Application Instructions

Applicants & Families
Application Process
If you are an applicant or parent interested in applying to the WFU Summer Program please follow these general
Create an account. To create an account, visit and
register as an Applicant. The applicant or the parent can complete the registration. This information is not
shared with WFU. Please note your email and password, which you will need to access your account in the
Complete the Applicant Profile. The information you enter in the Applicant Profile will pre-populate all the other
forms you are asked to complete, saving you time.
Select your Program. From the ‘My Programs’ page, you can select the program to which you would like to
apply. Use the Student Type dropdown to find programs, and then hit the ‘add’ button to add that program to
your ‘My Programs’ list. ($25.00 application fee for visiting students. Please make check payable to Wake Forest
University and send to PO Box 7225, Winston Salem, NC 27109)
Recommendations (Visiting Students Only): In the ‘Forms’ section, you will be asked to send a request for one of
two recommendations: the High School Recommendation Form or the Letter of Good Standing/Transcript
Request Form. In order to do this, you will first need to know the name and email address for the registrar, or
other school official who will be completing the form. Once you have this information, you may send the
request and the registrar or other school official will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the
form. Your ‘Checklist’ will update automatically as they complete these items.
Complete the necessary items. Your ‘Checklist’ shows the forms and recommendations required as part of the
application process. As you complete and submit each item your ‘Checklist’ will update automatically. You
can manage your forms by clicking on the gear icon. Be sure to keep a PDF of submitted items for your records.
As soon as you submit a form WFU receives it.
Check your Checklist. Your ‘Checklist’ updates in real time. Use the ‘Checklist’ legend on the right side to check
the status of each application item. For more information on using the ‘Checklist’, click the ‘Checklist Help’ link
on the right side of the page.
Registrars & School Officials
Recommendation & Transcript Process
If you are a registrar or other school official who will be asked to complete recommendations or send transcripts on
behalf of an applicant to the WFU Summer Program, please follow these general guidelines:
Look for a recommendation request email. If an applicant would like you to complete a recommendation or
send a transcript, they will enter your name and email into their application and you will receive an email from
[email protected] with instructions on how to submit these items confidentially online. You will need to
follow the link in the email in order to link the applicant to your account.
Create an account. To create an account, follow the link in the request email or visit You will be able to manage multiple applicants and all the
forms they request from you in this one place.
Complete the Recommender Profile. The information you enter in the Recommender Profile will pre-populate
all the other forms you are asked to complete, saving you time.
Follow the links in request emails. In order to complete a recommendation or submit a transcript electronically,
you will need to follow the link in each request email you receive in order to link the applicant to your account.
Complete the necessary items. Your ‘Dashboard’ shows the recommendations and transcripts requested from
you as part of the application process. As you complete and submit each item your ‘Dashboard’ will update
automatically. You can manage your forms by clicking on the gear icon.
Check your Dashboard. Your ‘Dashboard’ updates in real time for both you and the applicant. Use the legend
on the right side to check the status of each application item. For more information on using the ‘Dashboard’,
click the ‘Recommendation Help’ link on the right side of the page.
As soon as you submit a form WFU receives it.