Young voters What young people think is important in the run-up to the General Election on 7th May 2015 6,345 young people in Great Britain aged between 18 and 24 years were questioned online about their political attitudes and opinions in the biggest survey of its kind. Registering to vote Interest in politics The process has changed since the last election, meaning that everyone now has to register themselves on the electoral register. Although 60% of young people say that they care who wins the General Election, just 34% say they are personally interested in politics. 50% of the young people surveyed hadn’t registered to vote at the time of the survey. Importance of voting Likelihood of voting NB Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding Don't know (7%) Don't know (29%) Not likely to vote (24%) It IS important to vote (63%) It is NOT important to vote (9%) Just Likely to vote (69%) 26% say they are certain to vote Main reason why you would be unlikely to vote Don't know enough about the candidates and issues (Base: respondents not likely to vote) 30% Politics isn't for people like me 16% There's no point as my vote won't make a difference 12% None of the parties offer anything I like 10% All the parties are the same 8% The result won't affect me 8% Don't have the time 7% Other 5% None of the above 5% Find out more: Which of these policies would be important to you when choosing who to vote for in the next election? (More than one answer could be given) Managing the NHS 49% Keeping down the cost of everyday items ie food, energy and travel 40% 32% Controlling immigration 28% Reducing university tuition fees 26% Promoting UK economic growth Making sure that the benefits of economic growth are felt by all 23% Increasing the use of renewable energies 16% Increasing funding for mental health care provisions 15% Restricting the use of zero hour contracts 13% Protecting online privacy 11% Increasing funding for youth services 11% Reducing the amount of unpaid internships 8% Taking a softer approach on drugs 8% Don't know 7% Which would you say comes closest to your opinion? Politicians generally do a: GOOD job of representing the views and interests of young people 11% BAD job of representing the views and interests of young people 57% Don’t know 32% Find out more: Which of the following is the most important in helping you decide who to vote for? What their national policies are 31% The leader I think will make the best Prime Minister 16% What their polices are on local issues 16% The party I most closely associate with 16% Who the local candidate is 5% 13% Dont know None of these 5% Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Don't know Don't know Politics is an effective way to make a difference to the country 64% 64% 18% 18% 18% 18% Celebrities should not get involved in politics 30% 30% 51% 51% 19% 19% Voting is an important part of being involved in society 69% 69% 16% 16% 15% 15% My parents will probably vote for the same party that I will at the next General Election 35% 35% 27% 27% 37% 37% The outcome of the next General Election will make a difference to the future of Great Britain 64% 64% 15% 15% NB Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding Find out more: 22% 22% Would the following make you more or less likely to vote, or would it make no difference? More likely to vote More likely to vote No difference No difference Less likely to vote Less likely to vote Don't know Don't know Being able to vote online or by using an app 24% 6% 24% 6% 63% 63% 7% 7% Having a ‘none of the above’ option on the ballot paper (ie a way of expressing dissatisfaction with all the candidates) 34% 34% 44% 44% 10% 10% 12% 12% Being able to vote by text message 49% 49% How much do you think the result of the general election will affect your day-to-day life? A great deal 12% A fair amount 37% Not very much 32% Not at all Don’t know 8% 11% 34% 34% 9% 9% 8% 8% Which of the following leaders would you most like to see running the country? 22% Ed Miliband: Labour Party 16% Natalie Bennett: Green Party 12% Nigel Farage: UK Independence Party (UKIP) 9% Nick Clegg: Liberal Democrats 7% Don’t know 35% David Cameron: Conservative Party Source: Comres for Radio 1 Newsbeat Find out more:
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