Dear Vendor, Welcome to the 2015 Season! The South Burlington Farmers Market is managed by Common Roots, a non-‐profit organization within the S.B. community. For more information about Common Roots’ mission, please visit: Programming decisions within the market are based on the Common Roots mission, and our commitment to serving the South Burlington and larger community. We view the vendors as a community and as a result, expect higher levels of participation and partnership within the market. We maintain the following vendor structure: 50% agriculture, 25% local products and 25% local artists/local crafts to keep the market varied and interesting for consumers. We are in our third year of the POP Club (Produce of Produce) this summer. This club is for children ages 5-‐12, and engages them in their food system through education and buying power. We ask that vendors engage our younger patrons and communicate with them about products. More information about the POP Club, is available, please contact me with questions. Thank you and we hope to make 2015 the best season yet. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions. Sincerely, Kylie deGroot Market Manager [email protected] Do not send this page in to Kylie with your vendor application. Thank you. 2015 Vendor Application South Burlington Farmers Market S.B. High School/Community Library-‐-‐550 Dorset St. Date: NAME OF FARM/BUSINESS: CONTACT NAME/S: ADDRESS: Application due May 1st STATE ZIP CITY: PHONE NUMBER: Preferred contact? EMAIL: Preferred contact? SOUTH BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET POLICIES: 1. The 2015 season will be 19 Sundays, starting June 7th and running thru October 11th. 2. The cost to participate in all 19 weeks at the SBFM is $300; 50% payment required by June 1 , 100% by July 1st. This option will be pro-‐rated for those vendors signing up mid-‐ way through the season. st 3. Vendors who wish to participate in the market but cannot commit to the whole season may choose one of the following fee structures: a. 11-‐15 Markets = $250; 50% payment required by June 1 , 100% by July 1st. b. Daily vendor expense -‐ $25 per Market; payment expected at set-‐up. st 4. All vendors who participate in market, regardless of frequency, are required to comply with market policies and submit the 2015 vendor application. Vendor insurance certificate must accompany initial payment. Please only send these in once you have been notified of acceptance into the market. 5. Vendors must provide Common Roots with a current certificate/proof of liability insurance with ‘South Burlington Farmers Market 550 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403’ listed as an additionally insured location. Vendors also must sign and return the included Liability Release Form as part of the vendor application. 6. The market will be open from 10am until 2pm. Vendors are responsible for being set up/ready to sell by 9:45am and will stay set up until the end of the market. The SBFM is a rain or shine market. Vendors who are accepted into the market are held to this expectation and are only permitted to break down their booth with permission from the market manager in the event of severe weather. 7. Setup begins at 8:45am. All cars must be moved from the market area by 9:45. 8. Each vendor is required to have 4 weights connected to their tent frame, or stakes if the vendor is on the grass, each weekend. Our location is very windy so this is a matter of safety. Please contact me with questions or if looking for inexpensive weight ideas. 9. Vendors shall sell only what they have listed on this agreement. If a vendor wishes to sell an item not listed on their agreement, they must get approval from the Market Manager by Thursday prior to the Market. 10. Fresh produce vendors shall sell only what they have grown. Prepared foods vendors shall sell only what they have produced themselves in an approved facility. We give preference to prepared food vendors that are sourcing ingredients locally and/or sustainably. 11. Vendors who cannot attend a scheduled Market shall give notice no later than Thursday prior to the Market day. If notice is not received a fee of $25 will be charged. 12. Vendors shall sell their products at reasonable market prices. There shall be no “product dumping” (selling of product well below “market price”) or “last hour sales” (discounting products for the final hour to sell) permitted at the Market. 13. Vendors will only occupy the space assigned to them. Your space may change week to week. Some vendors will be granted permission to park near their booth (please indicate on the following page). 14. All vendors are responsible for leaving their space clean and trash free at the end of each Market. Vendor generated trash must be taken home by vendors and not deposited in public trash receptacles at the Market. 15. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking non-‐prescription drugs will not be permitted in/around the Market or on school property. 16. The SBFM accepts EBT/DEBIT cards. Vendors are strongly encouraged to accept tokens for EBT/DEBIT. Vendors who accept token payment must display proper signage to alert patrons. Common Roots will provide proper signage and send vendor payments in exchange for tokens within 7 days after the Market. 17. Vendors shall comply with all rules and regulations of the State of Vermont and the City of South Burlington relating to the products they sell (including but not limited to State ID Tax #, sales tax, labeling, processing laws, scale calibration, organic standards, etc…) 18. Common Roots reserves the right to limit vendor numbers in produce, local products, and craft categories, and manage a waiting list on a first come, first serve basis. 19. Vendors using scales must use legal-‐for-‐trade scales if selling by the pound. 20. Violations of Market policies will be handled in the following manner: a. First Violation: A verbal warning from the Market Manager prior to next Market. b. Second Violation: A written warning from the Market Manager prior to next Market. c. Third Violation: Suspension from the Market for the rest of the season. Vendors may also lose the privilege to attend the SBFM in the future, as determined by the Market Manager, in conjunction with the program director and board of Common Roots. 21. If accepted into the market, this document will serve as the vendor contract. I HEREBY AGREE TO ALL THE ABOVE CONDITIONS. SIGNED DATE: PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: DATES I WILL BE VENDING AT THE SOUTH BURLINGTON FARMERS’ MARKET: ___ June 7 ___ June 14 ___ June 21 ___ June 28 ___ July 5 ___ August 2 ___ Sep 6 ___ July 26 ___ July 12 ___ July 19 ___ August 9 ___ August 16 ___ August 23 ___ August 30 ___ Sep 13 ___ Sep 20 ___ Sep 27 ___October 4 ___October 11 I AM A: Farmer (meat, produce, cheese, maple syrup, honey) Prepared food vendor Artist/Crafter Community Organization Other: DO YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR VEHICLE PARKED DIRECTLY NEAR YOUR BOOTH? (These spaces are limited so we ask that you only mark yes if you need this option. We do our best to give spaces with parking to as many vendors as possible. All parking is located close to the booths so no one’s car will be far away) _____ Yes _____ No WHO WILL BE SELLING PRODUCT FOR YOU AT THE FARMERS MARKET? PLEASE PROVIDE THEIR NAME/S AND RELATION TO YOUR COMPANY/BUSINESS: PLEASE LIST ALL ITEMS YOU INTEND TO SELL AT THE MARKET: PLEASE LIST WHERE YOU GET YOUR INGREDIENTS: PLEASE INCLUDE OTHER COMMENTS BELOW: PHOTOS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEBSITE, IMAGES OF YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS LOGO WILL BE HELPFUL. Please include them in this application. If not in hard copy, please indicate here that you intend to email any of these. I attest that all information that I have provided is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. SIGNED: DATE: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: MARKET MANAGER: Common Roots Kylie deGroot c/o Kylie deGroot [email protected] PO Box 9335 Office: 802.652.0188 South Burlington VT 05407 South Burlington Farmers Market 2015 Liability Release Form The S. Burlington Farmers Market is covered by a limited liability insurance plan. This insurance does not cover product liability for individual vendors or liability for personal damages caused by your market display. I understand that individual product liability and liability for my market display is my responsibility. I do hereby release the South Burlington Farmers Market, Common Roots, Inc., its Board of Directors, and Market Manager from liability due to my product(s) and/or market display. I have read and agree to comply with the Market Rules and Bylaws of the South Burlington Farmers Market. Signature please print signed name above Please check off all appropriate boxes: All vendors check off this box: Yes, I will have sufficient weights for my tent/canopy/umbrellas at market. Date Name of farm/business All food producers check off this boxes: Yes, I will bring all required licenses to the first market I vend at and have them on hand at each market I attend. Food Producer Resources: M.pdf
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