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1 listado de artículos
Communication, Culture & Critique
KANEVA, N. y POPESCU, D. (2014): ‘“We are Romanian, not Roma”: Nation Branding
and Postsocialist Discourses of Alterity’, Communication, Culture & Critique, 7(4), pp.
MIN, SEONG-JAE (2015): “Occupy Wall Street and Deliberative Decision-Making:
Translating Theory to Practice”, Communication, Culture & Critique, 8(1) pp. 73–89.
“Identity Negotiation in Activist Participation”, Communication, Culture & Critique, 8(1)
pp. 144–162.
Communication Research
LEE, E. y SHIN, S. (2015): “When the Medium Is the Message: How Transportability
Moderates the Effects of Politicians’ Twitter Communication” Communication
Research, 41(8), pp. 1088-1110.
MATTHES, J. y MARQUART F. (2015): “A New Look at Campaign Advertising and
Political Engagement: Exploring the Effects of Opinion-Congruent and -Incongruent
Political Advertisements” Communication Research, 42(1), pp. 134-155.
BAS, O. y GRABE, M. (2015): “Emotion-Provoking Personalization of News: Informing
Citizens and Closing the Knowledge Gap?” Communication Research, 42(2), pp. 159185.
SHEN, L.; PALMER, J.; KOLLAR, L; y COMER, S. (2015): “A Social Comparison
Explanation for the Third-Person Perception”, Communication Research, 42(2), pp.
KÜHNE R. y SCHEMER C. (2015): “The Emotional Effects of News Frames on
Information Processing and Opinion Formation”, Communication Research, 42(3), pp.
Comunicación y Sociedad
GALLEGO, J.; FERNÁNDEZ, M. y DEMONGET, A. (2015): " The communication policy
of the European Commission: radio broadcasting since the 90s, from Radio E to
Euranet Plus ", Comunicación y Sociedad, 28 (1), pp. 13-27.
PRIELER, M.; IVANOV, A. y HAGIWARA, S. (2015), " Gender representations in East
Asian advertising: Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea ", Comunicación y Sociedad,
28 (1), pp. 27-43.
2 listado de artículos
Discourse and Society
KHOSRAVINIK M. (2015): “Macro and micro legitimation in discourse on Iran’s nuclear
programme: The case of Iranian national newspaper Kayhan”, Discourse & Society,
26(1), pp. 52-73.
LACERDA, D. (2015): “Rio de Janeiro and the divided state: Analysing the political
discourse on favelas”, Discourse & Society, 26(1), pp. 74-94.
STROM, M. (2015): “Social hierarchy in local Spanish-language print media: The
discursive representation of Latino social actors in the United States”, Discourse &
Society, 26(2), pp. 230-252.
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico
PELLISSER, N. y PINEDA, A. (2014): “Información política televisiva y
espectacularización: un análisis comparativo de programas informativos y de
infoentretenimiento”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 20(2), pp. 821-839.
RICO, M. (2014): “La aplicación de los géneros informativos e interpretativos en las
tertulias políticas del Grupo Intereconomía”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico,
20(2), pp. 873-884.
DE RAMÓN CARRIÓN, MANUEL (2014) “Las redes sociales 2.0 como fuentes
informativas en las revoluciones y movimientos populares de 2011 (Túnez, Egipto y
15-M)” Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 20(2), pp. 1195-1208.
European Journal of Communication
Se recomienda el número de diciembre de 2014, un monográfico sobre diferentes
elementos relacionados con la Comunicación Política. European Journal of
Communication, 29(6)
REIFOVÁ, IRENA (2015): “A study in the history of meaning-making: Watching socialist
television serials in the former Czechoslovakia”, European Journal of Communication,
30(1), pp. 79-94.
TOKER, HURIYE (2015): “More national less European? The comparison of the last
two general elections in Turkey”, European Journal of Communication, 30(2), pp. 188208.
3 listado de artículos
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics
LAURSEN, B. y VALENTINI, C. (2015): “Mediatization and Government
Communication: Press Work in the European Parliament”, The International Journal of
Press/Politics 20 (1), pp. 26-44.
MELTZER, K. (2015) “Journalistic Concern about Uncivil Political Talk in Digital News
Media: Responsibility, Credibility, and Academic Influence” The International Journal of
Press/Politics 20 (1), pp. 85-107.
MAGEN, C. (2015): “Media Strategies and Manipulations of Intelligence Services: The
Case of Israel”, The International Journal of Press/Politics 20(2), pp. 247-265.
BRIANT, M. (2014). “Allies and Audiences: Evolving Strategies in Defense and
Intelligence Propaganda”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 20(2), pp. 145165.
Information, Communication & Society
HMIELOWSKI, J.; HUTCHENS, M.; y CICCHIRILLO, V. (2014): “Living in an age of
online incivility: examining the conditional indirect effects of online discussion on
political flaming”, Information, Communication & Society, 17(10), pp. 1196-1211.
“Pacts with Twitter. Predicting voters' indecision and preferences for coalitions in
multiparty systems” Information, Communication & Society, 17(10), pp. 1280-1297.
(2015): “Towards hypermedia
campaigning? Perceptions of new media's importance for campaigning by party
strategists in comparative perspective”, Information, Communication & Society, 18(7),
pp. 937-955.
International Journal of Public Opinion
SHEHATA, A. (2014): “Game Frames, Issue Frames, and Mobilization: Disentangling
the Effects of Frame Exposure and Motivated News Attention on Political Cynicism and
Engagement”, International Journal of Public Opinion, 26(2), pp. 157-177.
BARNIDGE, M. y ROJAS, H. (2014): “Hostile Media Perceptions, Presumed Media
Influence, and Political Talk: Expanding the Corrective Action Hypothesis”, International
Journal of Public Opinion, 26(2), pp. 135-156.
4 listado de artículos
PERSSON, M. y SOLEVID, M. (2014): “Measuring Political Participation—Testing
Social Desirability Bias in a Web-Survey Experiment”, International Journal of Public
Opinion, 26(1), pp. 98-112.
Journal of Communication
BASTOS, M.; MERCEA, D.; Y CHARPENTIER, A. (2015): “Tents, Tweets, and
Events: The Interplay Between Ongoing Protests and Social Media”, Journal of
Communication, 65(2), pp. 320–350.
FOX, J.; y WARBER, K.; (2015): “Queer Identity Management and Political SelfExpression on Social Networking Sites: A Co-Cultural Approach to the Spiral of
Silence”, Journal of Communication, 65(1), pp. 79-100.
SONG, H. (2015): “Uncovering the Structural Underpinnings of Political Discussion
Networks: Evidence From an Exponential Random Graph Model”, Journal of
Communication, 65(1), pp. 146- 169.
Journal of Political Communication
CRAIG, S.; RIPPERE, P.; y GRAYSON, M. (2014): “Attack and Response in Political
Campaigns: An Experimental Study in Two Parts”, Journal of Political Communication,
31(4), pp. 647-674.
DUNAWAY, J.; y LAWRENCE, R. (2015): “What Predicts the Game Frame? Media
Ownership, Electoral Context, and Campaign News”, Journal of Political
Communication, 32(1), pp. 43-60.
BURNETT, C.; y KOGAN, V. (2015): “When Does Ballot Language Influence Voter
Choices? Evidence from a Survey Experiment”, Journal of Political Communication,
31(2), pp. 109-126.
FRIDKIN, K.; KENNEY, P.; y WINTERSIECK, A. (2015): “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: How
Fact-Checking Influences Citizens’ Reactions to Negative Advertising”, Journal of
Political Communication, 32(1), pp. 127-151.
KRUPNIKOV, Y. y PISTON, S. (2015): “Accentuating the Negative: Candidate Race
and Campaign Strategy”, Journal of Political Communication, 32(1), pp. 152-173.
Journal of Political Marketing
SCHNEIDER, MONICA C. (2014): “Gender-Based Strategies on Candidate Websites”,
Journal of Political Marketing, 13(4), pp. 264-290.
5 listado de artículos
(2015): “Interactivity and Branding: Public Political
Communication as a Marketing Tool”, Journal of Political Marketing, 14(1-2), pp. 111128.
SCAMMELL, MARGARET. (2015): “Politics and Image: The Conceptual Value of
Branding”, Journal of Political Marketing, 14(1-2), pp. 7-18.
New Media & Society
RECUBER, TIMOTHY (2015): “Occupy empathy? Online politics and micro-narratives
of suffering”, New Media & Society, 17(1), pp. 62-77.
“Civic crowdfunding research: Challenges, opportunities, and future agenda”, New
Media & Society, 17(2), pp. 249-271.
MIRER, M.; y BODE, L. (2015): “Tweeting in defeat: How candidates concede and
claim victory in 140 characters”, New Media & Society, 17(3), pp. 453-469.
VAN LEUVEN, S.; HEINRICH, A.; y DEPREZ A. (2015): “Foreign reporting and
sourcing practices in the network sphere: A quantitative content analysis of the Arab
Spring in Belgian news media”, New Media & Society, 17(4), pp. 573-591.
Rhetoric and Public Affairs
LEVASSEUR D. y GRING-PEMBLE L. (2015): “Not All Capitalist Stories Are Created
Equal: Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital Narrative and the Deep Divide in American
Economic Rhetoric”, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 18(1), pp. 1-38.
VALLESPÍN, FERNANDO(2015): “La gestión de la democracia en el entorno digital
Política y nuevas redes”, Telos, 100, pp. 45-48
QUINTANA, Y.; y TASCÓN, M. (2015): “La batalla de los mensajes De los ‘memes’ a
la construcción de una nueva narrativa”, Telos, 100, pp. 52-54
ZAFRA, JUAN MANUEL(2015): “Sociedad digital Participación y nuevos liderazgos”,
Telos, 100, pp. 55-57
BALLESTER, ADRIÁN (2015): “Administración electrónica, transparencia y Open Data.
Generadores de confianza en las Administraciones Públicas”, Telos, 100, pp. 120-127
6 listado de artículos
LACASA, I.; y OLIVA, A. (2014): “La mediatización de la guerra de Irak y su
representación en la ficción bélica. El caso paradigmático de Redacted”, ZER,
19-37 pp. 65-86.