Biaxial Tensile-Compressive Progressive Damage Behavior of Notched and Unnotched Carbon-Epoxy Crossply Laminates T.E. Tay*, U. Kureemun & M. Ridha Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore COMPTEST 2015 7th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification IMDEA, 2015 Dept of Mechanical Engineering: ~ 68 Academic Staff ~ 1,400 Undergraduate Students ~ 300 Graduate Students National University of Singapore 1. Introduction. 2. Behavior of unnotched and open-hole crossply laminates under biaxial tensioncompression. 3. Modeling and analysis of progressive damage and failure under biaxial loading. 4. Conclusion and Outlook. Objectives • Study behaviour of progressive damage in laminates under biaxial tension-compression. Various mechanisms of damage progression. • Model and analyze progressive damage and failure with a micromechanics-based failure criterion (Tsai-Ha). • Investigate role of mesh design on accuracy of prediction. Experimental Setup • A custom-designed fixture, mounted on a uniaxial loading machine. • Provides in-plane biaxial tension-compression. • This fixture has been used in previous biaxial tests on glass epoxy composites [1]. • Operates under a mechanism that allows the horizontal arms to displace vertically as loading progresses, in order to avoid in-plane bending of specimen arms. [1] Sun X.S., Haris A., Tan V.B.C., Tay T.E., Narasimalu S., Della C.N., ‘A multi-axial fatigue model for fibre reinforced composite laminates based on Puck’s criterion’, Jour. of Composite Materials, 46 (4), 2012, 449-469, (doi: 10.1177/0021998311418701). Experimental Setup • Biaxialty ratio is dependent on the angle the fixture’s slanted arms make with the horizontal. • Hence, the biaxialty ratio deviates from its initial value in tests involving specimens that undergo large displacements prior to failure. • For α=64.30, the fixture yields unity biaxialty ratio • This configuration has been used in all tests conducted in this study. Illustration of fixture’s operating mechanism Specimen Geometry Specimen Fabrication Unnotched specimen • Laminates with a stacking sequence of [0/90]2S were autoclave cured from RS-36/T700 unidirectional CFRP prepreg following the manufacturer’s recommendations. • Woven glass epoxy tabs: VARTM and cured at room temperature and pressure. • Tabs were bonded to the CFRP test specimens, forming a sandwich structure, which was water-jet cut according to the geometry shown. Failure Criteria (Tsai-Ha) Micromechanics-based, amplification of stresses at matrix, fiber, and fiber-matrix interface (Christensen’s formula) Modeling strategy • Regions of the cruciform arms gripped by the biaxial fixture are not included in the mesh. • Each ply is modeled using a single layer consisting of Abaqus quadrilateral continuum shell element SC8R in the thickness direction. 1 mm • Cohesive layers of COH3D8 elements are introduced between the carbon epoxy test plies to model the cohesive interaction between plies. 1 mm • Nodes of ply structural elements contacting with corresponding nodes of cohesive layer elements were tied. 1 mm 1 mm Aligned Mesh (along fiber directions) in unnotched cruciforms. Strains are generally uniform in the centre of the specimen where strain measurements are used for strength determination DIC (left) and FEA (right) strain fields εxx (A.I, A.II) and εyy (B.I, B.II) in unnotched [0/90]2S laminates at 0.15 mm applied arm displacement. DIC (left) and FEA (right) strain fields εxx (A.I, A.II) and εyy (B.I, B.II) in unnotched [15/-75]2S laminates at 0.15 mm applied arm displacement. 0.69 mm 0.61 mm Failure progression Failure progression Off-axis cases • The deformed shape of the laminates illustrate shearing of elements along the -750 direction predominantly, • responsible for change of fiber orientations along these crack lines in the 150 plies, respectively, • trigger fiber micro-buckling. Failure progression • Failure initiation is marked by transverse tensile matrix failure in the 150 plies followed by shear matrix failure in the -750 plies. 0.265 mm 0.225 mm Failure progression 300 off-axis Failure progression • Similar phenomenon occurs in the 300 off-axis case. Predicted biaxial strengths are generally in good agreement wit h experimental values. unlike the on-axis case where material b ehavior is linear prior to initial ply fiber failure, some non-linearit y is displayed prior to failure when laminates are loaded at 150 and 300 off-axis Aligned Mesh (along fiber directions) of open-hole cruciforms. DIC Strain fields The introduction of an open-hole disturbs the uniform strain fields significantly, creating regions of localized high strain concentrations around the notch. Failure Progression 00 on-axis • • • Transverse matrix cracking initiates in 00 plies around the hole. Transverse compressive matrix failure in 900. Fiber compressive failure in 00 followed by fiber tensile failure in 900 plies. Failure Progression 150 off-axis • • • Similar to on-axis case Transverse tensile matrix cracking and transverse compressive matrix failure in 150 and -750 plies, respectively, Fiber failure (tensile and compressive) in 150 and -750 plies, respectively. Failure Progression 300 off-axis • Matrix shear failure nucleate from hole propagates along 300 and -600 directions. • Extensive matrix damage predicted. • In experiments, fibers in 300 plies fail prematurely, due to change in fiber orientation post matrix failure triggering local fiber buckling. Effects of open-hole on biaxial strength • Predicted strengths of open-hole laminates are consistent with experimentally determined values. • The 300 off-axis case exhibits significant non-linear behavior due to the large off-axis loading angle. • Experimental and predicted strains at failure, however, are not more than 6.33% apart in these cases Failure Progression • FE overall prediction is satisfactory until initial fiber failure, beyond which loading is no longer purely biaxial. Aligned vs Non-Aligned Mesh Although stresses at failure are not very different, crack patterns are not similar. Concluding Remarks • Cruciform specimens are a viable way to investigate both notched and unnotched composites under biaxial loading. • Biaxiality increases the complexity of failure modes interplay. • Mesh design influences progressive damage patterns, at least for cross-plies, material property degradation or smeared crack models. Publication Biaxial tensile-compressive loading of unnotched and open-hole carbon epoxy crossply laminates. U Kureemun, M Ridha, TE Tay. Journal of Composite Materials, 2015. Thank You
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