Congregation Congregation BethTorah BethTorah April2015 April2015 Nisan/Iyar5775 Nisan/Iyar5775 Passover Passover Service Service Schedule Schedule Page12 Page12 FromtheRabbi Rabbi Elana Zelony | 972.234.1542 x285 | [email protected] I know I’m not the only one who was instilled with the value to never show up to someone’s home for the first time empty handed. In mock surprise the host answers the door and says, “You didn’t have to bring anything!” to which we respond, “I know, but I wanted to do it.” In fact those of us with a touch of Martha Stewart in us keep small gifts readily available to bring to the homes of people with whom we are not quite friendly enough to just come as we are. The Torah mentions just such a gift. Three times a year the people gathered in Jerusalem: Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot. On these occasions we were required to bring a sacrifice called the Appearance Offering. These three festivals were parties where the community gathered to celebrate and worship God. Everyone brought something to share with the Host of Hosts—God. We know this from Deuteronomy 16:16. “Three times a year–on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Feast of Weeks, and on the Feast of Booths—all your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place that He will choose. You shall not appear before the Lord empty handed.” Mishna Peot notes that no specific amount is quantified for the gift, “These are the things for which there is no statutory measure proscribed in the Torah: the corners of the field, first fruits, the appearance offering, deeds of loving kindness, and the study of Torah.” It’s much like the debate over a hostess gift. Is the $10 bottle of wine adequate, or do I need the $17 bottle for this occasion? Beginning May 1, 8PM Festive First Fridays The Torah does offer some guidance as to what would be a sufficient gift. Deuteronomy 16:17 reads,” …each with his own gift according to the blessing that the Lord has bestowed upon you.” But for me this is still inadequate information to advise me on how large my Appearance Offering needs to be. How do I translate my feeling of blessing into a material object? My feeling of blessing when I make a new friend and go to their home for the first time can’t be expressed through material items either. I don’t know how to quantify the feeling of community when we share food together. At Beth Torah we’ll solve this awkward dilemma for our members, at least one night a month. Beginning on May 1 we’re starting a program called Festive First Fridays. On the first Friday night of every month we will celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries that occur in that month by sharing cake together after services. When we say, “Just bring yourselves,” we mean it. Festive First Friday services will take place at 8:00 PM instead of 6:30 PM in the hope that a later start time will allow more people to join us for the festivity. I’m looking forward to celebrating with all of you. Intheeventofanemergency— Rabbi Elana Zelony LCDirector Ruth Schor President Alan Hoffman ExecutiveVP Cheryl Drazin DevelopmentVP Vikki Silvis EducationVP Jessica Winter Congregation Beth Torah | Page 2 FinancialVP David Engelberg MembershipVP Debbie Wills RitualVP Neil Burnstein Treasurer David Rosen BoardSecretary Marty Fried PastPresident Chuck Smith For illness, death, or other family life cycle emergency after‐hours, please contact Rabbi Zelony at 310.409.6532. Synagogueofficesareopen— Sundays, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Mondays—Thursdays, 9AM to 5:30 PM Fridays, 9AM to 5PM FromthePresident Alan Hoffman | [email protected] As I write this article, we are preparing for another great month at Congregation Beth Torah. Passover is upon us. Families are gathering to celebrate in their own special way. We will also be celebrating as a congregation with our sold out Family Seder. Look forward to an interactive celebration with many “surprises” for young and old. Later on this month, we will have our annual 24‐Hour Reading of the Names program sponsored by our Men’s Club. This is a very moving and meaningful event for the congregation and the community. We must acknowledge Jeff Markowitz and Ed Matisoff for their vision of remembering and honoring those who we lost in the Shoah. The program keeps improving every year. Check out additional information in the Family Record. Please make every effort to participate by signing up to read, or witness. Karen Leynor Mitzvah Day is coming up on Sunday April 26. This is our day to honor Karen’s memory by doing mitzvoth throughout the community as well as within our walls. Sign up to participate in an event. Remember to bring your non‐perishable donations for our “Drive for 2015.” We have made great progress in defining our Learning Center of the Future. The task force led by Cheryl Drazin has made some exciting and innovative recommendations to the Board. Details will be forthcoming as we establish our new leadership for Education. I can only tell you that the curriculum will be different, and you and your children will all be involved in active participation. In addition, our Director of Congregation Learning search committee (led by Stephanie Elad) is receiving more applications and interviewing candidates. We are looking for the best match for our future. Last year at this time I brought forward the theme for the year of “Choose your Spot.” There were, and continue to be, opportunities to engage a little or a lot. One of our key successes has been CBT Cares. This program has served all in our CBT family. A special thanks to Carlie Ross and her team for their support over the year. I am very proud of this congregation and all that we accomplish from our tremendous base of volunteers. Please see the “Help Wanted” section below… we can all do something… find your spot. Finally, Karen and I would like to wish each of you a meaningful Passover celebration. Our service schedule is posted on the website. Whether you are planning a family Seder, community Seder, or joining with friends, remember to celebrate and pass on the richness of our traditions to our future generations. B’Shalom and Happy Pesach! Watchformorepostingsinfuturecommunications Part Time (single event or < 2hr) CBT Cares Committee Minyanaire (once a month Sunday or Monday) Cooking at holiday events Light office help (mailings or greeting) Torah Reader All Full Time (Leading or active committee role) Committee Holiday Committee Chair and committee role Chairroles Israel Action Chair and committee role areapproved byPresident Adult Education Committee andExec Youth Programming (USY) Chair and committee Submissions for the Family Record are encouraged! The deadline for each issue is the FIRST OF THE MONTH prior to publication month and can be done online at‐ communications. The Family Record is published in color and mailed monthly, except bi‐monthly during summer, to those who subscribe ($50 per year subscription). Contact the office to subscribe. Photo of President courtesy of DSPN Photos—Photography by David Duchin Liaison Congregation Beth Torah 720 W. Lookout Drive, Richardson TX 75080 972.234.1542 | 972.783.1463 (Fax) Congregation Beth Torah | Page 3 FromLearningCenter Ruth Schor, Director of Learning Center | 972.234.1542 x232 LC‐[email protected] Although there are only a few weeks left until the school year ends there is a lot ahead of us to acknowledge, celebrate, and value as important teaching moments. I would like to begin by discussing an event which will not take place within our synagogue walls, but will bring all of the Beth Torah family and the entire Jewish community together to celebrate a day of unity and pride in Jewish life and the Jewish state. The day of Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, is not marked by any restrictions of labor or food and so the joy is secular and relatively unrestrained. On April 23 at 5PM, children of all ages will participate with their families in Israel solidarity walks that will begin at Tiferet Israel and will end at the JCC. A program, concert, food, and fun will be awaiting us at the JCC and the celebration will continue until 8PM. A great celebration like this helps us all to strongly stress the centrality of Israel in the life of a Jew and I urge each one of you to join us with our effort to bring this awareness to our students’ lives. The day before Yom Ha’Atzmaut all of Israel comes to a stop. All traffic, business and conversations cease for two minutes of silence. The day before Yom Ha’Atzmaut is not happy. It is called Yom Ha’Zikaron, a day of remembrance for the 20,000 Israelis killed in Israel and Arab wars. On Wednesday, April 22 we will also cease all business in our community to remember the sacrifices our heroes made and we will lead a moving memorial service. I trust that our parents will join their children for these emotional moments of remembrance. To be a faithful, responsible Jew means to study and remember. We must remember that the miraculous rebirth of the Jewish state emerged from the most tragic event in Jewish history. By participating in the Yom Ha’Shoa commemoration we remember our six million brothers and sisters and are reminded of our important obligation, which is to teach our children about transmitting the Holocaust remembrance responsibility Mi’dor Le’dor (from one generation to another). Our students will participate in the Reading of the Names. You are probably receiving this Family record issue after we celebrated Passover in the Learning Center. I hope your children told you about the Be’ur Chametz experience they had. The cleaning of the chametz prepares our physical environment for the Passover observance, but most importantly helps us to prepare our soul and mind so that we can think about and practice many of the holiday related themes. To name a few they are ritual and symbolism, Jewish leadership, G‐d, freedom and more. Starting the second day of Passover, Jews begin counting the Omer. If you haven’t been counting the Omer so far, you can join in any time. Omer literally means “sheaf” and it refers to a measure of barley that was brought to the temple and the counting lasts for forty‐nine days. The counting of the Omer is a major growing season everywhere in the world. Humans are engaged in planting and growing and nature around us is buzzing with new life, and new growth. The most important thing is not to count alone. Choose something from the creation and decide that you are going to watch it grow, change and develop under your care. It can be a tree, pet or a new friend or neighbor. Create a partnership with any living thing and notice how the counting of the Omer helps us to be more aware of the world around us. On Friday, April 24 we will count our blessings while listening and watching our 3rd grade students lead Friday night prayers during services in honor of their Hagigat Ha’Siddur. On that night they will receive their first Siddur and all of us will experience great moments of Jewish pride, continuity and unity. Wishing you all a happy and fulfilling Passover Holiday, ~Ruth Congregation Beth Torah | Page 4 FamilyNews MazalTovtoArnoldShelby Arnold’s one act play "Three Educated Professional Women Talking about Costco" is a finalist in the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture's 5‐Minute Play Festival. Performances will be April 13 and 20 in La Jolla, California. MazalTovto DavidShapiro Join us for services on April 17 & 18 when David Shapiro—son of Meredith & Matthew Shapiro and brother of Sarah and Ryan—is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Share your news! Go to and click on the ‘Congregant News’ link (don’t forget to upload a photo if you have one!) or contact Carren, office administrator, at 972.234.1542 x221. HappyAnniversary Albert & Felicia Levy 1‐Apr 48 yr Dean & Danette Morgan 1‐Apr 25 yr Michelle & Eric Kreitman 2‐Apr 15 yr Marc & Lori Machbitz 2‐Apr 26 yr Alan & Cheryl Tisser 3‐Apr 39 yr Eric & JoAnn Pasternack 4‐Apr 23 yr Douglas & Jessica Winter 5‐Apr 17 yr Leon & Eleanor Eidels 8‐Apr 42 yr Paul & Evelyn Utay 12‐Apr 12 yr Simon & Frances Fass 14‐Apr 19 yr ThankYou! Fernando Chavez & Chelsea Egenberg 18‐Apr 2 yr Lori & Ronald Blumka 20‐Apr 2 yr We thank the following congregants for their Kiddush sponsorship and contributions in February... Mitch & Lauren Braunfeld 21‐Apr 24 yr Eric & Erica Gould 22‐Apr Alvin & Claire Meth 27‐Apr 41 yr Larry & Elaine Montoya 30‐Apr 15 yr Eleanor & Leon Eidel in celebration of Eleanor's 70th birthday. Men’s Club and Mark A. Siegel Adult Education KiddushSponsorship One of Beth Torah’s focal points is the time we spend together after services—noshing and schmoozing. Contact Esther Cohen (972.985.7105) if you'd like to sponsor or contribute to a Shabbat luncheon. Didyouknow… You can submit reimbursement requests online? It’s fast...easy...and you’ll receive a copy for your own records! Just scan your receipt and submit online at‐ payment‐requests/ 8 yr Condolences... Jay Eisenberg on the loss of his father, Jack Eisenberg (March 8). Barbara Mosman on the loss of her mother, Phyllis Sidisin (March 17). Doyouhavenewsyou’d like to share with your Beth Torah family? Send us your Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, engagement/marriages, graduations, new babies, baby‐naming/Bris...send in all of your news and please include a photo if you have one! Send in by email... [email protected] Submit online...‐news To update your member information, contact Carren in the office at 972.234.1542 x221 or submit the correction online at‐information‐update/ Congregation Beth Torah | Page 5 ShulDoings Israel Action—Israel & Middle East Updates with Gil Elan 8 April, Wednesday, 7PM at the JCC Contact Magdi Olah or Anna Segal Israel‐[email protected] Adult Hebrew Class 18 & 25 April, Saturday, 9AM beginners / 9:50 AM advanced (Library) Contact Ruth Schor LC‐[email protected] Join us each month for this FREE monthly update open to the public. Join Ruth Schor twice a month to learn Hebrew. Interested in dinner beforehand? Contact Anna Segal or email Magdi Olah (Israel Action chair). Donuts & Davening with Dad Gil Elan, President/CEO of SWJC, is a former colonel of IDF and an acclaimed senior Middle East analyst. He has a weekly column in the Texas Jewish Post and combines his knowledge and wit into easy‐to‐ read analyses on current events. Read more about Gil online at Future dates: 7 April, 13 May, 10 June. Shred‐a‐Thon and Electronic Recycling 12 April, Sunday, 10AM to 2PM Tom Thumb Grocer Coit & Campbell, Richardson FREE! Donations accepted. Bring us your old tax records, private documents, personal files, letters from your exes and anything else that nobody should ever see again. Our shredding truck will destroy them while you watch. We’ll also recycle your computer equipment, large and small appliances, and electronic waste (that old mouse and keyboard, your old toaster, etc.). Sponsored by Men’s Club. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 6 19 March, Sunday, 8:15 AM Contact Leah Singleton [email protected] Join Young Families for a light breakfast and minyan. Jewish and Christian Study 20 April, Monday, Noon (Oneg) Contact Earl Bills / [email protected] Monthly joint study of sacred texts (Bible, Mishnah). Participants include both Jews and Christians with the purpose of fostering a greater understanding and respect of each other. Contact Earl Bills or Arny Felner to get a copy of the texts to be studied. In April, we will continue our look at the development of post‐Temple Judaism and the Mishnah. We will read a text in the Mishnah about the Sanhedrin, examine it's roots in the Torah, and discuss it's implications for early and modern Judaism. This will serve as a simple example of how other more complex subjects are addressed by the Mishnah, the Talmud, and Judaism in general. Texas Hold’em Poker 21 April, Tuesday, 7PM (Oneg) Contact Neil Burnstein—[email protected] Come for a night of fun and friendship each month. $20 members and $25 non‐members. All proceeds benefit CBT. ShulDoings Text Study with Rabbi Z 23 April, Thursday, 11AM The Legacy at Willow Bend 6101 Ohio Drive, Plano TX 75024 972.468.6200 Contact Rabbi Zelony’s Office [email protected] Join Rabbi Zelony on the fourth Wednesday of the month for this FREE study. No need to register. Karen Leynor Mitzvah Day 26 April, Sunday Contact Mindi Sue Rubenstein [email protected] / 817.371.8992 Ready to take part in a project? Interested in chairing a project? Have an idea for a new project? Want to sponsor a project? Interested in the food drive? We are still looking for leaders to coordinate these Mitzvah Day projects: Prince of Wales | LifeNet—Lunch • Ronald McDonald House—Lunch • CHAI House—Painting Nails • Dallas Ramp—Build Handicap Ramps • Sanctuary Polishing • Onsite Craft Projects • Lifecycle Meals—Cooking. The Book of Daniel 26 April, Sunday, 7:30 PM (CBT) Contact Earl Bills / [email protected] The Book of Daniel is one of the most enigmatic and fascinating books of Hebrew Scripture ‐ full of dreams, visions, miracles and heavenly figures ‐ and one of the least studied biblical books among Jews. Many Christians on the other hand, see it as foundational to their faith and study it religiously. This class will present a Jewish perspective on the book, highlighting its role in preparing the way for post Scriptural Judaism. Reference will also be made to Christian interpretations of certain passages, especially those understood as prefiguring the advent of Jesus as messiah. Faiths in Conversation 28 April, Tuesday, 7PM (CBT) Contact Earl Bills / [email protected] Faiths in Conversation presents Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger, Rev. Dr. Douglas Skinner, and Resident Minister Pravrajika Brahmaprana discussing "Dealing With Betrayal." Each panel member will explain his or her tradition's perspective on this important topic. Afterwards, the panel will take questions. Dr. Robert Hunt of SMU Perkins School of Theology will moderate. Part of a series of panel discussions. Biggest Food Drive of the Year Contact Mindi Sue Rubenstein, 817.371.8992 [email protected] Save the date for Karen Leynor Mitzvah Day (26 April). Have an idea of a new project? Want to chair or sponsor a project or help with the food drive? The food drive is an important part of KLMD and starts now! Our goal is 2015 items! If you are hosting a meeting, please encourage your members to bring a new food item when they come to shul! Food does not need to be Kosher but it must be non‐perishable; check the expiration dates before dropping off in the Beth Torah lobby. Please contact Mindi Sue Rubenstein if you have any questions or would like to help! Beth Torah Board Meeting 28 April, Tuesday, 7:30 PM (Oneg) Synagogueoffices willbeclosedon Sunday, April 5 Friday, April 10 Sunday, May 10 Monday, May 25 Congregation Beth Torah | Page 7 NotableMention Large‐printprayerbooksare available in the sanctuary vestibule. OfficeHours—There is someone available six days a week in the office: Sundays, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Mondays‐Thursdays, 9AM to 5:30 PM Fridays 9AM to 5PM. Minyan—Sundays, 8:30 AM and Mondays, 6:45 AM, unless otherwise noted on the calendar or announcements (breakfast after). TotShabbat—2nd and 4th Saturdays at 11AM (MPR), unless otherwise noted on the calendar or announcements, is an hour of Shabbat songs and prayers, a little dancing, a Torah parade, snack time and stories for "tots" ages 6 and younger. The attendance of at least one parent is required. IsraeliDancing—(Most) Wednesdays, 7:30 PM (MPR) unless otherwise noted on the calendar or in announcements. $5 for non‐ members. Wepostimportantnewsand/or messages to TWITTER( CBT_Richardson) and FACEBOOK. You do not have to sign up to view these pages; however, followers do receive instant updates in their newsfeeds. MicrowaveWanted—Sisterhood is in need of a large, easy‐to‐use microwave. No special attachments required. Contact Esther Cohen at 972.985.7105 or [email protected]. HostFamilies&Volunteers Needed—2015JCCMaccabiGames, August2‐7.With the confirmation of athletes well on the way, we are looking for host families and volunteers. We ONLY need 700 host families and JUST 1200 volunteers! Interested in hosting an athlete? Volunteering? Sponsoring? Contact Karli Ward at [email protected]. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 8 Room12MemberLounge—We have comfy furniture, Wi‐Fi, music, movies, books, coffee, and a fridge full of cold drinks...ALLFOR OURMEMBERS! The lounge is always open except from 6PM Fridays to 1PM Saturdays (Shabbat). LostandFound—Did you lose something at shul? For small items, check the ‘lost and found’ shelf located on the shelves facing the window in the workroom; for clothing, check the coat area off the lobby; and, for larger items, call Tom Moon at 972.234.1542 x267. EmailOpt‐In Congregation Beth Torah sends out weekly emails for condolence notices, news, reminders, and more. If you are not currently receiving our emails, and wish to do so, visit our homepage and click on the purple subscription box. Don’t forget to confirm your interest with the subsequent email or you will not receive our emails. MemberLinks In our communication area, you can submit news to be shared with your CBT family, get information about Life Cycle events, request an aliyah, update your contact information, change/add a yahrzeit, and even submit an event for publication. This area also houses the Family Record archives and (NEW!) online submission for reimbursements. Recordings&Tunes Under the Pray tab, you’ll find audio files as well as the text for some of our prayers. RabbiZ’sSermons Want to hear one (or more) of Rabbi Zelony’s sermons? We have several online including from the last High Holy Days. Just click on OUR RABBI under the Pray tab. 14th Annual 24‐Hour Reading of the Names “Unto Every Person There is a Name” Holocaust Remembrance Vigil Saturday, April 18— Sunday, April 19 Saturday—9:00 PM PROGRAM—Saturday 9:00 PM begins the 24‐hour Reading of the Names. This is an annual event coordinated by Congregation Beth Torah (CBT) Men’s Club in which volunteers sign up in 15 minute increments to read the names of those perished in the Holocaust. The names are read until 9:00 PM Sunday. If you prefer, we invite you to listen and be a witness as the names are read. WHY—Many of the Holocaust victim’s names have not been mentioned in over 70 years. Most of the time, the victims were only known by their number, and never received a proper memorial. You now have the opportunity to rekindle their spirit by reading and/or listening to their names. HOW—To read names, sign up in CBT’s lobby or call CBT at 972.234.1542 x221. Live out of the area? Contact Jeff Markowitz about participating via Skype. For more information contact co‐chairs [email protected] Ed Matisoff 972.208.2632 Jeff Markowitz 972.618.1997 Laura Matisoff 214.789.0591 Earl Bills 465.585.1049 Steve Popik 972.895.0184 Havdalah Service led by Congregation Beth Torah’s 7th grade Learning Center students Candle lighting ceremony in the Sanctuary remembering the 11million victims of the Holocaust Reading of the names and “Bearing Witness by Listening” begins Sunday —8:30 AM Shacharit Service —9:15 AM Breakfast Program (Breakfast cost is $7 per Men’s Club member; $10 per non‐members; $5 per student) —9:30 AM Holocaust Memorial Program: Film: "Besa: The Promise." Besa is the traditional Albanian code of honor. The film documents the message to the world about brotherhood and compassion. The rescue of Jews in Albania was an unique experience in Holocaust history, as Jewish refugees fleeing were welcomed not as refugees but as guests. Speaker: Doc Vranici, Executive Director, Albanian American Cultural Center The Blue Cross Blue Shield Voices of Diversity choir singing “Zog Nit Keyn Mol” and “Jerusalem of Gold” —Noon Continue with Reading of the Names and “Bearing Witness by Listening” —8:45 PM Circle of Life—Community joins together in forming a circle and reading names in turn. Participants are encouraged to bring the names of their loved ones who perished. —9:00 PM Closing remarks and Maariv Service Prior to sunset, April 15 (Wednesday), Erev Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), light a Shoah Yellow Candle: The Forgotten YAHRZEITS. Candles are available at CBT. All donations benefit the Reading of the Names programming. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 9 FromSisterhood SisterhoodBookClub 20 May, 7:30 PM Esther Cohen & Robyn Rose, Co‐Presidents | [email protected] The Seamstress by Sara Tuvel Bernstein Coming in July 2015 The Eight by Katherine Neville For questions, contact Carol Rothschild at 972.805.3612 [email protected] From Kirkus Reviews A striking Holocaust memoir, posthumously published, by a Romanian Jew with an unusual story to tell. From its opening pages, in which she recounts her own premature birth, triggered by terrifying rumors of an incipient pogrom, Bernstein's tale is clearly not a typical memoir of the Holocaust. She was born into a large family in rural Romania between the wars and grew up feisty and willing to fight back physically against anti‐ Semitism from other schoolchildren. She defied her father's orders to turn down a scholarship that took her to Bucharest, and got herself expelled from that school when she responded to a priest/teacher's vicious diatribe against the Jews by hurling a bottle of ink at him. Ashamed to return home after her expulsion, she looked for work in Bucharest and discovered a talent for dressmaking. That talent‐‐and her blond hair, blue eyes, and overall Gentile appearance‐‐allowed her entry into the highest reaches of Romanian society, albeit as a dressmaker. Bernstein recounts the growing shadow of the native fascist movement, the Iron Guard, a rising tide of anti‐Semitic laws, and finally, the open persecution of Romania's Jews. After a series of incidents that ranged from dramatic escapes to a year in a forced labor detachment, Sara ended up in a women's concentration camp deep in Germany. Nineteen out of every twenty women transported there died. The author, her sister Esther, and two other friends banded together and, largely due to Sara's extraordinary street smarts and intuition, managed to survive. Although Bernstein was not a professional writer, she tells this story with style and power. Her daughter Marlene contributes a moving epilogue to close out Sara's life. One of the best of the recent wave of Holocaust memoirs.‐‐ Copyright ©1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. ‐‐This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Mahjongg 12 April, Sunday, 10AM to Noon Contact Debra Pak, [email protected] We’ll have tables for newbies as well as long‐time players. Even if you've never even seen a mahj tile, please join us. Bring your friends and make new ones! Breakfast is available—$5 at the door per session. Next date is May 3. LadiesWhoLunch 21 April, Tuesday, 12:30 PM Contact Carol Taper at 972.931.0202 [email protected] Nosh with the ladies at a different location around town each month. Want to join us in February? RSVP to Carol for location by April 13. Future dates are May 19 and June 16. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 10 CollegeConnection Contact Melanie Joison / [email protected] College Connection helps students stay connected while away at school. This is not only for parents to order, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends—you name it! Everyone likes to receive a care pack! Don’t worry if you missed the earlier package, you can still participate in the last one. LadiesNightOut 11 June, Thursday, 8PM, Yoshi Shabu Shabu 1801 N Greenville Suite 400, Richardson RSVP to Rachel Leventon [email protected] Give yourself a break...and a margarita! RSVP to Rachel and plan on joining the girls for some R&R. Future dates are July 9 and August 13. FromMen’sClub David Mandell, Men’s Club President [email protected] We know that everyone is looking forward to the GREAT slate of events that we have planned for April and May. Men’s Club has continued to have some very successful events such as the Joint OSCAR Program with Sisterhood. In March we were “Sold Out” for the Dallas Stars game with more than 30 Men’s Club members and their families. Men’s Club Shabbat weekend (20‐22 March) was especially well done and included guest speaker Alex Vispoli from the Frisco Roughriders at our Sunday breakfast meeting. Our annual “Cigars and Spirits” event in March was a SMOKIN’ evening of camaraderie and relaxation. Thank you again Jeff Markowitz for hosting! Upcoming events sponsored by Men’s Club... 12 April—Shred‐A‐Thon & Electronics Recycling fundraising event. See page 10 for details. Date TBD—Dallas Mavericks Basketball Game watching party. 18 & 19 April—Yom Hashoah Commemoration / Reading of Names and Breakfast Meeting. 26 April—Men’s Club will be participating in Beth Torah’s annual Karen Leynor Mitzvah Day. 3 May—Breakfast Meeting and board election. Guest speaker TBA. ***Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship (October 25, 2015)—Plans are underway and our committee has selected a site for this wonderful fundraiser for MC and our shul. Under the leadership of Larry Strauss, efforts to obtain underwriters and sponsors are in process. Stay tuned! Date TBD—Four Seasons Frisco Rough Riders Baseball Game. (Men’s Club monthly breakfast programs are open to everyone. $7 for Men’s Club members | $5 students | $10 for non‐members.) FromInclusionInitiative Zelene Lovitt, Chair | [email protected] Committee Members: Esther Cohen, Fern Gerstein, Rachel Leventan, Sue Shapiro, Larry Strauss, Joy Weinstein, Rabbi Zelony Thank you to all members who graciously submitted their inclusion survey either electronically or by postal mail. The Inclusion Committee, Rabbi Zelony, and synagogue leaders are evaluating the results and developing an action plan to address the needs being identified. Congregation Beth Torah has always wanted to be welcoming—the Inclusion Initiative has opened our eyes to needs we just did not recognize. We are moving forward with great intentionality and sensitivity. Please know that your voices were heard. Some of the needs are relatively easy to address, many with no costs. Others will take some time due to perhaps complexity, cost, perhaps both. Over time, the needs will be addressed! We thank you for embracing this initiative. Various committees are involved in collaboratively problem solving the best, most effective way to achieve inclusion for our membership. We are extremely fortunate that you, our members, are behind this opportunity to improve our congregation for everyone. The USCJ Ruderman Inclusion Action Community is a project of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in partnership with The Ruderman Family Foundation. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 11 FromRitual Marty Barenblat & Garry Kahalnik (Co‐Chairs) | [email protected] PassoverSchedulefor2015 Neil Burnstein, Ritual VP | Ritual‐[email protected] 3 April, Friday—PESACH / FIRST SEDER 6:45 AM, Fast of the First Born—Morning Minyan and Siyyum (study session) followed by breakfast and burning of hametz. No Shabbat evening service. 4 April, Saturday—PESACH DAY 1 / SECOND SEDER 9:30 AM, Shabbat Morning Service (babysitting provided). 10:30 AM (MPR), join Rabbi Z for Shabbat b'Shirim, a family service that creates an opportunity for children and their parents to experience Judaism and spirituality together. This service is designed for children K‐5 and their families, but all are welcome to attend. 5:30 PM (Oneg), Congregational Family Seder. SOLD OUT. 5 April, Sunday—PESACH DAY 2 No Learning Center and administrative offices closed. 9:30 AM, Passover Service. 6 April, Monday—PESACH DAY 3, 6:45 AM, Chol HaMoed Passover Service. 7 April, Tuesday—PESACH DAY 4, 6:45 AM, Chol HaMoed Passover Service. 8 April, Wednesday—PESACH DAY 5 6:45 AM, Chol HaMoed Passover Service. 7PM (JCC), Israel & Middle East Updates with Gil Elan. Join CBT Israel Action each month for this FREE monthly update open to the public. Interested in dinner beforehand? Contact Anna Segal or email Magdi Olah (Israel Action chair) at Israel‐[email protected]. 9 April, Thursday, 6:45 AM, PESACH DAY 6, Chol HaMoed Passover Service. 10 April, Friday—PESACH DAY 7 Administrative offices closed. 9:30 AM, Passover Service. 6:30 PM, Shabbat Evening Service. 11 April, Saturday, 9:30 AM, PESACH DAY 8, Shabbat Morning Service with Yizkor at ~10:45 AM (babysitting provided). Congregation Beth Torah | Page 12 FromRitual Neil Burnstein, Ritual VP | Ritual‐[email protected] Marty Barenblat & Garry Kahalnik (Co‐Chairs) | [email protected] On behalf of the congregation, the Ritual Committee wishes a hearty Yasher Koach and Thank You to the following congregants, friends and family who led a service, read from the Torah, or chanted a Haftarah on Shabbat, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah during the month of FEBRUARY 2015: Torah Readers: Friday Night Leaders David Mandell, Jerry Zeffren, Elizabeth Stein, Phil Stayman, Joe Liken, Cheryl Tisser, Lisa Miller Rabbi Elana Zelony, Arny Felner, Garry Kahalnik, Earl Bills, Sisterhood Psukei D’Zimra: Haftarah: Rabbi Elana Zelony, Arny Felner, Phil Stayman Jessica Winter, Mary Liuzza, Mark Kreditor, Elizabeth Stein Shacharit: Sermons and Sermonettes: Garry Kahalnik, Paul Utay, Elizabeth Stein Torahand HaftorahReaders andService LeadersWanted Rabbi Elana Zelony, Herb Weinstein, Harriet Gross, Phil Stayman Torah Service: David Mandell, Rabbi Elana Zelony, Earl Bills, Marilyn Guzick Musaf: Dean Morgan, Francine Simpson, Ron Blumka Gabbai: Chuck Smith, Phil Stayman While we generally do not schedule service leaders and Torah readers in advance for the daily minyanim, we would also like to thank everyone who steps forward and helps our daily services be just as enjoyable and participatory as during Shabbat and the Chagim (Holidays). Are you interested in learning to chant Torah or Haftorah or lead part of the Shabbat evening or morning service? If you are, please contact Rusty Dworkin at 972.713.0159 or [email protected]. NOTE—Service is at 7PM on Friday, April 24 with Festive First Friday starting May 1 (see Rabbi’s article on page 2) Morning Minyan See previous page for Passover schedule Sunday, April 19 8:30 AM Monday, April 20 6:45 AM Sunday, April 12 8:30 AM Sunday, April 26 8:30 AM Monday, April 13 6:45 AM Monday, April 27 6:45 AM Candle Lighting Friday Services Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat Junior Congregation Havdalah (60) 7:30 PM 9:30 AM Apr–4 8:49 PM 7:35 PM 6:30 PM Apr–10 9:30 AM Apr–11 11:00 AM Apr–11 10:30 AM Apr–11 8:50 PM 7:40 PM 6:30 PM Apr–17 9:30 AM Apr–18 10:30 AM Apr–18 8:54 PM 7:46 PM 7:00 PM Apr–24 9:30 AM Apr–25 11:00 AM Apr–25 10:30 AM Apr–25 8:59 PM Shabbat b’Shirim—Saturday, April 4, 10:30 AM (MPR) Congregation Beth Torah | Page 13 WeGratefullyAcknowledgetheFollowingContributions... Children'sFund BurntheMortgageFund In memory of Helen Bryan ~Elaine & Bob Scharf Joseph Pincus Louis Roth Nathan Roth Benjamin Roth ~Irwin Roth Max J Scharf ~Robert & Elaine Scharf Paul Koch's mother, Marjorie Koch ~Lori & Marc Machbitz ~Vikki & Scott Silvis Benjamin Shapiro ~Michael Shapiro My husband, Jack Sham ~Chick Sham Ruth Guten's father, Isaac Abraham ~Shirley & Larry Strauss Uncle Alan Howard ~Steven Simmons CampScholarshipFund In honor of The birth of Susanne & Gary Booth’s grandson ~Jo & Jerry Zeffren In memory of Suzy Zeffren Rauch ~Jo & Jeffrey Zeffren CBTCares David Corekin's Father, Donald Corekin ~David & Leah Engelberg James Glents ~John & Debbie Wills CemeteryFund In memory of Max Ingber ~Laura Levy Goldstein Congregation Beth Torah | Page 14 In memory of Mollie Sandler Robert Sharfstein Lewis Shane ~Chick Sham Holidays—Purim In thanks for ~Joanie & Jonathan Bergknoff LearningCenter In memory of Edith Sharfstein Pearl Sham ~Chick Sham Joanie Block's father, Norman Hyman ~Tom Moon ~Ann Shirley Esposito MarkASiegelAdultEducationFund ~Bob & Kathleen Glosser ~Rusty Dworkin A speedy recovery for Evelyn Utay ~Nancy Siegal OperatingFund In honor of Alan Hoffman, President of Beth Torah for a job well done ~Alan & Arlene Sandgarten In memory of My mother, Estelle Elster ~Jeanette & Sanford Dorf Paul Koch's mother, Marjorie Koch ~Marty & Janet Fried Richard Tello ~Mona Lerner Sidney Kline ~Robert & Linda Chozick LeRoy Lischin ~Barry & Susan Slotnick Louis Levy and Nettie Ingber ~Laura Levy Goldstein Questions or concerns about listed (or not listed) donations? Contact Carren at 972.234.1542 x221. Rabbi'sDiscretionaryFund ~Alan & Cheryl Tisser In appreciation of Rabbi Zelony's assistance ~Fortuna Antebi ~Andrea & Frank Perkins In honor of Rebecca Utay's reading of the Haf Torah ~Evelyn Utay In memory of Bessie Smith and Mannie Kaufman ~Miriam Smith Estelle Schulefand ~Hal Shaub Isaac Antebi ~Cissie Forrest ~Fortuna Antebi My parents ~Kathleen Glosser Abraham Kaplan ~Doris Kaplan ~Eric Koopferstock & Carol Kaplan Herman Laffer ~Allan & Lauren Laffer Kayla Alexandra Glazer ~Maurice Glazer Mollie Cohen ~Valerie Felner My father, Jacob Kleimon My mother, Frances Kleimon ~Susan Sharpiro Sarah Feldman ~Deborah Dubsky Our beloved granddaughter, Abigail Shack ~Allan & Lauren Laffer My mother, Rose Bogatz ~Myrna Silver RitualFund A speedy recovery for Evelyn Utay ~Eileen & Howard Kessner RitualFund In honor of Herbert Weinstein's Birthday Paul Utay's Special Birthday ~Carol & Gene Taper In memory of Carol's brother, Bernard Shapiro Goldye Taper ~Carol & Gene Taper My husband, Jacob Kreitman ~Marsha Kreitman In thanks for Purim ~Patti & Howard Fields RitualFund(Kiddush) In memory of Morris Watkins ~Judy Glazer In thanks for All of Elizabeth Stein's help ~Evelyn & Paul Utay RitualFund(Liquor) ~Nat Cohen ~Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Alisone Kopita In memory of My father, Jacob Siben ~Robbie Siben ScholarinResidenceKiddush ~Men’s Club SocialActionFund In memory of Paul Koch's mother, Margorie Koch ~Susan Chizeck Ruth Guten's father, Isaac Abraham Miriam and Al Creemer A speedy recovery for Lyn Jacobs Marilyn and Larry Guzick WalkwayBrickFund In honor of Paul Utay's Special Birthday Jennifer Hersh Congregation Beth Torah | Page 15 Congregation BethTorah 720 W. Lookout Drive Richardson, TX 75080 972.234.1542 Service Times Friday Evenings 6:30 PM Saturday Mornings 9:30 AM Junior Congregation (K—5, Sept‐May) Saturday Mornings 10:30—Noon Tot Shabbat 11:00 AM nd th 2 and 4 Saturdays of each month Minyans Sundays—8:30 AM Mondays—6:45 AM
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