Fife Harvest Festival Booth Application VENDOR INFORMATION Name Phone Number Company Email Address Address City State Zip INFORMATION & COMMERCIAL VENDORS -enclose information, pictures & promotional materials Check One: □Non-Profit or Community Service Group □For Profit or Private Business ARTS & CRAFTS VENDORS - enclose 3 pictures of work, price range of goods and resume of festivals Category: □Ceramics □Jewelry □Painting □Fiber □Photography □Wood □Imported Craft______________________ □Original Craft _______________________ FOOD VENDORS - enclose pictures of booth, price range and complete menu list Type of Food Types of Appliances TOTAL Wattage Requirements TOTAL Voltage Requirements Do you have a self-contained unit? □No □Yes* If yes, include a photo with demensions listed (length, width, height) Additional Requirements: AGREEMENT I certify that the above information adequately represents the information and/or business I wish to present at the Fife Harvest Festival. I understand that acceptance into the festival is not guaranteed and determined based on the information represented above. I understand that (check box that is applicable): □ As an Information Vendor and/or Commerical Vendor applicant (have an actual office building), I have enclosed: information about the non-profit/community service group or the for-profit/private business that I wish to distribute at the festival. □As an Art & Craft Vendor applicant I have enclosed: 3 photographs, list of items and resume of past festivals/events. □As a Food Vendor I have enclosed: complete menu and price list, pictures of booth and resume of events. I understand that Food Vendors must obtain license well in advance. Please contact the Pierce County Health Department for more information on deadlines. Signatures:_____________________________________________ Date:______________ ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5 PM FRIDAY AUGUST 7th, 2015 Questions? Contact [email protected], 253-896-8688
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