Using the long tail method cast on Round 12 Stitch Guide

Using the long tail method cast on
33 stitches and divide evenly on 3
or 4 DP's depending on your
Round 12
Knit to the last stitch 6 stitches sl1,
k1, psso, k3, k2tog (using a stitch
from your right-hand needle)
Round 13
Join to work in the round by slipping Knit to the last 5 stitches sl1, k1,
the last stitch from you right needle psso, k2, k2tog (using a stitch from
onto your left needle and knitting
your right-hand needle)
the two stitches together (32 total)
(32 stitches)
Place a marker at this point
Next Rounds
Work in K2 P2 ribbing for a total of Knit around until the mitt measures
8” from the cast on edge
Then, knit plain in the round until
the piece measures 5” from the cast Work K2P2 ribbing for 1” until piece
on edge ending at the beginning of measures 9” from the cast on
the round
Bind Off
Thumb Gusset
Round 1
M1R, K1, M1L, knit around
Round 2 and all even rounds
Round 3
M1R, K3, M1L, knit around
Round 5
M1R, K5, M1L, knit around
Round 7
M1R, K7, M1L, knit around
Round 9
M1R, K9, M1L, knit around
(42 stitches total)
Round 11
Slip the first 11 stitches onto waste
yarn, cast on 5 stitches, join and
knit around
Stitch Guide
Rib Pattern
Knit 2 stitches Purl 2 stitches,
repeat all the way around
Make a right-leaning increase by
picking up the bar between stitches
from the back to the front and
knitting into the front of the picked
up stitch
Make a left-leaning increase by
picking up the bar between stitches
from the front to the back and
knitting into the back of the picked
up stitch
Place and divide the 11 stitches
from the waste yarn onto two DP's
with a 3rd DP pick up 5 stitches
along the thumb gusset cast on
Slip a stitch without working it as if
to knit. Usually followed by the
number of stitches to slip
Work in K2P2 rib for 1” or desired
length of thumb.
Bind Off
Pass slipped stitch over worked
stitch off right-hand needle
Weave in all of your ends.
Enjoy! Please use this pattern for
personal use only! Thanks so much
Voila! One is done! Now, make
another one exactly the same!
Copyright @ Abi Connors 2010