Document 105584

May 31 - June 6, 2012
San Gabriel Valley
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Since 1997 • Published in GLENDORA, California
A Weekly Adjudicated Publication Serving all of Los Angeles County
25 cents
Volume XVI, Issue No. 22
A Touching Ceremony on Memorial Day
By Jayam Rutnam
Congressional Forum / B1
Celebrating 100 Years / A3
City Notices
Financial/ Consumer
Legal Notices
GLENDORA - Memorial
Day was celebrated on Monday
May 28, 2012. With barbeques,
picnics, visiting theme parks,
outings to the movies etc. It
was a holiday to enjoy our beautiful America. Yes, we enjoyed
the beautiful sunny and clear
day, but we also celebrated
those veterans who gave their
lives so that America would be
safe and free. I have never met
a serviceman who was not
proud of being a member of our
Armed Forces. They are a special breed of very proud, dedicated individuals who have
made the commitment to give
of themselves to their country
and also if called upon, are prepared to fight the enemy, and if
necessary, to make the ultimate
sacrifice of being killed, to preserve, not only our freedom, but
the freedom of other nations.
Glendorans celebrated the
memories of those who gave
their lives, from the American
Civil War, where brothers
fought against each other, to
World War I, World War II, the
Viet Nam War and the wars we
Glendora Mayor Pro Tem Joe Santoro, United States Congresswoman Judy Chu, Past Commander
of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3208 Doug Boyd and Past Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars
Jim Rose
are presently involved, in Iraq
and Afghanistan. Thousands of
Americans gave their lives for
their country, some of them
barely eighteen years old. So it
was fitting that some of us took
Glendora Icon Andrews Inc. Turns Forty
By Jayam Rutnam
Glendora - If there was ever
a person who made Glendora
proud, it is Gary Andrews of
Andrews Inc. Along with his
wife Connie and their loving and
loveable "grand dog" Natalie,
they have, what is considered
to be, one of the most beautiful
stores in the Glendora Village.
An elegant building with a name
board of "English style" lettering, Andrews Inc beckons fine
gentlemen to the most traditional clothier in the San Gabriel
Valley. This clean and neat store
is extremely tastefully decorated
and their wares artistically displayed. As you enter the store,
one would notice the best
dressed couple in Glendora on
any day, Gary wearing a three
piece suit, complete with a
pocket watch and chain and
Connie in her immaculate, well
tailored dress. Natalie is the
cleanest, olde English sheepdog,
I have ever seen. I was told
that she gets regular baths at
"Wagging Tails" a block from
Andrews Inc. Andrews Inc. is
not just a men's store. They
also have fine women's clothing and accessories.
Some of the exclusive lines
offered by Andrews Inc. are
Misook women's clothing, including acrylic knits which are
classics, Allen Edmonson
Shoes and the Brighton Collection of jewelry, charms, handbags and ladies shoes. They
also have a line of Reyn Spooner
Classic summer commemorative shirts, which used to be
called the 4th of July shirts, but
now cover all the commemorative occasions. Their store
consists of 4000 square feet of
fine clothing. Purveyors of haberdashery, in the true sense of
the word, the Andrews family
knows how to be traditional and
classy,while at the same time,
they offer the latest designs in
clothing, with a wide range of
choices. Andrews Inc. has a
resident alternate tailor in Mucio,
who has been with the company for 30 years.
The Gary Andrews family
have been Glendora residents
for three generations. Their
daughter Jennifer was born and
raised in Glendora. Connie is
happily a transplant from Hous-
May 31 - June 6, 2012
Gary and Connie Andrews with their "grand dog" Natalie.
ton, Texas. Gary is Chairman
of the Board of the Business
Improvement District (B. I. D.)
and a member of the Glendora
Chamber of Commerce. Gary
has served in the U. S. Army
National Guard for over thirty
years as a Command Sergeant
Major, and was given the honor
of being the Grand Marshall at
the Glendora Christmas Parade
in December 2010.
Andrews Inc. is located at
111 N. Glendora Avenue in
Glendora. They are open every day of the week, although
the weekend hours vary. Gary,
Connie and Natalie will be hosting past customers, friends and
well wishers at a 40th Anniversary celebration ,open house on
Friday June 1, 2012 from 5 till
8 p.m.
time off from our fun activities,
to at least say a prayer for a
Glendorans did just that at the
historic Fairmount Pioneer Cemetery which is tucked away in
a part of what once was the
Monrovia Nursery. There are
a total of 225 graves with 14
veterans from the Civil War, in
this little cemetery, some of
them dating back to 1876.This
is where pioneer Glendorans
were laid to rest. Over three
hundred people gathered to participate in a ceremony of
prayers, remembrance and good
old American patriotism. Well
known Glendoran and Past
President of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Doug Boyd was
Master of Ceremonies and did
a great job at it. Doug is also
the President of the Fairmount
Pioneer Cemetery Foundation.
The Invocation was given by
former Glendora Mayor and
present Glendora Council Member Karen Davis, who is also a
Reverend Pastor of the First
Christian Church of Glendora.
Karen is also the Chaplain of the
Glendora Police Department.
The Flag Ceremony was conducted by Trustee David
Fredendall, Eagle Scout Brian
Goff and the Boy Scouts of
Troop 489. The scouts were
also part of the Honor Guard
along with two members of the
Glendora Police Department in
their dress uniforms. The National Anthem was led by Eagle
Scout Preston Olsen. Four
members of a veterans group
from Azusa gave a gun salute,
while bugler Arturo Herrera
played taps. This memorial at
the Fairmount Pioneer Cemetery
has been conducted for the past
136 years.
The Memorial Ritual was
conducted by Past Commander
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 8070 Jim Rose, who is 91
years and resides in Azusa. He
was accompanied at the ceremony by his son Gene Rose
and his daughter Pat Rose
Brizuilla. Sergeant Jim Rose was
in the 27th Infantry Division of
the U. S. Army and was stationed in Okinawa in 1945. A
wreath was laid by Lyn Bentsen
Regent of the Serrano Chapter
and two other members of the
Daughters of the American
Revolution. Doug Boyd also
honored our Police and Fire
Departments and introduced
Glendora Police Chief Robert
Castro, who spoke. He also
recognized the members of the
Los Angeles County Fire Department. Station No. 97.
The following dignitaries
were also acknowledged,
Glendora Council Member Judy
Nelson, Azusa Council Mem-
bers Robert Gonzalez and Uriel
Macias, Glendora City Manager
Chris Jeffers. The keynote address was by Captain of the U.
S. Army Reserve Tim Escobar,
who gave a very moving speech
which included his deployment
to Iraq and then to Afghanistan.
He spoke about how he feels
about serving his country. He
spoke of the Civil War and also
about the feeling that a serviceman has when he or she is
fighting for their country. He
also spoke of the satisfaction he
would get, when the Iraqi civilians thanked him, and thanked
America for being there. Doug
Boyd introduced Tim's wife and
his four children.
A surprise guest was Congresswoman Judy Chu, who
made presentations to Council
Members and also spoke about
the importance of remembering
those servicemen and women
who gave their lives for the preservation of freedom. She said
that she felt the pain of losing a
close relative to a war. Her
nephew serviceman Terry died
in Afghanistan. She said that
the service people mean it when
they say "no soldier left behind".
We must also remember that
we should not leave any veteran
behind. We must never forget
them. Others present at the
ceremony were Private First
Class James Cook who served
in Korea in 1951, D.J. Jafari
Vice President of the Glendora
Chamber of Commerce and
Brian Mejia from Congressman
Mike Antonovich's office.
Glendora Mayor Pro Tem Joe
Santoro read a letter sent by
Major Sullivan Ballou to his wife
Sarah, during the Civil War.
which reflects the sacrifices and
feelings of the men and women
of our country who, throughout the history of our country
have sacrificed so much for our
West Covina's
Memorial Day Event
Memorial Day Ceremony in Azusa
Mayor Mike Touhey, council member Fred Sykes and Rob Sotelo
placeed a wreath at the Veterans Wall in West Covina to honor our
departed veterans.
By George Ogden
Members of the Azusa Veterans Memorial Committee Tom Sanchez reads the names of Vietnam
War Azusans Killed In Action while Bart Luce releases a Dove in their memory during the Memorial
Day Ceremony in front of Azusa City Hall, while Master of Ceremony, Dani Rose, and local Boys
Scouts watch Dove fly away.
The San Gabriel Valley
WEST COVINA - A Memorial Day Event was held by
the City of West Covina at the
City Hall Courtyard. Mayor
Mike Touhey emceed the
Department's Cadet Honor
Guard presented the Flags for
the event.
A number of speakers came
forward to talk about Memorial Day and to give thanks to
whoever or whatever to be
thankful for.
To close the ceremony, the
Mayor and City Council member placed a wreath at the Veterans Wall to honor our departed veterans.
May 31 - June 6, 2012
Glendora Crowds Cheer Amgen Cyclists
Three of the cyclists in the Amgen Tour of California race 7th stage, make their way on Sierra Madre
Avenue in Glendora.
By Jayam Rutnam
GLENDORA - One hundred
and twenty cyclists from all over
the world participated in the
Annual Amgen Tour of California 2012, which was on its 7th
Stage starting from Ontario to
Mount Baldy Village on Saturday the 19th of May, 2012. We
waited for what seemed to be
an eternity, in the 80 degree heat
for the cyclists to pass by East
Sierra Madre Avenue on their
way to climb Glendora Mountain Road. We were later told
that the holdup was due to an
automobile that had gone over
the side of the mountain. While
the spectators found it hot, one
can imagine what the cyclists
were experiencing. "Thank
goodness, it isn't humid" said
one of the spectators, who lined
up the long and straight Sierra
Madre Avenue. Most thought it
was a gorgeous sunny day to
get into the spirit of the occasion, having parties, lawn umbrellas and flags waving the cyclists on.
This stage of the race was
won by Robert Gesink of Holland with John Atapuma of Colombia close behind. After the
first rush of cyclists, it took
awhile for Sierra Madre Avenue
to be opened again, as there
was a lone rider who was intent on finishing the race. Obviously Sergei Tretcov of Russia (rider 158) of Team Exergy
must have had some equipment
problems, said one of the spectators.
Café Cola - The Food Bloggers #1 Choice
By Ron Legault
AZUSA - Just opened a little
over three months Café Cola
has become the talk of the
town. In fact Café Cola has
ventured into the Yelp world
where almost immediately it
ranked number one in Azusa and
just recently has ranked number one in the San Gabriel Valley serving delicious voluptuous
steak sandwiches. Yelp, a food
critic site (, has
also rated Café Cola the #1
burger joint, as well as #1 in
cheesesteak sandwiches.
With a recent grand opening
of his business, Romel, the
owner of the business has
stated that he has already outgrown the business. "The place
is packed at times with customers and many food orders," said
Romel. At times the small shop
located in a tiny mini strip mall
at 180 W. Sierra Madre Avenue
in Azusa can be quite overwhelmed with happy customers enjoying very tasty
cheesesteak sandwiches.
But the sliders are another
food delicacy that has risen to
the top of the charts with Café
Cola. "We have five selections
of sliders," said Romel, "but
you can pick and choose from
a large variety of cheeses,
sauces, onions, mushrooms
and a lot of other ingredients on
the menu and make your own
style of sandwiches."
Romel goes above and beyond to assure that his customers are happy. Knowing most
of his customers by their first
names, Romel already has
knowledge of what most
people like to order. In fact
Romel orders all his food fresh
daily and actually wakes up
early to travel to such places as
Porto's Bakery to get the freshest of the breads. He assures
customers of the best of the
quality of meats and chicken in
Azusa Celebrates the RENEW
Project and Healthy Azusa
Azusa Mayor Joe Rocha (far right), members of the RENEW Grant project, and volunteers gathered
at Memorial Park to celebrate the accomplishments under the project and the creation of Healthy
Azusa Program.
AZUSA - In the summer of
2010, the City of Azusa was one
of ten organizations in Los Angeles County selected to receive
the RENEW-LAC, Renewing
Environments for Nutrition,
Exercise and Wellness in Los
Angeles County grant. The
project was made possible by
funding from the Department
of Health and Human Services
through the Los Angeles County
Department of Public Health.
By November of 2010, the
team was fully compiled to
implement the RENEW project.
There were three main goals of
this project which included supporting the passage of a Complete Streets Policy, initiation of
a pilot Safe Routes to School
project, and to install new
signage that helps to support a
more walkable city. The project
term extended to March 18,
2012 and the RENEW project
team accomplished much in the
16 months of the project.
Cities that have Complete
Streets policies help to provide
opportunities for increased
physical activity by incorporating features that promote regular walking and cycling onto city
streets. Safe Routes to School
(SRTS) is a national movement
to create safe, convenient, and
fun opportunities for children to
bicycle and walk to and from
schools to increase physical
activity. SRTS was signed into
law in August 2005 and funds
are now distributed to states
based on student enrollment.
Finally, improved signage for
walking and bicycle trails including benches and trash receptacles help to make paths
more inviting and accommodating to more users. Over the last
year and a half, the Azusa RENEW project has had many accomplishments beyond the initial goals of the projects and has
also helped to support other efforts within the city. Activities
• Creation of the Healthy
Azusa initiative, which will serve
to support health and wellness
activities in the city.
• Initiation of a District Safe
Routes to School Advisory
Committee to continue Safe
Routes to School throughout
the District
• Pedestrian and bicycle
safety education throughout the
• International Walk to School
Day with 300+ participants
• Helped to obtain Safe Routes
to School Infrastructure and
Non-Infrastructure funding for
the City of Azusa
• Obtained a grant from Canyon City Foundation to conduct
a community assessment for
• Obtained funds for a playground renovation at Zacatecas
• Installation of new signage
and benches/trash containers
along Azusa Bike Trail connecting to SGV River Trail
Owner of Café Cola; Romel prepping food for customers
his sandwiches too.
The final food item on the
menu, is the Zombie fries. It's
a large seasoned order of fries
(small or large cut potatoes)
with all kind of cheese and
sauces and you can specify
whatever you want on it. "It's
huge and very delicious.
It's a heart attack on a plate,"
laughed Jerry Henderson. "It
takes a little while for them to
make the food, but it's worth
the wait. I always call my order in by phone, now that I have
a copy of their menu," said
Henderson. "Their breakfast
burritos are excellent," said
Martha Iniguez. "My husband
and I enjoy their food immensely," said Martha.
Café Cola is open from 10
A.M. until 10 P.M. and their
phone number is 626-9695500. Also check please check
out Café Cola online at http:// They are
closed on Sundays and some
TEL: 626-914-3500 --- FAX 626-914-3511
Se Habla Español
The San Gabriel Valley
• Installation of new signage
and benches/trash containers
along the newly completed trail
from Pioneer Park to Rancho
• Citywide signage encouraging physical activity
• Support for the passage of
a Complete Streets Policy
• Creation of Discover Azusa
Bike Tours and training of Bike
• Planning and implementation of Cycle Azusa Community
• Community Healthy Azusa
Forums educating residents
about health topics and to recruit volunteers for Healthy
• Completion of comprehensive Evaluation Report outlining
the data that was collected
• Most recently the city is
now a Playful City USA, a national designation
The City of Azusa's RENEW
project will continue on as
"Healthy Azusa," a partnership
between the city, educational
institutions, health care services,
businesses, community organizations, and residents to promote health and wellness for
those who live, work, and play
in the City of Azusa.
May 31 - June 6, 2012
Installation Of Officers And Musical Glendora Library Celebrates 100 Years
Program Set For Glendora Woman's Club GLENDORA - In May
By Jayam Rutnam
By Joan Hallidy
Glendora Woman's Club Annual Meeting on Tuesday,
June 5, will feature the Installation of Officers, with Sue
Bauer being installed to serve
her second term as president.
Providing the entertainment
program will be the Michael
Ryan and Friends Trio.
The day will begin at 11:00
a.m. with a business meeting,
followed by a catered luncheon, the Installation of Officers, and the afternoon musical program.
Michael Ryan, a musician
who has performed throughout
California, specializes in classical guitar, chamber music,
and song writing. He also offers private guitar instruction.
He is currently a professor
Michael Ryan is scheduled to
perform with his Friends Trio, at
the Glendora Woman's Club
Annual Meeting on June 5, 2012.
Photo by Rose Myers
of music at Claremont College,
and travels to Germany annually to perform at Renaissance
The Historian's Table will
feature a display of special
awards recognizing the
Glendora Woman's Club as the
founder of the Glendora Public Library in 1912. The awards
also celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Glendora Public Library and its 100 years of
continuous operation beginning
in 1912.
Members are reminded to
bring food items to the meeting for Shepherd's Pantry, one
of the club's ongoing projects.
Items collected help those in
need in Glendora and nearby
cities, said Gloria Liddle,
project chair.
For membership information, call (626) 335-8911 or visit
Cuisine of the Foothills
By Jayam Rutnam
GLENDORA - The beautiful Glendora Country Club
was host to the Annual Cuisine
of the Foothills organized by
the Glendora Chamber of
Commerce on Monday May
14, 2012 from 5 to 8 p.m.
Twenty five Glendora based
restaurants brought samples of
their best menus to entice the
palates of the hundreds who
attended this function. What
a way to have a wonderful dinner, savoring foods of all kinds.
For $20 one could fill their
stomachs to their hearts content. From prime rib with
horseradish served au jus by
Horbert Whittaker of the
Golden Spur to Jersey Mike's
famous subs, and cakes from
Cake Mama's, the guests
looked quite happy speaking to
other members of the community. A great place to meet and
greet their fellow Glendorans.
The Glendora City Council
was well represented by Karen
Councilperson Judy Nelson, Chaplain Jennifer Leos, Real Estate
Broker Catherine Battaglia and her husband Glendora Planning
Commissioner Joe Battaglia are seen with Horbert Whittaker of
the Golden Spur.
Davis, Judy Nelson, Doug
Tessitor, Joe Santoro and
Mayor Gene Murabito.
Rona Lunde of Jan's Towing was seen helping out at the
front desk. Some of those restaurants that participated were,
the Golden Spur, Jersey Mike's
Subs, the Cake Mama's, the
Glendora Country Club, Spaghetti Eddies,Luca Bella, the
Village Eatery, Chelsea's Restaurant and others. One of the
sponsors of the event was Athens Services.
1908 the Glendora Woman’s
Club officially organized with
67 members on their roster, 11
of which were former Athena
Club members. Mention was
made about the possibility of
re-establishing a free library.
On March 4, 1911, Mrs. J. A.
Jones made a motion that the
Woman’s Club undertake the
establishment of a reading
room or library. In early April
1911 it was announced that the
reading room would be opened
to the public on Monday, April
10 with Mrs. Coulter as the librarian. In April 1912 the Committee suggested that the
Glendora City Board of Trustees (now City Council) assume
responsibility of the Library
and establish a free, non-subscription Municipal Public Library. This was how the
Glendora Public Library
began.(This information was
obtained from the website of
the Glendora Woman's Club).
On Saturday May 19th,
2012 the Glendora Library celebrated their 100th Birthday,
with an open house. Cake and
"Thrifty" ice cream was served
and the Caligraphy Society
was at hand to write your name
in caligraphics. The celebration included speeches and presentations by former Mayor of
Glendora and present President of the Woman's Club Sue
Bauer, Helen Storland Library
Board of Trustees President,
Glendora Library Director
Robin-Weed Brown,Council
Members Karen Davis and
Judy Nelson, Brian Mejia from
Supervisor Mike Antonovich's
office, former President of the
Glendora Chamber of Commerce and owner of A&J
Prize winner Alison Lawrence with her cake creation and her parents Dan and Kim Lawrence.
Cakes Linda Hermann who
was also one of the judges of
the EATABLE BOOK CONTEST. Others present were
Debbie Deal of the
Kiwaniannes, Joan Halliday Historian of the Glendora,
Woman's Club, Donna Heritage, Sherry Heinrich, Paul
Gray Dean of the APU Library.
The winners of the Eatable
Book Contest were as follows:
Alison Lawrence: If you
Give a Pig a Pancake:
People’s Choice and Best in
Travis Gray: Star Wars:
Best reflects book title- youth/
Karina Gray: Emerald City
of Oz-Most Whimsical-youth/
Mihir Anand: Diary of a
Wimpy Kid- most delectably
Turunen Family: Tacky the
Penguin- Best in CategoryFamily
Travis, Dallas & Colton
Gray: How I became a piratemost delectably appetizingfamily
Vitz Family: Harold and the
Purple Crayon-Most Whimsical-family
Caroline Hernandez-Death
by Chocolate Cakes-most
America’s Christian Credit
Union: Kisses from Katie-best
book structure-adult
The Cake Mamas: If You
Give a Cat a Cupcake-grand
Maria Rice: The Happy Caterpillar- 1st place-professional
The Cake Mama's creation
was raffled and was won by a
representative of the San
Gabriel Valley Examiner, who
asked that it be raffled again
and it was won by the Paul
Gray family.
for Life
To Advertise In
The San Gabriel Valley Examiner
CALL 626-852-3374
Glendora's Relay for Life is
a 24 hour event to raise awareness of all cancers and to raise
funds for the American Cancer Society's ongoing cancer
research and services for cancer patients
Glendora's Relay for Life
event will be on June 2-3 from
9:00am-9:00am at Louie
Pompei Park 1100 S. Valley
Center Glendor.
This year is a Western
themed Relay! There will be
live music performing all day,
a Kids Zone area including
pony rides, and a Food Truck
Event in the evening!
For more information or how
to start a team go to:
w w w. r e l a y f o r l i f e . o r g /
glendoraca or contact the
event chairs:
Rick Marquez (626)2983545,[email protected]
Cindy Carava (626) 3946400,[email protected]
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The San Gabriel Valley
May 31 - June 6, 2012
The San Gabriel Valley