Quick Guide: SCORM Content Integration - Elms

Quick Guide: SCORM Content Integration
SCORM packages are compatible with Learning Management Systems (LMS) and can
include lessons, assignments, quizzes and more. SCORM content is frequently found
in publisher’s materials; however, some instructors create their own content. To add
packages to your ELMS course, the SCORM LTI tool must be activated. Once enabled,
the SCORM link will appear in the Course Navigation menu for instructors and
SCORM packages may be uploaded into ELMS. SCORM content lessons share
information with the LMS, such as student access data and scores students receive on
quizzes in a lesson.
There are 2 steps to add SCORM content to your course:
Step 1: Activate the SCORM LTI in your course.
Step 2: Upload SCORM zip files as assignments.
Activate the SCORM LTI in ELMS
1. Navigate to the Settings link in
your course.
2. Click the Navigation tab at the
3. Find the SCORM link located in
the inactivated area of the screen.
4. To activate the SCORM link,
drag it up to the active course
navigation links at the top.
5. Position the SCORM link on the
navigation bar. Students will not
be able to see this link, only the
instructor or those with editing
6. Click the blue “Save” button at
the bottom of the page.
7. The SCORM link is now active.
Uploading SCORM Content into the Course
1. Click on the SCORM link on the navigation bar.
2. Click on the blue “Upload” button on the top right.
3. Locate the SCORM package zip file on your local drive
and select it to upload.
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©University of Maryland
4. If successfully
uploaded, the file
title will display.
If the upload has
been unsuccessful,
an error message
will display.
5. To proceed, you must select whether this is a
graded or ungraded assignment from the dropdown list. If this is an ungraded assignment,
no column will be added to the gradebook.
For this demonstration, select “graded
assignment” from the drop-down list.
6. The green “Go” button will now display next to the name. Click the “Go” button
to complete the upload.
7. A new icon will display to replace the “Go” button, it is an “assignment” icon that
resembles a piece of paper (see below). Click this icon to configure the
assignment for use in the course. Other icons on the SCORM package list are the
“eye” to get a preview of the package and the “trashcan” to delete the SCORM
Configure the Assignment
The SCORM assignment is imported with
default settings of 100 points, percentage
display and designated as the latest
assignment group. Review the settings and
update as needed. Click the blue “Update
Assignment” button.
You must publish the assignment for students to see it. In the Assignments area,
click on the “cloud” icon next to an assignment name to publish it. A green cloud
with a checkmark indicates the assignment has been published.