' 10¢ Per Copy and The Castro County News ra~ lro co1w lv L_______ BYBMN ________ , An lmportnrrt mrcting will be held in the District Courtroom 1\tesdny ni gh t at 7 :30 o'clock whC' n the Milo farm rR of th is n1t'U will mr,•t fo1· a diM•ussion of th cl'iti..:al situation confrontlm; th<' nation's gruin grow"rs. An nroo Officit~l P ublict~tion VOLUME XX IX DIMMITT, CASTRO COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10, 1955 ----------------------------------• Car Shortage Still GI'U in Growers Association was ot·· gnnlzf'd lo st .)CUI' with CaHtro County quallf.>·ing with a Jocnl organitatlon, It is undrt• the SPiJil· sorshlp o f that organization that c ur-ren t m eclln~s nrC' lx:omg hrld This wilt be t he opportunily fot· milo gt"OWCI'S to ha\ e n say in 1hr rrcommcndatlon~ that w11l bt' pr{'S('n tcd to the D<>J>artmC'nt of Ag riculture, rC'solutlons that, it Is hoped, will IX' ndopt('d and em• bodied m the farm program rwxt ~car givi ng the rannet· somethi ng like a fair s hare of the national income. - ndacc1 have no r•lght to tell farmers of the coun t y to attend their own meetings, meeti ngs t hat are or vital importance to th('ir future economic we ll being, but this is your o pportunity to talk, \'Ote arrd act in your own behalf, and be· sides t ha t the price or gram has a lot to do wit h my business too. Tha t gh·cs m e a t least an excuse to advise you to attend the meet· ing and help take care of your business, an d mine. - adacc1 t i5 a wo nder to me thn t far· m ers don't ge t an Infe riority complex whert thy are harvesting a nd marke t ing their crops. About all they can hear is the awful injusticC' thry are doing thC>ir fellowmen by piling up such hu~c suppit popu!Arlr called SUR PLl 1S· ES ot ribrc and roodsturrs to fN'd and clothe the nation. From what \\ e r<'ad and h<'Br non<' of t hC' cotton and milo Is usC'd for· nny pur pose othe r' than to irrcr('D5C' t hat awful sUI·plus that Mr. fkonson rrf('rS to 50 often \\'hy don't 11omchody find out how much or l hC' st uff Is consumrd and sold to fl"icndly coun t ri('s, don't look Ilk(' that part of t he farmers' produce would ha\·e to be so ch('-al> just because we ha\'C ('-nou~:h l£>ft on hand t Insure against a shortage lr1 ca ('- or a drouth or bum crop )('Rr. F am1e1-s ha\"f" ah\ays been the viclim of. and at the m C' rcy of. a manipulated m arke t. a condition O\'er which they had no say or con t rol what('\'er . But just as soon as the go\·crnm en t reached out a he lping hand to the farmer W£' at once became a socilaistic s tate and e\'('r)•t hing about the whole farm progra m • was socialism of t he worst type, when in fact other segmern.s ot our na tional ind ust ry had bc<tn receiving ben£'fits from t he same t)'JX' of )('gislnUon e\·er since. If farmers don' t want to see the gains they hnH• made In the last t\\ cnty years wiped ou t t h('y had bet t r do ever) thing they c.nn to promote their own lntcr('sts ut e\ery opporlll nity. This Republican proSJ)('rlty t hat wf' r<'ad and hrar so much about urrdouhh-dly I bcnPfillimt somehody 1"14.-sidl'S tht' fam1('rs and a~ricultural area,. of the natl n Yo u han' ~o t l\lr. Benson with you and you Rl"('- goin' to havl' h im for t h(' duration or thi .. ad· mini!iltla 11011. and you Rl"(' not ~a in~ to hB\C' much ('(feet on thl' policil's he ehoosrs to pursue in the oJ)('rntion of thC' Dt•J)llrtmrn t or At:liC'ult Nrc, hut you can IN him know that you ar(' not . atisricd with his sliding scale or pl'ice suppor ts and that you know who is hurting you cHn 1f ~ou d o n' t know why. Pooplc that take a whipping setting down may not d eser•c an) thing b<'ttrr, but those tha t en ter a protest will be the ones that will be heard it arrd when th('rC ever is a syrru>R thetlc car in the Depa1·tmcnt of Agri culture. Atte nd that meeting TUesday ni ght at the Courthouse adn ccI haHn' t tried to devise a work able farm program in detail. :C I did it is \Cry doubtful that I could ever get anybody to listen to II much less give it any considerat ion. But there 81'(' o ne or two things that I do know and that is that any workable farm program will include support prices at a r(>asona blc le\•c l and the res tric t ion of produc tio n o n a fn lr and equitable basis. 1 will probably be ca lled a liberal because of the opinion expressed above. but a ctually I believe that my suggestio n iS t he COU r"S('- Of C011St'I"VBtiSm In the final ana l ysi~ because whert you curtail production to main· tai n a J'f'asonahle prlc<' le\el you n rc at 1he sa m f' time encouraging conscrvbtion of ou1· pricclc:-,s r csour·crs. nam£'1Y soil and walt'!" \Vhy depl te our soil u.nd exhaust our wat(' r supply to produce nn abundance of foods and fibre for which thr rc is no d r m a nd. This is practical conserva t ism and not radicalism. or socialism nnd I' m not a Communist ei ther. I'm a Dcmocra t, a Dcmocra l that believes that the tillers of the soil a1-e entitled to a fa ir share of t h(l nation's wealth and that farm e z'S a1·e not expendable. - a da ccA little m ore about this surplus bugaboo. and thi s Is for the benefit of those who arc young enough to maybe believe that ..surplus" In farm talk Is a mod· ern or current expr·cssion on ly. The flht cotton crop thnt I can remember anything about, to t~peak of, was In 1913. I remember that cotton prices were fair, about 17 cents per pound, for cor"fd.Jt\ons at that time. That is, pri ces were fair at the beginning or the harvest season. Abo• t the time (Continued On Back Page) of Ct~stro Countv , Textls PrevailsAs Milo Harvest NeilrsEnd A QUEEN IS CROWNED-Pretty, hnol -eyed Myrna Thompson , daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Joe Thompson of the Mulkey Com· munity, is pictured above smiling as she was crowned queen of the Texas Farm Bureou by President J. Walte r Hammond of Tye. At left is lovely Sandra Kimbriel , runner -up, who looks on with a sm ile of approval. Miss Thompson competed against candi. da tes from Morse , Mabelle, Floyd, Lake Creek, Colorado C ity, Harper, Thorndale, Marti nsville , Ed na, Sweeny end Kingsville . -:· -:- -:- Myrna T~ompson Selected Queen of • State Farm Bureau Pretty I\liss Myrna Thorn1~o n , Castro count~··s entry In the Texas Farm Bureau QuC'«'n Cont('St, was cro\\lll"d stnu:- Farm Bu n.'au QUe<'n 1"\.iC'sdny ni'tht in Fort \\'onh, scene or th1s year's state com·cntion. She \\'O n t he crown In com· petition with 12 other tal('ntcd aspirants, all of \\horn had \\"On Qllf'<'n titles in their" rcspec th e d istricts earllc1· this )·ea r. Runncrup to the new qu n, who " 'as crowned In special ceremonies In Fort Wort h's ~tajcstlc Theatre by tate FB President J . \Va tte r ll ammoml. Ls l\tiss San· dra Klmb1"1el of Son Juan In the R1o Grande Valle)'. This is a ignal honor for Miss Thompson and with the honor goes an ('XtX'nS(•-poid tl'ip to th e Ame1·· lean Fam1 Bureau l"ederatlon con\"('ntion 1r1 Chicago ll('Xt month and the di•Hinction of tx>ing Cas t ro count) 's first Fam1 Bu1·cau quc<'n in the histor·y of the state COI\l('Sl. In news stor•i('f; appt'arin't In the Fort \\'orth Star T<'legram and Lions Zone Meet Scheduled Thursday A zonr mC'Ctlng for Uons will lX' h('ld ~londay ni~hr. No\ 14, at 7:30 p.m . in Mrs. Ergle Twin· t"r's dmirtg room. l..ocal PresJdl·nt I-.:arl Brock announcro this week. Zon<' ChairmAn Crc1l l\1no.;..,('\ will prcs1dc at this meeting which will I)(' prl"'Cedf.'d b~ a supper Pr('sidents and sccrc tarys of each club Ill this zone, whi ch includ<"' Dimmitt, Bovina, ll<'rcford, Friona 'tnd MulcshCX', will attend. oth...•r· state papers .Miss Thompson let described as .. n farm('r's dau~ht <'r who can milk a cow." The tar T elegram further stated that "the rrcw Qll<'('n's mouth fell open and she rl'CI('(i wi th shock as t h('- announC<'ment was made that she had won the honor.'' A five foc,t, 6 1 :~ Inch brunet, Miss Thompson IB the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J oe Th mpson of the Mulk ey communi t y. She y,·as judged o n a ppearance, poise arrd personality as welt as her ability to give a short resumc on " \Vhy I'm Glad My Family Belongs to Fann Burea u." A Dimmitt H igh School junior, Miss Thompson Is a d rum major· ette in the Bobcat Band a nd be· longs to the Future lfomcmakC I'S of America. Shf.' is a popular stu dent at the high school and takes part in many school acti\•Jtlcs. In additlorr to hl'l' trip to Chi cago, 1he newly-cr·owncd qut-cn ' """ill takf" part In statewide events of th e Farm Bureau organization and will ix' called upon to make other public appt'arnnccs and fill various engarroments. Sharing- the stately, hR7<'1-c)·t'd QU<'en's surpris(' and happim.-~s wen~ Castro Count)· I-'am1 But'<'BU de-lt•gatf"s and their win•s attrndint: thC' thrf'<'·dny F o1·t \Vorth con· \{'lltion and l\tonday opcnlnt:t night QU<'<'n ronte~t. 11l<'Y W<'rt' ~tr. and ~Irs . HUitO Bc~('I"S, :\tr. am:l l\trs. Allun \\'('bb, l\tr. and !\Irs Willis Hawkins. Mr. and ~Irs . Ro)· P )£'· att, l\lr. and Mrs. J . G. Davis J1·., Ste\"C' T aylor, Bill I loch!!itein and the QU('('n's mother, Mrs. Velma Thompson. Legion Membership Breakfast Slated Bobcats Whip Tulia 19-14 But Are Eliminated From District Race trailed for over th r('c quarters in th e h· ga me with the Tuli a I lor· nets before fhrall y going ahead on an elght·)'BJ"d run by Halfback Keith Lowe with only three minutes and 29 seconds of playing time remaining on the scorcbollr·d. Tulia Halfback Goorge Washi ng· ton s tunned a crowd or almost 1,000 persons b)' rlllming 105 ynr·ds ttw firs t two times he handIt'd t hC' pigskin. Bo th runs wer·c good for scor·('S; the first being ~ood fol' an -)"<tl'd kickoff J'(' turn and the s£'COnd good for 25 !,:ards nnd a TD. Thl' Bobcats d1·cw first blood by maJ·chm~:t to th<' Hornet eight-yard stripe wht>re Hnlfbnck Jt•rr)' Brvwn J"ippcd O\Cr for six points. The ext ra point railed and Dimmitt held a brief len d of 6-0. At th is poin t \\'oshif"'lltton put the vlsl!ot"S ahead 14-6 o n hi s two long runs. the second o r which was set up on a costly cat. fumbl e on the 25 yard line. The 'T\JIIa halfbac k also kicked both o f his teams extra points. Bt-hlnd 14-6 a t halftime after a sCoreless second quarter, Dimmitt reccivt'd the third qua r ter kickoff and dro\"e almost the le ng th of the rtellil to sco1·c on a l 1-yard run by Quarterback Don Hobley . Halrback Zay Gilbreath ran t he e xtra point artd the Bobcats trailed 14- 13. The re mainder of the thir-d period went scoreless and most or the fourth when long Dimmitt drives failed to pay off due to fumbles. However, a AUC· cessful pass helped the locals set up a touchdown late ln th e final period and a few plays later Lowe went over for the "inning score. • PAGES-~lUMB ER 2 ra 1n Sorghum Pro du ce rs Slate Important Meet Tuesday New Gas Building Underway Here A modern, nrw building, which will housf' offict'S and stora~r sp..'lct• for PionCf'r Natural Gas. is unde1· construc tion in north Dim· mill and Is slatOO fot• completion wit hm 70 da)'S of the date of ntract. Killin gsworth Construction Co ha contract for t he hUJid.ing, which Is beinq constructed at a co ·t of $17.000. The bnck, tile and stet>l structure will ha\e duncnslon ~ of 25 fet>t by 5·1 f(•(· t and wilt hous<' office spacl:' in th<' fnJnt and storag:e space in the I"('RI" L. I I StC'vf"n i. local plAnt op-erator· for Pion('('r G:ts \\.hen thf' llC'W bu•lding- IS complNNl and occ upied. :\lr.., Gracr ~imms . \\if('- of t h,. rounty agC'nt, \\ill sene a boo> k kceprr 111e P1on.,rr Gas ot fief' is curl'f'ntly locatrd in tlw citY managt ·r·s office but \\ill mu\ e to thr r11w loca tion in thr s ..t-:md block nt>l th Of the C"OUrthOU:.l' \\hen it 1 read}'. 11lf' foundation for th('new Uuildin~:; comintr up on the W(...,l . ide of lll £:hway 51 has al· n·ady be<·n complctrd A coun t)·· " ·ldP tnp ll•vrl. m1•1·t .. 111g tlr gram :snfl.:hum produc·, 1• d I ~nfd to h('\p boh.tl"r dlh IIC• ally rPdUC'•·d s.:ra1n sorJ;::hum prl('f hy advocating mt•AsUrf'S thai might f'\€'ntually r,'tiult in a program BC('f'ptable to all milo grow of tht• rra lion " ·ill t,. ht>ld A cold front mov in~ across thl:' ,., 1n the D1stnct Courtroom ht•re Panhandle Monday brought thr 1'\Jf day at 7 30 p m Th!.i m~tlng county its first SOO\\ of the wlntrr 1. one of many such mN·Un w Howr' rr, the snow was light hP h('ld m milo producmi coun· tiCS n('Xt Wf 'ek and endured only a A slatr of count y drle-gates \\ho tartmli;" a 1 :30 p m . and noppm~ after nightfall The small amount of moisture that f'f•sulted from the snow hindered the cot ton harv t and was about as damagint'" a beneficial Tim<" I . t on the al· r('ady la tC' cotton harvf's t could Addl ..o n lf unh•r. n• ll·known co t s;::rov. t'r an evr·n further pro- 1st Snow Delays Cotton Harvest Addison Hunter Died Wednesday In Hereford Hospital ductum cutback. :\loS growers an· a\xlut 11 ad) to IJU . t n ppc·rs Into th<'lr fif"!d and uu~ \\·i ll hclp tu makr up far !tOm(' lo:-.1 1me. From a fa\orahlf' ,.tandpozl""t th{' moL-.tUr(' wa good fnr t-: t. wmtl·r \\h('nt and If i!Um<'S and will ht•lp t' lthrr of tht·..;e crO)'!'o that \\l'r f' lf"C(ntly ... r•-d€-d to makt· n ~tand. acrordmg to Bob \\'<'St of t he soil cor. cn·ation sef\.ice offiC'(' ht·re. The temprra tur<.' In Dimmitt ('1\rl~ Tu r~ d Ry mornm wc·n t down to 16 dt·-Tt·h ('n .. tro cuu.nt y rarmt>r and r-t • df"nt or thf'" Jumbo ('flntmunJt:tr . dlt>d In Dt'ar ..,mith ( ount) tt o ... J)ltol shortly aflt-r- mldnl""ht \\ t' dnr>~du) . ft('C'Ordln~ to Lnror· ma.tlon f"t"t'f"ht>d b) lht" ~t'\\~ tv· d.u) ( Thur~a) }. ("(au .... of th f' Jumbo ra. rmf'r· ~ untinwl~ dt·•• th \\11"1 not lntnw· dlatPI) known. J um rul own kf'" ha\f' bi'f'll M'ht>dUit'<l for I rldo.~) At S J). m . In th t' Pr ~b)"1t•rt.IO Chur-rh at ll t'rt'f ord and lntt'r· lllf' nt n111 bt-ln \\ hiJ)urk {f'lnt'• tPr) t hf'rP. \\Ill kill nrl a n ·u·'"'l rr 110 mefl- Jng n AmHnUo ,:\o\ 17 at whlch tlml" 1tll c uro11 m th• PBnhandle: arM Will pool t tlttr tffort · in n atempt to gHm OJf)re UIJport of ;jn fH'rf'plahiC' 1mHuam will a.l&o t.H' mtmf'd a th mf·H•n~ here. Tht• mf t1ng hrn.• and m ot be" count11· v.11l dt>terrrune what cour... r t hr gram ~rghum c:rower preft>r. , that '" v. ht·th1·r or not hP v. 11! go ~Jn n'<'ord a f avorin& milo a ba... IC' c-rop and accept ac, t·~t; •f• quotas S•gn1f1cant rt· oluuoru a.lrettd;y apm·o\ f-d hy m·•lo!"hhonnr c:ounty ~ram ~Ofl:'hum t l<lllS Rn ..ro"er 1 Prouoct and pro tP the intf'r t of produce of gr&J. n 101"ghums. :.2 ~<'Cure ftn:orahl(' t·rnnv·ntal policy and 3. Promul· gatP 1 Mtrth and pn)mote new u,. and salt'S of :nun son:hum. Th a1·•• ex m~·l of onl} a ff'-w N"$0lt:ltJoru t hat havr t>.en roru Prl or "ill h.> r · <'<I and l•·m up u ,~ p11~ht of th,.. mUo ~"("r and hi ~lp, count) ur or n raat1on for of- ''rla.ls t ' atm. ( ,Jrlos Cal\ crt gn.n JOt}· y kllf.>) nd R ur l [lrf"f51d nt of ri;hUm prod ucen. PCn'fAI'Jo"·l rf'ti.Sur- couo t} JitTO" ~ to lend t ht'!r UPI 1 t h} b.1ng pr· c-nt for t hf" 1mptutant m• N•n hnc Tu d y n1 ~~~ ~n· t p,\ 15. The local Gl"('('r II. Estr't~; American Legion Post \ \Ill officially brings its current mrmb('-rs hip drive to a close at a membership breakfast In Legion Hall Friday, NO\', 11. at 7 am. Membership tcams w ill make repo l·ts at the meeting o n the current Legion enrollment and It will be dC'tCrmined if the organizatKm qualificd for a membersh ip award agam. The membership goal or th<' Legion is 110. Th<' local Lf:'glon ha\'C also planned a !:pedal memorial day otr se rvanc(' in Castro l\lemorial Gar· dens Friday, which is \'('t('rans Dny throughout the nation . Prayer will be offerC'd at t h£' sen·ice. which begins at 4 p.m. and sc\·cral guns will be firC"d as a tribute and salute to t hese \\ Br d('ad. EarliC'r thi s y('-ar·, the Dimmitt post contributed - to a perpct· Utll can• fund c1·eatcd to help nmunain thr 17 \Cteran t:rB\"('!, in Co tro :0.1 moria! Gard('ns Cemrtcry. The mon<'y was d1\·idcd up in ordt•r that ,5 \\ OUid t~ us<·d o n the cal"'(.' of ('ach gra\·e. rn this way all \'et('ran gran•s arc prop('rly cared for and are a.~..,urt:'d of continu('d care a the fund Is kept alh·e th1·ough the ('fforts of \cter· ans. I Mrs. Effie Jacobs, Sister Of Dimmitt Residents, Buried Season Record Evened At 4-4 Th<' Dimmitt Bobcats eve ned their S('-ason record at 4·4 here Friday ni g ht by whippin g a s tubbam, fir·ed-up Tull n clevr-n 19-14 for thr lr fi rst conference win. In svite of th('ir victory, Coach Leo F ie ld's Bobcats were elimi na ted from th e District 2·AA confcrr ncc race as both Littl<'ricld arrd Olto n won their gamt's to move into a two-way tic for Hrst pl&cc. Th (' lt'adC't"S now have two confcrt'ncr games lrft to play ju~t rtS Dimmitt. How('\"t'l', they must play £'nch other and the wot·st the winnC'r can do is to end up with one loss in conference action while th(l flobcar" ha\'C already lost two. This situution sets th e stag(' for ne of the most cxcitil""ll:" gHmcs n th<' lli~h Plain.,. as Littll'ficld and O lton tic up In their annua l g rudg<' gnme this F l'ldny night. Dimmitt ta kes on anothC'I' winless foe this F l'iday in the Mule· shoe 1\lui ('S. The Mules arc a fairl y light tNUll as the line avei"RRCS only about 160 pounds an'd the backfit'ld about 140 pounds. An chor men in the line arc two tackle!~ , Thurston Garrison at 180 pounds and Johnny A111son, 175 pounds. Key backfield players are G. R. Howell at 155 pounds, Eddie Wilt at 140 and Johrmlc Young, 135. The Cats will be heavily favored to repeat IMt Frii1Ry ni ght's JX'rformance as the winless Mules have lOll eight games by one· sided margins. Dimmitt will be out for victory number five and a chance to make a good lmprcs· slon before playing Olton at Olton a week from this F'rld.ay. The purple and white grldders C'n~tro count)· still llf •(·cl· rail cnrs, ('}P\ntor OIX'rntors trpoi·t thi s \\l'Ck. Althou~h 2.125 cars hR\(' t)('('n rf'Ct>iv<'d at D1mmill as of 1\lesday. 1.3:)() cars arc still nr<'drd to handle grain piled around local eleva tors . The same si tuation, or1 a smaller seal~. apparrntly prc\ails at Hart this week, too. as grain remains piled around rlcvators thf'r<'. Rail cars continU(' to come In dally, but It will take some time to take up the slack. One local el('\ator OJK'rator sa id as much as 2.600.000 bushels of milo or about the l'QUhale nt of 145,600,000 pounds arc on the ground here. The snow, howC'vcr, was not sufficient <'nough to cause dam.a~e to thi, non·storcd grai n. The count}' hRr\est I§ almost 0\'Cr or about 3 !>('rcl'nt. com· plcte. It is timatcd that bl"l\\cen ... million and s<'ven hundrf"d milli on pounds ha\C' bec:1 hanC'Strd in Ca~tro county. The aH•ral;e ~ i('-ld JX'I" ocrt', acrordins;c to local operator~ . 1o; AI>Proximatf'ly 2,900 pound compor·C'd to 1.n R\·Na1!e yif'lrt las )Par of ahout 3.200 pounds 1)('r acrf' . Mor(' llCif'... were St'edrd to grain sorJ;;hums this year than last, hO\\e\cr. Storat:<' prier on milo thl we<.-k was listt'd at 156 f>("r cwt while markN price wa!i 1.50 per C\\ t. 12 Funeral services for l\l rs. Effie Jacobs, a Plalndcw resident for the past 30 ycar·s, were conduc ted 1\lcsday a t 10 am. at the First Methodist Church in Plainview. Dr·. J . J-f. rawford, First l\lcth· odist Church pa stor , officia ted. The body was taken to Husk in East Texas by nrnbularrce where g raveside rit('s w('le held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. and interment ""s In the cemetery thCI'C bcsid(' her husband. All of :\Irs. Jacobs' survi\'Ors li\ e herr cxc<'pt a brother. B. G Ra.mev or IA•nlson Th('y a1·c onr sister.~ M1·s. Etta Brashears, and t win borth('I"S, Edgar· and C:d\\111 Ramey. Mt'S. Jacobs, 83. diC'd Monda) mol"lling nt the Plairrvi('w Hospital and C'linic aftrr an 1lh1('!\~ nl ten days. Sh<' wa the cld('st daugh· tt'r and one of ten c hildren of Mrs R J . Ramey who moved to Castro coun ty in 190-t with her children following her husband's dea th irt Oklahoma . Mrs. Ramey was born at Alton, Oct. 31, 1872 and join<'<i the Moth· odist Church early In life. She was a devoted church member and work er up until her Illness. She wa.s marrlcd to Edward Jacobs In Alto, May 9, 1897. Ho died eight years later. In 1906. Mrs. Jacob8 went to castro county where she made her home with her twin brothers, Edgar and Edwin . In 1918 she we rrt to WashIngton , D. C. and kept house for her sister, Mrs. H. S. Hilburn . She 1'Cmaln d thcre until August, 1924, the n returned to Plainview, where he li\"t'<l until her death . Dimmitt-Olton l To Renew Series Council Makes 4-H Xmas Party Plans Dull~ of Castro County Hom<' Jut m ronm·c· t1on with th<' to rthromm~ count)" 1dt' 4· H Chri. tmas party " ere outlined at a me<'tmg or the county council m the courthous herr Monday afternoon. The annual party w ill be held this year on December 9. at 2:30 p.m. in th<' local American Legion Hall. Mrs. J . D. MUIT8)', president, reported on Chrl tmas pe.rty plans and asslgn('d club duli . The Sunn~ Ide club will be In chArge or program arrangements wh ile the Rance club will make plans for Anta's vi it at th oom:lu ion of the pnrty. The job of girt num· ~ri ng was ~hen the North<'ds;:r club and selection of a tree And decoration will be left up to the Bethel club. Ele\'<' n member~ wC>re pres<'nl for the meocllng "hlch was h('ld in the District Courtroom. Dcmon~trauon Olton r{'SidE'nts and school faculty m<'mlx'rs are l.a)·mlit" o ut the w('IC't' ml:' mat the afl('moon and nic;ht of November 18 when Dimmitt fnn. and the local foot ball tf"am m\"ade the South Pla.ins town to rt'tl<'\\ a grid ri\ airy that was dr!o;contmuC'd on(' ,·ear du to thr two -.chools h~.·mi: asstr ned ditfe N"nl dl tfiCtloi La..,t )~:\r Ollon wa" in Ol!iit rict :.!-AA "h1l€' Dmunitt pht)"Ni in 2-A At tht• ('nd of th<' 195·1 c;et.· son. howt"vcr, D•mmltt wa~ elevatrd to 2·AA dur to mtrf'a. cd f" O· rollmt·nt nd nt" cla""''flc:a tion rulin~ .... The P<'OPif" o( Olton are stagmlit" a chuclmA_l.!on sumX'r 11.nd horTl("(.''m.mg cC'I('brauon as the serii:'S I. rene" ed nd are lm·i ting local fan to attcnd both the Cali\ 1hes and sup(X'r wh ich wiU be . t'rvf'd In th<' school ca(('terla frc.a. 5 p.m. to 7.30 p m . Tickets far thr supper will cost $1 50 each. The Olton student body will crown a homecomJng queen at 3 p.m. and hold a pep rally. At 4 p.m.. a parade will unfold in ca.. downtown area. The two clubs ~quare off at 8 p m. on the Olton rleld. At tMa writing DmunJtt has wort one ~ fPrf'n('f' Vftmf" whliP ctmrrl~ tWQ Olton ha . a 3-0 rt'COrd. Utt!dlolll And Olton are tif"d for the ~ terence lead ; Lockney 1.8 In ...:-. ond v.nh two w1n and a 1,.,..._ kl . Dimmitt Is In third and M-. hoe and 1\i.lla are in the cellu' with no conference victorie&. , • ·- _,.....,. 1 1\.W ...,IJVI ... I 1 Nlo'rM' THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS , DIMMITT, THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS CATSUP Tlo!ere ' s a little lesson we could a ll learn 1n rec.ent happen in gs at the ro tter County Courthou se in Amar illo . One major county official and se~eral of lesser p~o~blic tr~o~st po1itions have been accused,. and found gu il ty , of miupp ro pr iat ion of public f~o~nds . Misappropriation mea ns, in general, someone talces taw:paye r money and uses it for t heir own purpons . 1t 1 just pla in o ld common, ordinary, gardan.war~tty stealin g at the base level. This particular evil is a nd has been , present all over Texas for a lonq t ime . In Dimmitt and Castro County we are pretty l~o~c. y. It 's been leve r a I yurs since we 've had anythinq li ke that hera, end we hope it ~oo~ ill be many, mo~ny yean before it hap pens ega in. But hoping isn 't going to inture the ta:~p•yen of anythin 9 . The only so lut ion , 11 nd one that has. been adopted by most 1t11tes, is • req ula rl y· scheduled 11ud it by • d isin terested certified public eceo~o~n h n t appo inted by shte 9o va rnmant offici • !.. Th e nd it is _publ ished in ih entirety •s the a ccountant finds it . W ith th is system, it would be virtt.~ a lly im poss ible fo r a Mr. Jay Boston of Hereford, who owns f~Hm · land in Castro County, sa id several days •qo in Fort Worth that he 'd give a section of land to Secret•ry of A9 ric.wlt~o~re Eua Benson if he could mah money off it ~o~nder tlo!e government's sli ding price scale pro g ram. We •re of the opinion Mr. Benson does n'i know enough about ihe art of oHJricu ltt.lre to make money off of any si te farm under kind of proqram . ""'r' ----o---- For the first time in his tory Dimm itt has gone over the $ 1 million mark for one year ' s ci ty , ruidentittl, church and commercial construe· tion. Wh•t the final yea r·s total will be. ""e do"' know. We paned th e million m•r~ in October with two months to spare. This spendif"lq is a strong indication that th ~ city will soon be amonq the larger Panhat~d le towns and will draw trade from one of the b:g. g'!s areas in th:s section of the country. W,th growth comes the respons;bility of o~o~r c·t,:zef'ls to ma e certain the town develops 45 •• should. We 'Witl be hav i" 9 bond elect.ons to ii: Pep pace with the change •nd will be cotlled upon fro m time- to t,me to help plan and wor~. Whe'l a cdy grows h•phatardly, without qu odar-ce or directio n, then triangle blocks OC· cur, nar row streeh cause traffic jams , sc hools are ove rcrowded hosp ita l facili t ies ne Yer ,eem to catch up w it h the dema nd a nd a myried of other consquences of luneu appear. Th • t'•me t o beq ·tn t h.Jn o.· f h ~~ttn g o t ese th in gs is no w, We ~.otant Dimm itt to grow •nd deve lop, but it must be gu ided . W ith a larger city we '"'ill have more markets , more com pet ition , more recreational facil it ies for our young peo · pie . ne waqe eerne r and h is fam ily wi ll be benefiHed by being able to buy what he wanh without lea~in g the c:ity limih , and he ....,jll be otble to send his children to the finest schools . The f.,rmer will hot.,e a b et t er market for his produce •nd th e merchan1 can lo ok for mere business. These and hundreds of other reasons are why l!ll'ery person in a.nd a round Dimm itt sho~o~ ld ""or for this qr owth. Even before our ne w qrade sc:hool is cons tr uc t ed we shou ld b e th ink· ing of another. We've g ot to th ink of our has· p ita l. ""hich by a ny sta ndard, is hopeleuly in· adequate fer a town of even our present site. Our ton in g laws will need a revision , our streeh need more p11ving •nd we're e¥en goin g to nee d more blucher space at the football stad ium be t ore lon q . w e d on •t have muc h time . we're going t o be livin g in a big town before long . ..._ _,~ HUNTS WHOLE, NO. 2'1• CAN I ProMbh lhP most fundam{nt nl n~tn of ihr accu)',<'d Is ummar· ll<'d 111 thf' W('J] knO~\Il RdRJ.:l', F'f'n man ts irmoct·nt until prO\· f'd J;:Uilt~ " II IS Up to !h(' J!I'OJ:.t'• C'Uttn~ AU t hoz·itiR to PI'O\C that tht• 1)1.-.I"SOI\ (Ill tri :\ 1 Js ~ U i\1) and n..l t th(' ohU~a t lon o r the pt•r<..on aC'cuo;;('(\ hl pro\e that h\• l'i innt"l«nt Th€' prcu;l"'Cution mu"'t pro\l' your s;::ullt b<>~on d a n.'RwnHbl£' douht, or you "ill b<' ACQ lllt<'d The rn<'N!' laC't that )'OU have lY'('n ~'('" a tickl't or accused or a ('rtme Lil not e"e n C\'idence of J;:Uilt. Anothe r tm porta nt prote<:tlon i~ the right to han~ a ....-ltnes!Li wh06e testimo ny you may need subPQ<'nacd to appear ln coun and testify Ma.ny people are ~luctant to go to court when their own right& are im.·oh•ed. and unlcu you hAd a m('ULS (or rompelHnc: th ei r attendance and testimony, :.,'Ou o f1 en would ~ unable to pro\'f! fa cts n~ary fo r suc<:<'Ss In your case. ll iii thl• duty of l'\·ery ci t izen to tt'sti fy If he as in fomu.t lon Important to :1 Ia '>'' suit 11nd IS called upon to do so. Tht' eour ts ca n arrd do enforc<' allcndance in court and 1he gi\ ing of t~timom Cer tain other sa(('~ ards 11.re \'aluable to you A person may rc· fuse to t tStify in any proc('('ding ir he hu a rca som~ ble ~ u~r, that hi!i t~ti mony could be used as a basis or a criminal proce-eding against h1m Th is. doe!! n o t lll('M. of roW'Sc . that a confcsston ,:then ff'('('ly and v oluntanly cannot be u.;;f'd in I.'\ 1dence. But 1t does mean thllt an accus<'d cannot toe com· !WI I· d to tak(' thf' "itnp.,__'> stand ~m ['an hL" lallUrt' tn lt'!>hh ht• C'C'1nun1·nh~ upon b)· t h£> proJ:.•'CU· thln. -p-p.,(' Aff' but a h '~ (·"arnplt'" nf thf' rrum rous saff'ruarcl.., ~>Ur i"'•Urf,.; PIO\Il(l to protC'Ct th(' Ill· 11\C.'t'OI A •;un~l fa]._,. R('('U'o81101l tlf T nlt' nut nnn~- ur th<'"l' ri hts w 11 •1 il(' \fiiU• 1 !-> without tht ·l Tt~~~ .. t.mN- (I( a ld\\~··r \\ho ha!\ ht . n '-C'h<>t:ll(-d m lf'S:'al pllnt:Jpl('s m•t ruh•.,. ot s;t!ltut•• or d•·CP•i·~n • Onl'l member of th£' part ) started around the front or t he pla ne , .......... . ,. ,..•' .,.. , ·~ , ,,,., ,..., ...,_._,., " ' ' lmol\·ed, to im-okc these rights. ty has been unlawfulty taken. Tile ' 'right to counsel" must be This is one of your mo6t preclou.s grant ed to ('\·~ ry aecus<'d person riJhU. The courts arc the o ray brought b<>fore arty court in the pl\l.cefu l means f1t enforcing your s t o le. I n C..'lPital Cft&et;, if an 8C· rig hts. CU!It'd J)('non canno1 afford to pa) (This column. based on Tcxu tor lc~<.l couns(' i Hnd df'Sires it , law, Is writtC>n to Inform- not to thC' court must appoint a lawyer ad,,ise. ~ o J:lei'Son should cvN· a~ 1ply or mterJ>ret any law without to N'p~ent hlm. E\'ery p.:•rson charged .,.,tl th an th(l aid of an attorney who kno"' int 1·action of tht• l a~.~o· hns the ri~ht thl' fac ts, bccHUS£' the facts. rnll) to consult counsel before making chan...:<' the- 8 1)J)Iicatio n of the la w. ~ton)-' pJ(Ia. This apJ>Ill'!'i to casC'S in f>H·rr oour l lncludlnl'( ju<~.tJCC' or lh;• JX'll<'<' !'nurts:. municipal court~. !ntffl(' rourr. and dts.trict {'llUrt~ \\'(' wi~h to t':>.pl·(~ ,)ut· ti1~111h.:o. It d ., httll' l."tlOd !o ('nn .. ult R I u. ~t·t· artct· ~uu h<t\t' pi,.·,<l,d 1-!Uill) h• our man) frit·nds. Rnd ll('h:hlUtd puid tht' fmt•, lnr th1 n tlw '"· lnr th(' c:ud.~. tlm·at offf'rd~mal;:(l ha"' htv-n d•·m~ in•· .... kind wnrtl~ nf o;;ymtlathy nn Til(' OOUII" ;til' (>I" n to _\ IU 0\ t hi' d+ :lth of OUI' \0\ t·d Onf' Y(ltu tiRll' llfl(> ur ~ullr It· !tl r~hls h,'l<.; klndllf'"S \till :lltl'l\"' I)(' l'h<'l'iShNt l)l•f'n d•·ni ·d or rm· uf )our 1 n'!l t r· Th(' Glt·t:n ~nl1ti1 f"mil). r ., APRICOTS • '-, . A CCIIIIplete Electrical Service ls lication s, Inc., which g ives you full value for your mone y. Re sidenh when called on s hould request to see the in t ordudory letter siqned by -the co mm ander of our po•t . Your cooperation on this proqram will be qreatly appr ecia ted, A ccept Capper rece iph only. 25~ I can 15c PEARS I I 0~ CASII PURCHASES 00:: \j 2.so OR MORE I can 35c No. 303 Can, Del Monte Cut • ; Gunn Bros. ;t!t~- Stamps \ Wednesday Y 1i B P.: I..J:CTR I 00. EquJppcd and Capoble or F:Ul· lng All Types or Electrical We welcome your account Adams 46·02:. For R<'Sid entl al or Industrial ~II ~; t','"'''Tn U I ',.~ ..... . (' , ! A ' HEI'.1 \HC ~EH \ I t r, \\'iri ng \\'rite Box 395 or C11.\l L46W. Y & B Electric Co. C'hnrlf'" l o ut a Ar<' hl(' n u ~"Y -Large or Small I 1tad· c 46-o:.:. Hi·C ORANGE __ ... _ - ----• • • ·. can JUI • • • • • • Contract&. ..,_ l Cco un t insu red t o $ ! 0,000.0 0 • • Am::r .. jo :::c :: :~ gs & Loa. l .:: oc:iation • • ...... • • • • e I e • e e •• • • • • .. . can KIM 25~ No. 300Can FOO CAKE MIX 29~ White, Pound, Chocolate Spice or Yell ow - Box I 10-LB. SACK Angel Food CAKE MIX Pillsbury Box ........... . A new Slrat~>-FIIrht n ydra·M•tkt.ooa,Jed Introducing a Big and Vital with Polltiac'a 2:27-ll.P. Str~ Y~' ruulta in perfonnanor: eo new and cb-amade General Motors 1\.utomotive First"! tt muat br uperinted to bt ..._..... 49' • Snowcrop ORANGE 6 oz. c:an JUICE ... ~:-:-:~-:- ........ ~. 17 c 1 Lb. Pkg. UNDERWOOD BAR-B-OUE ... ~ .. ~-:- . :::·. 69c Snowcrop GRAPE 6 oz. can JUICE • • • • !II• • ~• • •• :..._• • • 21 c GuH Stream BREADED 10 pkg. SHRIM~ ... 7.. ::::~ ..... . 49c Ocean Beauty PERCH 1 Lb. Pkg. FILLETS .~-:- ... .~:::-.... ~:- 39c • • • • • • • • 01. ~ IT'S TH• Glt.ATEST THRILL IN HIGHWAY HISTOitYI li('f)l drivin g as j ult routin e , ldgh time yo u tri ed th e lromendoua "go" or thi s Dta@terlul new monarch of tltt: hi ghway. H ere'• a car with auch exhilarating d ri,·e- cngcr ojJ.vllooth r.uponAe and safe, aecu re h ftmlling- thnl even monotonow home-to--work drivil '" bet.omell your 6.neet hour! And ou t on th e open h i@hway, the hbu loua '56 Ponti ac come! aLive with all th e enge r, hcu da-up ale rt · Jt eM of a thorouj!; hbred. lu hl a~in~ 227-h.p. tra to-Strenk V-6, coupled wi th ti ll..r n 1moo1h S trntu · Fli ~o:ht ll ydrli · M atic. thrives on ('h n ll"ntt~· Tr1e \1i ll you ACe loomill l£ up virtua ll y d i~'~;,I' P t'IlrJJ hl'fore: )O Ur e)'e!-. )J yo u'n com e to think o ( j•'• And at nn y lega l speed, there'• aueh e rMUTe ol ) OUt e ngine litenlly lodt-ready at at~ to uch to spring in to the m ottt thrillins. MWlyiat: action that e ' ·e r 1ho rtencd a country mile. Or couree~ Lhis i1 only 1 hint o ( what"a awaitln1 you. The di fl'e.re.nee in pedorm1noe- in drirint. smoothneu, ride and control- il! 10 lerri6c that l can on1y he apprecinted at tl1 e wheel So (•o rn e ill and lnkc clmrge or orm or tll eJIII! s lamoroua po.,•er thnt n e w beouli~A yourAelf . 0Jo0ol!ie you r own t tllt route and !Muupl e the ~~:rea lest ..f§o~'--and ~"JO _ · •r the &rea'e•t MJ /c ty ever built in to a ca r .Then you' ll know why the word 's s pren din ~-..Thcy'll be a long tim e cal hing up to 1hia one!'' • ..,. _ _ ,..~ ... C & S EQUIPMENT CO. • • • • • • • Dromedary . weiJ and f H.Skf!d him a number of qucstlons. One was, " Where a nd how do you buy any artlclrs that you might dHirt''! '' H1s ana.,. er was, "You buy anything you want anywher-e at any· lime." A! a.n afterthought he added Ute following question, "Not M> in tJv. Uruted Stat~'!" to wtlich ( repUcd, "Oh )et. There are ~ many things to buy and so many places to buy them in the Vnltl'·d S tatH that. all you need i5 money." He gnnned 811 though hr 1horoughly Un'dPn tood the pr Qhl•·m. Th ts wu our mtrochctlon to thP m}!11ter1es behmd t he lron ('urtaln and from thJil JXJint many lnt,· reallns::- e,·cnt.- took place whlc:h r w111 try to ()Uthll(' m detau ln aubK-quent newsl£'tlcnr c 31b.Can . . . . . . FRESH MEATS -l Gal Carton, Borden's Our Market Policy Is To Handle Only Govemment Inspected USDA Fresh o...sec~ Graded Choice Beef - ~~YERS .... • • • • • • • • • • lb. 45c j RANCH STYLE BEANS Tall Can ....... ::. 13c ~ CHARLOTTE FREEZE BEEF LIVER , , , , , ,, ,, , lb. 29c 49' ROUN;OSTEAK ... . . . . lb. 79c PORK SAUSAGE 29¢ lb. LOIN STEAK ...... -.-.:-. lb. 69c Regular Size, 10-pack Carton PORK CHOPS • • • • lb. 39c C I G A RETT ES. iri'M··s·~·:· ~-~:::. :·.:~~ lb. 49c GARDEN-FRESH PRODUCE r..,. ........ bag 9c ..... BAC0N:.. :::-:. 21b. pkg. 75c LETTUCE •• • • c CARROTS -:. • • • • • • • • • • head 7 THANKSGIVING TURKEYS . . .....- lb. 9c w. "rt':~:':::::; TOMATOES ... ~.::. : lb. 12 ~ c GRAPES ... ...... -•• •• •••• • ----------------~--------------~ Phone 176 or 476 FREE DELIVERY CRANBERRIES • • • • • lb. 19c ORANGES • • • • • ---• • • • • • bag 33c . . . -. lb. 39c SPUDS ...... ~ . ·... ' • Tall Can Can l building and lnto a special room NO DONAT IO N S 'Will be accepted on th is dr i~o~e. The equipmen t is pa id for by comminions from the ule of well known publ ications sold by C•pper Pub- TOMATO JUICE ... can No. 2-l Can, Hunt's Halves FRozEN FOODS ,~r; -;-. where our baggage "u eomi.ned by customs ofhci.:lls and we were requJred to sign certain dec larations u to what ..., e were car· rying_ O ne of the officials spoke W e "re spo,soring a drive to ~tc.ure wheel cha irs end hospita l beds to be 25~ SaviDCJS '56 held The two are connected by a wide flo" ·er bordrrt?d co ncnote walk. We were escorted into the lo•ned FREE OF CHARGE o, a temporary b•s is to the re sidents of Castro County and vicin ity. ---· can •••••••••••••• 011 Now Ava ll8ble At The rest the tremendous GO of the fabulous ordPT w hf'rt• " c we re ~l by sam~ Ruulan offlclals bolh men and women. TIM! airport building i5 shout 200 )·ards from the landmg English I ~ 46 OZ. HUNTS No. 303 Can, Our Darling CORN ~ - --=:::== . =• • • • •• • • •• • • PAID As w,• Dimmitt, Tex1u ( Bake-Rite f"''· SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN ' 25~ FLOUR25Lb.Sack ... .$1~ 79 GREEN BEANS 19c PET MILK 2 Cans 25C and the hos1ess \\.ith the spl'f•d of appro·•cht>d Leningrad "<' nnu.U man;. nu:coad tra ck and man)· trau'~. Where thcy Y.t·r,· going I do not know. but JTlOl>t of them 8i)JII. ured to :.,c frctg h t t.rams. We la nd• d m Lenirrgrad in due _.,. Purasnow Washington Newsletter GREER H. ESTES POST NO. 445 PEACHES . .. ........ .... can 1Lb. Can .... a quutcrhorse herdl"d him bftck into thP reid and l<'ft rro doubt ln his mind that he .... as to proCf'M .,..-here she led The plane was n•rv Slmlar to a DC-3 typo of _ ___________,;_______~_ _ _,;__ _...;;_e::n:::t;:u:":e:'"':r::l'l o u-,~,f;-;l~ <l:: m:-:~~.::,~.~"::''~ "~'cd ~ l plan<". tha t is two motored and WALTER ROGERS m.~'" am:l. thf• ('amf'ra had jnmmM. aOOUt the sa me sizl.'. ~omC' of thl'liH~ I t,, ~an tn hunt for a dark placE.> plan~ hR~C' trlC~C'lf' landm!.! ~.:PI\r where I cnuld t 1 ke thr fllm out 11nd nt.:t•f., haH• ·; t 11 \\h(;l lV 1d &:.t\f" a much a, .. P'l-"~ibiC" Tht' a('th o.k•• UH• [>C'.J. Tht· furr.J•h· nnl~ ptac:-t• 1 roul,J find that "' as 1n~. in~1de t•f thC' piJ:u,;· wen~ t~v n<Jt bnllHlntl~ Ji&.:h td ·,o,as thi" ittlli) Ru ian m dPsi~n. colm· and ·.1 mPn·s room. I c-an tPIIIf\ .,_ lthout t .,tun• ' luch dlffC-H'nt frvm the B• hlnd lhf' Iron ( urtuln P.u!i -t nor at nn thP alrhnP !r r of !'Uret:o....,ful Cc-mtrad.Jc- furnt .. hin :" m our plane.; Tht rC' f ,.,l t~ \\' t•rn ,umr ~ Ylu t '"that 1r~m~:: to rf"rntJ\C 1wu;t- ""rt>nosco,tl>('l\a\lhlC'hdlsturll('(l It would ho n Jaf di 'C1J 1 r. rna!f 'h n} of thf" te'\••r.-tl i:ur- tori rl!m frnm d. jrtmmt"d camf'ra us to :.om~> C'Xt<>nt. A.s soon ao,; \\C f'T\ ng lft·l.!!tzJ< 1 frorn mar.~ In ~ F'rnra<~h ml'n·~ 1 ,~nm i~ no ut·n• thoard th~ motors Wll'(' ~ Pf" "' m \11 ot"'i: th!' kt mr ~ .1 1Jf'Lo;1rk r,.Jt ...,!len ~ou pleasant ra K. 1 hart tht> door IO<'k- ~t11rted and W(' took off tt.Jthout h &.' hr• gtol e>:l an Blrptan~ n r" u-;g ·tch th s d~'>!illnatJon )-Oil mu"t t-d 11nd almo~t tTut m lruuhiP ~~'lth :tn\ lurthf'r ado. Tht'r<' wen• no llkl. Finland. lor Ct•l \. or mstruct1ons of ,. to a r.- •n• tlo•hm,j the Jr.)~ c:hanr(' 0\ff' 1 At roflo tf ;.ou (>mf" ur th•• oth•·r pu..;o;cnJ,:ers 1 fl· a'n.,ounccm•·nts .. nut~~ 11Xi ro ·o 1~ hmd the nail)- Jr'lt ~me of tht' other film an;· klnd, m fact Wt" did n0t <.;('(' ( t-t.tt1rt tt r-an C1'·.-ta1nl\ t.ro ad tam \\ .... re B<'h~ub-d to out and tried to insfrt anotht>r ron an\·on•' nor d1d \\f' ht·ar from an)ll rtw Pn'J~ or...- rat&on 111 ~ur· r Inrl<'fl t) th<' d"4'~t nt) tpry ·l··p~tr Hr· swk1 at 3 15 p m. for h 1lt thf' camPM hart d C'hnt tt'IY On .:. '- w~'" Wt"r'<' qutckly a1rhorne :td \\·~ ~o~.·pre all \lolllll~ jamm£'d and r mill.,f'd ~ettm~ lin)-· and climbed tl) atx:>ut 3 tholL"'R. nd a.: .l 1hta n~tr ftlt ,.omt•"hat l..1•n I he IA.B" rakmg part 111 a for-• f ''le ar' i'>~:tl ,f the- Russian pte-turf' or thf' ftrst Russian plane fPe t The tnp in w as uneven tful e- n mtrlguf' Pps.nde In any M.f'nt p "'\cos ot•~ • tQ 5:,.t IClmf> p1c. that I had (>(>n. So 1 put th£' cam+ 1">-C<'Pt that we undertook to de· '> J Bf'l:' 10 I ?f SU: t'et1dffi tun·' l had. a nw,·t<• cam,..ra and f ra tn thr> ca~e and tnf"d t o forgd tl'nnme o;>,.:actllo' .... twn we PB- l d a r a11. n nor knc"' ng what Will '>I. a all prer~rr-d to takP rw·tuN'"' tr bthmd the Iron ('u•' in Wc t p(lf '1 nf''ltu.rf•ad nf om- pSnP, rn,.re \l,f>r£' Aftpr apprm:al of ou r paJ)(>rs \A.3t C'hed for t.he bord£ uut \\f'n.' 'li'(" au·p•'lrt at Jh I tnkl b. an thr•..- all tt~ V~rrv· 1 ~ ll" TI'r) all "" \\{"f'P adrr:itted to a room (rom un11hl<' lO dtscern 1t dUl' loa ht~z.e. exetlrnt L'lt'l!lalion and 11 IK'r- ea!Tifod th(l RU! an fmhl m and ·.t·hich WP wrorf' IP.t(>r to d('part for llfJYo C\CT, we wen' able to ap. thr 81 rplan 1• Thi<;; room ..,. a~; fillrd proximate our cros'iin~ hy tune. \ftld b; sevrral a1rhnf's cr•nnrrlmg ramf" m almoP 1multanN111 lv With Ule W tern COtJntrJ• Its I ~pn .hi)(JI.iOi' pKture. and fu!.. \\1lh many !}Pt-s r.f Pf'1lfJlC' who Tl1t're was nothin ~.; unusual about nrrly nn"'<'t 10 .... 1 t ~.t RU: Ia anti roo. m~ came1"8. " uldn'l op- "''rf" tra-..f'lllnR to 0 , rMurniAA to the countr)-l>lid(' t: XC:l· Pl that th('t~ thf" fA~>ttorn countn L<~ t•• t~P P!"'lh• I look a q•urk glancr> In- th<· Sov 1et l'nion. Aft£·r anothl'r \H'rt.' no CJ1W.., or towns m !\i:,:ht aJrll:v• 1Mm'f1 by lhP LS:-R nd <I• N <11 . nd tha• J had n>'md of l'rn<'<'!'Sir\J.; "~"' wrr<' lf'd And"-«' dtd not ~C<' any for n long nnrncrl A ·rnfi.-Jt 'I'llr- Fmn 1 AI .. n• '' n~o: .,.,rons:- and the ''' lh" pllln" hr a Ruo.;... um host~ um•·. American legion -~ - - * .uv . ...... Te.KM....... * .......... or ---o---- 19' --- ..... bottle ••• • • ••••• IT'S THE LAW 1 •"Ot('('ll,lnlil to illliUI'(' R~!lUnl!ot ron• public offit:.e · ho lder to abscond with any funds \ll'l!On tht.• innOCt'O t by doctoring the boolcs. Not only would st.1ch a move be to the b etterment of the t upayeu , but would benefit the office -holders them selves . Unsubstantiated rumors about men and won oen in pu b lic trust takinq money that isn 't ri9},tfully theirs pop up from t ime to time in 11ny city. It rotrely d oes the office-ho lder any good and s1.1c.h unfa ir a ccuuttio"' lene no roo m for rebuttal b ecau se they aren ' t ou t in the open. We mean by publish in g 'fhe resulh o f a b oo lt examination to und copie , of the auditor ' ' re· port to tupayen indivi dually , to publish the report in the county ne wspaper, to post the re · sulh, or to use any other mea ns of br in g in g the official f ina nci a l sh nd in g of the cou nt y, c ity or school sy stem before the c.i t inns . The -temphtion s, louu, unfa ir a c.eu utioM , and distr ust t het •ometimes ex ists in c.onjun c· tion with fin ances of publ ic. office would be reli e ved . Wlo!er. a ma n p ays taxes in th is coun ty he ri; htfully th ini(s he should get someth ing o1.1t of it . Publica t io"' of loe1l qo~arnment fin enc ia l audits would in sure thi $. ' WHITE SWAN ThP R\t'm~<' Jlt'hOI1 has Ollh a ,,t·•uo> Jd ,·.a ('t"JilC't't-nm~ hili n~hts 1'1 r.1rut \\.h('n unJu;.tl) chxq:M:ll "1th ar. uffl'ns(', ('\<'n R slmplt' 1 t:·nfltc \HIIAtlull, hl' 1!1 pront' t11 h-1 1 that all L"' \osl Our 111":hfm • H'l pro' td<' a numl~r of Editorial Comment I TO OUT OF' TOWN PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY IN DIMMITT, TEXAS Ent ered as .econd clan ma tter in the United tt~ Post Office in Dimmitt , Cas tro County, s, under the act o f Marc h 3, 187~ . The Castro County N e:ws reser~es the righ t edit 1my written material su bm itted for pub· t~+ion and to delete any news contributions rJI'?::J... con•i dered by the staff to be in poor t .H te or ""-- -• of negl igible news value. Ad dress correspondence to box 63 , Dimmitt, Texas , or phone 88 . B. M. Nehon and Sons, P~o~bl i shers II'"'""' ..... NO. 21fa CAN HUNT' S HALYES 14 OZ. HUNT'S THE C ASTIO COUNTY NEWS, DIM11.41TT. TEXAS , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10, 1955 II:AA,), .!f),.. USDA Choice 2.19 Niec· N·LMn • • • • 2 Lb. P~g . Cora KI"'J C~lo Home Grow• ~ • • • • • lftoh kv• • • • Tokay Oftd he.. • • - I U.. "'-9· • • 5 U.. • • C~lo 10 U.. Cello Red or W~it. • • • • • • ... ...... -~ ... I .... . . . ""..., VI'I I ' N~W' nu. j~~·~ . ... .. - . "T'T Tr'" ~n .1 f:t il· ST \TIUS (.' I t~ s, Ill olllit1\:'tiW AC'Illl' \' • ,, 1 J>1 y ['1 11\llil' lll>l urlllllll' I ,.J( m · ..... fp t• II lht' lo ll~ nf lhl II chi I• 1 ro 1,,m nll 1 ~·nmpll~<>lllll• Ill" flr l " J"il t .\ 1", 1\ l-1(o\ d L.) r1 1,11 \ 11 I •I ·11 t..!a.u,l() \I{ ~ .. ,,h mtmll("rtl '" r ..... 11 Ju ln \olollh tht , 1n th th.1· 1 J. nullw11 n ml n..'i l t) 0 '\. !)\ loliW f ):,! It\ I Xljl 1'{1\1 t<'hl' ••nt .. l .. nl'1· 1d ln1. .11 1"\1 nh \\Ill Ill ll'l' ,. (ho• tt'C."'J,':IU IItJO c>f 1 11 "t ~r:-. 111\l ("CtUIII) • vu • Ct1a li .. 1 mf"t nt •t"!'. 4 -11 th••ll' t~nd )('tttl• 1.. I (V\rl~n hl, \ll,'.lr\h~ Ill T· ' I"' and hoto, I . .. hHOCjlll'l 1•1 Ill m, nt Pn \ lou t h " .. tau• but E«'nf"rl:llh tht• 1-11 m. ml~ .,..,. ~JI ,,, n·porl n I ... t Y" r 1 rd u: l ... u II( C ~~ .,..,, k In lht• puhllc 11H )'II t n\. k ..-: ')I,.'Ci.D.l dfort • ~ l'~<rth m£•rnhl k lltr \1. n lt"t pA tn.i r j.J£ ('!1\ "hl!l r '" 'T" r\ WESSON SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS Styles ~~interest f~r the We're Openin9 Our New SHOP DEPARTMENT For General Repair Work Fall Seasb/1 f~r Men SPORT SHIRTS 1-t' l.l-~ .I th• On Masser· Harris, Fer9u~ son, a11d othl r malu~s of Tractors. form Machinery and Well Motors. From Arrow or Tulene ' ff' :t tl prt-\ldlL->I'>UI"f'f And Introducing: MR. FLOYD SMITH taste mey be Soles ManDCJer onel Manaqer of Of Dimmitt . , In condu~ton D1ce 1at '<i th~t f"\IIUI't" Farm•-r~<> and I-ll 'lind ...,. I (hrbtma .catd-. hot.:.·1 Cluh ·•l) ' and g1r\ .. ~ hn trx:•k a· br.·u..:-ht tn rtw mam \\md·'" ~mf" from 20t) Tt\a..:o coun- to l 'l"''d tl(' hnnd!tr:~ • thP m .-.st \0, Jdt"Sprt"ad pntl· (1J t.afJnn ("\f' r m th~ auction ::.ai<'S. F <&tr l..i.H.,tock Mana~r Ra ~ W "- lsn 1d 'nlt• rrumlX'r of huyrf"'' fnr lhr .-• lam~ p1.:s. lUi k·:'}~ .u:d Our Parts D~portment Co nserv!tive or dar in g .•. l~ lnr hammer 11ntl n otl lo;: """' In 011r ne w abo p l.t NIUIJl'P("d n1th thu \'e.ry late.t tool• IUld mannc• by uperleoced Olt)Chaalca, t4l ket:p your fM.rm n'taehloe.ry In flral. c.la.H operatlftc ooadJUo a. With the comLAc h.arvell\ eeuu111, all JOUr equJ~nt Numld be func.tlolllng aatl.tt&cto rUy, you can choose the shirt 1hP Ame rica n Jun ior J: pd <::ross. K hool bO,)II a t ~un~ Buk l' num r~ :o.r honl, :o<o i'0\11 , r rp3l r th ai will be ri9ht on the eehool furn itu re, The ClUih' tllr) nmlt·rl.11" " '""' part of a ,..,.hoo t aui tan« un it , one or a thou .. antl !>Ci l t l.a!tt \\ ln t t r t o h.:lp rl'buih.l Ud r ~pal r schools In K or ctL. Loc-.1 DUOU IITOot - of P01t OHico luUdloq Ferm Machinery For,_ ARMSTRONG BUT AHE AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY Hart, Texas target. Shop our tremen · . 166.t\12 1n t9.l2 A . -iaecl MCISsoy-H_,is ftd D-olors d ouse selection. News Want Ads Get lmmediata Results !'hone Z482 rs "hwt\ ¥-Pre ~u f! !flf'l.l «1H t•••.al•-d U,._l Tht'' p;ttd 11 uh1 Ill! m urn OH'l the ·narkrt b'i ll to ol!rr rn.coul':'\r:1•m nt to not ~lf,., "ho h'ld 11 ~· 1 trTlAls ttnd r "-I 1 ~~u J. 1·H nu I''"Jc<''~ '-11- Best Seller Styled for Fall \ 1n reasons! DIVIDENDS ll ror rc-~xamming of th" s tatC''s tota l tax s tru ctur() S('IU'('h Of additioriUJ St:hOUJ 1'('1.• cnm• was J>roposcd., OtiH'I' Pt"'b lt• ms o n which 1he T exos Contt'rC'nc.~ on Educat io n c...:ch::tm;ed ldras W l rc: 12-moths· a~)('{U' or s\X·d O)""';·U·WCC' k U!K' Of build ings ; attracting and ho ldln~ good t l'achC'r~ ; k('('pin g cur riculn up- to-da te A cons<>nsus or th<'i l' findings \\Ill IX' rompili•d into H t"l'po!"l to be taken to the \1,1\l te House Conf<'l'('lnCC. • Court H t'-C O U!tltl t"r~t T f'xns Court of ('1·lminnl AppMls pondenng Co. gr a nd ju1·y which l'('lturned 104 Indict· m('nts against eounty officials This time it also is considerIng charg()S l>y All y . Ccn, J ohn Rt->n Sh('pJ)('rd that it "misrt"pt'C• scntcd facts" on its Oct. 5 dccis· \on nullifyi ng t he grand jury's action . In a vigorous an:cument for l"e· \'ersal, Shepperd cont.cndcd the majonty Ol'inlon r·efl~tcd on the " proprie ty aml motives'' or himself a nd Judge A. S. Broadfoo t. He rc· ferrcd spccifkally to statements concerning alleged collusion be· twC<'n himself and Broadfoot. Judge Broadfoot dismissed one grand jury In Duval count y and made arran5:emcnts ror a new one. wh ich the high court he ld Illegal. Shepper d's office assis tf"d with the Sou th Tr xa s hl'\'CS iis::atlons. i'll ast rr Pl a n Outlln l.'d V isi tors to AUJ<ilin '"ill hit\" ~ W trl'l I ond II ami K oreo. rr;an ', season-and w e're showing the new fall styles men' s suits no w! ThtHe C u rl ee Suits are outs tanding val - ues fr om every viewpoint. They com bine choi ce fl'lhrics in the season ' s newest patterns with skilled designing to give *** On th i.t 11peeial c..l uy, we hon or the bra1·e m e n ond women who devotedly sc n •ed our coun try in time or war. l\lay we always keep bright the memory of their patriotic deeds and noble self-sacrifice that ha"·e done so you lmartneu a nd good weering q ualities et a modera te cost. Sla rf th e season right by coming in early to m.ake your HEAD START Of,_.,._. I UU.aY ....."""" Castro County Farm Bureau much IO kee p f.eedom bright for all of ..; , Veteran s or America, we salute .)'OU. ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f:. L. 1\f')' 0 • Hat We Have ,..rcllawd 100 Old Modo! New l.odi<rton ~ & intere't oraund neckline. FLORSHEIM M1ght : Puncess dre&\ topped in f.nely pleoted matte jersey edged with velvet ribbon. S.rvfce 6oth rn Mil.ses SizM. ~ 1}1, e e e ' Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill e ' ' brims are 2 5 / 8 inchel. deep io nes o f char-9ray an d OPTOMETRI ST char-b rown , Heret ord , Tuu A111k any o( tlt t many men who looc,ar tl1 e m - try a pair yoursciJ a nd you 'II kn ow - it•e C'Jitike nourt: I:SO ._. a:oo p. m. the .d im,lrim looks ami com (Qrtable.glove. like lit that mak~! l•'lnrAhelm Fre nc h Toos Amcrira "l!l bes t -ullin g F lor&beim .l lj le. 1 lit WHt 'l'lllt d Street PhoRl!l S7 " 1 ' v. m d· '"\ J11 lc 1• t:! Lt roo'\ I~~ n I' 101rrnth n&m l et>rnmlll' • • ' tu1 all See th e m Ill ' ' 'I , •' ,._ . • •• r l .'\l"ff'l'-1· ( \ f1l!11l t ' ':i il11 1 gh in ' I I - "_. Quotation' • C\osi!"Lg Cot1on ~o' , r.. 'n Mo 1ke' Pr1ce1 • Loco I ..,.rol \ Weather forecast • Agric.ul1uro • lnle ,...,iew-1r o t f rm teoden o aeper1ed by I BOB STEP/I£ S 2-AS lo 2·50 P· rn . Mo~d oy thru Friday I K FY 0 • • • Ill • Ill e e e • ' • Ill • Ill e • •• ' ••• ' • ' ' ' ' • • e e • Ill e Ill ' Ill Ill ' • e • • e • e • • • • • • •• • • • • VS Horsepower Zoom s to 205 That's what Ute ne\v ' • • A new 6 with • • 140 H .P. • The new "Blue- • Fla me" 6 brings you • U1is higher horsepower plus a higher compr·ess1on ratio (8 to L) and oi lhush ed hydraulic • val vc Iifte rs. Hideaway Gas Cap • • • • "Super Turbo-Fire VS" pours out • (an extra-cost option). You • Bold , new Motoram lc 'Sty li ng can see why we say the hot • • • Just look it over-the lower, longer hood . . . • one's e\'en hotter! • the wider grille that spans the full fro nt end :, •• • • • •• , •••••• • • , • •. . . . the big bold parking lights. From the • side, you see !he sweeping new speed line , : chrome styling and h igh-set taillights. Color· • • fu l new contemporary interiors add the fin al touch! Body by F isher, of course. • • • .. ... . . . .. ... And you have a greate r electrical r eserve supply. • • • • • safer rlr~v ing control by breaking the Pikes Peak r ecord r Che,·rolel's left-side taillight holds a stylish secret. Hinged at the bot· tom, it swings down to uncover the gas cap. Closed up, the cap's eoncealed-and there's noth.. ing in sight but the taillight! • • • • • Pow er Steering, Power • Eve rything In A utomatic Power Fe a tures Brakes, pow er-positioned front seat, power window controls. A U are available as extra-east options. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • An ti- O ive braking An ti-Din braking, an exclusive Chevrolet development • menns mor e level stopping-even when you h>i th e brakes hard! Steering made easy Bail bearings r<'duce and steering effort in Chenolet'~ Bail-Rare stoering. friction .•• .. ..... . . .. . • • • • • • • ••• ••••• ••••• •••• • • • • • • •• D • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • • • '1'HE • •• HOT ONES 12-volt • Electrical Syatem • • EVEN • • Pa cks twice t h e • HOTTER punch of ord inary • lt'a the P l kea 6-volt systems . . . • Peak Re cord spin s the engine up • • Breaker I • to one-third fnster. • • • You get surer start- • The '56 Chevrolet • ing in all weather. • prov«< its surer, • e e • e ' ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Floats over 1he bumpa Roads seem newly paverl with Chevrolet's GlideRide front suspension and long outrigger rear oprings soaking up U>e jolts. And Chevy's catfooted on eut·ves! Chevrolet performance puts your safety first! • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ••• •• • • •• • • •• • ••••• •••••• DIMMITT MOTOR CO. ) '" / • 1rOOn. $10.00 t - Tf>IPphfJRI• , n.xa LH'1' • • • • • • 1 •·II U lo ~CS1 1Hil!i • For a re al dress hat , the Colors in wa rm , Dr. Milton C. Ademl law ltml Jiol' lllld nmn rr, h·t ,,,. ' " ou,.,t 1"1. from tllC' P.:J~t J ohii,<IT\ l) lnno •r 1 1 1 <~ 1111 1"';1 If plan;, mAt,·rialit(•, a tNiimnn· Ull d1nrwr lor t' ~ ~c·n L\mlon R J .• hn...on will I.K' J!h:Pn in Au . . rln in !Jt·remtlfr. • • • • • • Both dr eues in sillc-foced peou de soie and Pelion lined. ...,,,h self lo Hice ""orked ~' ttl dt "tt m·m l{.unsc> 11 1• ;oJnii'JI'Ill h'ld ll1t> I('J>lll\ II .d· !':po !kf'l 1111 Ll. • hu11 \\ ho ')f!rllnir -<I th• lrA(' to lill t·11' phc·t• uf natiqn:tl l'CJintrtll· tl·t>m 111 <~flf'l' \\'l'ic:ht :1\lorrm\ Wfl ..., • By Stetson left · Pnnceu dren thr> ~~·y. t: Ill{{ ... ................ . ••••••••• • New Fal l Gf'of"r ,tl t\ ttrnt I !NIIater ' In A S 15.00 be. -.• nqe STOYALL.IOOHEI. "\ ~~ lllh I ·phH"IIL' \\)ICJ If I I t•r:J fq All N•wl The lei Ait Spor1 S.clon w ilt! A. doors ot>d no sid•poslt • • .... 4 UT0.0 Bllf., "- ttU n•rn )UII lll 1'\ II<' {\U h!H'itlji')O I IO rnltlt 1 11 no ' H' Chevrolet never had It so good for you before . .. and no othe• car in its field even comes close. S ee if Chevrolet doesn't feature everything you want for '56. k uthtrn Farm Burea" _.,.AN'IA.OU f ,. of are in the new Chevrolet INSUIIO ~ tllrlft The hottest features fOr "56 wtfH THI '.t.ou a lty ln>urance Co. ...,._Ct YOUI .t.OUIT ~ THt tt-e 0 o]opl tl II f111fh "1 I •llr•l Ill') Mr;m timl', th ,·n• h<t\.P IJf'en <iU.[!· l<J nnm<' J~hnson Tc ·.1uui " Ca\orltc ,;;on" eandidat £' for J)t'('1;· i d·~nt ,Johrr.o n sa1d h'"' had no in ten t lim of bf'in~ proposC'd a'\ a candl datro Ill:' said hf' had cvt'ry horxor fnrn11n!4 R l f'~tsla tl\•c pro~ram Requests from on•r 3 000 vcter- in Cmu:.:r·\'S1 which can lx• r:nrd('d ans wPre includl"d In a drawim; to 1 ' JX'Opll'. "If w(' do our jQh tn which orrtclall) I'COJ><' nt"d !he Tcx· C'or 1 "''i l'i t:h l, thi" <·l,~ tion v.i ll tflkC' care or itself." a~; la nd program last we-ek The first 300 d ra" -n Wl'l'<' to recNvc appllcaiion ronns immedi1\ l r ft('l' It) G•J\". ShiwN from ately. The r<'malnder will rccd,·e aj. G~">n Jnhn G. \ 'an Ho~utrn !11 notic('5 of \\h(•r(' thfy smnd in F'u11 (';u"!'.nn, Colo. prnisrd Tt·•w." limo and will receive th(•ir a ppli- puf:Jic school f\)·stt·m. cation fo rms at n lat('l· dalf". Gr·tt \"an lloull n ..aid nut~land I..'\nd Offi ce Commis:-;ioner J. lnt!' II'. in(·C':-; an· "'"'' c!C'd f"om apF..n•·l Rudder lookc·d o n a:; ChnrlC's rro...:llnat<'ly 1,500 nrwly indll<"l! d L. Dowm.•r. d(•p.'lr·tnwn l comman"iolcht·t ' ~·:tch monlh Jn the ba.lc der o r t h(' Am('ricnn Les.'ion. d··ew tm .n inc pn l~.:ram the namC' o r Olin R. Till· ·~ of Buf"To d1!c> thC' t:"H·at numhl'r f~tlo Gap cs thl.' fiNt on t h€' ap.. Of Ollls iA IIdin g train{'<•S ,._{')(l(' lf d J)l tcn tion li st. Rudder said CaiT'ful m~">asurrs Rent lt- Buy It-8ell U arc bmt: tak (·n to prc\t'n l ra, o rit· Through A NE\VS '..Vant Ad ism . ThiJJ was one or th e fac tors selection. 1M AUTOMOB ilU xr-r in ttw C'upitol si,hl'i lo n otf trl/Jule to the veteran• oj Worltl Fe.ll is •J•Pflrl TEDFORD CLINIC ANS' DAl', November 11 , lo pay ' fitting I'IT' w n1·Pn celebrate Arntiltk e Day a• J' ETER- for YOU! for CU I l i NT By Congreuinnal action , we , latitude L", for th(' second tim'-'· t h<> IC'~ality of the Duval Whatever your ~ a d m Ol'(> school rinancing. A in ~ t,ll71 Tl\t" lXl) h•PIIIn>.C • Btc·c a 1 1! JAtrt c llllh-d m JUrnot ,huon sP. uld :Jt mat kl.'(i f 11 I Q lll<1 poullry ll' •('lllll -.u • t' u. 1~' · St:lt(' F:ur r T ·\.· 1n~1.. 'L d bt• 1 <"'k 1 \\11h th...,.Jrhutl rnatt•nal to ,.. tk UJ t ,,,_.1 " '' " th~ Ia~"~:~ ~ 1 In tht' lh1• hqutd n c "~ 'f hruka of the ,tulllnr auc!lo.)ru. ar .\.1 \~Juab!<" r• .c t'S ..,hOu:d he mtU We Specialize in Property Exchan9e Dial P03·5501 205 N. Colle'JO Hl V.'ii£'0, Ill Jo ··j\.'1\ thl n:llit,l1· iJ ('I rnfrJitff• f nll:lrl Jl'll"f ~RI"Hill Uf l• til ttl!' !\hv t'Oil\f'llt.on ,.,..~~, ,.. J"f'hH I n .·, plar'fl, th(' <"omm.Jt- l wfore lone GuidUH! ftu·tut lm· tlu· l'Lt. 1111'n of n "!..tatf' gm c·rnnurH r•·ntc·r,'' wL th th • t'tl.pllul luuldin • at ttw t'Cit"f', htt\(' IK·• n ou111m·•t t.. a p mh ,,ioJ,nl fL ianninr 11rm A fl('W 'itatf' cfl\u h bu 1JcLnl: and H. 'tatP offic(• tmildlll • arr to Ill' cousu·ucted in the nn a !ioon. In fl•fu-;r-s redf'r n[ funds for Statd ng )()('illlllg lh('nl thC' plnnnlllt: ',J)('C~ s talL' ond loca l cducnlion contC'r- iRiists su~h'"<'~tro. <'nCC''4 . 1. Thnt nonro ~ h o uld t owrr O\CI' Gov. All:l.l"f Sh!wrs told the del- tlw captiol lk1mt• e gn tC'S to thr conrcr«'n«:c thnt Tt•x2. That off·~lrN> t pArking ))(' a" did not se<>k federal aid to ed· ucation. Fu r t hl'r aid to the sc hool 1)1"0\"ld Cd. 3. That CU.!;Y pedestrian ac<'ess S)'SII:'m, he said. should come from the s ta. tc, but wilhout strings to IX' providC'd for all buildings contr'OI from the state lc\'ct UI>Oil 4. That furth er commercial d(>the IO<'al dis t r ic ts. \•('lopment in the capitol nrt'n lx' IW.thcr than federal Rid, one controll('d. lcl.dCt' suggested "rclicr from the stu tX'ndous federa l t ax bUrdC'n" t o l...u nd Sll l rs I' {'() IH' nf"d allow s lali ·S S ate fair Awards J nior Classes Set ew Record t ·I Lubbock Ready-Built House Co. der th.,t a subscription winner m•y be decl ..tred ll!nd Mnounced in the Following edi t ion, mrmlx I '1'•''"14 l'r4'"'"' ""'~wlullull Ort,, IIUJII "'·IIId <'d.ucillt011·11llnd· ('(! Tc xnn~ ll1('(·ting in Au~tm, l\{'\rc• tl'(] "No fc•df·l'\1 nld, no ft'<i· PHil t' ontn)l'' 11s tlu· Lh£'me the)' will take to thl' WJ1ttr il ou'it' Cnnh•t·t· ll<'l' on Educatio n Nov . 2ti· l)('('. 1 Tc ·'<os is on£' or fi \.f.' states that REAL ESTATE Hereford, Texas Mail Xmas Items I Early-Bice f "''"' to }ou•h. a t h\ ~ 1n r;Jral a ,,,, Uy ' ' t. HS" :iA.SPOUU \"U"Y rna~ ' "'' •n cl uhti m Cllfl€'r••fll ran10 ol ~nt rwd d •·a h (arm m- (ll't nuw rnonfh •n in9 area. Also City and Business Property. Wrie for Descriptive List, Terms and Price ····· 51270 $545 NEW l ·room Houses New 12:124 2-room Houses ed wee~IT throug h th e courtesy a nd spon sor· sh ip of 8 o'l nton Buhne , Inc . All guesses must oe made by M onday noon of each week and the fi'lrm owner must aho ident ify the farm in or- MYSTERY FARM 42-Here i , an ur i.. l pho· ~ln'l' ('(ubo \'. Ill ho.> Un<\blo' I .:I to of myst ery f.,rm 4 2 Can gueu th e idenCOI'Hi ll"t a ~PI"('H.I prnt;r'llll nn -..,; , tity of th is C .utro county arm7 Th e mystery Vt.'ml-. •r 1:.! but "'"Ill b.tl"r parll<"l· f•rm pub li shed l.ut week in the News proved P.ltt• m >Un t~ ""''t ' 1 L\f'· nt;•m .-....,•nt. ! 11f" .. t"\1<' lt•:\dlr "'"'d to be a br a in teaser as only a few perso ns subI. ,,.-h £ 1_\.., lht• PUlP'"-· cf mitted g ueues . Th is News future is publis h.Ach··· im- Tt·•>~t ml lun R)mn SkPiton uf TIOIJJit: Jllm,o•d 1 1 I ih r '~' t.u·y IJ{ hi !Old I ill' I>Al" tlll•y hnd. Ill f•Ur<·t t.}· 1'1 nt·" tl!n T1ifn fi.ia \·1 m;td· · him l'h<Jinnan of rtw lJPm••· H.t rr T.l r ft>tnl<l H"' Crfttl('" Part y Jll Tt ·A,t., · H• IS now A r£'11ul 1111 t11t nr l ht nAC rn•·•·t- We now have a fine selection of listin9s of Farms and Ranches located in Castro, Parmer, Randall, Deaf Smith and surround· ed. Ph1mbin9 Fixtures. BorC)ain at $1960. wl\1 f!JWI".H(' -t C'um ~~ rom~> }.,. thr· Tt•.\:"1 11 l:mplO>,..'ntf'nl Jd mt tltt hilt I" llO\\ in "'llll'll~l)r ill ll•nuttl\"<'l)' R""l tor ...., n, the local chnol c<t.ll'tl'rld It ~·(·Jilt · ~ '''t' NICE new 4-room Houw, completelw- tr immed and finlli.- mnrr l"'ffl<'IC'n l to;)~· Accom1nnring the state comthP oft Ill'!. II<' COl\\• plua·ntnl lh<' loca l IA~~ i on for mnndt' r· h('n~ " l'l'l' l)lstnct 18 cornth• ·, \ t'C' !rtlt •nlllly fliT!' work )our maude!' Do\\'<' Stf'\ ens of Am'l(111•"'1 !!' d ::'l lnt( ' lllld JRC"d\Ct('d lht" rillo and Zon(' Com mnndc'r Shlrl('y GuT If l-~tL'S ]"o~o;l \\ OU!d n..:ain Ca1Tison All wl'rc ~ues ts at. the> ~·l '''•'l' th<> top mas fa r as mcm- local Ll'l:!:i OIT bnnquct sup1X'r hl'ld twr'!<hlp 1!1 t'ClllC"I'llE.'d. In th(' schoo l cnfC'I<'iia as a climax 1'1< I'll tt'k.. \1 ·l< ltJI 1 1 H 3, dt · i-t r nn• iron:t to be 8 ... lht· man1'11n~ I!• 1111 t•l Skt·ltun "~ h'f• l o>d Inf11mry IJhiJiit•n 1 ln PI1'1"IiiTjJ lum l"ha lnnnn o f thf SJ II IHT :-;~C Jl('f'S \li ~1adP TexH~ l kt rii.KTHitC' Ad'-i"'f)l')i Com· .\1t•r\Jirh~"••n uf !Jal!,J.'I hu II( <·n Farms & Ranches Mr. nnd M rs. J . R. Wh it<'. or 110 SUBSCRIBE FORTHE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS oddrt:-!1 "t)\' II·'' \t'.ll". lndlt"ol l lllg th II illl (H,"II\J!lo,:~ and t'.l.,IJ"O C'llUn•)"' , whir • cau:~• d lht• program shut tltJY.n !11-; t NtJ\(·miM·r and is looking for n goal \. :llllloll'.\• •1' l'ttl \' 11(') l!b,) di:.• t·u~~· <I tlw \'i.•lt·nms I..nnd li11a1d m otht'r-. "h u en 111 lli~hl , S, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I0, 1955 hR\ f1' in~ nf'w nwmlwrs II" t ht> memht·l..,hlp C'nm tlRit:n do('~<n' t urtu;•ll> I'HC'h or Yfo\1. M1'. nnd \lt'fl, I... C' C'OOJX'r, rnd \lllt\1 J<H1U ' n' ~ I Th<' J"lO"'' J\1r. and t\lrs Mike l"'O\\t'll, now haR 77 nH'mll(·l~ in it!'i r·tnklf P1mnutt Anwlk'tn r·"," IH.'\ THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS, DII.IMITI. TE C'!\ IW OF' Tlli\ SKS to lh(' Ol'i:flnlnl.tion's mMniX'n!ilup dri\f' Thr I A'Kion Amd hary Pl'('\\'(' \\ OUid like to thtw1c tha pan•d nnd Sl'nrd food at thl" han- muny frlrndr, for th~ bra utlrul qurt. Umal o(fl'l'illJ.": and worcb of sym' l"hf" d is trict commnmh.•t UI'~Nl p.'l l h) 11hown dm in g th<' pu!L•dnJ:; ot pt""l!o>l mt'tnht:'n to ron llllU<' rtt't'\.111- o ur• hc.•lo\cd nmtlwr· nnd 1\Uil l. Mny Ca<l"s ridw:-.1 bll·!iShH~ rrs t upon "t'l il•l.' \ht• \Oit'llt•tn l.t'Killl1 II" A du~,· •Wll ..,1 n ll"~ lltl.:'Ulll lllclll tlr ·• lwat,••l 111 llt,l('l' n11d tr·t•tdrlltl llllr\ 1 morP pro rt"""'h (' Anwl"i<'R. to hun.Jr ouht Hllllna.: I H u~·'tl c·n1~-r>1TC' ht'IL' l"lllll t i t~ 1!w n~.;m' ay, t•tl 1' 111 ntn:' C'l. ndu.-1,.._1 111 T t'"\ .. Blll<.I U~ t ... !o>[tl.."-'1'11 Pill 11'1h ant.! \ I(Jildt~ llm.>Ui:h fK'Y."I ll"i 'l .., nl(l •, l''u~r,uu:. and tf'l, \hlon \\Ill 00 ... I A'"l<•ll nlttnho.'l"' (\11d th lll' \\i \1\. !oi hPtnl ~!.tit• 1.-· 11'11 ( 'unHuamh·r D m z, '.~ Seventy-One Hear State Commander In Address Here ,.... • Other State Clubs In 4-H Ooservance Ti tc• · ~· .. ·- _.........." ..... . THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS, DIMMITT, TEXAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1q55 THE CASlRO COUNTY NEWS, DIMMITT, TEXAS, THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1955 f'(JR FA~ .tii(}Ut lhP Cathll· <' &x 6343. LOST & FOUND lind Janui)IJii!-1, Jnd1ana. lnforma - -----------~ u on KPnt undflr flhtin CO\Pr. No JI)ST OR STH.AYE.D tl11~~ _ptr5oual follow·uv -44-52tp hr•m>d Mull') Jt·1 "'")" Cow S t.rttyNl · 1"rn m) pl:u't' c•n M11nd.ty n•Jfltt, HELP WAt\TI:D-- Two re,lstPr· lktui"lf"J Jhi t Ptlf•n'' :Vi:\.1 E..lrn...r f.'d nunHI net'df"d at Cas.lro Andt· oun, 3 m 1 'oH·!oot or Utmm• t L C:Junt)' Hrn;pltal 1n 011lltnilt, TeJC. Z,. tp-.1 in Salary piWi part m&Jntenance ---::;-;-:::;:-:::::;-;;:;-;:-;-;;:--- F O R RENT :J IMJ":P unrurnish· fd rooms, Jll lva t .. t...w,lh 4Gt!c Mrs C W Croree PhCJM 213W ur chu.-ch. '"'" P -----WANTED . In Their • FOR S ALE A good s tock rarm,h 8 well im pi'O\" ed and good ·Inc 4 irrigR t ion well . l .OOO acres, 00 in cultivation, 320-acr€' lnse. Pl'i ccd ·.·~·.········ • .....Cll~lterbotltd Nel'ls 'nVO-BEDROOM HO ME on $78,500. M. A. Cz't.lm, Floydada, corner lot. Priced to sell now. See Mr. McGowan at McGowan Auto Re1>air or call 314J before 7 p.m., Home Owned, Ht.uTie Operated 214 after 7 p.m . <C).Lfc BATII FIXTURE SALE S foot sle-cl bal i1 t ub6 with S EE castro Count y Grain com· 7-tk Last Home Game Castro County Grain Company ..__. I Y Edd C • mCleroy • "). _______________ ( ...,...,....;;;;;;.::::,;;;!;!;:;,;:~.; - SCALE COSTING $147 MAKES FARMER $2000 IN ONE YEAR field Lavatorl'es ~..· 1'th tr1·m, A seed, weed Grade WILL CARE F'OR Ch .ll d r~ n sny $21.75 age in my home. Second house west of Dimmitt Grade School. spra)•ers and dusters, lawn tiUpsea t , A Grade $31.90 r.·l rs. Dean My('n. 9-tp-51 p\lea and complete elevator ser20 g<11lo n Natural Ga s \\'atcr u -u vice. Castro Count y GraLn Co. Fann BtlrH!u insurance, ·.na 35trc • Heaters $52 •50 Cnlurance-. see - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 gallon Natural CAs Wat pr ~ttc E.. L Jvey LET US repelt' and aervlce your Heate rs $60.40 -=-L~ET.,:,.-,,.,.1 E=_-:=-v"'o=u:::R-;::CO~r;;1 :;; 0:;:;N l.ir conditioners. 3 pleeffi bath sets with 28·tfe Buds' Fixlt Sho l) ttim $127.13 F OR SALE-One 4. -rowcui Uva- 1 pieces bath sets with 20 gal. water heBter $179.65 tor forM Farmall tractor. Inqu ire at Bearden Tractor Co.. WILLSON &. NICHOLS 35·tfc Dimmitt, Texas LUMBER 00. Dimmitt, Texas F'OR S ALE-:MY home in Dimmitt. w. w . (Punk) Gil brea th . - - - - - - - - - - - - SERVICES •we SEE US F OR repair paru for inct, C<!nera l Electric Refrigera)'Our Bdw & Stratton motors. tor , 24-in. bicycle, a11 In good Bud 's Fi:dt Shop condition . Phone 2?1W. :Mrs. W. 28-Uc C. Johnston. 46-trc LET ME HELP you plan you:r FOR SAL '53 model J ohn irrigation concrete pipeline. '"I1le ))(>.ere Cotton Str ipper; ·~2 model Brown Supply Company will have J ohnson Cotton Stri Jlper; sl.x Cot- an office and supplies in Dirnm.ltt ton Trallers I all sizes ); W9 lHC and can install and service your Tractor on butnne; Roo Truck, 2 concre te pipeline system. 0 . K. ton. with new 15 ft. bed nnd 2,- Howe. Tel 25, Dimmitt, Texas. 000 lb. lirt. All Items priced to 43-tfc l'l ell. 10 miles north on I fighway - -- - -- - - - -- 5 1, 11~ miles east. 0\arley Kent. 5l·4lc For prompt repair service on all household applianefs see F R SALE Us d rumHurc of Bud's Flxit Shop Pho ..•e 202\u nn~· k ind, R . E . Rickert , South 4th ., j Bobcat Stadium, 8 p. m. " ~S~·~H;c;l~n;ro;r;m~c;r;Bo;;bc;a;t;C;a;fe~b~ld~g~.; 1 DIMMITT BOBCA 1S S t cct. FOR S ALE .1Jtp511 Uf:«l sel r-pi'Ofl£'llrd ~ rombines rmm ssoo uo. sw u onca Equipment, tclc. 45 1, Uimmlu. Pos. Wt. Jr. G So. E So. HB HB Sr. HB So. Sr. FB Jr. QB Sr. HB Sr. HB Sr. QB Jr. G Sr. E E Jr. Jr. G Sr. So. So. E Sr. E Sr. E Sr. E Jr. T Jr. T Dona ld Cheek Sr. T Jimmy Johnson Jr. T Jimmy Cole Sr. T Cerroll Herring Sr. G Monty Boozer Jr. FB Wilson DiCuffe Jr. G Claude Blocker Sr. T Dale Russell So. G (Colors: Purp le and Wh ite l 138 139 13 5 I 0 E dw~~rd De lo zier I I Coyc e W'lkinson I 2 Keith Lowe 13 Don Sheffy 14 Zay G il breath 15 Alton Bates 16 Wilmer Studer 17 Alton Whitworth 18 Jerry Brown 19 Don Mob ley 20 Donald C urry 21 Jimmy Butler 22 Darrell Stine 23 Ge ne Goodw in 24 Billy Gafford 25 Jimmy Tate 26 Ga ry C leaver 27 Wayne Collins 28 Jimmy Mann in g 29 Joe Ben Mitchell 30 Byron Tate 31 Howard Smithson 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 T oxa.. F OR suite. 135 tU "\..., UO'\'"'T t.IHJ;; 140 ( '()LIJ 150 155 16 5 lrf"' '' att r m~y lit' O K ror hul nul for lwn..;' 'Mlat's wh ~ Wt' h<mdh• thf' PUrIM Wn 1\"r \\' ornw~. H sa fe 1..-ll-ctnc v.a rmcr fu1· US(' in <"hic k<'n hou'->t'S Ju ~~:t plult" it in a nd drOll Jt In lh ~ u t er btHlt·in thermost t kN'ps it turn<'d off except \' hC'n needed, Soon peys for 1tsC' If in (>Xtra (.·~ . R.t"omcmix'r it tllk('11 a pmt of -...ntcr for each et;g produc«l. 155 140 140 140 14 5 ' / 150 155 170 CITY BARBER SHOP KIN~-SEEL Y 185 CARLILE THEATRE AND 51 DRIVE IN FROEHNER VARIETY STORE HONEA IMPLF.MENT CO. McGOWAN'S AUTO REPAIR FURNITURE CO. FIRST STATE BANK DIMMITT DRIVE-IN CASH & CARRY GROCERY CASH WAY FOOil HARRISON INSURANCE AGENCY GLADMAN DRUG COOOPER BATTERY & ELEC TRIC CASTRO COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. FRAZIER JEWELRY DIMMITT COURTS DIMMITT HARDWARE POWELL'S HOME AND AUTO COBBS DEPARTMENT STORE TRIMBLE BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP - COOPER IMPLEMENT CO. BLANTON BUTANE, Inc. DIMMm IMPLEMENT CO. DIMMITT, FOOD BANK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PIGGLY WIGGLY FLAGG GIN COMPANY JOE COWEN AGENCY WANNINGS DEPARTMENT STORE WILSON SUPER MARKET WILLSON & SON LUMBER CO. ... Scluon, BAB Y GIFTS K nJv~ INA JAN SHOP Mowers, j:l28~·~tf~c~iii~~Bud~'~s~'f':~.xli:it~S~hioipiiiii~iiii~ii~~ • men~ Glenn Youts - - - - - - - -- FREE use of mov1.e camera. with purch.a.se or one roll or rll.rn. T.tfc Ayers Studio FOR REN't'- Thrce-room apart· T • mcnt. Be-arden Bros. c1. 7.J· _ 47 110 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; , THE PANHANDLE'S LARGEST NEEDS, ART GOODS FOR FINE NEEDLE WORK DAN'S STORE Canyon, Texa s F (JR 5 ALE Bulbs from liol-1 ~~~~~~~~~!!!!~""!'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ln.nd . Also J)('Onics nnd sht'Ubs.l ~ :\trs . •1. L. \V.rd. 101 E. 6th S t., J lcrcU>rd, Tc:ocns. 50-tfc WANTED - Prunlna: Shean. Lawn etc., to sharpen. .... , A l:~.o A Ne.., Selection of I 35-tfc News Want Ads Get Immediate Results I Schilling . . . 69c COFFEE . . . . . . . 14 oL Plcg. New C rop Shelled 10 Lbs. G lodiola PECANS . . . . .. $1.29 f L0UR. . . . . .~ 89c 3 Lb. Can Lb. Admiral BAKERITE .. .. . - . . .. 69c OLEO . . . . . . . . 19c TUNA. .. . .. . .~ 65c CATSUP ..... .-. . . 39c Chielten of Sea, Green Labe l 2 Cans 2For Shurfi'\e ~ 2 ...,. C rocken . . . . .35c HI-HO FOR SALE-Old V·8 Ford pi ckup. lias re-conditioned engine. Running gear would make t ra iter. 0 . K. Howe, Dimmitt, Texns. ! or Whole McMAHON & SON fOOTSIE'S CAFE SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE Co Phone ~22W SouH'I Dimm itt ~ - 291 6 ~ F'OR SAL 2 and 4·wheel used cotton t railers. L..oeatcd 10 miles north, 2 miles east and %: mile north of Dimmitt. Dnolad Gilreath. 3tc-52 F'OR SALE- mali. modern hOuse to be- moved. Sec Mrs. Jack Gregory or telephone 140. 3-tc-1 IIU NICHOLS NOW.. ' '1'-r.l .. •_IJ KEARNES GRAIN CO. DIMMITT WHEAT GROWERS, Inc. CUNNINGHAM-FULFER REAL ESTATE ) FOR SALE-Upright piano. R. E. Battl<-s. Rt. 3. Hereford. 21tc1 ANTI· .. FO R ~ ALE - 4 -whce l co tton t!'Ailcr. 4 new ti res. A. L. Gknn, FRIIZI ph011e 397W. with DIMMITT UPHOLSTERY & GARAGE JOE BENSON F OR SAL hea.t ers. J . E . TRIPLE PROTECTION .. •...,..'" FOR S ALE-Tv.·o 26-in. boys' bicycles, one a lmost new, one In f.a.ir condit lort. Call 20. James Rog· 2-2tc ers. .,__ hL, $2.25 CLYDE KILPATRICK, Public Accn't. NORTHSIDE MOTOR SHOP mawr I'IICID 'If ) •••• .... PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN. DIMMm GIN & ELEVATOR CO. - tfaJ DIMMm MOTOR CO. SHOP CASTRO COUNTY GRAIN CO. CASTRO MOTOR CO. CASTRO CLEANERS DIMMm LUMBER CO. HARMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE MAGNOLIA SERVICE STATION CASTRO COUNTY FARM BUREAU STEA K HOUSE CAFE DimmiH Notional Farm Loan A ss'n LIONS CLUB miles r as1 of Dimmitt on pavenumt. David Blunton, Gen. Del. , Dim._ mitt, Texas. 2-tp--J per•anent type SWAIN BURKm ~ BiiST BUY •• LOW COST PROTECTION Case, $13.00 ( FOR S AL 2 bedroom nlOd· em house, 2 Irrigation pWJII>S ond motors, 144 acres ga.d gro-...-i.ng wheat and lease on 595 acres of land. Pr1co $14,000. Some t erms. L D. Lay, Rt. 5, Hereford. 6 m.iles north, 3 miles weRt and 2 mJies nor1h or Dlmm.ltt. 2-4tc FOR S ALE-Two-room home with two lots. located just east of Dimmitt Wheat Gl'OWCr&. See Albert Stephens or Joy at Froeh· ner'.s Variety Store. 3-tp-2 LOST OR STRAYt:;o rrom m) lor Your /mp()tfant Pape1 s •.• and a t moderate cost! Most insulated chesh start at $45.00 , but here is a real buy in a fu lly insulated , sturdy chest- ONLY $22.50. It's the new Home·Craft Fire Protection Chest for e Bonds e Deeds e Abstracts e Contracts e Wills e Receiph e Livestock registration pape rs e Other important papers e Policies W e heve had meny inquiries for 11 fire- prot e ction chest , b ut price has always bee n an obstacle. NOT NOW, with this $22 .50 Hom eCraft Chest with elltnl heavy lack. See it et the N Castro County ews Cor• King C_.lo BACON Lb......... 3CJC FRANKS Lb........ 49' PRODUCE FROZEN FOODS Lcwge Hoad LETTUCE. • • .':' - ~ . 10c ORANGES .. ..... ~ 35c La,.• CAULIFLOWER • • • • 29c CARROTS • • • • .....• :.-..:_._ • • • 10c 5 Lb . .... Hood Cello looJ ~ 2 c.. 511urfiH ORANGE JUICE ... 29c ..... FISH STICKS ..... . 35c PEAS ....... ••••~ 39c BROCCOLI ~ ... . 35c CGpe ..... 2 ...... L.My !"!! 2 ..... '!J .... Clovortalto MELLORINE • • • • • • • • • • 49c ..... ,_., --COOKIES • -•- • -• • • • • • • 25c ,,., -DOG FOOD ---• • • • • • • • • Sl.OO s.,.._ au.. CRACKERS .. -:;.-; .. : 49c ·-· ~ fritlt los . Hays Implement (o. ~:::."';.,'::~~~~n:~it:r~~~ ~~~~~~~~·· ...••••••••••••••••••••••Ill •!.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• chain h11nging down from horns. 1-tc-2 , Fr·ank Baumnn, Hart, Tcxaoc. , HAMS .. . . ..... ... . . . . . . . Lb. 49' FOR SALE--Practically new cornet. Mrs. W. C. Johnston, tel. 227-\V. tc-52 New 2·bc-droom home, 2 STAFFORD SNACK SHACK REUBENS WELDING & MCH. Buy Now for ThanksCJivinq FOR SALE 325-acre fnrm, Irrigated, ali unde r cultivation. DIMMITT PARTS & SUPPLY CASTRO COUNTY NEWS 51 WRECKING YARD Dimmitt BEN FRANKLIN STORE POWELL'S TV & APPLIANCE COWSERT ABSTRACT CO. CO-OP GIN Alcol-lolic s Anonymous PLAINVIEW, TEXAS 1700 W u l 15th WEST TEXAS TELEf'HONE COMPANY M & K CLEANERS MARTIN GIN SEARS GRAIN COMPANY c.o. KillinCJsworth Construction Company FLOYDS CAFE BROOKS VARIETY STORE Sell Tire&, Tub es & Parts Call 272W or C. & S. EQUIPMENT CO. PESINA'S DRY GOODS STO RE PORTABLE DISC ROLLING SCOGGIN REAL ESTATt CASTRO 51 Wrec:klnCJ Yord Buy Junk of All Kindo 180 190 210 HIGGINBOTHAM-iiARTLm CO. ~-;toc k t pound cam: of Pu1;nEt Grub K iller f"r th(' small he rd and i' 2 pound conta. inel's of Grub Killer Concen tra te for Jar~er herds. &fore )OU spray \OUr cattle Rga in drop b)· and Pick up B. supply of Purina Grub Killer. LIVESAY & SON 200 HAYS IMPLEMENT COMPANY Th1.; is thC' llml' or yC'or th'H ("Jttle ~I'Uls will be ... houing up 111 )OLJr lxt'f ht·rd \\"(' haH' Ul E. G. (led) 150 155 ... ( ' \ TT I ,t : fiiU n..; 1-"'UR SALE Quflil tor foundn· lion !-.tock . Deroy CalC'S, 49-Hc • Pleasant and 11rofitabiP For more information pl ease call collect., 926-Jl or write Nova Melton, Box 663, Uttlerleld, Texas. tfn-47 I" ' DEXTER DIAPERS l!'fi..i.Pntial. :..::::::.:.::..::.::.:...:::-::---:-:--'-1 145 160 165 don't drink woter, llnl.a"t look for t: ~"oi. If \f•lll' )l(l),o; FUR ~ALE Two llf'\\1 mnde1 IT 3-l.~..-droom houst:· . Stt' R[\y fi,•;.ndt'n at CQstro Motol' Co, phmw i:l. lfc3 1 car KlTCHE")fE"n'E apartments DrM,fiTI COURTS l O·tfC Telephone 04J DlMMITI COURTS - - -- - - - - - : : - - FO R RENT-P'w'nished apart· SELECTION OF YA RNS, CROCHET SALE Chrome d mettc !\lrs. L. G. :\lonmng. 17·trn but RENTALS FOR SAL Win-Tex l\lr. and Mrs. E . v . Dunn had home WcdllCSda)'. seed. $1.50 per bu. Fred Broougci. as th(-lr guest this week, their 5 miles wes t of Dlmmin. daur.hter and ht'r husband. ~k Mrs. AI C. Williams undei"""'Crrt and Mrs. o . o . Kidd of Marysvil le, plA.stlc surs;crr on her nose in a FOR SAL T\o.•o and four· Cft Hr. The Kidds rt'turnl'd to their ~L;; ub;;boc =k=h;;o:::: 'p;;it;a;;;l;;re< = e;;nt=l'='·= = ; wheel used cott on trailers, loca ted ten miles nort,h. two eas t Rnd one· half mile north of Dimmitt . Don ald Gilbreath. 3-tc-52 160 145 169 " 1\ l ' t . H. tmm..:uT!'l, 16 5 c GEORGE BRADFORD HARVESTING Have brand new John De£orc cotton puller and plen ty of trailen. Joe Bill Clark. Contact Choc La y at Magn olia Service Sta t ion. 2-tp.. l SERVICES--Ca n lay sewer connectloru and do plumbing work. S . R. Salinas, next door to orrice. _ _ _ _ _ __ (.;...;.;.., 1--:F::O::R:-::S-A:-L::E--:U:-s-cd-:-:k-:it-c:-h-en-c-:ab--: Muleshoe vestment l§eeds, lawn and gt~rden klll era, (erUllzcn, in.secUcldes, Corrunodes with trim a nd 00 • aga1nst C lass $73 .~ tl"im pany fo r a comple t e line of Pur· Ina IC<ds, poultry supplies, Friday Night No. WA ~T Jo':D \\'t"' nud Jl""tim. Dimmttt tr-rrit{)ry l( )CJU ho\ f' a Call ( 'AltO ,, ... TitA-"K...., rarm for 1u:lh·, v..f" cv.n ,.,.u It Owen Cox, Tele 33 1 wish to taKI thl m~"'llrlli of Phon<", writ f' OJ' <'<1m(' to SH' us (')((Jl'l '""'my my- ths nks and AllfM"'Phone 5221, Box 127, TurnPr Bro"i FEMALE HEl.P WANTF.f~ c 1ation for all th1• lov('l)' rlow-Pn Land Co , J£a le Ctnter, Texas. HousP"''' 'h' ror dl"mnns tratm~ S tan· am:t card!ll sPnl to me dur\1'1.1 my COTTON S TRIPPIN'G Let me 49-Stp 1£>y H omt> Products zn D1mmltt 11Ln and to Dr BISChOff and ....1tal do your custom cotton litrlpp1rrg, ---:-=:::--::-::-:---:---:- and '"~lmt y, Pttrt lime or ru 11 nur,.. and all of the ho5 ,... haw t~o•:o new Ji trippen~. P hone 487. WANTED- Chlldr<>n to keep by time Pleasam and profi table Car !Ct.a.rt. May Cod bl('SII rach of you. Dimmitt. Jack J ohnson . 2-2 t" week, day or hour. CaU 356W or essential. no lnv tm('nt. Cell w1th good health ar~d hl.IPI)i.nea oocntact me at Nursery on N. W r ld wr1 N lo my pca,er. - - - - - - - - - -- 9:26J-L Little ~~ , or te ova ......._...... _.., rami'• SEE WILLSON & N!OJOU3 8th SL 2 blocks oH W. Bedford ~·~ 1-~ lt ~ o~ ni , i B o i x i ii 6 G3 ~ , i U it i tl i •i f ii < li d.i4(; iii . t i fc i iiiiii Mi rs i . i A i i . i A i .• ~ .-·.·~ • • •~.·, Lumber Company for Title 1 F'HAl_2_·_lf_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _A _Y_•_·-:-Remodeling Loans. 36 month to FEMALE HELP WANTEDSPECIAL pay, no down payment, 5 70 Inter- Additlon.al den.ons trator for StanMe de To Fit est. No waiting period, same day ley Home Pr">CCu,.t.s In this \"lcln· service. 50-trc Hy. Part time or fuJI time, no m· n•••••• ~ ........ - THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS, OIMMin , TEXAS , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10, 1955 ·:,,~,:~~~~•:r:n~dint~atld flu~t\IUIIO" tontr dr)-~' ~r the~nrl' ar :::;;;;~;;;;;:=~~:~;~;;;~===~:;~~~~~~~~;~j~~~~t:~~~::::~~~~~~~i~~i;~~~~~~~--~2~~D~·~ s . '""'n . or {Longhorns G'Ifd 67th Bapti'Sf T LEG AL NOTICE '.II In Or' • nmuru H , Cu.¥· Lot Rlock 21 Lot 12. mock l...ot 9. Blo<' k 93. On~ltlal town o n um iX' t 3026. p \V . Ln'>'· Dlnunill , Casu -o Count~. Tn1.. thcr l'l al Lot 3. II\ H!ock 3(), Lot Sui t numb •r- 3t5 t Mr:s n. D ""It li'O l'1l\ln l) , T f•,.,as ~- BIMk 31.1, l.ot -::!, Blnck 13, Lot tt £\lo(.·k Jl) all m Onl!- to\\ I\ of l)''n··oult , "'''"' "o>UIIll . Tt', !\S ~,,,, nun 1ho. 1· .,. "'J:J7 J K Scott .-.. '·l. "• ,,. 1, 0nal •. , ,, 1, 1~., 1 1, lll•~ .._ k "' ··''''' ,,{ l ' onu>•<ll, t' o,, ll'> l'<lUill\,, ~ " ' ' \\\)o<.U~~ ~. Lot lllvc.·k :,:0 l , Block TI; Lot I, BIIX'k 77 ~- !\lock 77 , Lot 1, B!OI..'k d :'"1. Bl~~k 91: t...~t I BlMk .':!, 6. Hl<w k ~1:! Lm t> mock ll i. t.ot IA.ll l'l el Lot Lnt LOI L!, 1\luck 117 Lt1t 3 , lll0t.:k 11S t•JI~-;11\.ll h'"n tll Pltlll1l'tt 1 ,, :-oull nttmho.l' :\tl3ll, 11 G ll•ltf~ 1 nt ( t:':~ (\•unty, Tl·~~ I .ut 1 Hltl\'k t.. l l..t•l 1 1\h"- k • !'-l Ull numht r ~H J 1, \\ ~' ).lc!11o('k -· Lot 1 n Or uul 1 \·\~n 0 llutl ll tl u\ o. t :tl, loillt t·o l•JUnt' To.'.\ Block 35 I.•H l• llloc~ "' lllo toni' r , It l\\11 tll Dnmutt, t . , , 1 l 1 3033 "•11 1" 1 ~ 1 1 ; lh~ki 1 Or&- ( rnnl\ 'I'' Llt tt (' 11 ""mt num r 1 :!, \\ t al 1 1 1 l'kKk .lti 1 303 J, I IA' ni~ J•u k- .l._ Lut9 1.tltlll Blnck tA)1 ~ 12t· n 1~1: t••t Block l.'t;, For F'Ina IT'IfI Convention To Be Held At Ab'Il ene Fall H G rt C rew S To Farwell 53-0 \U i h ('!Pan \\ 111(' 1' R('0'\0\f' t hC' '1\o.'tl'k jll\1)!, C'iiH· tht• m \ ~nod <'h•nnln ~ nnd nc1just And Clll hdOJ'(' l' ('l)inc• In~.: 1 It rm. SR\'S l' lnC'h . While> t hf' phi'' UJ-(' l t<"ld :.t•or,•\('"5 oy Ole strong ~lt"'rloo, t h" 1-hrt IAln~· hull\' ah:-urcc.i thd1' st,lh CO!Tit't'·' 1'1\\.'t J,,.. o;; nf tht~ "('aJ.CIU r·nd:t~ ni llt ,t f F .l l\\t'll Tht~ tuM \ ..,t"'llr• \'a' .\3-il l'lw I Atll ho.)l'l'Di ''"' h1'''' t•tll' n ,. I~;; It t•' pit~· l'lw~ gu up , Ill"' thl" \ mht r"t Hulld<•~ 111 H 1omt" tilt 111~ Bu ild''"'· ro:wh&i 1 unnr K t•ll;.. hH\!' \l("'{'n ~thk FU'\\o •ll ~1! t umr-..r 'ltii J, . i, \\t,• 90 uf 1 ,, BIPo. k 1...1. ' ' ' ' lnal to ''n '"'h n re linh le ··a d tA IOr <leonor and thf' n fl ush t he c lcntwr out F ro1n on€' ro rn('r or Te , ~s to o ut, · lu h •l"n t l" t hl" upptT nlindt'r tlw tllh,.l, 5,(lotl Bapltsl dirn: toni ,, .... I I ~ nraln thr hid t•1nk 1\IHI and "·~•k~·•~. ''!!h sL'I.ll"t~ t•l stu· " d nt", mU,Il'iAt\-. rmd ~lnt-.'"\'1"~. an• .,, ,,,.. h ., l tu g;lt(u-r· m 1\bilt•n£> thh; nth ftH' thl• tilth ntmun l mN'I· llli;: 1•f 11n' Tt''· !.. HapU!iit Tr.unln~o: l'n!tlll L'on,Pntlnn Th\ t hH•··th' awtits uf nu·t'l· 111 lhllll ;\u\ ·.! 1-:..'ti \\Jll ill£' twld m fl\t' ehurrht' ..._,[ di(IPn nt f.uths Ill 11 ·lw" Ill• l ln\E..' \ d"\'!1111\l'l i~ H :l!k !l'l.l h~· Cn\\- utrs. QJ)('Il n il \'81\'('tl " ·hite the pum1l Iii 1 unnlnJ: t o rr tense any lh<' , , hnusl u nd IM'031hrr 1" 1''' l ra p1wtl \\ ti ter and re mO\'f' and to pn·,en t nltH!it urr from rnt<'r! nJt pltl('f' a ll \ Uhf' \..lu lls In o lL Dt·ain th r> lll;l l tll' Clt~otn Hnd r harJ:(' tile l};tii ('Q ,w d. !>Wr<• \~ht'f(' l l \~Ill t he oil from the punw nnd nush " lt h k <'rfl!INfr, t hen n'fi ll thf' 1 ~ 1 t fn·l ' lt'. .,.o \~ In I PI' I7f' tl1' ( ,.' I,, t ' y '-oqoo lp • l)lllll l) Wl lh n<'W o iL C.n' U!it' nnd nwnl , l 'li£'h !oili)S fl US h I 1I(' ('1\ 1It(' tu rn t hf' "h~ rt .;; In d is tri bu te RT <'CI S<' on shnft 'il and bl•nt·inJ!"s n nd ha n g 1 "':-.11·rn HNnttH' a 11 t 1l' 'l t1l J)III!S · I run 1h" pum p f nr ' ( t'\\ m 1n· ho~t · ..,o ~1!1 wntrr d rnln~ out. nm tn1t' th•," II nto, R""'"·ad .•. =-.::.,---"7"7::---- - I 1 ; .. t "ount) mbt ~ J E Cr.\1 , I .01 10 Bloc-k - 0 1: )1mmtrl <."""&~·r ~h"'' '\ll~ l ~ount) 1- T Lo.1t 3. Bll('k -~~ L ,, " ~ • t Pratch· lA:ot l2 Bi«'"- h-;' l.o(•' 1'.! f l..ot "· Hl<ot'k .-~ 't Lut ~. Hlc)('k 113 numt 3:.. -\, H..1.l!oh 1 larI al lo~.11 I flh"-·k 36. l.ot ll. Block 3ti. i-1 t Tt·' numho. .r 3:.!1 Jtl R G R r~ain (·)I tnt\ B!Joek 36. na · ~ "'lilt 1Unl"'• r 3ll3 Lo-.. 1'111~ t·l Tt·:\.1:-. a Let l 1\I"M:'k Zt t.t>T "' Bll>C'k 3:....\1'7, R \\ Dukc9.J 11 Oti nat '''\\ n >C I 1m• t • al Lul 1 ~ Blox:k 30. l-'la l,; nu•r t.~.t t \•:>unl). T~'"'"'· l :l,..tra (."ount~, Tc:\A:. ~uat t•uml>o•r 31:l3. G 1.. G' e>(•n ~Uit numbf' r 3 W. R 'at·· ~.., a f ..ut - Hltl("k 1 Lot 9 Block t dh f"t a I [.., •., l9 20. :!1 Block !. Lnl 2. Blol k 0., Lot ~ B!t)('k 1~. 36. F1aJ<u:: Castro County, Te , as ~un numtx•r 3212. P Bf'ardc n t~t a\. Lot i . Rlock t) , F la~:z;; L t R Block tl. Fla!';S: Castro l...'ot.:.n· ty, Te'a". SUit numht•r 32li, W R. Ri'ed t- t al. Lots 4:, 5. 6. i . and S. Block l02, Ori~. town or Harr . Ca:,tro County, Te "tas Sutt rrumbt:r 3218. J . J Brown N a l. l..ot L Rlock 110, On~tnal IO\I."Il of Hart, Castro Coun~~ TO ow• THE BEST lt·"\Q.~ ~u1t 2. Costs less to install 3. Costs less to maintain ~~~4;.: _Co. sts less to operate \\ 1111 ·1 .• 1"t ~1 ~.,,..riff D. H. S. Dates N O\ "C'IllbC'r F. T. A. Goes To Colle9e Ideal Girl On November l the FTA went to Can ) on t o n corwemlo n a nd Mos t ncautiful- Ail ee \\'aggon':: i-INI or le c tures, also · to elect ~Cutcst- Ln Juana Thomas di s t rict ofrk•(•J"S . We wet'(• I'BihPr shoc ked whe n we ~o t th ere a nd Sweetca t- Mat·y Coke fo und we had come o n thf' wrong :Nt>.a test-Syh·la Chenault day F'i r'S t it was emha rntsslng bu t it Inter bccamf' a m us in g. We tow·Persona!ity M<'lba Chis m ed the ca mpus or t he college and Figure-Judy Boothe rf'turned la t('t• in th <.' day. J-l!mds- BCI\'a Warren \\'e were accom J)Ilnicd by M iss .r: . . es Pat Cowe ll Mer ritt a nd Mrs \V('stbf'r ry . O nl.) TCcth - Sut' Bag we ll S('niors arrd a ~rou p o[ people l.lps J o 8Cf'ChPr t·unnin2' ror office w e nt. ~milt.' l\ft"'lba Curry RC'portcr : Ann Palmer Ch arlot!(' ~1<-ars 1fair Mrrle 1 ~· 1. , T rim ble 1-'f'et J t'<t ll Mills Senior of the Week Wnlk Pc~jl)' W ilk inson Car Jo:,• \\'.a lk er If )-ou'r<' rww in DII S a nd you \\'1ttil'S I M Pi ba (Cnzndma ~) hnw nOilC<'CI a cu t(' lit tl e brow nS h••\lnn <'Yt·d, hrow -han ·ert hoy running M0st Friend ly IW\'crly 1\l ill~ around ._..-i th all t he girls you w ill 1{1 ,t nr~st-<1 Dolol'(•s B..1ttlrs soon find uut thu Ill' 1~ "Cnl;al >l"fJt:l<;i l lnn M ary C,lkP nMa Shrfh " I Q llarhon\ S l t'\('0~ Ht .t t\ ll Around Dt>nna WOC\d111~ real name is Don. l ie was dtl l horn in D11nmilt on IX'ccmht•r t 9, \fo t A thlctic Shirley DeLozier t93i Ills p·1re11 tS Ut'{' r"111· and ~1 n; l\lp->f Lakcly- to ~UC <'I 'l'd Pat .S id Shdfy ]lowell Don plrl)'~ roothall , and he hnlil n•tt·ntly j() uwd th e Rcudy Re- "ali E. A . I Do e) Noble is th e re cip ie nt of one yeetr's subsc riptio n to th e N ew!. a s tho re· suit of cor rectly ide nt ify in 9 my,t e ry farm 28 o!U th t<d o f Mr. and M rs. Pa u l Br oo ~s of near H a rt . The farm picture w ,H p u bl i~ hed a fe w we e h a9o in the News . Brooks the year ~ i"', Sr. , one m ile OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF DIMMITT HIGH SCHOOL Alton Whitworth's "Doc" Noble laentifies MysieryFarm No. 28 has been on th e Lum t. mc c 19 4q, he purchased it fr om W, A . Haw Hart resident , The farm i1 loceted south o f H ert. All buildin9s and impro.,.eme• h on the Brooh farm have come about ~ ince th ey mo...-ed on the farm . Th ey inclu d e a ne w home , sh o p building , 9ara9e , t enant h~u se and chicken house as well as e•tensive lendscap· in 9 . B roo~s has 4 00 ac res 1eede d t o 9rain1. and 200 a e rcs in cotton. H e int (lr p lan h cowpetu wi t h h is grain s a nd deep br ea ks hi,. lan d . Th o H a rt farm e r al so uuts commercial ferti . liz e n e xten si.,. e ly . 8 4th Grade News Brook W4S mDrri e d to the former Irene Vv'elty in 1939 . They ha...-e th ree c hi ldren : Thomas Lea, 14, in the ninth grade; N eom• Rut h , ei9 h t, in the third 9rede; an d Sharon, ~ g e two . The Brooh belon9 t o th e C.Htro County Farm Bureau and Bapti \t Church . Mn. Brooh is a me mber of th e Hart H ome Demonsfr a .. tion Club. Our room on::nnlzcd a club C'>n l'rldn.y, October 2R \\' (' dC'cid<'d un tht' 11amc "T ht' Good f'1tit:<'n~ Club." nn d elected t h(' ro llo\\ing officers· JO<'l l.yUH, pr<'tHd(lnt ; S.andra \J'(' l.il'l~l)', \icf'·pr~l dl'n t . Nttncy Curo1 11nys. sccrNan:: C.ll'lan nC' ("al\·1'1 t , l reasuN"r: and K:n ·e W illia ms, Tom N<'lson, nnd l.arry K£· ith Jla.s t ings , l't'JXlr t<'1'8. \\'(' a ll ha d run at th <" Ha ll ow ('n arnl\'Bl and sold all the rood from our food booth Reporters Question of the Week DHS Boys Take Whn t w us your mos t embannss- Induction Test ShurOn \Vetison Lll'>t T hur'>da)', NO\ t'lniN•I' :l, fl \1' lucnl boys went to Anvwl llo n11d und<'I'WNit P h}sicnl b "'nmanat ions and \('Sll:l Cor tnP UnttPd States Ar-my fu:s(.'r\·e. T h('se boys 9. 1' 4:': Ji m m y fl utlcl·, Don Sheffy, J OC' l...ce Wilcox, a nd Tomm y Ro b· t::noon. Th ey w il l become mem tx-n of l hc ActJvc Rrsen e 1'\, (' bee n em- ba rrassed so many times, l rea ll y cou ld n' t say. Barbara Roger~~- At Band ('ontest at Canyo n last year when J N. wa lk ed in on me w it ho ut a s hirt on. Melba Curry- Las t H a ll ow re n when I walkt.'<l in the gi rls d n~sS · in g: room ami some bo ys were in there . Bel\· Warrcn- LosinJ: part of m.y ba thing s u lt. Do lores Battles - Losi ng m y le· Melba Chism's Ideal Boy \'IS. Most ll andsomc- Oon Shcf(y CUtes t Eddie Wa y"c Winkle Personality Bud Dye S we tcs t Jimm y Hcnna men Physique J oe Ben Mitchell J la nds Nomta n Nelson E yes Don G reJ{Or y T eeth Mo nt y Boozer Lips Dona ld c u .... y Smile Keith Lo \-\ e Nose Leon Crum Hair Ji mmy J oh nson F eet Romlif' Jo~ ld et· Walk Zn y Gilbr(.·ath ar 0. C. Rro nh ·o M('a m:st J imm y Bu tler \\1tii"St Ralph Sm1th Most Frit'ndl) A ltun W hit· M r. Bates My firs t d ny t o tea c h. I th ou ~ ht Fra nkie U ll ey was one of the k id 's mo t her. B.nr·hu ra S tPw' nS \\'ould n' t you llkC' to kno w ~ f Ru tdo!oio?l Bll\nche Bnllard I' ll go along wit h Ba.rho t'll. WOI Ih M:-rlc 1i·imblc When I walk('(( Best Drc<>s£'d Donal d R~nfro iro on a boy changing cloth~ ba c k • Dispos1t10n K"1th ·1 aylor ~Ul~C. 1 Q \\"mst on \\'ttt:i,"'ile l' F:\"~lrn Cummins A t Plnim·icw, l3t:,t All Al'ound Alt on Ba l('s \\.-hilt' !'.kaling my i~>dat-pu3hi:.'I Most AthiNt(.' Uun Moblt'.'r' >scam-. dt•cid<·d to P..11't. Most Likely 10 SUC'CCcd JCr f') A nn ~mith \\'hl'n my Nening B1·own di'I.'S!-o I II>[X'r decid ed h) IOW{'r 11'-df ut IVuniX"II\ S. Room 58 News Chru ·lottr Hestand ~ l inl' was \l'hl"n I anS\\·el€'d th<' Roll Call for Joy Tailf')'s mother surp!'lscd !:'tmtC' o( Don's fll\"OritC'S arc : Jackie \\'ood 111 .!rt udy hall. 1'001'11 58 Fnday with hirthd ;t:o· re· Fn~xt Bl!t<'k hea t· st eak J oyce !\l ('ss r n~('!' \ Vhcn 1 rclt rrcsh ments a t t he las t period or Colo.- Black down the s t airs HaJ iowccrt nigh t. school. Sh~ brought a \)(.'auttrully :-;port FcX"Ithall C('C\•Iia S t('hr When Cuson decorated blrthdlly cakt' and hot SUhJ('et P E. Smith sen t me to t he office chocola t e. E\CI')onc enjo)·cd t he T C'achi'r !\11'. llatl'S Muy Mc ACt.•(' \Vh en 1 asked delicio us refr{'shme nu. E:ntcrtainmctrt Ctrls M r . Mccart y ror a book to s it on TI1e Busy Bee Club met a nd Actr<'S!'; Jan(' R ussell t ransacted routine business, then. 80 1 cou l d 800 a mo,·ie. Al'l or Roh<'rl Mltchum R it a Sanders- Ask O t <' l a C. and Sharon Tilom as, t ht! p rogra m i\lo,'ie- Priva lc War ot Major chairma n, pos tpon ed the progra m Bl.•n.!;Oit o;;h c l>ett er not tell you , "Ca n ~o n." u nt il a la ter dat e. Son~ Bl11c k D<>nlm T rousers Cal-rol \\' .- When 1 ye lled " Hey The snow M onda y was to,·ety to P astitn<' · Fll rt l n~~t wi t h girls Whis tle ." see Ca lling. Pet P l.'{' \'(~- People w ho won't P a tsy Queary- Wh cn I a ccld(' nYour reporte r . let me do '-''hat I wa n t to. t a lly ho nked the car horn. George ne Blanton ------~~~~~~--------~--------~~I .n ew style! new comfort! new.Power!' new·Internationals! . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!'!~!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!~~~~~~~ l 1 •1o Co•m!.> T1 'a . :-'Uii numhcr 3.;.-.. \ ' E Bt.ald• n • ai ,, n Hock 111 u" n I \\ I r H 'I I" tru ('OI\tlt~. ,.. llllll .. 3 ... 11 (' r; l'~tht· n al I.All _ B k 113 Olli!· 1 al 1 \If, t Han t 1ro Ctnmt~ ,, SELECT your mode rn. depe ndable, funy automatic gas range now. Gas a pplta nee deo le rs are featuring their ouce-a-year opport un1ty ror you to sel ect th e auto-matiC gas ra nge of your choice and get 1t at a saving. An a u toma ti c gas range 1\ the mo\t. dependable cooki ng appJi .. ance betng manuf.-Jured toda; Buy }our modern, automauc gas range today and enJOY carefree, dependable cookln g. No range rs morr al.domatic. ...:u;t ·tm:brr ;~:... 1 .. :-.1 tl l-1ld 't-t al. l..,t, ll, 1::: & 13. Block 1.1:i. tin :nal Tn\\11 or lla 1t. Ca:-; lru (-t>•u t~ Tt·,;J ~u11 numhf·r 3:.! U>, ChR'~ .\k[)a dt• t·t .-t. l Lui 2. Bluck 2, .;-..:am· rrth ( 11 il.nnal Town. Castro <."ount;.. Tt·:\cJ" SUit number 3:.: li. E S ~lc · C'urnuC'k 0 al. l..nt J Blcl('k :.!, lrJ..,mal '''"t~ (f ='-".s.lar·l'th, Car..u"O 101 I) t ."Ull numt ... ·r J\13. o . .-\ D>t r • 1 a Lot 3, H\lx·k 93. ( 11 i~in;;~l • ·\-\ll or VmllUIII Cd' tro ('tJUOl~. ~u11 n•Jml.11 r 31:.!~ R \.' \f r)la· tl al Lut11 lf). 11. 12 1)1 1 ~11\UI V,.t IJ!Jt.;lhfll tr.v.n of Bl •I< 10 1 ~Clean ~"1. 1:.!. BltXk Jn mm111. unt} To. s , t ,umh.. ·r 31 "" .\h s l': 11 \\) r h t'1 hi, Lot 10. Block 2, Lot "' 1 ltlf"k W Lot HI, Block i2 . • 1 . ·ana r ,wn of l,tmm1tt, Ca I· d t (' • r.l)'. Tt x.a11 ~llll tt 1l, lo '~ n See Your Gas Appliance Dealer numlw·r 32111, \..('\\> J ohmun IA1f 'i. Bh;t·k 30; UltO:Irllll 1 f'laR:f!". Ca :-tr :;~ C. lUn ty "11-:\ii'l utt numOCr 3211 , H J . Mar lar et •I. I...ots 5 & 6, Bloc k 43, Orlg· m-i . !Hun of f 1 aj.ur. ('a~tro ('oun· t) Tt·xas. :-.u11 number 3213 . J, Bru ton Slarl•· l'l al. Lo lli 7 & 8, Rlock 110, Lot, 6. 7 & 8. Block 116 Lo t 7, BlriC!k 129; Loti 23 & 24, Block 146 . Lou 23 &. 31. Bloc k 133 Lot 11. Dlock 1 35~ Lot• 5 lhru 8, a nd 9 & HI. Bloc k 155; Lot 7, Block 164 all Orh.nnal t O""'Tl o f Ha rt , C~tro County, Texu. S uit nurnlx·r 3223 F rank Bsl.u· m"n N al. Lo ti!. 1 & 2, Bloc k 1 29~ l..nt 3 th ru 6 a nd 8 th ru 16, Bloc k 129 . Lo t 26. Block 133 Lot. 1 thru 15, Bloc k 130 ; Loti !5 1hru 14. Block 108 . all O d g. town o r Llart . Castro Coumy, Tu.u Suit number 3228, E. £ , W lnn lunctlonoUy Styled for Pratflcol Good looksl Coronet 4-rloo r loncer New '56 Dodge Coronet Invades Low-Price Field ! tn• C.. llln 1M rewa If 1M PNI llllfiSICCISS! l1n's thllly lltt·lill, - fll ·ltytll, ltl·laaitod Kltl5 Sill CAl II Here is no s tripped-down "price spec.iil'' .. . bllt a fuU-aize,fullBlut.d, fuU-fG8hitmed. beai!'Y that's KI NG SIZE in every way, This new Dodge Coron.>t tak,;; the measure o! ali other• in the low-pri"" field on every l'?int of value: Size! Beauty \ Style ! Power ! Roomineosl Comfort\ lt is actually 111riaer and more lu:rurioua than can coating up to a thoUMild dotlal'll morel -- at llw·lfla fiiN wiD I flit MM tiW, siJII$1 You have a fuU choi<e of body styles, a fuU choite of advanced power features. And . • . you get the Magic Touch of Dodge pu..h-buttan driving I t- Come discover tho dioidcnd of extra roltte that Dodge brin g~~ you in tho Coronet. ll'aiM King Siu bu~ in lhelow-prit< ,l!tldl :)t> Vol.. ol ll>o F......N teeto - - - - - - Win 1 Nn Dodae lor the rest ol your IHel Entw fablllour "Dod&• Jw Ute" Contest 11 your OOlite Dealtr'l nGW! L l MOTORS ·' H ere are th e new I'I'I'ERNATIONALB ... gr~nt from any point of Ne w INTUNATIONAL " S- 1\neH indudn lighl, mt:fium ""d htc~.,--duty modo~~l1 from <1,200 to 33,000 lbs GVW) 10 gcsoline, lPG englne1. e.,.ry modern truck fee~ture. Driv•r· DesJgned for Ileal Comfort I The~ie develop their power for sustained operati on at lower, more economi cal e nsine speedg. They're aU truck with no J)D.S8Cn gC!' car enJincsor componentsaskod to do a tru ck job. That saves you the BIG money - the over·th~yeartl openting • and maintenance money. Drive them today. INTERNATIONAl: TRUCKS Y- rt~l•• I• IIAL narf•rt In Comfo-Vblan cob1.• Comlo,·cuttled ll.. llrtg whM I. Low hood fo1 clo..-r •lollw o hf'Qd, " Q.., l•l·•ld•n 11XJf l l n i ~Q. droh·frM door t f'QI I. A wid• vorl•ty of ~lid ond two-toll• •~ter l or color1- Optlot~ ol d• lu11• tobl hav• color- ~•red ln t.1ior, d!rom • lr;M. AU·livch BuUt to save J'UU the BIG rrwneyf FACTORY BUTANE ECj)UIPPED PICKUP ON DISPLAY HAYS IMPLE MENT CO. I • for children ege 5 and b Mrs. Jack Malone • Corner Dulin 8 Se..,enth Phone 110 when you~hop here • FRESH PRODUCE GRAPEFRUIT .---. . . .. . 3for 25c BANANAS . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 13c CABBAGE . .. . . . . . . • lb. 5c ORANGES . . . . .. . . . . doz. 39c LETTUCE ... .. -:-:·. 2for 15c CHOICE MEATS BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 49c PORK ROAST . . . . . . . lb. 29c SAUSAGE .. . . . . . . . lb. 39c T-BONE STEAK • • • lb. 69c OLEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb.19c 35c CRANBERRY SAUCE Large 80-Site Ruby-Red Mout~ta l n M edium Site -- • • -- • • • • 2 For Anytime freestone sreat new INTERNATIONAL trucks ofTPr mor e b(lf'S('powcr- The Play School by Dimmitt, Tfo·..c. Pho ne 31 2 • More usabl• llorsepower for ~·Money savings I the openmg , Tuesday, Nov. 15, OPTOMETRI ST Min-Ot And U1ey g!ve you real com fort , tool They're d river-d esigned to l et you work lon ger without. fatigue. Looded with J)erformanco and handling features tha t mak e every hnut ing job easier. A NNOUNCING WOHLGEMUTH W ilson vilow! Th eir dean-lined styling is trim n nd functiona l - designed to tnkc the rough goin g of truck work without excess ive repair costs. ,.,ra W eek:days. 8:30. II :00 A.M. Pu re Pork H ome Made T1' n~'OrjO• 11111111' (.:&mf• ' H\. II n,e 1 toeau r 1lli(l'(l in thP 'Ill'<"• Tilt hub<· 11 v. 0 •1' thl· liM- ond hall \ollt M .. trt y rn&klll~ Mrt nH· 1!1-14 h•·•· •n tht Bolll"·at H-;.a 1d '\.m lt 1r !Jfl)dirt Brown Stad1Um F rJdHy t:lght, .'\0\ f•lllloi 'I' l111llt'fl m r for thE' Pxtra. polnt... 4 Th mado· thf• liC'(•rf' 11-13. l)lmmilf w II pl>tY' MUlf· tfX' h1·1 P Ftlda )- IliJ,;!ht fur thl'JI' Ja~r~ ln 1h,. Jasr qwtrlf'r hatrLitrk hom~· !lam K t 1th l.o~•"'f· ran 5 yards for a TO Th Rob<'BI' Opt"'nf-d" \\t th '\ ~.3 j,, ma.kP l h{' ~l"flt'f' 19-1 4 DR. JAMES E. Fresh Lean numl r J:..'.'l"o!. J. (' G;~n. t 1 Bl:>ck :ll t Jrhttn<~l to" n (>I u·rm1• rft ld (' ~1 o Cmlilt~ Tt:\· t,n ::-\ 011 Thf',dHy. ~O \'f'mb(lr R, 195:) t he <'ighth .':rad(' ~ids had a mt•l'tin~ a nd df'C ided to ha.' (' an orl{lt niz.ed chull· and to <'I('Cl o!fiC(·r~ Th ry w(·rt as foll ll""' Pl'f'Sid £>nt ZNhn [\r·y; \ •icrPrf'sid ent _'\ormll Baltll',, St(". and Tr(•asurer· Tht•nia ~mllh, HflJlOrtN'S ~tmnyt• \\'y er a nd A :.~n drea Boo thP \ \'r al~u han• A nf·u choral tr>ll('hr>r tm..., y. :tr Jh·r nam"' ,.., "rr... Bain \\"e :.t1·c rt•alt) l'njoyim.: he1•, h!H'k J .o~tt;1 Officers Are Elec;ted Armour Star ~111t ; ' "t·l (i --- T~:xas umloe '~ l• F E t'a111~ 1..()1 1 II nck } 13. ( ,Mt1!1."1) IJ > c. • unr~ II~: t Dependable ~l"fldUttlf' \111\ldH)" in th,. St:tt•· Farm nurt:6U Qu('(ln COITtf'tlo\ a llME d1 :n c• . Sht> p]H)1 'd I !<ill !\1)"1na \\ tl:oo lif'mm ponir·d hy hl'r chair Clarinf't with thC' \\'1 st Tf·X· mOThr•t'. Mt·s. J \\ . Thc,mpson, . , j\nd '''\t•ral nthrr Farm Bu . f'HU as S ta l l.' hand, and i<HI ~ Soprano nwmbf·t~ and dl'if'2'B t 1 ~ 10 tht> Anw ith Lh(' W T Choi r . Mrs. Bau1 nual Stat(' Farm BUt'f'UU Con\t•n· played Cln rinN and Bass Clari - 1hn a! F'on \\'o r·th ne t \\lth th.-. Amarillo S}mphtm\" She tau~.: I t t w , , 11 M •• _r..1 y rna "'ts m ('Ompt•tltion w1th sourl, lx> tor~ !mlna•)~~~~~~ ' L!o thf' ~·r!:-. rrnm thr thirtN'n dis'f n .. • 1 gl I I riel~ fo t• the f'a1m Bureau QU(·f'n !• ~n.~~ m .~ a p•· \atP n " th is of Tf'xa.s. mon !l army He Is l:K'lng Sf'nt Rl' th · "" ! •· t o Alas ka . mg r> • u.·trmPr, .. yrnA n«S Some o r her r ,. -1 • rec<.'lvl'd a wnst watch and !!.PH' NII S port All 51 )0~t~n <'S are. ~ t her award\ and honors Sh(' wl_ll Pastime R idin h tec("IH an a\1-exPf>nsC pald t r1p F'ood &n11. na ~)Je orscs t~ Chlca2;o to the Nati onal Con. of the Farm Bu· Col "- ' - p urp1e an d \Vh 'at(' ( Yea \~ntlon. S<'\"eral ... _ f Dlmmitt l • rf"tiU m(>m'JII.'I'!i o Dtmm!lt will Movie All musica ls accompany h~r So ng- I li kf' all ·· srf'ad ts th~ !'i tarr or hrr , but ther(' i.s nn rNIWn w hy thE" llrl' or Ei9hth Grade Choir th£' starr should be om· Jons:- loaf " Amarillo Dally :-.:r-ws Firm numhl-, n:.."l R.ty .\h'i'\.H. 1 II, Lot .... 1 & .!1. Bl<•ck 1::.:3. 1 llart I~ Of Wf'-.1 T ·MIS St~ tt e C'ollt·~f· Wllh Larqe Golde" ~u1t 10\\fl Bobcats Swat Hornets 19-14 M rs '\1u,(e H·&d1('1' Shf' Joy WalkPt' Ont' .nrt e1 nuo n th ls sum mC' r nt Band Clln\1)! Alllt Goltehon ne d ay when I lost PM l of m y bathin g s uit In th e s wimm ing pool ! Mel bu Chis m Wh<'n I got my s hh·t Ulk cn oft ul Sha ron's la~ t s lumber part y, State Winner Tulrl hln 11•\1, 1 n Hn 'Ci }li rd TI>. Th 1 v-ud .,.. a-(}(.ld n<l Tulia il"fi 1/i [)lm II tiiTif'd IO ilf' Jll.!tg\11 d "llh lrt~d ltJ('k ,. tht·y tuml,)~ un Uw KU k '" ;u•d Tulta n 11 a not ht'r TP on I t "'ra JII"Jtnt foj lt"ld ll h NUMB ER b Teacher' In Review in~ momen t ~ l··"l>l! r llu..,t'\t·r on th1 follo141nlt' kickpeN!~ VOLU ME XIX MPiha Cuny numhel 3219. \\' E Phlit·t ul. L.o:•l 3. Bc.1kk 116, I )fl-.. mallo\\n uf !l.trt, Ca.tro County, Tt"\a su.l number J:.!~l. F. R <'111 ;I(' nIt t al.l..::t 1.:. Hukk llli_ t)li'• .nat tC•\\on of Ha.11, Cn, t1o Count), lt•':l" JO·W n'£'1rrk A and 4:00 o't hd·! 1 exn!l or Cru!tro C'ount:'_' :-ou1t numb• 3~.!7 R A. find· rl•ll"k P )1 , t o t h ge-r:. t'l al. Lot 3:.?. Dl•Kk 13:! < ~·~o:~ ~~~~------~ --------1 nal h \\ll ot ll:ut. Cat-.tro <."oun'Y. 11~. 1. Costs less to buy tr. u l ,r BOBCATS l I Bobcnts \ ·s. Mulf'shO<', hf'l'l' Bl a ndtl"' Il.'lllard , 1 i RalnhO\\'i Claud<' Bloc k(' r, J e-rry Brown , HI Bobcu ts vs O lto n, th en' JammY Butle r, Do11nld Cheek, Mel· h.'\ ("hlsm , \\'aym.• Co llin~. J o(• IJ<on 23 South<-rn A ~;~cmbly P ro· Mit hell Don M obley, Melba She\· gmm t on Barba ra S t ev<' ns, A lto n Wh it· 25 IlaskC' tba ll l i l CRn) on wu~1h a nd Joe Lee Wil cox . 2Ji; Rui nbo..-.'"S 29 Baske tball a t Abe rna t hy wll '-1'- ''hil t• hmM..., H l'un- t'lrkh. "'''n,.;i<•n n~•h·t-.lt I "'~"" teullm.tl u UkU l ast1n l'outll), lit' ..,,t;.-. ·lll"luu~ mo ltll--:; "h' uld 1\ ,,\..; :11-.1 ho· df'lHWd . ttw l'rttnkca"t' ~mt nm:1ber 3~1. ll att T o\\ n· •lrllno-d 111d n tilh-d \\ llh llC.'" oil ~~t Co.l. tt nl. lAl\ "..'"7. HIO('k 13.1. .Hltl 1h 1· 1:tnltll run 1111 ~c\,T:tl f II•Jrt, ca,lnl l'rl~mlll lP\\11 minU1(',.; 1,) ctm l tt ll :-.urfm'l·~ \\Jih l \IUOIY. T ,~, Pr. Fl" 1n J\ Skit" i111d thf' :-:uit llUil1h4 I' 3:2.33. J ~1. Mt h~ 1-"it'!OI Br~ptt ... t Church of Abi!.. m• f'1 nl. l.•llt 3~. Bii"ICk 133 Ori~>;ln::ll \\Ill lX' hr~t3 to tn(' ('tnln·ntlon. t''"-n {l( lhrt . Cu'tiO l'ount) 11r. T C G:ndner, darecto r of lht' T,.,.:~,,.. Trnmin~ t'nion OC'Jlal·tmrnt fm :'uJt numt,._.r 32.';3, Ra~ Johl".;on t hl' Rapt i~t c.• .·nero 1 Corl\C"ntlon N al. Lots :!. 3. 8. 13, l •l. 15, 16 or T e xas. will l)(' m charge of t he l i & t. Blot':k 5-l OriJ:lnal tOYdl fl [ Summr.'rfi ld, Castro County, T l X· m('l.' tmg and \\-ill S::l\ e a rc\ tl'W or "tfltc·w idl" wor k ll!l. ~ u~ tmmbt:>r 3274. E. L. RJm,c~- et at. Lot 2, Block 91, Orig inal d e r for ca-"h. providjn~. ho\\. t'\·er. town or D•mmltt, Castro County, tha t nom• of ..a1d proper t y shs!l Te..:u. be sold to t h<' n" ncr of said propSuit n umtx>r 3Zi , lro C F or· erty d irt'CIIy ot· lndlrl"Ctly or to snn f;t al, Lot 5, Block 3i, Origin· anyon(' ha,-mR an inten:-st the rf'in al town or Dim.rrutt, Caslro Coun- or to any par t y o t her t ha n a Th S· t)' . Tcx1 s ing Umt " hich is a part )i to u id ~Ult numher 3280, F loyd Smith. suits for I<"S" tha n t he amounT ot Lot 6. Block 139. Orh::inal to~n lh£> a.djudC"cd value of aid proJ>o f Dimm itt. Castro Count)·, T rx· e1·ty o r th<' ali;"J:re~n.t(' amoun t of a!! thf' jud1m1enl Ri:"alrrst sai d propAnd I u ill o n the Fu""!lt 'T\It-sda)' f't'l~ 111 l' ll.ch l>UH. w hlc:he\ er s in the ~l onth or l)('ccmbcr. 1955. lower. and sub}-et alllo t o the th r.' !"~nll" hdnt: thr.' 6 t h dn;.- of rls::ht of th('l dr ff' ndants to rede1 •m [lf'('~mt...-·r. 19:\5, JH"OCN'd t o sell ...alc1 p i!'Jlt·lty in the- time afld ;~II (lr tht• 11-.!ht. lit if'. intt·rest and manm·r prnndt'd b;. lm1 and :-.U •l('Quit~ tlf th~· ''lid drr1·ndant o; 10 j('Ct al"("l t ~ thf' rls::ht o r thf' d-•·md Ill th1• !:!lid profl('rt y at the fl•ndnnt~; to Inn £' ..,:-tid propt tt y C'uurt f1 1U"(' d lClr ot the said C'a · d 1\idcd and sold in )('..;., d•u~i t\Jl.S tro Ct,Untv, T· , a ... in t he Cit) than th,. \\h•ll(>. or 11m-.m1tt, h<·I\\N'n lht' hours o f Jack C'art"riJ.:h t Bobcat Stadium Stadium, 8:00 ]l ('J"X) rt en~: Farmers Urged To Winterize Tools I And Machinery "'' "' THE THE STAFF t "" r Ptm· 11tt l"t-.tr' l'o.unt) T ' r ,l.., "' '.ll"numl~t "\h>~:ilh11""1111 l'·!l''•tlld.r 11h\ l} dan~.~~~~~~<-ik.'ll'llf,I:\Tt·'·lliC.'Oilt·~~" tnd ~Uit tllln\lll, I' 3ll.~' \ I l~m\. h.un 1 t ;:II, Lot '-1 B k•~·k 57~ llr1·•· n n J;:l\t'n m~o:ht. . ll\11\1'11-ttt~.:s nr" mcludC'd nn th('l 1 &1 . t I 1~\.:x:k H lo~.lt ., ·~ t \\11 o[ Jllmll\111. ( .\'-lf\1 I Cll:ll'l; P.u.d lko'\' dl":!. lllolll.._,,\ :O('Ill'fllll!• or 1'\f'll i S. IU )('k. I aU U I .-1. llk'C.·h. ,\, :t.ll ill l'ou•lT.) Tt,l!!i n1 l \\hth· tNm hmt' n ~oNi Traini111: l'nton Jlrt»t lams plan· 1 o,q· r l'unmttl, l •.• ,. ;-: 111 1 r~umtx>r :'\lt)i. C f' Hl';.- d•·mc-o• hl ~Jit'Lm.: an up~wt ""m't· J\<'<1 h~· t ht" llit ~lur:-. nnd nwmlw1~ l I.H'l r. , ... nolU" <·I o.&l. l..lll 1,, Hl•lt·k 57 (1tl'- thb \\ llt ll(' t~f'll' la't ,::n mt' and it ol PI T l' ,:\tol ('hurc-hN will IX' p t"{'• I"'""..,~ 11rnhf> 31 11; llilrnt'\ Rt'<'k· ln:al t,,,~n ,,: \lmurutt Ct,.lnJ ~~•11 ht• pl.t)ni nt Hart. The lint ,,·n t ('(l cmd l~ xplttilwd t'lt'forc the ch: \('11 c-nm<' llUl o f the F tH"\\Pll m• ... ~('llCt'l~ Thl ' pro~t·mns will !, l.ol'r H' Hlock •"' r,p .. l··unr.' Tt"\..b. ntlt••'-' ·fllJnllll<lt,l't"tru ""•un~u11 numb.·' 31~1. R IIJlh :.;nuth ~·u n~~ Wit hou t un~ ,t'riou_s injur· h(' u~"t in churches throughout 1;>' Tt,.S l't 11 t... ,, 1. B loCk \21,); On~ n ·.al IP' and Qu;trt .. ·rha c k Fd d l(' Sn\a ~e llw 'ILtlt' rhtnng t he- £>arl)- Jlart o f ~Uit Ol1nlfM'I 3o,)U,, ~ :'-1 Th"m· 1<1\\n ""'~ Dmunttt Ct~tn) c..,unt), \\lll a~:am bt• r~nd~ l o ~uid•' hl" nt "\l ~1."'11 ~--"-'q a" • 11 Lot 7 l;o()('i-:: tl'7 ()rt~in tl T~,·,,t .. t eam'l> Jlht T Bttac-k Thf' l>ame \\ll f l•mm111t f'1:-.tnJ t\lunt;. \lnt'UP \\ill 20 af' alll~ \. ~1ut num t.., ·r 3l&i. !\l N< Srtltil:' .. lnrtm~ A\<'n at ""1\ut~ln! f't al., L\.11 I Bln~.k l !l~: Amht·r ... t " ith \\£'1\ in l ' Ftrm- (.1 j:ltlal tu\\ 0 c•f ntmmt tt . 't:.tro nL::hth'\lf. Jam .. Hollm\H) at l~·ft· ' I 1, Block C'vtmty, Tt""l" hntr, \lfn .. t li•mn\ it•, at fUiltllH'k and J till .., \\ t•hh. Jtlhn I .Jl<.'~· B\Ol'k ~u1t numh..r 31!17, W B Ft(\\· lliO<'k en t al. l-411 i. Hltli.'" 1!1 E'll ,: Pn~ ll' J'lunh~~onl, "onu· P h1ll il'" e Rl r.ltk.·k r..Ot, ... ~· ltlL\: 11, Blot: h. l~l. Fl •.t g "·•ncho H.. nnld clark H\Qt.k Lot t.! l1J~.X·k l~l. .I-"ll • l' t~ o nmi J 1•t.nm lhndn 111 m t he II III' kl('k At r 't" th(' ~~ f"' .... cnt m· ('\ILiloX;F !'=.T\TIP'\ , 1\ ,)\ 10 IV n t 1 ,_ I ,1 P:! ].,11 rUI,., I' ro •1 Ut' ad1 '"~'~"~ not tn put llw In t till lit Thn r.1ekC'd up m th .)11 11 uf \\ttltt.:ritinL!" larm thn t ( \\11" 10 lol(' illl\111 l chi!KI'} "11'\ llltol I li d 11~('/f' r r.od. l\\0 In !h1• ..,,'C'l,nd Ollt II'T n iiir~. r noc \\ th d.Uxili 11·~ murl t• 1 1 I a d '" 1 tn lht' IIMI ' ' 1 nt'"ll and li('I.t <. Muleshoe Mules \\ 1 \Ill 11.\\'' !I t' d "·1111 u tIn th lhtnlin .S imm .•u:.. l\o\\ tn•m..: !t•nll'l.'l, m·h D'- PI wr!'>, lk•~ 1 ~111<1 an d ' l't't'l<ll 11 mlillt111K \\hllh~1rul an•l 1\.n ...... t o ch• t' h\· .1 tun.. ,ol<>echul!· And tlw olht·t tl lti11 r~\"2· \..,-1 .... ,,f 'qq-mlw·z A 0 J!JS.'l (If t he ~m, Th<• b y ror poli1t fMilt•d Jtrr.v Dro oNTt thl nmrkto "' an t'IV'II y.rrd Bobcats vs. • • No. 2 1/:z Ca1 PEACHES • • • • 27c C0RN.. -:·:-;-. 2for 25c FL0UR... -:-:-.-:~ : 79c .. 85c C0FFEE· • • • La Graede, Croom Style. No. 303 Coot Gold MMal, \ll-lb. Priot log I Lb. C• Schltll. . e • • • • l' • • FROZEN FOODS ORANGE JUICE . . . . 2for 35c LEMONADE . . . . .. . .. 2for 33c STRAWBERRIES . . . . 2for 49c SQUASH .-. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 19c GREEN BEANS • • 2for 45c M inute Maid or Snowcrop .,_. inute Maid F-lav-R-PJK Hills 0 ' Home Stokley's Cut • • • Rex PURE LARD . . .-. . . . . 31bs. 59c DELSEY .. .. .. . . . . . 2rolls 25c SWEET POTATOES ... • • 43c APRICOT PRESERVES . . . . 37c BLACKEYED PEAS . . . . . . .. 25c APPLE BUTTER ...... qt. 25c Bothroom Tissue 2 For Wopco No. 2 1 :z Can, lor9e • • Zest~e Pu re, Decorated Glcus Van Camp 's, No. 300 Con 2 For Par DOUBLE SCOTTIE STAMPS ON WEDDNESDAY WILSON I ' n•'(-.:··-t."-l'tl to th£' ht·lr, and k~nl laij, .and tf h<' ~ lk'('t'Ast'<l tu th(l . n-prt·sntRII\t'!oo tl! R R J)Uim, R L 1"\<>lsh(>r, ttnd tf ht• bt• dt'\.'l'tli:!t-d 10 1 h,~ hl'H'i and lt·lo(t\1 n•pn·-.nta------------.-- l,,,r-.~,11 R L. 1\('h•IH•t,!! c; BedTilE STA'l"'F. UF TEXAS Curd. and tf hl•l"-' tkl't'Rt-.~ d to lht• ~- ll.:dford T.._,'t\n & I.·\t1<l h1·u·" and )PJ:&I t'<'lll'l"'('nl.rHiH'"' r1f] d II C Bl't\1,\nl , Wm II fW!\n. ami LEGAL NOTICE hPl i"'S and lt>t::al n•pn.•.. t• n!Hii\t . ot J\ t'lou~o;lu:-. H J. f~.IU~Ins, and If ht · h1.~ df'<'i 'R!<:('J w thP lll'll"loo and R fl agg HOC Sl ates Ch riS• t mas party !Hospital Hews PAT I ENTS IN T H E HOSPITAL : tlr H J Fl~ll't'llllll<' Pt·nida Rt•~··lla 1-A•kf'tt, .md If GPmld Allrid ~c !oohP '"" dt·t·t•a..,t"(t tn the IWU"'~ _nm.l F\a~g 1Iom(' Dcrnonstrntlon H.oht·r·t Fullt-r h:~al n·p~t·~t· rtt:i',l'\" t\t ROi'<'liR C'lub mtm!A·t'l!. rnt't:'tin•~ Fdd.J) in Ma<' Clark C"'{Wllpany, a ro-r rtnt·rshlp. an· ·o ...' U• 10 oh• ho·oo an<! >. !.'l-~t"'\'1 " ' " J l t Ullllllltl): ... tt.tld the hmlw ol Ml-,!o J(l(' "'Smith, lll.\i~ \t 1·s. Conrad Schulte 11 ho• '•' u'o-•n ~ d 1 -~ t th , • , If aam.- Ul' 1. 0\.:-u o t' -.unt\- ,.,. " ,,., .•. ,, 11 , 11 ,., •. 01. \\'no 'I it sh,• ht.• dl"-'t'ls,·d \l) tht• h1.•1r~> 1\11'~ ~lflt.' Bt'i~ht 1 81 1 A ' I>· If .~ T \\n & .. " , , , l r I l'U~t'd dub l'httstm<\!i Jlarl) pl!Ul!li, 1ng: 1 r I ttd'l tl "'< Uh.• o • ....... ""-,,n·. \\' l' C>ooooonotl, n•nd of h".,_ and !1•281 r('pl't>..t"'niHinl's u !\I'> dl"'Clthnr: to han• thl!. )<'at•' :-. pnrty M . Jun~ Rodccrs and bah) 11 I)()\' tM;• to th(• ht·1rs m th.:> hunw nr Hnd \ 11 Ci'<'ll Pt'dr'o F'..-.,)lno 1 0 1 1 t'd to thf' ht:l 11nd lt'c-<11 T(·pn·;.t·n-,r•t•rt· .. ~~~~! \ '~, ," " ( h ",''- :1nd lq~·.d tt'Pit""tnlttlnt:.o tlf Z..: n <~mn ' lhr- tm::ht or l~t·mht'r h ·hp•.• Fnns nutl , r~ r ::. Sl' 11 , ant1 11 t• Jot"' , .. d 16 \tn; Cl;.t.l(' Uanll'on, pt·t· ld~·nt. , tati\<'S of (j \[ Fw·r \ R \n- d d h h 1 d 1 1'"-•u.::la,, 'L .. ( !h.a n ra 1...'lu~ 1""' d d !\a;.ar10 .:-<1ha 1 1 10 ,. '-'~ ~ ,an • • •·n't&'>• '-'t::fl indl\ tdLMih .tnd a C'l.lllliiHI/Ht.\ pn·:-l '-' Jul~t•ntmo Rt·bf'lldf'Z ~ aod If llr- h.• dt'('{'a .. td to n•prt·~··n t U\t' ot F f liRI!<>Pll "llr\-1\lll" ,,·1 th l" l't, 111mooooot·• •" A ,.,.. 11\l' ri'~l.lhlr J)t'O!o":rrun ., " 1 1 I ft•t•hJr IA"'L.f•o n I I 1tM> tM•1n Rr>~ lt• ~ h !•h"•• ntall\1 .. J H !'ttn~t•n, af1d lt ht>- he d<'<"NH;Ni tl( ht•rwlf un.-t hn dt'<'t'tt"''\l htut· lltiUL:ht ~~ Ml's. Ah 1n F n t.(lt'l, Pdt• F:-.tt ad.l vf A R Andn\\• E ~ Jt'nt"-' Af1li tu tht· ht'tl and 1 £:tl rt'Pl'l':-t•tT- .... ,n,• t (O l">\lll J,Js .tnd tt \lrs (,n.· \\hO ):a\(• an int('l'('illn& dl•mut~f r" SIN<' uu~c-man ~f two hf:> dt"C.'t'fl."t'<l to th<' h11r., and tlltl\"t'" of J R ~tln!-Otl. J \\ lim- ~';.d; · [),'lUI<": Ia .. ho• ..lt't't'asNI 10 tht.• "tratltlll on fru11 cak<'S. IPJ-.'111 rf'IW"'''" 'atl\l"'!>. ol E ~ wn. and lf ht• bt• d.'i.'~Al>t-d to the ht•Jr. ar.d h"'l:tll t'\.'lllt"WillnllH's R· 11'<'"-hnwnu of fruit ~akl". sal- PJ\TIJ-::\',.... DI:-.;\ J IS.~ED Jon~ . R R 1\uhn. and if hl" bo• nd and c-oflee wul' M't' H'<I \k.. - F'RO :\ t THE HOSPITAL: h•·trs and I~Al I'L'ltJ't>.. t:>nt.'ltJ\<'S of Mr., ca ... andra 11ou~:hs, to tht• Rf'lx'c<''l. Mus~· ~ d I lttmt·~ FruLI{'f, Cl)tlt• Rot) £ltnts, J \\' Jhntvn. Rut us fk'dhlt'u, an "li(IU"'-" or t'tlch t t thi' tt "1\\H' num l-:d \\'il~on J 1 Judt• C:os!!o('tl . J•·~t· Pl'tc U.t ra da Jl h£' llf' d('('{'""('d to lhu h€"11-.. and t-d ddt>nd.lnto. and to th<' h(•ll .l\ln Fnnk Gnnd10t8ff \\'oc.H('n, 1">\w"Jas Dnmron, Jamrs lt'~-'llt't'Pl'4.".•'1ltatiH·.;; C.lf Rut us Bt•d- and h·~al tl·pn..,l'ntatt\._.., of ~o Rntdford Ed \\'il<;;.nn, $1·.. Hay~ Grr~011u ?.ubiale f.lrd, J K Scott, and tf ht' bt• dl'~ manl. tll tht• "i"lo.)u .. ,·-. of th<' JU/'In l-.l'l.t'tinc;: l'hot·d Smithsnn, C'hde Danwor1, N'Al-('d to thP hNI'I1 •~d ll'gnl rep- f'bo\e nanwd ddt·mltnt:oo a~ lllll) c..:inn, H('x \\ omen, Cl.~de 11 Ilnm~ Net uropet hie Phy1ici an n.,m inl.lo Santone n ...... nuniH'S of J h Srott , J Ro~ bt.• decl'tl:;d, l"''t·fl·ndanb , GrC('t- ron , J )1 Cokt>, llcnry and the 'llkt• Il udson Prl Pl.wkt·lt , Jr and tf h(' b(' d••- mg ho&t~s. Mt~ Smith. Glona Z<'IX"da •r~cl Chlropr1ctor t'l'tt~t·d tu tht" hl'll'!'> and li·~al n•pYou .an.. ht•rt•h~ oonunttndl rl Pt•t<> l\lanro n· .... l'nta.\1\t':o. of J Rotk.·t· t 1-'\.Lckt.• tt. KP!X'HI' bdon• thl' lh'lnt)l't\hlt' Plio. SalidA Ramon ... 04 West Bedford Jr D\lrolh) \1.-l(' Puckdt. and 1f trtCI (.\1urt of Ca!.ti'O Count;. at G,•rald !:){'.• MAr lin ~h(l ht_ do'('t>a ... t J. to th<' ht>1~ and th(' Court llouM• thtreof. tn l'lnn1\11'1> T('X Conard ~n~ ~~':'~n~~o~·~r~tl~~nJ:;;~~P~ ~•~·N>R"Prl lt•ptiHJ>tl'~l'ntun\l., [t.JUi:;l.\,, ~nd ~~al ;~dl'11 ~~m~ ~.~~·a~~~ ~~'\ ~~~~u~~:~~ 1 ~tr _ Brother Of County Resident Succumbs wn~ lllo:id<'s a hrotht.•r in t his C'oun· lhOIT)', 7 1, brothC'r Of \\'ell AllthOr\} f t he- Bh: Squ.aa-e commun~ ty, 1>1r. Ant h ny IU \"CS a ~o;on n nd ity, ltho dl<'d .Snturd.ay in Cm·plL~~; dall!:ihlrr. onc o t hf'r b1•oth ('r, fhC' Chrust I. "l"rl' lwld W edn<>sdar Ht slstl."rs and rour J:randchildn•n. 2 p m In t h<' Ro"" C"ha!X'I of DilMr. snd ~I I'K. Do~·lc 1llomRs lon's 1-' Uil('ral ll onw in ll('r<>ford. Budai \'as tn \\cstpark C('tllCh' l') and La Juana \iliited Mr. and Mrs. Jim l\l cC'ntc hlm In Amarillo at Herdord . A f..>rnwt· r('~o;ld<'nt of ll <>r('fOI'd, da)', Dr. C. E. Parsley :--Town And c ountry ~;~:t ~~l~~;~n~~;~e\,~fo~~:::. :;~t. :lta,sh:~,~~~-~~r:n~~loc,~c;:,~ Club Holds Meet·ing th~ t>S~ ~ fo~ty~two horn In Corsi~ Mr. ond Mrs. S wain Burkett ore <'nnra, Mn y 27, 1 ~1 II{' \~os mar- hom,. fnm1 u business trip t o SBD l'lt'd to l mo C11!os In il ('rt'fo ad m i\ n ton io. 1906 nn d lh.t...:t lh<'l'(" turtll 1!)20 Jlr w u!O t\ mcrnlM:>r or IIH' M<'tho· 1\h Ant hon'" F un('m l dips. for \\'ill B. An· dil!lt Chur·ch. ,,t I J:Uardut.n of J)\'n!OI and aft ... the (':-.. para I ton or PHONE NO. 7 tat.·-.. 1f J Rnho ·rt Puckt"tt. Jr, and dah from thl' dn.tP of the u;suan<.'t' I Do~ro;:th~,~~\~I•~•;;;Pu~c;k~<~t~t~R.~A~Do~u~<::· tlf. th1s c::nauun. same lx'm.:; the '=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ .f:ith d:lv of I:X·c.:rutlf'r, 1~. then and th,;rr to ansv.t•r piRinttff f•nt amcndt'd ongmal pt>tlt1on fllt:d m sa1d C'oUI"1 on tht> 8th d } o! ~ J,rmlx>r, 195.-'i, an th1s caust· numbered .!'.MS on lh(' dockl't of ~a1d rourt and Sl) led Mrs Ruh} Cook. plaintiff, \'i Broford Tow n & Land Compan}, tt al. dc-f~ndant:~. Th.(' part 1 ~ to !'tAld .!I:Uit ar(' ~trs Ru hl ('ook plamttff and th<> par· It':.· and or~llmz:at 1 ~·nJO t o \\hich thl" li-Tlt ts dll't'Ctrd are dl'fl' nd- SPEEDS EVERY .108! 8111!'1: A l:'ltiet St8tt'm('nt Cl f th(" t\1\IUr(' of th1 !lUll 1c; . .; follo"' , to-~o~o It 'I'rf'"'-llolSJii to Try T1tle ftlr IItle and p ... F.-:-1l·n tl r th~ !ullo" 1n~ I'(' at ('o.!aiP m C<Uttro Count~ Tl!'-...a.S. h.l· \llt Th(' Lnt ot the right price. Killingsworth Bldq. Supply Ros. 40 Phooe 34J thl• j on<"- half 1 \\·1~ t of \\'1-.t OllP-half 1\\'l2\ Th(" Town and Coun lr} Gttrd('n C'lub met Tu('sday m th(' hom(" of Mr~ Glenn Merritt • .M rs . Ahin Mr and Mrs. Do) lc l'nderwood DIESEL SPECIAL V.('l'f' buo;;;.tn('SS l"llillOI'S in Ama• Speci~ s::wings are yours when you farm with the new M inne!lpolisMoline UB Diesel Special. The built• in power steering system. offered as extra equipr'r1tnt, gi'o'cs you effortless, r es ponsive, shoek:·proor handling. T he interchangc:able fro nt-e nd asscm• blies make this solid 4-plow lriltlo r adaptnblc for ever)' job. W heel guards are av:ulo.ble :LS extra equipment. Buy something special-buy a UB D iesel Special. ~o, Come in ancl look over rho h••hiJ~' \\'all't'tl Cesspool Drilling 30" Pier Holes 36" I oopet 42" nf"l :\ht- fll ll•l>\ FISH & WARREN HEREFORD, TEXAS 21 4 A ve. H Phone 121 3 "' ;I - • l~nn \\"Jill ~" h 11· T1w"d :-:om lP, > nnd Walt ~~m· l \\ "t>rl· ':\ M n. Pcnrl S hcrfy and Mrs Mar~ ga rel 8()l'en ~tpcnt a w£'ek 1'(-'Cently with 1he J . B. Brannans up neat' Clayton, N. M. They hunted deer with a high SJll"<'d c:nmera nnd round 21. INVEST TO-DAY FOR TOMORROW with Rt. 2 JOW-ao List your land with fiiPlE ACTi o~ me. I need listin9s and witll NEW AND USED PUMPS IIICM"t Theatre """'ill .. ,..P"IIJhlftl ., low 01 XI' "1:1 )) f be !v- ~UALITY YOU lil..,p-+r KING , Mgr. ••"'...::! tt.t I ft 4>! yov r co• ""'- Sol>o'"'• eJ. A,lo lgr- '"'"' ot ttl.t- Sho"'IIIOt~ I'll, 108'9-M • • ELECTRICIAN SERVICE and Materials for all Size Jobs. REUBEHS WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP PAT PATTERSON 29 ~ , Phone at Wilooo lo Nlc - U.... Co. H , 193 - ;Dimmitt Teus Dimmitt Motor Co. Dimmitt ACJenc:y FoodltaM & APPUANCE S~~per .... Slouthlerift9 Co•pl••• ft.sWIMe A c.riot 2 FRIGIDAIRE I:=:::===~ Castro c-ry I SALIS . . . . . .VICE Complete line of clomeatic ond commerc ial Refriger•~ Mulet r.c-... TELEVISION rull Lint lo A Modem ToWl\ HOME APP LIANCES Dimmitt Wheat Growers. Inc:. Complete Dimmitt Pam & bppty North'* Wh•'-••le Motor Shop Oporatod by- J . .... __ Dimmi" Motor Co. i ... ~.~tomot i ve & W ELL MC IC'Q.S ElevefCK" I Supplie1 Company Aree i r, ...., OLDS BARRY SULLIVAN I. ~ 07 Sears Grail'! Sorv in9 A Grcwin9 SUN. and MON. Phooo = a - -- .-------- Loophole .. e 0: Store For immedi•t• urvic e Phcne 131 G ood Ulecl Retrl,.raton Ele ct ric and Gu \ -_ _ _ _ _ _ ! POWEW TV PATRONIZE DIMMITT MERCHANTS W inthroath Pump Supplies Dimmi" Motor Co. Pli()!'I"E 131 For Heeded s.m ... .~ ! = . c 4 0 Wichita Merchandise and Service :z Honea JOEL McCrea Equipment Co, CIN EMASCOPE TinS SPACE Dealen For MASS&Y-HARRIS In Tedmicolr J l F•rm Eq ui pment gullfd double-grip door latches. To h elp l essen In• juriol":! from impact, Fo rd oHers optional sea t belts and Lifeguard cushioning for control panel nnd sunvison. A new d ouble-swivel Lifeguard rear v!ew mirr!>J' "gives· under impact . Come in! See how safe , h ow beautiful, h ow pow.!ul a car in Ford's field cun be. - The fine car at half the fine-car price CHANNEL 11, LUIIOCK ...... FOR SALE that's what you get with the TUES. and WED. NEW 1956 NOV. IS end 16 I hey Have A Personal Interest In Your Spy Chasers DESIGN GUAT TV FORD THEATRE, TUESDAY, 8 :30 P. M., • EXPERT OF ALL IIINDS NOV. 13 on o 14 Castro Motor Co. CAN MEASURE BY YOUR CAR 'S PERFORMANCE WINCH TRUCK WOitK W ith • Frit"d\'Y " • You'll be safer in a 1 600 E 15" Hoists f or Dum~ Beds H - OwoO<I lo ()per..... PLUS $239.95 more important than Fo rd's Thund erbird l ooks nnd go iJ F ord's n ew Lifeguard Design. It gives you c:ctra protection in accidents. To cus hion you from the steering post , F ord has a dccp-cent~r Lifeguard steering wheel. To reduce possibility of d oors .springing Ol>Cil under impact, F ord haor Ufc· '56 Ford 11nd a complete line of parts for your Maytag App lia nces . end W indmill Pumps e WAYN E MORRIS Hembree Bldg. o. E ven JACK NEWMAN I Two Guns And ABadge Fully- Automatic Dryer four dry ing remperature s. A sale automatic beat for every fabric regular fab rics pf~ts a speci:-.l "~ttin& ( o r safe. gentle dr)"io g of ti~! i catt and sheer fabrics . Co-.llecl olr cii'<UiatiOII, Gentlest drying pouiblel Hearl and '-"'/'h'' drying air, thea circulate• it through nu:nblin'g clothe• in 1 •cieati6c pattern to gi•e fast. gentle a.od effi cien t d.ryiaa. · You dry more clotbea ia leu tiaM with fewer loads. Whirlpool dri.. quic.k.ly a ~0- lb. load of wet clothe. Satin·•mooth d.nam elimioacea aoas.. giag or turins. Driea better than the outdoon. Cloche. sec: fluffier an d sorter J• Whirl pool. A ad, there's no dun, •u.ofading, maned appcan.a ce. cloth-. pia "dog ean•• or wnr 84ld tear from wiod -lashiag. COME IN ••• SEE IT HOWl ·poWELL TV & APPLIANCE FIRST STATE Opportunity of Serving You BANK THF BOWERY BOYS NOV. 17 end 18 The Seven Year Itch E 2 Form Mach ine ry 2 Q C. &. S. In Color · - Equl....llt CINEMASCOPE Hou~e...W Wheel Balancing SEAT COVERS Applienc.. FRI. and SAT. NOV . " FROEHNER'S VARIETY STORE "Whre CGitrO Shop•" .. no.- DIMMm -'-"" .,._ SU PER SCOPE • c: TOM IWIU MARl ILANCHARD .. i - z Wheel Alignment end JOHN DICSON ~ :; UPHOLSTERY The Return Of Jack Slade i Co. DIMMin Equlpmellt Co. MARILYN MONROE z Cl Hays lmp'-tNttt HUNTZ HALL THURS. and FRI. CHRYSL ER lnd1atr ial Motor-1. GRAHAM -HOEM E Plows & Equipmen t ~ 1.'/elfare and Will Appreciate the LEO GORCEY , , , } sctt.ings, WARM to H~T. for , • Fwlttura e Aota Upllolstery FrH Mottl Proofl09 New 11nd Used Mach ine • Mayta9 Dryers ILACKS MITHINt;; fl irbenks-Mortt lrri9atio n Taylor-Harrison NOV. 12 -·. • RU91 "If We Can't Fix It; Throw It Away" 10 SHOP IN SATURDAY TURNKEY JOB ON I • c.,.,. ftl11 WtU fH.tiUM : -11:1• dJRtely follo ....i ng the ceremcmy if1 the home of t.he bride. f'riends arc eord.lally invited. Haynes Machinery Co. Phon e 329 mp emen GRF;.-:TING : You arP hf•rl'ln corn;·:smdOO to li.Pl~ar b('ror<' the ll onorR.bl(' District Cour1 of Castr:> County at th e Coull House thu .:Ol tn Dim· mitt T <'1QIR, at or before 10:00 ' I' a.m. of the fi rst Monday after the e xpiration forty· t wo days from the date of the !~Ruane<' of th is Citation, sa me !'l('ing the 19th day or OC'CC'mbcr, 1955, th en and there to answet· Plaintif f'~ Petiti on filed in .said Court, on the 3rd day o r November, L9~5. in thi.-. ca use, number«l 2250 on the d ocket o r snl d Court and styled FRED BRUEGEL, Plaintiff, vs. All Per~ sons to whom this Ci tation Is Ad· dressed, a s Defendants. A brief Sta temen t o r the nature this sui t is as follows, to-wit : Pla.intirf aues for the title to married, Mn . H . G. Bedford : ,I We Cl._ ll• 'fOtlr Home) "'' • w••"tWOt f~ • , • S.h~t•u.U Mwh .. u-.tM!ty ""•'•• • •' 110p1 '"'Pft•t ,..,_ pr•loo-!0'0...-t o.,cf •• '- $W 70 ~ lOW XI .......... _70¥• Dimmitt, Texa1 tist Churc:1. Dimmitt. A rec~ption will be he ld lmmc- IRRIGATION WELLS LIFEGll CLEANING to aftd t.oe!W:l rM l.ft of y - "''"..,'Y fri-l>t \"••· ot "9lo.r1t oporrt AI ~al!ement nrc an~·~:~~~~~;n~~'".n:', t1age f tLetr daughter, Fa) e to Da\·id H. F unck. son Mrs, and M rs Edward M . F unck W . H inton, and if ever married. Mrs . J . W , Hinton : and if any or aU of the above nam~ pa.rlleii are decesa.sed, the heirs , the u.n- FORD;ives yvu MAGIC MASTER tt't a KlriMilk fKt , •. lftotl MO- Wt a ' HCUr.l 1, O.."~tt tfte W~Jrm -IOp pel'.od b.fott otd,nory o:tol rho!ll ck.wn ti!9Ygh 19 u·culo:;,,. ''"'" 2 .IJ h>91'1 f~tMrGt•"Q ''"'P"#et""" ...... " o•d·lloO'Y o•l th"'l do-" too lftUCh IO 9•~• P"~' P'.,...,!<OI'l. .......... Dimmitt 111 lomlllf·lln _.11y, inlp1- 1M Wtflr.l' MQ!"M9 t .. rtlo11 0"'1' 00'* pti'IOI.to..,_, I\Obrw.o•"'9 oJ. Ie •. Mr. And Mrs TilE STATE OF T EXAS TO : c. H. pa yne and if ever n·u•rriC'd, Mrs t . R. Payne : M. M. Landrum a nd ir <'VCr married, Mrs. M M . Landrum ; 8. S . Jones a nd If t>\t'l married, Mr-s. E. S. Jones; E. F . 1l3o!Sell ami if 1'\'er married, Mr-M. E. F . lle. lse ll; G. M. Etter, and if (•Yer married, Mrs. G . M . EtH•r· R R. Dulin and If C\'er marl'ied , l\Irs. R. R. Dulin: A. R. Andr<>v.·s a nd If ever married, 1t1rs. A. R. An,d rcws ; J. B. tims.on, und If ever married. Mt s. J . B. Slim· son ; R. L. Belsher, and If ever married, Mrs. R. L. Be1shcr; W . H. Bean. and if eo.•e r married , Mrs. w . H. Bean ; W . C. D imm itt, and if ever marrled. Mra. W. C. Dlm· milt ; H . G. Bedfo rd and it Complete Maytag Sales and Service hon Service. J. C. Rawlings ' · h roto"'1 th LEGAL NOnCE I HillS, :::;::;;::;;:;: ; : ; ; : ; : ; :;: ; :;: ; : ; ; : ; : ; :;: ; Id: Smith-Funck Wedding Date Is Announced Thl" wcddins:: will t oke ph. C(' Rt 3 :00 o'ciO<'k in lhe attem oon on Novrml)('r 25t h in the F'lnt Bap- IMuranc:e Stocks, Inc:. 4 t% MONEY l. If , ..~1/IQI-. \lr~. T A SingC>r and Mrs Gt ace Radloff visited Juanita and Glen n StiH in Ro6wcll. Juanita Is Mrs Singer's dnu s hter . of Auburn. Calif. Mr. or Mrs. P• .1. HOYLER have lots of buyers. tlwu-"'"' ond Sqfo(y? Only INSURANCE I do I ~;nail prHmptly fXfC'Utf· 11'.1· 3rd dB!>' o' No,(·mbcr A D . 19")5.. I)OO;.!iCUlon of th~ following InK th<' nm{' unclf'r lhf' F'il.l" and C'f Allf>SI I doi'Soo·ll·"<< r<'al ('Blat<' ~1tuatl'd tn Ten Y('ar Stlttuh•fil ·o f I..Jmlt&tJon . .;arruo acNrdmg tll lav. and makr and Plaintiff rurthPr pra} s that dUf' JHum a llw law dJrc(·t . MNI .'\ 1"'\-H Hllstln.[!'l C'k>rk Castro County, Tl'xas, tO•'o\lt B~;·~nw all of Lnt ~ Nus. Sevt!n- th l" cloud cast on th~> tHlr-> to Itt· lJitlrlf't C\.urt , Ca tro C'ounty, Jst.l&l'il aml ~J\I·n Ulldf 1 m~ ltJtnrt II' t~en 117! and EIJ.:ht11·n IIHl In prOJ)l't'l)>' by ))('fllld<Jil ll 1..,md lht• St·. tl (,f ~.ud 0)11rl ttl (If· '1t·)CJ1" movt-d and said tltlf. V4$1t>d ln th" Block No. 109 or th ro Origmu! IS1•itll rw<' m fJm.mltt, T<'xn· thtR th1· Tow• uf Dimmitt, C'ttliltro ounly, Phunttff_ as is more full; ah<.twn Tom.~. nccordin]:l to !h(' map or by Plaintlff'll JM'I IIKJil on fllf' 10 plat of said 'Jo"'n of record In thiS SUJI If this cJ1ctllon i'i nf)t "~'n.·('d 1 thl' l >t-('(1 R<>eoHis of Castro v.-ithln ninNy du.Y!i art<'r lhe dat ('ount)' , Tt•X1i'i Pla intiff RIII'J(l'S that h(' is en· of it.J IssuanCE', It lihall bt: retunltltkd to the till(' l o 11. r1d the pos· ('(f UnM'rH'd ticsslon or flald property, clnlmTh(' Orflt'"r exr>euuns thi pro- SEE US FOR----- The new '56 Fo rd and the Fabulous Ford Thunderbird are really look-alikesl Yo u can see lhe resemblance in every long, low line ••• every graceful contour. And you can erpect to be envied no matt er where you msy drive in 1/0Uf' n ew '56 Feu-d. All Kinds of w \t, , and !\Irs. Ed Wilson visited n~IH t he& in Stamfot·d last \\eck- !-mown h<'ir'll (lnd lt'go l t('PN!"t'<'nlatlvM> or ('ach or tht• 11.bo"c named purt i('JS; The l~df<lrd Town & Land Company, a jo lnl s tock r•tHllJAtny ; t he !:itockholdcr$ o1aatd J{(>dfor·d Town & Land Compa ny ; th" "uC'e~sorH nnd assigns or the llrdfOid To"'n & Land Company, If uny ; R R. Dulin , Ttustee. and G. M Etter, 'l'rustl't', i.lf th(' Jled. fotd 'fov.·n & I.Jtnd Comjmay: and all I)Ct'!Sons elaimim: or own ing nny lmPr<''-t In thfl land~ herein · aftt•r dt'),C:rlbed, all or "hom are h('rf'inP.ftcr· rt'fCrr('d to as Defe nd · Grain Co. Inspired by the Thunderbird I ,....,, .. , Mot•'Y "''Oor 01l1 T,·mpiE', M r M.n. CeorJ.!f' Bntdford ar '' ' 1 Sid S lwffy visited the Bill Slk~s Ire Slaton Sunda y. Mrs. Sil. s nn d 1 M.rs. Sh{'ffy 1:1re !!.istt•n. • Mr~ ('l)deantt·('ll from. and M rs. 1-lillon L Flt'tctwr from Pueblo. Colo nnd L\tr and ;\Irs Will Bra nnon of M e l ~ rot-<', N M . and 1 Beauty? Ofcourse Mr. and ~I rs. R8ymond Hance, Llnd.'l. and Kent and Mary Lynrr H£>ndrix vis1ted rclathu ln TUlia !-'unday afternoon. GVAAANTHD , , , tM - Vi-.itors ln t ht' Frrd \Va ggonrr hnmP this JXI!St W('('k wei'C' Mr . Drill Wells, Set and Repair All Makes of Pumps, Perforate Casings In Holes, Operate Clean-Out Rigs-In Fact We Render AComplete liTigation Service. . . . ~·, , ·1 F ord goes lil;e the 11mnderhirdl \\'1th this excit_ing new "'Go".powcr you can smi le nt hills, have new con fid e nce in passing. The Thunderb ird Y..S C'ngine can be yours at no e:rtra cost. for it is the sta ndard eight in aU F o rd Fairla.oe and Station Wagon modciJ. Harry Rothw~U made a busineM triJl to PlainYiew and Lubbock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Warr<'n and son were Tuesday night ,·Is· Itors of his sister and family, Mr and Mrs. Emmitt Sll~k and boys ·~. studlf'd l.t:, nwmlwrs of llw ~qwm1-"'la~g <1 ~1l Cluh al 11 l'P('I nt mr>(>!. ing ur t hl! on:onbmtiun 111 1ht' hom~" (l f Borba an And ElrznbPth The fabulous Thunderbird Y-8 !\f!'. ~fonda)' •, llt:'li Y.l'l'f' Power? 16zt het I G . y Kt•lth \\ Prt• :-;.,;, rl'l)' \ .. Jtnr!i f :\Ir .:tnU :\11 s. G·J} lo~n G!ll. :_.un "'lltrJ(•W nnct hahr dnu ·hwr, L('d m Arm tt<' of Hall' C\·nt<"r. and ~Irs . K:-t\' Rt"•ht l'l~ !tnt\ "'~·ttY f •r n ll.:..1t m tht' n. mt· d \1 ' s G('Or~e Bai:'wil \\ l'l"t. ~ unday h1-. ruu""n• G L. \\"J ih'-. ami IE>ml· Aftt•1-r.oon Vi:.ltOI's o f ]'.l r and Mrs. ly R !\1 \\'a rr~n 111 Dimmitt . !\11"-i Elzada Smtth JS spr·ndms:; -.omP tim£' at home v.lth ht>r tlllr~ <'nts, :'.1r and l\lrs Leland Smith . Elizada has been u:ork 1ng In Am~ ari\lo ror the past two )"t'ars. .Mr and Mrs. F rank Wise wt'rc viSitiOI.: her parents at Paducah first of the "''cek. :M rs. Bobby Warren and son made a business trip to Lamesa •k npprupnatp to dllll'lll't1°rllllll'S "1r1 ~I rs F !(' S h&lli'Oll "a,;, '\ F• UB Diesel Special JOHN •t ut• day \l!!.Hor of \1" H•J.. ton L11 t 18 1 '' Mr lind \1J., t ;, : c I ' C I I t C d 'Uf' \\ • '•Jnda,:. dl J l:s )r .:.!1· .wU )ln. K :t} J:ub- ----------------=:=---'-=------~===='----------"=--":..;_:..;_====------'::!:~ f ;..r Sun~ WE ARE Equipped To - 4-Piow U B ~<'IN'tlnnK Mt:tnlx't'l studi e-d colors I hot wo uld look br~l with throi1· hllir, ey~ ond skin. Th~~ · nttc-ndms:: 1 wcr~ M:try an d Mn Andy 13ehr· t'nds. K ' l) nnd Mns J. 0. <.'otr]X'n·j ter, "' ~. dt'l~ n And JO<' Smtlh ~t. n d Are Our Business SPECIAL SAVINGS BETHEL HEWS Color l>hyt>i('l\ \ Cok~· Irrigation Wells • YOU GET WITH A and Mrs. P . D. Miller of l)(>mm~. N M were s:ucsU of hl B br'Olht'l' Qnd sislC'I', Goodwin Mil ler and Mr<~ . Pt'arl Sheffy a nd fami· ceorganna. Cablf' P1·offitt and baby bo)• White i('J"Ved u co-hos t loss . Mrs Maxine Tidwell J::fl\t' an lntel'('t;tmg talk on tray arrant;('· nwnts from two bea uti ful PLC'CCS she had prepart'd earlie r. ~frs Buddy Calhoun a nd "Mrs. Bill~• Brooks Sinclair Y. ere acC'('ptl'd for mPmlX'rsh.ip in thl' dub. nw ne-xt mcet mg wtll bC' in the h~nH! of ~trs . Charll't \"andn<>r, Dettmbcr 13. It was pro ed that thts meeting be held at night a.nd i:1ft:i> wt:re exchanged. R<'fr<'!'hm('nt.s "'"C're iet'\'cd the 1 C'ight m<'mbc-rs pn~ent. and all of J... , t 9. nil rillo Thua-sda) . !\1r. and :'\1rf<l Ka)' Rotx>rts and m Bluck 12ti (I( th<' Onli{mal TL Y.n c• l llm\mltl ca,lro L't.un- ~Irs . Jam Gl\ Un wt·r(' bu.:sml'~.:, \1~· uors 1n Amaril lo Fnday and also t:- T '' ' :\" n"C'f'i\<'d Tn<'dic:al c:an•. Pl:tmt11t al•o t'laim" lit!(' hy 'irl I<!Ust.ln t~u .. t and FatP Stmnnon t It- t>f '.ht • h·n )t'dr ~tnlutt.• of '""rt' m Pl'tl'J"!!obUT ~ Frid3) 011 bu'>~ 1 lllJt.ttltlr:..... a h n •tt' lull~ 11\1"<:. -.1 ~\n h\ J>JiUni JJI''o In>! Rllll'lld• ~lr. and :'\1~ Clt'"'O Ric:h ard"(m rrl ti;U~al P• ttuon on f.l(' 111 1h1.., of Bu:: ~Jlrin • and \l n;. J . B Jl;n '" Ul Qf ll1mm1tt llnd \I r. a nd !\11 .. T'lP r' ce" ,.,.-x-ut Ina;: t~ ~..., pn1· J· nt• Ft•st : rmrl <'hlldJPIT or ll1m· shlll promJ•th \..;-clil<' th nutt ,~,, ,.p Thur:-day ni~ht ',,_ .Sm to lav. :t• l kf' 1h p., ut thl' Han) Ruth\\(']Lo, aml ot Lot Seve time, work and money on con· struction projects. We"ll deliver th e right concrete mix right to your job W~ t "l ~1"'11 Mr Square-Ra99 4-H'ers Study Color· Schemes Mrs JohP Cukt' The n<''<l m<'Nin~ will Ill' lli J Mh, TEXAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 , 1~55 THE CA STRO COUNTY NEWS, DIMMITT, . , _ , , , , , , o<AA> , IHURSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1~55 c-ty SCHOOL SUPPLIES West T••• Mr nlag'a _..,.... --..... o.n. ....... .u. !\ t "~ Your c......... Telephoae Co. o.p •.._.,s.... Dinnitt IR•I•ant COiftF ry ,.., frlu.., Deeter Bolldi09 t.!otorlol .._ THIS 9PACE FOR SALE a= I if I 'l'ITI'l68 GALACm C A 5E Y-·Rouod Lay Away In OimmHi ..., .....,. ,..,..,,. Hlrnl hrt ....... Co. Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~ Ao~~~AIUMHIUI~~H;s~MOOP~~~~M'~~iiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiii ···- -- - ~ - . ___. - THE CASTRO COUNTY NEWS, DIMMITT, TEXAS , THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1955 - ---- .-- CITY LOANS --- LET US SELL IT. WE HAVE THE BUYERS WE MAKE F. H. A., G . I. or Howard Scoggin CONVENTIONAL LOANS Office South of Courthouse - - --- ~ FARM LOANS Box 234 SCOGGIN REAL ESTATE Phone 148 SnowStal s Cotton Just As Ginnigs Pick Up - QUICK SERVICE LIBERAL APPRAISALS LOW INTEREST RATES Up To 20 Year Terms Claude Forsan We Want and Will Appreciate Your Listings on Farms- Ranches-or City Property port Sedan Mak s Bo'v w ith 1956 Chevrolets MR. FARMER: •• Don't Forget The ... ' ' I· OMJ.UI) C'Otton nt l \\ !t t ad1'Jll MEETING Of GRAIN SORGHUM GROWERS TUESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 15 thw "''k \\tlh 1111' dl-.\"lthUrt' "t\J('1.( j t} th.tl l l li~ bah·~ h H.i ho•t•lt .:mnNI or alnltl t d .>Uhl t hf' h un• 7.ti.'\."- \\htrh " t rt•l a •·tl \\"t-d· .-sd-1)· ol ta... t "•'1·k 1 A <"t•ld ma...... of atr at·t·omp.:m· by J. l\\tHill'h 'IIW\\ ~tond.t~ bnJu ~ht tht• h: I"Vt'!ool IU 80 .tbl"Uill .lwltt. thou •h, JU"'t it' II \\ \S bt.'~ ~tnrun • to Jam mo~n!Um. l)n 1.IW' oth• t" hand the ... no" \HIS tonlC"Whal ot a guu•l Pm.·n tu ..::rowt·t~ a... at .. ,)ltt'm-d up holl ... cau.•..m"' th•·m to C'rwk opt•n Otht.•r n thC> drlay, no dam ~(> v. ru. hl"\N to ha\t~ bt"t:n t.·.w.. 10 ner l Rl'mini.Kfftl of th~ port C'OUpt whic h C'tlrn'Oif t int rod uC't"d · ·ith en t'llcd 1'll ibillty. The hardt o p eeda n will be a ·u ilable In the uc.h nsat1onal u<"ce 11 In 1950, a por-t !lt'da n ma" it dt'but \ ir (abcnf') and ""T• ·o·l't'n ... t• o of thrt'e prier-graduat ed se r ies of along " 1th th compa n>' oth r nt' " mod rls. Elim1nat ion of lh r ur olft'rtd br Che H olet for '.>&. En.rine C"hoiC'PI int'l udr two more ..centl't_plllar iD the ,.- lndoYt an a aJJ;o, 8ma rt nt: u • ~ll u wt.· I po• erfu l V 'a and one 6. The .. ' uPf' t Tur bo- Fire \' " deve lo p&203 h.p. ' eotton "m"'• 1nnt repur tOO ftbh at 1ft n JU t bdo 1t t an to Monda~ and '''"r'" dl:-.m.'\)t--d oV'M' th«' .trrl\·al flf t td " 'lther' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8urchRe•eIec ted 10 1 OI•·rallon> "''"' h u ht I ,131tilillll )\l'l at I 1101~" H 3~, t WMSSoc'1al soil supervisor tnuh'1-. " 'N' ht•gmm g lo n )artb \\'1th th1~ retun &r " lhcr, ho.. .- r th ,j, '· II 1a t onl} t'-':l or thrN 1.. •r'li 1 tu (lnt"' gmner tt.• 1 ull r hot t .. 1 tM,;:inr i' .. P up ami a n a \\ t l t r " :'1 lt. t Upt" lo. mu tr ppeh '' tll bt! put anto two Runmng \\ a!t r !ln. rki:'t and loan n cutton th}j 'At"t k " .., ("Ml(. 1 r f'IIIUnd, :~. '.:ht U 1 t "' k. fBHead Advocates Mitzi Wilson In Maid Soil Bank To Help Of Cotton Contest Solve Farm Excess - H I Recently J n•r z n I CA:\'Y\1:'\", Ko\· 10 fSp(•cinH· \l1111 \\'il ... nn, daut:htrr of !\tr. and \1 Edd S. \\'ilson, Dimmitt, WAS " \\ \t."' I ffr~ll) \ pt'O n " Hart HDCMeets In . A. HawkinsHome a lrh r:~t.. hJp \l 1\.th: d h( r hushar.d go f t1t t \~ r , 11 tht· ~•\I!\ , \II 1t,m \\ \llllnn l•o~\ 1,. and •R .... \\' ~P..TH, :"·•\ 10 t Chatl<'s T a) lor, in it 10 history_ •·But. hc- dPclarNI. "there is \\\'•ldon 01\\ I Paul Roht·r.<m. a notabl<' e'ception to th1 . story Chart.·s llt:rnard, ~tilton Sharp, of nchM. And that e xceptio n is Harn•r llfnf.., {..('..tf'r l.am.·a. tt·r, 'l~riC'ultur<' While labor and In· ,~ ,,...,, "' rvt'Cl a "*'rr ta ... t} 0. 1.. ~a\ , Edgar \'arnf'r, 01· dU'>try ha\·£' b<:t>n t•altn't htch<'r l n pumpkm (liP v.i h roff~\lr hf" .\Yulk \'tsator Wt rr \Irs and hu:ht•r on thr hog, the farmer l.f•"Sc.la Ruth 11.-tmnl. lrf'f'll.ha . M>n ht mrome ~hdm~ fur· k.s. F::1na H ttl. Cnr111 ttraVJ , \\'!l}llf' rk-a\C'I:oi. and Alu-•• Thorn· 1h1 r and furtht·r downhill ." OtU<k-11 .\\t·n .. , Th.-lma llu ~:"PC" wa~ a \L~Ifor 1n l frtm \"(' '" Tt 'a~ Hammond atd that too many .nla I k, Rut/ \Ltr · a 1d D1mm11t la"t '\H't ,..,.. ThntrHl.>~.f P<'OIIII:' an• nnw sa) irnt that what R.tlh) {lt UU\.1, 11\1' 1f .\1 hap(l('ns to the farmt·r is of no c·nn .. ('(Jllt·nri:' to th<' tntal econom\'. SU BSCRIBE FOR THE CASTRO CO UNTY N EWS JlC' .:olatNI that htstnl} has pro\~n Prhtvn t'p... aw Baptist Circles Meet At Church that 1dt•a fab(', G ift She C an Wear A pre ty httle dreu in Taffeta or in No-Rink-el Pr.nt with white tuc ed yo e, just Hom li e b19 sister. F rr i n ~h tonan on thf' prot:ram about dimmitt Olh•r v..·: \l~damr·., \lul1:ftn l)tnm};. Auhl•>· 1\t ~l'rs, J. 0. Cotrpt"·ntt·r, E Sweater with pearl buttons. 52.98 - 54.98 CLETHA'S TOT SHOP First Build inq North of Ploy9round Drive-In Phone 95W Castro County Grain Sorghums Producers Association PTA Meeting To Be Held Here Nov. 22 Thr Dimmitl Parern T eachers Association w ill m N.' the fourth Tu~day night of th is mont h I n · s t£'ad of thr usual llmf.' which Is the th ird 1\.ll'Sday night of each month. according to an announcement from the president , Buck Clr&\'inger. Th<' meeung will be m lh<' hi~h schoo l aud itonum Tuesday. i"O\'. 22, at p m. Milk Consumption In United States Shows Increase rlcultur(' and Generous Apprasials No Loan Service Fee ~ \11"~ \\'il..,on i~ BIT <'I£'Tll<'nl r) t'fluC'ation mnjor and is a member ur Pi Onu·~a soronty A fmalts.t for t he nationa l ~l aid of ot1on con i P~I. slnu'd In DcC'emlx·r In ~lemphis . Trnn. wtll lW' .selcctt-d 111 t ht• South Plains ""' enr. JOE COWEN AGENCY Farm Loans •• Sponsored By ur (' Hart RA Service In Davis Home Orion , lonq sleeve Cardigan • Coll<'gr in th<' south Plams 1\tRid ltH>n C(lntest 1\tonda} m Lub· ho<'k In 1933 r3ch JWrson used thC' <'QUI\Bh.•nt of onl}' 688 pound.'1 of m1lk, th£" smalleH quantit)· smce 192·1 when fi$:ures first became R CartX'ntE'r, Johnny Powrll. 0. castro county available. But the 1954 figures ar(' T Vardrll Dont !:im•lr) and Lil· good news for dairy producers. burn Arnold •_ _ _ _ by b. m. "- - - - - · Consumptio n per person rose to 11llrty-ft\C circl(' m£'m})(o.~ were av!'rage about 700 pounds. And ! Conunued !rom pep 1) pre e-n· s till bclle r, lndicattons ar·e the th•• ~in. st:utro to hum the price 1955 average consumption figure of c·otton started falling 2 cents will be sli~htly hi g h<'r. J)(•r Jli>und PH day, the legal lim· The upturn in the consu mption II. tht.• r('aso n surplus. I remf·m · or milks, SB)S t he A J.:I ICU ituraJ t)('r my Dad sa)·mg " that d Marketmg Sen Icc, resulted fro m surplu 1. gomg to gN us agam." SC\eral factors. Retail prices wen t Yet HJday, 12 }('81"5 later, Mr. Ben- down slightly when supports were "tlll . a~-;. the only way t o reduce reduced m April 1954 . Consumer Tif' Hllrl \\'\1~ RO)fll S<'rt.iC<' tht· ... urplu~ i~ to r(·duc<' pncl"8. incomes ITIO\Td upward In the last program '-'A· an thP home of l\lrs Thf' uy !i-hould follow Jay Bos- quarter of l!J54, making Jt po&si· ton' d\ ire and a·c ign. \\'e nN'd hie for man}· farnihf• to arroa d J,mrnH• Dll\'1 . omt lM.dy for Pthld(·nt and Sec· morr dairy foods. Incrrased cort· ~r Da\'l'i \\8~ m ('hargr of pri1uam. • C'hri t l''or the \\.'orld •• n·tar) of A~TI C'Ui ture that ca n umpuon \\Us also a•ded b_v Gov\t. :-. P..oy F'UI rrll. f"Ct'md \IC'f'· rrn,1·mher \\hat t.'rnuhlions \\-(•tc (•rnment d1~posal pro~rams and pr 1d•nt, \\111 JH' uit• O\rr thf!' Ilk•• under otlu 1 Rt·puhlican ad· by the lfldU!-!11'} 's promoliona I Ad\f'I'IISC'I"s RlH·'o~ed mM•11JlgS In .\it !i. fJa1t \\'<"St'S nun• It a taon" p11· 1·111 happrmn~~ CRmpaign. lhf' fact that JX'Ople of n il ages r•lau• Rl f• •r hrr r• n:nal1on at thr ltn• smular and at 1 ln~t:htcning. nfi:d milk to k• ·<·p h<'alth)· t rru r msr And thr lnstallntion or \f'ndff~ flll t C1H•l<l \\t'"fP 1"\'t"fl t;) " am fJAnf'y I lit\ I, PJ1y r.. n•~ hl·h Mr and ~trs. All:tn inlr! ma<"hinrs in 'Jifict·:-., public );>eo lions J ' •r JunrnJ(' Dau, J1m Jh h;:ht, \\'1 hh and ~Ir nnd ~fl-.... ~l('\C hurldang.· a~rd o t hrr \\ d1 n {)a,u, 1..1' lrr J.anC"<Hilf'r, 1H~h·r \\l'l'(" timuntc Cw.. lro C'OUn- nutdc il ra~i('1· for w orkrr. , trav.r \'tuner. (J L. B"'fi\CMI, \\~,,~·nr thns who atu·nd!·cl th1• St<ttr <•lrt-s and o lh (>N IO bU \ !j\H'Cl H· II\ , R.t:,) Fullnll and Elml'r f',u·m Bur'I'~U Nlll\tnllon at Fort milk, hutterm1lk and • fla\Ott'Cl Scotr. 1 Worth th1 Wef·k. milk drinks IJ.f.trd ~ anrl In Dimmitt d·t~ to rrprr.. •·nt \\"t·st Te,ns Statr ".t\11 major d·prf" .. ion~ ha\C' lK"C'n fdrm·lt·d and latm·ft·d'' h<' d1'(·~an-d "\\'<' mu!o! put a~ricul· tu1to on a par \\llh tht• n·~t of th£' '1··-- J y. ll " p 10': ('('()nomy if \H' ar<.' to u\·oid an· IMrl r nt m 'ng of tht• Bapll!ot otht•r d•·pn· .. :>~.on.•• \\':\L"" ln Frllo\\ h•P tlall of hr Tlw Tt·W tar m lr1d ... r hlnm<'d COLLEGE STA TIO:O., No,- 10-local churcb ~~ nd.'l} nft(•rno<'n hi h '"' d opera ling co .. ts und Amcricans ar(' drink in~ mon• milk '('"brl.!.t for thf" \\orld. ' wa tht· fl,, pautt•cti\t• tRnff for al:'ricul· and C'atirtu- larJ,t<'r quantitieS or progr:t.lll 1h1 me t U11·.. lc_, .. s of markets. oth<' r dairy pr·oducts rt'pol'ts the A tlrT',.: :'\trs YoJIIt \\Nt• ~trAl.!ri<"ultural Marketing SPn 1ce I..Not~''" f){n\f'll and \Irs. Georr-• o f th£" U. S. L>cpanment of Ag· Hradfont "ho pr rn11'fl Baptlo;t G ive Your Dar lin g A -11 In The District Court Room A mu ... t t...• put on a Jl..'\t wath t n ... 1 t•l tlw ,,·unum~ 1t \ H' al't to .H\OJ•l unotlu r d·'[lrN-sion, thC' prf·.,~el nt tlf th(' T• '<tl' Fat·m Hult~.tu \\tlnw•t m a !>iJl4. t'<'h ht"r(' ter ch) J \\'nlh·r ll. tmmnnd un:ro tht" ad·'Pt ~·n of a "'ul fertiht) hnnk plan to (tll('n3t<' the surplus prohkm arrd put a ·ricullure back on a ..,llUnd ba .. i., Hr pokP to thr 22nd annual C\10\l"ntion of th£" Trxns Farm ton l 1 ha\\ san~ :'•lOll... br•i) !\: ! Y?Lr l..ll\i:' C'Jc ... mt: pra\el "" ~ l) ).If .. R.,)- Futrell r., t... " ' l:l\ n nut !rom \;('(;Jet Burr.1u a thr Hotel Tr' d 1 h•• hu.. tt· .. ., "'l'l'\\·d 11 ltll· Th!' farm lead<'r ~Rid t hat the m.tl pumpkin p 1c and Ctlllt<~~ to L' S. i~ in a period of unparallel· \1 1 ...damt. Clay And rson, Ro) t-d prosJl('rity, with industry and F"utrf'll. Dele \\•f"St. J 1mm) Dans. labor enjo} 10~ thetr richest blcss- r ... _ At 7:30P.M. ---- - --leslie Backus Identifies Mystery far~ No. 37_ : ~~ Mys t e ry farm 37 hos been officiall y id e ntif ie d by the owne rs, Mr. an d Mrs. Gr e 9 Hoel l in9 . Le slie Bo c kus of Nn ore th is th e su b sc riptio n w inn e r for this pictur e which a ppeare d in an e arlier edition of the News. The fa rm is located three miles south of Na:u reth a nd c ons ish of a total of 320 acres. Hoe ltin9 ond his lather before him lived on the form for approximately 40 years. Hoelt in9 has operated tho place for about I 5 yea rs. It wos first put under plow 50 years ag o. A new irrig a t ion well was drilled on the Hoe lt in9 fa rm a bou t thr e e yea rs a9o. Other rece nt impr o ve men h include a new quonset type ch ic ken hou se that was bu ilt to produce e 99s for hatch in9 marke t. Hoelt ing ha s row crops , wheat, cotton and sudan planted on his farm. He hos SO head of Whiteface cattle and milking stock and I ,200 chickens. He rents an additional section. His favorite crop is sudan. Hoeltin9 married in 1938. He and his wife have three sons and two daughters. They 11re Dennis , I b; Leroy, 14 ; Mary Lou, I 0 ; Mar· vin, 8 ; ond Anno Beth , 4 . • I REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE Dimmitt, Texas 0 ET YOUR FARM LOANS Quick Service i • ' •
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