Board Minutes May 28, 1966 Attachment No. 56 TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE Fortieth Annual Commencement OFFICIAL PROGRAM LUBBOCK MUNICIPAL COLISEUM EIGHf O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1966 * LUBBOCK, TEXAS ACADEMIC DRESS AND PROCESSION The wearing of academic dress at commencement dates from the early history of the oldest universities somewhere in the twelfth or thirteenth century. Since educated people were almost always of the clergy, the black gown is somewhat of an adaptation of the cope, a mantle of silk, or other cloth, worn by church dignitaries in processions and on other occasions. The long gown and cowl (similar to the academic hood of today) were worn by priests and monks for warmth in the cold medieval buildings. In the early centuries, a great diversity of color and style of cap, gown, and hood appeared in different universities of Europe. The European custom of wearing academic dress was later introduced at American colleges. Not until after 1895 was a uniform academic code of dress adopted by most colleges and universities in the United States. Today, the black robe, hood and cap are worn at most institutions of higher learning. The gown is cut differently for the bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees. Usually the bachelor's robe has long pointed sleeves; the master's has closed sleeves, square at the end with a slit at the elbow; the doctor's is faced with velvet and has round open sleeves with three bars of velvet. The color of velvet represents the field of study. The doctor's hood has side panels and is slightly longer than the one worn for the master's degree. The color used in the velvet border of the hood indicates the degree. The velvet border is widest on the doctor's hood. The colors in the lining of the hood indicates the college or university which conferred the degree. For example, tho5e persons who have received advanced degree from this College wear hoods lined with red. The Oxford cap, the so-called mortar board, is black and has a long tassel fastened to the middle of the top which is usually worn pendant over the left front of the cap. The tassel on the cap of the doctor's candidate, except for professional degrees, is either gold or black. Different colored tassels are often worn on the bachelor's and master's cap to indicate the type of degree. The undergraduate-degree candidates will wear the tassel on the right side of the cap at Commencement. After the degrees have been conferred, all candidates receiving baccalaureate degrees will tum the tassel to the left side of the cap, thus showing that they are now graduates. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM LUBBOCK MUNICIPAL COLISEUM SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1966 Dean James G. Allen, Master of Ceremonies Processional of Graduating Class and Faculty .............................. Audience Seated "Grand Choeur Dialogue" ....................................................................................... Gigout Dr. Judson Dana Maynard, Organist Invocation DR. DuDLEY STRAIN First Christian Church, Lubbock "No Man Is An Island" ......................................................................................................... Berger Members of the Texas Tech Choirs Mr. Gene Kenney, Directing Commencement Address* DR. }AMES M. MOUDY Chancellor Texas Christian University (Introduction of Speaker, Dr. R. C. Goodwin) Conferring of Degrees PREsiDENT R . c. GOODWIN Presentation of Class Gift MRS. VALA DAWN CRAVY Chairman of 1966 Senior Class Gift Committee Acceptance of Class Gift MR. J. Eon McLAuGHLIN Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Benediction REVEREND ANDREw A . JuMPER First Presbyterian Church, Lubbock Recessional, "Toccata (Fifth Symphony)" ............................................................ Widor Dr. Judson Dana Maynard, Organist * Dr. Moudy was unable to be present. His prepared address was read by Dr. Dudley Strain. LIST OF GRADUATES SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE May 28, 1966 Bachelor of Sclence NAME Michael Erwin Alexander James D. Amerson Michael Keith Armstrong MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Agricultural Education Talco Animal Production Twitt Animal Production Abilen~ Michael Edward Atcheson Joseph Walter Ayers David Leon 'Bain Jimmy 'Leon Barber John Donald Barnett Wendell Coleman Barrick Ute Thomas Becton Jiames Edward 'Bertram Frank Blair Jerry Lester Blocker Eddie V. Boykin Edward Ernest Brady David G. Bray, crr. Kenneth E. 'Brooks Terry Dean Brooks James Garland Bunyard Charles Joe Burk Alva Delane Burson Park Administration Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Crops Agncultural Education Agricul•tural Economics Agricultural Economics Park Administration Animal Production Animal Production Agricultural Education Animal 'Business Horticulture Park Administration Agricultural Economics Range Management Agricultural Education Animal Science Lubbock Friona LUbbock Hereford Goldthwaite Abernathy idalou Beeville Robert Lee Denton Lubbock A·bilene Clarendon Perryton Paducah San Angelo Eden Robert: Lee Ronald Paul Cantrell Mickey Zane Carter Burney Braly Chapman Gem Brady Childress Charles Orval Christopher Edward Hilman Ooe Crops Park Administration Animal Industry Agricultural Economics Animal Business Agricultural Economics Shamrock Lubbock Lubbock Brownfield :Miami George Lee Cook Charles Duane Cookston Allen Dale Craft Bill Ralph Davis Kenneth Ray Davis Leslie Clay Dela.Il'd Herman Virgil Dooley Range Management Agricul'l:ural Economics Animal 'Production Agricultural Education Soils Horticulture Agricultural Economics Shamrock Whiteface James Curtis Doyal John Anthony Dresser Fooer Edwin Dudgeon Morris Elie Dudley Robert Gary Duncan Douglas Cash Eberhart Lee Jimmy Everitt Animal Production Portales, N.M. Agricultural Education Gaine5ville Agricultural ·E conomics Tahoka Park Administration Lubbock Entomology Olton Agricultural Economics Bluff Dale Crops Idalou Joe Thomas F1aulkenberry Billy Duane Ferrel Steve H. Fish Crops (In AbsenUa) (In AbsenUa) (In AbsenUa) (In AbllenUa) (In AbsenUa) Animal Business Agricul-tural Economics --+- Dallas Lampasas Sterling City Valley View Ozona Graham Seagraves Estelline Sonora SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor of Sclence (Continued) Howard L. Garrett MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Park Administration Crane Horticulture Palo Pinto Entomology Corsicana .Animal Production Lovington, N.M. Agricultural Economics Rosebud Agricultural Education Clint Hubert Lynn Gibson Range Management Franklin Gilbert Carroll Don Gill Agricultural Education Animal Industry Snyder El Paso Joe D. Goddard Horticulture · Lubbock Stanley G. Goodrich Animal Science Curtis Palmer Green Park Administration William Otis Grubb Ill Danie Laveral Gruben Dairy Industry Animal Production Clifford Wayne Hacker Range Management Rodney Lynn Hagan Glen Wilford Hallum Crops Dairy Industry Gerald Wayne Harrell Milton Maxwell Hattaway 1I Virgil Helm Donald Charles Herzog Leroy Vance Hill Park Administration Agricultural Economics Range Management Entomology Crops Houston Kilgore Gatesville Wilson Happy Billy Joe Holcomb Milton Lee Holloway John Coley Holmes, Jr. Gerald Wayne Horn Animal Production Agricultural Economics Animal Business Range Management Seminole Levelland Decatur Andrews Larry Eden Howell Jimmy Doyle Huckabay Park Administration Crops Lubbock Floydada JimmY Luther Hunter Jimmy Ray Jenkins James Larry Jones Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Park ·A dministration Munday Pampa Lubbock Dale Allen Keith Fred Chase Kellum Patrick Earl Kelly Ulen David Kennemer Granvel Keith Killian Harold Wayne Kimbrough Bill Bryant Kin Agricultural Education Agricultural Education Park Administration Park Administra.t ion Animal Science Agricultural Economics Agricultural Education Breckenridge Silverton Dallas !Lubbock Wellington Levelland Canadian Billy Don Kingston Arthur Raymond Klatt James Earl Laney Horticulture Crops Agricultural Economics Fluvanna Hale Center Hale Center NAME David Lee Fisher (In Absentia) Jay B. Fitzgerald Sam Spruill Fluker ( l n Absentia) Gary ·L ee Gann Aubrey Wayne Garrett (Jn Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (!n Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (With High Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In ·Absentia) (In Aisentla) (In Absentia) -5- Roby Pecos Enochs Fort Davis Rotan Kamay Cisco Brownwood SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor of Science (Continued) NAME William C. Lannom Milton Wayne Lemke (In Absentia.) Bill G. Loafman (In Absentia.) MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Park Administration Ft Stockt · Marcos on Animal 'P roduct·Ion San Anim'al Production Friona Bennie Tom Loe Agricultural Education Gary Lynn Lundberg Walter R. Lupton Dana Kay Mackenzie Crops Crops Animal Production 'Midlothian Shallowater Breckenridge Don L. McArthur James ·F . McCavitt Kelly Dwight 'McGehee Pamla Kay McPherson Agricultural Education Park Administration Dairy Industry Animal Production Rotan, N.M. Peoria, Ill. Canyon Quanah Roy Seymour Mann John Robert Manning Michael Wayne Martin James Glen 'Miller Warren Wilson Mitchell James Ralph Nelson Tom Frank Ohnemus Burt Brydson ·P ardue Range Management Agricultural Education Agricultural ·E conomics Agricultural Education Agricultural Education Agricultural Economics Animal Business Agricultural Education Lubbock Godley Dallas Seymour Lockney Littlefield Lutbbock Stamford John Michael 'Pollard Jon •D avid Pope Kenneth Royce Pol'ter James B. Rasberry, Jr. Jerry Leon Reed Park Administration Park Administration Park Administration Animal Production Range Management Phil1p Otis Richardson Randolph Elton Schaefer Henry 'Frans Maurits Schaeffer Francis Roland Schenck, Jr. Carl Frederick Schmidt James Harvey Scott Agricultural Economics Hale Center Entomology Olton Dairy Industry Norwich, Conn. Park Administration Roswell, N.M. Animal Production Mason Horticulture Lubbock Jon Paul Scott David William Seitz R. A. Shaver ill Ralph Frank Simnacher Jerry DeLoyn Singleton Bill Halley Slate II Roger Wade Smith Max Eugene Stapleton Agricultural Education Agricultural Education Agricultural Economics Horticulture Animal Production Animal Industry Animal Business Agricultural Education AbUene Mobeetie Rochester Pep DeLeon Abilene Abilene Plainview John Springer Stephens, Jr. Dan H. Street Alfred Dale Stroud Thomas Conway Trautner Darrell N. Ueckert Range 'Management Agricultural Economics Horticulture Park Administration Range Management O'Donnell Amarillo Lubbock Richard Glenn Vogan Olen Neal Walker Park Administration Agricultural Economics (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (With IHonon) -6- Spur Maple Odessa Canby, Oregon Crowell Midway Edinburg Merkel EIPaso Littlefield SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor ot Science (Continued) NAME Charles Benton Wardlaw Thomas Don Welch MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Animal Business Lorna Alto Agricultural Education Growell B Gary Wells Agricultural Economics Fort Worth Royce L. Wheeler William Fore Whittenburg, Jr. Norval Lavon Williams Range Management Animal Industry Agricultural Education Amarillo Graham Littlefield Claude C. Willis, Jr. Agricultural Economics Bay City Douglas Levon Wilson Perry Ross Wristen John Keith Young Agricultural Education Animal Production Crops Matador Lamesa Shallowater (In Absentia) • (In Absentia) (With Honors) (With Honors) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering HOME ADDRESS Pampa Arling:ton Winters Mullin NAME Lonnie Kenneth Cambern James Donald Martin Audra Luther Mitchell Joe H. Reeves (In Absentia) SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES May 28, 1966 Bachelor of Arts NAME James Arthur Abbott MAJOR Mathematics Gloria Jane Adams Spanish James Willis Adams Chemistry Gerald Wayne Aldridge Judith Ann Alexander Shirley Priscilla Allen Government French Sociology Zameal Al-Zahawi Geology Roland Carl Anderson Anne Carol Appell Ronnie Francis Apple English French Mathematics Fort Worth Waco Lubbock Arnold Duane Armstrong Margaret Corzine Ayers Marsha Ann Ayers Nancy Jean Bain Quatha Power Baker Steven Edward Ball English English Psychology Mathematics Art Psychology Lubbock Hobbs, N .M. Lubbock Amarillo Lubbock Slaton Catherine Augusta Balzer English Nacogdoches (ln Absentia) (In Absentia) (ln Absentia) (With Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (With Honors) (In Absentia) -7- HOME ADDRESS Midland Ranger Lubbock Tahoka Waco Dallas Baghdad, Iraq SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts (Crm#nued) NAME Lynetta Duren ·B arnett Robert Eugene Beauchamp ( In Absentia) Joyce Lee Bench (ln Absentia) John Taylor Best Bobby Don Blackburn (In Absentia) Cheryl Louise !Blackstock Don Jon Bottoni Sandra Ann Boyd (With Honors) Sandra Lee Bradley Danny Fred Bradsh'aw (In Absentia) Anita Lou 'Brady Carole Susan Brennan (In Absentia.) Anne Manon Brenner Jerry Lynn Bridwell (In Absentia) Carol Jane Brock (With Honors) MAJOR English Psychology HOME ADDRESS Goldthwaite Amarillo Latin American Area Studies Brownfield Zoology Snyder Government Kerrville Spanish Lake BrownWOOd Chemistry ·Lubbock Bi~Lingual Secretarial (German) Dumas Sociology Sherman History Odessa Mathematics Tulsa, Okla. Government Midland English Dallas Anthropology Lubbock English Lubbock (In Absentia) Ronda ~ay Glass Brooks (With Honors) English Hennle!gh Henry Addison Brown Ollie Ann Brown Gary William Bryan Judy Carolyn Bullard Charles Albert Burdsal, Jr. Psychology English Chemistry English Psychology Sharron Lynn Butler Spanish Dallas George Selvidge Camp German English Anrar.illo Lima, Peru Government Art Geology English Odessa For.t Worth (In Absentia) (In Absentia) <W'fth Honors) Mary Carol Cannon (With Honors) (Honors Studies) Lubbock Lubbock Perryton El Paso 'Dallas (In Absentia) Nancy Jeanne Carrell Linda Ann Cate (In Absentia) Victor Olellar-Ch'acon Sammye Estalee Chalker (In Absentia) Bogota, Colombia Round Rock Maxie Glen Chesshire Psychology Lubbock Gary Edward Clarabut Jimmie Ike Clubb R'ita Janine Coats English History Speech Lubbock Lubbock .Amarillo (In Absentia) (With Honors) (In Absentia) English Ph1llips Elizabeth Eugenia Condray English Lubbock James Murray Cox Journalism Carol Ann Cochran (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) Larry Ross Craig Mary Evelyn Craven Richie Franklin Cravens Mathematics Mathematics Sociology -8- Dallas Lubbock Dallas Mertzon SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts (Continued) NAME William Daniel Gravy JimmY Dwight Crawford Frances Judy Creel Judith Dee Crews Elame · Cross<In Absentia> Phyllis Jo Crow MarilYn Kidwell Crunk William R. Daniel Mary M~t Davis MAJOR Chemistry Chemistry English French French HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Dumas Newcastle Midland Abilene English English Government French Fort; Worth Levelland Floydada Lubbock Wirt English Davis, Jr. Laura Betty Deavours Chemistry Government Stinnett Shallowater Susan Dennis Jean Ellen DePauw Ronald Eugene Dick Charles Logan Dietz Marcy Pritchard Dinsmore Marian Frances Dodge Terry Ray Dopson English FrenC'h Psychology Government English Journalism Recreation Lubbock Lubbock Amarillo Lubbock Fort Worth Pasadena Lul:fuock Alice Jeryl Dugger Sarah Jane Dumis Patricia Anne Dunlap Don DeanE~ ( it.h Honors) English Sociology English English (With Honors) (In Absent!&) (In Absentia) Dallas Texarkana Midland Irving (Hon ors Studies) Harriet Innes Farmer English James Michael Ferrell John William Fields Harry Ray Finfer Journalism Chemistry Journalism James Terry Finley Martha Kay Finley Government Economics Brownfield Lubbock John Ronald Fish Chemistry Big Spring Donald Curtis Foiles History Donald Charles Forester Judy LaRue Franks Zoology Psychology William Dorrington Fuchlow History ElPaso Debra Jean Hawkins Gallagher English Sharon Ann Gary English Lubbock Big Spring (In Absentia) ( In Absentia) (In A beentia) (In AbSent!&) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia ) ( In Absentia) Judy Jean Glover English Sinah Louise Goode Sharon Lee Gotcher Jon Spencer Gottschall Physical Education Mathematics Economics (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Marcia Pett~ Gottschall ( n A bsentia) Carolyn Verne Graff James Foster Graham (In Absentia) English Mathematics Zoology -9- Plainview Midl'and Sonora Abilene Harlingen Seabrook Lubbock Amarillo Dallas Wichita Falls Dallas Lamesa Houston Dallas SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts (Continued) NAME Shirley Glenn Graham Anna Marjean Greenling MA:JOR English Mathematics HOME ADDRESS Amarillo Wolfforth J ackson Lee Gregory Barbara Kay Groover Judith Larrnin Guynes Rubye Clingingsmith Hallford Mathematics English History English Dallas Fox, Okla. Dallas Dinunitt Charles Lee Hamilton Bruce Abbott Hancock Peter Paul Harrell Suzanne Harrington Spanish History Mathematics Mathematics Lubbock Plainview Denison Fort Worth Lynda K·a role Harris Mary Louise Harrison Preston ErShel Harrison Latin Sociology Chemistry (In Absentia) (Honors Studies) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (With Hlgb Honors) Kathryn June Hash History (In Absentia) 'Lubbock 'Lubbock Big Spring Mission Bronson 'Louis Havard Journalism Sonya Ruth Haynie Sharon Pettey Heard Harold Hentel Jim Yancy Herman Carolyn Faye Herring Kathryn Joyce Heye Hazen Eiizabeth Higgins Art Mathematics Government Psychology Government History Mathematics Barbara Hill (In Absentia) Penelope Lydia Hill English Dallas English Dallas Ewell James Hindman History Lubbock Susan,Sherwood Hobbs Marcia Winkelman Hoffman Sociology Chemistry Lubbock LUbbock (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (With H'onors) William Howard Hoffman, Jr. Chemistry Stanley Hird Holgate Psychology (In Absentia) Clute Odessa ·Lubbock Albuquerque, N.M; Brownwood Houston Plainview 'Dallas LUbbock Lubbock David Richard Hollingsworth Edward Henry Holmes Roy David Hudson History Cheinistry Government San Antonio Lubbock Weatherford Don ·W arren Hughes Esther Kathryn Hunt Barbara Brown Hunter Zoology Journalism Mathematics San 'Angelo Lubbock Dallas Dorothy Darline Hunter Speech Lubbock J·a n Clinton •J ·a ckson Joseph ·W arren Jackson Psychology English Lubbock Houston J•a cquelyn Jamar English Sue Marie ·J ohnson Joseph Dutton Joiner Kim Roger Jonason Otho ·L ee ·J ones, Jr. English Government Psychology History (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) -10- Spalding, Mich. Midland Lubbock Amarillo Lubbock SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts (Contin~d) NAME Sallie Anderson Jones Keith Edward Kaiser John GB.ITett Kelly ( In Absentia ) MAJOR Psychology Government History HOME ADDRESS Idalou Lubbock Lubbock Jean 'Phillips Kengle Sociology Lubbock Lubbock ( In Absentia) Ronald Valdiene 'Kidd English Winston Howard King Patricia Marie Klug Charles Justin Knibbe Sarah Kay (In Kni~ A tla) Psychology Psychology Sociology Mathematics Nancy Kay <~~entia) Stephanie Ann Koerbacher Carol Rose KoettinL English LuMx>ck English French Dallas Amarillo Donna Lynn Kroning Evelyn Savoy Kuhn Kay Alan Kunka History Spanish Mathematics Linda Lacy Spanish (With Honors) (In Abseo ) (In Absentia) (In AbSentia) Patricia Ann Lacy Gary Duane Lambert Sociology History Billy Don Lane Suzanne Langley Hugo Lentze Joseph Patrick Leonard Sara Louise Logan History German German Goverriment English Kenneth l.Jawrence Lyons, Jr. Government (In AbSentia) (In Absentia ) El Paso Odessa Spring Branch Denton Houston San Antonio Follett Lubbock Lubbock Abernathy Turkey Hereford Lubbock Bellaire San Angelo Carolyn Rebecca McAdams Wade Harris McCann Carol McCormack San Angelo Chemistry Hale Center Latin American Area Studies Lubbock Spanish Ennis Connie Beth McMillan English Philip Brian McNabb Linda Sue MC'SJ>adden (WI Hlgb Honora) Shaeron Kaye McWherter Michael Joseph Maher Bacteriology English Lubbock Tulsa, Okla. Spanish Mathematics Brownfield LUbbock Nancy Cameron Manning Psychology B!=!llalre Frederick Joe March Constance Marston Speech Education Lubbock Lubbock Eugene Thomas Martin Emilio ·R alph Martinez Robert Chester Masters Penny Ann May Government Spanish Government Zoology El Paso (In Absentia) (In Absent ia) (With Honora ) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) U n AbSentia) Lubbock Houston Munday Houston (In Absentia) Judith Irene Means Spanish Odessa (In Absentia) Peggy Jeannette Mehaffey History Russell Henry Meier Sociology (In A bsentia ) -11- Rockdale Darrouzett SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bacbelor of Arts (Continued) NAME I;aurence Henley Melton Betty Beatrice Melzer Jean Elizabeth Merrill Dorma .Rae Miller Linda Gayle Miller MAJOR Zoology Spanish English Mathematics English Margaret Butler Miller English Roger Michael Millsap Journali.$m William Alan Moffitt Frederick Woodrow Moncrief Government Government Cruz Cbavez Montanez French Robert Hallie Moore Charles Richard Morris ~thur Philip Moser William Joseph Mosley, Jr. History English Psychology English James Coleman Murr Barbara Ellen Nevil Stanley William Newding Janet Louise Neyland Government Engli.!th Psychology English Bobby Gordon Nieman Robert Harold Nippert Psychology Chemistry Gary Vaughn Nored Alpha Dee Nunley Frances ~nia Odell ( lth High Honora) Karen Lee Odell English Sociology English Bobby. Doyle Odom Winston Charles Odom Annette Sherrod Old Joe Dot Old Richard Bale Otstott James Hennan Owen II Government Journalism History History Economics Chemistry Jacquelin Carol Pardue Spanish Lubbock Patricia Ann Parnell Sandra Louise Parsons Spanish History Paducah Dallas Kathryn Elaine Haldy 'Paitterson Xanthus Bryan Patillo Sue Peden Deborah !Marion Peltier Speech English Spanish Spanish San Antonio Lubbock Dallas Lamesa Michael Ray Pinkston Cara Ann Pollard Psychology English Houston Fort Worth Elizabeth Richardson Post Engli.!th Patricia Elizabeth Pownder Psychology (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Abeentla) (In Abeentla) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) ,. (Honora Studies) (In Absentia) (With HOnors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (With HOnora) <In Abeantl&) (In AbleDtl&) ('Honora Studlea) (In Abeentl&) (In .A:beeaUa.) History -12- HOME ADDRESs Dalhart Midland Dallas Fort Worth Snyder Dallas Lubbock San Antonio Dallas Big Spring Big Spring Weatherford Eagle Lake Hollywood, N.M. . Junction Mmeral Wells McAllen Lubbock Morton Quanah Lubbock Lubbock Garland Abilene Irving Brownfield Lubbock Lubbock Dallas Longview Lubbock Fort Wol.'th SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts . .. ~ (Continued) Martha Neel Pryor Barbara Ann Purvis MAJOR Psychology Government Brenda Quesenberry English Crane John Paul Reese English English PhUlips NAME (ln Absent!&) ( ln Forrest Connell Reynolds (In Abseotla) HOME ADDRESS Weatherford Baird Lubbock Juan Rodriquez Psychology Government Government Zoology Spanish Richardson Lubbock Mesquite Blanket Lubbock Joyce Lynn Roe Judith Ann Roeh Ethrich Houston Rogers, Jr. Joe Patterson Rogers Patricia Anne Rolfe Mary Jean Rook Tito Cannel Sanunut English Mathematics English Speech Sociology Speech English WhUeface Houston Lubbock Wichita F'alls Sherman Lubbock Lubbock Suzanne Samson Russell Clayton Sanders Louie Tarlton Scales Arthur David Schaerdel Donald Curtis Schollenberger William Edward Schulze Art Psychology Sociology Sociology History History Lubbock Dallas Lorenzo Richardson Richardson Gmnd Pra'irie Sandra Kaye Scroggins English LUbbock Duane Eugene Sessums History Odessa Roger Burnham Pierce Rice Max Wayne Richardson Sheila Faye Richburg Alma Sue Richmond (In Absentia) (In Absent!&) (In Abeeotl&) (In Absentia) (ln Absentia) Lana Janece Shelton English Hobbs, N.M. Pamela Harris Sigler English Table Grove, Dl. Sally Long Skiles Albert Orla Smith, Jr. Betty Jane Smith Journalism Chemistry German Judith Terrie Smith Nancy Edwards Smith Sociology Mathematics Stanley Montgomery Smith William Eugene Smith William Calvin Smithson Lee Allen Sneath Chemistry Journalism Spanish Sociology Roberta Louise Snodgrass James Wofford Sparks English Government Kathleen Patricia Steele Michele Gill Stephens Psychology Art Ellen Kendrick Stevenson Ann Barry Gordon Stroud Spanish Spanish Benny R. Stroud Gail Margaret Tait Sociology History (ln Absentia) (In Absentia) (·With Honora) (In AbsenU&) Marshall Lorenzo Dallas Alpine Wilson "Abilene Lubbock Marble Falls Kennit (In Absentia) (In Abeentl&) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) -13- Tokio Desdemona Melbourne, Australia Port Arthur Lubbock Breckenridge Lubbock Houston SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES .Bacbelor of Arts (Continued) NAME Carl Wayne Taylor D. JM Thayer Patricia McCl'ain Thomas MAJOR Psychology English English Susan Jane Thompson Robert Merle Thornton Psychology Government Marjory Tice Dennis Gist Tolbert Jerry -Michael Tole Terry Louise Toler Molly !Ann Torrens History English Government Mathematics English Lubbock John William Townsend Mathematics Rebecca Hord Trail French Amarino Lubbock John David Tucker Marilyn 'Ruth Tvedt Robert James Vacker Nancey Ellen North Y.anLoh William Hamilton Vitz Spanish History Chemistry French Government Denver City Houston Seymolir Lubbock Max John Volcansek ill J·a ck Nelson W·a ggoner, Jr. Susan Diane Waits Government Government English Dallas Charles Lum Waldrum Government Ouray, Colo. Elaine Walter Botany Richard Parham Ward Charles D. Watkins Mathematics English Joan ~beth Watson Shirley Ann Watts Norman Grossman ·W erbner Spanish English Mathematics (With Htgh Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absootla) (In Absentia) (In AbSentla) (In Absentia) (In AbSentia) (With High Honors) (Honors Studies) HOME AnDRESs Anton Floydada Raton, N.M. McKinney Abilene Vega Crowell Austin Tyler Lubboc~ Crane Dallas Abilene Montgomery, Ala. Lubbock Anne Conway Werner James 'L amont West Susan 'Mary 'Wey Beulah L'aurelle Wheatley David Raymond Wheeler, Jr. Carroll Leeland Whiteside Haskell Dallas San Antonio Latin American Area Studies Dallas Economics Lubbock English Quanah English Brownfield Psychology Lubbock Psychology Dumas Sandra Maryleigh 'Whitfield Mary Ruth Whitmire Linda Jo Castleberry Whitson Claudia Sue Whitworth Martha Nell Wilkie Russell Stanley Wilkinson Bruce Callaway Williams J.erry Lynn Williams Zoology History English Spanish English English English Government Plainview Odessa Speannan BrackettviUe 'Bellaire Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock William George Williams Andy WJ.lson Speech Mathematics FOl'lt 'Worth (In Absentla) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Robert Henry Wisener ill Psychology -14-- Lubbock LUbbock SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Arts (Continued) NAME David Winston Wofford Joan Ede Wood Layton Zant Woodul Royce Blair Woolard MAJOR Psychology History Government Mathematics HOME ADDRESS Amarillo Sanderson !Jamesa Midland Willi'am Larry Wright Ji.mmY Neal Wyatt Dwight Leroy Young Jean Margaret Young Mathematics Government English Government Dallas Corpus Christi Lubbock Snyder Neal Edward Young Government PJ·ainview (In Absentia) (In Abs ~ntla) Bachelor of Sclence NAME Clyde Kenneth Akers, Jr. Ron Ray Allen Clinton James Borlack MAJOR Mathematics Geology Chemistry HOME ADDRESS LubbOck Lubbock Schulenburg Michael Lynn Burgess Julien Robert Caillett Philip Bedford Caldwell James Michael Childers Mathematics Bacteriology Zoology Mathematics Earth Dallas Bovina Fort Stockton Pamela Stansell Dane I;arry B. Darden Robert Leo Dawes Bacteriology Geology Mathematics Slaton Hermleigh Big Spring Samuel Gentry Dawson Physics Victor Lynn de Vlaming Jane Carolyn Dunagin Neal Rayburn Ellis Daniel Leon En~lert Zoology Mathematics Bacteriology Chemistry Robinson, ru. Littlefield Lubbock San Angelo Weldon Avery Findley, Jr. John Howard Fruit Jay Victor Fulfer Mathematics Chemistry Geology Littlefield Borger Gruver Oatus Kenneth Green Mathematics Slaton JosePh Harvey Harris Homer Irwin Henderson, Jr. Paulagene Mulhollan Holmes Chemistry Mathematics Bacteriology Lubbock San Angelo ·Belton Joyce Glenn Hunt Cheryl Liana Hunter Deborah Gail Johnson Bacteriology Mathematics Chemistry Richardson Phillips Lubbock John Edwin Johnson RObert Mann1n~ Le~g (In bsent a) Jack Leslie Lowell Larry Dell Mason Chemistry Zoology Chemistry Mathematics Dallas Walnut Springs David Jeffery Meador Fannie Isabelle Messec Roy Lee Moeller David Lauren Nelson Chemistry Zoology Chemistry Mathematics Lubbock Lubbock San Angelo Valdosta, Georgia (>n Absentia) ( ln Absentia) (ln Absentia) (In Absentia) (In A sentla) (ln AbaenUn) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (With High Honors) (In Absentia) (With H onors) -IS- Dumas Pampa Dallas SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Sclence (Continued) NAME Leonard Mac Orsborn Gary Paul Osborne Donald Otis Pederson Jerry Wayne Purcell James Courtney Reed Roy F-arest Reynolds, Jr. Ray Leon Robbins, Jr. MAJOR Mathematics Mathematics Physics Zoology Geology Mathematics Mathematics HOME ADDRESs Littlefield Lubbock George Everet t Robertson Nancy Sue Carpenter Rowland David James 'S clunidly J'ames Alvah Shaw Otis Henry Sikes Margaret Shann Smith David Riley Thompson David Lee von Minden Norman 'Ray Williams Charles Edward Wilson, Jr. James Arlington Wingo Max Merrill Winn Mathematics Mathematics Zoology Geology Mathematics Chemistry Mathematics Chemistry Zoology Mathematics Ma thematics Bacteriology Fort Worth LUbbock Levelland Tyler Graford Nelson Brent Yoder Zoology (With iHonora) (In Absentia) Arlington Odessa Laredo Graford Phlllips Hooks Vega La Grange Lubbock Lubbock Sutlan Brownfield I.JaPorte Bachelor of Science In Education NAME Mildred Lon£ Apple TEACHING MAJOR <In Abientra> HOME ADDRESS Elementary Education Childress Ann Hawkins Bacon Elementary Education Lubbock Judith Self Barkowsky Michael Gene Barnett Elementary Education Chenrlstry Wolfforth Plainview Ann Marie Bi-agioli Betty Louise Black Thomas L. Blackwell Canzada Lee Bray Government-History Elementary Education Physical Education Elementary Education Fort Worth Lubbock Patricia LoUise Brazell History-Mathematics Harry Glenn Brewer Physical Education Elementary Education ( In Abeecttla) ( In AbeeaUa ) (In AbaeDtra) (In Abeentla) JoAnn Pilcher Brewer (Wi th High Honore) Texarkana Slaton Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Jerry Don Brock Physical Education Dee Lyle Mae Brunner Utley Webber Carlton Roberta Beth Casperson Lubbock Elementary Education Elementary Education Sherman Elementary Educa:tion Amarillo Elementary Education Levelland Lubbock Elementary Education Lubbock Elementary Education Elementary Educa:tion Albuquerque, N.M. Elementary Education Dallas Elementary Education Lubbock Kathryn Thompson Cathey Social Science (In Absentra) Rebecca Mae Buckley Linda Kay Miller Burk Nancy Jeanette Bussey Mary ·June Butts Carol Ann Payne Byrd Carol Alyce Caceres (In AbeeaUa) ( In AbeenUa) lin AbeenUa.) -16- Lubbock San Angelo SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Science in Education (Continued) TEACffilNG MAJOR Physical Education NAME Robert Neil Chadwick (In Absentia.) HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Education Lubbock Education Snyder Education San Antonio Education Midlland KaY Louise Chafin Particia Carole Chorn Pamela Childs Coleman Patrida Cutshall Copeland Elementary Elementary Elementary Elementary Samuel Blackmarr Cornelius Kathy Elane Corvin Joy Gail Cox Saralee Cox Vala Dawn Taylor Cravy Judy Haley Crumley Brenda Jo Dabbs Judy Kay Dacus Karen Hutzaluk Dailey Physical Education-Mathematics Elementary Education H istory-Speech Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Kay Rodgers Dale Elementary Education Lubbock Nancy Linda Ann Darden Danley Elementary Education History Lubbock Lubbock Betsy Carol Deaton Elementary Education Irving Sharon Ann DeWalt English-Spanish Valerie :Jongbloet Dietz Mary Elizabeth Diers Lucinda Ellen Dollins Karen ·L ynn Dooley John Lester Dudley Sammy Joe Duncan Elizabeth Ruth Durban Priscilla Jane Dyer Bobby Lee Eason Jean R. Easterwood Spanish-History Lubbock History-English Houston Elementary Education Lubbock Elementary Education Denver City Physical Education-History Lubbock Mathematics-Chemistry Odessa French-History Abilene Element ary Education El Paso Physical Education-History Lu};bock Elementary Education Greenville Glynna Williams Englund Elita'beth June Erskine History-English English-Speech James Robert ·E ubank Gary Doss Everett Mary Kathryn :E'arrell Barbara Gene Finley Sunnye Frances Fitzgerald Twila Gail Forbes Marlyn Sue Ford Roseva Lewis Ford Zel!da. Meador Ford Physical Education-History Speech Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education English-Speech Social Science Beverly Carter Fredrickson Carol Biering Fritz Art Ballinger Lubbock Lawana Lynch Garrett Judith Jarrell Gattis Sylvia Anne George Elementary Education History-English Elementary Education Sudan Lubbock Lubbock (In Absentia.) (With High Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absent ia) ~aye Thompson (In Absentia) (In A bsentia.) (With H on ors ) (I n Abs entia.) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) English-Speech -17- Lubbock Lubbock PlainView Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Southland White Deer Lubbock Lubbock Slaton Marlin Corpus Christi Lubbock Lubbock Dallas Midland Lubbock Lubbock Ropesville Lubbock SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Science In Education (Continued) NAME Rita Blanche Gerdts <In Absentia) TEA:CHI'NG MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Elementary Education Lubbock Annell Janice Gerngross Judith Nunn Gibson Elementary Education Elementary Education Ray Don Gibson Sally Gibson Michele Lowe Gilmour Barbara Kay Godwin Physical Education-Speech Elementary Education Engl'ish Elementary Education Welch Temple Amarillo Odessa Joy Evelyn Graves Linda Odessa Gregg Elementary Education Elementary Education Social Science Elementary Education Elementary Education Physical Education Lubbock Lubbock . (In Absentta) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Louise Ash Griffin K!athleen Dormier Hancock Karen Hacrison Sandra Seemann Helton (In Absentia ) Jim 'M. Henderson Wynette Johnson Hewett Edith Wimberley Hickman (In Absentia) Art Elementary Education Social Science San Angelo League City Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Fort Worth 'Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Elementary Education Jacksboro Elementary Education Santa Monica Calif Elizabeth Ann Owen Hilgers Elementary Education Affiarill~ Mary Lou Hobgood E~ementary ~ducation Lubbock Carole Jean Holland History-Engllsh Alpine Ellene Portwood Hollingsworth English-History Lulbback Betty Ann Hollowell Elementary Education Corpus Christi (In Absentia) Evelyn Pollard Holt Elementary Education Littlefield Charlotte Ann Boone Howell Elementary Education Seymour Anita ·R awson Hudgens Elementary Education Lubbock Jean Gregston Hughes Elementary Education Levelland Kern Michael Hughes History-Government Avoca Claudia Faye Hicks Pamela Leis Higdon (In Absentia) Mary J·a ne Hughes Sally Finney Hurst Shirley Olivia Hurt Janice Louise Jenkins Elementary Education History-Government English Social Science Houston Lubbock Midland Helen Joan HUbbell Johnson Elementary Education Littlefield Beverly Jane Jones A. Latrelle Bright Joy Cheryl J. Kerr Karon Rea Koger English-Mathematics Mathematics-English Elementary Education Elementary Education Paducah Lubbock Lubbock Big Spririg Martha Lou Ann Kumley Elementary Education Lubbock K!aren Kay Kuntz Elementary Education Lubbock Barbara Ann La'in Charlotte Hodges 'I.Jancet Jo Ann Lois 'IJang Jetty Sutton ·Lehne Physical Education-French Marble Falls Elementary Education Crosbyton Physical Education Lubbock History-Government Menard Linda Sue Lewis Barbara Sherrell 'Lindsay Betty Gaines Linthicum Big Spring Elementary Education Physical Education-English LUbbock Lubbock Elementary Education (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (Wi!.h High Honors) (In AbseDtta) (With H lgh H onors) (In Absentia) -18- Quanah SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Science In Education (Continued) TEACHING MAJOR HOME ADDRESS NAME Elementary Education Lubbock Judy Claire Livingston Elementary Education 'Meadow Lena Mae Locke Lin'da Lynette Loehman Speech Houston Elementary Education Slaton MamYe Ruth Lewis Longtin Elementary Education Lubbock Alta McAdon McDonald Biology-Speech Dallas Leland Thomas McKee Speech-English Childress Penelope Randel Mackenzie · (In Absentia) Carolyn Beckham Martin Physical ·E ducation Elementary Education Physical Education-Mathematics Elementary Education Lucian Harold Martin, Jr. Jenny Matthews LarrY B. Mauldin Elementary Education Elementary Education English-Chemistry LarrY Gene Maeker Mary Jo Maki Dale Patrick Markham Absentia) (In (In Absentia) Rober-t Livingston 'Medlin Elizabeth Jane 'Mercer (In Absentia) Martha Sue Meurer Suzanne Middleton Absentia) (In Wilson Houston Sherman Lubbock Lubbock Fort Stockton Abilene Physical Education-History Panhandle Elementary Education Dallas Elementary Education Muenster Elementary Education Ballinger Carole 'LYTUl Miller Kay Frances Miller Dana Cheryl Mock Ferris Keit.'h Moffett Elementary Education English-History Elementary Education History-Government Midland Dallas Lubbock Snyder Donna ~ay Mossman Nancy Nohad N airn Shirley Raye Nathan Judith Ann 'McAfee Nichols Elementary Education English-Spanish Elementary Education Mathematics Lubbock MUI'l'day Lubbock Lubbock . ( In (In Absentia) Absentia) Marcia Kay Norris Mathematics-English San :Angelo Lola Ann Page Elementary Education Fort Worth Karen 'Jo Palmer Marilyn Adrian Parker Richard Norman Perry Sondra Kay Reed Petty Douglas Gerald Phipps Jimmie Ray Porter Elementary Education Levelland Elementary Education Dallas Physical Education-History Hobbs, N.M. Elementary Education Lubbock General Science Seminole Physical Education Burkett Betty Thomas Powell James Charles Prater Sammie Caldwell Prather Olivia Eileen Raffield Carolyn Ruth Abel Ratcliffe Mary Frances Reid Elementary Education General Science Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Paducah Dawson Lubbock Dallas Lubbock Houston Sharon Ann Rice Kay Richmond Rita Susan Rische Denis Dare! Roark Physical Education-English Physical Education-Speeclt Mathematics-History Government-History Clyde Olney Houston Crowell Anne Corley Robison Don William Rocap Physical Education-English Elementary Education LUbbock Lubbock (In Absentia) (With Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) ( In Absentia) (In Absentia) -19- SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Science in Education (Continued) TEACHDNG MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Physical (In l.baenUa) Education-M&t'hematics Petersl>urg Elementary Education Patricia Bowman Ro£ers Levelland NAME Ken Leroy Rodgers (With HJgb "lionora) Melva Lynn Ross Robert Lee Ruckert Maria Rayos Salas Mary Elizabeth 'S anders Susan Elizabeth Sanders Frances Verety Schopmeyer Elementary Education Physical Education-'Biology Elementary Education Elementary Education ~n Sue Scovell Nancy V. Sellars Sally Anne Shannon Linda Ewiice--Liedtke Shavor Edith Noble Sinunons Elementary Education Albuquerque N.M Elementary Education 'DaU~ Biology-English Lubbock Elementary Education Fort Worth English Lubbock English Levelland Shelly Si~In Abaen.tla) Sally Jean Sligar Sharron Elizabeth Smartt Speech Elementary Education Elementary Education Dayton Lubbock Seabrook Pamela Bodoin Smith Elementary Education Lubbock Sherry Dee Evans Smith William Charles Smith, Jr. Norma Kaye Snodgrass Constance Mitchell Snyder Brenda Darlene Sorrells Martha Campbell Spencer Wilda Loree Stagner Carole Lind Staley Barbara Vandiver Stanford ~ay Lynette Conrad Stapleton Elementary Education Lubbock Physical Education-History Crowell Elementary Education Dallu Elementary Education Rocksprings Elementary Education Snyder Elementary ·E ducation Lubbock Elementary Education Levelland Elementary Education Hobbs, N.M. Elementary Education Lubbock Art Lubbock Eileen Rochelle Staskln Elementary Education Jerry Everett Stelter Frances Jean Anderson Stephenson Charlene Kimbro Stewart Jul:ianna Mibalski Stogner Physical Education Mathematics-History Physical Education Mathematics-English Sarah Joy Striedel Elementary Education Goliad Vicki Morris Struve Karen Kay Stuart Elementary Education Elementary Education Kermit Lubbock Sherrian Ann Tarlton Ldnda Ayers Tarvin Martha Massie Thomas Physical Education-English Elementary Education Elementary Education Brownwood Plainview Lubbock Susan·Elizaibet'h Thomason I.linda Hatley Thrasher Janis Elizabeth Tidwell Gerald 'Mackey Tully Elementary Education Elementary Education SpeeCh-History Mathematics-Biology (In Absentfa) Anne Schroeder (In AbaenU&) (In Absentia) <In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Abseotla) (With HODOra) Art Elementary Education Sundown LaGrange Pecos Muleshoe Lubbock Fo111: Worth Denver, Colo. Troup Borger Lubbock Seminole (In Abseotla) (Wlth Honora) (In Absentia) -2o- Bellaire Seminole Houston Glencoe, N.M. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Bachelor of Science in Education (Continued) NAME Jana K•a ren Ulmer (In Absentia) TEACH'IING MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Elementary Education Sagerton Shirley Ann Waggoner Elementary Education •L ubbock CarolYn Lowe Ward Janette Kay Ward Elementary Education Elementary Education Monahans Midland Gay Beth Watkins Sammie Jo Watson Frances Carolyn Weaver Social Science Physical Education-English Elementary Education Frances Earlene West Sherllyn Billington West Sujane Ernaline West Lynn Ann Warren Willard SharOn Davis Willett C W. Williams Carolyn Annette Williams Foy Dee Williams Mary Jo Williams Elementary Education Elementary Education Speech Speech Elementary Education Physical Education Elementary Education Physical Education Elementary Education Robert Stacey Williams Re'becca Sue Wilson Biology-Phys'ical Educa'tion Elementary Education Joan Brewster Wise Speech Betty Helen Womble Elementary Education ( In Absentia) (With Honors) (In Absentia) (With Honora) (In Absentia) ( With Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) NAME Beverly Sue Barton Bettye Marie Lowder Jane Ann Sides <With Honors) Bachelor of Music MAJOR Piano Applied Music Piano Bachelor NAME Robert Clark Ashby George Leslie Biffle Lillian Pearce Biffle John William Cherry (In Absentia) of Music Education MAJOR Music Education Music Education Music Education Music Education Lubbock Dumas Austin Houston Lubbock Rankin Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Slaton Lubbock Perryton Albany Olney Dallas Stinnett HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Wichita Falls Lubbock HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Lorenzo John Owen Farrell Music Education Orla Benton Gaynel Fly, Jr. James Richard Grady Music Education Music Education Lubbock Lubbock Julius Arwe't Graw Raymond Lee Lusk Albert Lee Moore Hazel Joanne Ward Needles Music Music Music Music Education Education Education Education Uvalde Lubbock Vicki Lou Pharr Sandra Elaine Redwine (In Absentia) Judy Beth Scarborough Sell Music Education Music Education Lubbock Lubbock Music Education Lubbock Priscilla Sue Suttle Billy Erwin Watt Barbara Sue Johnston Wilson Music Education Music Education Music Education Hale Center Pasadena Lubbock <In Absentia) (With H'oDors) (In AbaenU..) <With Honors) -21- Paris Lubbock SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 28, 1966 Bachelor of Business AdmlnJstratlon NAME Wylene Sue Abernathy William Edward Abraham L'atTy Keith Akin MAJOR Accounting Finance Finance John Walter Alderfer Barbara Gail Alexander Scott Dan Allen Fred Miller Allison Accounting Business Education Finance Management Jimmie Lynton Allred Kenney DWight Allred Marketing Accounting Billy Frank Andrews John Dee Appleby Larry Wayne Arnold Worfuam Barrett Ashcroft Marketing Management Marketing Finance Emerson Donley Baker, Jr. Ryther Lynn Barbin Finance Finance Wayne Nathanial Barginear Retailing (In Absentta) (In Absentta) (1n Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentta) HOME ADDRESS McKinriey Canadian Plainview Dallas Longview Stephenville Corsicana Hereford Lubbo~k Snyder Dallas Carlsbad, N.M. McAllen Borger Tyler Daniel 'Chaffin Biggs III Richmon:l Secretarial Administration Floydada Accounting Lubbock Finance Canadian Accounting Stamford Management Sweetwater Marketing Lubbock Finance Odessa Brooks Alden Blair Jdhn Mark Blocker Management Marketing Charles Thomas Boecking Jerry Don Bouriand Finance Accounting A counting Ronald Dennes Bourland Accounting David Mason Boyden Michael Clyde Bradburn Carl Lee Brasuell Marketing Marketing Management William Carter Brock Finance Fred Douglas Buchholz Donald K. Bundrant Donald Wayne Burkhalter Troy Eugene Burkhalter Accounting Management Marketing Management R. William Butcher (In Absentia) Gary Neal Bvrd Accounting Marketing Helen Jean Caldwell Charlie David Cannon Secretarial Administration San Angelo Accounting Lubbock Charles Thomas Carr, Jr. Finance Gary Erwin Carter Accounting (In Absentia) Melinda Gay Barker Ronald Hilburn Barrick Ben J'ames Bennett Robert Steely Bennett David Michael Berry Ronny Bdb Biffle (In Absentia) (In Abse'lltla) (In Absentia) Paul Simmons Bolton (In Absentia) (In Absentia) <In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) <fn-Abse'll'tla) <In Absentia) (In Abse"ntla) (ln Absentia) -22- Dallas Dallas Bronte Longview Lubbock Cotton Center. San Antonio Lubbock Odessa Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Fort StocktQn Lubbock Arvada, Colo. Andrews Texarkana SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Bachelor of Business Admlnlstratton (Cantinzud) MAJOR NAME HO'ME ADDRESS Lubbock Graham Wanda Yeargan Cecil James Whitman Choate Business Education Accounting William Herbert Clarke Accounting Ivan Howard Click Accounting Doug}as Richard Clough Management Marcia Susan Coffee Retailing Charlie McCl-ain Cravy, Jr. Wesley Weldon Cre~g, Jr. Management Accounting Lubbock Odessa Donald Nelson Cross Larry Max Crow Kenneth George Cunningham Accounting Accounting Management El Paso Lubbock Midland Sandra Sue Damron Andrew John Dane Charles Vernon Danley Kenne'th Edward Dart John Leonard Daugherty John Bolen Davis Business Education Economics Finance Finance Economics Accounting Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Dallas Midland Brownwood John Paul Davis Louis Andy Dean Gary Wayman DeWalt Michael Eugene Ditto Harold Wade Dollins Loralei Glenn Dopson Accounting Accounting Finance Management International Trade Business Education Timo'thy Francis Doreen Advertising Lubbock McKinney Amarillo Sunray Lubbock Lubbock Midland Don Oliver Doss (In Absentia) Thomas Franklin Douglass John Clark Downs Charles Lyman Dunlap William Edward Dunn Michael Earnest Dyer Sandra Jean Eason Doylene Rockwell ·E vans Dav'.id Lee Farmer Marketing Plainview Management Management Finance Retailing Management Business Education Finance Finance Donald Austin Florence Thomas Gibbs Flournoy Management Finance Grapevine Huntington Lewis Dalton Foley Management Lubbock William Don Foster James Ronald Franks Finance Management Houston Vernon Robert Thorpe Fuller Thomas Coleman Fuller Johnny 'Don Fulton Carol George Galloway Arion Leon Garretson Gehrig Andrew Garrison Management Finance Marketing Management Marketing Management Glendale, Calif. Dallas Lubbock ILuljbock Mt. Pleasant Tulsa, Okla. (In Absehtla) (With High Honors) (In Absentia) (In Abse'Dtla) (In Abse'ntla) (In Abse'Dtla) ( In A bsen a) (!n Absentia) (In Abse'Dtla) (In Abse'Dtla) (ln Absentia) (In Abse'Dtla) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Abse'Dtla) (In Absentia) -23- Dallas LuM>ock Van Horn Higgins Corpus Christi Dallas Dallas Dallas Odessa Lubbock Lubbock Grosvenor SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Bachelor of Business Administration (Continued) NAME Clifford Newton George Daniel Irving Gessley (in Absentia) MAJOR Finance Management William Mack Gillham Accounting Freddie Lee Gothard Jerry Wayne Graham Frank Oscar Greathouse ill Dale Wesson Greaves 011ver Randal Greebon Accounting Finance Accounting Management Marketing Craig Wesley Griffith Gary Allen Griffith Vernon Hie Gunn Michael Gene Gurley John David Haggard John William Hall Marketing Marketing Management Accounting Accounting Accounting Donald Louis Handley Finance Kenneth Wayne Hanes Paul Lusk Harper Ronnie Everett Har&ton Management Management Accounting Robel't Shepherd Hayes Jimmy Reese Hayhurst James !Jaurence Hearrell Ronald James Herrin Finance Advertising Accounting Management William Rocky Hill Finance Virgin'ia Yvonne Hollis Business Education William Gilbert Hook, Jr. Martha Ann 'Lockwood Hosch Tom Hoskins Leslie Henry Hotman James Dewey Howell Roger Alan Hubbard James Edward Huckaby Lynn Ragle Huddleston Management Accounting Retailing Finance Marketing Accounting Accounting Management Doyle Jerry Hutcheson Dale Elliott Hyatt Finance Accounting James Lee Irish m Terry Dwight Ivey Douglas Leon Jeffcoat Rober-t Larry Johns Betty J'lllle Johnson Finance Finance Accounting Management Business Education (In Absentia) (In Abse'lltla) (In Absentia) ( In Absentia) <In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Abse'Dtla) (In Abse'Dtla) (In Absentia) (In AbsenUa) (With Honora) (In AbsenUa) Robert Ray Johnson Tommie Cheryl Jones Tommy Russell Jones Julie Jan Kerr Gary Martin Key Management Business Education Management Business Education Marketing -24-- HOME ADDRESs Anton Lubbock Lubbock Odessa Lubbock Lubbock Coleman Eden Hereford Lubbock Stephenville Marlin McKlinney Killeen Midland Lubbock Levelland Lubbock Amarillo Lubbock Richardson Dallas Albany Lamesa 'Lubbock LUbbock Lubbock Fort Worth Lubbock Big Spring Fort Stockton Lubbock W1lson Wylie Abernathy CrosbYton Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Dallas Kennit Snyder Lubbock Houston SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Baebelor of Buslu.eas Administration NAME Ronald Fred Key Houston Ronald Kimbrough MAJOR Marketing Accounting HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Odessa John Lynn King Accounting Lubbock (In AblsenUa) PhYllis Loretta Ralston Kinnison Malcolm Eugene Kirkland Leigh Bryan Knight George Jake ILaFavers Business Education Management Management Finance Spearman Thonms Ray Letz Accounting Management Old Glory 'Lubbock Management Brownwood Doyle Eugene McAda Accounting Accounting Management Gruver Brady Lubbock Charles Phillip McCain Finance DorothY Ann 'McCoy Paul Glen McDonald David 'Lee Mcllbaney Lyndon Lee Maeker Business Education Finance Management Marketing Management Wade Tanner Mahan Finance Robert !Ladd Markland Management Coleman Roy Wayne Meacham Robert Grady Meek Michael Warren Melton John Ben Merryman Management Marketing Management Accounting Lubbock Bridgeport •L ubbock League City Dianne Richardine Mikulas Business Education Abilene Jarrell 'Robert •M ilburn Joe 'Max ·M iller Terre Sue Miller Terry Houston 'Miller Richard 'Perry Montgomery Kenneth Roger Moore Norman David Moore Accounting Marketing Business Education Management Finance Management Finance Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock 'Lubbock Lubbock Amarillo Odessa Ruth Ann Moore Advertising Hempstead Samuel Lee !Moore Accounting Winnsboro Sandra Sue Cox Moore Troy Don Moore Secretarial Administration Lubbock Hereford Finance Accounting Sweetwater Management 'Lubbock Richardson Marketing (In Absentia) 'MiChael Coleman Linder (In Absentia) Jerry Loftin(InLinn Absentia) BillY Mack Logsdon DarrY Lee Low (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Jack Scott McDonald (In Ablsentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Charles David Morgan Russell !Leonard Morris John William Morsbach II (ln Abeentla) Robert Smoot Mortensen (In Absentia) Management -25- Lubbock Alvin Friona Roby Lubbock Snyder Pampa Lubbock Lubbock Odessa Houston SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISl'RATION Bachelor of Business Admlnlstration (Continued) NAME MAJOR George Dan Mulkey Finance Edmund Francis Munford, Jr. Finance HOME ADDRESS . Midland P1'ttsburgh, Pa. (In A bsentia) Margaret Lou Nash Sammy Ray N eal Daniel Phillip Neeley Tommy Joe Nelms Business Educa·t ion Finance Finance Management Robert Dale Ne wberry Robert May Newsom Richard Charles Newth Finance Marketing Finance Walter Roy Owens Gerald Gordon Parks Terry Odie Parks John Raymond Passow Gerald Gist Patterson Marketing Management Finance Marketing Management Robert Barry Paulger Jerra Etta Pearce William AUan Peppe'ard Management Business Education Marketing Francis Scott Persons Glynell Wisdom Petrosky Accounting Business Administration Raymond Clark Pfluger Elliott Andrew Prater Larry Weldon Pugh Glenn Richard Purcell Robert Bruce Purcell John Michael Pusey Finance Eden Secretarial Administration Lubbock Accounting Wichita Falls Management Dallas Finance Wellington Retailing Fort Worth Accounting Sweetwater Management Lubbock Accounting Lubbock Management Lubbock Finance Dallas Marketing Lubbock Management Abilene Business Education Lubbock Accounting Wichita Falls Accounting Greenville Marketing Houston Management Bellaire Accounting Andrews Robert Sidney Pyland Accounting James Ronald Rayburn Finance Steven Robert Reed Philip Wayne Ressell William Burke Reynolds, Jr. Marketing Accounting Management ( In Absentia) Flo~ada Lubbock Lamesa Corpus Christi Floydalla Lubbock Houston (In Absentia) Lubbock Plainv'iew LUbbock San Angelo Lubbock Lubbock Pecos Mineola (In Absentia) ( I n Absentia) (In Abs entia) (In Absentia) Linda 'Louise Pharr (In Absentia) James Richard Phillips Jerry Lee Phillips Ha rold Houston Pigg (In A bsentia) Katy Lou Pinto Jerry Lane Pittman Bob Ronda! Plunkett (In Absentia) Larry Pollard Ralph Carlton Posey Richard Byron Post (In Absentia) Jimmy Allen Powe John Douglas Powell Patrick Powers (In Absentia) (With ·Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) -26- Lubbock San Anton1o Lubbock Denver, Colo. Westchester, m. Munday Corpus Christi SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTR.ATION Bachelor of Business Administration (Contimled) Darla Juanice Riley MAJOR Business Education Joseph William Robert Donald Royce Roberts Robert Keith Robinson Accounting Finance Finance Tildon Clark Robinson Fredrick Funston Rogers, Jr. Clyde H. Roman ll Management Finance Finance Billie Dean Rose Industrial Management Jerry Keith Rutherford Accounting Regena Mae Rutledge James Thomas St. Clair Edward Herman Schmidt ill George Whitman Schaner Business Education Retailing Accounting Finance Gary Wayne Scott Marketing Lubbock Robert Elmore Shine William Clete Shrader William Austin Siemsen Arnold Talmadge Sikes William Gary Simpson Accounting Finance Management Accounting Finance Lubbock Dallas Borger Lubbock Post Felton Allen Smith Kenith Wayne Smith Robert Dean Smith Accounting Accounting Accounting Rodney Wayne Smith Walter Vern Smith Harris Wayne Snowden Sharon Kay Stephens John McAllister Stevenson, Jr. Larry Alvie Strickland Roy Stanley Sugarek George Kirkpatrick Tally, Jr. Donald Ellis Tankersley Jon Stuart Taylor Accounting Finance Accounting Secretarial Administration Industrial Management Accounting Finance Advertising Accounting Management Uoyd Findley Thompson Paul Millard Thompson Management Management NAME (In (In Absentia) Absentia) (With Honors) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Lubbock Lufkin Muleshoe Abilene Corpus Christi Sherman Lubbock Bend Woodward, Okla. Morton Eagle Pass Lubbock Absentia) (ln Absentia) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia) (In Garden City AbSentia) (In Absentia) (In HOME ADDRESS Absentia.) William Edwin Thompson James Roger Thrailkill George Walton Thurston, Jr. Leroy Titus Accounting Advertising Accounting Marketing Carol Ann Trotter Windell Calvin TrUe, Jr. Sidney Ray Wall Weldon Morris Ware Bill Jack Watkins Business Education Accounting Finance Accounting Accounting Odessa Post Sudan Lubbock Lubbock Lubbock Arlington Grapevine Lubbock Mathis Sherman O'Brien Lubbock Amarillo Midland Lubbock Lubbock Monahans Loclmey (In AbSentia.) (In Absentia.) -27- Lubbock Odessa Dallas Colorado City Lubbock SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRAUON Bachelor of Business Administration (Continued) NAME Joe Roland Watts MAJOR Accounting Stanley John Weathers Clayton Dean White Finance Management Kenneth Earl White Business Education Harvey Howard Whitehill, Jr. Mary Allee Wilkerson James Hal Wilkins David Ross Williams Gary Elbert Williams Management Business Education Marketing Management Accounting Leslie Howard Williams, Jr. Accounting Lamesa James Allen Wilson Rowland Ray Wilson Accounting Marketing Alamo Atwater, Calif. Jim Charles Windle Economics Wichita Falls Bruce Jerald Wood Economics J ames Gerald Woodall William Anson Worley Finance Finance Gail Wright Gary Kenneth Y aggy Richard Zarfas James Louis Zurlis Business Education Accounting Marketing Management (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) ( In Absentia.) ( In Absentia.) (In Absentia) (In Absentia) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (In Absentia) HO'ME ADDREss Del Rio Amarillo Meadow Vernon ElPaso Lubbock Ballinger Tyler Lubbock Lubbock Amarillo Midland Shallowater Lubbock Lubbock McAllen Bachelor of Science NAME Richard Craig Atkins MAJOR E conomics Robert Henry Brightmann II Danai Houston Dennison Donald Michael Horridge East Providence, R.I. Economics International Trade Electra International Trade Houston (In Absentia.) (In Absentia) HOME ADDRESS Big Spring SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING May 28, 1966 Bachelor of Arcbltecture NAME Michael Blanks Gary Lynn Branam MAJOR Design Option Design Option HOME ADDRE')S ElPaso Dallas Jerry Lynn Brantley Design Option Amherst (In Absentia) -28- SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Bacllelor of Architecture (Continued) Michael York Burrow Thomas Alton Caffall, Jr. Malcolm Gene Che~ney Richard Andrew Cllck MAJOR Design Option Design Option Design Option Design Option HOME ADDRESS Plainview Rio Hondo Pecos Dallas Louis F. Coldren, Jr. Kenneth Wayne ~orey James Lee Currm Clark Raymond Edgecomb ill Ronald Charles Hertel Joel Carter Howald Yancey Leon Jones Robert Coleman Murray, Jr. Design Option Construction Option Design Option Design Option Construction Option Design Option Design Option Design Option Golden, Colo. Houston Kilgore Houston Albuquerque, N.M. Corpus Christi Sweetwater Houston susan Jane O'Brien Naoharll Ogura Norman Baylis Purvis Michael Paul Robinson PhilliP Warren Shepherd Richard Lee Solomon William S. Thomas Kenneth Horace Zuschlag Design Option Design Option Design Option Design Option Design Option Design Option Construction Option Design Option Wichita Falls Tokyo, Japan Lubbock Fort Worth Graham Lubbock Lubbock San Antonio NAME (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Bachelor of Advertising Art a.nd Design HOME ADDRESS Midland Lubbock NAME Jerry Glyn Callaway Cecil Clifford Carter (In Absentia) Charles Edgar Ezell Alvarado Bill O'Brien Fowler Lubbock (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Lubbock Fort Worth Pecos Alpine Sandra Louise George Joe Chiles Harrison, Jr. Julia Jane Bozeman Herold Byron Lindell Hoffman, Jr. (In Absentia) Roby James E. Narrell, Jr. (In Absentia) Lubbock Houston Lubbock San Antonio Lubbock Anita Evelyn Pace Condit Gregg Vaughn Spickard Iva Valene Starrett Elizabeth Anne Carpenter Walker Elizabeth Ann Watson Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Houston Dimmitt Fort Worth Houston NAME Steve Allen Bayless Jimmie Uoyd Brooks Samuel Bowden Campbell Eugene Carroll Chambers Lloyd Anthony Clomburg, Jr. (With High Honora) (In Absentia) -29- SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (Continued) NAME Bernard D. Funk, Jr. HOME ADDREss San Antonio (In Absentia) James Robert Gibson Lockney (In Absen tia) Gordon Edward Gore David Vannoy Hayes, Jr. Sherman Robert Higdon, Jr. Larry Eugene Hilgers Larry Howard Hoover Albany Amarillo Abilene Amarillo Odessa Longview Fort Worth Denton (In Absentia) Eugene Chester Howard, Jr. (In Absentia) William Floyd Howard, Jr. Myles Henry Hutton (In Absentia) James Harold Moore Lubbock (With Honors) Jimmy Thomas Petrosky Georgetown (In Absentia) Dwight Avent Reck Phillip Hoyt Sears Phillips Amarillo Randall Gary Sears Leslie William Tompkins, Jr. Amarillo Irving (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering NAME HOME ADDRESS Alvin Dewey Baker, Jr. El Paso (In Absentia) Paul Lee Bushong Kerrville Robert Michael Caldwell Amarillo Curtis T. Daniel Amarillo (In Absentia) David Kent French Lubbock (In Absentia) Richard Frank Gay Howard Richard Horn, Jr. Robert Carleton McBride IV Dallas Crowley San Antonio ( In Absentia) John Thomas Merritt, Jr. Colorado City (In Absentia) Jerry Lynn Raines Donald Wayne Roberts Pampa Lubbock (In Absentia) Donald R. Rutledge Van Stephen Salmon · Waco Nocona Lamesa Littlefield Plainview Dallas (In Absentia) John Nat Self Edward Gilliam Shaw Robert Barry Tu1l Dorland E arl Underwood Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering NAME HOME ADDRESS Alfred Elisha Abbott, Jr. Brownsville (In Absentia) Joseph John Bingham Lubbock (In Absentia) Jack Roger Box Dallas (In Absentia) -3o- SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science iD Electrical Ellgioeering (Contimterl) HOME ADDRESS Amarillo Henderson Lubbock Quanah NAME Gallon Edward Brehm Robert Leonard Buckner Charles Huff Cathey James Earl Cato (With Honors) Midland Lubbock John David Cheves Robert Cleveland Darwin Haskell H. Gray William Guignard Guion PhilliP Kent Hardage Vernon Dallas Maud (In Absentia) Booker Gerald Roy Herbel John Robert J ackson Donald Ray Mason Rotan Walnut Springs (In Absentia ) LarrY Dwain Masters Odessa Amarillo Lubbock Grapevine Roger David Melton Wilson Thomas Mitchell Richard Lee Morgan (In Absentia) U!wis Marshall Nolen, Jr. Charles Darwin Owens John Robert Pittman Midland Floydada Midland (Wfth Honors) (In Absentia) Odessa Larry Lee Ritchie (In Absentia ) Shamrock Sweetwater Albert Aldous Smith Wayland Deral Smith (In Absentia.) Douglas Andrew Stroud Breckenridge Virgil Clyde West Larry Richard Whitaker San Antonio Lubbock (In Absentia) (With Higb Honors) (In Absentia) Oklahoma City, Okla. Bill Lee Warner (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science in Eogineerin~ NAME Thomas Riley Birch Physics HOME ADDRESS Phillips ( In Absentia) Bryan Huntington Coon Bryan William Wiley Dunn Stephen Webster Glenn Sanderson Amarillo (In Absentia) (In Absentia) Palacios Bruce George Herlin (With High Honors) Fort Worth Littlefield Hart Houston John Woodson McComb Eugene Leff Reeves Jack Finney Witten Jeffrey Ralph Zander (In Absentia.) Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering HOME ADDRESS Dallas Clinton Jefferson Adams Hereford Ronnie Mac Botkin NAME (In Absentia) -31- SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science In Industrial Engineering (Continued) NAME Jerry Brandt Brock HOME ADDRESS Fort Worth (In Abllentla) Wiley Dean Carmichael Houston (In Absentia) Roy Don Cash McLean Kowloon, Hong Kong Channing Overland Park, Kansas (In Abllentla) Shing-Kung Chan J. Edgar Craighead, Jr. Douglas Kerr Jacobs (With Hooora) (In Absentia) Stanley Henry Johansen J ack Curtright McClure ill Earl Wain McGlothlin New York, N.Y. Lubbock Dumas (In Absentia) Julian Vandivier Perrin, Jr. Robert Lyle Reid Hereford Dallas Lubbock Pampa Fort Worth Lubbock (In Absentia) Robert David Rogers James Clifford Scott Andrew J. Senchack, Jr. Ralph Michael Sorrells (In Absentia.) John Michael Stinson Charles Winston Webb Dallas Houston (In Ab8ent1a.) Bachelor of Science In Mechanical Engineering NAME Richard Leith Baker HOME ADDRESS Dallas (In Abeen'tla) Robert David Bisbee, Jr. Forrest William Butler, Jr. Anson Jaynes Cagle Jack Dwain Carlson John Howard Carlson Slaton Irving Amarillo Pampa Pampa Donnie Richard Davis John David Dawson Jackson Lanier Duffey Amarillo Lubbock Houston (In AbMntla) (In Abeentl&) Earl Franklin Edwards Joseph Carroll Fox Ballinger Gainesville (In Absentia.) Keno Mathis Henderson, Jr. Amarillo (In Absent1a) Gerald Lawrence Hermesmeyer Groom Woodrow Wilson Hitchcock Alpine (In Absent!&) (With Honors) David Michael Holaday Lubbock (In Absentia.) James 0. Horning II Mt. Pleasant David Ernest Kehl II Jerry Norman Knoll Waco Fort Worth Harry James Leonhart Fort Worth (In Absentia.) (In Ablllmtla) (In Absentia) Dale Jackson Lollar Lubbock (In Absentia) -32- SCHOOL OF ENGINEEIUNG Bat h'or er SdMce lllll......._loal ~ (~) NAME HOME ADDRESS PbiDips William Raymond Low Richard Byron McMichael (JDA.._....) \ViJliaDl David Pipes SamUel McElroy Ray 1o1m Harold Ricbnl m Garry Joe Selby Jeffrey Dooald Stewart Victor Dirk StiggiDs Cbarles William Stormont Fred Newton Vmson, Jr. Lubbock Dallas Phillips Dalbart Amarillo ~ Waco BMIIelor., Sdellce . . ~ ~ HOME ADDRESS Lamesa NAME Nonnan Leon Porterfield Badlelor of Scleace Ill Textile Tecluloloey uad ~t NAME HOME ADDRESS Waco David Everton Dibb (Ill .Abllml:la) Fort Worth Ralph Lawrence DiDsmore Sewell Lee Keeter Lubbock (lll....-ua.) SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS .M..7 28. 1966 Baehelor of 8ete.ce Ill Dome lkonomles NAME MAJOR Lorraine Harris Andre General Home Economics Betty Ann Aycock Home Eoooomics Education San Angelo Elizabeth Ellen Baker Home Eoooomics Education (Ill A.bolellti&) (Ill~) (Ill~) HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Quanah Patty Jean Pearson Baldwin Food and Nutrition Janice Beatrice Ballow Sarah Porter Blann Home Economics Education Levelland Home Ecooomics Education Lubbock Clot:hiog and Textiles Borger Home Economics Education Sentinel, Okla. Clothing and Textiles Fort Worth Austin (Ill Abeeada) Sherry Judy Bock Jean Ann Bookout Barbara Ann Brooks (Ill~) Sue Greenway Brown HomeEcooomics Education Barbara Knight Warren Butler Applied Arts Karen Lynelle Butler Clothing and Textiles Kay Claire Campbell Home and Family Life Stephenville Fort Worth San Angelo Goldthwaite (Ill Ab8mtl&) JoAnn 'lbompson Castle (In~ Home Econo.mics Education-AJ;plied Arts -33- Lubbock SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science in Home Economics (Continued) NAME Zafer Cetinkaya MAJOR Home Economics Betty Jane Clark Education Istanbul ~k Home and Family Life ' p~~ (W1th Honors) (In Absentia) (With Honors) Lynne R. Clifton (In Absentia) Mary Ann Cobb Terry Jane Cocanougher Caren Cook Lois Katherine Courtney Mary Beth Cox Celeste Louise Craig (With Honora) (In Absentia.) Linda Karen Watson Crume Brenda Darlene Curtis Katherine Myrtice Day Carol llene Ditto Marilyn Claire Doelp Sandra Kay Duke Diane Jean Dulaney Ellen James Dunias Rhonda Jean Eanes Betty Louise Taylor Eisenberg Home Economics Home Economics Applied Arts Home Economics Home Economics Home Economics Home Economics HOME ADDRESs Education Texas City Education Fort Worth Lubbock Education Lubbock Education Morton Education Lubbock Education Stamford Josephine Hansen Home Economics Education Crosbyton Home Economics Education Houston Home Economics Education Houston Clothing and -:r:e~es Ogallala, Neb. Food and Nutrition Big Sprin Home Economics Education Libex4 Clothing and Textiles College Station Food and Nutrition Lubbock Home and Family Life Slaton Home Economics Education New Home Clothing and Textiles Cleburne Home Economics Education Lubbock Home Economics Education Idalou Home and Family Life Childress Food and Nutrition Amarillo Home and Family Life Lubbock Home Economics Education Wilson Home and Family Life Lubbock Food and Nutrition Houston Home Economics Education Flomot Home Economics Education Lubbock Home Economics EducationClothing and Textiles Houston Home Economics Education Guthrie Home and Family Life Gainesville Clothing and Textiles Lubbock Home and Family Life Lubbock Clothing and Textiles Lubbock Home Economics Education Seymour Clothing and Textiles Canyon Applied Arts Fort Worth Mary Lynelle Harris Home Economics Education Gail Hart Deborah Lake Hartgrove (In Absentia.) Patricia Anne Hayes Marilyn Gail Russell Hicks Clothing and Textiles . Clothing and Textiles (In Absentia) Nell Jeannette Elmore Peggy Rue Evans Escue (With Honors) Dorothy Anne Faith Celia Lynn Farha Nancy Ellen Floyd Suzanne Freeman Jane Schneider Fry Patricia Jane Galloway Darleen Gibson (In Absentia) Judy Carol Gilbert Gloria Louise Goldwater Carolyn Gwynn Gough (In Absentia) Marianna Egger Graves (In Absentia) Sharon Lynn Green Eveline Rusieka Greener (In Absentia) Ann Charlotte Greever Carolyn M. Grubb Carol Joayne Hajek Cheryl McClure Hancock (In Absentia.) (In Absentia.) (With ·Honors) Clothing and Textiles Home Economics Education -34- Perrin Galveston Paint Rock Houston Colorado City SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science In Home Economics (Continued) Zady Evelyn Higginbotham MAJOR HOME ADDRESS Home Economics Education Beaumont Sharon Jeanene Hill Gene Elaine Holden Nancy Kay Hood Applied Arts Clothing and Textiles Food and Nutrition Karen Sue Houston Shirley H. Ickes Glenda Carol Israel Elizabeth Carolyn Jackson Home and Family Life Ralls Home Economics Education Lubbock Home Economics Education Fort Worth Home Economics Education-Home and Family Life Roseville, Calif. Applied Arts Houston Home Economics Education El Paso NAME (In AbSeDtl&) (With Blgtl Honors) (With Honors) Jenny Kay Thornton Jackson Nana Lee Knight (In AbSeDI:I&) PamelaKunishige Carol Latham Mary Dee Ledyard Jo Carolyn Tune Meador Rebecca Jean Meadows Jayne JUln Meschter (In Absenllla.) Nan Metzger Tanya Tarkington Middleton Janice LaVerne Miller Murna Welch Miller Patricia Ann Minor (ln Absentia.) Alta Fay Moss Patricia Ann Nelson Linda Lee Nuttall Carol Martin Patterson Rebecca Alba Pena (With Honors) Hereford Plainview Lubbock Clothing and Textiles Stephenville Clothing and Textiles Stephenville Clothing and Textiles Amarillo Home Economics Education Lubbock Clothing and Textiles Midland Clothing and Textiles Killeen Clothing and Textiles Dallas Applied Arts Lubbock Home Economics Education Lubbock Clothing and Textiles Dimmitt Clothing and Textiles Bellaire Applied Arts Ben Franklin Clothing and Textiles Littlefield Food and Nutrition Houston Clothing and Textiles Amarillo Home Economics Education Odessa Mary Lou Prather Nancy Caron Pyeatt Marilyn Kay Smathers Reid Martha Camille Rhodes Home and Family Life Rochester Home Economics Education Colorado City Applied Arts Lubbock Clothing and Textiles Tulia Home Economics Education I.Jano Home Economics Education Lubbock Priscilla C. Riordan Home Economics Education Marilyn Rust Home Economics Education Food and Nutrition Linda Dell Penman Orinea Fay Feaster Petty (With Honors) (In Absentia.) Marilyn Scott (In Absentia.) Rita Elaine Sewell Mary Diane Sharman (ln Abstnt:l&) Judy Kay Fite Shiver Jane Irene Sosnowy Mary Helen Stanley Pamela Susan Sullivan Janet Ray Trimm Donna Elizabeth Tyson Mary Lee Ullum Big Spring San Antonio Lubbock Home Economics Education Fort Worth Amarillo Home Economics Education Home Economics Education Lubbock Home Economics EducationClothing and Textiles Texas City Clothing and Textiles Shamrock Clothing and Textiles San Antonio Home Economics Education-Clothing and Textiles Buenos Aires, Argentina Home Economics Education Levelland La Marque Applied Arts (ln ~tfa.) Victoria Lynn Vann Home and Family Life -35- Brownwood SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science In Home Economics (Continued) NAME Jane Clothier Weber JoAnn Wight Patsy Ann Rannefeld Wright MAJOR HOME ADDRESs Home Economics Education Midland General Home Economics Amarill Food and Nutrition Rose~ Sandra Lee Wright Linda Kay Yoder Home Economics Education General Home Economics (In Absentia.) Crandall LaPorte TilE GRADUATE SCHOOL May 28, 1966 NAME Susanne Foster Allstrom Master of Arts MAJOR Sociology HOME ADDRESS Lubbock Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, Newcomb College, 1962 Thesis: "Husband e.nd Wife Agreement on Ideal Marital Roles a:n'd AdJustment to Wife's Employment" (In Sylvia Girsh Ashby English Marilyn Day Brandt Psychology San Antonio Philip Latimer Browning Psychology Madison, Wis. Dewey Lynn Bryant Government Nona Pevehouse Burgamy English Lubbock Martin Anthony Cannon, Jr. English Lubbock Charles Carothers Psychology Robert Ouintana Carter Spanish Garden City Jimmy CaiToll Couch English Seymour Mary Elizabeth Dalton English Pulaski, Va. Charles Kenneth Edgley Sociology Bachelor of Arts, State University of Iowa, 1950 Thesis: "Shakespeare: Versions of 'The Golden World' " Lubbock (In Absentia.) BaChelor of Science ln Education, Southwest Texas State College, 1961 Thesis : "A Comparative study of the Selt-Adm,nlstratlon and Reader-Admlnl.s· tratlon of the IIIIIIPI to :Blind a.nd Sighted Subjects" (In Absentia) Bachelor o! Arts, Howard Payne College, 1962 Report: "Screening Tests tor Specific Reading Dlsablllty: A Prellmlnary Study" Dallas (In Absentia) BaChelor of Arts, Texa.s Technological College, 1960 Thesis : "The Formulation and Admlnlstrat1on of Municipal Debt Polley" BaChelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1964 Thesis: "Ralph Nlckleby: The ·Development of a Vlllaln In Nicholas Nlckleb:r" Bachelor of SCience, Oklahoma Sta.te Unlvars'lty, 19{8 Thesis: "CowbOy Song Adapta.tlons" Boston, Mass. Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1961 Thesis: "The Reta.tlonship Batween Dlsablllty of Blindness md Personality Adjustment" BaChelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1964 Report: "Loa temas reUgiosos en Bl.lo de hombre" Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1965 Thesis: " The lllatlll'lng of l:be Passion ln the 'Poetry of Alexander Smith" (In Absentia) Bachelor ot Arts, Radford College, 1964 Thesis: "Suggestions of a WordaWorthlan Influence fa :l:be Phrasing, Ima&ery, a.nd Ideas of the Poetry of Matthew Arnold" St. Charles, Mo. Bachelor of Arts, Viayland College, 1965 Thesis: "Correlates of Dissatisfaction In an Urba.n Reloc&tlon Project" -36- THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Arts (Continued) NAME MAJOR Margaret Droemer Gessley Mathematics Houston Minard Heston Gildon Government Lubbock Aubrey Green English Lubbock Michael Carleton Hairgrove English Spur Mary Gristy Johnson English Lubbock Horace Grady Lackey, Jr. English Lubbock June Ellen Fields Lackey English Lubbock Barbara Furber Lynch English Lubbock William Franklin Martin English Lamesa Sanga Moleechati Economics Bangkok, Thailand John Gilbert Moline Psychology Ellington, Conn. Nelson Christian Sager English San Antonio Frank R. Simpson History San Angelo Billie Ruth Latch Watkins History New Haven, Conn. Randall James Widener Psychology HOME ADDRESS (In Absentia) Ba chel'or of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1964. Thesis: "Generalizations of Arithmetic Convolutions" Bachelor of Arts, The University of Texas, 191515 Thesis: "Hospital Districts in Texas" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, West Texas State University, 1962 Thesis : " The Feminine Role In Sir Walter Scott's Novels" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, The University of Texas , 1962 Thesis: " The 'Female Image in Whitman's Poetry" Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 19M Thesis: "Hawthorne-The Welcome Intruder" Bachelor of Arts, Hard!n•Simmons University, 1948 Thesis: "Katherine Ann Porter' s Theory of Art as Revealed In Her Life and Work'' Bachelor of Arts, Hardln"Simmons Un'lverslty, 1948 Thesis: "Historical Reality and llluslon in F . Scott Fitzgerald's Fiction" Bachelor of Arts, The University of Texas, '1963 Thesis: "Shakespeare's Comic Vlslc:ln: The Fundamental Elements of Shakespearean Comedy" Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1954 Thesis: "The Irony of Kine Lear" Bachelor of Economics, Tbammasat University, 1961 Thesis: "The Problems Confronting Labor Organizations In ThaUand" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, Hardin-Simmons University, 1964. Thesis: "A Study of Attitudes Toward the Disabled Using the ATDP and a Semalrtlc Differential With a Control for Social Desirability" (In Absenffa) Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1960 Thesis: "Elements of Satire In the Works of Louis MacNiece" Bachel'or o Science in Education, Texas Technological College, 1961 Thesis: "The Tulia Herald: A Study In .Journalistic Influence" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Education, Texas Technological College, 1963 Thesis: "An Examination of the A'nti·Forelgn Attitude In the United States Between 1919 and 1929, Based upon the Periodical Literature of the Time'' El Paso (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, Texas Western Colleg~. 1964. Repol't: " 'Self-Concepts and Personality Adjustment Between Racial and Eth· nlc Groups ot Delinquents" -37- THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Business Admlnistratlon NAME James Carthel Armstrong MAJOR Cecil Douglas Buck Management HOME ADDRESS Accounting Midland, Mich. Bachelor of Arts, Texas "Technological College, 1964 Report: "The Role of an Accountant In Pricing" L bb Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Technologteal College, 196ll U ock Report: "Electronic Data Processing Feasibility Studies: A Model for u •• _ mm~· - ~• John Overton Burford Economics Thomas Russell Craddick Finance Fort w Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Technological College, 1962 Ol'th Thesis: "The Development of the Coronado Urban Renewal Project Lubb k Texas'' ' oc • 'Midl d Bachelor of Buslnees Adml'n'lstratlon, Texas Technological College, 1965 an Report: "A Study of Customer Services Offered by ·Selected Commercial .., __ ,__ In Texas" ........,.. Donald Alexander Cunningham Marketing Lubbock Larry Daniel Franklin Accounting Ladonia Walter Sharpe Hailes Finance Odessa June Jones lgo Business ·E ducation Morton Edgar Winters Jordan Economics Ralph Bennett McClure, Jr. Management Carroll Vance McDonald Finance Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Technological College, 19611 Report: " A New Product Classification Concept and Its Effect upon a Flrlll'a Marketing Operation" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Business Administration, East Taxas SU:.te University, 1965 Report: "Accountl'zrg for Small ~neral Contractors" Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Technological College, 1965 Report: "A Study of the Relationship Between the Level of Real Estate Ac· tlvlty and the General Level of Business Activity In Lubbock, Teu.a" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Business Administration, Texas Technological College, 1962 ThesiS: "Straight-copy Standards for College Typewriting" San Antonio Bachelor of Business Admllrtstratlon, Texas T echnological College, 196i Report: "Education and Economic Development" Pampa (In Absentia) Bachelor 'Of Business Administration, Taxas Technological College, 1964 Thesis: "Factore Which Influence the Need for Farm Equipment, wltb Implications for Sales Forecasting" Littleton, Colo. Bachelor of SCience in Business Admlnlstratlon, University of Denver, 19M Report: "The Role of South Plains Commercial Banks In FIDanetnc Agrlcul· ture• t Richard Churchill Spikes Accounting •Lubbock Manuel Atendido Tipgos Accounting Dimasalang, Masbate, Richard Glee Wood Finance (In Absentia) Bachelor of Business Admlolstratlon, Texas Technologieal College, 1965 Report: "Should ~lnanclal Statements be AdJusted to Re!lect Price-level Changes Due to Inflation?" (In Absentl&) Philippines Bachelor of •Science In Commerce, Far Eastern University, 1961 Report: "A Survey and Comparison of Bank Internal Auditing Practices In the Phlllpplnes and lo the State of Texas" Levelland (lo Absentia) Ba chelor of Arts, Baylor University, 1952 Repart: "The Small 'Busloess Investment Act and the Financial Needl of Small Business" -38- THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Education NAME MAJOR Ralph Henry Atkinson Physical Education HOME ADDRESS Bachelor of ·Science In Education, Texas Technological College, 1960 Richardson Janet Oldenburg Bingham Lubbock Fay Virdell Clary Lubbock (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, Southern 'Methodist University, 1962 Thesis: An EvaluatiolX of Techniques Used In Teaching Proofreading In the Sixth Grade" Bachelor of Science, H oward Payne College, 1956 Report: "Factors Which Influence the Retention of Re-enrolled High School Dropouts" Weldon Rucker Drake Greenville Barbara Sue Fails Brownfield Bachelor of Arts, Baylor University, 1944 Bachelor of Science In Education, Texas Technological College, 1961 Freddye Jean Wise Harrell Bachelor of Selence In Education, Texas Technological College, 1957 Sandra Jean Harris Physical Education Lubbock Andrews Bachelor of Science, Sui Ross State College, 1959 Thesis: " 'Growplay'-A Creative Dance Developed and Choreographed from the Natural Growth and Play Movements of Children" Mary Elizabeth Butler Heckerman Lubbock (In Absentia) Bachelor of Business Administration, Baylor University, 1958 Ida Polk Jones Post Bachelor of Arts, Baylor University, 1949 Report: "Reading Research with Words In Color" William Forrest Lewis Physical Education Lubbock (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1960 Report: "Effects of a Specific Swimming Program on Cardiovascular Fitness and Strength" Linda Boehme Nix (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science 1n Educat1o'n·, Midwestern University, 1961 Report: " Elementary School Science Teacher" Denver, Colo. James Earl Pollard, Sr. Post Patricia Ann Noles Price Lubbock (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, McMurry College, 1950 (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Education, Texas Technological College, 1958 Report: "A Reading Program for Gifted Children" Robert Lee Reagan (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Education, Texas Technological College, 1961 Robert Ervin Smotherman Burkburnett Seagraves (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Education, Texas Techhologlcal College, 1960 Report : "An Analysis of Experimental Practices ·to Upgrade Small School Programs•• -39- TilE GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Education (Continued) NAME HOME ADDRESS Archer City Albert Hugh Wilson (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Education, North Texa..s State University, Report : "Programmed x-rntng In the u. 8. Alr Force" 19~ Master of Music Education NAME !reba C. Farley Edwards HOME ADDRESS Lamesa Bachelor of Science, Northeastern State College, 19U Report: "Euentlalll of Teaeh!Dg Music In the Elementary School" Mary Tucker Joplin BaChelor of :Music, Southern Methodist University, 1960 Report: "Music Therapy : A Study as Related to the Emotionally Child" Lubbock ota1......4 ~"" Master of Science NAME William Harlan Almond MAJOR Physics HOME ADDRESS Abernathy Bachelor of Science, Texa..s Tecbnologlcal College, 1963 Thesis: "The ColllltrucUon and Calibration of an Ebert·Faatle Vacuum Spectograph'' Dewey Richard Baker Mathematics William Ralph Bennett Botany Jonathan Sayer Burton Mathematics Albert Dean Chamrad Range Science Beeville (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, Texas Teebnologtcal College, 1964 Thesis: "Survey of Second Degree Diophantine EquatiOD.B" Post Bachelor of Arte, Pa..sadena College, 1966 Thesis: "A Study of Dry Rot oa OpunUa In Northwestern Texu" (fn Absentia) BaChelor of Science, Texa..s Technological College, 1962 Tbesls: "Selected TbeoremB on the FIXed Point Property" Hamilton Beeville (In Absent!&) Bachelor of Science tn Agriculture, Texa..s College of Arts and Industries, 1960 Tbesta: "Winter and Spring Food Hablte of White-Tailed Deer on tba Welder Wildlife RefUge" Thelma Christenson Chenault Mathematics Snyder Bachelor of Science, Teza.s Technological College, 1983 Thesis: "Dirichlet's Theorem on 'Prtmes In an Arithmetic Progrenlon" Thomas Edward Chenault Mathematics Midland William Earl Clark Mathematics Lubbock Sterling Gene Crossley Mathematics Dallas Bachelor of Scl~ln:e, 'l'ex:a..s Technological College, 19M Thesis: "Identities Involving Fibonacci Numbers" Bachelor of Arta, Texas Technological College, 1963 Thesis: ''Some Additive PropertiM of the Euler 0-Func:tloo" Bachelor of Arte, Rfce U'alverslty, 1963 Thesis: "Selected Theorems on Contraction and Retraction Mapplnge" -4o- 11m GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Sdeace (CoalilnuJ) MAJOR NAME HOME ADDRESS Snyder Charles Ewell Forehand Entomology Levelland (lD AbseDtla) Bachelor of SdeDee Jn Acrfc:ult:are, Texas ~ OoUece. 1981 TheSis: •-n.e Fate Of Pestldcles APPUed. to Lalr.e BeCia and SllnouDclblc lllleds'' StanleY Cooper Harrison John Holt Lubbock Geology :baehelor of Arts, Jllllltana state Unh erslb<, 1.956 Tllesis: ''DepOsltloDal Kedlanlcs or the l'enlllWl ~ Tcmcue. Lalit C21ance caDJoD, New Jlezlco" Agricultural Economics water-- ~ 8aDdstoDe College Station (In Abseutla) Badlelor of SCience tn Apfcultnre, Texas TectmoloclcaJ CoUece, 1981 Thesis: "An .EcoDomJe Anal)'SIS of OODflnemeat 'Paort Production 011 the Soa.tll Platns of Texas'' BillY Daniel Kam Park Administration Robert Edward Knight Mathematics Edwin William LeMaster Physics Amarillo Yi Liu Physics Taipei, China :rez>ee Badlelor of tn Apfeultnre, "l"eza.s TedmolOCfcal CoUep, '111&7 "nlesis: "Parlt Land Acqlds!UIIIl and <>petr Bpa.ce .Pneervatlllll" SUdan Tyler Badlelor of SCience, "l"eza.s TedmoiOCfcal Collep, 1981 Tllesis: ' ' Le&st-&quans PolJnomlal Cllr"ft-F!tline UWimDC OrthbiODal ~ noml&ls'' (In AJ:Jeelltla) Bachelor of Science, West TeX&a state UDI~. 1962 '11lesl.s: "Sepan.t1oD. of the ~ of Neon b:r Tllermal Dlffllslon" (In Abseutia) Bachelor o f Sc:lence, TahraD Ch11stlan Tllesis: " Beta-Gamma. CorrelaUab With eou-. 1063 ~ ~ce" Zoology Big Lake Jerry Wright Moulder Physics Bowling Green, Ky. Franklin Delano N'JXOD Mathematics Charles Oran McKinney (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, Tile Unl'n!l'lllt:r of Taas, 1lHK TheSis: •'Experlmeatal ~ Betwem Three Populations of the :t..baard, Uta~" Bachelor of SCience, Western Kentacll:r State College, 19M Tlu!sls: "callbration of a Setnt1llat1on Beta Ray Spectrometer'' F1oydada (In Absentia) Bacbelor of SCience, West Texas State Unlftrldt)', 1983 Report: " Tile Golden SecUon and the Lot;arlthmlc Spl.ral" Robert Preston Pitbnan Zoology Lubbock (In Absentia} Bachelor ot Arta, Tens Tec:bn'oJogleal College, 1963 "nlesls: " ImmUDOelectropboretlc Characterization of the H~ of the erantah, PJoeamiJIInu a1m.-na and l'roellmllllna dadd" Jeff Powell Range Science (lD Absentia) Corvallis, Ore. Badlelor of 8clence, Southea.stenl Lou.lalana Collece, '1961 Bachelor of Science, Oregon State Unlv~m~lt)', 19M Thesis: "Foap ProducUon FoUowtng Selected lfechanlcal Bnlab Control PracUcea in South Texas" -41- THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Science (Continued) NAME Doyle Daniel Rexrode MAJ'OR Joseph Daniel Rodgers Range Science Eugene Lynn Simmons Chemistry Cecil Thaddeus Simpson Chemistry Louis Charles St. Germain Geology Houston Horton Struve Physics Abem th a y Paul Joseph Vallerie Mathematics Benjamin Thomas Waak Physics Stanley Gilbert Westbrook Animal Breeding John Randall Wilbanks Geology HOME ADDRESs Mathematics Plainview Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1962 Thesla: " I . M. Vlnogradov•a RepreaentaUO'D of Goldbach'• Problem fo• Odd Integen" • " Tom Bean (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, East Texas State University, 1963 Thesis: "Seasonal Protein Content of Some Important Range Graases In L county, Texas" Ynn Do N Bachelor of Science, Eastern New Mexico University, 1964 ra, .'M. Thesis: "Solid-State Thermal and Photochemical Reactions of Some Tranattl Metal Oxalato Complexes" on Bachelor of Science, Texas Technological College, 1963 Thesis: "Competitive Cyanoethylatlon Reactions of Some Ketones" Cro b s yton (In Absentla) Bachelor of Science, Texas Technological College, 1963 Thesis: " Depositional Dynamics of the Brushy Canyon Formation, Dela.wue Basl"n·, 'Texas" Bachelor of Science, Texas Technological College, 196. Thesis: "The Disintegration Energy of Coli" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, United State Air Force Academy, 1980 Thesis: "Geometry of Numbers" Norwalk, CoM. Lufkin (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, southern Methodist University, 1963 Thesis: "Beta Ray Scintillation Speotrometer" Stephenville Bachelor of Science In Agriculture, Texas Technological College, 1962 Thesis: "Effect of a Leg Weighting Technique on Carcass Development and Feedlot Performance of Lam·bs" (In Ab&entla) Las Vegas, N.M. Bachelor of Science 1n Geology, New Mexico m.utute of Mining and Techn'olou, 1960 Thesis: "Zircons from the Copper Flat Intrusion, Rlllaboro, New Mexico" John Ronald Williams Chemistry Stanley Wilson Zoology Eden (In Absentia) Bachelor of Elclence, Texas Technological College, 1964 Thesis : "A Thermoa:nalytlcal study of Some Cobalt (ll) Chloride-Amine Onium Chloride Systems" Wapanucka, Okla. (In Absentla) Bachelor of Science In Education, Southeastern State College, 1959 Master of Science In Chemical Engineering NAME HOME ADDRESS Osman Selcuk Ergin Istanbul, Turkey Bachelor of Science, Unlver81ty of Istanbul, 1983 Thesis : " Dehydration of Acetonitrile by Salting-out In a York-Bcllelbel Liquid Extraction Column" -42- Tim GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Science In Civil Engineering HOME ADDRESS Lubbock NAME James Walter Culp (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science tn Civil Engtneerhlg, Texas Technological College, 196i Report: " Preliminary Investigation of Nylon Fibers In Structural Concrete" Harry Malcolm Marsh El Paso (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science tn Civil Engineering, Tens Technological College, 196i Report: "An Analysis or Inelastic Buckling of Isolated Pin-Ended Columns" Edward Ellis Plaxco ill Bowie Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering, Texaa Technological College, 1965 Report: " Tile Fatlque or Metals and Structural Components" David Wayne Stephens Crosbyton (In Absentia) Bachelor or Science In CIVIl Engineering, Texas Technological College, 1965 Report: "A Study of the Economics of a Co'llstructed Pit for Ground Water Recharge l)n the High Plains of Texas" Frank Ayers Williamson Dalhart (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering, Texas Technological College, 1985 Thesis: "Shear Strength of \Lightweight 'Prestressed Concrete Beams" Master of Science In Electrical Engineering NAME HOME ADDRESS Amarillo Phillip Basil Clark (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering, Texas Technological College, 196i Report: "Approximation Teclrn1ques In Optimum Filter Design Using Orthonormal Functions" Charles Raymond Key Big Spring William Coy McMahan Levelland William Micheal Marcy Lubbock (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science tn Electrical Engineering, Texas Technological College, 1964 Report: "Investigation or the Thermoelectric 'Properties or a Germanium-Silicon Alloy and Bismuth Telluride" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science In Eleotrlcal Engineering, Texas Technological College, 19M Report: "The Analysis of -a Variable-Frequency Multlvlbrator" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science 1n Electrical Engineering, Texas Technological College, 196i Report : "An Investigation of the Hall Ef.fect of Germanium, SUicon and Gallium Phosphide'' David Bruce Powell Shaker Heights, Ohio Jerry Ivan Stafford Levelland Bachelor of Science hr Electrical Engineering, Texas Technological College, 196i Report : "Periodic Signal Detection with Finite Crosscorrelators" (In Absentia) Bacheror of Science In Electrical Engineering, Texas Technological College, 19M Report: "An Electronic Temperature Controller Utlll21ng the Silicon Controlled Rectltler'' Master of Science in Home Economics NAME MAJOR Grace Anne Potts Badgett Home Economics Education HOME ADDRESS Floydada Bachelor of SCience In Home Economics, Texas Technological College, 1965 Thesis: "Personal and Environmental Factors Contributing to Success or Nonsuccess of !Married Home Economics Undergraduate Students at Texas Technological College' • -43- TilE GRADUATE SCHOOL Master of Science In Home Economics (Continued) NAME MAJOR Ann Cunningham Coyle Home Economics Education Jessie Joyce Knight Kilian Home Economics Education HOME ADDREss (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, West Texaa State University, 1962 Thesis: "Attitudes of College Women Concel'nlng Home 'lllcon'omdcs" Amarillo Lubbock Bachelor of Science, The University of Wlaconaln, 1958 Thesis: "·Reactions of Selected Groups to a.n Audio Vlau&l Pretentatt Five Occupations of the Home Economics Wage E&rntng Pro~~ ot Master of Science in Industrial Engineering NAME HOME ADDRESS Herbert George Campbell Fort Walton Beach F1 'd Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering, The University of New Mexteo Jfi a Thesis: "A Heuristic Solution Technique for Near Optlnlal Produotton s-~... ules'* Wluu· Bobby Lee Cape (In Absentia) Littlefield Bachelor of Science In Industrial Engineering, Texas TechDologiC&l College 196{ Thesis : "EvaJuatton of Econ'Omlc Alternatives under <nl'flatlon" ' Thomas Paul Hancock Johnstown, Pa. Bachelor of Science, The Pennsylvania State University, '1960 Thesla : "An Investigation of Production Rate, In-Process Inventory and Production QuaJity of all A.aembly Operation" Louis Glenn Jamar Spalding, Michigan (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science <In MetaJJurglcaJ Engineering, Michigan College Of Mining and Technology, 1959 Thesis : •"Cutting FlUid Lubricity a.nd First Cut Surta.ce Roll&hneu In SIDcle 'Point Turning'' Brian Kerry Lambert San Angelo (In Absentia) Bachelor Of SCience In IndustrtaJ Engineering, Texas TechnologiC&! College, 19M Thesis: " Development of Cutting Force Equations U1lng Reduced M&cnttude !Machining . Variables" Virgil Bennie McElhannon Campton, Georgia Baldev Govindram Raheja Bombay, India (In Absentia) Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, :1981 Thesis: "An AnaJysls ot the Center ot Gra.vlty ot the Arm During Cert&ID Simulated lndustrfaJ Movements" (In Abaentla) Bachelor of Engineering, Kanul.tak University, 1983 Thesis: "Etfect of Pace on Velocity a.nd Acceleration httema of Body Member MotiOOUI In Space" George A. Schultz McAllen (In Absentia) Bachelor of SCience In Industrial Engineering, Texaa Technologle&l College, 1982 Thesla: "Meuurement of the Incremental Croea Sectional Are& Of the Upper Arm under Dyne.mlo Conditions" Richard Dowlen Smith Walters, Okla. Jackson Ahner Thomas Glenshaw, Pa. (In Absentia) Ba.chel'or ot SCience, United statee Alr Force Academy, 1961 'I'heala: "A SOlution ot one Type or the N-Jpb, M-Machlnel!equenctng Problem" (In Absentia) Bachelor Of SCience, The ~ennsylva.nla State University, 1960 Thelia: "The Sensitivity of the Q-S:vstellll of Inventory Control to Foreeuttnc Errors In the Demand Distribution" -44- 1HE GRADUATE SCHOOL u.ster or Sc.iellee • lDdusbtal Eqillemac (Colrlilntefl) NAME HOME ADDRESS NAME HOME ADDRESS Charles Owen Etheridge Jacksonville (In AhsmlliaJ Badlelar o r Science 1n illed1a.nleal EDg!Deerlac, TeltU Tedulologleal eonece, 1963 Report: "~c Respcmse of a Two-Story Rigid Frame" John Baskin Gibert, Jr. Lubbock (In Absentia) Badlelar of Science In KecbaDieal ~. Tua.s 'hchno1ogleaJ CoUece. 111M Report: "A Ren ew or Gas Vlac:osit;J' ileasunJDeot. Tedmlques'' Dain Michael Hancock Lisle, m. (In Absentia) Bachelor of Sdeoee In Hedla!Ueal EDclneerinK. Tuas Technological College, 19M Report: "A Renew of ADat7ses for Laminar F1ow Heat 'l'Hnster with Variable PbYS!c:al Propertim" Andrew Cleveland Lyle Lubbock John William Scoggan Amarillo Bachelor of SdeJK:e -In Petroleum ~. Tua.s TecbnolocleaJ CoUep, 1951 Report: ''StlDpUfitatlon of Fluid F10W In ·P ipes b:y Dlmeoaloaal A.Dalysls" (In A.bsenU&) Bachelor o f ScleD<:e Ill llechaaleal ~. Texas Tedmological CoDece. 196l Report: " Tbe Design aDd Coostructkm of an Impact Energy Abeorblng Devtce" Kennedale Jackie Wayne Sudduth ( In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, state College, 19M Report: " An Analysis of Heat Traus!er Dur!Dg CondensaUon" Corpus Ouisti Robert Sagarino Wenning (In Absentia) Bacbelor of Sck!boe to lleehanlc:al EDglneerlDg, Tuas Tedmologieal College, 19815 Report: "SolutloD of a Four llass Vibrating System b7 a. Passi~ Electrical Network" Thomas Vernon Williams Houston (In AbsenUa.) Bacbelor of ScleDce in Mechanical EDPoeerfng, Texu Tedmologlcal College, 196l Report: "Tbe Tbeory and Adjustment of a!mder Interferometer" ---4S- THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Doctor of Education NAME HOME ADDRESs Nancy Smith Boze Lubbock Bachelor of Science, East Texas State University, 1940 Master of Arts , East Texas State University, 1955 Dissertation: "A Content Analysis of the Methods Courses for the Teaching of Engllsll In Secondary Schools' • Charles Ray Jones Fr Seldon C. Robinson L bbo Bachelor of Science, North Texas State University, 1938 Master of Science, North Texas State University, 1940 Dissertation: "A Competency Pattern for Elementary School counselors" ost Bachelor of Science, Sui Ross State College, 1935 U ck Master of Busroess Administration, Texas Christian University, 1940 Disser-tation : "Student Evaluation of the Adequacy of Student Person Services In Selected Institutions of Higher Education tu Texa~~.1 Doctor of Phllosophy NAME MAJOR Robert Earl Cathers Chemistry HOME ADDRESS Wichita, Kansas (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, University of Wichita, 1961 Master of Science, University of Wichita, 1963 Dissertation: "A Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Some Hydrated 'Coordination Compounds" C~emistry Grants N M Bachelor of Science, New !Mexico Institute of 'Mining and Tech'lrology, 1963' · • Dissertation: " An Electrophoretic and Spectrophotometric Study of the Denaturation and Coagulation of Ovalbumin by Shaking" Dennis W. Darnall John Everett Godfrey, Jr. English Robert Bruce Graham Psychology Charles Leroy Kenner History Gary Carley Palmer Psychology Lubbock Bachelor of Arts, !Moravian College, 1948 Master of Arts, Leblgh University, 1958 Dissertation: " Beowulf as Martial Epic" Greenville, N.C. (In Absentia) Bachelor of Arts, University of Redla.'llds, 1956 Master of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1959 Dissertation: "Satiation and Recovery of the Exploratory Drive as a Function of Environmental Complexity and Trial Length" San Angelo Bachelor of Arts, Panhandle Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1954 Master of Arts, Oklahoma State University, 1958 Dissertation: " A History of New Mexlc:a'n·Plalns Indian Relations" Paris Bachelor of ·Science, Texas A&H University, 1956 Master of Education, Texas A&:M University, 1957 Dissertation : " A Study of the Effects of Hearing Lou on the LocalizatiOn or Sound" Sue Simpson Park English Monahans James Patrick Smith Chemistry Richardson Frederick Henry Wolfe Chemistry East Meadow, N.Y. Bachelor of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1958 Master of Arts, Texas Technological College, 1964 Dissertation: "Satire of Characterization In the Fiction of Sinclair Lewis" (In Absentia) Bachelor of Science, North Texas State University, 1962 Dissertation: "The Thermal Dluocla.tlon o! some Coordination Compounds" Bachelor of Arts, Hofstra College, 1960 Dissertation: "A Quantitative Study on the Denaturation of Ovalbumftl by Shaking" -46- THE GRADUATE SCHOOL HONORARY DEGREE Doctor of Fine Arts HOME ADDRESS San Patricio, New Mexico NAME Peter Hurd ---47- Printed By THlll TEXAS TECH PRESS Tau Technological College Lubbock
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