +5× +6× + 10 × = 6.5 490 490 490 490 KZC = 100 + 120 + 130 + 140 = 490 TZC = 4 × Unfortunately, this sort of maturity adjustment causes a pricing distortion 19 • The default probability of the liability portfolio is entirely concentrated on the maturity date of the synthetic ZC bond instead of being spread among all the actual servicing dates • Misspecification of the debt servicing =⇒ reduction of credit risk & overestimation of equity value 20 Case study: Olivetti has a face value of debt of EUR 13.14 bn with a weighted average maturity of 5Y, book value of assets of EUR 22.69 bn and thus book value of equity of EUR 9.55 bn. Using the process above and observing Olivetti’s equity market capitalization as EUR 9.20 bn and equity volatility of 42% implies an asset value of EUR 20 billion (hence implied debt value of EUR 10.80 billion) and asset volatility of 21% in the Merton model. 21 Having estimated Olivetti’s asset value and volatility, we can examine changes in the equity volatility due to changes in the firm’s capital structure – “leverage effect”. For our modeling, we assume that small changes in the share price leave the asset volatility constant, and use the formula above to calculate the equity volatility for changes in the share price with constant V and σV . Since we can treat σE as the price of an option on Olivetti stock, we have thus produced a simple option-pricing calculator. The usefulness of being able to estimate skew from capital structure comes in the case of pricing out-of-the -money (OTM) options on stocks where the options market is illiquid or nonexistent. 22 Exam-like problems 1. Find a formula for the risk-neutral probability of default in the Merton model. Discuss how relevant it can be to reallife applications, given that it is calculated under risk-neutral (rather than objective) probability measure. 2. Build a spreadsheet to empirically illustrate: (a) how asset value paths change with underlying volatility (b) the dependence of equity price on asset volatility 3. The value of a company’s equity is $3 million, and the volatility of the equity is 80%. The debt that will have to be paid in 1Y is $10 million. The risk free rate is 5%. Find the value of the company’s assets, equity and the 1Y probability of default. 23 Homework: Alcoa valuation exercise Alcoa Inc. is an American producer of aluminum. Your task will be to value Alcoa using the dividend discount model and (as a robustness check) the Merton model. A full valuation sheet should include: 1. A brief review of the company (what it does, what its balance sheet looks like, its recent history) and its market prospects; 2. A review of earnings estimates coupled by assumptions on growth stages, discount rates etc.; 3. An estimation of market value of assets and asset volatilities; 4. A discussion and comparison of model results. Please submit your solutions via email no later than May 5th (late submission will not be considered). 24
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