Silos to Circles — CORE GROUP MEETING SUMMARY Held Monday, May 4th, 2015 2:00 PM-4:30 PM at Stratis Health MEETING SUMMARY MEETING PARTICIPANTS: A list of meeting participants is included in Attachment A. MEETING OBJECTIVES: 1. Review and discuss overall process approach 2. Review and refine design team direction and charges 3. Outline parallel activity that will compliment Silos Design Team and Core Group Work 4. Review and refine guiding charter 5. Discuss first learning curriculum topic for next meeting MEETING RESULTS: Process Diagram and Timeline: The group reviewed and affirmed the process diagram and timeline for 2015, which includes Design Team formation and Core Group shared learning opportunities, and parallel but complementary activities on mapping/scanning collaborative efforts and economic modeling of the costs incurred from fragmented service delivery. Design Team Guidance and Charge: The group revised the Design Team Guidance and Charge, which is included in Attachment B. Additionally, the Design Team rosters were revised (highlighted in yellow) and are included in Attachment C. Parallel Activity – Mapping/Scanning and Economic Analysis: The group reviewed parallel activity that will be funded out of George Family Foundation (GFF) funds and provided input that will help shape those efforts. The parallel activity is described below. o Mapping/Scanning: GFF will pursue an effort that will produce an environmental scan and sense-making of current cross-sector initiatives. This work will likely support multiple efforts in the community, but could provide valuable information for Silos to Circles Design Teams and the Core Group as they shape potential integration initiatives. The group helped scope the mapping/scanning effort by limiting it to initiatives that: 1) test barriers and facilitators in the field; and 2) bring together elements that were not previously working together in order to achieve better outcomes. o Economic Analysis: A first step in economic analysis will be to conduct a literature search on the costs of fragmentation in the arenas of chronic conditions and behavioral health. The group helped scope the search by focusing on the costs of silo-ing care and support services and related reimbursement. Broader cost implications of transitions issues in the health care system and cost implications regarding the social determinants of health will not be the focus of the initial analysis but could be addressed later. Implications re: Social Determinants of Health Transitions Issues in HC System Costs Within the Silos Design Team Membership: The group outlined additional Core Group or Design Team invitations: Individual (Organization or Sector) TBD (Corrections) Mary Fisher (rural & county-level leader) Jen Vanew (MVNA) TBD (Community health clinic) Sean Kershaw (Citizens League and Minnesota Mental Health Action Group) Ruby Lee (CLUES) Sondra Samuels (Northside Achievement Zone) Julie Ring (Association of Counties) Dave Lee (Carleton County Mental Health) Kay Dickinson (Dakota County) Gretchen Musicant (Minneapolis Health Department) Chris Rosenthal (Jewish Family Services of St. Paul) Core Group Invite Owner Dawn Simonson Sheila Riggs Frank Fernandez Olivia Mastry Frank Fernandez Amy Ward Frank Fernandez Frank Fernandez Dawn Simonson Jan Malcolm Dawn Simonson Charter Review and Approval: The Silos to Circles charter was lightly revised and affirmed by meeting participants. It can be found on the Collective Action Lab shared workspace ( A topic the group felt would be worth revisiting and reinforcing with all Core Group members is around the commitment to attend the monthly Core Group meetings and when unable to do so, all individuals will be expected to have a representative attend on their behalf. Learning Curriculum Plan for June: As an opportunity to learn from a Minnesota-based “household-centered” approach to systems change, the group will invite Sondra Samuels (or another executive in her place) from the Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) to the June 1st meeting at the Allina Commons. NEXT STEPS: Summarize the output of the Core Group meeting (this document) Provide status update to Alex and Mary Ek on all outstanding Design Team invitations Set initial design team meetings (June) and send invitations Work with core group members to identify providers and individuals for group dialogue Provide mapping/scanning and economic analysis updates to the Core Group Who? Collective Action Lab Core Group Members Collective Action Lab Lab and Core Group Collective Action Lab By When? 5/6/15 5/15/15 5/20/15 5/27/15 5/25/15 NEXT CORE GROUP MEETING: The Core Group will meet again on June 1st, 2015 from 2:00 PM-5:00 PM at the Allina Commons. NEXT MEETING FOCUS: Issues Briefs, Scanning/Sense-Making, Economic Analysis, and Design Team Progress; Learning on Household-Centered Approaches ATTACHMENT A Craig Acomb ICSI Louisa D’Altilia Lutheran Social Services Frank Fernandez Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Suzanne Koepplinger George Family Foundation Jennifer Lundblad Stratis Health Jan Malcolm Allina Health Joan Pennington HealthEast Sheila Riggs University of Minnesota Dawn Simonson Metro Area Agency on Aging Amy Ward Wilder Foundation Alex Clark, Olivia Mastry Collective Action Lab ATTACHMENT B April-May 2015 June-September 2015 Design Team Role, Process and Timeline Establish the charge and key questions that the design teams will answer Articulate terms and realities of work, e.g., answer key questions, suggest breakthroughs, share with core team, work may or may not go forward Core team members invite design team participants (using template language) Lab support finalizes team list and coordinates development of issues paper Setting System Context Setting Person-Centered Context White Paper/Issues Briefing Focus groups Synthesis of Critical Data Sets Observation leveraging design principles Design Team Output: o Fill in gaps, develop and learn from use-case o Identify and answer the big questions, including the following: What are the greatest needs in navigating the system? What are the perceived barriers (e.g. policy, regulatory, financial) and facilitators/enablers? What gets in the way of achieving right levels and use of care? What keeps people out of the system? How do life stages impact the discussion? Propose potential breakthroughs* that could be achieved in this area to foster the vision and outline how the breakthrough could be modeled or tested in a pilot, demonstration or initiative Breakthroughs are not intended to “fix” the focus area (e.g. eradicate mental health diseases) – instead, proposed breakthroughs will center on an area where silos pose significant challenges in serving person and system needs and where there is great energy to test changes efforts Include in the proposal how any successful pilot could be scaled and spread *Breakthrough could include: Scrapping and redesigning all or part of the system Putting existing components of system together differently to create new whole and achieve desired results *Breakthrough is NOT: tinkering with broken parts of system or adding new broken parts ATTACHMENT C Chronic Disease Design Team Roster Name Frank Fernandez Joan Pennington Marsha Hughes Steve Vincent, MD Pat Schommer Diane Thorson Pam Van Zyl York Bobbi Cordano David Pautz, MD Andrea Hillerud, MD Dr. George Schoephoerster Jim Abeler Susan Marshalk Sue Severson DeAnn Lazovich Lali Silva Kevin Peterson Lori Vrolson Vivian Jenkins Beverly Probes Patricia Adams MD Tom Kottke Kim Radel Kendall Johnson Sandy Schellinger Gretchen Musicant Organization BCBS of Minnesota HealthEast HealthEast Cedar Riverside Clinic UMN, Center for Aging Otter Tail Co. Public Health MDH Wilder Foundation BCBS of Minnesota BCBS of Minnesota Design Team Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Core Group Inviter N/A N/A Joan Pennington Siyad Abdullahi Accepted Invite? Yes Yes Yes Chronic Disease Laurissa Stigen No Chronic Disease Laurissa Stigen No Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Laurissa Stigen Frank Fernandez Frank Fernandez Frank Fernandez Yes Geriatric Services of Minnesota Chronic Disease Steve Gottwalt Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Steve Gottwalt Kami Norland Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Sue Severson Sheila Riggs Joan Pennington Jennifer Lundblad Yes Yes Yes Chronic Disease Dawn Simonson Yes Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Chronic Disease Siyad Abdullahi Siyad Abdullahi Siyad Abdullahi Sanne Magnan Jan Malcolm Jan Malcolm Jan Malcolm Jan Malcolm Network of Hospice & Palliative Care Stratis Health UMN HealthEast UMN, Family Practice Central MN Council on Aging HealthPartners Allina Health Allina Health Allina Health Minneapolis Health Department Yes Yes No Yes Behavioral Health Design Team Roster Name Frank Fernandez Organization BCBS of Minnesota Design Team Behavioral Health Core Group Inviter N/A Accepted Invite? Yes Suzanne Koepplinger Catalyst Initiative Behavioral Health N/A Yes Rebecca Melang CSH Behavioral Health N/A Yes Sheila Riggs UMN Behavioral Health N/A Yes Paul Goering, MD Allina Health Behavioral Health Jan Malcolm Janny Brust Center for Community Health Behavioral Health Joan Pennington Yes Diane Thorson Otter Tail Co. Public Health Behavioral Health Laurissa Stigen No Lynn Price or Darren Helt TBD BCBS of Minnesota Behavioral Health Frank Fernandez MN Urban Health Network Behavioral Health Frank Fernandez Lori Knutson Touchstone Mental Health Services Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger Yes Carol Ackley River Ridge Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger Amy Ward Wilder Foundation Behavioral Health Joan McCusker Kami Norland or Angie Laflamme Grace Tangjerd Schmitt TBD Accountable Communities for Health Guild Inc. Behavioral Health Kami Norland Behavioral Health Rebecca Melang DHS Adult Mental Health / SA Behavioral Health Rebecca Melang TBD Lakeland Mental Health Behavioral Health Laurissa Stigen No Julie Bluhm Hennepin Health Behavioral Health Sheila Riggs Yes Amy Helkenen or Kim McCoy Jeff Sawyer or Margaret Gavian Sue Abderholden Stratis Health Behavioral Health Sue Severson No North Memorial Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger Yes NAMI Behavioral Health Valerie DeFor Mary Rosenthal HFMN Behavioral Health Valerie DeFor Caroline Dillon (or other appropriate person – there are likely several) Joan Cleary DHS Behavioral Health Valerie DeFor CHW Alliance Behavioral Health Valerie DeFor TBD Mental Health Workforce Steering Committee Lutheran Social Services Behavioral Health Valerie DeFor Behavioral Health George Klauser Louisa D’Altilia Minnesota Association of CMHCs Roger Meyer Mental Health Crisis Alliance Behavioral Health Donna Zimmerman Trish Stark MN Psychology Association Behavioral Health Jennifer Lundblad Hector Mastacio Veteran’s Affairs Behavioral Health Joe Clubbs Allina Behavioral Health TBD Dr. Anthony Stately SMSC Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger Dr. Reed Sulik or Lora Matz Dr. Trina Armstrong PrairieCare Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger UTs Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger Dr. Pahoua Yang Wilder Foundation Behavioral Health Joan McCusker Wendy Waddel HealthPartners / Regions Behavioral Health Donna Zimmerman Behavioral Health Siyad Abdullahi Yes Yes Behavioral Health Patricia Adams MD Yes Mark Williams MD Mayo Clinic Behavioral Health Sanne Magnan Terry Schneider South Metro Human Services Behavioral Health Jan Malcolm Ellen Benevaides MCHN Behavioral Health Olivia Mastry Yes Catherine Larsen Nokomis Endaad Behavioral Health Suzanne Koepplinger Yes Chris Rosenthal Jewish Family Service of St. Paul Behavioral Health Dawn Simonson
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