CABINET Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) Portfolio Holder: Councillor Chadderton, Cabinet Member Education Officer Contact: Executive Director Corporate and Commercial Services – Emma Alexander Report Author: Barney Harle, Capital Works & Energy Manager Ext. 1985 30th March 2015 Reason for Decision To seek approval to accept direct award contract for design and construction of new 3FE Primary School on the former Grange School site. Executive Summary The report details the direct award process under the government procured framework for education buildings for the design and construction of new 3FE Primary School. Recommendations Cabinet are requested: - To authorise the acceptance of the negotiated price and to approve commencement of discussions with the contractor to develop their proposal. - To approve delegated authority to Executive Director (Corporate and Commercial Services), Cabinet Member for Finance and the Interim Director of Finance, to enter into a contract to deliver the new school ready for September 2016 term commencement. 30th March 2015 Cabinet Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) 1 Background 1.1 Through the review of primary school places across the borough a future provision of between 140 and 165 primary school places was identified to meet the educational needs of children, focussed around Failsworth, Saddleworth and the central area of Oldham. As a result of this identified need the Council agreed in a Cabinet Report on 31st March 2014 an investment programme of £13.5m to help address the basic needs demand. 1.2 The basic need provision allocation for the new 3FE build primary school (central) was approved at £7.5m, together with its location as being on the former Grange School site adjoining the Oldham College on Rochdale Road. 1.3 The site of the proposed school is currently leased to Oldham College as a decant space whilst the college complete construction of their buildings. The lease expires in July 2015 and therefore the site will not be available for development until that time. 1.4 Officers have been investigating options which would enable the new school to be open in time for intake of pupils in September 2016. 1.5 Initial procurement options utilising traditional routes indicated a realistic opening date of the school between February and April 2017. 1.6 An alternative procurement route was proposed which would make a direct award under the Crown Commercial Services Framework, RM 875 (Lot 7) for modular steel framed education buildings. This route has been recently utilised for the successful procurement of the ASD School – which would be used as a benchmark for the 3FE. 1.7 The Procurement Process Briefing Note detailing this route was approved November 2014 by Executive Director (Corporate and Commercial Services), Cabinet Member for Finance and the Interim Director of Finance. This note is attached as Appendix B. 2 Current Position 2.1 The chosen procurement route for the new 3FE Primary School was agreed as being a direct award under the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM875. 2.2 Officers and Unity Partnership have undertaken initial briefing and design team meetings with ASD School contractor and Architect (Extraspace Page 2 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Solutions (UK) and BP Architecture), site and floor plans have been produced utilising Department for Education (DfE) baseline target floor plans. 2.3 Numerous site layout options (13nr in total) and configurations have been considered for the new 3FE building, ultimately concluding that the most economical and logistically advantageous option is for a 3 storey teaching block with 2 storey administration / hall wing located on the current middle plateau of the site. 2.4 Contractors proposals for the preferred option include sprinklers. 2.5 The proposal also contains allowance for removal of asbestos from the current buildings, demolition and site preparation for the new school, external works and areas in accordance with building bulletins and costs associated with the separation of the sports hall from the current shared utilities for retention by Oldham College. 2.6 It is recommended that approval is given to enter into negotiations with Extraspace Solutions (UK) and having agreed a revised scheme within the funding envelope, that delegated authority be given to award the contract as noted above and that the form of the contract used will be NEC3 (a government advocated standard form of contract) on a guaranteed maximum price basis. 2.7 Under Section 6A of the Education Act 2011 there is a presumption that where an LA thinks there is a need for a new school in its area it must seek proposals to establish an academy/free school. In October 2014 the Department published non-statutory guidance to local authorities (LAs) on the establishment of new schools. It sets out for LAs and new school proposers the department’s expectations of how the academy/free school presumption process should operate in practice and the characteristics and qualities that new school proposers must demonstrate. 3 Options/Alternatives 3.1 Option 1 – Do nothing This is not an option as the provision of primary places will remain and completion of scheme would leave Council without adequate pupil places. 3.2 Option 2 – Competitively tender scheme under Modular Framework This option is available for consideration to deliver the pupil places, but would not be able to achieve the completion date requested of September 2016. 3.3 Option 3 – Accept Contract Proposal and Commence discussions to develop fixed price tender. Page 3 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 This is the recommended option as it will enable delivery of all the required accommodation within the revised timescales and budget restrictions. 4 Preferred Option 4.1 Option 3 – Accept Contract Proposal and Commence discussions to develop fixed price tender. This is the recommended option as it will enable delivery of all the required accommodation within the revised timescales and budget restrictions. 5 Consultation 5.1 There has been internal consultation with schools access officers, AED children’s services, corporate landlord and the procurement team, ward members for Coldhurst ward and Cabinet Members for Finance and Education have been informed concerning the approach and the recommended option. As part of the competitive process for seeking an Academy sponsor and the parallel process of applying for planning permission for this development a public consultation event was held in the Civic Centre 11th February 2015. A further event for public consultation is to be held March 9th at the Millennium Centre, Westwood. 6 Financial Implications 6.1 The total funding for the 3FE Primary School project that is included in the Councils approved capital programme is £7,500,000. 6.2 Treasurer’s Comments Capital Implications 6.2.1 A general provision of £7.5m exists within the approved 2014-2018 capital programme against which this scheme will be a charge. 6.2.2 The provision included within the capital programme is phased and funded as follows: Funding Basic Needs Capital grant Prudential Borrowing TOTAL Page 4 of 26 2014/15 £’000 20.0 250.0 270.0 2015/16 £’000 3,072.0 307.2 3,379.2 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) 2016/17 £’000 3,850.8 0.0 3,850.8 TOTAL £’000 6,942.8 557.2 7,500.0 th 30 March 2015 6.2.3 In accordance with standard practice, officers will closely monitor the progress of this scheme to ensure that it is kept within the funding allocation. Any anticipated variations to scheme spending will be reported as soon as any issues are highlighted. (J Kara/Anne Ryans) Revenue implications 6.3.1 The revenue funding of this school will be met from the Dedicated Schools Grant. (Liz Caygill) 7 Legal Services Comments 7.1 The Crown Commercial Services Framework RM875 – Lot 7 – for the provision of Educational Buildings states that “Call-off contracts can be put in place either by direct order or further competition” subject to the following conditions: 7.2 In summary, as this is a standard specification building, the Council is able to make a direct award. (Rebecca Coldicott) 8. Co-operative Agenda 8.1 Raising educational attainment is a key priority for the Council and is a key theme of the Education and Skills Commission currently underway. It is vital in supporting our ambition for a productive place and building confident communities. (Jennifer Barker) 9 Human Resources Comments 9.1 As the new school will be an academy there are no HR implications from a statutory perspective. Although academies do not have to adhere to national and local teaching and support staff conditions, the LA will strongly encourage potential sponsors to commit to the following:• • • • • • Sign up to Oldham Fair Employment Charter Operate within National and Local terms Apply national standards for Headship and Teacher Standards Commit to the local TU facilities fund Engage and work with the wider Oldham school community Work with the full range of LA services including HR, Finance, Health and Safety, School Performance and the Learning Academy (Andy Collinge) 10 Risk Assessments 10.1 In devising a solution which delivers the required school opening timetable the procurement risk around by using a standard specification under the framework has been managed during the letting of the contract. (Mark Stenson) Page 5 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 11 IT Implications 11.1 None. 12 Property Implications 12.1 The proposals will ensure required school places are delivered in a timely manner. (Cath Conroy) 13 Procurement Implications 13.1 The Crown Commercial Services Framework, RM 875 (Lot 7) for modular steel framed education buildings is fully OJEU compliant and is in accordance with Oldham Council CPRs. The framework allows for direct award to suppliers within Lot 7. 13.2 This framework has been used to secure a supplier to build the new ASD school. A mini competition was carried out and project plans and full pricing schedules reviewed and analysed to ensure value for money and most commercial offer selected. 13.3 A direct award is proposed by the project team due to the strict timescales in order for the school to be open for September 2016. The pricing from the ASD school mini-competition will be used to ensure value for money via a direct award. In addition additional savings will be made through project synergies as the same supplier should be delivering both projects. 13.4 Alternative procurement routes were reviewed including a restricted OJEU tender but this would have an impact on the opening date of September 2016. (Karen Lowes) 14 Environmental and Health & Safety Implications 14.1 Environment: This new school will be built to the standards of current Building Regulations, but will not include any extra renewable energy infrastructure due to budget constraints. However, the school may be considered in the future for solar PV or other measures as part of a community energy programme. (Andy Hunt) 14.2 This was procured via a Crown Commercial Services Framework RM875. There are no prosecutions or enforcement notices recorded on the HSE enforcement website in respect of Extraspace Solutions for the period concerned. Prior to commencement of any works, full health and safety documentation including risk assessments must be submitted by the contractors involved. (Laura Smith) 15 Equality, community cohesion and crime implications 15.1 There are no equality implications arising from this report (Jennifer Barker) Page 6 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 15.2 There are no cohesion implication arising from this report (Bruce Penhale) 16 Equality Impact Assessment Completed? 16.1 No 17 Key Decision 17.1 Yes 18 Key Decision Reference 18.1 EDS-01-15 19 Background Papers 19.1 None 20 Appendices 20.1 Appendix A – Provision of Primary School Places – Cabinet Report 31st March 2014 20.2 Appendix B – Procurement of New 3FE Primary School (Grange) – Procurement Process Briefing Note September 2014 Page 7 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Appendix A Page 8 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 9 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 10 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 11 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 12 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 13 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 14 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 15 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 16 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 17 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 18 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 19 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 20 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 21 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 22 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 23 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Appendix B Page 24 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 25 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015 Page 26 of 26 Contract Award: New 3FE Primary School (Grange) th 30 March 2015
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