ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Community, Housing and Infrastructure DATE 18th March 2015 DIRECTOR Pete Leonard TITLE OF REPORT HMO Fee Setting 2015 - 2016 REPORT NUMBER CHI/15/116 CHECKLIST COMPLETED 1. Yes PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to seek Committee’s approval to set revised HMO Licensing fees from 1st April 2015. 2. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended that committee agree to: 1. Implement the new HMO Licence fee structure for 2015/16 as set out in the following table as from 1st April 2015. RENEWALS No. of Tenants 3–5 6 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 50 51 – 100 101- 200 201 + 3. Fee £ 400 500 900 1,500 2,400 3,700 4,000 Part 1 £ 300 400 800 1,400 2,300 3,600 3,900 NEW APPLICATIONS Part 2 £ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fee £ 495 720 1,350 2,520 4,230 6,840 7,380 Part 1 £ 370 600 1,225 2,355 3,900 6,340 6,715 Part 2 £ 125 120 125 165 330 500 665 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The HMO Licence fee is raised for the purposes of processing HMO applications as per Part 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 and the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, and is ringfenced solely for the purposes of HMO Licensing activities. 4. OTHER IMPLICATIONS There are no other issues that have not already been addressed within this report. 5. BACKGROUND/MAIN ISSUES 5.1 The current fee structure was set having taken into consideration representation by Landlords at the Housing and Environment Committee in March 2013 and subsequent annual outturns. 5.2 HMO Licensing is a statutory function imposed on local authorities under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, Part 5, s124. The setting of fees is covered under s161. The Scottish Ministers also issue statutory guidance for the operation of HMO Licensing duties and the setting of fees. The authority must also take cognisance of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009. 5.3 The HMO Licensing duties for Aberdeen City Council are performed by the Private Sector Housing Unit. There are currently 6.8fte staff working on HMO duties, these staff comprise; HMO inspecting Officers; who are responsible for on-site HMO Licence applications and enforcement duties, unit manager and administration staff. 5.4 The 2014/15 cost of administering the service is forecast to be circa £277,026 against a projected income of £140,000, thus leaving a negative balance of £137,026 to be offset against the carry forward of £221,551.46 from previous years. The above figures take account of all corporate costs and make an allowance for Legal fees incurred in operating the service. It is anticipated that this will mean that a carry forward of £84,525.46 will be taken into the 2015/16 budget, (see appendix 1). This carry forward is a historical surplus from previous years that the Council is now endeavouring to reduce to balance over a 3 year period. 5.5 It will be noted that the fee income forecast in March 2014 for the 201415 budget was estimated at £185,785, whereas the actual income will be circa £140,000. This has therefore impacted significantly on the potential carry forward into the 2015-16 budgets and has therefore required a larger increase to the Renewal fee than had initially been anticipated. 5.6 The fee increase has only been applied to the Renewal fee in order to reflect the minimal difference in work required between New application 2 and a Renewal. This represents a 60% increase on the 3 to 5 tenants’ occupancy level, (see table below). RENEWALS No. Tenants 3-5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 50 51 - 100 101 - 200 201 + Fee £ 250 360 675 1,260 2,115 3,420 3,690 Part 1 £ 125 235 550 1,090 1,785 2,920 3,025 NEW APPLICATIONS Part 2 £ 125 125 125 170 330 500 665 Fee £ 495 720 1,350 2,520 4,230 6,840 7,380 Part 1 £ 370 600 1,225 2,355 3,900 6,340 6,715 Part 2 £ 125 120 125 165 330 500 665 2014 -15 HMO Licence fees 5.7 In calculating the fees, for 2015 - 16, officers have taken into consideration the running costs of the unit, including corporate and legal costs, along with the number of new applications we could reasonably expect to receive plus renewals from current licenses that are due to expire. An attempt has been made to factor potential additional new cases found through continued enforcement activities. 2015 - 2016 Projections 156 New applications = 336 Renewal applications = Total estimated income 5.8 £ 87,255 £158,000 £245,255 Based on the projected income and expenditure for 2015/16, it is estimated that there will a negative balance of circa £45,000. This will reduce the HMO fee surplus to circa £35,000 which represents 12% of the annual operating costs of the HMO service. Ideally the Council would look to operate with a surplus of 25% to 30% when endeavouring to balance the costs over a 3 year period. This is to provide a cushion that prevents the HMO service requiring a subsidy from the General budget yet prevents overcharging the landlords for the service thus complying fully with the legislation. However, due to the 60% increase proposed for 2015-16, it is accepted that a smaller surplus than would be ideal for one year. In conclusion; officers have endeavoured to set a HMO Licence fee for 2015-16 that reflects the anticipated workload of the unit based on predicted income and current year’s balance, against known expenditure while endeavouring to comply with the requirements of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 and the Services Directive 2009. While there are some unknowns the fact that the Council has to balance its 3 HMO budget over a rolling 3 year period allows us scope to make adjustments on an annual basis to truly reflect the service needs. 6. IMPACT This report will be of interest to all private sector landlords in the city who either operate or intend to operate an HMO property as the fee relates directly to their operating costs. 7. MANAGEMENT OF RISK It is impractical to accurately identify the number of applications that will be received for an HMO Licence. Assumptions have been made that 80% of all current Licences due to expire in 2014/15 will be renewed and the number of new applications reflects that lodged during 2014/15. There is a slight risk to the budget in that the number of actual applications may fall short of the predicted numbers, thus requiring the Council to adjust the Licence fee upwards for the following year, while an increase will result in the Council having to make reductions to the fee in following years. The budget should ideally balance over a three year period. 8. BACKGROUND PAPERS None applicable Licensing Committee, June 2010 HMO Licence fees 9. REPORT AUTHOR DETAILS Name: Job Title: Email Address: Phone Number: Andy Pitblado Private Sector Housing Strategy Officer [email protected] (52)2339 4 Appendix 1 Houses in Multiple Occupation Outturn Forecast 2014/15 Budget 2015/6 £s £s 199,343 199,343 201,500 201,500 10,000 290 1,300 55,000 66,590 10,000 300 2,000 5,000 55,550 72,850 5,300 3,540 8,840 7,000 3,750 10,750 Expense Total Income Fees-Hous'G Multi Occup 1,511 742 2,253 277,026 1,550 750 2,300 287,400 -140,000 -245,255 Income Total -140,000 -245,255 137,026 42,145 £221,551.46 £84,525.46 £84,525.46 £42,380.46 Financial Years Staff Costs Salaries (including on costs) Administration Costs Legal Expenses Mobile Phones Courses Advertising Charges - Central Support Transport Costs Travelling Expenses - Aptc & Co Car Parking Supplies & Services Software Purchases/Licenses Other Expenditure Net Expenditure/(Income) Previous Year(Income)/expenditure b/f Net Balance for year Projected Carry Forward 5 Appendix 2 Projected income in 2015 – 16 based on new licence fee and assumed applications received. Assumptions made: New applications are similar to previous year, and 80% of all licenses due to expire in 2015 – 16 are renewed, (this reflects previous year’s experience). No. of Tenants New Applicant 3–5 6 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 50 51 – 100 101- 200 201 + 143 10 2 1 - Sub total TOTAL Budget 2015 - 2016 Forecast – Carry forward from 31st March 2015 156 Minimum Income requirement for 2015 – 16 FEE £ 495 720 1,350 2,520 4,230 6,840 7,380 Possible Renewals 300 22 1 3 9 - Renewal FEE £ INCOME £ 400 500 900 1,500 2,400 3,700 4,000 190,785 18,200 900 9,540 25,830 - 335 245,255 287,400 84,525 202,875 Estimated Carry Forward into 2016-2017 6 - 42,380
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