PROGRAM Date: April 23 Thursday Room: Ambassadeur C 8:00 Opening ceremony Dr. Graham Carr, Vice President Research, Concordia University Keynote Presentation Title Author(s) Affliation Country 8:20 Future Opportunities for Composites Automation Brice A. Johnson The Boeing Company USA Session 1 Paper Code Chair: Sayata Ghose (The Boeing Company) 9:00 ISAAC Advanced Composites Research Capability K. Chauncey Wu, Brian K. Stewart, Robert A. Martin NASA Langley Research Center USA WUC9001 9:20 Carrier-Intergrated Pressing: An Alternative Impregnation Process for Automated Processing of Thermoset Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Laminates Paul Bockelmann, Daniel Haffelin, Klaus Drechsler Technische Universitat Munchen Germany BOC9002 9:40 Automated Manufacturing of An Integrated Pre-preg Structure Marie Jonsson1, Daniel Eklund1, Anette Järneteg2, Malin Åkermo3, Jens Sjölander3 1. Swerea SICOMP; 2. SAAB Aerostructures; 3. KTH Sweden JON9014 10:00 Reducing Cost and Risk in Layup of Convex Corners Using Automated Fibre Placement: A simulation Led Approach Peter F Giddings, Mattia Di Francesco The National Composites Centre UK UK GID9005 10:20 On the Layup of Convex Corners Using Automated Fibre Placement: An Evaluation Method Mattia Di Francesco1, Peter Giddings1, Kevin Potter2 1. The National Composites Centre; 2. University of Bristol UK FRA9009 10:40 Coffee break & Poster 10 Date: April 23 Thursday Room: Ambassadeur C PROGRAM Session 2 Chair: Mehdi Hojjati (Concordia University) 11:00 The Laser-Assisted Tape Placement Process: Multiphysical Modeling Cyril Dedieu1, Francisco Chinesta1, Anaïs Barasinski1, Adrien Leygue1, J-M Dupillier2 11:20 «Multi-Material-Head» -Novel laser-assisted tape, prepreg and dry-fiber placement system Daniel Werner 11:40 Laser Transmission Welding of Long Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites 12:00 12:20 12:40 1. Ecole Centrale Nantes; 2. Airbus Defence and Space SAS France DED9021 Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT Germany WER9007 Peter Hansen1, Verena Wippo2, Peter Jaeschke2 1. Element Materials Technology; 2. Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. UK / Germany HAN9042 Additive Manufacturing with High Performance Thermoplastic Composites Zachary August, Graham Ostrander, David Hauber Automated Dynamics USA ZAC9052 Local Point Cutting of Fibre Materials for Eased Automation K. Olofsson, E. Hedlund, R. Joffe, F. Ahlqvist Swerea SICOMP Sweden OLO9003 Lunch & Poster 11 Date: April 23 Thursday Room: Ambassadeur C PROGRAM Session 3 Chair: Brice A. Johnson (The Boeing Company) Stephen W. Tsai1, Jose Daniel D. Melo1, Brian Laufenberg2, Brian Gardner2 14:00 An Invariant-Based Theory of Design and Assembly of Composites by C-Ply* 14:20 Automated Manufacturing of High Pressure RTM Automotive Components Frank Henning 14:40 Automated Fiber Placement of Materials for Multifunctional Composites 15:00 15:20 15:40 1. Stanford University; 2. Chomarat North America USA TSA9048 Stellvertretender Institutsleiter Germany HEN9022 Konstantine A. Fetfatsidis1, Christopher J. Hansen2, Bradford Olson2, Richard Poillucci2, Andrew Burke2 1. Aurora Flight Sciences; 2. University of Massachusetts Lowell USA HAN9015 Advanced AFP Applications on Multifunctional Composites M. Barile1, L. Lecce1, M. Esposito1, G.M. D'Amato2 and A.Sportelli2 1. Novotech Advanced Aerospace Technology; 2. Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A. Italy BAR9020 Experimental Investigation of the Visco-Elastic Material Behavior of Non-cured Thermoset Preimpregnated Fiber Material P. Hoermann, A. Margossian, L. Avila Gray, A. Carrels, K. Zemliana, K. Drechsler Technische Universität München Germany HOE9036 Coffee Break & Poster 12 Date: April 23 Thursday Room: Ambassadeur C PROGRAM Session 4 Chair: Wenfeng Xie (Concordia University) 16:00 Impact of thermoforming conditions on the mechanical properties of hybrid wire mesh and carbon fiber reinforced organic sheets A. von Hehl, A. Kunze, H. Hasselbruch 16:20 Robot Forming of Spars for Aircraft Jens Sjölander, Malin Åkermo 16:40 Wind Turbine Rotor Blades: Why and How to automate and industrialize Manufacturing Roman Braun, Christian Dörsch, Puneet Malhotra, Heiko Rosemann, Florian Sayer, Peipei Wang 17:00 Precision Slit Tape - Formatting Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials for Automated Fabrication Processing Jim Powers Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik Bremen Germany HEH9006 Royal Institute of Technology Sweden SJO9049 Energy System Technology IWES Germany ROS9033 Web Industries USA POW9050 17:20 Introduction of Automated 3D Vacuum Buildup in the Composite Manufacturing Chain Lina Girdauskaite1, Sybille Krzywinski1, Clemens SchmidtEisenlohr2, and Matthias Krings3 1.Technical University of Dresden; 2. Am Technologiezentrum; 3. Trans-Textil Germany GIR9047 17:40 A Study to Determine the Influence of Robotic Lamination Programs on the Precision of Automated Fiber Placement Through Statistical Comparisons Michael Quddus, Antoine de Brux, Benjamin Larregain, Yan Galarneau Bombardier Aerostructures and Engineering Services Canada QUD9054 Banquet 19:30 Banquet speech: Jean-Philippe Marouze, Bombardier Aerospace, Canada Title: The needs for Automation in Composite Design & Manufacturing 13 Date: April 24 Friday Room: Ambassadeur C PROGRAM Keynote 8:00 Session 5 Presentation Title Performance Benefits from Variable Angle Tow Laminates and Their Implications for Future Manufacturing Author(s) Affliation Country Paul Weaver University of Bristol UK Paper Code Chair: Ali Yousefpour (National Research Council of Canada) 8:40 Development of an Innovative Manufacturing Technology for Components in Multimaterial Design Based on Hybrid-yarn Textile and Sheet Metal E. Staiger, O. Diestel, Ch. Cherif, S. Bräunling, A. Hardtmann Dresden University of Technology Germany STA9004 9:00 Laser-Vision Inspection System for Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) Process Farjad Shadmehri, Octavian Ioachim, Olivier Pahud, JeanEvrard Brunel, Alain Landry Bombardier Aerospace Canada SHA9053 9:20 Industry 4.0 – A (r)evolution for the Automated Composites Manufacturing? Yves-Simon Gloy, Christoph Greb, Thomas Gries RWTH Aachen University Germany GLO9046 9:40 Mechanical Properties of Fiber Placement Thermoplastic Composite Laminate M.D.Hoang, J. Simpson, X. Cai, S. V. Hoa Concordia University Canada HOA9044 10:00 On-demand, Low Volume & Custom-designed Net-shape Carbon Fibre Dry Preforms for Aerospace Components Francois Robitaille, Lucas West University of Ottawa Canada ROB9035 10:20 Coffee break & Poster 14 PROGRAM Session 6 Date: April 24 Friday Room: Ambassadeur C Chair: Paul Weaver (University of Bristol ) 10:40 Automated Integration of Resin in the Context of Liquid Moulding Dmitry S. Ivanov1, James A. P. White2, Yusuf Mahadik1, Carwyn Ward1 11:00 Manufacturing of Near Net Shape Preform Using 3D Texiles Technologies J.Levesque1, O.Vermeersch1, N.Juillard2 11:20 Void Formation in Thermoplastic Composites Made by Automated Fiber Placement J. H. Chen, A. Yousefpour 11:40 Additive Manufacturing of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic by In-site Impregnation Technique Masahito Ueda, Hirosuke Asahara, Akira Todoroki, Yoshiyasu Hirano, Ryosuke Matsuzaki 12:00 Efficient Manufacturing of Aeronautic CFRP-Structures through Automated Profile Preforming E. Fauster, C. Schillfahrt, R. Schledjewski 12:20 Lunch & Poster 15 1. University of Bristol; 2. Nova Laboratories Ltd UK IVA9028 1. CTT Group; 2. Texonic Canada LEV9027 National Research Council of Canada Canada CHE9041 Nihon University Japan UED9040 Montanuniversität Leoben Austria FAU9008 PROGRAM Date: April 24 Friday Room: Ambassadeur C Co-Chair: David Hauber (Automated Dynamics) Jihua Chen (National Research Council of Canada) Session 7 13:40 Design Optimization of Variable Stiffness Composite Cylinders Made by Fiber Steering M. Rouhi, H. Ghayoor, S. V. Hoa, M. Hojjati Concordia University Canada ROU9051 14:00 Structural Analysis and Optimization of Moderately-Thick Fiber Steered Plates with Embedded Manufacturing Defects A.H. Akbarzadeh, M. Arian Nik, D.Pasini McGill University Canada AKB9039 14:20 A New Approach for Optimization of Variable-axial Composite Parts A. Spickenheuer1.; L. Bittrich1; K. Uhlig1; E. Richter1; U. Gohs1, G. Heinrich2. 1. Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.; 2. Technische Universität Dresden Germany SPI9037 14:40 Influence of Gap and Overlap Singularities Created by Automated Fiber Placement on the Properties of CarbonEpoxy Laminates Marine Lan1, Denis Cartié2, Peter Davies3, Christophe Baley1 1. University of South Brittany; 2. Coriolis Composites SAS; 3. IFREMER France LAN9038 15:00 Variable-stiffness Composite Panels: Defect Tolerance Under In-plane and Low-velocity Impact Loading O. Falcó1, C. S. Lopes1, J. A. Mayugo2, N. Gascons2 1. IMDEA Materials Institute; 2. Universitat de Girona Spain LOP9029 15:20 Automated Fiber Placement Process Monitoring by Online Thermal Supervision Berend Denkena, Carsten Schmidt, Klaas Völtzer Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany VOL9032 15:40 Coffee Break & Poster 16 POSTERS Poster Date: April 23-24, 2015 Room: Ambassadeur B April 23-24, 2015 1 Thermally Assisted Piercing of Thermoplastic Composites for Mechanical Fastening Chris Worrall Joining Technologies Group UK WOR9016 2 Advanced Adhesive Joining Using Tailored Fiber Placement Technique for Automotive Application Giovanni Belingardi1, Alem B Tekalign1, Ermias G Koricho2, Mahmoodul Haq2, Tommy Fristedt3, Brunetto Martoran4 1. 1Politecnico di Torino; 2. Michigan State University; 3. LayStitch LLC ; 4. Centro Ricerche FIAT USA / Italy KOR9023 3 Automated Process for 3D Stitched preforms; Improve Dry Fiber Preform Manufacturing P.-O.Dubois1, J.Levesque2, O.Vermeersch2, L.Birglen1 1. Polytechnique Montreal; 2. Groupe CTT Group Canada DUB9026 4 Laser Cutting of Long Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites and the Influence on Mechanical Properties Peter Hansen1, Richard Staehr2, Sven Bluemel2, Peter Jaeschke2 1. Element Materials Technology; 2. Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. UK / Germany HAN9043 17 LABS VISIT Visit to the composites labs at Concordia Center for Composites Apirl 25, Saturday 2015 Time: 9:30am Address: 1515 Ste Catherine West, EV14.225/ EV.S2.305 / EV.S3.431, Concordia University • Delegate needs to register for the tour on the first day of the symposium (April 23) at the registration desk. • The composite laboratories at Concordia University have an Automated Fiber Placement machine and a large tube bending setup for buckling test of composite tubes, apart from other equipment. Limit: 60 people • Meeting points: - in front of the entrance to La Plaza at 9:00am April 25 Saturday, 2015. at Concordia University: in the lobby of EV building (1515 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal H3G 1M8) at 9:20 am April 25 Saturday, 2015. Directions by walk along Sherbrooke street (1.45 km, 22 minutes) from Hotel /La Plaza to the composites labs: 1- Head southwest on Rue Sherbrooke St West toward Rue Durocher St and keep walking for 1.4 km until you get to Rue Guy St 2- Turn left onto Rue Guy St and keep walking for 42 meters until you get to Rue St-Catherine St 3- Turn left onto Rue St-Catherine St, destination will be on the left. 18 Directions by Metro (16 minutes): 1- Head northeast on Rue Sherbrooke St West toward Rue Hutchison St and keep walking for 200 meter until you get to Rue Bleury/Rue Parc Ave 2- Turn right onto Rue Bleury and keep walking walk for 170 m until you get to Metro Place-des-Arts 3- Take Métro Green line towards Angrignon station and get off at Guy-Concordia station (after three stations) 4- At Guy-Concordia station, take Guy exit and destination will be on the left 19
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