Project Team Meeting 5 09032015

Full Project Team Meeting – JISC Innovation through technology 09/03/2015
Level 1 Online Computer Skills Course
Janine Coomber (JC), Haydon Rouse (HR), Rob Arnold (RA), Jo Martin (JM), Lisa Walter
(LW)(Apologies), Jan Hughes (JH)(Apologies),
Current Position
Fifth full team meeting.
Project Plan Stage is completed Stage 1 and Part way through Stage 2. Stages have
still been running parallel for the solution development.
Web development is continuing using a change of scorm package now iSpring.
Draft Learning outcomes needed for LASER qualification development are complete
and under final review stages.
Key issues addressed
Online solution review – new scorm package selected. Impact on content.
LASER Qualification requirements and Quality Mark.
Timescale for launch and evaluation.
Programme Overview.
1. JC to continue final version liaison with Debbie Levy at LASER for Learning Outcomes
and other qualification administration. JM and LW to review changes where needed.
2. JM to finalise unit content and assessments based on finalised Learning Outcomes and
send to HR.
3. JM to write introductory script for video and send to HR. JC to ask Olivia Mathes-Buck
for voice over.
4. HR to continue web development of course units using iSpring. Target for draft
completion 01/05/2015.
5. RA to purchase full iSpring version and update JC with cost information for project
budget management.
6. JC to attend Programme Away Day 24th March 2015 and feedback on project progress.
To obtain information on ongoing support and any support to LASER for qualification.
Next meeting - TBC
General position statement against Project Plan 1.0
Current Project Plan Stage has reached completion of Stage 1 and part way through Stage
2. Project team assessment of initial draft online unit means further development using
Xerte has been rejected and development using iSpring will begin.
The project must be complete by July 2015 so there is no room for slippage in order to
achieve at least a few months of live course running before the close of the project.
Stage 1 content writing and Stage 2 web development
Progress and feedback for online solution: HR has assessed a number of alternative
scorm packages to Xerte and has recommended iSpring. This is agreed by RA following his
experience and JM as a package that is user friendly for tutors and therefore beneficial as a
tool for future College online course development as well.
HR will now continue web development using iSpring full license version. This may impact
content development as there is greater capacity for range of format/presentation.
The capacity for video means a course welcome and introduction video will be produced. JM
will write the script for this. Options for voice over will be considered, including using College
Performing Arts Students or an Apprentice.
JM will edit unit content and assessment based on qualification Learning Outcome
finalisation from LASER.
Risk considerations at this stage Time/ project slippage still an issue, especially as new
web development format. This will only limit testing time, therefore soft launch may be used
to combine testing and launch.
LASER Qualification and Quality Mark
Qualification creation progress: This is progressing well and with Learning Outcomes
nearly finalised LASER can start administration aspects with Ofqual.
Recommended qualification is:
Level 1 Award in Understanding how to use Business Software.
Stage 4 launch and evaluation
Looking to launch 11 May 2015, with soft launch testing by internal users from identified
Programme Management
Project requirements: JC to attend Programme Meeting Away Day in Birmingham 24th
March. This will be updates but also information on support. Potential letters of support for
qualification from partners for LASER use will be obtained.