The it Family Set Written by Cherry Carl Illustrated by Ron Leishman Images© bit fit flit grit hit* it kit it Word Family List knit lit pit quit sit skit slit spit split wit admit omit outfit permit Cut and Paste: it fit hit hit knit bit lit split spit Configuration Station (it) Word Bank bit fit slit split knit kit wit hit it See, Say, Spell and Write lit Circle and Write: it Look at the picture in each box. Circle the word that matches the picture. Write the word on the lines. 1. spit spite 2. bat bit 3. fit fat 4. knot knit 5. hit hat More Circle and Write Say the name of each picture. Read the words and circle the word that names the picture. Write the word under the picture. Make a picture for the last word. fat fit hit hot knot lit bat bit split splat spat spit fit fat knit let grit Finish and Write: it Say the name of each picture. If the picture belongs in the –it family and rhymes with hit, add –it to finish writing the word. kn b l h f dr spl sw sp it Word Search k n i t a v e d i a i e c g s p l i t c t j i a j o v b e o m k x g v x d i r t e q u i t j c m i r c m v a x s l a f l t g p y e c s i e d i i t j o i a d v s t g v h i t m w r i o d e y r x c p split spit it kit fit slit knit lit hit skit flit pit i t quit bit sit Cloze the Gap! (it) Read the following sentences, saying the word “hit” when you come to a blank space. Use words from the it family to fill in the blanks and make sense. Reread your sentences to double check your choices! 1. My big brother 2. Each classroom has a first aid 3. I taught my dog to 4. Mom 5. Dad 6. Now that I’m eight, my old jacket doesn’t 7. Pilots sit in the 8. My brother wants to drive and got his learner’s 9. Grandma’s going to . and to stay. the piece of cake in half for us. a fire in the fireplace to keep us warm. 10. To 11. a homerun yesterday! anymore. . . a sweater for me. means the same as to stop. Peaches and olives have a hard 12. I like the new in the middle. you are wearing today. hit knit Word Bank fit split kit sit lit pit permit cockpit quit outfit Alphabet Avenue Place the words below in alphabetical order. 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12 WORD BANK flit kit quit lit it hit bit split sit grit knit fit Score With Scrabble Bit Fit Grit Hit Kit Knit Quit Split Admit Omit Outfit permit SCORE it Family Word Slide it it Family Word Slide (Sound Blending) Print on vellum, cut, and laminate for durability. Cut the top and bottom slits to the left of the rime chunk for the slide. Model proper use for students: blending to form and say new words. b p f qu gr s h sk k sl kn spl l w it Partner Puzzles h it spl it kn it f it b it l it fit fit lit bit spit knit knit hit hit hit hit sit sit split outfit babysit -it Words and Pictures for Sorts -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words knit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words hit \ -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words hit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words hit -it Words and Pictures for Sorts -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words knit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words split -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words lit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words outfit -it Words and Pictures for Sorts -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words bit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words fit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words fit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words spit -it Words and Pictures for Sorts -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words sit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words sit -it Pictures and Words -it Pictures and Words babysit -it penny push -it penny push What’s it Worth? (it) (cut, spell, glue and add) i t k 1 2 3 i t n 1 2 4 i t f 1 2 4 i t h 1 2 6 i t 1 2 b l 3 3 My it Book My it Book Word Family (-it) bit, fit, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, lit, pit, quit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, wit, admit, outfit, permit Write sentences or a story with –it words of your choice. it it it it it it -it family it ____ it ____ it ____ it ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ -it family it ____ it ____ it ____ it ____ it ____ it it ____ it it ____ it it ____ it
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