PATRON , Prof. Dr, M, RAJARAM Vice-Chancellor, Annd t..niver~lt\' Chenndl The- nformanon P""'ocIcYi "" CO-PATRON: Prof,Dr, 5, GANESAN I'rnf, I),. Illf' i<Inr Tn I~~""" of mv knowlecge. I 3j!1'eeto abide bv the rules 3nd Registra., Anna UnJ\~rsIIY, Chmnal CO·PATRON: TWO DAY WORKSHOP on DECLARATION rf'glll.":-lorG !I. IHAMAItAI ~EIVI gov'lg -hr v..·ork<hnp If qolN'TM, GREEN MANUFACTURING CONCEPTS Ishal ;;.t:end rhepro~'3'11fortN>ef'nredurato~, (GMC' 2015) Dean. MIT Campus, Ann.. Univehil~ Place CO·()ROINArOR : I),. A, NAIAlllHtAI rrOII!SWI. Department 01 f'roolK.,lon T~hnoIO'~ Signature oi the Applicant [ebruarv 16-17,2015 Co-COORDI['..ATORS: 0,. R. KfSAVAN, I'lof~,o. 0, .G.B.BHASKAR, A.,ocIJt" CERTIFICATE rrote>'or Sponsored by Oepanrnem 01 rrodll(.,lon TIKhnolor~Y -- ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ~rr>f. A.IOIhlll ngnm I )r•.~. ( ;njrnfll'.1n DI'. R. Sivaral11ak.ish nail Dr. A. Siddharthan Ccnrhcd Ih~1 M')'IoIsiOr UGC ls an f'm('lnY"''' nt n1lr In<:i"lItp I ()rg;,nir;l,inn nn ~ , .. r..hy pcrrmtrod to ancod Ihc 1wo Da~ War !<shop on Green M,,"ufrlClllri"M \11I1I~t ... () lit" h.-Itt AI f>t.plirtll~ll ~.I Product. on Technology. MiXfras Instllulc of Icdmology (',.,tll)l..'\, Arllirl \ 'niv"",,il\fdnriIlK Ft4,ntttry 1n -17, 20 1~. Mr, M. Ihirumal A'hngnn .'vIr.( .. NnnflhnkllmM LJate: Dr P. Canesh Dr. r. Karthikeyan PI.. ce: Org,l11ized bv Department of Production Technology Anna University, MIT Campus Chromepcr. Chcnnai - 600 044. .'vIr.V. MlIgMd,,~n Prof. C. MJJmIJJih~r.ln Dr G. K...marasan R. I'v\athiyazhagan ,J)-,oorriiMto" Signature & Seal n1 the Authority ("rM"uf"i,n.:tM'" Or. A' IAIAOl.RAJ Dr. R. KE'>AVAN Or. G.B. BHASKAR ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The D"p..trlrll,,"1ufPruulILliuII T~UII'Olut\· ".., >1~'I"U in rh.. Y""' 1'li7 with B.Tf'<'h. PrMll(!inn Tf'<'hnoln8)' anti .VLF4Pru<iul lioll Fngirlt"t'flflS (pttrl Ilfllto' itt II~ y ....."r 19ft 1 'hl' n..,,~rtm('nr i, ,1 pion ....' In ".lrr M.F Pmgr,m in .\~('("h.lrronir~in thf'" y("'~"Ir 1C)qC) flrt1 '\\"nl.ff!("rllrirs TIae ~utbltop Lover, d e roIl~!n(;. in Ihp r.'t-f"11 M.1n ,fnl: luring fi..I(L ~ Green C~,tJy • I!.u.dduu:. & [1I~q;r M.JJW!,""'.'K :Sp.."Ctalzauon In Grecn "\anuiacturtn'!,lr pan I me mode 5JStlmabie M1nif-.,ouroll'l J'h D. pro~l'3~ Currently lne departrl\Pnt offer.. J 1ull lime prop,I'3'lls:1 cc .. 2 PC, .lJod 3 P.r. rill.' I"Vgtdllb 11 UG s, 2 pc) .-' luld' "f 19 xl,.,ldl> Iod'~I,.,~ , .. w~ ,J..U N, 0 ill D..-<. '0 1",*:.ille I h'\ ~ tllll •.." AIr" J 1111'" 11MIflt'!r rt--V'",Ut I Gr"",,8u'kli''llMd~II'''''1 from 201) and 3150 TWO DAY WORKSHOP COURSE PLAN offers M S. and • c.~ ..lYtm'll~ on iUllJOlldJil ~t) Registration Form .\-lrYlIsf.'Jr-111 OS [n,1ronme<1lal Sumhabllil\ (";r......n A IttllirgA1UC-"'ific 1'111(.,1 <.:.reen\-Ian~'''Clurn!t r'ractlCC5 and USC :.ludic; ABOUT GREEN MANUFACTURING Itllt"Kff1It'1o mA"llt1\t"hll'ing r plilnl'ing ~n<i("()!'1t,olin ~u(''' m.'nn'-r~' /I 11i<'IJ('<' nf 10 Idenllfy, qu~nllfy. J!SC:ssand manage Ihe 110\' or """,vlrnn",r",:.1 w.)c;t(' \\llrh th(l gn;1I nf r'f'rlll(lng flM ulnmatelv nllnimizinA environmental Impact while also t!yiol/lo 1I1i.t.xi'I'I'~l~l:Iuurt.'U ~rlil.:jt'n\.y.Tilt! ~~\.h.tlvi Gt~tfl '(~(CJ wlii,-h It'..tlb, to HIt' it, 'I Jr. >V"III~llt II I ! I,t" ...c «,luKY ,IfIt I ",Ie II) 11011111ie 111.(;,t't'U 1\4.allufdC:luf ill~ "pill) wll 4'101VI I~~drc." ..tlld dt;\'t:tvJ.JIII~al 1\-1i.tllufal..lurillg j~ 10 rt!! V\',J)lt: tv rroJ~H'. nrll"!Yl' .... frMl Slud",,!> dill.! ........n('m t' In<I M,nn' R~_u~hSU,ul",~ The obiecnve or thi; workshop Is to provide an "., F..c"III}' ""\..nlb....,"'. IIMIt."!.y P"""'-fJlII,t'1 R"SPArc-h S('hnlar'\ ,\ PC: Sfuri,.nr~ rn pnrirh ''''pir 0' Green Manu'actu"nr. rhls wo;i(snop will provide a \libran: ooponunity tor r.;ct;lty knowledp.e In the area .u ,\ott'II,lJt..''Jo.. IIJ<.fV~~idli~", Ret' ..t!C,,~,~t) .... PC Sl&.Jtkft~. I'WUNG schedule I ..... '1( Co M~I('/~r.m.'I(' MrllY'«lnrComl1lllnll",'iinn: Pkonl'no 11.Ol.lO I!J and CONrl\CT ADORES) ",tt. '\ ."..".a 1..1.. PuilA-...... ~...,. "M'I C. Fit ....... i•.A11..-clu ... l!rf .'\tu....lJn'~it~. \4IT ('''')1 t......(1UI ., .. ," t. -f{lOf).j..!. A.-~rui.-:: 94 ..4 i-40'lCf U; \ *""~ Enai : ~@njll"();"<CU Weo.ite: h:llU;..,'tind. ",j""prodJCXlrHedn>OI!'I'-."tml hr:psl~.Y' ft~i11Jloi_u,., ....Edu :with ~Tr>l"Oril') ~idel\co: Mokllp 7 Or. G.B.BHASKAR C-'..-(", •• "R..... I)~IPoIH"lh Ro.2iO/· las! date (or receiVing the rej!istr.lbon ioon . 09.01.l01) & I R<. ~on'· RCltlstrJIIOn 'ccs should be pard by Ocm~nd Uraft 111 favour or of "TAPC. Dept of PT" p3~'3ble 31 Chen'lJ,. The rl!l\lstr.lflOn rees melude \Vor1<shop M3lE!r13Is, ....,orklOq IUrtLh dull Itlr.dUIlt'rtb. Confirmillloo of ~strallon 'ollllC ~ In<l,fI,tlon/( )tgilnllillinn Rs. 1, OOOl· DATES TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE WORKSHOP (lppurlllllily Delel',:ue5rrom Irduwies t'\\r./,\oISJDr ~l'roi.) 1. 4. DC>I!\I1.lllun REGISTRATION (~rt''''" I\~rtlllll,.t( 1111II~ j, .1 "Y""f"n\ Ih.~1 rrorJurl !'Inn p"nrC"li~rI('~'~n 1(.11('< ",..ith GREEN MANUFACTURING CONCEPTS (GMC"2015) (dUl·.llonal Ouallftcations 8. Area 01 expeuise / 'I I WOI king 'fl~r I'nr~:,nYP.M~) Teachinr; f "ri" <tn a 1 II Roer.iwal on Fee· DO. 'lo. Ill) llMI' H~nk : f., tOfollltlnd O.Afl ~11.ld lfif" dr"wu u' fa... C)r l'..PC Dep: oi PT' p.ivabie 21 ChennaJ:
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